Dr. Baskaran Angathevar is Associate Professor at Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya. He holds PhD (Science & Technology Policy Studies, Sussex, UK), MSc (Financial Management, Middlesex, UK), MPhil (International Studies, JNU, India), MA (History, Punjab, India), MA (Political Science, Madurai, India), and BA (History & Pol. Sci., Madurai, India).   His research expertise includes, Economics of innovation; National innovation systems; Science, technology and development; FDI & OFDI; and Business Incubators; Entrepreneurship & Financial management of small businesses, with main focus on multidisciplinary themes related to emerging and developing economies.   His previous work experience includes: Research Fellow, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University Business School, London, UK (1999 to 2014); Senior Associate Research Fellow, SHARCHI Chair Programme, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.   He has taught several courses at UG level including:  Entrepreneurial Economics, Small Entrepreneurship Development/ SME Development, Research Methodology (at University of Malaya); Business Decisions; Managerial Finance; Corporate Reporting; Research Project; Accounting for Business; Accounting Theories and Research Methods (at Middlesex University). PG courses: Entrepreneurship and Development, Sustainable Development and Environmental Management, Globalization and Development, Poverty and Inequality, and Development Theory and Practice (at University of Malaya); Research Methodology, Financial Management for the Small Business; Entrepreneurial Finance; and Financial & Management Accounting (at Middlesex University).   He supervised over 50 UG projects including industrial placement projects (over 10 at University of Malaya); over 100 Masters Dissertations and Research Projects (5 Dissertation and 6 Projects at University of Malaya); and 4 Doctoral completion (1 at University of Malaya).  Examined 23 PhD Thesis for universities in the UK, Italy, Malaysia, and India.   Produced over 85 publications, including 10 books, 20 book chapters, and 32 articles in internationally refereed journals. Contributed to UNESCO Science Report 2015, OECD - Microenterprise Breakout Strategy in Malaysia and Oxford Analytica, UK - Indian National Innovation System. Reviewed research funding applications for Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Government of Malaysia, DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme, UK and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), and reviewed several papers for journals and conferences.    Currently leading research projects on: "Business Incubators for Social Enterprise, Social Inclusion, and Inclusive Growth", "Role of Social Enterprise in Poverty Alleviation and Inclusive Development in Malaysia", "Exploratory Study of the Solar Industry Ecosystem in Malaysia (University Grants); Developing Environmental Reporting Framework for the Small and Medium Enterprises in Malaysia: Using Q-Methodological Approach" (FRGS, Government of Malaysia) and "Catching-up along the Global Value Chain: models, determinants and policy implications in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" (European Commission Grant).   He has research collaborative links in several countries including South Africa, China, India, Bangladesh, Italy, Finland, and UK. Actively involved in GLOBELICS, ASIALICS, and AFRICALICS research networks.   He was invited as expert speaker on innovation systems by several institutions including UNCTAD, Department of Science and Technology in South Africa, CASTED & IPM, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), and invited speakers at universities in Denmark, Finland, China, India, and South Africa.   He is Co-Editor-in-Chief, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID); Member, Editorial Board in: International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, and Innovation and Development.         
Department of Political Science, Public Administration and Development Studies, Faculty of Business and Economics Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Master Degree, Political Science, Madurai Kamaraj University, India,
Master Degree, , Middlesex University,
Master Degree, History, Panjab University, India,
Doctoral Degree (Phd), Polisi Pengurusan Sains dan Teknologi, Sussex University, Sussex, UK, 1998
Research Areas
H Index: -
Total Journal Publication: 30
Sum of Citation: -
Books: 15
Proceedings: 0
Research Grants: More than RM Eight hundred and fifty five thousand seven hundred and forty four