Dr. Didi Erwandi Bin Mohamad Haron is specialist in environmental health and analytical sciences. He earned his BSc in Biotechnology from Universiti Malaysia Sabah, MSc in Medical Science from the Universiti Malaya, and PhD in Environmental Engineering from Kyoto University. Joining Universiti Malaya in 2008 as a Research Officer, Dr. Didi has significantly contributed to the field through his roles as Study Manager at the Shimadzu UMMC Centre for Xenobiotic Studies (SUCXeS) and the University of Malaya Bioequivalence Testing Centre (UBAT). He has extensive expertise in chromatography and spectrometry, and a broad professional background encompassing environmental and medical sciences with a strong focus on environmental health and the analysis of pollutants and contaminants. Currently, Dr. Didi is the Coordinator for the Shimadzu Universiti Malaya HIR Testing and Research Analytical Laboratory (SUTRALAB). In this role, he has lead the lab establishment, driving innovations in xenobiotic research and contributing significantly to global health and environmental sustainability. Dr. Didi’s research interests are diverse and include pharmacokinetic studies in human and animal models. Beside that his research interest also including drugs, poisons, pollutants, natural products, emerging contaminant in human, food and environment. In addition to his research, Dr. Didi actively offers consultancy services to academic institutions, government agencies, and industries, focusing on custom analytical solutions. His laboratory provides essential services and research in food contamination, adulterated pharmaceutical products, and xenobiotic studies of endocrine disruptors using advanced techniques such as GCMS, HPLC, and LCMSMS.His extensive publication record, featuring numerous articles in reputable journals on topics such as perfluoroalkyl substances, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and pharmaceutical contaminants, underscores his significant contributions to environmental science and toxicology.
Department of Research Management, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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