Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
    Faculty of Medicine
  • +603-7967 4760


  • MPH(Health Services Management)(UM)2005, (Pengurusan Kesihatan)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • MBBS(NUS,S'pore)1988, (Medicine)
    National University of Singapore


  • Acting Head of Department
    01 Dec 2019 - 31 Mar 2020 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of discipline
    20 Apr 2020 - 31 Dec 2020 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Acting Head of Department
    01 Dec 2019 - 31 Mar 2020 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • DrPH Programme Coordinator
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Population Medicine Theme Coordinator of the UMMP Programme
    07 Sep 2016 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator of the DrPH programme
    01 Jan 2017 - 31 Jul 2018 (Faculty)
  • Committee member to manage the SPM Department Short Course Fund
    02 May 2017 - 31 Dec 2017 (Faculty)
  • Post-graduate coordinator (SPM Dept)
    01 May 2017 - 31 Dec 2017 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Committee member to manage the Julius Centre UMCU Netherlands-Programme Asia Link Funds
    29 Aug 2017 - 31 Dec 2017 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Committee member for the 88th ASEAN University Network Programme Assessment
    18 Sep 2017 - 20 Sep 2017 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator of DrPH Programme
    01 Oct 2013 - 31 Dec 2014 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of the Health Policy and Management Unit, SPM Dept
    01 Sep 2012 - 30 Jun 2014 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator of Masters by Research and PhD Programme, SPM Department
    01 Sep 2012 - 30 Jun 2014 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator of the MBBS Organisation of Medical and Health Services (OMHS) Programme and Personal and Professional Development (PPD) module
    01 Aug 2006 - 31 Dec 2013 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head Management in Health Unit
    01 Oct 2010 - 31 Oct 2012 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Member Department Curriculum Review Committee
    10 Aug 2010 - 31 Dec 2011 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Member MBBS Curriculum Review Committee
    05 Apr 2010 - 31 Dec 2010 (Faculty)


    2017 to 2018 (International)


  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2021, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2019, Universiti Malaya
  • Best Lecturer Award
    2017, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2010, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Nagaraj S, Balakrishnan B, Tey N P, Ng C W. Changes in The Leading Causes of Death Among Malaysians. Paper Presented At The Expo On Research, Inventions and Innovations Conducted by The University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 26 to 28 July 2007. The Paper Was Awarded a Gold Medal.
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)


Article in Journal
  1. Adekunjo, F. O., Rasiah, R., Dahlui, M., & Ng, C. W. (2020). Assessing the willingness to pay for HIV counselling and testing service: a contingent valuation study in Lagos State, Nigeria. Afr J AIDS Res, 19(4), 287-295. doi:10.2989/16085906.2020.1834417
  2. Chong DWQ, Jayaraj VJ, Rampal S, Said MA, Nik Farid ND, Ahmad Zaki R, Hairi NN, Hoe VCW, Isahak M, Ponnampalavanar S, Syed Omar SF, Sam IC, Hasnan N, Ong HC, Kamarulzaman A, Ng CW. Establishment of a hospital-based health care workers surveillance programme to keep them safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Global Health 2020; 10: 1-3. doi: 10.7189/jogh.10.0203100
  3. Chong, Z. L., Sekaran, S. D., Soe, H. J., Peramalah, D., Rampal, S., & Ng, C. W. (2020). Diagnostic accuracy and utility of three dengue diagnostic tests for the diagnosis of acute dengue infection in Malaysia. BMC Infectious Diseases, 20(1), 1-11.
  4. Chong, Z. L., Sekaran, S. D., Soe, H. J., Peramalah, D., Rampal, S., Rampal, L., & Ng, C. W. Diagnostic Accuracy of Two Dengue NS1 Tests: New Biosensors-Based Rapid Diagnostic Test Versus Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay.
  5. F O Adekunjo, R Rasiah, M Dahlui, C W Ng. 2020.The Effects of HIV-Related Stigma on HIV Counselling and Testing in Nigeria: A Mediation Analysis. J of African Studies. htps://
  6. Kong, Y. C., Wong, L. P., Ng, C. W., Taib, N. A., Bhoo-Pathy, N. T., Yusof, M. M., . . . Bhoo-Pathy, N. (2020). Understanding the Financial Needs Following Diagnosis of Breast Cancer in a Setting with Universal Health Coverage. Oncologist. doi:10.1634/theoncologist.2019-0426
  7. Ng, C. J., Teo, C. H., Ang, K. M., Kok, Y. L., Ashraf, K., Leong, H. L., Taher, S. W., Mohd, S. Z., Zakaria, Z. F., Wong, P. F., Hor, C. P., Ong, T. A., Hussain, H., V, P., Ng, C. W., Agamutu, K., & Abd Razak, M. A. (2020). Barriers to implementing a national health screening program for men in Malaysia: An online survey of healthcare providers. Malaysian family physician : the official journal of the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia, 15(1), 6 14.
  8. Tan, W. L., Ng, C. W., & Bhoo-Pathy, N. (2020). Distribution of Household Tobacco Expenditure and Household Affordability of Tobacco Products in Malaysia ASM Sc J, 13, Special Issue 5 for APRU2018, 67-74.
  9. Agarwal, D., Hanafi, N. S., Chippagiri, S., Brakema, E. A., Pinnock, H., Khoo, E. M., Sheikh, A., Liew, S.M., Ng, C.W., Isaac, R., Chinna,K., Wong, L.P., Hussein, N., Juvekar, S. on behalf of the RESPIRE Collaborators. (2019) Systematic scoping review protocol of methodologies of chronic respiratory disease surveys in low/middle-income countries. NPJ primary care respiratory medicine, 29(1), 17.
  10. Bhoo-Pathy, N., Ng, C. W., Lim, G. C., Tamin, N. S. I., Sullivan, R., Bhoo-Pathy, N. T., . . . Yip, C. H. (2019). Financial Toxicity After Cancer in a Setting With Universal Health Coverage: A Call for Urgent Action. J Oncol Pract, Jop1800619. doi:10.1200/jop.18.00619
  11. Loganathan, T., Rui, D., Ng, C. W., & Pocock, N. S. (2019). Breaking down the barriers: Understanding migrant workers' access to healthcare in Malaysia. PLoS ONE, 14(7), e0218669. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0218669
  12. Rafdzah Zaki , Siti Norsyuhada Roffeei, Yien Ling Hii, Abqariyah Yahya, Mahesh Appannan, Mas Ayu Said, Ng Chiu Wan, Nasrin Aghamohammadi, Noran Naqiah Hairi, Awang Bulgiba, Mikkel Quam, Joacim Rocklov ( 2019) Public perception and attitude towards dengue prevention activity and response to dengue early warning in Malaysia. PLOS ONE,
  13. Wong, J. H. W., Ng, C. W., & Su, T. T. (2019). Malaysia's Rural Health Development: Foundation of Universal Health Coverage. Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 17(1), 31-41. doi:
  14. Woon, Y. L., Ng, C. W., Mudin, R. N., & Suli, Z. (2019). Health facility use by dengue patients in the Klang Valley, Malaysia: a secondary analysis of dengue surveillance data. Western Pac Surveill Response J, 10(2). doi:10.5365/wpsar.2019.10.1.001
  15. Jeevitha Mariapun, Noran N Hairi, Chiu-Wan Ng, (2018). Socioeconomic Differences in Smoking and Cessation Across a Period of Rapid Economic Growth in an Upper-Middle-Income Country . Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
  16. Loganathan, T., Ng, C.-W., Lee, W.-S., Hutubessy, R. C. W., Verguet, S., & Jit, M. (2018). Thresholds for decision-making: informing the cost-effectiveness and affordability of rotavirus vaccines in Malaysia. Health policy and planning, 33(2), 204-214. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czx166
  17. Siddiqui, M.B., Ng, C.W., Low, W.Y., Noushad, S., Ahmed, S., Syed, S. (2018). Challenges and acceptance of the use of computer-assisted personal interviews technology for verbal autopsy/social autopsy child mortality survey in urban slums of Karachi, Pakistan. International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research, 6(2)30-42
  18. Siddiqui, MB, Ng, CW, Low, WY. (2018). Methodologies of Verbal autopsy and Social autopsy tools, adopted by VASA studies in exploring under-five mortality determinants.
  19. BHOO-PATHY, N., YIP, C.-H., PETERS, S. A. E., KIMMAN, M., SULLIVAN, R., JAN, S., WOODWARD, M., NG, C.-W., AROUNLANGSY, P., AUNG, S., BALETE, S. L., BHOO-PATHY, N., BOUNXOUEI, B., BUI, D., DATUKAN, J., GOROSPE, A. E., YIP, C. H., KHOPAIBUL, P., KHUAYJARERNPANISHK, T., KHUHAPREMA, T., KHIN, M., KLINWIMOL, T., LALITWONGSA, S., LAWBUNDIS, D., LOLA, C., CRISTAL-LUNA, G., MARBELLA, L., TRONG, K. M., MAUNG, S. O., MON, S., PA NAING, W. P., NGELANGEL, C. A., NYEIN, H. L., ONG-CORNEL, A. B., OO, K. M., OROLFO-REAL, I., XUAN, D. P., PHARIN, S., PUJIANTO, RATTANAVONG, O., SAMNANG, K., SANGKITTIPAIBOON, S., SANGRAJRANG, S., SANTIAGO-FERRERAS, C., SARNIANTO, P., SHWE, S., SOKHA, E., SINTHUSAKE, T., SUANPLU, D., TANABODEE, J., THABRANY, H., THEPSUWAN, K., HTUN, Y. Y., VIROATH, H., LE WIN, L., WIN, S. S., WIN, T. M., ASHARIATI, A., ATMAKUSUMA, D., BAKTA, I. M., THI KIM, L. D., THI NGOC, P. D., BAO, T. D., DJATMIKO, A., FACHRUDDIN, A., GOH, P.-P., KURNIANDA, J., MONAGHAN, H., MUTHALIB, A., THUY, T. N., HOANG, T. N., THI HOAI, N. N., PANIGORO, S. S., QUANG, H. P., THANH, K. Q., SUARDI, D. R., SUBRAMANIAM, S., SUDOYO, A. W., DANG, K. T., DINH, H. T., SUHARTI, C. & SUYATNO 2017. Policy and priorities for national cancer control planning in low- and middle-income countries: Lessons from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Costs in Oncology prospective cohort study. European Journal of Cancer, 74, 26-37.
  20. Chiu-Wan Ng, Mohd Ridzwan Shahari, Jeevitha Mariapun, Noran N Hairi1, Sanjay Rampal, Ajay Mahal. (2017) Universal Coverage of Hypertension Treatment Services in Malaysia Is Still an Elusive Goal. Health Systems & Reform, 3(3):1 12
  21. Siddiqui, M. B., Ng, C.W, Low. W.Y. (2017). To identify the non-biological causes of child mortalities in developing countries, social autopsy tools should be based on "The Pathway to Survival Conceptual Framework". International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research 5(1): 1-4
  22. Loganathan, T., Jit, M., Hutubessy, R., Ng, C. W., Lee, W. S., & Verguet, S. (2016). Rotavirus vaccines contribute towards universal health coverage in a mixed public private healthcare system. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 21(11), 1458-1467. doi: 10.1111/tmi.12766.
  23. Loganathan, T., Ng, C.W., Lee, W.-S., & Jit, M. (2016). The Hidden Health and Economic Burden of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Malaysia: An Estimation Using Multiple Data Sources. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 35(6), 601-606. doi:10.1097/inf.0000000000001129
  24. MCINTYRE, D., MCKEE, M., BALABANOVA, D., ATIM, C., REDDY, K. S., PATCHARANARUMOL, W. & SIGNATORIES 2016. Open letter on the SDGs: a robust measure for universal health coverage is essential. Lancet, 388, 2871-2872.
  25. Mariapun J, Hairi NN, Ng C-W (2016) Are the Poor Dying Younger in Malaysia? An Examination of the Socioeconomic Gradient in Mortality. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0158685. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0158685
  26. Siddiqui, M. B., Ng, C.W., Low, W.Y. (2016). Social Autopsy is a dire need for investigating child mortality in Pakistan. International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research, 4(2):1-4
  27. Siddiqui, M.B., Ng, C.W., Low, W. Y., Syed, S., Ahmad, S., Noushad, S., Ali, A., Fatima, K., Mirza, M. (2016). Verbal/Social Autopsy (VASA) Child mortality inquiry to investigate under-five mortality determinants in slums of Karachi, Pakistan: A mix methods interventional study. Internal J Endorsing Health Sc Res 4(4): 1-11
  28. Siddiqul, M. Bilal, Noushud, S., Ng., C.W., Low, W.Y., Ahmed, S. (2016). Prevalence and characteristics of stress among bereaved parents after the death of their under-five children in the urban slums of Karachi, Pakistan. International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research, 4(3):33-40
  29. Jeyanthini Sathasivam,Shahrul Bahyah Kamaruzzaman,Farizah Hairi,Chiu Wan Ng,Karuthan Chinna. 2015. Frail Elders in an Urban District Setting in Malaysia: Multidimensional Frailty and Its Correlates. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 27(8S): 52S-61S
  30. Loganathan T, Lee WS, Lee KF, Jit M, Ng CW. Household catastrophic healthcare expenditure and impoverishment due to rotavirus gastroenteritis requiring hospitalization in malaysia. PLoS One. 2015;10 (5):e0125878
  31. Loganathan, T., Lee, W.-S., Lee, K.-F., Jit, M., & Ng, C.-W. (2015). Household Catastrophic Healthcare Expenditure and Impoverishment Due to Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Requiring Hospitalization in Malaysia. PLoS One, 10(5), e0125878.
  32. Marzuki N, Ismail S, Al-Sadat N, Ehsan FZ, Chan C-K, Ng C-W. Integrating Information and Communication Technology for Health Information System Strengthening: A Policy Analysis. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2015;27(8 suppl):86S-93S
  33. PACKIERISAMY, P. R., NG, C. W., DAHLUI, M., VENUGOPALAN, B., HALASA, Y. A. & SHEPARD, D. S. 2015. The Cost of Dengue Vector Control Activities in Malaysia by Different Service Providers. Asia Pac J Public Health, 27, 73S-8S.
  34. Packierisamy PR, Ng CW, Dahlui M, Inbaraj J, Balan VK, Halasa YA, et al. Cost of Dengue Vector Control Activities in Malaysia. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015;93 (5):1020-7
  35. Saw Chien G, Chee-Khoon C, Wai VHC, Ng CW. Equitable Distribution of Public Hospitals According to Health Needs in Malaysia: Does It Exist or Not? Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2015;27(8 suppl):79S-85S
  36. Loh, K. W., F. Rani, et al. (2013). "The association between risk factors and hypertension in Perak, Malaysia." Med J Malaysia 68(4): 291-296
  37. DAHLUI, M., NG, C. W. & TAN, S. K. 2012. Cost analysis of UMMC services: estimating the unit cost for outpatient and inpatient services. BMC Health Services Research, 12, 1-2.
  38. SHEPARD, D. S., UNDURRAGA, E. A., LEES, R. S., HALASA, Y., LUM, L. C. & NG, C. W. 2012. Use of multiple data sources to estimate the economic cost of dengue illness in Malaysia. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 87, 796-805.
  39. Dahlui M, Ng CW, Al-Sadat N, Ismail S, Bulgiba A. Is Breast Self Examination (BSE) Still Relevant? A Study on BSE Performance among Female Staff of University of Malaya. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2011;12(2):369-72.
  40. Dahlui, M., Ng, C. W., Al Sadat, N., Ismail, S., Bulgiba, A. M. 2011. Is Breast Self Examination (BSE) Still Relevant? A Study on BSE Performance among Female Staff of University of Malaya Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention Tier 4 Impact Factor = 1.24
  41. Goh KJ, Tian S, Shahrizaila N, Ng CW, Tan CT.Survival and prognostic factors of motor neuron disease in a multi- ethnic Asian population.Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. 2011 Mar;12(2):124-9.
  42. Lee, H. L., Vasan, S. S., Birgelen, l., Murtola, T. M., Gong, H. F., Field, R., W., Malavankar, D. V., Ahmad, N. W., Hakim, l. S., Murad, S., Ng, C. W., Lum, L. C. S., Suaya, J. A. & Shepard, D. S. (2010) Immediate cost of dengue to Malaysia and Thailand: an estimate. Dengue Bulletin, 34, 65-75.
  43. Goh KJ, Ng CW, Letchumy RP, Mohd Azly Y, Tan CT. Persistent effect on neuromuscular transmission in patients with primary hemifacial spasm treated with repeated botulinum toxin injections. Neurology Asia 2009;14(2): 115-9
  44. NG, C. W., CHOO, W. Y., CHONG, H. T., DAHLUI, M., GOH, K. J. & TAN, C. T. 2009. Long-term socioeconomic impact of the Nipah Virus encephalitis outbreak in Bukit Pelanduk, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia: A mixed methods approach. Neurol Asia, 14, 101-7.
  45. Nagaraj S, Lee KH, Tey NP, Ng CW, Pala J. (2009)Counting ethnicity in Malaysia: the complexity of measuring diversity. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 46(1),5-32.
  46. Nagaraj S, Tey N P, Ng C W, Balakrishnan A. (2008) Ethnic Dimensions of Gender Differentials in Mortality in Malaysia. Journal of Population Research, 25(2), 87-110.
  47. Doorslaer E, O Donnell O, Rannan-Eliya R P, Somanathan A, Adhikari S R, Garg C C, Harbianto D, Herrin A N, Huq M N, Ibragimova S, Karan A, Lee T, Leung G M, Lu R J F, Ng C W, Pande B R, Racelis R, Tao S, Tin K, Tisayaticom K, Trisnantoro L, Vasasvid C, Zhao Y. (2007). Catastrophic payments for health care in Asia. Health Economics, 16(11), 1159-84.
  48. O Donnell O, Doorslaer E, Rannan-Eliya R P, Somanathan A, Adhikari S R, Garg Hanvoravongchai P, C C, Harbianto D, Huq M N, Karan A, Leung G M, Ng C W, Pande B R, Tin K, Tisayaticom K, Trisnantoro L, Zhang Y, Zhao Y. (2007). The incidence of public spending on health care: comparative analysis from Asia. World Bank Economic Review, 21(1), 93-123.
  49. Doorslaer E, O Donnell O, Rannan-Eliya R P, Somanathan A, Adhikari S R, Garg C C, Harbianto D, Herrin A N, Huq M N, Ibragimova S, Karan A, Ng C W, Pande B R, Racelis R, Tao S, Tin K, Tisayaticom K, Trisnantoro L, Vasasvid C, Zhao Y. (2006). Effect of payments for health care on poverty estimates in 11 countries in Asia: an analysis of household survey data. Lancet, 368, 1357-64.
Chapter in Books
  1. Choo Wan Yuen et al (2017). Prevent Elder Abuse and Neglect Initiative (Peace). In Siti Zaharah (Eds.), Protecting The Elderly Against Abuse and Neglect- Legal and Social Strategies (pp. 7-12). Kuala Lumpur, University Malaya Press.
  2. Ng CW, Mohd Hairi NN, Ng CJ, Kamarulzaman A. 2016. Universal Health Coverage in Malaysia: Issues and Challenges. In Tey NP, Cheong KC, Rasiah R (eds). Revisiting Malaysia's Population-Development Nexus. The Past in Its Future. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  3. Nagaraj S, Tey NP, Ng CW, Lee KH, Pala J. Counting ethnicity in Malaysia: the complexity of measuring diversity. In: Simon P, Gagnon AA, Piche V, editors. Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity Cross-national Perspectives in Classifications and Identity Politics. Quebec, Canada: Springer; 2015
  4. Low WY, Ng CJ, Ng CW, Choo WY, Tong WT. 2013. Learning from the past: Changing policies concerning the double disease burden in Malaysia. In Lewis M. J., MacPherson K.L. (Eds). Health Transitions and the Double Disease Burden in Asia and the Pacific : Histories of Responses to Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases. Routledge
  5. Ng C W. (2008). Paying for and using health care services in Malaysia. Has the poor been treated fairly. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Poverty and Distribution Amidst Diversity. Federicks L J, Nair S (eds). University of Malaya Press. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Other Publications
  1. MCINTYRE, D., RANNAN-ELIYA, R., MUISER, J., NG, C. W., MATHIAS, T., ANURANGA, C., LEUNG, G. M., MACEIRA, D. & ADHIKARI, S. R. 2015. Assessing Progress to UHC - The GNHE position paper on health service use. Global Network on Health Equity. - Monograph
  2. NG, C. W. 2015. Universal Health Coverage Assessment. Malaysia. In: DOHERTY, J. (ed.). Global Network for Health Equity. - Monograph
  3. Nagaraj S, Tey N P, Ng C W, Balakrishnan B. 2008. Gender and Ethnic Dimensions of Changes in the Leading Causes of Death in Malaysia, 1970 - 2004. FEA Working Paper No. 2008-9. Available at - Technical Report
  4. Nagaraj S, Tey N P, Ng C W, Pala J. 2008. Counting and Integration: The Experience of Malaysia. FEA Working Paper No. 2008-3. Available at - Technical Report


  1. 2016 - 2019, Ministry of Health, Pakistan
    Verbal Autopsy Social Autopsy (VASA) child mortality inquiry, to understand why under-five children die in urban slums of Karachi, Pakistan ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2017 - 2019, Private Funding
    Project ROSE (Removing Obstacles from cervical ScrEening) ( Consultant)
  3. 2013 - 2013, External funding
    Cost of surveillance and dengue vector control in Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2010 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Cost analysis of UMMC services: estimating the unit cost for outpatient and daycare services ( Consultant)
  5. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Progressivity of Health Care Financing in Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
  7. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Equity Implications of Household Out-of-pocket payment of health care in Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2009 - 2010, International Development Research Centre, Canada
    Exploration of methods for adult health inequalities ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Clinical Evaluation of a Rapid Dengue Test Kit in Malaysia, BlueSense Diagnostics ApS
    01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2020 (International)
  • Price Setting in Health Care: Which Policy Instruments for Which Objectives, World Health Organization
    01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2019 (International)
  • Economic Impact of Cancers in South East Asian Settings, Roche (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2017 (National)
  • Estimation of Cost Savings of Nsep in Malaysia, World Bank
    01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
  • Estimate of National Economic Burden of Dengue Infections in Malaysia, Schneider Institutes for Health Policy
    01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2011 (International)


  1. Financing Universal Health Coverage in Malaysia , Health Financing in the 21st Century: The Public-Private Lever in Strategic Purchasing, Our Hong Kong Foundation (International) (17 Jul 2020 - 17 Jul 2020)
  2. Death in the time of Corona, Clinical Updates in COVID-19, NIH, MoH, Malaysia (National) (14 May 2020 - 14 May 2020)
  3. Promoting SDG Academic Forum for better health, Sustainable Development Goals Summit 2019, UN and Ministry of Economic Affaires (National) (06 Nov 2019 - 07 Nov 2019)
  4. Understanding the OOPs in the Malaysian Healthcare System, 2nd National Policy Committee Meeting of the Malaysian Medical Association, Malaysian Medical Association (National) (03 Nov 2018 - 03 Nov 2018)
  5. Burden of Premature Mortality in Malaysia, 2nd Annual Scientific Convention of the Federation of Private Medical Practitioners' Associations of Malaysia, Federation of Private Medical Practitioners' Associations of Malaysia (National) (15 Sep 2018 - 16 Sep 2018)
  6. The Realities of Universal Health Coverage in Malaysia, Regional Forum on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in SHIFT Countries Program, Indonesia AIDS Coalition (International) (22 Mar 2018 - 22 Mar 2018)
  7. Universal Health Coverage in Malaysia - An exploration of the myth, Global Challenges Research Fund International Conference, University of Leeds (International) (23 Nov 2016 - 24 Nov 2016)
  8. Effective Coverage of Hypertension among Older Persons in Malaysia, International Workshop on Health Systems for Ageing Societies, The Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne (International) (26 Oct 2016 - 28 Oct 2016)
  9. Role of Economic Evaluations in Evidence Informed Policy Making, Symposium on Evidence Based Practice, Julius Centre University of Malaya (University) (27 Apr 2016 - 27 Apr 2016)
  10. Assessing financial risk protection for cancer care in Malaysia, ASEAN Costs in Oncology Study. Policy Roundtable Meeting, Ministry of Health and University of Malaya (National) (04 Apr 2016 - 04 Apr 2016)
  11. Cost-effectiveness of Rotavirus vaccination in Malaysia, Advancing opportunities for advancing rollout of Rotavirus vaccines in Asia, The Rotavirus Organization of Technical Allies (ROTA) Council and its Core Partners, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, PATH, and Sabin Vaccine Institute (International) (16 Sep 2015 - 16 Sep 2015)
  12. Health Equity and the Malaysian Health System, Health Inequities and Health Systems in the AEC, Mahidol University (International) (22 Jun 2015 - 23 Jun 2015)
  13. Childhood Immunisation Programme in the context of Universal Health Coverage in Malaysia, WHO Consultation on the Broader Economic Impact of Vaccines WHO Consultation on Broader Economic Impact of Vaccines and Immunisation Programmes Programmes, World Health Organization (International) (24 Nov 2014 - 25 Nov 2014)
  14. Universal Health Coverage in Malaysia: A Fact or A Myth, 3rd International Conference on Social and Health Inequity and Globalization: ASEAN Economic Community Perspective, Mahidol University, Thailand (International) (18 Aug 2014 - 19 Aug 2014)
  15. Universal Health Coverage in Malaysia - Issues and Challenges, National Population Conference On The Inter-Relationship National Population Conference on Inter-relationship between Population Dynamics and Development, University of Malaya in collaboration with National Population and Family Development Board  (National) (26 Jun 2014 - 26 Jun 2014)
  16. The Economics of Dengue Infection in Malaysia, The 3rd International Conference on Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever 2013, Ministry of Public Health, Royal Thai Government (International) (21 Oct 2013 - 23 Oct 2013)
  17. Why a course on Equity in Health, Contrasting Equality and Equity in Health, Equality in Health Outcomes, Flagship Course on Equity and Health Systems, The World Bank Institute, Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems Strengthening, Global Network for Health Equity, Equitap Network (International) (25 Oct 2012 - 29 Oct 2012)
  18. 1. Why care about equity. 2. Equality in health outcomes., Flagship Course on Equity in the Health System , The Institute for Health Policy, Sri Lanka in collaboration with UNICEF, The World Bank Institute, Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems Strengthening and The Equitap Network  (International) (19 Sep 2011 - 23 Sep 2011)
  19. 1. The ethical and political dimensions of pro-poor health policy? 2. Measuring equality in health outcomes, Flagship Course on Equity and Health Systems, the World Bank Institute, the Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems Strengthening, the Department of Health Philippines and the Institute for Health Policy, Sri Lanka (International) (29 Nov 2010 - 03 Dec 2010)
  20. The Continuing Challenge to Improve Daily Living Conditions Malaysia s Experience. , Workshop on Health Equity in the Asia Pacific Region. , College of Public Health, National Taiwan University (International) (07 Dec 2009)
  21. Use of National Health Accounts to Track Costs of Vector Borne Diseases in Malaysia. , 4th Symposium on the Burden of Neglected Diseases. Refining the estimated burden of dengue and chikungunya in Malaysia. , Organised jointly by University of Malaya and Oxford University/Oxitec Limited.  (International) (17 Jan 2009)
  22. Paying for and using health care services in Malaysia has the poor been treated fairly? , International Conference on Poverty Distribution amidst Diversity: options and challenges for development. , Centre for Poverty and Development Studies, University of Malaya. (International) (13 Aug 2007 - 14 Aug 2007)
  1. 1st UK-Malaysia-Hong Kong Health Economics and Simulation Modelling Workshop , 1st UK-Malaysia-Hong Kong Health Economics and Simulation Modelling Workshop , FOM, UM (International) (04 Feb 2020 - 05 Feb 2020)
  1. Important Policy Lessons in Building Collective Responses Against the Covid-19 Pandemic from Territories in the Western Pacific Region - Malaysia s evolving response to Covid-19, 6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Health Systems Global (International) (08 Nov 2020 - 12 Nov 2020)
  2. Effective coverage of hypertension treatment provided by the mixed public/private Malaysian healthcare system, 12th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association, International Health Economics Association (International) (07 Jul 2017 - 11 Jul 2017)
  3. Catastrophic health payments for dengue illnesses in Malaysia, 11th World Congress on Health Economics, International Health Economics Association (International) (12 Jul 2015 - 15 Jul 2015)
  4. Assessing changes in Universal Health Coverage in Malaysia, 9th World Congress on Health Economics , International Health Economics Association (International) (07 Jul 2013 - 09 Jul 2013)
  5. Proof of principle: Applying universal coverage concepts and measurement framework to African and Asian countries, 2nd Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. Inclusion and innovation towards universal health coverage, World Health Organisation (International) (31 Oct 2012 - 03 Nov 2012)
  6. Distribution of Household Out-of-pocket Payment for Health Care in Malaysia. , 41st Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Annual Conference. , Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (International) (03 Dec 2009 - 06 Dec 2009)
  7. Smoking behaviour among rural residents in Pahang State, Peninsular Malaysia, 2nd International Conference on Rural Medicine. Facing global challenges in rural Medicine: An international Collaboration. , School of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (International) (23 Nov 2009 - 25 Nov 2009)
  8. Long-term socioeconomic impact of the Nipah Virus Encephalitis on households in Bukit Pelanduk, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia: A Mixed Methods Study, 5th International Mixed Methods Conference, University of Leeds, Harrogate, United Kingdom (International) (08 Jul 2009 - 11 Jul 2009)
  9. Public Health Policies and the Indigenous Peoples of Malaysia, International Conference on Indigenous Peoples, Centre for Poverty and Development Studies, University of Malaya (International) (29 Jul 2008 - 31 Jul 2008)
  10. Paying for traditional medicines in Malaysia. , 38th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Annual Conference., Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health  (International) (03 Dec 2006 - 06 Dec 2006)
  11. Pattern of Health Expenditures for a Medical Savings Account Scheme in Malaysia. , Concurrent Conferences of the Royal Australasian Colleges of Physicians and the Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand, Royal Australasian Colleges of Physicians and the Health Services Research Association  (International) (15 Nov 2003 - 19 Nov 2003)
  12. Estimating inpatient and outpatient costs for Malaysian public hospitals., Concurrent Conferences of the Royal Australasian Colleges of Physicians and the Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand. , Royal Australasian Colleges of Physicians and the Health Services Research Association  (International) (15 Nov 2003 - 19 Nov 2003)
  1. Is Breast Self Examination Still Relevant to Detect Breast Lump, 41st Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Annual Conference (International) (03 Dec 2009 - 06 Dec 2009)
  2. Poverty Impact of Household Tobacco Expenditures in Malaysia., 7th World Congress on Health Economics. Harmonizing Health and Economics. , International Health Economics Association (International) (12 Jul 2009 - 15 Jul 2009)
  3. Equitap a Study in Equity in the Financing and Delivery of Health Care in 15 Asia Pacific Countries. , 5th Ministry of Health - Academy of Medicine of Malaysia Scientific Meeting 2004, Ministry of Health and the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia  (National) (25 Aug 2004 - 28 Aug 2004)
  4. Financing Medical Care Through the Employees Provident Fund., 5th Ministry of Health - Academy of Medicine of Malaysia Scientific Meeting 2004. , Ministry of Health and the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia  (National) (25 Aug 2004 - 28 Aug 2004)
  5. Limited Private Practice in University of Malaya Specialist Centre: Effect of New Physician Reimbursement Mechanism on Job Satisfaction., 34th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Annual Conference, Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health  (International) (17 Jul 2002 - 20 Jul 2002)
  1. The challenges of using secondary data to examine levels and distribution of health in Malaysia, ISI Regional Statistics Conference, International Statistical Institute South East Asia Regional Network (International) (16 Nov 2014 - 19 Nov 2014)
  2. Assessing Universal Health Coverage in Malaysia, 2nd Meeting of the Global Network on Health Equity, Global Network on Health Equity (International) (11 Jul 2013 - 12 Jul 2013)
  3. Financial protection for health in Malaysia in an era of increasing private sector provision , 8th World Congress on Health Economics, International Health Economics Association (International) (12 Jul 2011 - 12 Jul 2011)
  4. Political economy of financing and distribution in Malaysia s healthcare system., The First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, World Health Organisation (International) (16 Nov 2010 - 19 Nov 2010)
  5. Breast Cancer awareness and BSE Practice among Females of Pahang, Malaysia, 40th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference (International) (07 Nov 2008 - 09 Nov 2008)
  6. Obesity among the elderly in rural Pahang in Malaysia, 2008., the Continuing Medical Education Conference. Recent Trends in Diabetes, Obesity and metabolic Syndrome. , JAMA and National University Health System (International) (01 Aug 2008 - 02 Aug 2008)
  7. Counting and integration: The experience of Malaysia. , International Conference Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity: Should we count, how should we count and why? , Quebec Inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS, Montr ) and the Institut national d des d graphiques (INED, Paris) (International) (06 Dec 2007 - 08 Dec 2007)
  8. Changes in the leading causes of death among Malaysians. , Expo on Research, Inventions and Innovations, University of Malaya (University) (26 Jul 2007 - 28 Jul 2007)
  9. National Health Accounts in Malaysia: Developing a Sustainable System. , Conference on National Health Accounts and Health Sector Reform in Asia, Asia Pacific National Health Accounts Network (International) (09 May 2001 - 11 May 2001)
  1. Investing in human capital for health, High level roundtable discussion on Investing in Human Capital, World Bank (National) (10 Oct 2019 - 10 Oct 2019)
  2. Using Provider Payment to Advance Universal Health Coverage, Asian Flagship Curriculum Development Workshop, World Bank, US Agency for International Development, Asian Network for Health Systems Strengthening (International) (17 Apr 2016 - 22 Apr 2016)
  3. Status of health inequity in Malaysia, Interacademy Medical Panel Working Meeting on Social Determinants of Health Inequity , Interacademy Medical Panel (International) (03 Jul 2014 - 04 Jul 2014)
  4. Assessment of UHC in Malaysia, Global Network for Health Equity Meeting for Network Members, Global Network for Health Equity (International) (04 Nov 2012 - 04 Nov 2012)
  5. Equity in health care financing in Malaysia, EQUITAP 2012 Scientific Coordinator Meeting, The Equitap Research Network (International) (21 Jul 2012 - 21 Jul 2012)


  1. (2017) Reviewer for Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences , (Reviewer)
  2. (2017) Reviewer for UMRG grant applications , (Reviewer)
  3. (2017) Reviewer for BMC Health Services Research , (Reviewer)
  4. (2017) Reviewer for Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences , (Reviewer)
  5. (2017) External Examiner for PhD candidate (Ms Chia Yi Hou) from the National University of Singapore , (External Examiner)
  6. (2016) PhD Candidate Dr Soe Htet from Monash University, Australia , (External Examiner)
  7. (2016) Reviewer for Health Policy , (Reviewer)
  8. (2016) Bulletin of the World Health Organization , (Reviewer)
  9. (2016) Reviewer for UK MRC grant application , (Reviewer)
  10. (2016) Reviewer for Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , (Reviewer)
  11. (2016) Reviewer for The Lancet , (Reviewer)
  12. (2016) Reviewer for Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , (Reviewer)
  13. (2016) DrPH Candidate Dr Sophia Ramli from UM , (Internal Examiner)
  14. (2015) PhD Thesis for Salem Alkoshi , (Internal Examiner)
  15. (2015) Reviewer for Malaysian Journal of Pathology , (Reviewer)
  16. (2015) External peer reviewer for DCP3 chapter entitled, "Universal Health Coverage for Mental, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders: An Extended Cost Effectiveness Analysia" , (Reviewer)
  17. (2015) Reviewer for Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health , (Reviewer)
  18. (2015) Reviewer for PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases , (Reviewer)
  19. (2015) Reviewer for PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases , (Reviewer)
  20. (2015) Reviewer for Medical Journal of Malaysia , (Reviewer)
  21. (2014) Reviewer for Bulletin of the World Health Organization , (Reviewer)
  22. (2010) Member Scientific Review Board, Institute of Health System Research, Ministry of Health, (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2018) Member of the National Working Committee for the Cervical Cancer Screening Programme using HPV DNA Test as a Screening Tool, Ministry of Health Malaysia
  2. (2018) External Reviewer for the Scientific Review Board of the Institute For Health Systems Research, Ministry of Health
  3. (2018) Member of the National Technical Committee for the Cervical Cancer Screening Programme, Ministry of Health Malaysia
  4. (2017) Policy Roundtable meeting of the ASEAN Costs in Oncology , Ministry of Health and University of Malaya
  5. (2017) Asia Pacific Cancer Control Leadership Forum Phase III, Singapore , National Institute of Health, United States
  6. (2016) Visiting Academic, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, International
  7. (2016) Visiting Academic, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Mahidol University, Thailand, International
  8. (2016) Asia Flagship Curriculum Development Workshop, Bellagio, Italy, World Bank, Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems Strengthening, USAID
  9. (2015) Exploring broader economic and social impact of dengue vaccines, World Health Organization
  10. (2011) Committee member for the Pharmacoeconomics Technical Committee, Ministry of Health
  11. (2010) Research Collaborator, Global Network on Health Equity (GNHE), International
  12. (2010) Flagship Course on Equity and Health Systems, the World Bank Institute, the Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems Strengthening, the Department of Health Philippines and the Institute for Health Policy, Sri Lanka
  13. (2009) Workshop on Hospital Cost Accounting , Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
  14. (2009) Workshop on Basic health Economics, Ministry of Health
  15. (2008) Workshop on Basic Health Economics, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health
  16. (2008) Workshop on Hospital Cost Accounting, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
  17. (2008) Committee member of the 2nd Malaysian Burden of Disease Study, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health
  18. (2003) Research Collaborator, Equity in Asia-Pacific Health Systems (EQUITAP), International


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2016) Dengue seroprevalence study in Malaysia, Chong Zhuo Lin
  2. (2016) An evaluation of effect of tobacco consumption on household welfare, Tan Wei Leong
  3. (2014) Determining medical and social causes of under-5 mortality in urban slums of Karachi, Pakistan, Mohammad Bilal Siddiqui
  4. (2013) Economic evaluation of Rotavirus vaccination for Malaysia, Tharani Loganathan
  5. (2013) Distribution of healthcare resources in Peninsular Malaysia: geographical equity and allocative processes, Gan Saw Chien
  6. (2012) Measles vaccination programme in Sarawak - an evaluation of service provision and uptake, Chai Ping Tze
  7. (2012) Contribution of the mixed public-private health system towards achieving and maintaining universal health coverage in Malaysia, Justen Wong Han Wei
  8. (2012) Contingent valuation and health determinants of HIV counselling and testing service utilisation in Nigeria - a study of Lagos state, Felix Oluyemi Aekunjo
  9. (2012) Community dwelling frail older people in an urban setting in Malaysia - prevalence, healthcare utilisation and caregiver burden, Jeyanthini Sathasivam
  10. (2012) An assessment of the socioeconomic gradient in mortality and adult cardiovascular risk factors in Malaysia, Jeevitha Mariapun
  11. (2010) The cost of dengue vector control programme in Malaysia, Raviwharmman Packierisamy
  12. (2010) A study of policy processes and implementation of Malaysia's Teleheath initiative, Nuraidah Mohd Marzuki
  13. (2010) Assessing equity in health care utilisation in Malaysia, Mohd Ridzwan Shahari
  1. (2006) Cost-efffectiveness analysis of different modalities of pap smear examinations in Muar Hospital, Johor, Dr. Shahril Azian bin Masrom


  1. (2017) -- - Master of Global Medicine
  2. (2017) --- -
  3. (2017) MOHX8005 - Health Policy and Leadership
  4. (2017) MQB7015 - Law and Health
  5. (2016) MOGB6305 - Health Economics
  6. (2016) MOHX7103 - Health Policy and Leadership
  7. (2016) MWA8005 - Health Policy and Leadership
  8. (2008) MOGB6305 - Health Economics
  9. (2008) MOHX7103 - Health Policy and Leadership
  10. (2007) CMGB6313 - Health Care Economics
  11. (2006) Health Economics
  1. (2017) MBBS - Organisation and Management of Health Services (Omhs)
  2. (2017) UMMP - Community Posting
  3. (2017) UMMP - Education Days
  4. (2017) UMMP - Education Days
  5. (2017) UMMP1201 - Foundation
  6. (2017) UMMP1201 - Foundation
  7. (2017) UMMP1301 - Musculoskeletal Diseases
  8. (2017) UMMP1301 - Musculoskeletal Sciences
  9. (2017) UMMP2801 - Endocrinology, Nutrition and Reproductive Health
  10. (2016) UMMP1201 - Foundation
  11. (2008) Principles of Management
  12. (2008) Problem Based Learning
  13. (2007) Community Residency Programme
  14. (2007) Organisation and Management of Health Services
  15. (2007) Principles of Management
  16. (2007) Problem Based Learning
  17. (2007) Epidemiology
  18. (2006) Community Family Case Studies
  19. (2006) Epidemiology and Statistics
  20. (2006) Organisation and Management of Health Services
  21. (2006) Principles of Management


  • External Reviewer of The Scientific Review Board of The Institute for Health System Research, (01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019)
  • Head, Tourism and Social Programme Committee, Apru 2018 Conference, (01 Jan 2018 - 31 Oct 2018)
  • Member of The National Working Committee for The Cervical Cancer Screening Programme Using Hpv Dna Test as a Screening Tool, (01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2020)
  • Member of The National Technical Committee for Cervical Cancer Screening Programme, (01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2020)
  • Appointed Member of The Pharmacoeconomics Technical Committee, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, (18 May 2011 - 31 Dec 2011)
  • Appointed Member of The Scientific Review Board of The Institute of Health Systems Research, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, (01 Dec 2010 - 31 Dec 2019)
  • Appointed Member of The 2nd Malaysian Burden of Disease Study Working Committee, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, (13 Oct 2010 - 31 Dec 2011)
  • Member of The Unrelated Transplant Approval Committee of The National Transplantation Programme, (15 Jun 2010 - 17 Jan 2018)