My academic career began on December 05, 2001 as a tutor at the Department of Islamic History and Civilization, APIUM. A year later I had completed my Usuluddin Master's Degree in Islamic History with a dissertation entitled "Dato' Haji Ismail Yusof: His Contribution to the Development of Islam in Kelantan". After completing my master's degree, I was assigned as a lecturer in the Department of Islamic History and Civilization on January 24, 2003 until now. In 2012, I have successfully graduated with a PhD degree from the same deparment after submitting a research thesis entitled "Majalah Pengasuh After Independence: A Study of Themes and Approaches". Throughout my career as a lecturer at Department of Islamic History and Civilization, I have actively written various articles in the fields of Islamic letters, the development of jawi writing, sirah nabawiah, Method of Islamic Biography Writing and Islamic civilization in addition to presenting papers at national or international seminars. Among the areas of research that have been carried out are on Jawi writing, Jawi-Islamic manuscripts, and Islamic letters, scholarly figures of the Malay Peninsula and the relationship between Malaysian and Indonesian Islamic institutions of higher education. I have written more than 60 papers in seminar proceedings, more than 125 articles that have been published in national and international journals, in addition to various activities that are academic, community and so on. Now I have been entrusted to lead the Department of History and Islamic Civilization as the Head of Department starting from Julai 2012 until April 30, 2020. In addition, I was also appointed as Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Universiti Islam Malaysia since 2019 and also now as Ahli Senat UIM. In 2022, I was appointed as Prof Madya in the same department and have now published more or less 250 publications in various academic mediums.
Department of Islamic History, Civilization and Education, Academy of Islamic Studies Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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