Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Accounting
    Faculty of Business and Economics
  • cruhana
  • 79673971


  • PhD (UPM)(2005), (Perakaunan Pengurusan)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
  • MSc (Accounting & Finance)(London,UK)(1990), (PERAKAUNAN)
    London School of Economics, UK
  • BSBA (Accounting)(Oklahoma,USA)(1986), (PENTADBIRAN PERNIAGAAN (PERAKAUNAN))
    Oklahoma State University, Stillwater


  • 10 Sep 2021-
    Jabatan Perakaunan, Fakulti Perniagaan dan Ekonomi
  • 01 Feb 1997-


  • Curriculum Review
    05 Sep 2024 - 04 Apr 2027 (Department)
  • Ahli JK Pemantauan dan Penilaian Program Intervensi Kebolehpasaran Graduan GE
    27 Oct 2021 - present (National)
  • Committee Member, PhD Committee
    01 Jul 2005 - present (Department of Management Accounting and Taxation, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Committee Member Undergraduate Studies Committee
    01 Oct 2006 - present (Department of Management Accounting and Taxation, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Chairman
    01 Jan 2021 - 30 Nov 2023 (National)
  • Ahli JK Pengurusan Kursi Kesejateraan Sosial
    22 Sep 2021 - 31 Jul 2023 (University Malaya)
  • Dean
    10 Sep 2021 - 31 Dec 2022 (Dean Office, Faculty of Business and Economics)
  • Ahli JK Pemandu ICT UM
    01 Mar 2021 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli JK Pemilih Cuti Belajar SLAB SLAI
    01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
  • Dean
    01 Aug 2021 - 09 Sep 2021 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Dean
    01 Aug 2019 - 31 Jul 2021 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Chief Editor of Asian Journal of Business and Accounting
    13 Jun 2014 - 30 Sep 2021 (Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Chairman
    28 Jul 2020 - 27 Jul 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2019 - 31 Jul 2019 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2017 - 30 Jun 2019 (Dean Office, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2017 - 30 Jun 2019 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2015 - 30 Jun 2017 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2015 - 30 Jun 2017 (Dean Office, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2014 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 (Dean Office, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Head of Department
    15 Jul 2010 - 01 Jul 2011 (Management Accounting and Taxation, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Deputy Dean
    01 Sep 2008 - 31 Aug 2009 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Deputy Dean
    01 Sep 2007 - 31 Aug 2008 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Sub-commitee member, Halatuju Program Perakaunan IPTA 2. MOHE
    01 Jan 2006 - 31 Dec 2007 (University Malaya)
  • Treasurer, Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues
    08 Sep 2006 - 30 Nov 2007 (Department of Management Accounting and Taxation, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Chairperson, Ad-Hoc Commitee for Master of Management Program Book
    01 Mar 2007 - 01 Jul 2007 (Department of Management Accounting and Taxation, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Coordinator, Bachelor of Accounting Programme
    01 Dec 2004 - 30 Apr 2006 (Department of Management Accounting and Taxation, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)


    2020 to 2023 (National)
    2020 to 2023 (International)
    2015 to 2023 (University)
    2021 to 2022 (National)
    2021 to 2021 (National)
    2021 to 2021 (National)
    2020 to 2021 (National)


  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2022, Universiti Malaya
  • Best Paper Finalist for Academy of Management 2018
    2018, Academy of Management,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2014, Universiti Malaya
  • Malaysian Institute of Accountants Articles of Merit Award On Paib 2013
    2014, Malaysian Institute of Accountants/MAREF,  (International)
  • Mia 2012 Merit Paper Award
    2013, Malaysian Institute of Accountants,  (International)
  • Mia-Maref Outstanding Research Paper Award (Morpa) 2010
    2011, MAREF-Malaysian Accountancy Research and Education Foundation,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellent Service Certificate (Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)
    2008, Uinversity of Malaya,  (University)
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellent Service Certificate (Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)
    2007, Univ. Malaya,  (University)
  • Mia-Maref Outstanding Research Paper Award (Morpa) 2006/2007
    2007, MAREF-Malaysian Accountancy Research and Education Foundation,  (National)
  • Anugerah Khidmat Setia
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2005, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellent Service Certificate (Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)
    2005, Uinversity of Malaya,  (University)


Article in Journal
  1. Noman, Abu Hanifa Md; Hassan, M. Kabir; Pervin, Sajeda; Isa, Che Ruhana; Sok-gee, Chan (2022). The mediating role of competition on deposit insurance and the risk-taking of banks in ASEAN countries, RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE. 59. doi:10.1016/j.ribaf.2021.101551
  2. Mahi, M., Ismail, I., Phoong, S. W., & Isa, C. R. (2021). Mapping trends and knowledge structure of energy efficiency research: what we know and where we are going. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(27), 35327-35345. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-14367-7
  3. Dastmalchian, Ali; Bacon, Nick; McNeil, Nicola; Steinke, Claudia; Blyton, Paul; Kumar, Medha Satish; Bayraktar, Secil; Auer-Rizzi, Werner; Bodla, Ali Ahmad; Cotton, Richard; Craig, Tim; Ertenu, Behice; Habibi, Mohammad; Huang, Heh Jason; Imer, Havva Pinar; Isa, Che Ruhana; Ismail, Ayman; Jiang, Yuan; Kabasakal, Hayat; Colombo, Carlotta Meo; Moghavvemi, Sedigheh; Mukherjee, Tuheena; Bin Musa, Ghazali; Sugai, Philip; Tang, Ningyu; Troung Thi Nam Thang; Varnali, Renin (2020). High-performance work systems and organizational performance across societal cultures, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES. 51(3), 353-388. doi:10.1057/s41267-019-00295-9
  4. Mahi, M., Phoong, S. W., Ismail, I., Isa, C. R. (2020). Energy-Finance-Growth Nexus in ASEAN-5 Countries: An ARDL Bounds Test Approach. Sustainability, 12(1), 16. doi: 10.3390/su12010005
  5. Mahi, Masnun; Phoong, Seuk Wai; Ismail, Izlin; Isa, Che Ruhana (2020). Energy-Finance-Growth Nexus in ASEAN-5 Countries: An ARDL Bounds Test Approach, SUSTAINABILITY. 12(1). doi:10.3390/su12010005
  6. Rahman, M., Albaity, M., Isa, C. R. (2020). Behavioural propensities and financial risk tolerance: the moderating effect of ethnicity. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 15(4), 728-745. doi: 10.1108/ijoem-01-2018-0024
  7. Zou, X., Isa, C. R., Rahman, M. (2019). Valuation of enterprise risk management in the manufacturing industry. Total Quality Management Business Excellence, 30(11-12), 1389-1410. doi:10.1080/14783363.2017.1369877
  8. Noman, A. M., Gee, C. S., Isa, C. R. (2018). Does bank regulation matter on the relationship between competition and financial stability? Evidence from Southeast Asian countries. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 48, 144-161. doi: 10.1016/j.pacfin.2018.02.001
  9. Moghavvemi, Sedigheh; Ormond, Meghann; Musa, Ghazali; Isa, Che Ruhana Mohamed; Thirumoorthi, Thinaranjeney; Bin Mustapha, Mohd Zulkhairi; Kanapathy, Kanagi A. P.; Chandy, Jacob John Chiremel (2017). Connecting with prospective medical tourists online: A cross-sectional analysis of private hospital websites promoting medical tourism in India, Malaysia and Thailand, TOURISM MANAGEMENT. 58, 154-163. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2016.10.010
  10. Salleh, N. A. M., Jusoh, R., Isa, C. R. (2010). Relationship between information systems sophistication and performance measurement, Industrial Management Data Systems. 110(7), 993-1017
  1. Arif, Kashif; Isa, Che Ruhana; Mustapha, Mohd Zulkhairi (2023). Do Powerful CEOs Benefit Firm Performance in Pakistan?, ASIAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING. 16(2), 75-106. doi:10.22452/ajba.vol16no2.3
  2. Noman, Abu Hanifa Md; Isa, Che Ruhana; Mia, Md Aslam; Sok-Gee, Chan (2021). Impact of activity restrictions on risk taking of banks: does competition matter during crisis?, JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL REGULATION AND COMPLIANCE. 29(1), 79-103. doi:10.1108/JFRC-07-2019-0095
  3. Rahman, M., Isa, C. R., Masud, M. M., Sarker, M., & Chowdhury, N. T. (2021). The role of financial behaviour, financial literacy, and financial stress in explaining the financial well-being of B40 group in Malaysia. Future Business Journal, 7(1), 18. doi: 10.1186/s43093-021-00099-0
  1. Arif K., Isa C.R., Mustapha M.Z. (2023). Do Powerful CEOs Benefit Firm Performance in Pakistan?, Asian Journal of Business and Accounting. 16(2), 75-106. doi:10.22452/ajba.vol16no2.3
  2. Noman A.H.M., Hassan M.K., Pervin S., Isa C.R., Sok-gee C. (2022). The mediating role of competition on deposit insurance and the risk-taking of banks in ASEAN countries, Research in International Business and Finance. 59. doi:10.1016/j.ribaf.2021.101551
  3. Isa C.R., Mohezar S. (2021). Editors note, Asian Journal of Business and Accounting. 14(1), V-VII
  4. Noman, A. H. M., Isa, C. R., Mia, M. A., & Sok-Gee, C. (2021). Impact of activity restrictions on risk taking of banks: does competition matter during crisis? Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 29(1), 79-103. doi: 10.1108/JFRC-07-2019-0095
  5. Moghavvemi S., Ormond M., Musa G., Mohamed Isa C.R., Thirumoorthi T., Bin Mustapha M.Z., Kanapathy K.A.P., Chiremel Chandy J.J. (2017). Connecting with prospective medical tourists online: A cross-sectional analysis of private hospital websites promoting medical tourism in India, Malaysia and Thailand, Tourism Management. 58, 154-163. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2016.10.010
  6. Fei, Z. Y., Isa, C. R. (2010). Behavioral and organizational variables affecting the success of ABC success in China, African Journal of Business Management. 4(11), 2302-230819938233
  1. Isa, C.R., Abu Hasan, H. , Saleh, Z. (2024) Issues and Challenges in Accounting for Infrastructure Assets in the Malaysian Government and the Way Forward, IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management, 14(1), 89-108
  2. Abdul Rasit, Z.; Isa, C.R.; Abdul Hamid, N. & Kamarudin, S.N. (2023), Cognitive motivational perspectives of performance measurement system and organisational commitment: role of ambiguity as mediator, Accounting and Finance Research, Vol 12 (2), pp. 64-84.
  3. Che Ruhana Isa, Haslida Abu Hasan and Zakiah Saleh. (2023). Current Practices and Issues in the Accounting for Government Infrastructure Assets. IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management. Vol. 13, No. 1, 109-127.
  4. Irawan, T., Isa, C.R., Alfan, E. (2023). The Impact of Digital Banking Adoption, Risk Management and Balanced Scorecard on Indonesian Banking Performance - A Conceptual Paper, Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives, 16(1), 97-115.
  5. Haslida Abu Hasan, Zakiah Saleh and Che Ruhana Isa (2022). Malaysian Public Sector Accounting Standards (MPSAS) Implementation in State Governments of Malaysia: Status and Challenges. IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management, Volume 12, No. 1, pp. 33-55.
  6. Zakiah Saleh, Che Ruhana Isa and Haslida Abu Hasan. (2021). Issues and Challenges in Implementing International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management, 11(1), pp. 1-14.
  7. Dastmalchian, A., Bacon, N., McNeil. N., Steinke, C., Blyton, P., Satish Kumar, M., Bayraktar, S., Auer-Rizzi, W., Ahmad, A., Cotton, R., Craig, T., Ertenu, B.S., Isa, C.R., Musa, G.B., Habibi, M., Huang, H.J., Imer, P., Ismail, A., Kabasakal, H., Meo Colombo, C.*,Moghavami, S., Mukherjee, T., Tang, N., Thang, T.N., and Varnali, R.], High-Performance Work Systems and Organizational Performance Across Societal Cultures, Journal of International Business Studies, 51 (3), 353-388 (impact factor 9.158)
  8. Rahman, M., Isa, C. R., Dewandaru, G., Hanifa, M.H., Chowdhury, N.T., Sarker, M. (2020). Socially Responsible Investment Sukuk (Islamic Bond) Development in Malaysia, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. DOI ( (ESCI).
  9. Rahman, M., Isa, C.H.,Tu, T.T., Sarker, M.M., & Masud, M.A.K. (2020). A bibliometric analysis of socially responsible investment sukuk literature. Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility, 5 (7) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS)
  10. Zainuddin, S.and Isa, C.R. (2019). The role of workplace fairness and information sharing in a budget setting process: An empirical study. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 21(2), 135-158
  11. Abu Hanifa, M.N., Chan, S.G., Isa,, C.R. (2018). Does bank regulation matter on the relationship between competition and financial stability? Evidence from Southeast Asian countries, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 48, pp. 144-161,
  12. Ismail, K., Isa, C. R., and Mia, L. (forthcoming). Evidence on the usefulness of management accounting systems in integrated manufacturing environment. Pacific Accounting Review (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  13. Rahman, M., Albaity, M., Isa, C. R., & Azma, N. (2017). Towards a better understanding of fashion clothing purchase involvement. Journal of Islamic Marketing.Vol. 9 Issue:3, pp.544-559,
  14. Rahman, M., Mia, M. A., Ismail, I., & Isa, C. R. (2018). Factors Affecting Financing Cost of Microfinance Institutions: Panel Evidence, Enterprise Development and Microfinance. 29(2), pp. 103-127. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  15. Zakiah Saleh, Haslida Abu Hasan, Che Ruhana Isa and Yap Kiew Heong (2018). The Role of Climate and Culture in the Implementation of Accrual Accounting: A Conceptual Paper. IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management, Vol. 8, pp. 73 - 85.
  16. Zou, X., Isa, C.R & Rahman, M. (2018). Managing Risk inside China: Insights from In-depth Empirical Analyses in Manufacturing Industry, International Journal of China Studies, 9 (1), pp. 1-22.
  17. Banerjee, P.K., Isa, C.R. and Zainuddin, S. (2017). Regional Corporate Culture, Motivation and Technology Impacts on Performance of Quality Certified Firms: A Malaysian Perspective, Journal of Global Information Management, 25(3), 121-139.
  18. Noman, A.H.M., Chan, S.G., Isa, C.R. (2017). Does competition improve financial stability of the banking sector in ASEAN countries? An empirical analysis, PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176546.
  19. Rahman, M., Ismail, Y., Albaity, M., & Isa, C. R. (2017). Brands and Competing Factors in Purchasing Hand Phones in the Malaysian Market. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business. 4(2) pp.75-80 (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS)
  20. ZouChe, X., Isa, C. R., & Rahman, M. (2017). Valuation of Enterprise Risk Management in the Manufacturing Industry. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Forthcoming (ISI-Indexed)
  21. Noman, A.H.M. Mia, A., Isa, C.R. (2016), City Profile: Narayangonj, Bangladesh, Cities, 59(November), 8-19 (Q1)
  22. Togok, S., Isa, C.R. and Zainuddin, S. (2016). Enterprise risk management adoption in Malaysia: a disclosure approach, Asian Journal of Business and Accounting 9(1), 83-104.
  23. Abu Hanifa Md. Noman, Chan Sok Gee, Che Ruhana Isa and Karim Bux Shah Sayed, (2015) Distinction between conventional banks and Islamic banks in credit risk management process: A Uni-variate and multivariate non-parametric analysis, Pakistan Journal of Statistics.
  24. Mohamed Albaity, Mahfuzur Rahman, Che Ruhana Isa, (2015). Individual differences in ethno-gender as a function of cognitive style and behavioral biases, International Journal of Information Processing and Management (IJIPM), Vol 6 (2), pp. 9-14.
  25. Rohaida Basiruddin, Zarina Abdul Salam, Che Ruhana Isa, Siti Zaleha Abdul Rasid, & Zainurain Zainal Abidin, SLDU Industries Sdn Bhd: The Blame Game in the Performance Measurement System, InternationalThe International Journal of Innovation and Business Strategy (IJIBS)/ Vol. 4, No. 2, 2015, 16- 23.
  26. Togok, S., Isa, C.R. and Zainuddin, S. (2014). Operationalising enterprise risk management (ERM) effectiveness. Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives, Vol.7, 28-48.
  27. Zarinah Abdul Rasit & Che Ruhana Isa. (2015), Decision Facilitating Role of Comprehensive Performance Measurement System (CPMS) and Job Performance: Influence of Role Ambiguity and Locus of Control, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities,Vol 25 (S) May.
  28. Zhang Yi Fei, Zahirul Hoque, Che Ruhana Isa, (2015), The effects of cultural and structure on the success of activity based accounting implementation, Advances in Management Accounting, Vol 25, pp.229-257, Emerald Publishing
  29. Abdul Rasid SZ; Isa, CR; and Wan Ismail, WK, 2014. Management accounting systems, enterprise risk management and organizational performance in financial institutions, Asian Review of Accounting, Vol 22, No 2, pp. 128-144.
  30. Haslida Abu Hasan, Zakiah Saleh and Che Ruhana Isa (2013). Change Towards Accrual Accounting: Perception of Top Management in the Malaysian Federal Government. IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management, Vol. 3, pp.101-112.
  31. Zakiah Saleh, Che Ruhana Isa and Haslida Abu Hasan (2012). Accrual Accounting: Change and Managing Change. IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management, Vol. 2, pp. 41-52.
  32. Che Ruhana Isa, Zakiah Saleh and Ruzita Jusoh (2011). Commitment to Change Among Government Accountants in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 68-88.
  33. Suria Zainuddin and Che Ruhana Isa. 2011. The role of organizational fairness and motivation in the relationship between budget participation and managerial performance: a conceptual paper. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12): 641-648.
  34. Suria Zainuddin and Che Ruhana Isa. 2011. The role of procedural fairness in the relationship between budget participation and motivation. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(9): 1464-1473.
  35. Mohd Salleh, A., Jusoh, R, and Isa, C. R. (2010). The effect of information system s sophistication on use of performance measures: A study on Malaysian financial services institutions, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol 110 (7): 993-1017.
  36. Zhang, Y.F and Isa, C.R., 2010. Behavioral and Organizational Variables Affecting the Success of ABC Success in China, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 4(11), pp. 2302-2308.
  37. Zhang, Y.F and Isa, C.R., 2010. Factors Influencing Activity Based Costing Success: a Research Framework, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 1(2), pp. 144-150.
  38. Che Ruhana Isa, (2009). Management Accounting Change, Market Competition and Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Local and Foreign Firms, World Journal of Management, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 1-12
  39. Che Ruhana Isa and Tay, Y. K., (2008). The Role of Just-In-Time in Relation to Performance: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Accounting Perspectives (now known as Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives, Vol. 1, pp. 1-16.
  40. Che Ruhana Isa and Tay, Y. K.,(2008). Just-In-Time Manufacturing and Purchasing Practices and Business Performance: An Exploratory Study, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Vol.3 No 1, pp. 67-85.
  41. Che Ruhana Isa, Zakiah Saleh and Noor Sharoja Sapiei (2008). A Survey on Financial and Management Accounting Practices Among Small and Medium Enterprises in Malaysia. Journal of Accounting Perspectives, Vol. 1, pp. 17-34.
  42. Che Ruhana Isa, Market Competition, Advanced Manufacturing Technology And Management Accounting and Control Systems Change: The Case of Malaysia , Malaysian Accounting Review, (This publication is part of the prize for the MORPA award 2006/2007 for outstanding research paper)
  43. Che Ruhana Isa, (2007). A Note On Market Competition, Advanced Manufacturing Technology And Management Accounting and Control Systems Change, Malaysian Accounting Review (now known Management and Accounting Review), Vol. 6 No 2, pp. 43-62.
  44. Che Ruhana Isa and Foong S. Y., (2005), Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and Management Accounting Practices: The case of Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia , World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, no. 1, 2005, pg 35-48.
  45. Che Ruhana Isa, Foong S. Y. and Sambisivan, M., (2005), The Roles of Market Competition and Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Predicting Changes in Management Accounting and Control Systems , Asia Pacific Management Review,Vol.10,no.6,2005,pg.397-403.
  46. Che Ruhana Isa,(2002) Just In Time Systems as A Strategy for Manufacturing Excellence , Akauntan Nasional, Vol 15, no. 5, June 2002, pg. 26-30
  47. Che Ruhana Isa and Tho, S.L.M.,(2001) Management Accounting Practices: Trends and Issues , Accounting Journal, Universiti Malaya, 2001.
  48. Tho, S.L.M., Che Ruhana Isa and Ng, K. T.,(1998), Manufacturing Environment, Cost Structures and Management Accounting Practices: Some Malaysian Evidence, Akauntan Nasional, August 1998, pg. 3-12
  49. Che Ruhana Isa,(1995) Just-inTime for Increased Productivity: Its Philosophy and How It Works , Akauntan Nasional, Vol. 6, no. 2, February, 1995, pg. 9-14
  50. Che Ruhana Isa,(1994), Activity-Based Costing: An Alternative Costing System , Akauntan Nasional, January 1994, pg.4-9
  51. Zakiah Saleh and Che Ruhana Isa.,(1994), Perakaunan untuk industri petroleum dan gas di Malaysia: suatu tinjauan , Accounting Journal, Universiti Malaya, 1994, pg. 26-28
  52. Che Ruhana Isa.,(1993),Perubahan teknologi dan perakaunan pengurusan , Accounting Journal, Universiti Malaya, 1993, pg. 6-9
  1. Abu Hasan, H, Isa C.R., Saleh, Z. (2024). Accrual Accounting Development in the Malaysian Public Sector, Universiti Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur
  2. Taib, F.M, Md Shahbudin, A.S. & Isa, C.R. 2022, AaDab Infused Curriculum Playbook, Ministry of Higher Education.
  3. Mahfuzur Rahman, Izlin Ismail, Lim Ying Zhee and Che Ruhana Isa. (2019). The Impact of Convergence with IFRS on the Malaysian Capital Market: Investor Perspectives. Malaysian Accountancy Research and Education Foundation (MAREF)
  4. Isa, C.R., Saleh, Z. & Abu Hasan, H. (2013). Accrual Accounting: Change and Managing Change. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Perakaunan Negara. ISBN 978-967-0601-03
  5. Choong, K.W, Tho, S. L.M., and Che Ruhana Isa (eds). Accounting in a Changing Environment: Issues and Implications for Management Accounting and Taxation, Kuala Lumpur: Monteiro and Heng, 2006, pg. 1-26.
  6. Che Ruhana Isa, Zakiah Saleh and M. Fazilah Abdul Samad. (1998). A study of the current financial accounting and reporting practices of oil and gas companies involved in upstream activities in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: MACPA Educational Trust Fund. ISBN 978-98-3992-091-8
Chapter in Books
  1. Che Ruhana Isa, Zakiah Saleh and Haslida Abu Hasan (2014). Transition Towards Accrual Accounting: Commitment to Change in the Malaysian Public Sector. In Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Articles of Merit Award on PAIB 2013 (pp. 37-48). Retrieved from Article_of_Merit_2013_eBook.pdf. ISBN: 978-967- 11317-5-6
  2. Ruzita Jusoh, Che Ruhana Isa & Nurmazilah Mahzan, 2014. Strategic positioning and budgeting: The case of a plantation company, in Sieh LML (eds). Management Issues & Cases in the Early 21st Century, pp. 51-70. Cengage Learning University Press.
  3. Ismail, I. and Isa, C. R. 2013. Evidence on the Usefulness of Management Accounting Systems Information in Malaysian Manufacturing Firms. In. MIA (2013). Malaysian Institute of Accountants Articles of Merit Award on PAIB 2012.
  4. Che Ruhana Isa, "Management Accounting in a Changing Environment" in Choong, K.W, Tho, S. L.M., and Che Ruhana Isa (eds). Accounting in a Changing Environment: Issues and Implications for Management Accounting and Taxation, Kuala Lumpur: Monteiro and Heng, 2006, pg. 1-26.
  5. Che Ruhana Isa, (2002). The Mess in Technical Department , in M.C. McLaren and Md Zabid Abdul Rashid, eds. Issues and Cases in Cross-Cultural Management: An Asian Perspective, Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall, pp. 123- 128.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Isa, C.R., The Role of Innovation and Management Control System in Enhancing Performance, WCBM 2018, Jeju Island, South Korea 27-30 June 2018
  2. Suria Zainuddin and Che Ruhana Isa. 2011. The Influence of Cultural Value in Organisations: A Study in Local and Anglo-American Firms in Malaysia. The 9th Asian Academy of Management International Conference, Penang, Malaysia.
  3. Isa, C.R., Ying, W. and Oon, E.Y.N. 2010. Improvement in Management Reporting of ISO9000 Companies and Its Relationship With Performance, Proceeding of Global Accounting and Organizational Change Conference, 21-24 July 2010, Babson College, Boston, USA.
  4. Ismail, K. and Isa, C.R.I., 2010. Relationships among advanced manufacturing technology, managemebnt accounting systems and performance, Proceeding of The 3rd International Accounting Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 27-28 October 2010.
  5. Suria Zainuddin and Che Ruhana Isa. 2010. The role of procedural fairness in the relationship between budget participation and motivation, The 3rd International Accounting Conference,
  6. Zhang, Y.F. and Isa, C.R. 2009. Factors Influencing Activity-Based Costing Success: A Review, Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Economics and Tourism Management (CBETM 2010), Singapore, 26-28 Feb 2010.
  7. Zhang, Y.F. and Isa, C.R. 2010. Activity based Costing (ABC) Success Implementation in China: The Effects of Organizational Culture and Structure, Proceeding of The 6th Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference (APIRA), Sydney, Australia, 12- 13 July 2010.
  8. Che Ruhana Isa, Zakiah Saleh, and Ruzita Jusoh. 2009. The Relationship Between Change Messages and Communication Flow with Commitment to Change: the Case of Government Accountants in Malaysia, Proceedings of International Conference on Quality, Productivity and Performance Measurement (ICQPPM 09), Putrajaya, 16 18 November. 2009.
  9. Ismail, K. and Isa, C.R. 2009. The role of management accounting systems (MAS) information in the relationship between integrated manufacturing practices and performance in Malaysia, Proceedings of International Management Accounting Conference, (IMAC 2009), Kuala Lumpur, 19 21 Oct. 2009.
  10. Jayabalan, J. and Isa, C.R. 2009. Corporate Social responsibility disclosure, competitive advantage and financial performance of Public Listed Companies in Malaysia, Proceedings of International Management Accounting Conference, (IMAC 2009), Kuala Lumpur, 19 21 Oct. 2009.
  11. Zainuddin, S. and Isa, C.R. 2009. Budget participation and managerial performance: organisational fairness, motivation and cultural effect, Proceedings of International Management Accounting Conference, (IMAC 2009), Kuala Lumpur, 19 21 Oct. 2009.
  12. Zhang, Y.F. and Isa, C.R. 2009. Factors Influencing Activity-Based Costing Success: A Research Framework, Proceedings of International Management Accounting Conference, (IMAC 2009), Kuala Lumpur, 19 21 Oct. 2009.
  13. Che Ruhana Isa, 2008. Management Accounting Change, Market Competition and Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Local and Foreign Firms, Proceedings of the Annual Money, Economy and Management Conference, Imperial College, London. 3-4 of July 2008.
  14. Che Ruhana Isa, 2008. Market Competition, Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Management Accounting Change Among Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia, Proceedings of the Asian Academic Accounting Conference, (AAAA 2008), Dubai, UAE., 29 Nov 1 Dec. 2008.
  15. Che Ruhana Isa, Zakiah Saleh and Noor Sharoja Sapiei,(2007), Financial and management accounting practices among small and medium enterprises in Malaysia , Forth International Management Accounting Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 15-17 August, 2007
  16. Che Ruhana Isa, and Tay Yew Keong, (2007), Relationships between implementation of just-in-time (JIT) and performance: the case of Malaysian manufacturing firms , Asian Association of Accounting Academics (AAAA) Conference 2007, Jogjakarata, 19-22 August, 2007
  17. Zakiah Saleh, Che Ruhana Isa, and Noor Sharoja Sapiei,(2007), Financial and management accounting practices among small and medium enterprises: some evidence from Malaysia , Nineteen Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Kuala Lumpur, 11-14 November, 2007
  18. Che Ruhana Isa and Thye, N.K. , (2006), Advanced management accounting techniques: an exploratory study on Malaysian manufacturing firms , Proceeding of the International Business and Information 2006, Singapore 13-14 July, 2006
  19. Che Ruhana Isa, (2006), A note on market competition, advanced manufacturing technology and management accounting and control systems change , Proceedings of the Third Business Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 November, 2006
  20. Shaik Ali Fikri Bajunid S Fauzi and Che Ruhana Isa, (2006), An empirical analysis of factors affecting the success of activity-based costing , Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Management Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-19 November, 2006
  21. Che Ruhana Isa. and Wan Alwani Wan Mahmud. (2005), Management Accounting Practices in Private Hospitals in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study , Proceedings of the Eleventh Asia Pacific Management Conference 2005, Tainan, Taiwan, 18-20 November, 2005, pg. 4D-6-1 - . 4D-6-12
  22. Che Ruhana Isa., (2005), The Effects of Attitude Towards Change on Changes in Management Accounting and Control Systems , Proceedings of Asian Business Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April, 2005
  23. Che Ruhana Isa and Foong S. Y. (2004), Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and Management Accounting Practices: The case of Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia , Proceedings of the Academy of World Business, Marketing & Management Development Conference, Gold Coast International Hotel, Queensland, Australia, 13-16 July, 2004.
  24. Che Ruhana Isa and Foong S. Y., (2004) Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and Management Accounting Practices in Local and Foreign Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia , Proceedings of the International Management Accounting Conference III, Hotel Equatorial, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, 12-13 July, 2004
  25. Che Ruhana Isa., (2004), The Effects of Attitude Towards Change on Changes in Management Accounting and Control Systems , Proceedings of University Tenaga Nasional International Business Conference, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, 6-7 December, 2004
  26. Che Ruhana Isa, Foong S. Y. and Sambisivan, M., (2003), The Roles of Market Competition and Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Predicting Changes in Management Accounting and Control Systems , Proceedings of the Ninth Asia Pacific Management Conference 2003, Osaka, Japan, 19-21 November, 2003, pg. 205-216.
Other Publications
  1. Isa, C.R., Abu Hasan, H., Saleh, Z. (2024), Public Sector Infrastructure Assets Recognition and Measurement: Issues and Best Practices, Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia, Selangor - Technical Report
  2. Zakiah Saleh, Che Ruhana Isa and Haslida Abu Hasan. (2022). Implementation of Accrual Accounting in State Governments: Exploring the Status, Issues and Challenges. Research Monograph. Institut Perakaunan Negara, Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia. - Case Study
  3. Zakiah Saleh, Haslida Abu Hasan and Che Ruhana Isa. (2022). Transition from Cash to Accrual Accounting: Malaysia Experience [Policy Brief]. Public Expenditure Management Network in Asia (PEMNA). - Policy Paper
  4. Malaysia. Ministry of Higher Education. (2021). The Malaysia Top Graduate Business School Framework (MyTBS). MOHE, Malaysia. - Policy Paper
  5. Zakiah Saleh, Che Ruhan Isa and Haslida Abu Hasan. (2021). Implementation of Accrual Accounting in State Governments: Exploring the Status, Issues and Challenges. Report submitted to Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia. - Technical Report
  6. Prof. Dr Ong Fon Sim Anna Azriati Che Azmi,Assoc. Prof Dr. Che Ruhana Isa,Dr. Ruzita Jusoh and Dr.Yusniza Kamarulzaman, CURRENT USAGE PATTERNS OF BUSSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AMONG SMES IN THE MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTIVE TRADE SECTORS, A report prepared for the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, November 2008. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication) - Monograph
  7. Che Ruhana Isa, Zakiah Saleh and M. Fazilah Samad., (1994), A Study of the Current Financial and Reporting of Oil and Gas Companies Involved in Upstream Activities in Malaysia , The Malaysian Association of Certified Public Accountants (MACPA) Research Monograph, 1994 - Technical Report


  • Accounting Practices in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
  • Change in the Accounting Profession; A Survey of Management Accountants in Malaysian Manufacturing Firms
  • Management Accounting Change; The Roles of Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, and Management Related Information


  1. 2022 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Preparing The Accounting And Finance Students For Digital Economy Landscape: Digital Skills Inclusive Curriculum At Higher Education Institutions ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2023 - 2024, Government Agency
    Public Sector Infrastructure Assets Recognition And Measurement: Issues And Best Practice ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2019 - 2022, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    The Effect Of Regulation On Bank Efficiency In Asean-5 Countries- Does Financial Crisis Matter? ( Co-Researcher)
  4. 2019 - 2022, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Does Bank Regulation Matter In Promoting Efficiency In A Competitive Banking Market: Evidence From Asean-5 ( Co-Researcher)
  5. 2021 - 2022, Government Agency
    Implementation Of Accrual Accounting In State Governments: Exploring The Status, Issues And Challenges ( Co-Researcher)
  6. 2017 - 2021, Long Term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS)
    Socio Economic Impacts Of Light-emitting Diode (led) Lighting Usage In Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  7. 2016 - 2019, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    The Role Of Open Innovation Strategy In Enhancing Organizational Performance ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  8. 2016 - 2019, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Assessing Climate And Culture In The Implementation Of Accrual Accounting At Federal Government Of Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  9. 2017 - 2019, Bantuan Kecil Penyelidikan (BKP)
    CEO/Founder personality and counterfactual thinking as triggers of strategic changes and outcomes in ventures ( Co-Researcher)
  10. 2017 - 2019, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Financial Borrowing Among Marginalized Community In Malaysia: Appetite And Risks ( Co-Researcher)
  11. 2014 - 2017, Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) - Research
    Effectiveness Of Enterprise Risk Management In Managing Risks ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  12. 2013 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - SBS (Equitable Society)
    Factors Influencing Sustainable Performance In The Health Tourism Industry : A Comparative Study Of Malaysia, Singapore And Thailand ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  13. 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG) - SBS (Equitable Society)
    The Relationship between Lean Manufacturing and Firm Sustainability: A Comparative Study of Small and Medium Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia and China ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  14. 2007 - 2010, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
  15. 2009 - 2010, Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) - Research
  16. 2009 - 2010, Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) - Research
  17. 2008 - 2009, Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) - Research
  18. 2007 - 2008, 7
  19. 2007 - 2008, RU Geran
  20. 2020 - 2022, Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi, MOHE
    Accounting HT4: 'AaDab Infused Curriculum for Malaysian Universities, Ministry of Higher Education ( Co-Researcher)
  21. 2014 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Holistic Approach Towards Developing Land in Malaysia ( Consultant)
  22. 2014 - 2015, CIMA
    Effectiveness of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in Managing Risk ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  23. 2012 - 2013, Accountant General's Department
    Accrual Accounting: Change and Managing Change ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  24. 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    How management accounting and control systems impacted strategic positioning of automobile manufacturers: evidence from Perodua and Proton ( Consultant)
  25. 2007 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Management accounting control systems and performance measurement in the context of reform in local governments ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  26. 2007 - 2008, IRPA
    Financial Planning among older adults in Malaysia ( Consultant)
  27. 2007 - 2008, UM-Vote F
    Performance management and compensation system in Banking industry ( Consultant)
  28. 2007 - 2008, UM-Vote F
    Impacts of Malaysian cultural values on Accounting values ( Consultant)
  29. 2008 - 2008, MAREF
    Current usage patterns of business and professional services among SMEs in the manufacturing and distributive trade sectors ( Consultant)
  1. 2018 - 2021, Private Funding - Manage by CPDS
    Urban Poverty In Malaysia: An Analysis Of Scarcity Trap ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2017 - 2020, Private Funding - Manage by CPDS
    Creating Sustainable Value In Southeast Asia : The Role Of Microfinance ( Co-Researcher)
  3. 2005 - 2006, Center of Economic Development & Ethnic Relations (CEDER),UM
    Financial and management accounting practices among small and medium sized enterprises (SME) in Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2004 - 2005, UM-Vote F
    Change in the accounting profession: a survey of management accountants in Malaysian manufacturing firms management accountants ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  5. 2001 - 2002, UM-Vote F
    Management accounting and control systems change ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 1997 - 1998, UM-Vote F
    A Study on cost structure and management accounting practices among manufacturing companies in Malaysia ( Coordinator)


  • Productivity Report for Services Sector 2011, NPC
    01 Apr 2012 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)
  • A Study On Cold Chain Facilities and Services for Food Products, Malaysian Industrial Development Authority
    01 Nov 2006 - 01 Nov 2007 (National)


  1. Innovative, Inspire, Influence - Currency of the Millennial Era : Recipes for successful IMPACT, EFMD Asia Annual Conference 2019 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam7 9 November 2019 , EFMD (International) (07 Nov 2019 - 09 Nov 2019)
  2. Publish or Perish, The art of journal publication, International Conference on Finance, Management and Business in Semarang on October 25, 2019., Universitas Dipnegoro, Indonesia (International) (24 Oct 2019 - 25 Oct 2019)
  3. What Make Asian Business Schools Distinct?, AACSB Asia Pacific Conference 2019 SEOUL SOUTH KOREA21 to 23 October 2019 , AACSB (International) (21 Oct 2019 - 23 Oct 2019)
  4. A FBA-UM Experience in Strengthening International Linkages and Collaboration in Difficult Times: Strategies and Challenges, 3rd international research conference on economics, business and social sciences, BZU and CSRC (International) (12 Dec 2018 - 13 Dec 2018)
  5. DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY AND ITS EFFECTS ON ACCOUNTING PRACTICE, Asia pacific business and economics conference, Faculty of economics and business, UI  (International) (17 Jan 2018 - 18 Jan 2018)
  6. The Role of Innovation and Management Control System in Sustainable Performance: UM s Experience, 2nd International Research Conference on Economics Business and Social Sciences July 11-12, 2017, Penang, Center for Sustainability Research and Consultancy Pakistan. and UUM (International) (11 May 2017 - 12 May 2017)
  1. The Effects of Attitude Towards Change on Changes in Management Accounting and Control Systems, Asian Business Conference (International) (01 Apr 2005 - 01 Apr 2005)
  1. PREPARATION FOR AACSB INITIAL ACCREDITATION VISIT, AACSB Accreditation Workshop, Arshad Ayub Graduate School of Business (National) (26 Aug 2024 - 26 Aug 2024)
  2. Accounting Curriculum, The 1st International Conference on Digital Technologies and Sustainability Accounting, Department of Accounting, UMY (International) (07 Aug 2024 - 08 Aug 2024)
  3. Aligning AACSB and National Accreditation Requirements, AACSB Asia Pacific Accreditation Conference, AACSB (International) (05 Jun 2024 - 07 Jun 2024)
  4. Accounting in the changing business environment, SUMMER PROGRAMME FOR AOYAMA BUSINESS SCHOOL (ABS) AND MEIJI UNIVERISTY BUSINESS SCHOOL (MBS), FPE, ABS and MBS (International) (07 Sep 2022 - 07 Sep 2022)
  5. Values of AACSB Accreditation, AACSB Webinar for SouthEast Asian Business Schools, AACSB (International) (24 Mar 2022 - 24 Mar 2022)
  6. The Role of External Stakeholders in Curriculum, AACSB Asia Pacific and APMEA Accreditation Conference , AACSB (International) (01 Jun 2021 - 04 Jun 2021)
  7. Strategies in Strengthening Regional Business School Partnerships in Turbulent Periods: A FBA-UM Experience, 2018 ASIA PACIFIC CONFERENCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, AACSB and NUCB (International) (29 Oct 2018 - 31 Oct 2018)
  8. Regional business education: Malaysian Experience, Asia Pacific Conference for Deans and Directors 2013, Association of MBA (AMBA) (International) (27 Nov 2013 - 29 Nov 2013)
  9. Innovation in Accounting Education: UM's Experience, Sunway-TES ACCA Platinum Train-the Trainers Conference 2013, ACCA and Sunway-TES (International) (12 Aug 2013 - 17 Aug 2013)
  10. Current and emerging trends in strategic finance and management accounting, Strategic Finance and Management Accounting Forum 2013, Liquid Learning Asia (International) (11 Jun 2013 - 12 Jun 2013)
  1. Financial and management accounting practices among small and medium enterprises evidence from Malaysia, Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues (02 Nov 2007 - 02 Nov 2007)
  1. ACCOUNTING IN A DISRUPTIVE ENVIRONMENT: EXPLORING THE ROLES AND EXPECTATIONS , Inaugural Lecture Prof Che Ruhana Isa, Faculty of Business and Economics (University) (31 May 2022 - 31 May 2022)
  1. Behavioural Factors Influencing the Perceived Effectiveness of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in managing risks, Asian Accounting Academic Association Annual Conference, University of Indonesia (International) (15 Nov 2015 - 18 Nov 2015)
  2. Does Lean Manufacturing Practices Work In A Developing Economy? Evidence From Malaysia, 10th Global Management Accounting Research Symposium, Michigan State University (International) (27 Jun 2013 - 28 Jun 2013)
  3. ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING: CHANGE AND MANAGING CHANGE , Seminar Penyelidikan Perakaunan Sektor Awam , Akauntan Negara (AGD) (National) (23 Apr 2013 - 23 Apr 2013)
  4. The mediating role of management accounting systems information, 11th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference (01 Jun 2012)
  5. Improvement in Management Reporting of ISO9000 Companies and Its Relationship With Performance , Global Accounting and Organizational Change Conference, The Global Accounting and Organizational Change (GAOC) Research Network, Babsob College USA, La Trobe University AUS (International) (22 Jul 2010 - 24 Jul 2010)
  6. Factors influencing Activity-Based Costing success: A meta review, Proceedings of The 2010 International Conference on Business, Economics and Tourism Management (CBETM 2010), ISI Conference), IACSIT (International) (26 Feb 2010 - 28 Feb 2010)
  7. The Relationship Between Change Messages and Communication Flow with Commitment to Change: the Case of Government Accountants in Malaysia, Proceedings of International Conference on Quality, Productivity and Performance Measurement (ICQPPM 09, UKM (International) (16 Dec 2009 - 18 Dec 2009)
  8. Relationships between implementation of just-in-time (JIT) and performance: the case of Malaysian manufacturing firms, Asian Accounting Academics Association (AAAA) Conference  (International) (01 Sep 2007 - 01 Sep 2007)
  9. Financial and management accounting practices among small and medium enterprises in Malaysia, Forth International Management Accounting Conference (IMAC IV) (International) (02 Jul 2007 - 02 Jul 2007)
  10. A note on market competition, advanced manufacturing technology and management accounting and control systems change, Third International Business Conference (IBRC) (International) (20 Nov 2006 - 23 Nov 2006)
  11. An empirical analysis of factors affecting the success of activity-based costing,, 12th Asia Pacific Management Conference (International) (18 Nov 2006 - 20 Nov 2006)
  12. Advanced management accounting techniques: an exploratory study on Malaysian manufacturing firms , BAI Conference (International) (12 Jul 2006 - 14 Jul 2006)
  13. Advanced management accounting techniques: an exploratory study on Malaysian manufacturing firms, Bengkel Khas Halatuju Program Perakaunan IPTA 2 (International) (13 Jun 2006 - 14 Jun 2006)
  14. The Effects of Attitude Towards Change on Changes in Management Accounting and Control Systems, University Tenaga Nasional International Business Conference (International) (06 Dec 2005 - 07 Dec 2005)
  15. Management Accounting Practices in Private Hospitals in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study , Asia Pacific Management Conference (International) (18 Nov 2005 - 20 Nov 2005)
  16. Management accounting and control systems change: the roles of organizational culture, organizational commitment and management related information (MRI), Research Workshop FPP (University) (03 Oct 2004 - 05 Oct 2004)
  17. Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and Management Accounting Practices: The case of Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia, World Business, Marketing & Management Development Conference (International) (13 Jul 2004 - 16 Jul 2004)
  18. The Roles of Market Competition and Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Predicting Changes in Management Accounting and Control Systems , Ninth Asia Pacific Management Conference 2003 (International) (19 Nov 2003 - 21 Nov 2003)
  19. Effects of Changes in Advanced Manufacturing Technology Adoption on Management Accounting and Control Systems Change , Faculty of Economics and Administration Seminar 2003 (National) (20 Jun 2003 - 23 Jun 2003)
  1. Accounting Change: A Research Journey, The 1st International Conference on Digital Technologies and Sustainability Accounting, Department of Accounting , UMY (International) (07 Aug 2024 - 08 Aug 2024)
  1. Factors Influencing Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Sukuk Development in Malaysia, MOHE-UM-INCEIF ISLAMIC FINANCE RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2017, 24 Nov 2017, MOHE-UM-INCEIF ISLAMIC FINANCE RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2017, MOHE-UM-INCEIF GRANT MANAGEMENT (National) (22 Nov 2017 - 22 Nov 2017)
  2. Propensity toward financial risk tolerance: An analysis using behavioural factors,, International Conference on Business and Economics Interdisciplinary Solutions for Business Challenges in a New Global Order, 2017-10-30 to 2017-10-31,, University of Dhaka, (International) (30 Oct 2017 - 31 Oct 2017)
  3. The effect of Competition on Financial Stability of ASEAN-5 Commercial Banks, LPEM s Conference on Economics & Finance, University of Indonesia (International) (30 Nov 2015 - 01 Dec 2015)
  4. Emerald Literati Award, THE 8TH ANNUAL EUROMED ACADEMY OF BUSINESS CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 16-18, 2015 DI VERONA, ITALY, ITALY PADA 16/09/2015 hingga 18/09/2015 , EUROMED ACADEMY OF BUSINESS (International) (16 Sep 2015 - 18 Sep 2015)
  5. Decision Facilitating Role of Comprehensive Performance Measurement System (CPMS) and Job Performance: Influence of Role Ambiguity and Locus of Control, Global Conference on Business and Social Science, GATR Enterprise (International) (15 Dec 2014 - 16 Jan 2015)
  6. Investing capital on safe and uncertain investment alternatives: An experimental study, Bali International Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences, At Grand Inna Hotel, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Udayana (International) (25 Jun 2014 - 26 Jun 2014)
  7. The Impact of Comprehensive Performance Measurement System (CMPS) and Individual Differences on Role Ambiguity, 4th Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AF 2014), Global Science and Technology Forum (International) (28 Apr 2014 - 29 Apr 2014)
  8. The Effect of Activity based Costing on Firm Performance: A Study Among Chinese Manufacturing Firms, The 3rd International Accounting Conference, University of Indonesia (International) (27 Oct 2010 - 28 Oct 2010)
  9. 2.Ismail, K. and Isa, C.R. 2010., Relationships Among Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Management Accounting Systems and Performance , The 3rd International Accounting Conference, The University of Indonesis (International) (27 Oct 2010 - 28 Oct 2010)
  10. Activity based Costing (ABC) Success Implementation in China: The Effects of Organizational Culture and Structure, The 6th Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference (APIRA),  (International) (12 Jul 2010 - 13 Jul 2010)


  1. (2025) Mqa Unirazak Bacc, National, (External Assessor)
  2. (2025) External Assessor for Macc UKM, National, (External Assessor)
  3. (2025) External Examiner UNITEN, National, (External Examiner)
  4. (2024) Mqa Assessor for Icaew Program Queens Colloge, National, (External Assessor)
  5. (2024) Mqa Assessor for Macc Uptm, National, (External Assessor)
  6. (2024) UNITEN Diploma in Acctg, National, (External Assessor)
  7. (2024) Assessor for Associate Professor Promotion, International, (External Assessor)
  8. (2024) UNITEN Kshas Bacc, National, (External Assessor)
  9. (2024) UNITEN Bacc Putrajaya Campus, National, (External Evaluator)
  10. (2024) Assessor for Mqa Bacc (Fintech) Taylors, National, (External Assessor)
  11. (2024) Assessor for Vk7 Promotion, National, (External Assessor)
  12. (2024) External Assessor for Promotion to Vk7, National, (External Assessor)
  13. (2024) Assessor for Ds54 Promotion, National, (External Assessor)
  14. (2024) Mqa Kings College Bacc, National, (External Assessor)
  15. (2022) Programme Evaluation Msc Accounting, National, (External Assessor)
  16. (2021) Panel of Assessor for Accreditation of Business Program for Aacsb- Western Sydney Uni, International, (External Assessor)
  17. (2021) Panel of Assessor for Aacsb Accreditation - Victoria University of Wellington, Nz, International, (External Assessor)
  18. (2021) Chairman of The Panel of Assessor for Aacsb Accreditation - Chiangmai University, International, (External Assessor)
  19. (2018) Reviewer of paper , (Reviewer)
  20. (2018) External Examiner for Master of Accounting UKM - candidate P71293, (External Examiner)
  21. (2018) External Examiner for Master of Accounting UKM - candidate P71271 , (External Examiner)
  22. (2018) Chief editor of Asian Journal of Business and Accountancy (AJBA) , (Editor)
  23. (2018) serves as chair of the conference and scientific/organizing committee , (Scientific Committee)
  24. (2018) External Examiner for Master of Accounting UKM - candidate P71293, (External Examiner)
  25. (2017) Phd Thesis External Examiner, (External Examiner)
  26. (2017) Reviewer for JAAR , (Reviewer)
  27. (2017) Master of Accounting , (External Examiner)
  28. (2015) A New Model for Strategic Management Accounting by Integrating Contingency and Upper Echelon Theories in Small and Medium Enterprises.", (Reviewer)
  29. (2015) Hubungan Penyertaan Belanjawan Dan Regangan Belanjawan Di Industri Perhotelan: Peranan Keadilan Prosedur, (Reviewer)
  30. (2014) Effect of ERPs on firm performance, PhD Thesis, (External Examiner)
  31. (2014) "Influence of Board Tenure and Board Size on Disclosure of Environmental Management Concern in Construction Industry, (Reviewer)
  32. (2014) Environmental management control and organizational sustainability performance in Malaysian Hotel Industry, (External Examiner)
  33. (2013) Asian Journal of Business and Accounting (AJBA), (Editor)
  34. (2010) Involves in review/moderation of exam questions, marking and exam board for the program at Sunway Unive College , (External Examiner)
  35. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting (JOFRA)UiTM October 2007
  36. EVA: Its Usefulness in Predicting Company Performance in Malaysia PhD Thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, UM, 2006, (Internal Examiner)
  37. Ketegasan Belanjawan, Strategi Perniagaan, Persekitaran Luaran dan Kesannya ke atas Prestasi Syarikat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2006, (External Examiner)
  38. Department Book Accounting in a Changing Environment: Issues and Implications for Management Accounting and Taxation, Kuala Lumpur: Monteiro and Heng,FPP, University Malaya, 2006
  39. Citibank Case Study Competition, jointly organized by CitiBank and Business Club, University Malaya, FPP, University Malaya, March 20, 2006.
  40. Kesepadanan antara Perakaunan Pengurusan Strategik dengan Strategi Perniagaan: Apakah Hubungannya dengan Prestasi Firma?Jurnal Pengurusan, Vol. 25, 2006 Issue , (Reviewer)
  41. Implementing New Management Accounting Techniques: Beyond The Technical Considerations, Asian Academy of Applied Business, 3rd International Conference, Hadyai, Thailand, 14-16 June 2007., (Reviewer)
  42. Faktor Penentu Regangan Belanjawan Di Kalangan Pengurus Di Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  43. Competency Assessment Course (Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan)April, 2007 present
  44. International Journal of Business and Accounting, FPP, UM, September 2007
  45. Capital Budgeting Practices Among Indonesian Firms, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, UM, 2005, (Internal Examiner)
  46. Faculty of Business and Accountancy Conference on "Business Practices in the Digital Era".FPP, UM,2004 , (Reviewer)
  47. PhD Colloquium Faculty, FPP, UM, 2005 present
  48. Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues FPP, UM and California State University, (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2025) Member of Top Business School Task Force, National, (Resource Person)
  2. (2025) External Examiner for Academic Program Bacc, National, (Technical Advisor)
  3. (2025) Member Initial Accreditation Committee Aacsb, International, (Resource Person)
  4. (2025) Mentor for Aacsb Accreditation, International, (Resource Person)
  5. (2024) Auditor for Accreditation Body Amba, UK, International, (Auditor)
  6. (2023) Jk Kajian Semula Standard Program Perakaunan, National, (Resource Person)
  7. (2023) International Advisory Board, International, (Resource Person)
  8. (2022) Chair Panel of Aacsb Accreditation Nida, International, (Resource Person)
  9. (2022) Panel Aacsb Accreditation, International, (Resource Person)
  10. (2022) International Advisory Board Member, International, (Technical Advisor)
  11. (2021) International Advisory Members, International, (Technical Advisor)
  12. (2021) Amba Bga Asia Pacific Advisory Council Member, International, (Technical Advisor)
  13. (2020) Judge for Golden Bull Award, Business Media International, International
  14. (2020) Member of Taskforce for TBS Evaluation, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, National
  15. (2020) External Examiner of Academic Program, UNITEN, National
  16. (2020) External Examiner of Academic Program, MMU, National
  17. (2020) International Advisory Board, AMBA , International
  18. (2020) External Examiner of Academic Program, UCSI, National
  19. (2020) External Examiner of Academic Program, UMK, National
  20. (2020) Technical Committee for HT4, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, National
  21. (2020) Assessor for TRGS, University Malaya
  22. (2020) Expert panel for A study on Feasibility of Youth Bank , IYERS - Ministry of Youth & Sports
  23. (2020) Moderator Future Workforce Engagement Series , Ministry of Higher Education
  24. (2020) FRGS Research grant assessor, University Malaysia Pahang
  25. (2019) Chairman of Deans Council for Accounting, Ministry of Higher Education, National
  26. (2016) Majlis JK Induk Akreditasi Sains Sosial, MQA, National
  27. (2015) MQA SWA Akreditasi, MQA, National
  28. (2010) Panel of assessor for Accounting program, Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA)
Contribution to event
  1. (2021) Panel of Judge, National, (Panelist/Moderator)


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2024) Research on the Impact of Accounting Integration on Profitability amongst the Chinese Enterprises, WU LANQIU
  2. (2024) The Role of Big Data Analytics and Management Accounting Systems Effectiveness in Enhancing Firm Performance: The Case of Bangladesh Manufacturing Firm, NOOR HOSSAIN
  4. (2024) The Influence of Remuneration Committee and Family Ownership on Excess CEO Pay, LAU SHU CHUI
  5. (2024) Using intellectual capital to measure RPA performance through diversity of measurement and internal control mechanism, NAJIHAH BINTI ABD RAZAK
  6. (2024) Determinants of Financial Adequacy for Retirement Planning : A Study Among Working Adults As Contributors Through the Employees Provident Fund, DILLON TANGGAPAN DANIEL
  7. (2024) Digital Banking Adoption, Risk Management and Balanced Scorecard: The Impact on Bank Performance in Indonesia, TEDHI IRAWAN
  8. (2022) Exploring the Impact of CEO Power on Firm Performance in an Emerging Economy: The Role of Firm Risk and Board Power, KASHIF
  9. (2021) The influence of board leadership and roles on board meeting frequency and firm performance in two-tier boards, MD. ARAFAT HOSSAIN
  10. (2019) The Relationship of Open Innovation, Management Accounting Control Systems, And Environment Uncertainty with Firm Performance (A Study of Indonesia Pharmaceutical Industry), SONDANG MARIANI RAJAGUKGUK
  11. (2019) Roadmap Implementation Of Accounting System For SMEs Culinary In Indonesia, TUNTUN SALAMATUN ZEN
  14. (2016) The Relationships between Internal Control, Enterprise Risk Management, and Firm Performance in China, Justin Zou Xiang
  16. (2016) The Relationships between Internal Control, Enterprise Risk Management, and Firm Performance in China, ZOU XIANG
  17. (2014) Risk management in the banking sector, Abu Hanifah Mohd Noman
  20. (2012) Risk Management Practices, Salinah Togok
  21. (2012) Financial Planning For Post Retirement, Tan Hoe Kock
  22. (2012) Behavioral Finance, Mahfuz Rahman
  23. (2009) Management Accounting, Zarinah Rasit
  24. (2007) Management Accounting, Suria binti Zainuddin
  25. (2007) Management Accounting, Kamisah binti Ismail
  26. (2006) Factors Influencing Activity-Based Costing Adoption in China, Zhang Yi Fei
  27. (2005) Budgeting Systems in Libyan Municipalities, Ali Jaballa Ehsan
  4. (2014) Factors Influencing Students Decision to Study Abroad: The Case of UK Universities, Victoria Henry
  5. (2010) The firm-specific determinants of corporate debt maturity, Amirali Moeini Chaghervand
  6. (2010) Military Driver: An Empirical Study on Off Road Driving Competency, Mejar Hisham Ismail
  7. (2009) The Relationship between Lean Manufacturing and Firm Performance A Study of Manufacturing Companies in Sweden, Kristina Granstr m
  8. (2007) Capital Budgeting Practices in Small and Medium Enterprises, Izan Hajar
  9. (2006) management Accounting Practices in Public secondary Schools, Rubana Vighnesvaran
  10. (2006) management Accounting Perspective -the impact of ISO, Ying Phooi Wah (University of Malaya (UM))
  11. (2005) Quality Practices Among Malaysian manufacturing Companies: An Explorary Study, Aw Yong Fong Quin (University of Malaya (UM))
  12. (2005) just-in-time and performance measurement systems, Tey Yew Keong (University of Malaya (UM))
  13. (2005) A Study on the Extend of Personal Saving Behaviour Among Working Adults in Klang Valley, Tay Meow Ling (University of Malaya (UM))
  14. (2005) An Empirical Analysis of Factors Impacting the Success of Activity, Shaik Ali Fikri Bajunid bin S Fauzi (University of Malaya (UM))
  15. (2005) An analysis of Equipment Acquisition Systems: Its Role and Contribution Towards Meeting the Needs of the Army, Lt. Kol. Abdullah Sudiran Mej Abdullah Thani (University of Malaya (UM))
  16. (2004) Costing techniques use in aircraft ground handing services, Vinaya a/p K.V.C.S Nair (University of Malaya (UM))
  17. (2004) Costing Systems for hostipals: Comparative Analysis between Private and public Hospitals, Wan Alwani Wan mahmud (University of Malaya (UM))
  18. (2004) Adakah Elaun dan Imbuhan askar Menarik Berbanding Dengan Khidmat Sukarela Lain- Lain Agensi - Satu Tinjauan, Lt. Kol. Tarmizi bin Yom Mej Murad bin Haji Jailani (University of Malaya (UM))


  1. (2020) COA7010 - Contemporary Issues in Accounting Research
  2. (2013) CTGB6101 - Accounting for Business Decision Making-Grp2
  3. (2012) CTGB6101 - Accounting for Business Decision Making-Grp 1
  4. (2012) CTGB6101 - Accounting for Business Decision Making-Grp1
  5. (2011) CTGB6101 - Accounting for Business Decision Making-Grp 2
  6. (2011) CTGB6302 - Management Accounting
  7. (2010) CTGB6302 - Management Accounting
  8. (2007) CTGB6302 - Management Accounting
  9. (2006) CXHB7102 - Research Methodology for Business
  1. (2024) CIA3004 - Seminar in Management Accounting
  2. (2011) CTEA2217 - Management Accounting Ii
  3. (2010) CTEA2217 - Management Accounting Ii
  4. (2008) CTEA3436 - Strategic Management Accounting and Control
  5. (2007) CAEA2103 - Management Accounting
  6. (2007) CAEA3301 - Strategic Management Accounting


  • Council Member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants, (20 Dec 2014 - 19 Dec 2015)
  • AJK Malaysian Accounting Academic Association (Myaa), (01 Sep 2014 - 31 Aug 2016)
  • Panel of Evaluator, Mqa, (01 Jun 2007)
  • Member of Management Accounting Sub-Committee for Halatuju Ii Perakuanan, Ministry of Higher Education (Mohe), (01 Jan 2006)
  • Member Micpa Bahasa Malaysia Committee, Malaysian Institute of Certified Practicing Accountants (Micpa), (01 Jan 1998)


Internal/ External Course
  1. AACSB ANNUAL CONFERENCE: ASIA PACIFIC 2022, Singapore Management University (07 Jun 2022 - 10 Jun 2022)
  1. ERASMUS STAFF MOBILITY FOR TRAINING, University of Glasgow (12 Jul 2022 - 16 Jul 2022)