Dr. Dorothy DeWitt is currently an Associate Researcher and a retired Associate Professor in the Curriculum and Instructional Technology Department, University Malaya. She is an alumnus of the Endeavour Executive Fellowship from the government of Australia. She was formerly with the Educational Technology Division (ETD), Ministry of Education, Malaysia, where she was involved in the Smart School Pilot Project in change management and managing the development of digital materials during the project. In addition, she was involved in the research, management and promotion of innovation in instruction. Her current interests are in instructional design, new pedagogies and technologies for knowledge management, collaborative mobile learning and problem solving. Her publications include academic articles in ISI-ranked publications and journals such as Journal of Educational Technology and Society (ETS), Eurasian Journal of Mathematics, Science and Educational Technology (EJMSET), and Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D), and many other Scopus-ranked publications. She has published books on technology-enhanced learning, blended learning, problem-solving for transformative learning, collaborative mobile learning and developmental research. She has been involved in research in collaborative and mobile learning since 2007, and is looking at designs of instructional systems that encourage problem-solving, communication and collaboration using cognitive tools and technologies for schools, higher education and training. As principal investigator, she has been awarded external grants (FRGS) as well as internal grants (RU grant and UMRG) in projects related to technology and problem-solving for instruction. She has also been involved as co-researcher in many other projects related to technology use. Her PhD thesis explored the possibility of collaborative learning using mobile technologies for a mobile learner to enable learning to occur anywhere and at any time; using the collaborative mLearning framework. She was appointed as consultant in projects related to curriculum acceptance, 21st century learning, and has been involved in training programs for technology pedagogical content knowledge at Academic Enhancement & Leadership Development Centre, University Malaya, as well as many workshops and training programs in 21st century learning, blended learning and online pedagogies, both locally and internationally. Recently, she has expanded her expertise to mixed realities in education. She has won awards in teaching innovations both at the national and international level. Her team won the Best Immersive Learning Showcase at iLRN2020 (International). She was awarded the University Malaya Excellence Award for Innovative E-Learning in 2018 and is also a reviewer and editorial board member of several ISI journals, and chief editor of TEMPAWAN, a Malaysian peer-reviewed research journal.
Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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