Curriculum Vitae


  • Department of Psychological Medicine
    Faculty of Medicine
  • chong_guan
  • +60379492068


Dr. Ng Chong Guan is currently a Professor and Consultant Psychiatrist at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is also the Deputy President of the Malaysian Health Association and Treasurer of the Malaysian Psychiatric Association.

Shortly after completion of his master training in psychological medicine in 2009, Dr. Ng was awarded a scholarship from the European Union (via AsiaLink) to do his second master degree in clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine; and his first Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) study at Utrecht University in The Netherlands. In 2017, he completed another Doctorate Degree in Medicine (MD) in psychooncology in University Malaya. In 2023, he again completed his third master degree in health research ethics (MOHRE) in University of Malaya under the scholarship of Fogarty International Center of the United States, National Institutes of Health in collaboration with the Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University.

Dr Ng is the Editor-in-Chief of the Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry, has published numerous articles in prestigious medical journals, and is a regular speaker at local and international conferences. To date, Dr Ng has more than 100 international publications with H Index of 22 and more than 1300 citations. He is listed as one of the World Top 2% Scientists 2022 based on the in the report from Stanford University.


    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (MD) (2017), (Medicine)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (2012), (Medicine)
    Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands
  • MSc (Clinical Epidemiology) (2011), (Epidemiology)
    Utrecht University
  • M. Psych. Med (Malaya)(2009), (Psychiatry)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • M.B.B.S (Malaya) (2001), (Adult Medicine Division)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • Committee Members
    01 Oct 2023 - 30 Sep 2025 (Faculty)
  • Committee Members
    15 Sep 2023 - 14 Sep 2025 (Faculty)
  • Head Coordinator
    01 Sep 2012 - present (Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Acting Head of Department
    30 May 2024 - 31 May 2024 (University Malaya)
  • Elected Committee for UMMC-MREC
    01 Oct 2021 - 30 Sep 2023 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members
    15 Sep 2021 - 14 Sep 2023 (University Malaya)
  • UMMC Faculty of Dentistry Medical Ethics Committee - Permanent Committee Member
    15 Sep 2019 - 14 Sep 2021 (Dean Office, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Acting Head of Department
    28 May 2013 - 31 May 2013 (Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Acting Head of Department
    25 Mar 2013 - 29 Mar 2013 (Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Acting Head of Department
    21 Dec 2012 - 21 Dec 2012 (Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Acting Head of Department
    06 Nov 2012 - 07 Nov 2012 (Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)


    2022 to 2024 (National)
    2020 to 2022 (National)


  • Excellence Service Award
    2021, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2012, Universiti Malaya
  • Anugerah Tokoh Pengajar 2012
    2012, Psychiatry Conjoint Board,  (National)
  • Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Tahun 2012
    2012, University Malaya,  (University)
  • Asialink Scholarship for Msc and Phd in Utrecht University
    2009, European Commission,  (International)
  • Award of Excellence for Remarkable Performance in Recruiting Patients for Clinical Trials
    2009, Psychological Medicine Research Unit, Department of Psychological Medicine, University Malaya,  (University)
  • 1st Runner-Up in Lilly Post Graduate Conference, Free Paper Presentation Competition
    2009, Eli Lilly Company,  (National)


Article in Journal
  1. Lim, Kheng-Seang; Fong, Si-Lei; Yu, Xuen; Lim, Ying-Huan; Wong, Kian-Yong; Lai, Siew-Tim; Ng, Chong-Guan; Tan, Chong-Tin; Tan, Seng-Beng (2024). The effect of 20-minute mindful breathing exercise on psychological well-being in epilepsy: A pilot randomized controlled trial, EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR. 155. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2024.109778
  2. Lyu, Fang Fei; Ramoo, Vimala; Chui, Ping Lei; Ng, Chong Guan; Zhang, Yuanyuan (2024). Prevalence rate of primary osteoporosis in China: a meta-analysis, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 24(1). doi:10.1186/s12889-024-18932-w
  3. Abousheishaa, Aya Ahmed; Lazim, Nor Hazila Mat; Tang, Song Ling; Sulaiman, Ahmad Hatim; Huri, Hasniza Zaman; Guan, Ng Chong (2023). Antidepressant decision aid for major depressive disorder patients (ADAM): Development and pilot testing (vol 105, pg 2466, 2022), PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING. 114. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2023.107852
  4. Cheang, Yue Wen; Ng, Chong Guan; Petrus, Chiara Francine; Ramly, Siti Salwa; Teh, Ewe Eow; Ng, Yit Han; Francis, Benedict (2023). Negative religious coping mediates dementia caregiver burden and depression in a Malaysian setting, PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 23(4), 738-741. doi:10.1111/psyg.12989
  5. Ken, Chow Soon; Guan, Ng Chong (2023). Commentary: Internalizing Problems in Childhood and Adolescence: The Role of the Family, ALPHA PSYCHIATRY. 24(3), 93-94. doi:10.5152/alphapsychiatry.2023.080523
  6. Ken, Chow Soon; Guan, Ng Chong (2023). Commentary: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Suicide in Korea from 2009 to 2019 Using Geographic Information Systems, ALPHA PSYCHIATRY. 24(2), 58-59. doi:10.5152/alphapsychiatry.2023.270223
  7. Wu, Yin; Levis, Brooke; Daray, Federico M.; Ioannidis, John P. A.; Patten, Scott B.; Cuijpers, Pim; Ziegelstein, Roy C.; Gilbody, Simon; Fischer, Felix H.; Fan, Suiqiong; Sun, Ying; He, Chen; Krishnan, Ankur; Neupane, Dipika; Bhandari, Parash Mani; Negeri, Zelalem; Riehm, Kira E.; Rice, Danielle B.; Azar, Marleine; Yan, Xin Wei; Imran, Mahrukh; Chiovitti, Matthew J.; Boruff, Jill T.; McMillan, Dean; Kloda, Lorie A.; Markham, Sarah; Henry, Melissa; Ismail, Zahinoor; Loiselle, Carmen G.; Mitchell, Nicholas D.; Al-Adawi, Samir; Beck, Kevin R.; Beraldi, Anna; Bernstein, Charles N.; Boye, Birgitte; Buel-Drabe, Natalie; Bunevicius, Adomas; Can, Ceyhun; Carter, Gregory; Chen, Chih-Ken; Cheung, Gary; Clover, Kerrie; Conroy, Ronan M.; Costa-Requena, Gema; Cukor, Daniel; Dabscheck, Eli; De Souza, Jennifer; Downing, Marina; Feinstein, Anthony; Ferentinos, Panagiotis P.; Flint, Alastair J.; Gallagher, Pamela; Gandy, Milena; Grassi, Luigi; Haerter, Martin; Hernando, Asuncion; Jackson, Melinda L.; Jenewein, Josef; Jette, Nathalie; Juliao, Miguel; Kjaergaard, Marie; Kohler, Sebastian; Konig, Hans-Helmut; Krishna, Lalit K. R.; Lee, Yu; Loebner, Margrit; Loosman, Wim L.; Love, Anthony W.; Loewe, Bernd; Malt, Ulrik F.; Marrie, Ruth Ann; Massardo, Loreto; Matsuoka, Yutaka; Mehnert, Anja; Michopoulos, Ioannis; Misery, Laurent; Nelson, Christian J.; Ng, Chong Guan; O'Donnell, Meaghan L.; O'Rourke, Suzanne J.; Ozturk, Ahmet; Pabst, Alexander; Pasco, Julie A.; Peceliuniene, Jurate; Pintor, Luis; Ponsford, Jennie L.; Pulido, Federico; Quinn, Terence J.; Reme, Silje E.; Reuter, Katrin; Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.; Rooney, Alasdair G.; Sanchez-Gonzalez, Roberto; Saracino, Rebecca M.; Schellekens, Melanie P. J.; Scherer, Martin; Schwarzbold, Marcelo L.; Cankorur, Vesile Senturk; Sharpe, Louise; Sharpe, Michael; Simard, Sebastien; Singer, Susanne; Stafford, Lesley; Stone, Jon; Strobe, Natalie A.; Sultan, Serge; Teixeira, Antonio L.; Tiringer, Istvan; Turner, Alyna; Walker, Jane; Walterfang, Mark; Wang, Liang-Jen; Weyerer, Siegfried B.; White, Jennifer; Wiese, Birgitt; Williams, Lana J.; Wong, Lai-Yi; Benedetti, Andrea; Thombsi, Brett D. (2023). Comparison of the Accuracy of the 7-Item HADS Depression Subscale and 14-Item Total HADS for Screening for Major Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis, PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT. 35(2), 95-114. doi:10.1037/pas0001181
  8. Guan, Ng Chong; Ken, Chow Soon (2022). Commentary: Reliability and Validity Study of the Turkish Version of the Perceptions of Love and Sex Scale, ALPHA PSYCHIATRY. 23(6), 292-293. doi:10.5152/alphapsychiatry.2022.20112022
  9. Kumar, Mehul Kumar Narendra; Francis, Benedict; Hashim, Aili Hanim; Zainal, Nor Zuraida; Rashid, Rusdi Abdul; Ng, Chong Guan; Danaee, Mahmoud; Hussain, Nurulwafa; Sulaiman, Ahmad Hatim (2022). Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression among Psychiatric Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Malaysian Perspective, HEALTHCARE. 10(3). doi:10.3390/healthcare10030532
  10. Chow, M., Hashim, A. H., & Guan, N. C. (2021). Resilience in adolescent refugees living in Malaysia: The association with religiosity and religious coping. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 67(4), 376-385. doi: 10.1177/0020764020957362
  11. Hii, K. L., Sulaiman, A. H., Tang, S. L., & Ng, C. G. (2021). Clinical factors associated with cancer-related cognitive impairment in breast cancer patients in Malaysia. Neurology Asia, 26(2), 361-373.
  12. Lim, M. A., Ang, B. T., Lam, C. L., Loh, E. C., Zainuddin, S. I., Capelle, D. P., . . . Tan, S. B. (2021). The effect of 5-min mindfulness of love on suffering and spiritual quality of life of palliative care patients: A randomized controlled study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 30(5), 8. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13456
  13. Miswan, N. H., Chan, C. S., & Ng, C. G. (2021). Predictive modelling of hospital readmission: Evaluation of different preprocessing techniques on machine learning classifiers. Intelligent Data Analysis, 25(5), 1073-1098. doi: 10.3233/ida-205468
  14. Nair, N., Ng, C. G., & Sulaiman, A. H. (2021). Depressive symptoms in residents of a tertiary training hospital in Malaysia: The prevalence and associated factors. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 56, 7. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2021.102548
  15. Zaini, S., Sulaiman, A. H., Huri, H. Z., Koh, O. H., Gill, J. S., Francis, B., . . . Guan, N. C. (2021). Patient-Centred Communication in the Use of Antidepressants among People with Depression: A Scoping Review. Sains Malaysiana, 50(1), 161-170. doi: 10.17576/jsm-2021-5001-16
  16. Zulkifli, N. A., Guan, N. C., Zainal, N. Z., & Ling, T. S. (2021). Psychosocial Factors Associated with Depression and Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic Among Outpatients with Depression. Alpha Psychiatry, 22(4), 185-193. doi: 10.5152/alphapsychiatry.2021.21107
  17. Abousheishaa, A. A., Sulaiman, A. H., Huri, H. Z., Zaini, S., Othman, N. A., bin Aladdin, Z., & Guan, N. C. (2020). Global Scope of Hospital Pharmacy Practice: A Scoping Review. Healthcare, 8(2), 14. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8020143
  18. Azmi, S. U. F., Robson, N., Othman, S., Guan, N. C., & Isa, M. R. (2020). Prevalence and Risk Factors of Internet Addiction (IA) Among National Primary School Children in Malaysia. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18(6), 1560-1571. doi: 10.1007/s11469-019-00077-2
  19. Sulaiman, A. H., Sabki, Z. A., Jaafa, M. J., Francis, B., Razali, K. A., Rizal, A. J., . . . Ng, C. G. (2020). Development of a Remote Psychological First Aid Protocol for Healthcare Workers Following the COVID-19 Pandemic in a University Teaching Hospital, Malaysia. Healthcare, 8(3), 11. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8030228
  20. Tan, S. B., Ching, H. C., Chia, Y. L., Yee, A., Ng, C. G., bin Hasan, M. S., . . . Lam, C. L. (2020). The Effect of 20-Minute Mindful Breathing on the Perception of Suffering and Changes in Bispectral Index Score (BIS) in Palliative Care Informal Caregivers: A Randomized Controlled Study. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 37(8), 606-612. doi: 10.1177/1049909119894507
  21. Yee, A., Loh, H. S., Loh, H. H., Riahi, S., Ng, C. G., bin Sulaiman, A. H. (2019). A comparison of sexual desire in opiate-dependent men receiving methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment. Annals of General Psychiatry, 18(1), 8. doi:10.1186/s12991-019-0249-z
  1. Abousheishaa, A. A., Sue-Yin, L., Khin, K. C., Sulaiman, A. H., Huri, H. Z., & Guan, N. C. (2021). A Clinical Practice Guideline Summary for Pharmacological Management of Adults with Major Depressive Disorder in Malaysia. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 33(45B), 405-411. doi: 10.9734/JPRI/2021/v33i45B32821
  2. Zainal, N. Z., Ng, C. G., Wong, A., Andrew, B., Taib, N. A. M., & Low, S. Y. (2021). Prevalence of depression, trait anxiety, and social support during the diagnostic phases of breast cancer. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 16(4), 497-503. doi: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2021.01.013
  3. Guan, Ng Chong; Kanagasundram, Sharmilla; Ann, Yee Hway; Hui, Tan Loong; Mun, Teoh Kar (2016). CYBER BULLYING - A NEW SOCIAL MENACE, ASEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 17(1), 104-115
  1. Teeng, L. P., Guan, N. C., Kadir, M. S., & Ling, T. S. (2021). Reminder through mobile messaging application improves outpatient attendance and medication adherence among patients with depression: An open-label randomised controlled trial. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 76(5), 617-623.
  2. Ng, C. G., Amer Siddiq, A. N., Aida, S. A., Zainal, N. Z., Koh, O. H. (2010). Validation of the Malay version of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS-M) among a group of medical students in Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 3(1), 3-618762018
  3. Zuraida Z, N., Ng, C. G. (2010). Psychological distress among cancer patients on chemotherapy, Journal of the University of Malaya Medical Centre. 13(1), 12-1818237339
  1. Lyu, F.F, Vimala R. Chui, P. L. Ng, C. G. (2024) Perceptions Toward Exercise or Mindful Exercise Participation Among Patients With Primary Osteoporosis: A Qualitative Study. Clinical Nursing Research 33(1) 40–50
  2. N. Sankari G., Manveen K., Rusdi A. R., R. Parameswaran , Aili H. H., Moey, C. H., Noh A., Siau, C. S., Ng C. G. (2024) Positive Emotions and Quality of Life among Malaysian Patients on Methadone Maintenance Therapy and Their Psychosocial Correlates. 5, 360–369
  3. Nor Hazila M.L., Ayeshah S., Charity Lee, Aya A. A.,Ng, C. G.. (2024) Using decision support tools for treatment decision making about antidepressants in outpatient psychiatric consultations. Patient Education and Counseling 124 .
  4. Tesini M. P., Kai S. T., Weng H. S., Ng C. G. (2024) Mixed Features Specifier in Mood Disorder: The Prevalence and Associated Factors. 20(2)
  5. Aya Ahmed Abousheishaa, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Hasniza Zaman Huri, Syahrir Zaini, Nurul Adha Othman, Zulhilmi bin Aladdin and Ng Chong Guan (2020). Global Scope of Hospital Pharmacy Practice: A Scoping Review. Healthcare 8, 143; doi:10.3390/healthcare8020143
  6. Azmi, S.U.F., Robson, N., Othman, S., Ng, C.G., Isa, M.R. (2020) Prevalence and Risk Factors of Internet Addiction (IA) Among National Primary School Children in Malaysia. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, 1560 1571.
  7. Look, M. L., Tan, S. B., Hong, L. L., Ng, C. G., Yee, H. A., Lim, L. Y., . . . Lam, C. L. (2020). Symptom reduction in palliative care from single session mindful breathing: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, bmjspcare-2020-002382. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2020-002382
  8. Ng Chong Guan, Tan Seng Beng, Melvyn Zhang, Roger Ho, Low Sue-Yin, Ng Yit Han (2020) 5 Minutes Mindful Breathing Smartphone Application for Reduction of Perceived Distress: A Pilot Study. Asian Pac J Cancer Care, 5 (1), 37-43
  9. Resilience in adolescent refugees living in Malaysia: The association with religiosity and religious coping Mervyn Ian Sim Peng Chow, Aili Hanim Hashim, Ng Chong Guan International Journal of Social Psychiatry, First Published September 12, 2020
  10. Tan CH, Abd Rashid R, Ng CG.(2020) Anxiety and depression among amphetamine-type stimulant users: the association with religiosity and religious coping. Malays J Med Sci.27(4):50 62.
  11. Tan Seng Beng, Tan Ting Ting, Malathi Karupiah, Cheah Xin Ni, Hong Li Li, Ng Chong Guan, Loh Ee Chin, Lam Chee Loong, and Tan Maw Pin (2020). Patterns of Suffering in Palliative Care: A Descriptive Study. OMEGA Journal of Death and Dying 0(0) 1 13. DOI: 10.1177/0030222820903221
  12. Abd Rashid, R.; Kanagasundram, S.; Danaee, M.; Abdul Majid, H.; Sulaiman, A.H.; Ahmad Zahari, M.M.; Ng, C.G.; Francis, B.; Wan Husin, W.A.I.; Su, T.T. The Prevalence of Smoking, Determinants and Chance of Psychological Problems among Smokers in an Urban Community Housing Project in Malaysia. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1762.
  13. Anne Yee, Huai Seng Loh, Huai Heng Loh, Shahrzad Riahi, Chong Guan Ng and Ahmad Hatim bin Sulaiman (2019) A comparison of sexual desire in opiate dependent men receiving methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment. Ann Gen Psychiatry 18:25.
  14. Benedict Francis,Jesjeet Singh Gill , Ng Yit Han, Chiara Francine Petrus ,Fatin Liyana Azhar , Zuraida Ahmad Sabki ,Mas Ayu Said, Koh Ong Hui ,Ng Chong Guan and Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman. Religious Coping, Religiosity, Depression and Anxiety among Medical Students in a Multi-Religious Setting. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(259); doi:10.3390/ijerph16020259
  15. Chia Lip Choy, Hatta Sidi, Chong Siew Koon, Ooi Soon Ming, Isa Naina Mohamed, Ng Chong Guan, and Cesar A. Alfonso (2019) Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis for Sexual Dysfunction in Women With Hypertension. J Sex Med 2019;16:1029e1048.
  16. Mao Li Cheng, Mee Hoong See, Siamala Sinnadurai,, Tania Islam, Adlinda Alip, Chong Guan Ng and Nur Aishah Taib on behalf of the MyBCC Study Group (2019) Adherence rate and the factors contribute toward the surgical adherence of breast cancer in Malaysia. The Breast Journal. DOI: 10.1111/tbj.13617
  17. Shari, Nurul Izzah; Zainal, Nor Zuraida; Guan, Ng Chong; et al.(2019) Psychometric properties of the acceptance and action questionnaire (AAQ II) Malay version in cancer patients. PLOS ONE Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Article Number: e0212788
  18. Vun Kong Shim, Chong Guan Ng (2019) Burden in Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients: The Association with Depression, Religiosity and Religious Coping. Asian Pac J Cancer Care, 4 (4), 171-182
  19. Chan CMH, Ng CG, Taib NA, Wee LH, Krupat E, Meyer F (2018) Response to "Letter to editor regarding 'Course and Predictors of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Cohort of Psychologically Distressed Patients With Cancer: A 4-Year Follow-Up Study by Chan et al". Cancer. DOI: 10.1002/cncr.31365
  20. Lee AMH, Ng CG, Koh OH, Gill JS et al. Metabolic Syndrome in First Episode Schizophrenia, Based on the National Mental Health Registry of Schizophrenia (NMHR) in a General Hospital in Malaysia: A 10-Year Retrospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15(5):933 May 2018
  21. Ng Chong Guan, How Wen Jie, Seed Hon Fei, Thong Kai Shin (2018) Vortioxetine for cognitive dysfunction in depression: A narrative review. Current Topics in Pharmacology.22:35-44
  22. Ng SH, Ng CG, Gill JS, Koh OH, et al. Core Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder among Palliative Care Patients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018 Aug; 15(8): 1758
  23. Shamini Arasalingam, Chong Yew Siong, Hatta Sidi, Ng Chong Guan, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Marhani Midin, Srijit Das, C sar A. Alfonso (2018) Development and Validation of the Malay Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (MAPET): A Two-Phase Study. IMJM. 17 (1): 37-46.
  24. Syahrir Zaini , Harvin Anbu Manivanna Bharathy , Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman , Jesjeet Singh Gill, Koh Ong Hui, Hasniza Zaman Huri, Siti Hadijah Shamsudin, Ng Chong Guan. Development of a Strategic Tool for Shared Decision-Making in the Use of Antidepressants among Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A Focus Group Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1402; doi:10.3390/ijerph15071402
  25. Yee A, Loh HS, Danaee M, Riahi S, Ng CG, Sulaiman AH (2018) Plasma Testosterone and Sexual Function in Southeast Asian Men Receiving Methadone and Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment.
  26. Yee A, Loh HS, Ng CG, Sulaiman AH (2018) Sexual Desire in Opiate-Dependent Men Receiving Methadone-Assisted Treatment. Am J Mens Health. 2018 Jul;12(4):1016-1022. doi: 10.1177/1557988318759197.
  27. Yee, A., Loh, H. S., Ong, T. A., Ng, C. G., & Sulaiman, A. H. (2018). Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Bupropion as Treatment for Methadone-Emergent Sexual Dysfunction in Men. American journal of men's health, 12(5), 1705 1718.
  28. Zaini S, Guan NC, Sulaiman AH, Zainal NZ, Huri HZ, Shamsudin SH (2018) The Use of Antidepressants for Physical and Psychological Symptoms in Cancer. Curr Drug Targets. 2018;19(12):1431-1455. doi: 10.2174/1389450119666180226125026.
  29. Adawiyah J, Moonyza AAK, Hatta S, Mohd Rizal AM, Felix BBY, Nik Ruzyanei NJ, Marhani M, Srijit D, Ng CG. (2017) The Risk and Associated Factors of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) in Women with Psoriasis. International Medical Journal Malaysia (16):107-114.
  30. Andrew B, Ng CG, Jaafar NR. (2017) The Use of Methylphenidate in Cancer Patients: A Review. Curr Drug Targets. 17. doi: 10.2174/1389450118666170317162603. [Epub ahead of print]
  31. Beng, T. S., Y. H. Ann, et al. (2017). "The Suffering Pictogram: Measuring Suffering in Palliative Care." Journal of Palliative Medicine. April 2017, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/jpm.2016.0448.
  32. C.G.Ng, S.B.Tan, K.T.Lai, N.Z.Zainal, A.H.Sulaiman, J.C.Chong (2017) The development of a brief 5-minute mindful breathing therapy for the reduction of distress in palliative cancer patients. European Psychiatry 41(Supplement, April 2017):S499
  33. Chan CMH, Ng CG, Taib NA, Wee LH, Krupat E, Meyer F. (2017). Course and predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder in a cohort of psychologically distressed patients with cancer: A 4-year follow-up study. Cancer. doi: 10.1002/cncr.30980.
  34. Chan, P. L., Said, M. A., Aghamohammadi, N., Tai, Y. W., & Ng, C. G. (2017). Utilization Pattern of Psychotropic Drugs in Oncology and Cardiology Ward in a Teaching Hospital in Malaysia. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 7(02), 167-173.
  35. Chong Guan Ng, Salina Mohamed, Kiran Kaur, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Nur Aishah Taib, MyBCC Study group (2017). Perceived distress and its association with depression and anxiety in breast cancer patients. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0172975
  36. Guan Chong Ng, Salina Mohamed, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Nor Zuraida Zainal (2017). Anxiety and depression in cancer patients: the association with religiosity and religious coping. Journal of Religion and Health. 56(2), 575-590
  37. Joni Bing Fei Teoh, Anne Yee, Mahmoud Danaee, Chong Guan Ng, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman. Erectile Dysfunction Among Patients on Methadone Maintenance Therapy and Its Association With Quality of Life. Journal of Addiction Medicine 2017. 11: 40-46.
  38. Ng CG, Navin N (2017) The association between the use of antidepressant and cancer: A narrative review of recent studies. Current Topics in Pharmacology. 21: 64-70.
  39. Ng Chong Guan, PhD1, Salina Mohamed, MPM2, Kiran Kaur MD 3 Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, PhD1, Nor Zuraida Zainal, MPhil1, Nur Aishah Taib, MD3 , MyBCC Study group. Perceived distress and its association with depression and anxiety in breast cancer patients. PLoS One.12(3):e0172975. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172975.
  40. Guan Chong Ng, Salina Mohamed, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman & Nor Zuraida Zainal (2016). Anxiety and Depression in Cancer Patients: The Association with Religiosity and Religious Coping. J Relig Health. Online First. DOI 10.1007/s10943-016-0267-y
  41. Hatta Sidi, Duni Asmidar, Loh Huai Seng, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Marhani Midin, Ng Chong Guan (2012) Sexual Pain Among Malaysian Women Receiving Antidepressant: A Comparison Between Escitalopram And Fluoxetine. Psychopharmacology Bulletin. In Press.
  42. Mohd Isa S, Hashim AH, Kaur M, Ng CG. (2016) Internet Addiction among Adolescents in Malaysia: The Prevalence and its Association with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Symptoms. MJP. Online Early.
  43. Ng CG, Lai KT, Tan SB, Sulaiman AH, Zainal NZ. (2016) The Effect of Five Minutes Mindful Breathing to the Perception of Distress and Physiological Responses in Palliative Care Cancer Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of Palliative Medicine. Early Online.
  44. Ng Chong Guan, Hazli Zakaria, Zulkifli Ghaus, Firdaus Abdul Gani, Azhar Zain, Au Yong Koon Choong, Lim Ping Ping. 2016. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF THE POSITIVE EMOTION RATING SCALE (PERS). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of ACADEMIC RESEARCH. 8(1): 31- 35
  45. Ng Chong Guan, Salina Mohamed, Lai Kian Tiah, Teoh Kar Mun, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Nor Zuraida Zainal (2016) Psychotherapy for cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 51(5) 414 430.
  46. Shamini Arasalingam, Hatta Sidi, Ng Chong Guan, Srijit Das, Marhani Midin, Ramli Musa (2016). Premature Ejaculation in Urban Malaysian Population: The Associations between Erectile Dysfunction(ED), Anxiety and Depression. IMJM. 15 (1): 89-96.
  47. Tan SB, Loh EC, Lam CL, Ng CG, Jane Lim, Boey CM (2016) The Psychological Processes of Suffering of Palliative Care Patients in Malaysia: A Thematic Analysis. (Accepted)
  48. Tan SB., Fazlina A.,Lam CL., Loh E.C.,Zainal N.Z., Ng C.G.,Yee H.A., Lee M.L.,Boey CM.2016. Distress Reduction for Palliative Care Patients and Families With 5-Minute Mindful Breathing: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. 33(6); 555-560. DOI: 10.1177/1049909115569048
  49. Yee A, Danaee M, Loh HS, Sulaiman AH, Ng CG (2016) Sexual Dysfunction in Heroin Dependents: A Comparison between Methadone and Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0147852. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147852.
  50. Anne HA Yee, Abdul R Yassim, Huai Seng Loh, Chong Guan Ng and Kit-Aun Tan (2015) Psychometric evaluation of the Bahasa Malay Version of the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS- BM). BMC Psychiatry 15:200. DOI 10.1186/s12888-015- 0587-6.
  51. Anne Yee, Nik Nasyrah Nek Mohamed, Aili Hanim Hashim, Huai Seng Loh, Manveen Kaur Harbajan Singh, Chong Guan Ng and Stephen Thevananthan Jambunathan. (2014) THE EFFECT OF NICOTINE DEPENDENCE ON PSYCHOPATHOLOGY IN PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA. BioMed Research International (In Press)
  52. Anxiety, depression, perceived social support and quality of life in Malaysian breast cancer patients: a 1-year prospective study. Chong Guan Ng1*, Salina Mohamed2, Mee Hoong See3, Faizah Harun3, Maznah Dahlui4, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman1, Nor Zuraida Zainal1, Nur Aishah Taib3 and on behalf of the MyBCC Study group
  53. Chong Guan Ng, Pathmawathi Subramaniam,Pamela Moreira, Loh Huai Seng, Anne Yee. (2015) Attitudes towards Homosexuality Among Nursing Students in a Public University in Malaysia: The Religious Factor. Sexual Research and Social Policy. Online First.
  54. Chong Guan Ng, Salina Mohamed, Mee Hoong See, Faizah Harun3, Maznah Dahlui, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Nur Aishah Taib and on behalf of the MyBCC Study group (2015). Anxiety, depression, perceived social support and quality of life in Malaysian breast cancer patients: a 1-year prospective study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 13:205 DOI 10.1186/s12955-015-0401-7
  55. Chong Guan Ng, Salina Mohamed, Mee Hoong See, Faizah Harun, Maznah Dahlui, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman,Nor Zuraida Zainal, Nur Aishah Taib and on behalf of the MyBCC Study group. 2015. Anxiety, depression, perceived social support and quality of life in Malaysian breast cancer patients: A 1-year prospective study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 13(1): 205 (Open Access)
  56. Kai Shin Thong, Kok Yoon Chee, Chong Guan Ng, Mark Walterfang, Dennis Velakoulis (2015) Psychometric properties of Malay neuropsychiatry unit cognitive assessment tool among Alzheimer s disease patients in comparison to Malay Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Asia Pacific Psychiatry. Online First.
  57. Ng CG and Kanagasundram S (2015). Head Heaviness A Purview of Possible Diagnoses. MJP. 24(1):81-85 .
  58. Ng CG,Chan PL,Said MA. Co-morbid Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus or Dyslipidemia among Patients Prescribed with Second Generation -A Comparison Study between Aripiprazole, Quetiapine and Clozapine based on Pharmacy Prescription Database.MJP August 2015;1-8.
  59. Ng Chong Guan, Loh Huai Seng, Anne Yee Hway Ann, Koh Ong Hui. (2013) Factorial Validity and Reliability of the Malaysian Simplified Chinese Version of Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS-SCV) Among a Group of University Students. Asia- Pacific Journal of Public Health. 27 (2):225-231. DOI: 10.1177/1010539513477684
  60. Ng Chong Guan, Saramah Mohd Isa, Aili Hanim Hashim, Subash Kumar Pillai, Manveen Kaur (2015).Validity of the Malay Version of Internet Addiction Test (MVIAT): A Study on A Group of Medical Students in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 27 (2): NP2210-NP2219. doi: 10.1177/1010539512447808
  61. Tan Seng Beng,Fazlina Ahmad,Lam Chee Loong,Loh Ee Chin, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Ng Chong Guan, Yee Hway Ann, Lee Mei Li, Christopher Boey Chiong Meng (2015) Distress Reduction for Palliative Care Patients and Families With 5-Minute Mindful Breathing: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. (Online First)
  62. Tania Islam, Nirmala Bhoo-Pathy, Tin Tin Su, Hazreen Abdul Majid, Azmi Mohd Nahar, Chong Guan Ng, Maznah Dahlui, Samsinah Hussain,Marie Cantwell, Liam Murray, Nur Aishah Taib, MyBCC study group. (2015) The Malaysian Breast Cancer Survivorship Cohort (MyBCC):a study protocol. BMJ Open 2015; 5: e008643.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008643
  63. Yee Anne, Chin Soo Cheng, Aili Hanim Hashim, Manveen Kaur, Loh, Huai Seng Sulaiman, Ahmad Hatim, Ng Chong Guan (2015) Anhedonia In Depressed Patients On Treatment With Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Anti-depressant ? A Two-Centered Study In Malaysia.International JOurnal of Clinical Practice. (Accepted)
  64. A Yee, HS Loh, HMB Hisham Hashim and CG Ng. (2014) Clinical Factors Associated with Sexual Dysfunction among Men in Methadone Maintenance Treatment and Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment: A Meta-Analysis Study. International Journal of Impotence Research. doi:10.1038/ijir.2014.18
  65. Aida Syarinaz Ahmad Adlan, Aili Hanim Hashim, Manveen Kaur Sachdev, Wan Salwina Wan Ismail, Subash Kumar Pillai, Chong Guan Ng, Muhammad Muhsin Ahmad Zahari, (2014) "Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among juvenile offenders in Malaysian prisons and association with socio-demographic and personal factors", International Journal of Prisoner Health, Vol. 10 Iss: 2
  66. Anne Yee, Huai Seng Loh, Chong Guan Ng. Factorial Validity And Reliability Of The Simplified-Chinese Version Of Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale: A Study Among Depressed Patients At An Out-Patient Clinic In Malaysia. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 15 (1), January - June 2014: 66-71.
  67. Anne Yee, Huai Seng Loh, Helenna Maria bt Hisham Hashim, and Chong Guan Ng. The Prevalence of Sexual Dysfunction among Male Patients on Methadone and Buprenorphine Treatments:A Meta-Analysis Study. J Sex Med 2014;11:22 32.
  68. C.G. Ng, S.K. Wong, H.S. Loh, A. Yee (2014) Anhedonia among patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A comparison between patients on escitalopram and healthy controls.La Clinica Terapeutica 165 (6).doi: 10.7417/CT.2014.1778
  69. Chong Guan Ng, Salina Mohamed, Tai Yi Wern, Azwa Haris, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman. (2014) Comparison of Psychotropic Prescriptions between Oncology and Cardiology Inpatients: Result from a Pharmacy Database in a Teaching Hospital in Malaysia. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 15 (10), 4261-4264.
  70. Neelaveni Narkunam, Aili Hanim Hashim,Manveen Kaur Sachdev,Subash K Pillai, Chong Guan Ng. 2014. Stress among parents of children with ADHD, a Malaysian Experience. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. 6: 207-216. DOI: 10.1111/j.1758-5872.2012.00216.x
  71. Ng C.G., Mohamed S., Wern T.Y., Haris A., Zainal N.Z., Sulaiman A.H.2014. Comparison of Psychotropic Prescriptions between Oncology and Cardiology Inpatients: Result from a Pharmacy Database in a Teaching Hospital in Malaysia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 15(10):4261
  72. Ng CG and Zainal NZ. (2014) Prevalence of Depression in Cancer Patients: A Review on the Comparison Between Different Regions. MJP-02-12-14.
  73. Ng Chong Guan (2014). A Review of Depression Research in Malaysia. The Medical Journal of Malaysia. 69 (Supp A): 42-45.
  74. Ng Chong Guan, Loh Huai Seng, Anne Yee Hway Ann, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman. (2014) Validation of the Malay Version of Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale: Comparison Between Depressed Patients With Healthy Subjects at an Out- Patient Clinic in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences. 21(3):60-72.
  75. Ng Chong Guan, Marco PM Boks,Kit CB Roes,Zainal Nor Zuraida,Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman,Tan Seng Beng,Niek J. de Wit. (2014) Rapid Response to Methylphenidate as Add-on Therapy to Mirtazepine in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: a Four-week, Randomized, Double-blinded, Placebo- controlled study. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 24(4):491-8. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2014.01.016.
  76. Siti Roshaidai Mohd Arifin, Aini Ahmad, Rasnah Abdul Rahman,Huai Seng Loh, Chong Guan Ng. (2014) Postpartum depression in Malaysian women: the association with the timing of pregnancy and sense of personal control during childbirth. International Journal of Academic Research. (Accepted)
  77. Tan AH, Linn K, Mohd. Ramli N, Hlaing CS, AMM, Sam I-C, Ng CG, Goh KJ, Tan CT, Lim SY. Opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome associated with Dengue Virus infection. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2014;20:1309-1310. (Impact factor 4.13 in 2014).
  78. Tan Seng Beng, Loh Ee Chin, Ng Chong Guan, Yee Hway Ann, Cathie Wu, Wong Sook Kuan, Lim Ee Jane, Saw Shier Khee, Christopher Boey Chiong Meng. (2014)The Experiences of Well-being of Palliative Care Patients in Malaysia: A Thematic Analysis. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. (Accepted)
  79. Wan Salwina WI, Arunakiri M, Cheah YC, Ng CG, Rozhan Shariff MR, Aili HH. (2014) Prevalence of Depression in Adolescents Living in Residential Homes in Perak, Malaysia and Its Association with Socio-Demographic and Personal Factors. MJP-01-10-14.
  80. Z. Ahmad Sabki, N.Z. Zainal, Ng Chong Guan Exploratory factorial analysis and reliability of the Malay version of centre for epidemiological studies depression scale (MCES-D) in a group of Malaysian junior doctors.International Journal of Academic Research Part B; 2014; 6(2).
  81. Z. Ahmad Sabki,N.Z. Zainal, Ng Chong Guan. Exploratory factorial analysis and reliability of the Malay version of centre for epidemiological studies depression scale (MCES-D) in a group of Malaysian junior doctors. International Journal of Academic Research Part B; 2014; 6(2), 333-337. DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-2/B.50
  82. di R. Rosdinom, I.T. Ng, E.E. Teh, A.Norhayati, C.G. Ng, S.H. Yeoh, S. Hatta, M. Marhani. (2014) Validation Study of the Malay version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory. La Clinica Terapeutica. 165 (6). doi: 10.7417/CT.2014.1770
  83. Adibah Hanim Ismail, Rawa Baw, Hatta Sidi, Ng Chong Guan, Marhani Midin,Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Srijit Das, Mohd. Rizal Abdul Manaf. (2013)Orgasmic dysfunction among Malay diabetic women in Malaysia. Comprehensive Psychiatry. In Press.
  84. Adibah Hanim, Rawa Bau, Marhani Midin, Ng Chong Guan, Srjit Das, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Hatta Sidi. (2013) Factor Analysis Study on Sexual Responses in Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Comprehensive Psychiatry. In Press.
  85. Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Mas Ayu, Mohd Hussain Habil1, Rusdi Rashid, Amer Siddiq, Ng Chong Guan, Marhani Midin, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Hatta Sidi, Srijit Das. (2013) The Risk and Associated Factors of Methamphetamine Psychosis in Methamphetamine Dependent Patients in Malaysia. Comprehensive Psychiatry. In Press.
  86. Anne Yee Hway Ann, Loh Huai Seng, Ng Chong Guan (2013) The Prevalence and Correlates of Alcohol Use Disorder Among Bipolar Patients in a Hospital Setting, Malaysia. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. Early Online.
  87. Beng TS, Chin LE, Guan NC, Yee A, Wu C, Pathmawathi S, Yi KT, Kuan WS, Jane LE, Meng CB. The Experiences of Stress of Palliative Care Providers in Malaysia: A Thematic Analysis. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2013 Sep 10. [Epub ahead of print]
  88. Chong Guan Ng, Ellen Dijkstra, Hugo Smeets, Marco Boks, and Niek J. de Wit (2013) Psychiatric comorbidity among terminally ill patients in general practice in the Netherlands: A comparison between cancer and heart failure patients. British Journal of General Practice. Volume 63, Number 606, pp. e63-e68 (6).
  89. Chong Guan Ng, Lee Khing Tan, Jesjeet Singh Gill, Ong Hui Koh,Stephen Jambunathan, Subash Kumar Pillai & Hatta Sidi. Reliability and validity of the Malay version of Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men (MVATL/MVATG): A study on a group of medical students in Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. Volume 5, Issue Supplement S1, Pg 118- 122.
  90. M. S. Nurasikin, L. A. Khatijah, A. Aini, M. Ramli, S. A. Aida, N. Z. Zainal, C. G. Ng. 2013. Religiousness, Religious Coping Methods and Distress Level Among the Psychiatric Patients In Malaysia. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 59(4): 332-338. doi:10.1177/0020764012437127
  91. Mohd Fadzli Mohamad Isa, Nazariah Aiza Harun, Ai sah Abdul Rahim,Ng Chong Guan. (2013)Reliability and Factorial Validity of the Malay Version of Subtance Use and Sexual Behaviour Survey (SUSBS- MV).International Medical Journal 20(3):303-306.
  92. Mohd Fadzli Mohamad Isa, Ng Chong Guan, Rusdi Abd Rashid, Mohd Hussain Habil, Hatta Sidi, Mas Ayu Said, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman.2013. Sexual Behaviour among Male Methamphetamine and Heroin Dependents in Selected Areas in Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 42(12): 1819-1826
  93. Ng Chong Guan, Abdul Rasyid Sulaiman, Loh Huai Seng, Anne Yee Hway Ann, Suzaily Wahab,Subash Kumar Pillai. (2013) Factorial Validity and Reliability of the Tamil Version of Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support Among a Group of Participants in University Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia.Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine; 35(4):385-8.
  94. Ng Chong Guan, Jesjeet Singh Gill,Koh Ong Hui, Subash Kumar Pillai (2013) Reliability and Validity of the Malay Version of Homosexuality Attitude Scale (MVHAS): A Study on A Group of Medical Students in Malaysia. International Medical Journal. (Accepted)
  95. Ng Chong Guan, Koh Ong Hui, Jesjeet Singh Gill (2013). Methylphenidate for the treatment of erectile dysfunction induced by long acting injectable paliperidone palmitate: a case report. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology. (Accepted)
  96. Ng Chong Guan, Marco PM Boks, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Nor Zuraida Zaina, Niek J De Wit. (2013). Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder in Cancer Patients; a review. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 45(1): 73-82.
  97. Ng Chong Guan, Marco PM Boks, Hugo Matthias Smeets, Nor Zuraida Zainal and Niek J. de Wit. 2013. Prescription patterns for psychotropic drugs in cancer patients; a large population study in the Netherlands. Psycho-Oncology 22(4): 762-767. DOI: 10.1002/pon.3056
  98. Ng Chong Guan, Marco PM Boks, Hugo Smeets, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Niek J de Wit. 2013. Prescription patterns for Psychotropic Drugs in cancer patients; a large population study in the Netherlands. Psychooncology. 22: 762 767.
  99. Nor Zuraida Zainal, Nik Ruzyanei Nik-Jaafar, Azlin Baharudin, Zuraida Ahmad Sabki1, Chong Guan Ng. (2013) Prevalence of Depression in Breast Cancer Survivors: a Systematic Review of Observational Studies. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 14 (4), 2649-2656
  100. Nor Zuraida Zainal, Nik Ruzyanei Nik-Jaafar, Azlin Baharudin, Zuraida Ahmad Sabki1, Chong Guan Ng. (2013) Prevalence of Depression in Breast Cancer Survivors: a Systematic Review of Observational Studies. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 14 (4), 2649-2656.
  101. Nor Zuraida Zainal, Norley Shuib, Anita Zarina Bustam, Zuraida Ahmad Sabki, Ng Chong Guan. (2013) Reliability and Validity of the Malay Version of the Breast-Impact of Treatment Scale (MVBITS) in Breast Cancer Women undergoing Chemotherapy. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 14 (1), 463-468.
  102. Nor Zuraida Zainal, Norley Shuib, Zuraida Ahmad Sabki, Chong Guan Ng, Anita Zarina Bustam. 2013. Body Image Distress Among Breast Cancer Women on Chemotherapy. Psycho-Oncology 22 (Suppl. 3): 124 362.
  103. Rozimah Abdul Latif, Rosediani Muhamad, Sharmilla Kanagasundram,Hatta Sidi, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Marhani Midin, Srijit Das & Chong Guan Ng. Risk and associated factors of female sexual orgasmic disorder in women with hypertension in Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. Volume 5, Issue Supplement S1, Pg 21-26.
  104. S Hatta, A Duni, CG Ng, N Lin, M Marhani, S Das, Nik Ruzanei. (2013). Effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) therapy on the female sexual response cycle of women with major depression. Clin Ter 2013; 164(1):11-15. doi: 10.7417/CT.2013.1503
  105. SML Tai, M Niyaz, C Guan, GK Govindasamy, CT Tan. (2013) Extracranial carotid stenosis after radiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a Malaysian study. Neurology Asia 2013; 18(2) : 143 151.
  106. Suzaily Wahab, Hatta Sidi, Ng Chong Guan. Model Answer For Critical Review Paper: Conjoint Examination For Malaysian Master Of Medicine(Psychiatry) And MPM June 2012 ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 14 (1),2013: XX XX.
  107. Tan Seng Beng, Ng CHong Guan, Lim Ee Jane, Loh Ee Chin. (2013) Health Care Interactional Suffering in Palliative Care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. OnlineFirst. doi:10.1177/1049909113490065
  108. Tan Seng Beng, Ng Chong Guan, Lim Ee Jane and Loh Ee Chin Health Care Interactional Suffering in Palliative Care AM J HOSP PALLIAT CARE published online 20 May 201
  109. Tan Seng Beng, Ng Chong Guan, Lim Kheng Seang, Subramaniam Pathmawathi, Moy Foong Ming, Lim Ee Jane, Loh Ee Chin and Lam Chee Loong. 2013. The Experiences of Suffering of Palliative Care Informal Caregivers in Malaysia: A Thematic Analysis. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. OnlineFirst. DOI: 10.1177/1049909112473633
  110. Tan Seng Beng, Ng Chong Guan, Loh Ee Chin, Anne Yee Hway Ann, Catie Wu, Jane Lim (2013). Mindfulness-based Supportive Therapy (MBST) Proposing a Palliative Psychotherapy from a Conceptual Perspective to Address Suffering in Palliative Care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. (Accepted)
  111. Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Jesjeet Singh Gill, Mas Ayu Said, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Mohamad Hussein Habil, Ng Chong Guan. A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Aripiprazole For The Treatment Of Methamphetamine Dependence and Associated Psychosis, International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 2012;Early Online:1-8
  112. Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Jesjeet Singh Gill, Mas Ayu Said, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Mohamad Hussein Habil, Ng Chong Guan (2012).An Open-Label Study of Aripiprazole for Methamphetamine Induced Psychosis. Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Jesjeet Singh Gill, Mas Ayu Said, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Mohamad Hussein Habil, Ng Chong Guan. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 22(2):121-9.
  113. Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman,Mas Ayu Said, Jesjeet Singh Gill, Ng Chong Guan. (2012) Non-Psychotic Psychiatric Co- Morbidities in Patients with Methamphetamine Dependence in Malaysia. Internatinal Medical Journal (Accepted)
  114. Anandjit Singh, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Jesjeet Gill, Ng Chong Guan. 2012. Prevalence of Postpartum Depression in a Hospital Setting among Malaysian Mothers. Asia- Pacific Psychiatry. 4:144-149.
  115. Anne Hway Ann Yee, Chong Guan Ng, Rusdi Abd Rashid,and Mohamad Hussain Habil. 2012. The prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of nicotine use disorder among bipolar patients in a hospital setting, Malaysia. Dual Diagnosis 8(1):28-34.
  116. Hatta Sidi, Duni Asmidar, Rozita Hod, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Ng Chong Guan. 2012. Hypoactive sexual desire among depressed female patients treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a comparison betwen escitalopram and fluoxetine. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. 16:41-47.
  117. Helenna M Hisham Hashim, Lee Mei-Li, Ng Chong Guan (2012) Journey From The Known To The Unknown: A Qualitative Study Approach. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 14 (1):25-30.
  118. Lee Hui Mei, Ng Chong Guan, Jesjeet Singh Gill, Subash Kumar Pillai (2012). Rapid improvement in medically ill elderly patients treated with methylphenidate for apathy. AJPP 6(8): 505-507.
  119. M. S. Nurasikin, L. A. Khatijah, A. Aini, M. Ramli, S. A. Aida, N. Z. Zainal and C. G. Ng. 2012. Religiousness, religious coping methods and distress level among psychiatric patients in Malaysia. Int J Soc Psychiatry. Online First.DOI: 10.1177/0020764012437127
  120. M.S. Nurashikin, L.A. Khatijah,A.Aini,S.A.Aida,N.Z.Zainal,C.G.Ng 2012 Religiousness, religious coping methods and distress level among psychiatry patients in Malaysia. online 8 March 2012 DOI 10.1177/0020764012437127
  121. Marhani Midi, Sharmilla Kanagasundram, Hatta Sidi, Duni Asmidar, Ling Naing, Ng Chong Guan. 2012. Sexual Arousal Difficulties in Women Treated With Antidepressants: A Comparison between Escitalopram and Fluoxetine. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 43(4):405-418.
  122. Ng CG, Bahri Yusaof MS. Evaluation of the added value of a predictor in psychiatric early readmission rate using areas under the receiver operating characteristics curves and net reclassification improvement. International Medical Journal 2012;19(2) 135-137.
  123. Ng CG, Loh HS, Yee HA, Zainal NZ. 2012. The Prevalence and Associated Factors of Psychiatric Early Readmission in a Teaching Hospital, Malaysia. MJP. Online Early.
  124. Ng CG, Nurasikin MS, Loh HS, Anne Yee HA, Zainal NZ. 2012. Factorial Validation of the Malay Version of Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support Among a Group of Psychiatric Patients. MJP. Online Early.
  125. Ng Chong Guan, Anne Yee Hway Ann. Exhaled cabon monoxide levels among Malaysian male smokers with nicotine dependence. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical medicine and Public Health. 2012; 43(1):212- 218.
  126. Ng Chong Guan, Fabian Termorshuizen, Wijnand Laan, Hugo M. Smeet, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Ren . Kahn, Niek J. De Wit, Marco P.M. Boks. 2012. Cancer mortality in patients with psychiatric diagnoses: a higher hazard of cancer death does not lead to a higher cumulative risk of dying from cancer. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Online First.
  127. Ng Chong Guan, Fabian Termorshuizen, Wijnand Laan, Hugo M. Smeet, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Ren . Kahn, Niek J. De Wit, Marco P.M. Boks. 2012. Cancer mortality in patients with psychiatric diagnoses: a higher hazard of cancer death does not lead to a higher cumulative risk of dying from cancer. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Online First.
  128. Ng Chong Guan, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Low Wah Yun. (2012) Analysis of two independent samples with non normality using non parametric method, data transformation and bootstrapping method. International Medical Journal 19(3): 227-229.
  129. Rozimah Abdul Latif, Rosediani Muhamad, Anne Yee Hway Ann, Hatta Sidi, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Marhani Midin, Srijit Das, Loh Huai Seng, Ng Chong Guan. 2012. Duration of hypertension and antihypertensive agents in correlation with the phases of female sexual response cycle. Comprehensive Psychiatry. In Press.
  130. Sidi H, Asmidar D, Hod R, and Ng CG. 2012. Female sexual dysfunction in patients treated with antidepressant comparison between escitalopram and fluoxetine. J Sex Med 9:1392 1399.
  131. Tan Seng Beng, Ng Chong Guan, Lim Kheng Seang, Subramaniam Pathmawathi, Moy Foong Ming, Lim Ee Jane, Loh Ee Chin,Lam Chee Loong.The experiences of suffering of palliative care patients in Malaysia: a thematic analysis (2012) American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. Online First. DOI: 10.1177/1049909112458721
  132. Anne Yee HA, Ng CG, Rusdi AR. Validation of The Malay Version Of Fagerstrom Test For Nicotine Dependence (FTND-M) Among a Group of Male Staffs in a University Hospital. MJP-01-04-11 Online Early.
  133. Chong Guan Ng, Marco P.M. Boks, Nor Zuraida Zainal, Niek J. de Wit. 2011. The prevalence and pharmacotherapy of depression in cancer patients.Journal of Affective Disorders 131:1 7.
  134. Nazariah Aiza H, Aisah AR, Anita C,Yeoh SH, Ng CG. Psychiatric Presentation in Wilson disease Report of Two Cases. MJP-01-07-11.
  135. Ng Chong Guan, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff. 2011. Missing values in data analysis: Ignore or Impute? Education in Medicine Journal, 2011, Vol.3 (1); e6-e11
  137. Amarpreet K, Sharmilla T, Ng C G, Zainal N 2010. Paracetamol as the major contributing factor in parasuicides in a single centre in Malaysia.Journal of the European Psychitric Association
  138. C. G. Ng, S. Thanasan, N. Z. Zainal. Prevalence of depression in cancer patients: cultural influence. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2010, Vol. 14, No. S1:37.
  139. C.G. Ng , A.N. Amer Siddiq, S.A. Aida, N.Z. Zainal, O.H. Koh. 2010. Validation of the Malay version of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS-M) among a group of medical students in Faculty of Medicine,University Malaya. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 3:3 6
  140. Ng CG. 2010. Outcomes Of Dichotomizing A Continuous Variable In The Psychiatric Early Readmission Prediction Model. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry. Online Early.
  141. Nor Zuraida Z, Ng CG. 2010.Psychological distress among cancer patients on chemotherapy. JUMMEC 13(1):12- 18.
  142. Nurasikin MS, Aini A, Aida Syarinaz AA, Ng CG. Validity and Reliability of the Malay Version of Duke University Religion Index (DUREL-M) Among A Group of Nursing Student. MJP-02-12-10.
  143. Tan CL, Anne Yee HA, Majid SM, Koh OH, Ng CG. 2010. Antidepressant induced Mania and Steroid Psychosis in a Patient with Bell s Palsy. MJP-01-09-10
  144. Adeline Gong Wooi Huong, Ng Chong Guan, Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin, Aida Syarinaz Ahmad Adlan, Hussain Habil. 2009. Quality of life assessment of opioid substance abusers on methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) in University Malaya Medical Centre. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 10(1).
  145. Amarpreet Kaur, Nor Zuraida Z, Ng CG, Aida SA. 2009. Post Stroke Laughter A Case Report. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 17(2)
  146. Ng CG, Aida SA, Aizura SA, Salina M, Nor Zuraida Z, Koh OH. 2009. Bipolar Disorder and Other Associated Factors in Postnatal Depression. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 18(2)
  147. Ng CG, Amer Siddiq AN, Aida SA, Koh OH, Nor Zuraida Z. 2009. The Reliability Of Malay Version Of List Of Threatening Experiences Questionnaire: A Study On A Group Of Medical Students In Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 18(2).
  148. Ng CG, Amer Siddiq AN, Salina M, Koh OH, Zuraida NZ. 2009. Early Readmission In Patients After Electroconvulsive Therapy In A University Hospital Setting - A Retrospective Study. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 18(1)
  149. Tung Mun Yee, Mary Lee Hong Gee, Ng Chong Guan, John Tan Jin Teong, Adeeba Kamarulzaman. 2009. Identifying depression among the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients in University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 10(2).
  150. Amer Siddiq AN, Ng CG, Aida SA, Koh OH, Gill JS, Gill JS, Jambunathan ST, Habil H. Early Intervention Center (EIC) in the screening for bipolar affective disorder in Malaysia. 2008. Bipolar Disorders 10(Suppl 1)
  151. Amer Siddiq AN, Ng CG, Aida SA, Zuraida NZ, Abdul Kadir R. 2008. Factors Affecting Readmission in A Teaching Hospital in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 17(1)
  152. Amer Siddiq AN, Ng CG, Aida SA, Zuraida NZ, Abdul Kadir R. 2008. Factors Affecting Readmission in a Teaching Hospital in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 17(1)
  153. Salina M, Ng CG, Gill JS, Chin JM, Chin CJ, Yap WF. 2008. Social anxiety problem among medical students in Universiti Malaya Medical Center (UMMC) A cross- sectional study. Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 17(2).
  154. Aida SA, Ng CG, Amer Siddiq AN, Zainal NZ. 2007. Factor Affecting Readmission in A teaching Hospital in Malaysia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 41(Supp 2):A489.
  1. Assoc Prof Dr Ng Chong Guan, Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Assoc Prof Dr Jesjeet Singh Gill,Assoc Prof Dr Koh Ong Hui. 2013. Psychiatric Emergency. Handbook for Medical Students.
  2. Koh Ong Hui, Ng Chong Guan, Subash Kumar Pillai. 2012. Characteristics of Patients Presenting With First Episode Psychosis. Lambert Academic Publishing.
  3. Ng Chong Guan. 2012. Epidemiology and Management of Depression in Cancer Patients.
Chapter in Books
  1. Abd Rashid R, Jazaeri SA, Habil MH. 2011. Perspectives of Addiction Medicine in Malaysia, University of Malaya Centre of Addiction Sciences (UMCAS).


  1. 2019 - 2020, Private Funding
    Vortioxetine for Cancer Patients with Depression: An Observational Study ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2011 - 2014, NONE
    Alexithymia in conversion disorder ( Consultant)
  3. 2012 - 2014
    A Long-term, Phase 3, Multicenter, Open-label Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of Oral OPC-34712 as Maintenance Treatment in Adults with Schizophrenia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Predictors of Early Response with the Treatment of Methylphenidate as Add On Therapy in Cancer Patients with Depression: A Prospective Study ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  5. 2012 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Major Depressive Disorder Among Palliative Patients: Comparing 4 Sets of Diagnostic Criteria ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2007 - 2008, Peruntukan Jangkamasa Pendek
    Validation of the Malay Version of Two Psychiatric Questionnaires ( Consultant)
  1. 2012 - 2012, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc
    A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial of Three Fixed Doses of OPC-34712 in the Treatment of Adults With Acute Schizophrenia ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • 5th Vortioxetine Regional Advisory Board, Lundbeck Malaysia
    01 Nov 2017 - 01 Nov 2020 (International)
  • A Long-Term, Phase 3, Multicenter, Open-Label Trial to Evaluate The Safety and Tolerability of Oral Opc-34712 as Maintenance Treatment in Adults With Schizophrenia, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc
    01 Aug 2012 - 01 Aug 2014 (International)
  • A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Three Fixed Doses of Opc-34712 in The Treatment of Adults With Acute Schizophrenia, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc
    01 Aug 2012 - 01 Aug 2013 (International)
  • A Long-Term, Phase 3, Multicenter, Open-Label Trial to Evaluate The Safety and Tolerbility of Oral Opc-34712 as Maintenance Treatment in Adults With Schizophrenia.Protocol No:331-10-237., Otsuka Pharmaceutical
    01 Apr 2012 - 01 Apr 2013 (International)
  • A Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Relapse Prevention Study of Paliperidone Palmitate 3 Month Formulation for The Treatment of Subjects With Schizophrenia. Protocol No: R092670psy3012; Phase 3., Janssen Research & Development
    01 Apr 2012 - 01 Apr 2013 (National)
  • A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Three Fixed Doses of Opc-34712 in The Treatment of Adults With Acute Schizophrenia. Protocol No:331-10-231., Otsuka Pharmaceutical
    01 Apr 2012 - 01 Apr 2013 (International)
  • A Long-Term, Phase 3, Multicenter, Open-Label, Trial to Evaluate The Safety and Tolerability of Oral Opc-34712 as Maintenance Treatment in Adults With Schizohphrenia. Protocol No:331-10-237., Otsuka Pharmaceutical
    01 Apr 2012 - 01 Apr 2013 (International)
  • A Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Relapse Prevention Study of Paliperidone Palmitate 3 Month Formulation for The Treatment of Subjects With Schizophrenia. Protocol No: R092670psy3012; Phase 3., Janssen Research & Development
    01 Apr 2012 - 01 Apr 2013 (National)
  • A Multicenter, Active-Controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel Group-Comparison Trial to Investigate The Efficacy and Safety of Aripiprazole Im Depot (Opc-14597imd) Compared With Aripiprazole Tablets in Patients With Schizophrenia, Otsuka
    01 Jul 2011 - 01 Jul 2012 (International)
  • A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study of Paliperidone Palmitate Evaluating Time to Relapse in Subjects With Schizoaffective Disorder, Ortho-McNeil Janssen
    01 Jul 2011 - 01 Jul 2012 (International)
  • Safety, Tolerability, and Treatment Response of Paliperidone Palmitate in Subjects With Schizophrenia When Switching from Oral Antipsychotics, Janssen-Cilag
    01 Oct 2010 - 01 Oct 2011 (International)
  • A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallell-Group, Multicenter Study of The Efficacy and Safety of Dapoxetine in Men With Premature Ejaculation and Concomitant Erectile Dysfunction Treated With a Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitor. Couple Study., Johnson & Johnson
    01 Oct 2010 - 01 Oct 2011 (International)
  • Safety, Tolerability, and Treatment Response of Paliperidone Palmitate in Subjects With Schizophrenia When Switching from Oral Antipsychotics (Sustain), Janssen-Cilag
    01 Jul 2010 - 01 Jul 2011 (International)
  • A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Multicenter Study of The Efficacy and Safety of Dapoxetine in Men With Premature Ejaculation and Concomitant Erectile Dysfunction Treated With a Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitor Couple: Concomitant Use of Priligy in Men Treated for Erectile Dysfunction, Johnson & Johnson
    01 Jul 2011 - 01 Jul 2011 (International)
  • Safety, Tolerability, and Treatment Response of Paliperidone Palmitate in Subjects With Schizophrenia When Switching from Oral Antipsychotics, Janssen-Cilag
    01 Dec 2010 - 01 Dec 2010 (International)
  • Safety, Tolerability, and Treatment Response of Paliperidone Palmitate in Subjects With Schizophrenia When Switching from Oral Antipsychotics, Janssen-Cilag
    01 Dec 2010 - 01 Dec 2010 (International)
  • Safety, Tolerability, and Treatment Response of Paliperidone Palmitate in Subjects With Schizophrenia When Switching from Oral Antipsychotics, Janssen-Cilag
    01 Dec 2010 - 01 Dec 2010 (International)
  • A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Investigative Extension Trial of The Safety and Efficacy of Aripiprazole in The Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder Experiencing a Manic or Mixed Episode, Otsuka
    01 Sep 2009 - 01 Sep 2010 (International)
  • Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of The Safety and Efficacy of Aripiprazole in The Treatment of Amphetamine Type Stimulant Dependence, Department of Psychological Medicine, University Malaya
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2010 (National)
  • A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled, Fixed Dose Study Comparing The Efficacy and Safety of 3 Doses of Lu Aa21004 in Acute Treatment of Adults With Major Depressive Disorder, Takeda
    01 Sep 2009 - 01 Sep 2010 (International)
  • A Long-Term, Open-Label, Flexible-Dose, Extension Study Evaluating The Safety and Tolerability of Lu Aa21004 in Subjects With Major Depressive Disorder, Takeda
    01 Sep 2009 - 01 Sep 2010 (International)
  • A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo- and Active-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Evaluate The Efficacy and Safety of 3 Fixed Doses of Jnj-37822681 Administered Twice Daily in Subjects With Schizophrenia, J&J
    01 Sep 2009 - 01 Sep 2010 (National)
  • A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group-Comparison Trial of Aripiprazole in The Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder Experiencing a Manic or Mixed Episode, Otsuka
    01 Sep 2009 - 01 Sep 2010 (International)
  • A Multicenter, Investigative Trial of The Safety and Efficacy of Extended Administration of Aripiprazole in Combination With Mood Stabilizer for The Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder Experiencing a Manic or Mixed Episode, Otsuka
    01 Sep 2009 - 01 Sep 2010 (International)
  • An Open-Label Prospective Trial to Explore The Tolerability, Safety and Efficacy of Flexibly Dosed Paliperidone Er in Subjects With Schizophrenia, Janssen-Cilag
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2009 (International)
  • Evaluation of The Safety and Efficacy of Rgh-188 in The Acute Exacerbation of Schizophrenia, Forest Research Institute
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2009 (International)
  • Pharmacoepidemiological International Longitudinal Antipsychotic Registry, Pilar, Janssen-Cilag
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2009 (International)
  • Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group. Placebo-Controlled, and Active Referenced Study of Lu Aa34893 to Evaluate The Efficacy and Safety of Three Doses Lu Aa34893 and Quetiapine Versus Placebo in The Treatment of Depression With Bipolar I or Ii Disorder, Lundbeck
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2009 (International)
  • A Prospective, Observational Study Comparing The Frequency of Treatment-Emergent Sexual Dysfunction Over 8 Weeks in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Treated With Either Duloxetine Hydrochloride or a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Antidepressant and Evaluated for 6 Months, EiLily
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2009 (International)
  • A Phase 3 Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Trial to Study The Safety and Efficacy of Three Doses of Lubrosidone Hcl in Acutely Psychotic Patients With Schizophrenia., Quintiles
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2009 (International)
  • A One-Year Multinational, Multi-Centre, Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Fixed-Dose, Bifeprunox Study Combining a 12 Week Placebo-Controlled, Quetiapine-Referenced Phase With a 12-Month Quetiapine-Controlled Phase in Patients With Schizophrenia., Lundbeck
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2009 (International)
  • A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo- Controlled, Duloxetine-Referenced, Fixed-Dose Study Evaluating The Efficacy and Safety of Three Dosages of Lu Aa21004, in Acute Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder, Lundbeck
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2009 (International)
  • A Double-Blind, Randomized, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled Study of The Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy Following Sequential Dose Regimes of Lu 31-130 to Patients With Schizophrenia, Lundbeck
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2009 (International)
  • A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Evaluate The Efficacy and Safety of Flexible Dose Paliperidone Er in The Treatment of Subject With Schizoaffective Disorder, Janssen-Cilag
    01 Sep 2007 - 01 Sep 2008 (International)
  • Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Placebo-Controlled, Duloxetine-Reference, Dose-Finding Study of Lu Aa24530 in Major Depressive Disorder., Lundbeck
    01 Sep 2008 - 01 Sep 2008 (International)
  • Efficacy and Safety of 2mg/Day of M100907 On Sleep Maintenance Insomnia With a Sub-Study of The Effect of M100907 On Stable Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus: a 12 Weeks Multi-Center, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, Sanofi Aventis
    01 Sep 2007 - 01 Sep 2008 (International)
  • Efficacy and Safety of 2mg/Day of M100907 On Sleep Maintenance Insomnia With a Sub-Study of The Effect of M100907 On Stable Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus: a One Year Multi-Center, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, Sanofi Aventis
    01 Sep 2007 - 01 Sep 2008 (International)
  • A Multi-National, Multi Center, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group, Fixed Dose Efficacy and Safety Study of Sr58611a 350mg Twice Daily Vs Placebo in Adults With Major Depressive Disorders On Concmitant Treatment With Escitalopram 10mg/Day, Sanofi Aventis
    01 Sep 2007 - 01 Sep 2008 (International)


  1. Managing Depression and Anxiety in Palliative Care Patients, 15th MALAYSIAN HOSPICE COUNCIL CONGRESS, HOSPICE Malaysia (National) (25 Jul 2024 - 27 Jul 2024)
  2. Research and publication in the topic of neuroscience and sexuality, The 7th International Conference on Neuroscience, Neurology and Psychiatry 2024, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara (International) (06 Jul 2024 - 07 Jul 2024)
  3. Combination Therapy for MDD, Hot Topic in Depression 2024, Servier (International) (04 May 2024 - 05 May 2024)
  4. StEWARD - A Focus on Tomorrow in Treatment Resistant MDD and Suicidal Ideation, Malaysian Conference of Psychological Medicine, Malaysian Psychiatric Association (National) (19 Nov 2021 - 19 Nov 2021)
  5. Community Medical Care During COVID 19 Pandemic, The 4th International Mental Health Training, International Mental Health Center Taiwan (International) (10 Nov 2021 - 10 Nov 2021)
  6. Statistic & Epidemiology, MMED/MPM/DRPSYCH Part I Revision Course, Psychiatric Conjoint Board Malaysia (National) (04 Sep 2021 - 04 Sep 2021)
  7. Psychopharmacology of Antipsychotic, THE NORTHERN STATES: MRCPsych Crash Course Lecture, Persatuan Kesihatan Mental Perlis (University) (24 Apr 2021 - 24 Apr 2021)
  8. I am and I will... Dealing with Challenges Positively, Survivor Care and Skills Workshop, Pusat Penyelidikan and Penyelarasan Kanser Mulut (University) (22 Mar 2021 - 22 Mar 2021)
  9. Depression and Anxiety, Neuroscience Symposium, Lundbeck Malaysia (National) (05 Oct 2019 - 06 Oct 2019)
  10. The role of primary care in mental health services, GP Medical Symposium 2019, UMSC (National) (29 Sep 2019 - 29 Sep 2019)
  11. Common Psychiatric Disorder, Common Psychiatric Disorder 2019, Hospital Sungai Buloh (National) (04 Jul 2019 - 04 Jul 2019)
  12. How to Write a Good Scientific Paper: Tips from the desk of the Editor', Scientific writing workshop, University of Indonesia (International) (03 Nov 2018 - 05 Nov 2018)
  13. Cardiac neuroses -detection and management, Hot Topics in Cardiology, Servier  (International) (26 Oct 2018 - 28 Oct 2018)
  14. Patient Centred Treatment for Depression, Master Class VII. Meet the Experts, Servier (National) (21 Apr 2018 - 21 Apr 2018)
  15. Psycho-social Aspects in End Stage Renal Disease Patients, Care & Concern Workshop for Dialysis Nurses and Managers, J & J (National) (17 Dec 2017 - 17 Dec 2017)
  16. Psychooncology in a developing country, JOint Cancer Genetic Meeting and 15th International Meeting on the Psychosocial Aspects of Hereditary Cancer (IMPAHC), Cancer Research Malaysia (International) (24 Sep 2017 - 26 Sep 2017)
  17. Agemelatine in Anxious Depression: The Malaysian Experience, HOT TOPIC IN DEPRESSION, Servier (International) (08 Jul 2017 - 09 Jul 2017)
  18. The Comorbid Metabolic Syndrome in Bipolar Disorder , National NeuroScience Summit 2015, Astra Zeneca, Malaysia (National) (23 Apr 2015 - 24 Apr 2015)
  19. Scientific Writing, Workshop on Scientific Writing 2015, International Islamic University Malaysia (University) (20 Apr 2015 - 20 Apr 2015)
  20. Depression in Cancer Patients, Johor Mental Health Convention 2015, Hospital Permai (International) (17 Apr 2015 - 18 Apr 2015)
  21. Dealing with Psychological Symptoms, Annual Scientific Meeting, College of Physicians, College of Medicine of Malaysia (International) (10 Apr 2015 - 12 Apr 2015)
  22. Changes & Updates in DSM-5 on Bipolar Disorder; What is Mixed Specifier?, 10th Perak Mental Health Convention, Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta (National) (09 Oct 2014 - 11 Oct 2014)
  23. Cyber Bullying on Rise, Make An Impact Forum, Taylor's College (University) (22 Aug 2014 - 22 Aug 2014)
  24. Case Sharing - "Regaining passion for life", Hot Topic in Depression, Servier  (International) (05 Jul 2014 - 06 Jul 2014)
  25. Depression in Cancer Patients, 18th Malaysian Conference on Psychological Medicine, Malaysian Psychiatric Association (International) (22 May 2014 - 24 May 2014)
  26. Amisulpride, Seminar PSychopharmacology Symposium 2014, Jabatan Farmasi Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (National) (26 Mar 2014 - 26 Mar 2014)
  27. The Block: Challenges in the Management of Schizophrenia, 6th Sabah Mental Health Conference 2014, Hospital Mesra Bukit Padang and Badan Kebajikan Psikiatri Sabah (National) (26 Mar 2014 - 28 Mar 2014)
  28. How to write- Part 2 (Writing Methodology, Presenting Result), Southern Thailand Authorship/Writing Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand (International) (04 Nov 2013 - 05 Nov 2013)
  29. Depression in the Medically Ill, Psychiatry in Action (PAC) Seminar, MSD (Malaysia)  (National) (01 Apr 2013 - 02 Apr 2013)
  30. Presentation of Statistical Result And Preparing Effective Tables and Illustrations., JOHOR AUTHORSHIP/WRITING WORKSHOP, Persatuan Pendidikan Lepasan Ijazah,HSAJB (National) (01 Feb 2013 - 02 Feb 2013)
  31. The Unmet Need in the management of depression in cancer, MSD Psychiatry Stand Alone Meeting, MSD (International) (12 Oct 2012 - 14 Oct 2012)
  32. Managing Psychological Aspect of Cancer Patient, Seminar Perawatan Onkologi (University) (05 Sep 2012)
  33. How to manage depression in primary care., Primary Care Conference, University Malaya., Department of Primary Care medicine (National) (07 Jul 2012)
  34. Epidemiological studies of cancer and major psychiatric illnesses, Psychiatry Stand Alone Meeting, MSD (National) (12 Nov 2011 - 13 Nov 2011)
  35. Overuse of Restrain in Psychiatric Care, Bengkel Penggunaan Restraint Fizikal dan Ubat-ubatan Kepada Pesakit, Jabatan Kejururawatan, PPUM (University) (24 Oct 2011 - 24 Oct 2011)
  36. Case presentation on "Bipolar depression", MPA-AZ Neuroscience Intervention Series, AztraZeneca (University) (05 Oct 2011)
  37. Diagnostic Research, CE-EBM Research Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (University) (20 Jul 2011 - 21 Jul 2011)
  38. Managing Psychological Aspect of Cancer Patients, Seminar Perawatan Payudara, oncologi & Paliatif, Jabatan Kejururawatan (University) (24 May 2011 - 24 May 2011)
  39. Rawatan Terapi Elektrikonvalsif (ECT), Seminar Perawatan Psikiatrik, Perkembangan Kejururawatan, UMMC (University) (30 Nov 2010 - 30 Nov 2010)
  40. Management of Psychiatric Illness in Patients with Chronic Disease, Hari Kesihatan Mental Sedunia 2010 "Kesihatan Mental dan Penyakit Kronik" Peringkat JKWPKL & Putrajaya, Klinik Kesihatan Jinjang (National) (10 Nov 2010 - 10 Nov 2010)
  41. Evaluation of future risk of violence, Managing Psychotic and Aggressive Patients, University Malaya Centre for Addiction Sciences (UMCAS) (National) (09 Aug 2010 - 10 Aug 2010)
  42. Pharmacological approach and update in managing violence, Managing Psychotic and Aggressive Patients, University Malaya Centre for Addiction Sciences (UMCAS) (National) (09 Aug 2010 - 10 Aug 2010)
  43. Psychiatric morbidity among drug users and dual diagnosis management, Managing Psychotic and Aggressive Patients, University Malaya Centre for Addiction Sciences (UMCAS) (National) (09 Aug 2010 - 10 Aug 2010)
  1. Reliability and Validity of the Malay Version of Homosexuality Attitude Scale (MVHAS): A Study on A Group of Medical Students in Malaysia, 1st Asia Pacific Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine Conference, Department of Social Preventive Medicine, University Malaya (International) (07 Jul 2012)
  1. Patients and doctors views on shared decision making in the use of antidepressants for depression, 20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, World Psychiatric Association (International) (10 Mar 2021 - 13 Mar 2021)
  2. THE DEVEOPMENT OF A BRIEF 5-MINUTE MINDFUL BREATHING THERAPY FOR THE REDUCTION OF DISTRESS IN PALLIATIVE PATIENTS, 25th Congress of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), EPA (International) (01 Apr 2017 - 04 Apr 2017)
  3. RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THE MALAY VERSION OF ATTITUDES TOWARD LESBIANS AND GAY MEN (MVATL/MVATG): A STUDY ON A GROUP OF MEDICAL STUDENTS IN MALAYSIA, 6th Asian Society Against Dementia and the 17th Malaysian Conference on Psychological Medicine, Malaysian Psychiatric Association (International) (14 Jun 2012 - 16 Jun 2012)
  4. THE PREVALENCE AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS OF SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION IN MALAYSIAN MENOPAUSAL WOMEN, 6th Asian Society Against Dementia and the 17th Malaysian Conference on Psychological Medicine, Malaysian Psychaitric Association (International) (14 Jun 2012 - 16 Jun 2012)
  5. Cancer mortality in psychiatric patients: a higher hazard of cancer death does not lead to a higher cumulative risk of dying from cancer., 3rd Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Conference (International) (14 Apr 2012 - 18 Apr 2012)
  1. Pharmacotherapy for female sexual dysfunction, 5th Training in Psychosexual and Marital (TIPSMART-5), Indonesian Psychiatric Association (International) (26 Jul 2019 - 28 Jul 2019)
  2. How To Write A Good Scientific Paper?, How To Write A Good Scientific Paper?, Department of Psychological Medicine, PPUM (University) (23 Jan 2019 - 23 Jan 2019)
  3. Validation of the Malay Version of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS-M) Among A Group of Medical Students In Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, PPUM-Lilly Psychiatric Postgraduate Conference (2008) (National) (20 Jun 2008 - 21 Jun 2008)
  1. Bipolar Disorder, Asia Area Neuroscience Expert Meeting - in Bipolar Disorder, AstraZeneca  (International) (22 Mar 2014 - 22 Mar 2014)


  1. (2021) Impact of Different Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinical Phenotypes On Quality of Life, National, (External Examiner)
  2. (2021) Validity and Reliability of The Acceptance of Illness Scale and Its Associated Factors Among Patients With Cancer, National, (External Examiner)
  3. (2021) Factors and Treatment Outcomes Assocaited With Time to Clozapine Initiation Among Patients With, University, (External Examiner)
  4. (2021) Editorial Board of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (specialty section of Frontiers in Pediatrics, Frontiers in Psychiatry and Frontiers in Neuroscience) , (Review Editor)
  5. (2013) Internal examiner for Master in Rehabilitation Medicine Thesis (MGN10067) , (Internal Examiner)
  6. (2013) Psychological Medicine, (Reviewer)
  7. (2012) Comprehensive Psychiatry, (Reviewer)
  8. (2012) Psychiatry Investigation, (Reviewer)
  10. (2012) Journal of Medical Plant Research, (Reviewer)
  11. (2012) African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, (Reviewer)
  12. (2012) Universal Journal of Medicine & Dentistry, (Reviewer)
  13. (2012) Journal of Psychosomatic Research, (Reviewer)
  14. (2012) Education Research, (Reviewer)
  15. (2012) ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, (Reviewer)
  16. (2012) Psycho-Oncology, (Reviewer)
  17. (2012) Journal of Sexual Medicine , (Reviewer)
  18. (2012) Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, (Reviewer)
  19. (2012) International Journal of Social Psychiatry, (Reviewer)
  20. (2011) ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry (Section Editor) , (Editor)
  21. (2011) Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , (Reviewer)
  22. (2011) Neurology Asia , (Reviewer)
  23. (2011) ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry , (Reviewer)
  24. (2010) Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry , (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2020) Umsc Care Research Grant, University, (Expert Advisor)
  2. (2011) Bengkel Penulisan Permurniaan Manuskrip Jabatan Psikiatri PPUKM, Jabatan Psikiatri UKM, National
  3. (2011) Project MYBCC (Malaysian Breast Cancer Cohort Study), Centre for Population Health(CePH), Social and Preventive Medicine, UM, National
  4. (2011) Module for E-Learning for Conjoint Psychiatric/Psychological Medicine Master Program, Psychiatric Department, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  5. (2010) PhD Fellow for AsiaLink Program, Julius Center, Utrecht University, the Netherlands and European Commission, International


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2010) Religious Influences on Marital Stability
  2. (2010) Ketamine use in the patients with treatment resistant depression
  3. (2010) Is Divorce Infectious Within The Social Networks Of Divorcees
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2024) Establishment of Negative Emotions Risk Prediction Model for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Construction and Application of Structural Psychological Education Model, JIANGPING MA
  6. (2024) A Comparative Study of Treatment Decision Making in Outpatient Psychiatric Consultations for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder, NOR HAZILA BINTI MAT LAZIM
  7. (2023) The Effects of Mindful Exercise on the Physical and Psychological Consequences of Primary Osteoporosis in Older Patients, LYU FANGFEI
  8. (2022) Big data analytics in E-commerce enterprise logistics and supply chain management/Cross-generation Transmission from Domestic Violence to Intimate Partner Violence, China, Yanxi Dai
  11. (2020) Treatment decision making in Major Depressive Disorder, Nor Hazila Mat Lazim
  12. (2020) The International Classification Functioning Tool Assessment through focus groups and individual interviews in Malaysia, Chai Chuen Ann
  13. (2020) Metafora Kemurungan dalam Kalangan Pesakit Mental Berdasarkan Perspektif Kognitif, Wacana dan Amalan, Salihah Binti Ab Patah (M0100415)
  14. (2020) Interpretable predictive modelling for hospital readmission, Nor Hamizah Miswan
  15. (2020) Effect of brief acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on subjective cognitive impairment in non-metastatic breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, Nurul Izzah Bt Shari
  16. (2020) Collaborative care in the management of major depressive disorder, Aya Ahmed Abousheishaa
  17. (2020) Big data analytics in E-commerce enterprise logistics and supply chain management/ Cross-generation transmission from domestic violence to intimate partner violence, China, YanXi Dai
  18. (2018) Sexual dysfunction in men on methadone maintenance treatment, Anne Yee
  1. (2023) development, implementation and evaluation of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) workshops for an international humanitarian organization employees, Sue Jen Cheong
  2. (2020) Understanding the psychological experience and perspective of frontline healthcare workers and psychological first aid providers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study, Hemavathi A/P Shanmugan
  3. (2020) Resilience in adolescent refugees living in Malaysia: The association with religiosity and religious coping, Mervyn Sim
  4. (2020) Psychometric properties of the Malay version of the Leuven Affect and Pleasure Scale (LAPS): Comparison between depressed patients and healthy subjects, Wong Haw Huo
  5. (2020) Psychometric properties of Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS) in Malay version, Romi Tiong Kee Hui
  6. (2020) Psychological aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic among patients with depression in UMMC, Nathratul Ayeshah Zulkifli
  7. (2020) Prevalence and associated factors of cancer-related fatigue among cancer patients in University Malaya Medical Centre, Tan Hooi Ling
  8. (2020) Mixed features specifier: The prevalence and associated factors, Tesini M. Paramannantha
  9. (2020) Mediators of dementia caregiver burden and depression: The effects of kinship, religiosity, religious coping and perceived social support, Cheang Yue Wen
  10. (2020) Impact of COVID on the psychological aspects of cancer patients, Gaaitheri A/P Karupiah
  11. (2020) Effectiveness of reminders via messaging apps in improving clinic attendance and medication compliance among patients with depression, Low Pei Teeng
  12. (2020) Depression, burnout, job, and life satisfaction among post graduate trainee doctors in a tertiary training hospital in Malaysia, Navin Nair Narayanan
  13. (2020) Anxiety and depression among amphetamine-type stimulant users: The association with religiosity and religious coping, Tan Chok How
  14. (2019) Psychological symptoms in hemifacial spasm patients in Universiti Malaya, Sivenanthini Purana Visvanathan
  15. (2019) Depression, anxiety, and quality of life in patients with psoriasis in Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Navin Kumar A/L Jeevan
  16. (2018) Depression and the metabolic syndrome, Anildev Singh Malhi
  17. (2018) Clinical factors associated with cancer-related cognitive impairment in breast cancer patients, Hii Kae Lih
  18. (2017) Cognitive dysfunction in psychiatric patients: Comparison between schizophrenic and bipolar disorder patients with healthy subjects, Sylvia Wong Tyng Yng
  19. (2017) Burden in family caregivers of cancer patients: The association with depression, religiosity and religious coping, Shim Vun Kong
  20. (2016) Life events and social support association with the risk of breast cancer: A case-control study, Angelvene Wong Yin Tze
  21. (2015) Metabolic syndrome in first episode schizophrenia, based on the National Mental Health Registry of Schizophrenia (NMHR) in a general hospital in Malaysia: A 10-year retrospective cohort study, Albert Lee Muh Haur
  22. (2012) Religiosity and other associated factors affecting attitude towards homosexuality - A multicenter study, Tan Lee Khing
  23. (2012) Major depressive disorder in palliative patients: comparison between 4 sets of diagnostic criteria, Ng Su Huey
  24. (2012) Anhedonia in patients with depression, Chin Soo Cheng
  25. (2011) The relation between adhd AND sud among juvenile in Malaysian detention centre, Suhana bt Muhamad
  26. (2011) The association of religiosity and spirituality with medication compliance among schizophrenic patients, Ian Llyod
  27. (2011) Sexual behavior among male methamphetamine and heroin dependents, Mohd Fadzli bin Mohamad Isa
  28. (2010) Religious coping and level of psychological distress among psychiatric outpatients, Nurasikin (University of Malaya (UM))
  29. (2009) Effectiveness of reminders via messaging apps in improving clinic attendance and medication compliance among patients with depression, Low Pei Teeng


  1. (2014) Depression in Cancer Patients
  2. (2013) Revision Course in Postgraduate Psychiatry (Part 1) Mpm 2013
  3. (2013) Epidemiology and Statistics
  4. (2012) MPM - E Learning
  5. (2012) MPM - Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistic
  6. (2010) MPM - Revision Course in Critical Appraisal for Postgraduates
  1. (2012) MBBS - Clinical Epidemiology-Evidence Based Medicine
  2. (2010) MBBS -


  • AGELESS Information Booklet
  • Antidepressant Patient Decision Aid, How to choose depression medication with your Doctor?
  • How to choose depression medications with your doctor?
    Copyright (International)


  • Deputy President, (01 Oct 2023 - 30 Sep 2024) (National)
  • Deputy President, (01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021) (National)
  • Speaker for Fgs Don Zhen Temple, (12 Oct 2013 - 12 Oct 2013)
  • Speaker for Malaysian Ongological Society - 1st Cancer Survivor Conference 2103, (25 May 2013 - 25 May 2013)
  • Speaker for Colorectal Cancer Survivor and Support Group Symposium, (31 Mar 2013)
  • Article in Star Newspaper - Blue World, (30 Sep 2012 - 30 Sep 2012)
  • Visiting Psychiatrist to The Malaysian Mental Health Association, (31 Jan 2012)
  • Speaker for Anti-Smoking for S.J.K.(C) Sedang Baru 2, (29 Sep 2011 - 29 Sep 2011)
  • Speaker for Aifam, Rtm On Psychological Information, (21 Sep 2011)
  • Speaker for Family Programme for Malaysian Mental Health Association, (20 Feb 2011)
  • Management Committee 2010/2012 Siiri Jayanti Welfare Organisation), (01 Dec 2010 - 31 Dec 2012)
  • Speaker for The Talk Show On "Hidup Ceria" in Aifm Radio Station, (12 May 2009)
  • Speaker for The Talk Show On "Hidup Ceria" in Aifm Radio Station, (07 May 2009)
  • Speaker for "The Family Link Programme" by Malaysian Mental Health Association, (26 Apr 2009)
  • Speaker for "The Family Link Programme" by Malaysian Mental Health Association, (19 Apr 2009)
  • Speaker for "The Family Link Programme" by Malaysian Mental Health Association, (12 Apr 2009)
  • Speaker for Mental Health Awareness Talk in Aifm Radio Station, (27 Mar 2009)
  • Speak On "Basic Knowledge of First Aid" for Persatuan Meditasi Fo Guang Shan, Selangor, (31 Dec 2008)
  • Speaker for a Talk On Mental Hygiene for Tunku Abdul Rahman College, (16 Oct 2008)
  • Volunteer Doctor for Free Clinic, Siri Jayanti Welfare Organisation., (01 Jan 2008)
  • Speaker for "Ai Ceria" in Aifm Radio Station, (  -  )


External Course
  1. Managing Stress and Anxiety During COVID 19 Pandemic, Zoom Meeting (16 Jan 2021 - 16 Jan 2021)
  2. How to manage your mental health during the pandemic?, Zoom Meeting (06 Jun 2021 - 06 Jun 2021)
  3. A Patient Centred Approach to Treatment Initiation in Depression, Zoom (08 Apr 2021 - 08 Apr 2021)
  4. The Role of Rexulti in Schizophrenia and Depression, Perak (09 Sep 2021 - 09 Sep 2021)
  5. Schizophrenia: The what and the how?, Sarawak General Hospital (14 Oct 2021 - 14 Oct 2021)
  6. Educational Workshop- Insomnia Management Update, Sheraton Hotel, Pj (19 Nov 2021 - 19 Nov 2021)
  7. Expanding LAT treatment in Schizophrenia. How can it relate to your practice? , Sheraton Hotel, Pj (20 Nov 2021 - 20 Nov 2021)
  1. StEWARD Webinar & Master Class 2021, Kuala Lumpur (12 Jun 2021 - 12 Jun 2021)
  2. Managing Bipolar Using Quetiapine and Escitalopram as Adjunct Therapy, Zoom (15 Oct 2021 - 15 Oct 2021)
  3. Community Medical Care During COVID 19, Tainan, Taiwan (10 Nov 2021 - 10 Nov 2021)