Curriculum Vitae
- PhD(Malaya)(2020), (MEDICINE AND SURGERY)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- FRCS(Edin)(Neurosurgery)(1999), (NEUROSURGERY)Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
- Japanese Council for Medical Training(1995), (NEUROSURGERY)Toranomon Hospital Tokyo Japan
- FRCS(Edin)(1994), (MEDICINE AND SURGERY)Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
- MBBS(Hons)(UM)(1990), (PERUBATAN DAN PEMBEDAHAN)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- Member of Faculty Research Advisory Committee01 Jun 2013 - present (Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine)
- UMMC Theatre Users Committee Member01 Jan 2005 - present (University Malaya)
- University Malaya Specialist Centre Medical Advisory Committee - Surgical Representives01 Jan 2006 - present (University Malaya)
- UMSC-UMMC Harmonization Committee - Chairman01 Jan 2011 - present (University Malaya)
- Organising Chairman and Demonstrator - Complex Spinal Surgery01 Jul 2003 - present (International)
- Committee Member of the Minimally Invasive Procedures Group01 Jan 2005 - present (Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine)
- Pengarah Financial Planning and Business Development Centre11 Jan 2021 - 10 Jan 2023 (Faculty)
- Appointment as The Member of UMSC Finance Committee22 May 2020 - 21 May 2021 (University Malaya)
- Election Committee15 May 2019 - 30 Apr 2021 (Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine)
- Appointment as Medical Director (Contract)01 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2020 (University Malaya)
- Pelantikan Ahli Jawatankuasa PEMANDU UM HEALTH01 May 2019 - 31 Dec 2020 (University Malaya)
- Appointment As Interim Chief Executive Officer of UM Specialist Centre Sdn Bhd03 May 2020 - 31 Dec 2020 (University Malaya)
- committee member cranioplasty consensus guideline20 Dec 2017 - 23 Dec 2020 (International)
- Head of Department01 Aug 2016 - 31 Jan 2017 (Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine)
- Head of Department01 Aug 2014 - 31 Jul 2016 (Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine)
- UMSC Medical Advisory Committee Surgical Representative01 Jan 2006 - 31 Dec 2016 (University Malaya)
- Organizing Chairman - Surgery for Parkinson's Disease Workshop and Lectures22 Nov 2004 - 28 Nov 2004 (International)
- Scientific Committee & Organizing Committee Chairman- The World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Teaching Course04 Jun 2004 - 06 Jun 2004 (International)
- Doctor of Philosophy2020, University of Malaya, (University)
- Sir Charles Ballance Lectures2014, Society of British Neurosurgeons, (International)
- Surgical Heads2013, International Exposition of Research & Invention of Institutions of Higher Learning 2009 Pecipta, (National)
- Litchfield Lecturer, Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Oxford2011, University of Oxford, UK, (International)
- Medcom Central2011, International Exposition of Research & Invention of Institutions of Higher Learning 2009 Pecipta, (National)
- Haemostatic Delivery System for Endoscopic Procedures2010, International Federation of Neurosurgical Endoscopist, (International)
- Rapid Manufacturing of Customized Cranioplasty Plates and Maxillofacial Reconstruction2010, Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), (National)
- Guided Expandable Neuroendoscopic Port (Igenp)2009, Ekspo Penyelidikan dan Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa (PECIPTA), (International)
- The Design, Development and Fabrication of Custom Made Reconstruction and Implants for Medical Application2009, Bio Malaysia, (National)
- The Design, Development and Fabrication of Custom Made Reconstruction and Implants for Medical Application2009, International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX), (International)
- Execellent Service Award2005, University of Malaya , Ministry of Education, (University)
- Computer Aided Cranio-Orbital Reconstruction2005, The International Exhibition of Invention, new Techniques and Products, Geneva Switzerland, (International)
- Excellence Service Award2004, Universiti Malaya
- Best Free Paper- Use of Frame Based Stereotaxy (Stx) With Stereoplan Assistance in Biopsy of Deep Seated Lessions At Ummc:Review of Cases and Complications2004, ASEAN Congress of Neurosurgeons and ACNS, AASNS ans WFNS, (International)
- Bronze Medal-Designing and Fabrication Maxillofacial Implants Using Cad Models2004, University Malaya, (University)
- Excellent Service Award1994, General Hospital, KL, MOH, (National)
- Top Candidate for Frcs(Edinburgh)Final Examination1994, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, (International)
- Final MBBS- Silver Medal1990, King Edward the VII, College of Medicine, (International)
- Final MBBS - Gold Medal(With Distinction)1990, University Malaya, (University)
Article in Journal
Hostettler, I. C., Jayashankar, N., Bikis, C., Wanderer, S., Nevzati, E., Karuppiah, R., . . . Roethlisberger, M. (2021). Clinical Studies and Pre-clinical Animal Models on Facial Nerve Preservation, Reconstruction, and Regeneration Following Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor Surgery-A Systematic Review and Future Perspectives. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9, 40. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.659413
Iaccarino, C., Kolias, A., Adelson, P. D., Rubiano, A. M., Viaroli, E., Buki, A., . . . Servadei, F. (2021). Consensus statement from the international consensus meeting on post-traumatic cranioplasty. Acta Neurochirurgica, 163(2), 423-440. doi: 10.1007/s00701-020-04663-5
Karuppiah, R., Munusamy, T., Bahuri, N. F. A., & Waran, V. (2021). The utilisation of 3D printing in paediatric neurosurgery. Childs Nervous System, 37(5), 1479-1484. doi: 10.1007/s00381-021-05123-w
Munusamy, T., Karuppiah, R., Bahuri, N. F. A., Sockalingam, S., Cham, C. Y., & Waran, V. (2021). Telemedicine via Smart Glasses in Critical Care of the Neurosurgical Patient-COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness and Response in Neurosurgery. World Neurosurgery, 145, E53-E60. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.09.076
Mehbodniya, A., Moghavvemi, M., Narayanan, V., Muthusamy, K. A., Hamdi, M., Waran, V. (2020). Identifying the Sources of Error When Using 3-Dimensional Printed Head Models with Surgical Navigation. World Neurosurgery, 134, E379-E386. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.10.080
Roethlisberger, M., Jayapalan, R. R., Hostettler, I. C., Kadir, K. A. B., Mun, K. S., Brand, Y., . . . Waran, V. (2020). Evolving Strategies for Resection of Sellar/Parasellar Synchronous Tumors via Endoscopic Endonasal Approach: A Technical Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature. World Neurosurgery, 133, 381-+. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.08.102
Hutchinson, P. J., Kolias, A. G., Tajsic, T., Adeleye, A., Aklilu, A. T., Apriawan, T., . . . Servadei, F. (2019). Consensus statement from the International Consensus Meeting on the Role of Decompressive Craniectomy in the Management of Traumatic Brain Injury: Consensus statement. Acta Neurochirurgica, 161(7), 1261-1274. doi:10.1007/s00701-019-03936-y
Mehbodniya, A. H., Moghavvemi, M., Narayanan, V., Waran, V. (2019). Frequency and Causes of Line of Sight Issues During Neurosurgical Procedures Using Optical Image-Guided Systems. World Neurosurgery, 122, E449-E454. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2018.10.069
Clark, D., Joannides, A., Abdallah, O. I., Adeleye, A. O., Bajamal, A. H., Bashford, T., ... & Cherian, I. (2020). Management and outcomes following emergency surgery for traumatic brain injury A multi-centre, international, prospective cohort study (the Global Neurotrauma Outcomes Study). International journal of surgery protocols.
Roethlisberger, M., Jayapalan, R. R., Hostettler, I. C., Abd Kadir, K. A. B., Mun, K. S., Brand, Y., ... & Waran, V. (2020). Evolving Strategies for Resection of Sellar/Parasellar Synchronous Tumors via Endoscopic Endonasal Approach: A Technical Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature. World neurosurgery, 133, 381-391.
Hutchinson, P. J., Kolias, A. G., Tajsic, T., Adeleye, A., Aklilu, A. T., Apriawan, T., ... & Bulters, D. (2019). Consensus statement from the International Consensus Meeting on the role of decompressive craniectomy in the management of traumatic brain injury. Acta neurochirurgica, 161(7), 1261-1274.
Mehbodniya, A. H., Moghavvemi, M., Narayanan, V., & Waran, V. (2019). Frequency and Causes of Line of Sight Issues During Neurosurgical Procedures Using Optical Image-Guided Systems. World neurosurgery, 122, e449-e454.
Kong Yew Liew,Prepageran Narayanan, Vicknes Waran. Transsphenoidal Resection of Craniopharyngioma. Skull Base: Operative Videos. J Neurol Surg B 2018;79(suppl S2):S203 S204.
Amritpal Sidhu, Trushna Murgahayah, Vairavan Narayanan, Hari Chandran, Vicknes Waran . (2017). Electroacupuncture-Assisted Craniotomy on an Awake Patient. J Acupunct Meridian Stud
Ponnampalam, S. N., Kamaluddin, N. R., Zakaria, Z., Matheneswaran, V., Ganesan, D., Haspani, M. S., ... & Hardy, J. A. (2017). A blood-based gene expression and signaling pathway analysis to differentiate between high and low grade gliomas. Oncology Reports, 37(1), 10-22.
Veeramuthu, V., Narayanan, V., Ramli, N., Hernowo, A., Waran, V., Bondi, M. W., ... & Ganesan, D. (2017). Neuropsychological Outcomes in Patients with Complicated Versus Uncomplicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: 6-Month Follow-Up. World neurosurgery, 97, 416-423.
Brand, Y., Narayanan, V., Prepageran, N., & Waran, V. (2016). A Cost-Effective Delivery System for FloSeal During Endoscopic and Microscopic Brain Surgery. World neurosurgery, 90, 492-495.
Narayanan, V., Veeramuthu, V., Ahmad-Annuar, A., Ramli, N., Waran, V., Chinna, K., ... & Ganesan, D. (2016). Missense mutation of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) alters neurocognitive performance in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal study. PloS one, 11(7), e0158838.
Front Surg. 2015 Jul 21;2:32. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2015.00032. eCollection 2015. Integrated Anterior, Central, and Posterior Skull Base Unit - A New Perspective. Brand Y1, Waran V2, Zulkiflee AB1, Lim E1, Prepageran N1.
J Laryngol Otol. 2015 Dec;129(12):1243-7. doi: 10.1017/S0022215115002601. Epub 2015 Sep 28. Endoscopic transpterygoidal repair of a large cranial defect with cerebrospinal fluid leak in a patient with extensive osteoradionecrosis of the skull base: case report and technical note. Brand Y1, Lim E1, Waran V2, Prepageran N1.
Neurol India. 2015 Sep-Oct;63(5):673-80. doi: 10.4103/0028- 3886.166539. Endoscopic transnasal approach to anterior and middle cranial base lesions. Tan SH, Brand Y, Prepageran N1, Waran V.
Neurosurgical Endoscopic Training via a Realistic 3-Dimensional Model With Pathology. Simul Healthc Simul Healthc 2015 Feb;10(1):43-8 Vicknes Waran, Vairavan Narayanan, Ravindran Karuppiah, Hari Chandran Thambynayagam, Kalai Arasu Muthusamy, Zainal Ariff Abdul Rahman, Ramez Wadie Kirollos
Tan, S. H., Mun, K. S., Chandran, P. A., Manuel, A. M., Prepageran, N., Waran, V., & Ganesan, D. (2015). Combined transnasal and transoral endoscopic approach to a transsphenoidal encephalocele in an infant. Child's Nervous System, 31(7), 1165-1169.
Veeramuthu, V., Narayanan, V., Kuo, T. L., Delano-Wood, L., Chinna, K., Bondi, M. W., ... & Ramli, N. (2015). Diffusion tensor imaging parameters in mild traumatic brain injury and its correlation with early neuropsychological impairment: a longitudinal study. Journal of neurotrauma, 32(19), 1497-1509.
1.Waran V, Narayanan V, Karuppiah R, Owen SL, Aziz T (2014) Utility of multi-material 3D printers in creating models with pathology to enhance training experience of neurosurgeons. J Neurosurg 120(2):489-92
2.Waran V, Narayanan V, Karuppiah R, Pancharatnam D, Chandran H, Raman R, Rahman ZA, Owen SL, Aziz TZ (2014) Injecting realism in surgical training- Initial simulation experience with custom 3D models. J Surg Educ 71(2): 193-7 (ISI-Cited Publication)
Tang IP, Chai CK, Kumar G, Prepageran N, Waran V (2014). Intrasellar pituitary mucocele: diagnostic dilemma. Br J Neurosurg 28(3): 390-2 (ISI- Cited Publication)
Nair SR, Rahmat K, Alhabshi SM, Ramli N, Seong MK, Waran V.Mural nodules in multiple cavernous haemangioma. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 115 (2013) 1150-53 e pub print- Sep 29 2012 .
Sabarisah Hashim,Vickenswaran Mathaneswaran, Khatijah Lim Abdullah , Aniza Abd Aziz (2013) Factors affecting adaptation outcome in post intracerebral haemorrhage patients : A preliminary study. International Journal of Education and Research Vo1(6)1-12.
V. Waran,H. Chandran, P.Devaraj,K. Ravindran, A.K. Rathinam, Y. K. Balakrishnan, T. S.Tung.2013. Neuronavigation With Universal Probe to Access Intracranial Targets. J Neurol Surg A 2013;00:1 5.
Waran V, Pancharatnam D, Thambinayagam HC, Raman R, Rathinam AK, Balakrishnan YK, Tung TS, Rahman ZA. The Utilization of Cranial Models Created Using Rapid Prototyping Techniques in the Development of Models for Navigation Training.J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2013 Jan 11.
Waran,V., Ing, P.T., Karuppiah,R., Abd Kadir,K.A., Chandran,H.,Muthusamy, K.A. & Prepageran, N.2013. A new modified speculum guided single nostril technique for endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal surgery: an analysis of nasal complications.British Journal of Neurosurgery, 2013; Early Online: 1-5 DOI: 10.3109/02688697.2013.791667
KA Muthusamy, LH Lian, N Vairavan, KH Chua, V Waran.2012 Genetic polymorphisms of EGF 5'-UTR and NAT2 857G/A associated with glioma in a case control study of Malaysian patients. Gen Mol Res 11(AOP)
R Balachandran, N Prepagaran, O Rahmat, A B Zulkiflee and K S Hufaida,2012.Effects of Bluetooth device electromagnetic field on hearing: pilot study. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 126(4:)345-348
Vicknes Waran, Nor Faisal Ahmad Bahuri, Vairavan N., D Ganesan, Khairul Azmi Abd Kadir.Video-clip transfer of radiological images using a mobile telephone in emergency neurosurgical consultations (3GMulti-Media Messaging Service) British Journal of Neurosurgery 2012;26(2):199-201.
Vicknes Waran, R Raman, Alwin Kumar Rathinam, Tan Su Tung, Yuwaraj Kumar Balakrishnan, P Devaraj,T Hari Chandran, Kalai Arasu Muthusamy, Z A A Rahman.2012.Three-dimensional anatomical accuracy of cranial models created by rapid prototyping techniques validated using a neuronavigation station.Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 19(4):574-7.
Waran V, Menon R, Pancharatnam D, Rathinam AK, Balakrishnan YK, Tung TS, Raman R, Prepageran N, Chandran H, Rahman ZA.The creation and verification of cranial models using three-dimensional rapid prototyping technology in field of transnasal sphenoid endoscopy.Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2012 Sep-Oct;26(5):e132- 6. doi: 10.2500/ajra.2012.26.3808.
Waran, V., Bahuri, N. F. A., Narayanan, V., Ganesan, D., Kadir, K. A. A. 2012. Video clip transfer of radiological images using a mobile telephone in emergency neurosurgical consultations (3G Multi-Media Messaging Service). British Journal of Neurosurgery. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.884)
Waran, V., Menon, R., Pancharatnam, D., Rathinam, A. K., Balakrishnan, Y. K., Tung, T. S., Raman, R., Prepageran, N., Chandran, H., Rahman, Z. A. A. 2012. The creation and verification of cranial models using three-dimensional rapid prototyping technology in field of transnasal sphenoid endoscopy. American Journal of Rhinology Allergy. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.302)
Vicknes Waran, Kevin Sek, Nor Faisal Bahuri , Prepageran Narayanan, Hari Chandran T. A Haemostatic Agent Delivery System For Endoscopic Neurosurgical Procedures
Waran, V., Sek, K., Bahuri, N. F., Narayanan, P., Chandran, H. 2011. A Haemostatic Agent Delivery System for Endoscopic Neurosurgical Procedures. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.835)
15.Philip R, Prepageran N, Raman R, Jennifer LP, Waran V. Surgical management of large acoustic neuromas: a review. Med J Malaysia. 2009 Dec;64(4):294-7. Review.
N. Vairavan, I. Tajunisah,V. Subrayan, V. Waran. 2009. Minimally Invasive Image-Guided Removal of Retrobulbar Intraconal Foreign Body. J Orbit 28 (6);442-443.
S.Sheaufung, Taufiq, A; Nawawi, O; M.S., Naicker; V, Waran. 2009 Neurenteric cyst of cervicothoracic junction: A rare cause of paraparesis in paediatric patient.Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 16: 579-581
Vicknes Waran, Narayanan Vairavan, Sheau Fung Sia, Basri Abdullah. 2009. A new expandable cannula system for endoscopic evacuation of intraparenchymal hemorrhages. J Neurosurg 111:1127 1130
Waran, V., Vairavan, N., Fung, S., Abdullah, B. 2009. A new expandable cannula system for endoscopic evacuation of intraparenchymal hemorrhages Technical note. Journal of Neurosurgery. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 2.124)
K M Leong, A. Vijayananthan, S F Sia, V Waran Pneumocephalus: An uncommon finding in trauma Med J Malaysia 2008; 63(3); 256-258
Muthusamy KA, Azmi K, Narayanan P, Rajagopalan R, Raman NA & Waran V.2008.Bilateral Temporal Bone Xanthoma-case report. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 108(2):361-4
Muthusamy, K. A., Azmi, K., Narayanan, P., Rajagopalan, R., Rahman, N. A., Waran, V. 2008. Bilateral temporal bone xanthoma. Journal of Neurosurgery. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.990)
Kalai Arasu M, Puthucheary SC, Waran V.2007.Spectrum of Central Nervous System Meliodosis.Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 14(12):1213-5.
Sia SF, Tan KS, V Waran. Primary intracerebral haemorrhage in Malaysia: In hospital mortality and outcome in patients from a hospital based registry. Med J Malaysia 2007;62(4); 275-279
Al-Rawi PG,Ng I, Waran V,Kirkpatrick PJ.2006.A Randomised Trial of Synthetic Patch Versus Direct Primary Closure In Carotid Endarterectomy.Journal of Neurosurgery.59(4):822-8
Kalai Arasu M,Khairul AnwaR & Waran V.2005.Neurocysticercosis an uncommon intra-cerebral infection in Malaysia-Review of cases.The Medical Journal of Malaysia.60(4):514-6
Waran V. Image guided neuroendoscopy in paediatric patients- the Malaysian experience. Child s Nervous System, June 2005; vol21(6): 493- 520
Ganesan, D., Puthucheary, S. D., & Waran, V. (2003). Melioidosis presenting as spinal epidural abscess. British journal of neurosurgery, 17(6), 568-571.
Tan Sook Pei, Basri JJ Abdullah, Waran V.2003.Rupture of the lateral ventricle secondary to a fourth ventricle tumour resulting in an indirect nontraumatic csf fistula.Nerorad.45(1):53-5.
Hutchinson PJ,Waran V,Hutchinson E,Laing RJ.2001.Assesing outcome in lumbar disc surgery using patient controlled measures. British Journal of Neurosurgery:14(3)195-9.
V Waran, DK Menon.2000.Multimodality monitoring and the diagnosis of traumatic caroticocavernous fistula following head injury.British Journal of Neurosurgery:14(5):469-71.
Waran V, Al Rawi PG, Kirkpatrick PJ. Microemboli detection in patients with symptomatic carotid artery disease. British Journal of Neurosurgery 1999;13(1):101-108
BM Selladurai,Vickneswaran.1997.Coagulopathy in acute head injuries.British Journal of Neurosurgery.11(5)398- 404
Hutchinson PJ, Waran V, Laing RJ. Outcome in redo lumbar surgery. Presented at the SBNS Cambridge 1997. British Journal of Neurosurgery 1997
V Waran, S Yamada & Takada.1997.Growth hormone secreting adenoma with a Rathkes cleft cyst. Journal of Clinical Neurosciences 4(4):502-505
- Vickneswaran CM, Chan Yoo Kuen & Ng Kwee (eds). 2006. Management Aspects of Acute Care:Traumatic Brain Injury,Chapter 13. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
- Waran V, Chew NK, Chong SH, Pang YK, Sanjeev JV(eds), 2006.OSCE for undergraduate medicine:Neurosurgery cases.Kuala Lumpur:University of Malaya Press
Chapter in Books
- 3D Printing in Medicine: A Practical guide for Medical Professionals
- Vickneswaran CM, "Management Aspects of Acute Care" Chan Yoo Kuen & Ng Kwee Peng(eds), Traumatic Brain Injury, University of Malaya Press. Kuala Lumpur 2006 Chapter 13
- Waran V "OSCE for undergraduate medicine" Chew NK, Chong SH, Pang YK, Sanjeev JV (eds), Neurosurgical cases-contributor, University of Malaya Press. Kuala Lumpur 2006
Other Publications
- N Ramli , V. V., V Narayanan , L K Tan , L Delano-Wood , M W Bondi , K China , V M Waran , D Ganesan. Diffusion Tensor Imaging as a Potential Biomarker in Neuropsychological Outcome of Mild Brain Trauma Injury. NEURORADIOLOGY (2015) 57 (SUPPL 1): S81 - Extended Abstract
- Narayanan, V, Veeramuthu, V, Ramli, N, Waran, V, Bondi, M.W, Ganesan, D. Attention, memory and executive function deficits in patients with complicated vs un- complicated mild traumatic brain injury.Conference: 32nd Annual National Neurotrauma Symposium Location: San Francisco, CA Date: JUN 29-JUL 02, 2014 JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA Volume: 31 Issue: 12 Pages: A51-A51 Meeting Abstract: B1-20 - Extended Abstract
- Veeramuthu, V, Tan, L.K, Narayanan, V, Waran, V, Ramli, N, Ganesan, D. Diffused tensor imaging metrics in acute mild traumatic brain injury and its correlation with early neuropsychological impairment. Conference: 32nd Annual National Neurotrauma Symposium Location: San Francisco, CA Date: JUN 29-JUL 02, 2014 JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA Volume: 31 Issue: 12 Pages: A33-A33 Meeting Abstract: A2-25 - Extended Abstract
- Philip R, Prepageran N, Raman R, Jennifer LP, Waran V. Surgical management of large acoustic neuromas: a review. Med J Malaysia. 2009 Dec;64(4):294-7. Review. - Review
- 3D printing in Medicine (3D printing, Neurosurgery, Medicine, Training, )
- Long distance communication in Medicine (Telemedicine, Emergency, Long distance)
- Neurosurgery Trauma (Neurosurgery, Trauma)
- Cranial Base Surgery (Cranial Base, Endoscopy, Neurosurgery, Pituitary)
- 2012 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)Neurosurgery Movement Disorder & Operative Device Development Research ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Development of Hand Held Image Communication Device (Telemedicine in Your Hand) ( Consultant)
- 2010 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Design and Development of Robotic Arm for Neurosurgical Endoscopic Surgery ( Consultant)
- 2012 - 2012, University Cradel Investment Program- MOFPrecommercialization of Surgical Heads ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)3G Technology in managing acute neurosurgical trauma ( Consultant)
- Neurosurgical Consultant, UMSC01 Jan 2002 - 01 Jan 2021 (National)
- Private Public Partnership for The Development of The Centre for Image Guided and Minimally Invasive Therapy University Malaya, Private and Public Partnership01 Nov 2011 - 01 Nov 2020 (National)
- Medical Director, University Malaya Specialist Center01 Oct 2017 - 01 Oct 2020 (National)
- Director, Centre for Biomedical and Technology Integration01 Oct 2010 - 01 Oct 2020 (National)
- National Specialist Registry Neurosurgical Accreditation Committee for Specialist and Sub-Speciality Registry, Neurosurgical Accreditation Committee for Specialist and Sub-Speciality Registry01 Nov 2009 - 01 Nov 2015 (National)
- Pelantikan Sebagai Ahli Jawatankua$a Penilai Pusat Kegemerlangan(Coe) Berpotensi Bagi Neurosains,Universiti Sains Malaysia, JABATAN PENGAJIAN TI NGGI (KPT)01 Nov 2012 - 01 Nov 2014 (National)
- 3D Modelling in Surgical Training, The 1st Sir Charles Balance Lecture, The Society of British Neurological Surgeons (International) (17 Sep 2014 - 17 Sep 2014)
- Simulate Endoscopic Neurosurgical Procedures with 3D Printing Surgical Guides, Singapore Medical Association, Singapore Medical Association (International) (30 May 2014 - 30 May 2014)
- 2nd Annual conference of Neurological Surgeons Society of India, 2nd Annual conference of Neurological Surgeons Society of India, Neurological Surgeons Society of India (International) (01 Mar 2013 - 03 Mar 2013)
- Neurosurgical Lectures Neurosurgical Trauma, Neurosurgical Lectures Neurosurgical Trauma, National University of Singapore (International) (25 Dec 2012 - 25 Dec 2012)
- Intellectual Property and Commercialisation of Health Innovations, Intellectual Property and Commercialisation of Health Innovations, University of Malaya (National) (08 Dec 2012 - 08 Dec 2012)
- International Rhinology Innovative Symposium, International Rhinology Innovative Symposium, Chinese University of Hong Kong (International) (16 Aug 2012 - 18 Aug 2012)
- Surgical Grand Rounds , Litchfield Lectureship, University of Oxford, UK (International) (25 Mar 2011 - 25 Mar 2011)
- The Surgical Management of Parkinsons Disease, Asia Pacific Geriatric Conference  (International) (07 Apr 2006 - 09 Apr 2009)
- Neurosurgical Training-the UM Perspective and The Surgical Management of Parkinsons Disease , The Annual Scientific Meeting, College of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (National) (10 Jun 2005 - 12 Jun 2005)
- ICP in the Management of Head -Injured Patient , 11th Symposium on Shock and Critical Care (International) (13 Aug 2004 - 15 Sep 2004)
- ISCAT in the Practice of Aneurysmal Haemorrhages in M'sia, 11th Asian-Australasian Congress of Neurosurgical Surgery (International) (22 Nov 2003 - 26 Nov 2003)
- Intracranial Aneurysms: Surgical Management and Outcome Microsurgical Resection of Brain AVM's , Ist Endovascular and Interventional Neuroradiology, Subang Jaya Medical Centre and College of Radiology and Malaysian Neuroscience Society (National) (22 May 2002 - 25 May 2002)
- Innovating in Surgery in Malaysia, Inaugural Lecture (University) (26 Feb 2013 - 26 Feb 2013)
- Image Guided Neuroendoscopy in Paediatric Patients-the Malaysian Experience, Third World Conference of the International Study Group on Neuroendoscopy (ISGNE) (International) (15 Jun 2005 - 18 Jun 2005)
- CT-guided Hook Wire Localisation for single Level Laminectomy., 12th ASEAN Association for Radiology Congress , Malaysian Radiology Association  (International) (02 Sep 2004 - 04 Sep 2004)
- The selective use of the programmable valve in the management of difficult cases of hydrocephalus. , College of Surgeons of Malaysia Annual Meeting, Kota Kinabalu Malaysia, College of Surgeons of Malaysia (National) (01 Dec 2003 - 03 Dec 2003)
- Central nervous system meliodisis:Three cases from the University of Malaya Medical Centre., 5th Biennial ASEAN Neurological Association (ASNA) and 25th Philipines Neurological Association (PNA)annual convention , ASEAN Neurosurgical Association (ASNA) (International) (29 Nov 2003 - 02 Dec 2003)
- Neurology Asia (ISSN 1823-6138) Editor in Chief: Dr. CT Tan , (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2013) Ketua Pusat Penyelidikan Bagi Virtual Reality Centre, Virtual Reality Centre
- (2009) Cooperation in human resource and scientific development, Oxford Movement Disorder Group, International
- (2005) Neurosurgical Training, Department of Neurosurgery University of Cambridge-Addenbrookes NHS Trust, International
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
(2019) Long Distance manangement of head injury patients in Malaysia using telemedicine- An alternative management model for developing countries, Dr T Munusamy
(2011) Design And Development Of Robotic Arm For Neurosurgical Endoscopic Surgery, Amirhossein Mehbodniya
(2002) The Pedunculopontine Nucleus and its Connections in the Primate Central Nervous System: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Neural-Tracer Anatomical Study, Kalai Arasu Muthusamy@Kamal Azrin
(2020) Clinical Fellow, Catherin Wanjiu Irungu
(2019) Fellowship, Yahya Ahmeed Fageeh
(2019) Fellowship, Asiye Kamber Zaidi
(2018) Fellowship, Micheal Roethlisberger
(2018) Fellowship, Malik Ibrahim Malik Alamin
(2018) Fellowship, Hasan Muteran Aljedani
(2018) Fellowship, Dr Saif Al-Zahid
(2017) Neurosurgery sub-speciality training UM, Ronie Romelean
(2017) Clinical Fellowship, Liew Kong Yew
(2016) Fellowship, Khalid Hakimi
(2015) Fellowship, Yves Brand
(2015) Fellowship, Revadi Govindaraju
(2014) Neurosurgery Trainee- UM, Ronie Romelean a/l Jayapalan
(2014) Fellowship, Mogammad Sauliegh Kamedien
(2011) Fellowship, Tang Ing Ping
(2010) Single nostril approach in excising pituitary tumors endoscopically using an expandable nasal port - A single centre review of surgical outcome and nasal soft tissue complication, Dr Ravindran Karuppiah
(2010) S100b in mild head injury, Thrimourthi a/l Subramoniam
(2009) Prospective Evaluation of the Value of Repeat Cranial CT Scan in Patients with Severe Traumatic Head Injury, Dr. Devaraj a/l Pancharatnam
(2009) Fellowship, Ong Eng Chai
(2008) Teleconferencing Using Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) for Long-Range Consultation of Patients with Neurosurgical Problems in an Acute Situation, Dr Nur Faizal Ahmad Bahuri
(2008) Neurosurgery sub-speciality training UM, Assoc Prof Nur Faizal Ahamd Bahuri
(2008) Epidemiology of Operated Central NervousTumor in UMMC 2003 to 2007, Dr Khang Nan Chuang
(2008) Endoscopy, Gireesh a/l Balasubramaniyam
(2007) he creation and verification of cranial models using 3D rapid prototyping technology in field of trans-nasal sphenoid endoscopy, Dr Roshni Menon
(2006) Quality of Life in Patients with Metatastic Brain Tumor Posts Surgical Intervention, Dr. Edwin See Un Hean
(2006) Neurosurgery Sub-specialty Training, Vairavan Narayanan
(2006) Clinical Rellowship, Philip Rajan
(2005) Neurosurgery sub-speciality training UM, Assoc Prof Sia Sheau Fung
(2005) Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injury in UMMC 2007, Dr. Sek Weng Yew
(2005) Epidemiology of Primary and metastatic central nervous system tumours in UMMC, Khang Nan Chuang
(2004) Primary intracerebral haemorrhage in Malaysia: In hospital mortality and outcome in patients from a hospital based registry, Sia Sheau Fung
(2004) ervical canal diameters from C2 to C7 in patients who are asymptomatic and with normal cervical spine CT scan in UMMC,, Manimaran Sinnathamby
(2002) Neurosurgery Sub-specialty Training, Dharmendra Ganesan
- (2016) MIA2001 - Lecture Neurological Examination
- Grey Level Isotropic Transfer Function To Produce Volumetric BiomodelsPatent (University)
- Surgical Volumetric Biomodels of Human AnatomyPatent (University)
- Multipoint Stamping For Fabrication Of Medical ImplantsPatent (University)
- Rapid Manufacturing Of Customized Cranioplasty Plates Using Additive TechnologyPatent (University)
- 3D Head Models for Image Guided SurgeryPATENT
- Bio-model and method of manufacturing a bio-modelPATENT
- An anatomical modelPATENT
- A haemostatic agent delivery devicePatent (International)
- Automatic image-patient registration using facial recognition for neurosurgical robotsPATENT
- A Method For Manufacturing A Customized ImplantPATENT
- The Universal Navigation ProbePatent (University)
- Medical Communications Centre Integration ConsolePatent (University)
- A Haemostatic Agent Delivery SystemPatent (University)
- An Apparatus For SurgeryPatent (University)
- An Improved Expandable Cannula for Endoscopy Surgery UsePatent
- Plenary Speaker, (11 Dec 2022 - 12 Dec 2022) (National)
- Medical Student Forum for Training, (20 Nov 2020 - 20 Nov 2020)
- 5g and Telemedicine, (01 Sep 2020 - 31 Jan 2021)
- International Medical Industry, (14 Mar 2019 - 17 Mar 2019)
- Invited Consultant, (25 Sep 2017 - 25 Sep 2017)
- Iso13485 Application., (01 Dec 2016 - 31 Jan 2017)
- Official Launching of Medcom in Ppum, (01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016)
- Introduction of The 3d Printing School Program to Pengarah Bahagian Teknik dan Vokasional Kpm, (01 Nov 2016 - 01 Nov 2016)
- Construction and Completion of 3d Printing Hub/Laboratory in SMK(P) Bandaraya, Kl, (01 Nov 2016 - 01 Nov 2016)
- Career Talk Program At Festival Kerjaya & Keusahawanan 2016 Anjuran Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, At International Youth Centre, Kl, (01 Oct 2016 - 01 Oct 2016)
- Participation as Exhibitor At Sonovision Open Day 2016 (June) for Babymodz (Product), (01 Jun 2016 - 04 Jun 2016)
- 3d Models in Training of Neurosurgeons, (01 Apr 2014 - 13 Jan 2014)
- Training of Neurosurgeons Internationally Using Research in 3d Printing, (10 Nov 2013 - 23 Nov 2013)