Norlidah Alias is a Professor in the Curriculum and Instructional Technology Department, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. Her area of expertise is Curriculum Development and TVET ( Curriculum). She was a former Deputy Dean (Higher Degrees) at the Faculty (28/3/2019-27/3/2021). Prior joining University of Malaya, she has served as an Assistant Director at Teacher Training Institution, Ministry of Education. She received her Bachelor Degree (Electrical Engineering) from Monash University, Australia, and her Master and PhD degrees from University of Malaya. Her Scopus h-indexed is 13 with 614 citations. She has headed several consultations and research projects, particularly in the area of TVET curriculum acceptance and pedagogy, funded by various international and local agencies. Currently she is the Principal Investigator for several industry research grants at national level and she is a PI for an International Research grant. She has authored and co-authored 12 books, 12 academic articles in ISI-ranked publications and many other Scopus-ranked publications. Her works are published in top-tier International journals including Journal of Educational Tehnology and Society (ETS), Eurasian Journal Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (EJMSTE), Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D), Frontiers in Public Health and Interactive Learning Environments. She has also served as an Advisory Committee Member TOJET and TOJSAT, Editorial Board Member for ETS and TOJET, Founding Editor of Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology (MOJET) (2013-2016) and Founding Editor for Journal Kurikulum dan Pengajaran Asia Pasifik (JuKu) (2013-2016). She is the Vice President of the Persatuan Kurikulum Malaysia (PerKum). She has received recognition for her teaching and research including awards such as University of Malaya's Excellent Service Award 2014 & 2020, University of Malaya Excellent Service Certificate 2013, 2019 and was Finalist for Malaysian Minister of Education Special Award (Transformative Teaching Category, 2019). She has also won the Gold Medal Award 2010 at the International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) held in Malaysia. She has presented keynotes in International Conferences and was invited speaker in TV program. She has supervised 36 PhD students (19 graduated, 17 on-going) and 23 master's students (24 graduated and 3 on-going). She has supervised an international post doctoral researcher and co-supervised PhD students at other international institutions. She has been appointed as a National TVET Technical Committee Member by the MInister of Education. She serves as an International Assessor for the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council. Currently, she has been appointed as Lead Consultant under UPUM Sdn. Bhd, for two government TVET projects under CIAST and Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Human Resources.
Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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