Curriculum Vitae
- PhD(UM)(1994), (Fisheries, Aquatic, Ecology)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- MSc(UM)(1980), (Fisheries, Aquatic, Ecology)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- BSc(Hons)(UM)(1976), (Zoology)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- Member of Committee for Higher Degree, IOES13 Oct 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Faculty Science Representative to Academic Advisory Committee (JPA) for Institute of Postgraduate Studies, UM22 May 2014 - 25 Jun 2016 (Faculty)
- Member of Committee for Higher Degree(JKIT), ISB01 May 2014 - 30 Apr 2016 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Member Advisory Committee in Centre for Research in Biotechnology for Agriculture (CEBAR)24 Apr 2014 - 30 Apr 2016 (University Malaya)
- Head of Unit07 Apr 2014 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
- Deputy Director15 Apr 2013 - 01 Apr 2014 (Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Member of Evaluation Committee for Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS, UM18 Apr 2014 - 31 Dec 2014 (University Malaya)
- Ahli JK Kurikulum ISB Peringkat Jabatan01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2014 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Ahli JK Pemeriksa Peperiksaan Ijazah Sarjana Falsafah, IPS (prof yang dilantik oleh fakulti)10 Feb 2011 - 10 Feb 2013 (University Malaya)
- Head of Level/Level Head01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 (University Malaya)
- Head18 Dec 2007 - 31 Dec 2009 (Marine Living Resources, Biotechnology and Ecosystems Unit, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Certificate of Appreciation. Head of Scientific Committee, Klang Islands Seminar, 16-17 December 2014.2014, Center of Tropical Biodiversity Research, UM, (University)
- Certificate of Appreciation. Judge for 18th Biological Sciences Graduate Congress, 6-8 January 2014, Fac of Science, University of Malaya.2014, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Appreciation: Speaker in 1st Academic Research On Palm Oil Sustainability (Arpos) Networks Symposium2014, UKM, (National)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2013, Universiti Malaya
- Pome-Bac for Commercial Production of Aquaculture Feed and High Value Fish2012, BIOMALAYSIA 2011, MOSTI, (National)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2011, Universiti Malaya
- Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang2010, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2009, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2008, Universiti Malaya
- Khidmat Setia 30 Award2008, University of Malaya, (University)
- Saintis Cemerlang 2005, in Recognition of Gold Medal Award in Invention Exhibition in Geneva2005, Ministry of Higher Education, (National)
- Rhodobac: for Healthy Fish and Prawns and a Clean Environment (Leader: Prof. Vikineswary, S.)2005, 33rd International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products 2005, Geneva., (International)
- Khidmat Setia 20 Award1996, Universiti Malaya
Article in Journal
Yap, F. C.; Wong, W. L.; Chong, V. C.; Bong, C. W.; Lim, L. H. S. (2023). Development of the muscular and nervous systems during the larval ontogeny of the stalked barnacle, Octolasmis angulata Aurivillius 1894 (Cirripedia: Thoracicalcerea: Poecilasmatidae), ARTHROPOD STRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT. 76. doi:10.1016/j.asd.2023.101298
Quah, W. C.; Chew, L. L.; Chong, V. C.; Chu, C.; Teoh, C. Y.; Ooi, A. L. (2022). Does structural change in the zooplankton community affect larval fish feeding in anthropogenically disturbed tropical waters?, ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES. . doi:10.1007/s10641-021-01189-2
Then, Amy Yee-Hui; Chong, Ving Ching (2022). Trophic guild structure and dietary patterns of a juvenile-dominated demersal fish community in a tropical mangrove estuarine system, BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE. 98(3), 271-295. doi:10.5343/bms.2022.0001
Yong, Yu Lin; Lee, Choon Weng; Bong, Chui Wei; Chew, Li Lee; Chong, Ving Ching (2022). The role of microzooplankton grazing in the microbial food web of a tropical mangrove estuary, ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE. 275. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2022.107969
Chong, V. C., Ng, Y. P., Lee, S. L., Teoh, H. W., & Sasekumar, A. (2021). Community Structure and Trophic Ecology of Fish Assemblages in an Ephemeral Polychaete Reef on a Tropical Mudflat. Estuaries and Coasts, 44(8), 2307-2333. doi: 10.1007/s12237-021-00933-2
Chu, C. C. L., Chew, L. L., Chong, V. C., Ng, C. C., Ooi, A. L., & Loh, K. H. (2021). Effect of coastal development on larval fish abundance in Klang Strait (Malaysia). Regional Studies in Marine Science, 46, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101889
Kuit, S. H., Ponnampalam, L. S., Hammond, P. S., Chong, V. C., & Then, A. Y. H. (2021). Abundance estimates of three cetacean species in the coastal waters of Matang, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31(11), 3120-3132. doi: 10.1002/aqc.3699
Syazwan, W. M., Then, A. Y. H., Chong, V. C., & Rizman-Idid, M. (2021). Trophic ecology of a tropical scyphozoan community in coastal waters: Insights from stomach content and stable isotope analyses. Continental Shelf Research, 225, 13. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2021.104481
Then, A. Y. H., Adame, M. F., Fry, B., Chong, V. C., Riekenberg, P. M., Zakaria, R. M., & Lee, S. Y. (2021). Stable Isotopes Clearly Track Mangrove Inputs and Food Web Changes Along a Reforestation Gradient. Ecosystems, 24(4), 939-954. doi: 10.1007/s10021-020-00561-0
Lai, Z. W., Teoh, H. W., Lee, C. W., Lee, S. L., Saito, H., Chong, V. C. (2020). Macrobenthic community associated with semi-cultured blood cockles (Tegillarca granosa) in tropical mudflats. Continental Shelf Research, 195, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104061
Lai, Zhen Wei; Teoh, Hong Wooi; Lee, Choon Weng; Lee, Soon Loong; Saito, Hajime; Chong, Ving Ching (2020). Macrobenthic community associated with semi-cultured blood cockles (Tegillarca granosa) in tropical mudflats, CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH. 195. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2020.104061
Syazwan, W. M., Rizman-Idid, M., Low, L. B., Then, A. Y. H., & Chong, V. C. (2020). Assessment of scyphozoan diversity, distribution and blooms: Implications of jellyfish outbreaks to the environment and human welfare in Malaysia. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 39, 17. doi: 10.1016/j.rsma.2020.101444
Chu, C., Loh, K. H., Ng, C. C., Ooi, A. L., Konishi, Y., Huang, S. P., Chong, V. C. (2019). Using DNA Barcodes to Aid the Identification of Larval Fishes in Tropical Estuarine Waters (Malacca Straits, Malaysia). Zoological Studies, 58, 15. doi:10.6620/zs.2019.58-30
Chu, Cecilia; Loh, Kar Hoe; Ng, Ching Ching; Ooi, Ai Lin; Konishi, Yoshinobu; Huang, Shih-Pin; Chong, Ving Ching (2019). Using DNA Barcodes to Aid the Identification of Larval Fishes in Tropical Estuarine Waters (Malacca Straits, Malaysia), ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES. 58. doi:10.6620/ZS.2019.58-30
Goh, H. C., Chew, L. L., Bong, C. W., Ng, C. C., Chong, V. C. (2019). Past and present infestation of the stalked ciliate Zoothamnium sp. on copepods in the Klang Strait. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 83(3), 263-279. doi: 10.3354/ame01920
Goh, Hao Chin; Chew, Li Lee; Bong, Chui Wei; Ng, Ching Ching; Chong, Ving Ching (2019). Past and present infestation of the stalked ciliate Zoothamnium sp. on copepods in the Klang Strait, AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY. 83(3), 263-279. doi:10.3354/ame01920
Kuit, S. H., Ponnampalam, L. S., Ng, J. E., Chong, V. C., Then, A. Y. H. (2019). Distribution and habitat characteristics of three sympatric cetacean species in the coastal waters of Matang, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29(10), 1681-1696. doi:10.1002/aqc.3121
Kuit, Sui Hyang; Ponnampalam, Louisa Shobhini; Ng, Jol Ern; Chong, Ving Ching; Then, Amy Yee-Hui (2019). Distribution and habitat characteristics of three sympatric cetacean species in the coastal waters of Matang, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia, AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS. 29(10), 1681-1696. doi:10.1002/aqc.3121
Lee, S. L., Chong, V. C., Then, A. Y. H. (2019). Fish Trophodynamics in Tropical Mudflats: a Dietary and Isotopic Perspective. Estuaries and Coasts, 42(3), 868-889. doi:10.1007/s12237-019-00519-z
Lee, Soon Loong; Chong, Ving Ching; Then, Amy Yee-Hui (2019). Fish Trophodynamics in Tropical Mudflats: a Dietary and Isotopic Perspective, ESTUARIES AND COASTS. 42(3), 868-889. doi:10.1007/s12237-019-00519-z
Lim, K. C., Chong, V. C., Lim, P. E., Yurimoto, T., Loh, K. H. (2019). Feeding ecology of three sympatric species of stingrays on a tropical mudflat. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 99(4), 999-1007. doi:10.1017/s0025315418000759
Adame, M. F., Zakaria, R. M., Fry, B., Chong, V. C., Then, Y. H. A., Brown, C. J., Lee, S. Y. (2018). Loss and recovery of carbon and nitrogen after mangrove clearing. Ocean Coastal Management, 161, 117-126. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.04.019
Ho, N. A. J., Ooi, J. L. S., Affendi, Y. A., Chong, V. C. (2018). Influence of habitat complexity on fish density and species richness in structurally simple forereef seagrass meadows. Botanica Marina, 61(6), 547-557. doi:10.1515/bot-2017-0115
Low, Joyce S. Y.; Chew, Li Lee; Ng, Ching Ching; Goh, Hao Chin; Lehette, Pascal; Chong, Ving Ching (2018). Heat shock response and metabolic stress in the tropical estuarine copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandalei converge at its upper thermal optimum, JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY. 74, 14-22. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2018.02.012
Teoh, Hong Wooi; Sasekumar, A.; Ismail, Mohamad Hanif; Chong, Ving Ching (2018). Trophic discrimination factor and the significance of mangrove litter to benthic detritivorous gastropod, Ellobium aurisjudae (Linnaeus), JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH. 131, 79-84. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2017.11.005
Ali, N. M., Khan, H. A., Then, A. Y. H., Ching, C. V., Gaur, M., Dhillon, S. K. (2017). Fish Ontology framework for taxonomy-based fish recognition. Peerj, 5, 24. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3811
Eeo, J. J., Chong, V. C., Sasekumar, A. (2017). Cyclical Events in the Life and Death of an Ephemeral Polychaete Reef on a Tropical Mudflat. Estuaries and Coasts, 40(5), 1418-1436.
Ismail, Mohamad Hanif; Chong, Ving Ching; Ramli, Rosli; Sasekumar, A. (2017). Rediscovery of Ellobium scheepmakeri (Petit De La Saussaye, 1850) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Ellobiidae), a rare ellobiid in Bukit Belimbing mangrove forest, Peninsular Malaysia, MOLLUSCAN RESEARCH. 37(3), 222-226. doi:10.1080/13235818.2017.1318460
Jamizan, A. R., Chong, V. C. (2017). Demersal Fish and Shrimp Abundance in Relation to Mangrove Hydrogeomorphological Metrics. Sains Malaysiana, 46(1), 9-19.
Matsuoka, K., Yurimoto, T., Chong, V. C., Man, A. (2017). Marine palynomorphs dominated by heterotrophic organism remains in the tropical coastal shallow-water sediment; the case of Selangor coast and the estuary of the Manjung River in Malaysia. Paleontological Research, 21(1), 14-26.
Ooi, Boon-Leong; Lim, Yen-Li; Lim, Adam C. O.; Chong, Ving-Ching (2017). Habitat choice and hunting behaviour of the alligator pipefish, Syngnathoides biaculeatus, in captivity, ETHOLOGY ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION. 29(6), 542-551. doi:10.1080/03949370.2016.1260060
Tsuboi, M., Lim, A. C. O., Ooi, B. L., Yip, M. Y., Chong, V. C., Ahnesjo, I., Kolm, N. (2017). Brain size evolution in pipefishes and seahorses: the role of feeding ecology, life history and sexual selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30(1), 150-160.
Yap, Fook Choy; Wong, Wey-Lim; Maule, Aaron G.; Brennan, Gerard P.; Chong, Ving Ching; Lim, Lee Hong Susan (2017). First evidence for temporary and permanent adhesive systems in the stalked barnacle cyprid, Octolasmis angulata, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 7. doi:10.1038/srep44980
Barati, Anis; Ghaderpour, Aziz; Chew, Li Lee; Bong, Chui Wei; Thong, Kwai Lin; Chong, Ving Ching; Chai, Lay Ching (2016). Isolation and Characterization of Aquatic-Borne Klebsiella pneumoniae from Tropical Estuaries in Malaysia, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 13(4). doi:10.3390/ijerph13040426
Chew, Li Lee; Chong, Ving Ching (2016). Response of marine copepods to a changing tropical environment: winners, losers and implications, PEERJ. 4. doi:10.7717/peerj.2052
George, Mary; Sabaruddin, Johan Shamsuddin Hj; Chong, Ving Ching (2016). Marine Spatial Planning: What Does It Have to Offer Malaysia?, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARINE AND COASTAL LAW. 31(2), 242-278. doi:10.1163/15718085-12341397
Ho, Wing Sze; Yap, Kien-Pong; Yeo, Chew Chieng; Rajasekaram, Ganeswrie; Thong, Kwai Lin (2016). The Complete Sequence and Comparative Analysis of a Multidrug-Resistance and Virulence Multireplicon IncF11 Plasmid pEC302/04 from an Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli EC302/04 Indicate Extensive Diversity of IncF11 Plasmids, FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 6. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.01547
Lee, Soon Loong; Chong, Ving Ching; Yurimoto, Tatsuya (2016). Ichthyofauna on a Tropical Mudflat: Implications of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Assemblage Structure and Abundance, ESTUARIES AND COASTS. 39(5), 1543-1560. doi:10.1007/s12237-016-0083-3
Lehette, Pascal; Ting, Siok Mei; Chew, Li-Lee; Ving Ching Chong (2016). Respiration rates of the copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandalei in tropical waters: beyond the thermal optimum, JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH. 38(3), 456-467. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv119
Loh, Kar-Hoe; Shao, Kwan-Tsao; Chong, Ving-Ching; Chen, Hong-Ming (2016). Additions to the Taiwan eel fauna with five newly recorded species of moray eels (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae), and redesciptions of a rare species Gymnothoraxsag-macephalus (vol 24, pg 250, 2016), JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN. 24(3), 669-669
Loh, Kar-Hoe; Shao, Kwang-Tsao; Chen, Ching-Hung; Chen, Hong-Ming; Then, Amy Yee-Hui; Loo, Poh-Leong; Lim, Phaik-Eem; Chong, Ving-Ching; Shen, Kang-Ning; Hsiao, Chung-Der (2016). Complete mitogenome of two moray eels of Gymnothorax formosus and Scuticaria tigrina (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae), MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART A. 27(4), 2651-2652. doi:10.3109/19401736.2015.1043530
Loh, Kar-Hoe; Shao, Kwang-Tsao; Chen, Hong-Ming; Chen, Ching-Hung; Chong, Ving-Ching; Loo, Poh-Leong; Shen, Kang-Ning; Hsiao, Chung-Der (2016). Next generation sequencing yields the complete mitochondrial genome of the Zebra moray, Gymnomuraena zebra (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae), MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART A. 27(6), 4230-4231. doi:10.3109/19401736.2015.1022754
Loh, Kar-Hoe; Shao, Kwang-Tsao; Chen, Hong-Ming; Chen, Ching-Hung; Loo, Poh-Leong; Hui, Amy Then Yee; Lim, Phaik-Eem; Chong, Ving-Ching; Shen, Kang-Ning; Hsiao, Chung-Der (2016). Next-generation sequencing yields the complete mitochondrial genome of the longfang moray, Enchelynassa canina (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae), MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART A. 27(4), 2431-2432. doi:10.3109/19401736.2015.1030629
Loo, Poh L.; Chong, Ving C.; Vikineswary, Sabaratnam; Ibrahim, Shaliza (2016). Waste-grown phototrophic bacterium supports culture of the rotifer, Brachionus rotundiformis, AQUACULTURE RESEARCH. 47(10), 3029-3041. doi:10.1111/are.12750
Pascal, Lehette; Ving Ching Chong (2016). Does developmental temperature modulate copepods respiratory activity through adult life?, JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH. 38(5), 1215-1224. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbw058
Rizman-Idid, M., Farrah-Azwa, A. B., Chong, V. C. (2016). Preliminary Taxonomic Survey and Molecular Documentation of Jellyfish Species (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa and Cubozoa) in Malaysia. Zoological Studies, 55, 19.
Salimi, Nima; Loh, Kar Hoe; Dhillon, Sarinder Kaur; Chong, Ving Ching (2016). Fully-automated identification of fish species based on otolith contour: using short-time Fourier transform and discriminant analysis (STFT-DA), PEERJ. 4. doi:10.7717/peerj.1664
See, Morwenna; Marsham, Sara; Chang, Chih Wei; Chong, Ving Ching; Sasekumar, A.; Dhillon, Sarinder Kaur; Loh, Kar Hoe (2016). The Use of Otolith Morphometrics in Determining the Size and Species Identification of Eight Mullets (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae) from Malaysia, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 45(5), 735-743
Teoh, Hong Wooi; Lee, Soon Loong; Chong, Ving Ching; Yurimoto, Tatsuya (2016). Nutrient (N, P, Si) concentration and primary production on a perturbed tropical coastal mudflat, ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES. 75(15). doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5953-2
Wong, J. Y.; Chu, C.; Chong, V. C.; Dhillon, S. K.; Loh, K. H. (2016). Automated otolith image classification with multiple views: an evaluation on Sciaenidae, JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY. 89(2), 1324-1344. doi:10.1111/jfb.13039
Yong, Yu Lin; Chew, Li Lee; Lee, Choon Weng; Chong, Ving Ching (2016). Monsoonal and lunar variability in microzooplankton abundance and community structure in the Terusan mangrove creek (Malaysia), MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH. 12(3), 278-293. doi:10.1080/17451000.2016.1143107
Chew, L. L.; Chong, V. C.; Wong, R. C. S.; Lehette, P.; Ng, C. C.; Loh, K. H. (2015). Three decades of sea water abstraction by Kapar power plant (Malaysia): What impacts on tropical zooplankton community?, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN. 101(1), 69-84. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.11.022
Chew, Li-Lee; Ving Ching Chong; Ooi, Ai Lin; Sasekumar, A. (2015). Vertical migration and positioning behavior of copepods in a mangrove estuary: Interactions between tidal, diel light and lunar cycles, ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE. 152, 142-152. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.011
Ghaderpour, Aziz; Ho, Wing Sze; Chew, Li-Lee; Bong, Chui Wei; Chong, Ving Ching; Thong, Kwai-Lin; Chai, Lay Ching (2015). Diverse and abundant multi-drug resistant E-coli in Matang mangrove estuaries, Malaysia, FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 6. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.00977
Koch, M.; Chong, V. C.; Sasekumar, A.; Duris, Z. (2015). NEW RECORDS AND RANGE-EXTENSION OF THE SWIMMING CRAB XIPHONECTES PSEUDOHASTATOIDES (YANG & TANG, 2006) (BRACHYURA, PORTUNIDAE), CRUSTACEANA. 88(6), 641-649. doi:10.1163/15685403-00003439
Lawson, J. M.; Foster, S. J.; Lim, A. C. O.; Chong, V. C.; Vincent, A. C. J. (2015). Novel life-history data for threatened seahorses provide insight into fishery effects, JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY. 86(1), 1-15. doi:10.1111/jfb.12527
Leow, Lee Kien; Chew, Li-Lee; Chong, Ving Ching; Dhillon, Sarinder Kaur (2015). Automated identification of copepods using digital image processing and artificial neural network, BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 16. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-16-S18-S4
Lim, A. C. O.; Chong, V. C.; Chew, W. X.; Muniandy, S. V.; Wong, C. S.; Ong, Z. C. (2015). Sound production in the tiger-tail seahorse Hippocampus comes: Insights into the sound producing mechanisms, JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 138(1), 404-412. doi:10.1121/1.4923153
Lim, Kean Chong; Lim, Phaik-Eem; Chong, Ving Ching; Loh, Kar-Hoe (2015). Molecular and Morphological Analyses Reveal Phylogenetic Relationships of Stingrays Focusing on the Family Dasyatidae (Myliobatiformes) (vol 10, e0120518, 2015), PLOS ONE. 10(5). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129411
Lim, Kean Chong; Lim, Phaik-Eem; Chong, Ving Ching; Loh, Kar-Hoe (2015). Molecular and Morphological Analyses Reveal Phylogenetic Relationships of Stingrays Focusing on the Family Dasyatidae (Myliobatiformes), PLOS ONE. 10(4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120518
Loh, Kar-Hoe; Hussein, Muhammad Ali Syed; Chong, Ving-Ching; Sasekumar, A. (2015). Notes on the Moray Eels (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) of Malaysia with Two New Records, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 44(1), 41-47
Loo, Poh Leong; Chong, Ving Ching; Ibrahim, Shaliza; Sabaratnam, Vikineswary (2015). Manipulating Culture Conditions and Feed Quality to Increase the Survival of Larval Marble Goby Oxyeleotris marmorata, NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUACULTURE. 77(2), 149-159. doi:10.1080/15222055.2014.987932
Moh, Heng Hing; Chong, Ving Ching; Sasekumar, A. (2015). Distribution and burrow morphology of three sympatric species of Thalassina mud lobsters in relation to environmental parameters on a Malayan mangrove shore, JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH. 95, 75-83. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2014.10.006
Muthukrishnan, Sarmila; Sabaratnam, Vikineswary; Tan, Geok-Yuan Annie; Chong, Ving Ching (2015). Identification of Indigenous Bacteria Isolated from Shrimp Aquaculture Wastewater with Bioremediation Application: Total Ammoniacal Nitrogen (TAN) and Nitrite Removal, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 44(8), 1103-1110
Ramarn, T.; Chong, V. C.; Hanamura, Y. (2015). Versatile mysids exploit multiple basal resources: implication of the bentho-pelagic habit in estuarine food webs, HYDROBIOLOGIA. 743(1), 37-51. doi:10.1007/s10750-014-2003-5
Rehman, Muhammad Abdur; Yusoff, Ismail; Ahmmad, Rasel; Alias, Yatimah (2015). Versatile hermit crabs harness multiple-source energy from coastal mudflats: implications for fish production, AQUATIC ECOLOGY. 49(1), 43-55. doi:10.1007/s10452-015-9503-x
Yip, M. Y.; Lim, A. C. O.; Chong, V. C.; Lawson, J. M.; Foster, S. J. (2015). Food and feeding habits of the seahorses Hippocampus spinosissimus and Hippocampus trimaculatus (Malaysia), JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. 95(5), 1033-1040. doi:10.1017/S0025315414001660
Chen, Hsi-Nien; Tsang, Ling Ming; Chong, Ving Ching; Chan, Benny K. K. (2014). Worldwide genetic differentiation in the common fouling barnacle, Amphibalanus amphitrite, Biofouling. 30(9), 1067-1078. doi:10.1080/08927014.2014.967232
Lim, K. C.; Chong, V. C.; Lim, P. E.; Yurimoto, T. (2014). Length-weight relationship of stingrays in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY. 30(5), 1096-1098. doi:10.1111/jai.12455
Paliany, Audra Shaleena; Sivasothy, Yasodha; Awang, Khalijah; Rizman-Idid, Mohammed; Alias, Siti Aisyah (2014). Population Structure and Reproduction of the Mysid Shrimp Acanthomysis thailandica (Crustacea: Mysidae) in a Tropical Mangrove Estuary, Malaysia, ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES. 51(6), 768-782
Teoh, H. W.; Chong, V. C. (2014). Reproduction strategies and population dynamics of two Diogenes hermit crabs (Superfamily: Paguroidea) in a tropical mangrove estuary, Hydrobiologia. 724(1), 255-265. doi:10.1007/s10750-013-1738-8
Teoh, Hong Wooi; Chong, Ving Ching (2014). Shell use and partitioning of two sympatric species of hermit crabs on a tropical mudflat, Journal of Sea Research. 86, 13-22. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2013.10.008
Teoh, Hong Wooi; Hussein, Muhammad Ali Syed; Chong, Ving Ching (2014). Influence of habitat heterogeneity on the assemblages and shell use of hermit crabs (Anomura: Diogenidae), Zoological Studies. 53, 9. doi:10.1186/s40555-014-0067-6
Wong, Jin Yung; Chen, Hsi-Nien; Chan, Benny K. K.; Tan, Irene Kit Ping; Chong, Ving Ching (2014). A combined morphological and molecular approach in identifying barnacle cyprids from the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve in Malaysia: essentials for larval ecology studies, RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 62, 317-329
Chu, Cecilia; Rizman-Idid, Mohammed; Ching, Chong Ving (2013). Phylogenetic relationships of selected genera of Lutjanidae inferred from mitochondrial regions, with a note on the taxonomic status of Pinjalo pinjalo, CIENCIAS MARINAS. 39(4), 349-361. doi:10.7773/cm.v39i4.2287
Dhillon, Sarinder Kaur; Chiew, S. L.; Leow, L. K.; Sidhu, Amandeep S.; Shuhaimi, N. I.; Leong, Y. M.; Chong, V. C. (2013). A model of a digital biological ecosystem, SYSTEMATICS AND BIODIVERSITY. 11(4), 425-435. doi:10.1080/14772000.2013.856962
Huang, Shih-Pin; Shao, Kwang-Tsao; Huang, Hao-Ming; Chong, Ving-Ching; Chen, I-Shiung (2013). AN ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF GOBIOID FISHES FROM THE MANGROVE ESTUARY OF MATANG, MALAY PENINSULA, WITH COMMENTS ON A NEW Pseudogobius (TELEOSTEI: GOBIIDAE) SPECIES, Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan. 21, 106-116. doi:10.6119/JMST-013-1219-8
Loo, P. L.; Vikineswary, S.; Chong, V. C. (2013). Nutritional value and production of three species of purple non-sulphur bacteria grown in palm oil mill effluent and their application in rotifer culture, Aquaculture Nutrition. 19(6), 895-907. doi:10.1111/anu.12035
Loo, Poh L.; Chong, Ving C.; Vikineswary, S. (2013). Rhodovulum sulfidophilum, a phototrophic bacterium, grown in palm oil mill effluent improves the larval survival of marble goby Oxyeleotris marmorata (Bleeker), Aquaculture Research. 44(3), 495-507. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2012.03193.x
Chew, L. L.; Chong, V. C.; Tanaka, K.; Sasekumar, A. (2012). Phytoplankton fuel the energy flow from zooplankton to small nekton in turbid mangrove waters, Marine Ecology Progress Series. 469, 7-24. doi:10.3354/meps09997
Ho, Hsuan-Ching; Teoh, Hong-Wooi; Chong, Ving-Ching (2012). Notes on the Snake Eel Neenchelys buitendijki (Ophichthidae: Myrophinae), a New Record for Malaysia, Sains Malaysiana. 41(8), 949-952
Ramarn, T., Chong, V. C., Hanamura, Y. (2012). Population Structure and Reproduction of the Mysid Shrimp Acanthomysis thailandica (Crustacea: Mysidae) in a Tropical Mangrove Estuary, Malaysia, Zoological Studies. 51(6), 768-782
Chew, Li-Lee; Chong, V. C. (2011). Copepod community structure and abundance in a tropical mangrove estuary, with comparisons to coastal waters, Hydrobiologia. 6661(127-143), Article. doi:10.1007/s10750-010-0092-3
Lim, A. C. O.; Chong, V. C.; Wong, C. S.; Choo, C. K. (2011). Diversity, habitats and conservation threats of syngnathid (Syngnathidae) fishes in Malaysia, TROPICAL ZOOLOGY. 24(2), 193-222
Ooi, A. L.; Chong, V. C. (2011). Larval fish assemblages in a tropical mangrove estuary and adjacent coastal waters: Offshore-inshore flux of marine and estuarine species, Continental Shelf Research. 3115(1599-1610), Article. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2011.06.016
Tanaka, Katsuhisa; Hanamura, Yukio; Ving Ching Chong; Watanabe, Satoshi; Man, Alias; Kassim, Faizul Mohd; Kodama, Masashi; Ichikawa, Tadafumi (2011). Stable isotope analysis reveals ontogenetic migration and the importance of a large mangrove estuary as a feeding ground for juvenile Johns snapper Lutjanus johnii, Fisheries Science. 775(809-816), Article. doi:10.1007/s12562-011-0396-x
Azila, A., Chong, V. C. (2010). Multispecies impingement in a tropical power plant, Straits of Malacca, Marine Environmental Research. 70(1), 13-25. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2010.02.004
Chong, V. C., Lee, P. K. Y., Lau, C. M. (2010). Diversity, extinction risk and conservation of Malaysian fishes, Journal of Fish Biology. 76(9), 2009-2066. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02685.x Published JUN 2010
Madin, J., Chong, V. C., Hartstein, N. D. (2010). Effects of water flow velocity and fish culture on net biofouling in fish cages, Aquaculture Research. 41(10), e602-e617. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02567.x
Madin, John; Chong, V. C.; Basri, Badrulnizam (2009). Development and short-term dynamics of macrofouling assemblages on fish-cage nettings in a tropical estuary, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 83(1), 19-29. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2009.03.012
Mendoza, Jose Christopher E.; Chong, V. C.; Ng, Peter K. L. (2009). A new xanthid crab of the genus Medaeops Guinot, 1967, from Peninsular Malaysia, with a note on Leptodius granulosus Haswell, 1882 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Xanthidae), Zootaxa. 2297( 44-54), Article. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.2297.1.4
Moh, H. H., Chong, V. C. (2009). A NEW SPECIES OF THALASSINA (CRUSTACEA: DECAPODA: THALASSINIDAE) FROM MALAYSIA, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 57(2), 465-473. doi:10.1007/s002270000434
Sarpedonti, V.; Chong, V. C. (2008). Abundance and distribution of Stolephorus baganensis Hardenberg 1933 and Thryssa kammalensis (Bleeker 1849) larvae in relation to ontogeny and environmental factors in a Malaysian estuary, Tropical Zoology. 21(0394-6975 ), 2
Affendy, N.; Chong, V. C. (2007). Shrimp ingress into mangrove forests of different age stands, Matang mangrove forest reserve, Malaysia, BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE. 80(3), 915-915
Chong, V. C. (2007). Mangroves-fisheries linkages - The Malaysian perspective, Bulletin of Marine Science. 80(3), 755-772
Alongi, D. M., Sasekumar, A., Chong, V. C., Pfitzner, J., Trott, L. A., Tirendi, F., et al. (2004). Sediment accumulation and organic material flux in a managed mangrove ecosystem: estimates of land-ocean-atmosphere exchange in peninsular Malaysia, Marine Geology. 208(2-4), 383-402. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2004.04.016
Azad, S. A., Vikineswary, S., Chong, V. C., Ramachandran, K. B. (2004). Rhodovulum sulfidophilum in the treatment and utilization of sardine processing wastewater, Letters in Applied Microbiology. 38(1), 13-18. doi:10.1046/j.1472-765X.2003.01435.x
Alongi, D. M., Chong, V. C., Dixon, P., Sasekumar, A., Tirendi, F. (2003). The influence of fish cage aquaculture on pelagic carbon flow and water chemistry in tidally dominated mangrove estuaries of peninsular Malaysia, Marine Environmental Research. 55(4), 313-333
Al Azad, S; Chong, VC; Vikineswary, S (2002). Phototrophic bacteria as feed supplement for rearing Penaeus monodon larvae, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 33(2), 158-168. doi:10.1111/j.1749-7345.2002.tb00490.x
Chong, V. C.; Sasekumar, A. (2002). Coastal habitats (mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass beds) of the ASEAN region: Status, utilization and management issues, FISHERIES SCIENCE. 68, 566-571
Azad, SA; Vikineswary, S; Ramachandran, KB; Chong, VG (2001). Growth and production of biomass of Rhodovulum sulfidophilum in sardine processing wastewater, LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY. 33(4), 264-268
Chong, VC; Low, CB; Ichikawa, T (2001). Contribution of mangrove detritus to juvenile prawn nutrition: a dual stable isotope study in a Malaysian mangrove forest, Marine Biology. 138(1), 77-86. doi:10.1007/s002270000434
Getha, K., Vikineswary, S., Chong, V. C. (1998). Isolation and growth of the phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain B1 in sago-starch-processing wastewater, World Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology. 14(4), 505-511
Sasekumar, A., Chong, V. C. (1998). Faunal diversity in Malaysian mangroves, Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters. 7(1), 57-60
Sasekumar, A., Chong, V. C., Leh, M. U., Dcruz, R. (1992). MANGROVES AS A HABITAT FOR FISH AND PRAWNS, Hydrobiologia. 247(1-3), 195-207
Chong, V. C., Sasekumar, A. (1981). FOOD AND FEEDING-HABITS OF THE WHITE PRAWN PENAEUS-MERGUIENSIS, Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 5(2), 185-191
Lee S.L., Chong V.C., Loh K.H. & Yurimoto, T. (2013). Are intertidal mudflat communities (fish and shrimp) affected by cockle culture? Malaysian Journal of Science 32 (SCS Sp. Issue), 107-116
Chai S.Y., Chong V.C., Aishah Salleh and K. Tanaka (2012). Diel variation of benthic diatom abundance and microphytoplankton biomass on intertidal mudflats of the Matang Mangrove Estuary, Malaysia. JIRCAS Working Report 75: 49-58.
Chong V.C., Teoh H.W., Ooi A.L.,Jamizan A.R.& K. Tanaka (2012). Ingression and feeding habits of fish in Matang coastal mudflats, Malaysia. JIRCAS Working Report 75:15- 24.
Man, A., S. Watari, K. Tanaka, Y. Hanamura, V.C. Chong, and F.M.Kassim (2012). Ecopath trophic model for the Matang mangrove estuary, Malaysia. JIRCAS Working Report 75: 69-80
Muthukrishnan, S., Sabaratnam, V., and Chong V.C. (2012). AMMONICAL - NITROGEN REMOVAL BY AN AEROBIC HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIUM, Microbacterium sp., VCM11.Malaysian Journal of Science 31 (2): 76-82
Chong, V.C., Jamizan, A.R.,Mohamad Yazid, Z., Rizman- Idid, M., Muhammad Ali, S.H. and Natin, P. (2010). Diversity and abundance of fish and invertebrates of Semerak estuary and adjacent inshore waters, Kelantan. Malaysian Journal of Science 29, 95-110
Rathi, A., Thong, K.L., Chong V.C. (2010). Isolation, detection and genomic differentiation of Escherichia coli from aquatic environments in Kelantan, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Science 29, 19-29
Singh, H.R. and Chong, V.C. (2010). Shallow coastal waters of Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia as fish nursery grounds. Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics 6(2):
Vimala, B., Thong, K.L., Chong, V.C. (2010). Isolation, detection and genomic differentiation of Vibrio cholera and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Bachok, Kelantan. Malaysian Journal of Science 29, 1-10
Lau, C.M., Affendi Y.A. and Chong V.C. (2009). Effect of jetty pillar orientation on scleractinian corals. Malaysian Journal of Science 28(2): 161-170.
Chew L.L., Chong V.C. and Ooi A.L. (2008). Zooplankton of the Straits of Malacca, with emphasis on copepods and fish larvae in the vicinities of Jarak, Perak and Sembilan Islands. Malaysian Journal of Science 27: 83-104.
Chew, L.L., Chong V.C.& Hanamura, Y. (2007). How important are zooplankton for juvenile fish nutrition in mangrove ecosystems? JIRCAS Working Report 56: 7-18.
Ooi, A.L., Chong, V.C., Hanamura, Y. & Konishi, Y. (2007). Occurrence and recruitment of fish larvae in Matang mangrove estuary, Malaysia. JIRCAS Working Report 56: 1-6 (ISSN 1341-710X).
Tarutani, K., Ooi A.L., Chew L.L., Chong, V.C., Chee P.E. & Hanamura, Y. (2007). Biomass and production rates of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Matang mangrove estuaries of northwestern Peninsular Malaysia. JIRCAS Working Report 56: 27-30.
Amy Then, Y.H., V.C. Chong, H.H. Moh and Y. Hanamura (2006). Size frequency, abundance and feeding habits of young snappers (Lutjanus spp.) and groupers (Epinephelus spp.) in the Matang Mangrove Estuary, Malaysia. JIRCAS Working Report 44: 1-5
Chew, L.L., A.L. Ooi, V.C. Chong and Y. Ogawa (2006). The diet of five major fish species in Matang mangrove estuaries, Peninsular Malaysia.. JIRCAS Working Report 44: 7-12
Ogata, H.Y., K. Ahmad., E.S. Garibay, D.R. Chavez, H. Furuita and V.C. Chong (2006). Arachidonic acid distribution in mangrove organisms in the Philippines, Malaysia and Japan. JIRCAS Working Report 44: 45-52.
Chong, V.C., Affendy, N., Ooi AL & Chew L.L. (2005). Mangrove fishes of northeastern Langkawi Island. Malayan Nature Journal 57(2): 193-208.
Chong, V.C., Ng., Y.P., Hairi, B.J., Ooi L.L., Chiew, L.L., Amirah M. and B.N. Affendy (2005). Update of the fishes of mangrove and coastal waters of northeastern Langkawi. Malaysian Journal of Science 57(2): 167-184
Noramly, G., Azhar B.H., Chong V.C. & Phang S.M. (2005). The scientific, social, environmental and economic value of N.E.Langkawi: an overview of the present status. Malaysian Journal of Science 57(2): 219-235
Chong, V.C. , Ooi, A.L., Chew, L.L. & Ogawa, Y. (2003). Mangrove zooplankton of Matang mangrove estuaries: Preliminary assessment of spatio-temporal abundance in relation to environmental parameters, In Ogawa, Y. et al (eds). Sustainable Production Systems of Aquatic Animals in Brackish Mangrove Areas. JIRCAS Working Report 35: 21-44.
Singh, H.R., Chong V.C. and M.Zakaria-Ismail (2003). Morphological differentiation among estuarine catfishes of the family Ariidae of the Matang ecosystem, Perak. Malayan Journal of Science 22. 7-13.
Chong, V.C. & Sasekumar, A. (2002). Fish communities and fisheries of Sungai Johor and Sungai Pulai Estuaries (Johor, Malaysia). Malayan Nature Journal 56 (3), 279-302.
Marsitah, I. & Chong, V.C. (2002). Population and feeding ecology of Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller, 1862) in Klang Strait, Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Science 21: 61-68.
Azad, S.A., Chong V.C., Vickineswary, S & K.B. Ramachandran (2003). Potential of wastegrown phototrophic bacteria as a feed ingredient in aquafeeds. Journal of Bioscience 12(2): 1- 11.
Sarpedonti, V., Ponton, D. & Chong V.C. (2000). Description and ontogeny of young Stolephorus baganensis and Thryssa kammalensis, two Engraulididae from Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Fish Biology 56: 1460-1476.
Getha, K., Chong, V.C. and S. Vikineswary (1998): Potential use of the phototrophic bacteria, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, as an aquaculture feed. Asian Fisheries Science 10: 221-230.
Chong, V.C. (1996): The prawn-mangrove connection - fact or fallacy? In: Sustainable Utilization of Coastal Ecosystems (Suzuki, M., S. Hayase and S. Kawahara, eds), JIRCAS Working Report No. 4, pp. 3-20.
Chong, V.C., Sasekumar, A. and E. Wolanski (1996): The role of mangroves in retaining penaeid prawn larvae in Klang Strait, Malaysia. Mangroves and Salt Marshes 1: 11-22.[now Wetlands Ecology and Management]
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Chong V.C. (1988). Malaysia's participation in the ASEAN-Australia Cooperative Program on Marine Science (AACPMS) - Living Resources in Coastal Area. LAUT (Association of Southeast Asian Scientists) 1(5): 4-6
Chong, V.C. (1984): Prawn resource management in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Wallaceana 34: 3-6.
Chong, V.C. (1982): A study of gonadal maturation and sexual maturity in the white prawn Penaeus merguiensis de Man. Malayan Nature Journal 25: 1-12
Chong, V.C. and N. Marshall (1981): A reconsideration of Munro/Chee(1978) interpretation regarding the impact of inshore trawlers on prawn catches. Pertanika 4(2): 200-203.
Chong, V.C. (1977): Studies on the small grey mullet Liza malinoptera (Valenciennes). J. Fish Biol. 11: 293-308
- Ong S.P., Shawn Cheng, Chong V.C. & Tan Y.S. (2012). Perosak Bakau Yang Ditanam di Semenanjung Malaysia. Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-5221-80-4.
- Sasekumar A. & Chong V.C. (Eds)(2012). Mangrove and Coastal Environment of Selangor, Malaysia. IOES Monograph No.14, UM Press, Kuala Lumpur. 290 pp. ISBN 978-967-0380- 10-0.
- Chong V.C. & Sasekumar A. Eds. (2010). Scientific Expedition to the Seas of Malaysia (SESMA IV), Institute of Ocean & Earth Sciences, University of Malaya. Results of the Research Findings on the Scientific Expedition to Bachok's Coastal Environment, Kelantan, 14-20 June 2008, Malaysian Journal of Science 29 (Special Issue).
- Chong V.C. (2010). Mangrove Conservation - A Fisheye View. Inaugural Lecture, July 8, 2010, University of Malaya.
- Su-Ping Ong, Shawn Cheng, Ving-Ching Chong & Yee-Siang Tan (2010). Pests of Planted Mangroves in Peninsular Malaysia. Forestry Research Institute Malaysia. (in press)
- Siti Aisyah Alias and Chong Ving Ching (eds). (2008). Scientific Expedition to the Seas of Malaysia (SESMA I & II), Institute of Ocean & Earth Sciences, University of Malaya. Malaysian Journal of Science 27(Special Issue
- Phang S.M., Azhar Hussin, Chong V.C., Rosli Hashim & Siti Aisyah Alias (2007) (eds). Gems in the Straits of Malacca: The Natural History of Pulau Jarak & Pulau Perak. University of Malaya Maritime Research Centre. ISBN 978-983-42305-0-0. 53 pp.
- Azhar Hussin, Chong V.C., Md Yusoff Musa, Md Sofian Azirun, Rosli Hashim, Phang S.M. (eds). Scientific Expedition to Langkawi by the University of Malaya Maritime Research Centre, Malaysian Journal of Science 24 (Special Issue), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Phang Siew Moi, Azhar Hussin, Chong Ving Ching, Mary George, Siti Aisyah Alias & Ho Sinn Chye (2006). Innovations and Technologies in Oceanography for Sustainable Development. Proc. of the International Conference on Innovations and Technologies in Oceanography for Sustainable Development, Sept 2005
- Sasekumar, A. and Chong V.C. (eds). (2005). Ecology of Klang Strait. University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur. 269 pp.
- Phang, S.M., Chong V.C., Ho S.C., Noraeni Mokhtar and Jillian Ooi L.S. (eds). (2004). Marine Science Into the New Millenium: New Perspectives and Challenges. Proc. Asia Pacific Conference on Marine Science and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 691 pp.
- Chong V.C. (1999). Mangrove Fisheries of the Sungai Johor Estuarine System. Preparation of an Integrated Management Plan for Sustainable Use of the Johor Mangrove Forests. Project Document No. 8, Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development and Johor State Government.
- Chong, V.C. and Choo P.S. (eds). Proc. 3rd Annual Seminar on Productivity and Sustainable Utilization of Brackish Water Marine Ecosystems, JIRCAS, Tsukuba, Japan. 154 pp.
- Chong V.C. and A. Sasekumar (1994). Status of mangrove fisheries in the ASEAN region. In: (Wilkinson, C., Ed.) ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Consultative Forum Living Coastal Resources of Southeast Asia: Status and Management, pp. 56-61. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville.
Chapter in Books
- Lim, A.C.O and Chong V.C.(2013). BIODIVERSITY- SYNGNATHIDS (SYNGNATHIDAE) OF KEPULAUAN SEMBILAN. In (Azizan Abu Samah, Shahima Abdul Hamid and Md Nizam Ismail, 2013, eds.), Marine Biodiversity Expedition Report 2012: Central and Southern Straits of Malacca- Sembilan Islands, Tanjung Tuan and Merambong Shoal, Volume 2, Chapter 4. Putrajaya, Department of Marine Park Malaysia.
- Chong V.C., King, B. and Wolanski, E. (2012). Physical features and hydrography. In Sasekumar A. & Chong V.C. (eds). Mangrove and Coastal Environment of Selangor, Malaysia. IOES Monograph Series 14, pp. 1-15. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya
- Chong, V.C., Sasekumar, A. and Zgozi, S.W. (2012). Ecology of fish and shrimp communities. In: Sasekumar, A. & Chong, V.C. (eds) Mangrove and Coastal Environment of Selangor, Malaysia. IOES Monograph Series 14, pp. 215- 241. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya
- Chong, V.C. (2007). Fifteen years of fisheries research in the Matang mangroves What have we learnt? Pages 411-429 in M.I. Shaharuddin, M. Azahar, U. Razani, A.B. Kamaruzzaman, K.L. Lim, R. Suhaili, M.S. Jalil and A. Latiff, (eds.) Sustainable Management of Matang Mangroves: 100 Years and Beyond. Forest Biodiversity Series 4. Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia. ISBN 983-9269-42-9.
- Chong, V.C., A. Sasekumar, E. Wolanski (2007). The role of mangroves in retaining penaeid prawn larvae in Klang Strait, Malaysia. In Y. Mazda, E. Wolanski & P.V. Ridd (eds). The Role of Physical Processes in Mangrove Environments: Manual for the Preservation and Utilization of Mangrove Ecosystems, pp. 547-558. TERRAPUB,Tokyo.
- Ooi, A.L., Chiew L.L. and Chong, V.C. (2007). Diurnal abundance of zooplankton particularly fish larvae in Sungai Sangga Kecil, Matang. Pages 443-451 in M.I. Shaharuddin, M. Azahar, U. Razani, A.B. Kamaruzzaman, K.L. Lim, R. Suhaili, M.S. Jalil and A. Latiff, eds. Sustainable Management of Matang Mangroves: 100 Years and Beyond. Forest Biodiversity Series 4. Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, Intiprint Publisher.
- Leong, L.F., Kwan, K.K., Chong, V.C. and A. Sasekumar (2005). Resource valuation of Kuala Selangor mangrove forest. In: (Sasekumar, A. & Chong, V.C., eds) Ecology of Klang Strait, University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 230-252.
- Sasekumar, A., Chong, V.C., and S.M. Phang (2005). Economic valuation of coastal resources in the Straits of Malacca. In: (Sasekumar, A. & Chong, V.C., eds) Ecology of Klang Strait, University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 253-261.
- Chong, V.C. (2004). Chapter 8: Animals with protostomous development. In: SBB13103 Plant and Animal Diversity, Faculty of Science and Foundation Studies, Open University, Malaysia, pp. 126-153.
- Chong, V.C. (2001). Prawns. In (Ong J.E. and Gong W.K., eds) Vol. 6, pp. 68-69. Encyclopaedia of Malaysia IV: The Seas. Archipelago Press, Editions Didier Millet, Singapore
- Chong, V.C. and A. Sasekumar (1990). Fish of inshore waters adjoining mangroves. In (B.H.R. Othman, ed.) Final Report of the ASEAN Australia Cooperative Program on Marine Science: Coastal Living Resources Project (Phase I), pp. 235-334, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Article in Proceeding
- Kuit, SH, Ponnampalam, LS, Fairul Izmal JH and Chong VC. 2014. Cetacean research and a precautionary approach in developing dolphin-watching tourism in the coastal waters of the Matang mangroves. Proceedings of the Matang Mangrove Forest Management Conference 2014, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. pp. 27 - 39
- Ramarn, T., Chong, V.C. and Y. Hanamura, 2014. Lunar Tidal rhythms of the mysid shrimp (Acanthomysis thailandica) population structure and reproduction in a tropical Mangrove, Malaysia. Proceedings International Conference on Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences (AEBS-2014) April 24-25, 2014 Phuket (Thailand),(eds. Sandhu P.S. & Rahman, M.A.), pp. 71-76
- Tan Y.S., Chong V.C., Singh H.R., Raja Barizan R.S. & Cheng S. (2014). Effects and control of biofouling on mangrove seedlings in Sungai Haji Dorani and Sungai Limau, Selangor. In (Azian, M. et al.) Proceedings National Seminar of R&D Projects on Coastal Forests in Malaysia, pp 50-60. Forestry Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong, Malaysia. (in Malay)
- Wong JY, Irene Tan KP & Chong VC. (2014). Relationship between microfouling by biofilm and macrofouling by barnacles. In (M. Azian et al., eds) Proceedings National Seminar on R&D Projects on Coastal Forests in Malaysia, pp. 205-210. Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Kepong, Malaysia. (in Malay).
- Ramarn T., Chong V.C. & Hanamura Y. (2012). Diversity and abundance of mysid shrimps (Crustacea: Mysidae) at Larut River, Matang mangrove, Peninsular Malaysia. Proc Internation Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Biological Sciences (ICCEBS 2012), Penang, Malaysia, pp. 127-130.
- Loo P.L., Chong V.C. & Vikineswary S. (2011). Bioconversion of palm oil mill effluent (POME) to live feed for aquaculture. Proceedings of Chemistry, Processing Technology & Bio-Energy Conference, 15-17 November 2011, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 193-203.
- Chong, V.C. (2007). Importance of coastal habitats in sustaining the fisheries industry. In (Chee P.E et al.) Proceedings of 4th National Fisheries Symposium 2006 Advancing R&D Towards Fisheries Business Opportunity , pp 113-137. ISBN 978-983-4277-93-2.
- Chong, V.C., Moh, H.H. & Abdul Muhsin Yusoff (2006). Ecology and management of mud lobsters in the Golden Hope oil palm plantation, Carey Island. Pg. 51-55 in Mohd Sofian Azirun et al. (ed) Proceedings Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation Through Sustainable Plantation Practices on Carey Island , University of Malaya, 28 November, 2006.
- . Singh, H.R., Chong, V.C. & Mohd Zakaria Ismail (2004). Taxonomy of the Ariidae of the Matang mangrove ecosystem, Malaysia. In: (Phang SM, Chong VC, Ho SC, Noraieni Mokhtar, Jillian Ooi LS, eds) Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference of Marine Science and Technology, 12-16 May 2002, Kuala Lumpur, pp.173-204.
- Chong,V.C., Alongi, D.M., Natin, P., Ooi A.L., Sasekumar, A. & Wong S.C.(2004). Effects of fish cage aquaculture on water chemistry, plankton and macrobenthos abundance in Matang mangrove estuaries (Perak, peninsular Malaysia), In: (Phang SM, Chong VC, Ho SC, Noraieni Mokhtar, Jillian Ooi LS, eds) Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference of Marine Science and Technology, 12-16 May 2002, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 307-324.
- Madin, J. and Chong, V.C..(2004) Effects of fish feed on biofouling development in floating fish cages. In: (Phang SM, Chong VC, Ho SC, Noraieni Mokhtar, Jillian Ooi LS, eds) Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference of Marine Science and Technology, 12-16 May 2002, Kuala Lumpur, pp.347-360.
- Chong, V.C. (2002). Recruitment dynamics of fish larvae, with special reference to mangrove areas. In (Maeda, M., Maena, Y. & Yokoyama, M. eds) Proceedings JIRCAS International Workshop of Aquatic Animals in Brackish Mangrove Areas, 23 Jan 2002, Tsukuba, Japan, pp.23-35.
- Azad, S.A., Vikineswary, S., Chong, V.C. and K.B. Ramachandran (2001). Rhodovulum sulphidophilum biomass production in sardine processing effluent. Proceedings of 24th Symposium of the Malaysian Society of Microbiology: New horizons in Microbiology, pp. 77-80.
- Ooi, A. L. & Chong, V.C. 2001). Effects of floating fish cage aquaculture on abudance of zooplankton in the Matang mangrove swamp (Perak). In Proceedings of RMK7 IRPA Research Seminar, Vol. 2, 24-25 July 2001, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 707-710.
- Sarpedonti, V. & Chong, V.C. (2001). Relationships between larval anchovy abundance and environmental factors in tropical waters. In Proceedings of RMK7 IRPA Research Seminar, Vol. 2, 24-25 July 2001, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 681-684.
- Tin, J.Y., Tan, C.W., Chong, V.C. and Thong, K.L. (2001). Containment and mortality risks of prawn larvae in mangrove areas: Identifying molecular markers in starving prawn larvae. In Proceedings of RMK7 IRPA Research Seminar, Vol. 3, 24-25 July 2001, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 248-252.
- Muhammad Ali S.H., Chong V.C. & A. Sasekumar (2000). A comparative study of macrobenthic abundance and diversity in the Matang and Dinding mangroves, Malaysia. In Proceedings JIRCAS International Workshop on Brackish Water Mangrove Ecosystems Productivity and Sustainable Utilization, 29 Feb 1 March, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 114-121.
- Ving-Ching Chong, Chong-Beng Low & Tadafumi Ichikawa (2000). Mangrove detritus as source of nutrition for junvenile prawns: A dual stable isotope study in the Matang mangrove forest, Malaysia. In: JIRCAS International Workshop on Brackish Water Mangrove Ecosystems - Productivity and Sustainable Utilization, 29 Feb - 1 March 2000, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 88-98.
- Chong, V.C., Sasekumar, A., Low, C.B. and Muhammad Ali, S.H. (1999). Physico-chemical environment of the Matang and Dinding Mangroves (Malaysia), In (Kiso, K. & Choo, P.S., eds) Proceedings, Fourth JIRCAS Seminar on Productivity and Sustainable Utilization of Brackish Water Mangrove Ecosystems, 8-9 December 1998, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 115-121.
- Leong, L.F., Kwan, K.H. , Chong, V.C. and A. Sasekumar (1999). Economic valuation of mangrove utilization by the local community in Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia. In (Kiso, K. & Choo, P.S., eds) Proceedings, Fourth JIRCAS Seminar on Productivity and Sustainable Utilization of Brackish Water Mangrove Ecosystems, 8-9 December 1998, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 159-170.
- Low, C.B. and Chong, V.C. (1999). Changes in a prawn population due to tidal and day/night effects in a Matang mangrove river. In (Chong,V.C & Choo, P.S., eds) Proceedings Third Annual Seminar on Productivity and Sustainable Utilization of Brackishwater Mangrove Ecosystems , Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 8-9 Dec. 1997, pp. 92-102.
- Low, C.B., Chong, V.C., Lim, L.H.S. and S. Hayase (1999). Prawn production of Matang and Dinding River mangroves: Species distribution and seasonal recruitment , In (Kiso, K. & Choo, P.S., eds) Proceedings, Fourth JIRCAS Seminar on Productivity and Sustainable Utilization of Brackish Water Mangrove Ecosystems, 8-9 December 1998, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 89-101.
- Muhammad Ali S.H., Chong V.C. and A. Sasekumar (1999). Benthic macrofaunal distribution in the Sungai Selinsing, Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia. In (Kiso, K. & Choo, P.S., eds) Proceedings, Fourth JIRCAS Seminar on Productivity and Sustainable Utilization of Brackish Water Mangrove Ecosystems, 8-9 December 1998, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 36-48.
- Chong, V.C., Che Mah Sidek, Marsitah Idris, Alfred Low, C.B. (1997): Prawn production of Matang mangroves: A preliminary analysis of species distribution, biomass and reproductive maturity. In (Shigeo, H. ed.) Productivity and Sustainable Utilization of Brackishwater Mangrove Ecosystems, Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar on Studies On Results for 1995/96 Research Projects, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang, 1996, pg. 27-41.
- Mohd. Ali Syed Husin, Chong, V.C. and Sasekumar, A. (1999). The relationship between macrobenthos and soil parameters in a Matang river channel. In (Chong,V.C & Choo, P.S., eds) Proceedings Third Annual Seminar on Productivity and Sustainable Utilization of Brackishwater Mangrove Ecosystems , Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 8-9 Dec. 1997, pp. 44-50.
- Chong, V.C., Sasekumar, A. and K.H. Lim (1994): Distribution and abundance of prawns in a Malaysian mangrove system. In: Sudara, S., Wilkinson, C.R. & Chou, L.M. (eds.) Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 2: Research Papers, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, pp. 437-445.
- Chong, V.C., Sasekumar, A., Atmadja, W.S. and J.K.Y. Low, (1994): Status of mangrove prawn fisheries in the ASEAN countries. In: Wilkinson, C., Suraphol, S. & Chou, L.M.(eds.) Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 1: Status Reviews, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, pp. 147-156.
- Gong, W.K., Ong, J.E., Sasekumar, A. and V.C. Chong (1994). Status of mangrove forests and fisheries in Malaysia. In: Wilkinson, C., Suraphol, S. & Chou, L.M. (eds.) Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 1: Status Reviews, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, pp. 209-214.
- Japar, S.B., A. Sasekumar, V.C. Chong & J.K.Y. Low (1994): Mangrove fish resources in ASEAN region. In: Wilkinson, C., Sudara, S., Chou, L.M. (eds.) Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 1: Status Reviews, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, pp.179-200.
- Sasekumar, A., Chong, V.C. and H.R. Singh (1994): The physical and chemical characteristics of the Matang Mangrove waters. In: Sudara, S., Wilkinson, C.R. & Chou, L.M. (eds.) Proceedings, Third-ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 2: Research Papers, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, pp. 446-453.
- Sasekumar, A., Chong, V.C. and K.H. Lim (1994): Status of mangrove finfish resources in ASEAN. In: Wilkinson, C., Suraphol, S. & Chou, L.M. (eds.) Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 1: Status Reviews, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, pp. 139- 146.
- Sasekumar, A., Chong, V.C., Lim, K.H. and H.R. Singh (1994): The fish community of Matang mangrove waters. In: Sudara, S., Wilkinson, C.R. & Chou, L.M. (eds.) Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 2: Research Papers, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, pp. 457- 464.
- Singh, H.R., Chong, V.C., Sasekumar, A. and K.H. Lim (1994): Value of mangroves as nursery and feeding grounds. In: Wilkinson, C., Suraphol, S. & Chou, L.M. (eds.) Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 1: Status Reviews, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, pp. 105-122.
- Yap, Y. N., Sasekumar, A. and V.C. Chong (1994): Sciaenid fishes of the Matang mangrove waters. In: Sudara, S., Wilkinson, C.R. & Chou, L.M. (eds.) Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 2: Research Papers, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, pp. 491- 498.
- Sasekumar, A., Chong, V.C. and M.U.Charles Leh (1991): The fish and prawn communities in mangrove estuaries and mudflats in Selangor (Malaysia). In: Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Living Resources in Coastal Areas, Jan 30 - Feb 1, 1989, Manila, Philippines (Alcala, A.C., Chief Editor), Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, pp. 485-494.
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- Chong, V.C., G.H. Wee and A. Sasekumar (1991): Inshore fish and prawn communities off a mangrove shore in Selangor. In: Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Living Resources in Coastal Areas, Jan 30 - Feb 1, 1989, Manila, Philippines (Alcala, A.C., Chief Editor), Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, pp. 502-512.
- Sasekumar, A. and V.C. Chong (1987): Mangroves and Prawns: Further perspectives. In: Towards conserving Malaysia's marine heritage. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Seminar of the Malaysian Society of Marine Sciences (Eds. Sasekumar, A., Phang, S.M. and E.L. Chong), pp 10-15.
- Chong, V.C. (1980): Maturation and breedinng ecology of the white prawn Penaeus merguiensis de Man. In: Tropical ecology and development. Proceedings of the Vth International Symposium of Tropical Ecology (Ed. Furtado, J.I.), International Society of Tropical Ecology, Kuala Lumpur, pp 1175-1184
Other Publications
- Alias Man, S. Watari, K. Tanaka, Y. Hanamura, V.C.Chong and M.K. Faizul (2010). Ecopath trophic model for the Matang mangrove estuary, Malaysia. JIRCAS Workshop on Sustainable Stock Assessment and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, Dec 7 - 8, 2010, Tsukuba International Congress Center , Tsukuba, Japan. Program & Abstract. p.24 - Extended Abstract
- Chai, S.Y., Chong V.C., Aishah Salleh & K. Tanaka (2010). Dynamics and diel variability of microphytobenthos of an intertidal mudflat. JIRCAS Workshop on Sustainable Stock Assessment and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, Dec 7 - 8, 2010, Tsukuba International Congress Center , Tsukuba, Japan. Program & Abstract. p.17 - Extended Abstract
- Chong V.C. (2010) Marine Biodiversity and Conservation in the South China Sea, with Emphasis on Ichthyofauna (Malaysia). - Extended Abstract
- Chong V.C., H.W. Teoh, A.L. Ooi and K. Tanaka (2010). Ingression and feeding habits of fish in Matang coastal mudflats, Malaysia. JIRCAS Workshop on Sustainable Stock Assessment and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, Dec 7 - 8, 2010, Tsukuba International Congress Center , Tsukuba, Japan. Program & Abstract. p.18 - Extended Abstract
- Loh P.L., Chong V.C. & Vikineswary, S. (2010).Converting palm oil mill effluent (POME) to a high-value fish, the Marble Goby. Agriculutre Technology Seminar Series II: Sustainable aquaculture and Management of Aquatic Resources, 13th Nov 2010, UTAR, Perak Campus, Kampar. Programme & Abstract. - Extended Abstract
- Loo, P.L., Chong V.C., Vikineswary, S. (2009). Phototrophic bacteria as a nutritive source for rotifer culture. Poster presented in Conference, International Congress of Malaysian Society for Microbiology: (ICMSM 2009) - Current issues for sustainable research and innovation in microbial biotechnology, 1-4 December 2009, Penang. - Extended Abstract
- Chai S.Y., Chong V.C., Aishah Salleh, Patrick Lee K.Y. & Katsuhisa Tanaka (2008). Physical characteristics and microphytobenthic assemblages of Matang mudflats. JIRCAS Workshop on the Sustainable Stock Management and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, 15- 16 Dec 2008, Langkawi (book of abstract, p.23). - Extended Abstract
- Chong, V.C., Chew L.L., Madin J., Patrick Lee K.Y., Chai S.Y., Katsuhisa Tanaka & Y. Hanamura (2008). Coastal mudflats and fisheries: What connections? JIRCAS Workshop on the Sustainable Stock Management and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, 15- 16 Dec 2008, Langkawi (book of abstract, p.22). - Extended Abstract
- Tanaka, K., S.Watanabe, T. Ichikawa, R.Siow, Alias Man & Chong V.C. (2008). Mangroves as a carbon source for the blood cockle (Anadara granosa) and juvenile fishes in the Matang Mangrove Estuary. JIRCAS Workshop on the Sustainable Stock Management and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, 15-16 Dec 2008, Langkawi (book of abstract, p.25). - Extended Abstract
- Watari, S., K.Tanaka, Alias Man, Amy Then Y.H. and Chong V.C. (2008). Preliminary Ecopath Model for the Matang mangrove estuary. Mangroves as a carbon source for the blood cockle (Anadara granosa) and juvenile fishes in the Matang Mangrove Estuary. JIRCAS Workshop on the Sustainable Stock Management and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, 15-16 Dec 2008, Langkawi (book of abstract, p.26). - Extended Abstract
- Chong, V.C., Sasekumar, A., Phang, S.M. & Nazari, J.M. (1998). Marine and coastal resource mapping for the Straits of Malacca. GEF/UNDP/IMO Regional Programme for Prevention and Management of Marine Pollution in the East Asian Seas. Malacca Straits Demonstration Project Report. - Technical Report
- 2013 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR)Anthropogenic warming and zooplankton community in tropical coastal waters ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2013 - 2015, Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS)POME-BAC for commercial production of aquaculture feed and high value fish ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2014, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Elucidating trophic energy flow in a mangrove estuary using stable isotopes and lipid tracers ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Application of digital image recognition methods with semantic annotation for marine fish and invertebrate species identification ( Consultant)
- 2013 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Study on Malaysian Fish Otoliths ( Consultant)
- 2012 - 2014, ScienceFundMicroheterotrophic transformation of palm oil mill effluent (POME) into single-cell protein (SCP) and single-cell oil (SCO) and their application as aquaculture feed ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2013 - 2014, Japan International Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)Elucidating the environmental-aquaculture interactions in cockle culture tidal flats, Selangor & Perak, Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2010 - 2012, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Benthic Food Web in Malaysian Mangrove Forests ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Linking marine biotopes: fish diversity - seascape mosaics, interrelationships, trophodynamics and life cycle dependencies ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2011, FRIM grantEffects and control of biofouling on mangrove seedlings ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2011, OCAR TNCCommercializing POME-BAC for Aquaculture ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2010, ScienceFundBioremediation of mariculture effluents using indigenous microbial organisms ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2009 - 2010, Sime Darby Plantations Bhd.Ecology and control of mudlobsters in Carey Island ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2009, ScienceFundIntegrated Biodiversity Databases- Networking malaysian Biodiversity Resources using Innovative Menthods and Computational Tools ( Consultant)
- 2007 - 2009, CRYSTALIntegrated Biological Database Initiative (IBDI) ( Consultant)
- 2005 - 2009, Golden Hope PlantationsEcology and physiology of mudlobsters in Carey Island ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Bachok coastal flora and fauna ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2008, ScienceFundQuantifying nursery value of mangroves for fisheries: A multi-criteria approach ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2008, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Enrichment of live zooplankton feed for aquaculture ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2003 - 2005, PFFFloristic and faunistic studies of northern Langkawi ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 1999 - 2002, MOSTI (IRPA7)Environmental effects of fish cage aquaculture in mangrove waters ( Coordinator)
- 1996 - 1999, MOSTI (IRPA7)Ecology of Klang Strait ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2015, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL SCIENCESElucidating the environmental - aquaculture interactions in cockle culture tidal flats, Selangor & Perak, Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2006 - 2011, JIRCASStudy on the biology, ecology and management of commercially-important fish species in mangrove estuaries and related coastal waters of Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 1995 - 2000, Japan International Center for Agricultural SciencesProductivity and sustainable utilization of brackish water mangrove ecosystems ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 1991 - 1994, AIDAB, AustraliaASEAN-AUSTRALIA Cooperative Program on Marine Science: Living Coastal Resources (Phase II) ( Consultant)
- 1989 - 1991, USAIDContribution of mangrove detritus to the production of commercially important shrimp species ( Consultant)
- Kuala Perlis Dredging Project (2006/7), Marine Department01 Sep 2006 - 01 Sep 2007 (National)
- Shoreline Management Plan for Pahang ( 2001), JPS01 Sep 2001 - 01 Sep 2002 (National)
- Integrated Management Plan for Sustainable Use of Johor Mangrove Forests (Johor Forestry Dept/Danced), Johor Forestry Department/ DANCED01 Sep 1998 - 01 Sep 1999 (National)
- Malacca Straits Demonstration: Coastal Resource Mapping and Gis (1997-1998), International Maritime Organization01 Sep 1997 - 01 Sep 1998 (International)
- Development of Methodology for Resource Valuation/Cost-Benefit Analyses in The Straits of Malacca, GEF/UNDP/IMO01 Sep 1997 - 01 Sep 1997 (International)
- Eia for Lekir Coastal Development Perak, Perak SEDC/Halim Rasip Holdings via Perunding Utama Consultants01 Sep 1996 - 01 Sep 1997 (National)
- Environmental Sensitivity Index Mapping of Coastlines (Oil Spills), ESSO via Perunding Utama Consultants01 Sep 1994 - 01 Sep 1994 (National)
- Site Selection and Identification of Power Stations, Tenaga Nasional Berhad01 Sep 1990 - 01 Sep 1992 (National)
- Converting palm oil mill effluent (POME) to a high-value fish, the marble goby., In Agriculture Technology Seminar Series II: Sustainable aquaculture and management of aquatic resources, 13 November, 2010, UTAR, Kampar, Malaysia., UTAR (National) (13 Nov 2010 - 13 Nov 2010)
- Marine Biodiversity and Conservation in the South China Sea, with Emphasis on Ichthyofauna (Malaysia), International Conference on Marine Environment and Biodiversity Conservation in the South China Sea, NSYSU and Marine National Park Headquarters, Taiwan (International) (16 Jul 2010 - 17 Jul 2010)
- Coastal Biodiversity of Langkawi Island: Threats and Conservation Issues., International Workshop on Tropical Island Biodiversity: Across Land and Sea. National University of Singapore, University of Singapore (International) (25 Sep 2007 - 29 Sep 2007)
- Biodiversity and Conservation of Northeast Langkawi, Symposium Langkawi's Geopark, Lembaga Pembangunan Langkawi (National) (29 Aug 2006)
- Mangroves of Klang Islands and Adjacent Areas - Weathering Rapid Urban Development, Interrnational Conference and Exhibition on Mangroves of Indian and Western Pacific Oceans, Maritime Institute of Malaysia (International) (22 Aug 2006)
- Mudflats, fisheries and cockle culture: Connections and interactions, JIRCAS Workshop on "Development of Aquaculture Technologies for Sustainable and Equitable Production of Aquatic Products in Tropical Coastal Areas", JIRCAS & King Mongkut Institute of Technology (International) (02 Dec 2015 - 03 Dec 2015)
- Utilization of palm oil mill effluent (POME) in aquaculture, First Academic Research on Palm Oil Sustainability (ARPOS) Networks Symposium, UKM (International) (10 Jun 2014 - 11 Jun 2014)
- Changing faces of Malaysia's coastal habitats - can scientific research halt threats to biodiversity, ecosystem services and food security?, Pacific Rim Forum on Marine Science and Technology, Tianjin University Center for Marine Environmental Ecology, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Tianjin University (International) (22 Mar 2014 - 23 Mar 2014)
- Enhancing R&D Efforts Towards Sustainable Utilization of Coastal Wetlands: UM-JIRCAS-FRI International Cooperation Unravels Ecological Processes Supporting Fisheries, University of Malaya Researchers' Conference, IPPP (National) (23 Apr 2012 - 24 Apr 2012)
- Malaysia's Fish and Fisheries: Threats and Conservation Issues, National Dialogue on Malaysian Oceans in a Changing Environment, IOES & Faculty of Law, UM (National) (09 Mar 2011 - 09 Mar 2011)
- Mangroves and Fisheries Linkages: The Malaysian Perspectives, First International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitats, RSMAS/NOAA (International) (19 Apr 2006 - 21 Apr 2006)
- Diversity and standing stocks of the fish and invertebrate fauna around Klang Islands, Klang Islands Seminar: Discovering Biodiversity & Sustaining Socio-Economic Benefits, Universiti Malaya, Sime Darby Plantation, Forestry Dept, Fisheries Dept, NGOs (National) (16 Dec 2014 - 17 Dec 2014)
- Dynamics and diel variability of Microphytobenthos of an intertidal mudflat. , JIRCAS Workshop "Sustainable Stock Management and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, JIRCAS, JAPAN (International) (07 Dec 2010 - 08 Dec 2010)
- Ingression and feeding habits of fish in Matang coastal mudflats, Malaysia, JIRCAS Workshop on the Sustainable Stock Management and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, JIRCAS, JAPAN (International) (07 Dec 2010 - 08 Dec 2010)
- Lim, K.C., V.C.Chong, P.E.Lim and T. Yurimoto (2015). Mudflat as habitat for stingrays., JIRCAS Workshop on "Development of Aquaculture Technologies for Sustainable and Equitable Production of Aquatic Products in Tropical Coastal Areas", JIRCAS & King Mongkut Institute of Technology (International) (02 Dec 2015 - 03 Dec 2015)
- Lee, SL, V.C. Chong & T. Yurimoto (2015). Feeding ecology of vagile fish community in Klang Strait mudflat, JIRCAS Workshop on "Development of Aquaculture Technologies for Sustainable and Equitable Production of Aquatic Products in Tropical Coastal Areas", JIRCAS & King Mongkut Institute of Technology (International) (02 Dec 2015 - 03 Dec 2015)
- Yahaya, N.H. and Chong V.C. (2015) Status of dead farmed cockles in Selangor, JIRCAS Workshop on "Development of Aquaculture Technologies for Sustainable and Equitable Production of Aquatic Products in Tropical Coastal Areas", JIRCAS & King Mongkut Institute of Technology (International) (02 Dec 2015 - 03 Dec 2015)
- Mudflat as a habitat for stingrays, JIRCAS Workshop on "Development of Aquaculture Technologies for Sustainable and Equitable Production of Aquatic Products in Tropical Coastal Areas", JIRCAS & King Mongkut Institute of Technology (University) (02 Dec 2015 - 03 Dec 2015)
- Wong JY, Kong, CSY, Tan IKP, Chong V.C. (2014). Effects of littorinid grazer on biofilm growth and recruitment of barnacles: implications to mangrove rehabilitation, Second Internatinal Symposium "Current Topics on Barnacle Biology", 17th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling Satellite Symposium, Sessile Organisms Society Japan & Tropical Marine Science Institute, NUS (International) (11 Jul 2014 - 11 Jul 2014)
- Lim, K.C., Chong, V.C., Lim P.E., T.Yurimoto (2013). Length-Weight Relationships of Stingrays in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia, 12th International Symposium on Advancement in Marine and Freshwater Sciences, Universiti Terengganu Malaysia (International) (08 Oct 2013 - 10 Oct 2013)
- Hubungan antara microfouling oleh biofilem dan macrofouling oleh teritip, Seminar Kebangsaan Projek Penyelidikan & Pembangunan Bagi Hutan Pesisiran Pantai di Malaysia, FRIM (National) (07 Jun 2011 - 08 Jun 2011)
- Phototrophic bacteria as nutritive source for rotifer culture, International Conference of ICMSM - Current issues for sustainable research and innovation in microbial biotechnology, International Congress of Malaysian Society for Microbiology (International) (01 Dec 2009 - 04 Dec 2009)
- Enhancement of marine rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis by using phototrophic bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas palustris) for aquaculture. , 8th Asia Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference BEXCO (12 Nov 2008 - 15 Oct 2008)
- Ecology of mantis shrimps in Matang waters, Official Launch of the Institute of Ocean & Earth Sciences, UM, IOES (University) (17 Jan 2008 - 17 Jan 2008)
- Characteristics of mud lobster Thalassina anomala (Herbst) mounds and tunnels, Official Launch of the Institute of Ocean & Earth Sciences, UM, IOES (University) (17 Jan 2008 - 17 Jan 2008)
- Mud Lobsters - Ecological Engineers or Pests?, Biodiversity Conservation Through Sustainable Plantation Practices on Carey Island, UM/Sime Darby (National) (28 Nov 2006 - 28 Nov 2006)
- Kesan dan pengawalan biofouling terhadap anak pokok bakau di Sungai Haji Dorani dan Sungai Limau, Selangor, Malaysia, Seminar Kebangsaan Projek Penyelidikan & Pembangunan Bagi Hutan Pesisiran Pantai di Malaysia, FRIM (National) (07 Jun 2011 - 06 Jun 2011)
- Malaysia's Fish and Fisheries: Threats and Conservation Issues, National Dialogue on Malaysian Oceans in a Changing Environment, IOES and Faculty of Law UM (National) (09 Mar 2011 - 09 Mar 2011)
- Coastal mudflats and fisheries: What Connections?, JIRCAS Workshop on the Sustainable Stock Management and Aquaculture Technology Suitable for Southeast Asia, JIRCAS/FRI (International) (15 Dec 2008 - 16 Dec 2008)
- Ecology and management of mud lobsters in the Golden Hope oil palm plantation, Carey Island., Seminar on \"Biodiversity Conservation Through Sustainable Plantation Practices on Carey Island\", UM/Sime Darby Plantations Bhd (National) (28 Nov 2006 - 28 Oct 2006)
- Shrimp ingress into mangrove forests of different age stands, Matang mangrove forest reserve, Malaysia, First International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitats, RSMAS/NOAA (International) (19 Apr 2006 - 21 Apr 2006)
- Relationships between larval anchovy abundance and environmental factors in tropical waters. In Proceedings of RMK7 IRPA Research Seminar, Vol. 2, 24- 25 July 2001, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 681-684., RMK7 IRPA Research Seminar, Universiti Malaya (University) (24 Jul 2001 - 25 Jul 2001)
- Containment and mortality risks of prawn larvae in mangrove areas: Identifying molecular markers in starving prawn larvae. In Proceedings of RMK7 IRPA Research Seminar, Vol. 3, 24-25 July 2001, RMK7 IRPA Research Seminar, University of Malaya (University) (24 Jul 2001 - 25 Jul 2001)
- Marine palynomorphs dominated by heterotrophic organism remains in tropical marine sediments - New palynological approach to re-construction of tropical coastal environments, JIRCAS Workshop on "Development of Aquaculture Technologies for Sustainable and Equitable Production of Aquatic Products in Tropical Coastal Areas", IRCAS & King Mongkut Institute of Technology (International) (02 Dec 2015 - 03 Dec 2015)
- Lunar Tidal rhythms of the mysid shrimp (Acanthomysis thailandica) population structure and reproduction in a tropical mangrove, Malaysia., International Conference on Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences (AEBS-2014), International Institute of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (International) (24 Apr 2014 - 25 Apr 2014)
- Several papers regarding ESI and sources of marine pollutants , Bengkel Penyediaan Template Bagi Peta Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) dan Bengkel Penyediaan Template Bagi Mengenalpasti Punca Pencemaran Marin di Perairan Malaysia, Jabatan Alam Sekitar Malaysia (08 Jul 2013 - 09 Jul 2013)
- (2015) Examined MSc thesis Kaviarasu a/l Munian: Genetic diversity of Osteochilus melanopherus (Family CyprinidaeO) of Peninsular Malaysia, (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) Examined PhD thesis Ibnu Sina: "Management of the red striped weevil Rhynchophorus schach Oliver (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on sago plant., (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) PLoS One (article PONED1525905) "From Ethnobiology to Ecotoxicology: Applying Fishers' Knowledge to Indicate the Trophic Levels and Contamination Potential of Tropical Fish through Correlations between Data from Fishers and the Literature ", (Reviewer)
- (2015) Evaluation of Assoc Professor Promotion in UPM, (Advisory Committee)
- (2015) PhD thesis Michelle Soo: "Systematic biology of four-anchored mongeneans (Fam: Ancyrocephalidae) with special emphasis on the genus Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 in Peninular Malaysia., (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) "Grunt variation in the oyster toadfish Opsanus tau: effect of size and sex" (#2015:08:6521:0:0:REVIEW) for PeerJ, (Reviewer)
- (2014) Review "Ecosystem carbon stocks in a tropical intertidal habitat mosaic: mangrove, seagrass, mudflat and sandbars" for Journal of Earth Science Processes and Landforms, (Reviewer)
- (2014) Article "A preliminary observation of the composition and quantum yield of microphytobenthos in the tropical intertidal mudflats of Penang, Malaysia" in the Ocean Science Journal., (Reviewer)
- (2014) Advisory panel for aquaculture data, Fisheries Department Malaysia, (Advisory Committee)
- (2014) Review "The dominant source of carbon in shrimp diet and the impact of organic farming in the Guarairas tropical estuary" for Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science., (Reviewer)
- (2014) Examine MTech (Environmental Management) thesis of Mr. Mohamed Faizan "Study on the impact of anthropogenic pressure on coral reefs around Cape Rachado Malacca, and recommendations to improve its management", Institute of Biological Sciences., (Internal Examiner)
- (2014) Reviewed article "Fishes of the Eastern Johor Strait" in the journal Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (Singapore)/, (Reviewer)
- (2013) Ref: ECSS-D-13-00616 (Estuarine Coastal Shelf Sci) Title: The dominant source of carbon in shrimp diet and the impact of organic farming in the Guara s tropical estuary , (Reviewer)
- (2013) Internal Examiner for Ibnu Sina (SHC070007)PhD thesis (Fac of Science, UM) : "Management of red striped weevil Rhnycophorus shach Oliver (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on sago plant", (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) Review article "Differences in burrow morphology of crabs between Spartina alterniflora marsh and mangrove habitats" in journal Ecological Engineering, (Reviewer)
- (2013) Reviewed article "Do habitat, season and environmental parameters affect assemblage in a shallow semi-enclosed tropical bay, Thailand" in journal: Raffles Bulletin of Zoology., (Reviewer)
- (2012) Evaluation of project proposals to MOSTI (R,D&C) , (Scientific Committee)
- (2012) Proceedings of the Second Conference for Regional Cooperation in Ocean and Earth Science Research in the South China Sea, 21-24 October 2012, Kuala Lumpur, to appear in Malaysian Journal of Science (special issue), (Editor)
- (2012) Ahli JK Bertindak Kebangsaan Untuk Projek FAO; Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Ecosystem (BOBLME), (Scientific Committee)
- (2012) Panel Penilai Pakar Untuk Penilaian Permohonan Pembiayaan Dana R&D&C Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, (Panel Penilai Pakar Permohonan Dana R&D MOSTI)
- (2011) Yap Fook Choy's : "Adhesive secretions from the cyprids and adults of Octolasmis spp. inhabiting the gills of mud crabs, Scylla spp., (MSc to PhD Conversion Assessor)
- (2010) Salman Abdo Ali Al-Shami PhD thesis: Effect of Anthropogenic, Agricultural and Industrial Pollution on Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Chironomidae (Diptera) at Community, Individual and Molecular Levels, (External Examiner)
- (2007) Assessment of Dr. Tan Shaw Hwai, promotion to Associate Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia, (External Assessor)
- (2007) "Assessment of Coral Reef Fish Population at Pulau Payar Marine Park and Adjacent Waters", PhD thesis, Alias Bin Man, Universiti Sains Malaysia , (External Examiner)
- (2006) "Culture of planktonic cyclopoid Apocyclops dengizicus (Lepshkin, 1900) and its suitability as live feed for giant black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon Fabricius (1798) postlarvae", Omidvar Farhadian, PhD thesis, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia , (External Examiner)
- (2006) "Reproductive biology and larval rearing of blue swimming crab - Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758)", Efrizal, PhD thesis, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia , (External Examiner)
- (2005) "The reproductive biology of horseshoe crab (Carcinoscopus rotundicauda) gametes and gonad morphology", Parvanah Hajeb, MSc, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. , (External Examiner)
- (2003) Member of Panel Committee for Concept Paper, R&D Prioritized Research (Top down): "Study on biodiversity, conservation and sustainable management on Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, (Advisory Committee)
- (2003) "Ecology of fishes in mangrove and non-mangrove habitats in eastern Hong Kong", Nip Hin Ming, MPhil thesis, Chinese University of Hong Kong. , (External Examiner)
- (2003) "Effects of cage culture on physical water properties, plankton communities and macrobenthos assemblage in Sepanggar Bay, Sabah", Madihah bt. Jaafar Sidik, M.Sc thesis, Universiti Sabah Malaysia. , (External Examiner)
- (2002) Member of Panel Committee "Plant Products"(mangrove), R&D Prioritized Research (Top-Down), SIRIM, (Advisory Committee)
- (2000) \"Monogeneans of the freshwater Siluriform fishes of Thailand\", Theerawoot Lerssutthichawal, PhD, Institute of Postgraduate Studies, University of Malaya , (Internal Examiner)
- (2000) "The community structure of fish and prawns in small mangrove creeks in Sungai Sementa Kecil, Selangor", Safiah Abdullah, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya , (Internal Examiner)
- (1998) "Freshwater fish community in Sungai Gombak and its tributaries", Aidah bt. Abdul Karim, MSc, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya , (Internal Examiner)
- (1997) "Studies on the ecology and phenology of an intertidal Enhalus acoroides community in a mangrove estuary in Johore, Peninsular Malaysia", Saras Ethirmannasingam, MSc thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya , (Internal Examiner)
- (1996) Reviewing manuscripts for Wetlands Ecology & Management, Phlippines Scientist, Oecologia, Fisheries Bulletin US, Pakistan Journal of Marine Science, Aquaculture Review, Aquaculture, Marine Biology, Malayan Nature Journal, Malaysian Journal of Science, Jurnal Biosains, various proceedings, (Reviewer)
- Rosyta Andriana MSc thesis: "Ecological studies of five Sargassum species inhabiting the fringing reef flat at Cape Rachado, Peninsular Malaysia", (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2013) IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) Mangrove Specialist Group, Zoological Society of London, International
- (2013) Evaluation of R,D& C Research Grant Applications, MOSTI, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
- (2012) Joint research collaboration, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), International
- (2012) Collaborative Research in FRGS, Griffith University, International
- (2011) Research Collaboration, Japan International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciencs, International
- (2011) Organizing "UM-Academia Sinica International Workshop on Earth System Science, 24 Feb 2011, University of Malaya and Academia Sinica
- (2011) Project FAO on Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystems (BOBLME), FAO/FRI (Malaysia)
- (2011) Curriculum Planning for New Courses for MSc Applied Biology, Fakulti Sains Gunaan, UiTM, UiTM
- (2009) Research Collaboration, Sime Darby Plantations Bhd, Others
- (2009) Research Collaboration, Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore , International
- (2009) Formation of the Mangrove Research Centre, Carey Island, University Malaya with Sime Darby Plantations Bhd
- (2009) Mangrove Values and Services Workshop, Carey Island, University of Malaya and Sime Darby Plantations Berhad
- (2008) Research Collaboration, BMRI, Universiti Sabah Malaysia, National
- (2008) Collaborative Research, Forestry Research Institute Malaysia, National
- (2008) Organization of \\\"International Conference of South China Sea: Sustaining Ocean Productivities, Maritime Communities and the Climate\\\"; Scientific Committee, Institute of Ocean & Earth Science and NOD
- (2008) Bachok Scientific Expedition to survey the coastal resources of Kelantan, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, UM
- (2006) Research Collaboration, Golden Hope Plantations, Others
- (2005) Collaborative Research, Japan International Research Center For Agricultural Sciences, International
- (2005) Research Collaboration, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang, National
- (2004) SESMA Voyage I to Pulau Perak and Pulau Jarak, on R/V Reef Challenger, to survey the offshore resources of Straits of Malacca (Malaysia), Institute of Ocean & Earth Sciences, and Halim Mazmin Group
- (2004) Second Langkawi Scientific Expedition, UMMReC (now IOES), University of Malaya
- (2003) First Langkawi Scientific and Natural Heritage Expedition, LADA, Forestry Department Malaysia and Malayan Nature Society
- (2002) Evaluation of Top-Down R&D Prioritized Research Projects: Mangrove forests and Wetlands, SIRIM
- (2000) Collaborative Research, Australian Institute of Marine Science, International
- (1998) Impact of World Fisheries Harvests on Sustainability & Diversity of Marine Ecosystems, Scientific Committee of Oceanographic Research (SCOR): Working Group 105
- (1997) Research Collaboration, University of York, UK, International
- (1997) Refresher Course in Wetlands and Coastal Systems, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering (Holland)/ IPT
- (1996) Research Collaboration, Australian Institute of Marine Science, International
- (1989) Research Collaboration, Horn Point Environmental Lab, University of Maryland, USA, International
- (1981) Scientific Research Cruise of South China Sea to study \\\"Pelagic Ecosystem Dynamics of the Western Pacific\\\", UNESCO and ORI, Japan
Under Graduate Students
- (2013) Feeding habits of two deep water species of seahorses
- (2011) Research Projects Ecology & Biodiversity SHES3188
- (2011) Research Projects Bioinformatics, SHEB3186
- (2010) Ecology & Biodiversity Project
- (2009) Ecology and Biodiversity
- (2008) Ecology & Biodiversity
- (2007) Ecology & Biodiversity
- (2006) Ecology & Biodiversity
- (2004) Ecology & Biodiversity
- (2003) Ecology and Biodiversity Project
- (2002) Microbiology project
- (2001) Coastal Resources and Marine Biology
- (2000) Coastal Resources and Marine Biology
- (1994) Zoology and Ecology Project
- (1991) Zoology Project
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
(2013) Ecology and conservation of dolphins in Matang waters, Kuit Sui Hyang
(2012) Zooplankton ecology, Yong Yu Lin
(2011) Mudflat fish ecology, Lee Soon Loong
(2009) Sound Production and Biology of Syngnathidae (Seahorses and Pipefishes), Adam Lim Chee Ooi
(2009) Ecology and behaviour of hermit crabs (Superfamily: Paguroidea) in mangrove areas, Teoh Hong Wooi
(2008) Diversity and Ecology of Mysid Shrimps in Mangrove Waters mysid, Tuernta Ramarn
(2007) Enrichment of live feed for aquaculture, Loo Poh Leong
(2006) Ecology and control of mud lobsters in Carey Island, Moh Heng Hing
(2005) Ecology of mantis shrimps in Matang waters, Ng Ying Pei
(2002) Zooplankton dynamics in Matang mangrove estuaries and adjacent coastal waters with emphasis on copepods, Chew Li Lee
(2002) Recruitment and dynamics of fish larvae in Matang mangrove waters, Ooi Ai Lin
(2001) Biofouling development and short-term dynamics on fish cage nettings, John Madin
(1997) Growth and Production of Phototrophic Bacterium R. sulfidophilum and its potential uses as an aquaculture feed, Sujjat Al-Azad (University of Malaya (UM))
(1996) Ontogeny, Reproduction and Population Dynamics of Stolephorus baganensis and Thryssa kammalensis (Engraulidae) in a Malaysian Estuary, Valerie Sarpedonti (University of Malaya (UM))
(1992) The biology of the estuarine Ariid Catfishes of the Matang Mangrove Ecosystem (Perak), Harinder Rai Singh (University of Malaya (UM))
(2013) Seagrass and Coral Connectivity: Fish community, Nina Ho Ann Jin
(2012) Kajian Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tumbesaran dan Pengeluaran Kerang Di Kuala Selangor, Noor Hasmayana bt. Yahaya
(2012) Diversity and Ecology of Stingrays in Malaysian Waters, Lim Kean Chong
(2011) Microbial Bioremediation of Aquaculture Effluents, Sarmila Muthukrishnan
(2011) Jellyfish ecology, Wan Mohd Syazwan b Wan Solahudin
(2009) GIS of mangrove forests, Awang Ku Md. Khairy
(2009) Characterisation of insitu biofilm formation, Wong Jin Yung
(2009) Bioremediation of aquaculture effluents using microbes, Lavania Nair
(2009) A Study on Ecological Connectivity of Marine Biotopes : Coral Reef, Mangrove and Other Biotopes, Lau Chai Ming
(2008) Phylogenetics and population genetics of jellyfishes, Farrah Azwa
(2007) Hydrogeomorphological effects on distribution and diversity of mangrove fish and invertebrates, Jamizan Abdul Rahman
(2007) Effect and control of biofouling on mangrove seedling, Tan Yee Siang
(2007) Contribution of microphytobenthos to Mudflats trophodynamics, Chai Sin Yin
(2007) Community structure of Chironomidae and water quality classification at selected streams, Siti Zawiyah bt Bidin
(2007) Bioassessment of water quality at selected streams based on community of Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies) and Trichoptera (caddisflies), Tan Lan Chu
(2006) The Enhancement of Growth and Survival of Ornamental Koi (Cyprinus carpio) Larvae using Phototrophic Bacteria, Neik Ting Xiang (University of Malaya (UM))
(2006) A study of environmental education and wetlands awareness among school pupils, Jaya Mary Asirvatham
(2005) Impingement of Marine Organisms at Cooling Water Intake Screens in the Kapar Power Station, Selangor, Azila bt. Azhar (University of Malaya (UM))
(2004) The trophodynamics of the fish community in Matang mangrove estuaries and adjacent coastal waters, Peninsular Malaysia, Amy Then Yee Hui
(2003) Assessing Development Impact on Selangor's Mangrove Forests Using Geospatial Technology, Khairul Ilmy bin Ismail
(1999) Effects of Fish Cage Culture and Macrobenthos Diversity and Abundance in the Matang Mangrove Estuary (Malaysia), Patricia Natin (University of Malaya (UM))
(1999) Effects of fish cage aquaculture on the zooplankton in a Malaysian mangrove estuary, Ooi Ai Lin
(1998) Growth and production of Rhodobacter sphaeroides in seafood processing wastewater, Khanom Simarani
(1998) Economic valuation of Kuala Selangor Mangroves, Malaysia, Leong Lai Fun
(1997) Effects of fish cage aquaculture on the waer quality of the Matang mangrove estuaries, Wong Suh Chuen (University of Malaya (UM))
(1997) A study of environmental awareness, knowledge and attitude towards tropical rain forest issues among Melaka secondary school students, Evelyn Lim Ai Lin
(1996) Effects of water quality on the breeding and growth of Aedes aegypti (Insecta: Culicidae), Patricia Jeyashree Samuel Jacob
(1996) Diversity and abundance of Macrobenthos in the Mangrove Estuaries of Matang and Dinding, Peninsular Malaysia, Muhammad Ali bin Syed Hussein (University of Malaya (UM))
(1996) Distribution and abundance of fish and macrobenthic communities in relation to environmental factors in Klang Strait (Malaysia), Salem Wniss Zgozi
(1992) Growth and production of phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris Strain B1 in sago starch processing wastewater, Getha Krishnasamy
(1991) The biology of sciaenid fishes in Matang mangrove waters, Yap Yoon Nian
- (2011) Ssgs6111 Research Methodology
- (2013) SHEE3332 - Fisheries Ecology and Management
- (2012) SHEE2123 - Shee2123 Aquatic Ecology
- (2012) SHEE2123 - Aquatic Ecology
- (2012) SHEE2125 - Quantitative Ecology
- (2012) SXEX1101 - Biostatistics
- (2011) SHES3032 - Advanced Quantitative Ecology
- (2011) SXEX1101 - Biostatistics
- (2010) SHES2008 - Marine Ecosystem
- A Method for Producing an Aquaculture FeedPatent (National)
- Provide Industrial Training for Student (Mr Lim Yuen Leung) from Ucsi University, Kl., (01 Nov 2013 - 31 Dec 2013)
- Lecture On Mangrove Values, and Practical Demonstration of Mangrove Fishes and Zooplankton, for Local School Children Forming The Mangrove Brigade, Mangrove Research Centre, Carey Island, (08 Jul 2009 - 08 Jul 2009)
- Public Lecture: \"Mangrove and Fisheries Connectivity\" , Maritime Awareness Programme Public Lecture Series, Mima, Kl, (05 Sep 1996)