Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Primary Care Medicine
    Faculty of Medicine
  • chiayc
  • +603-79492306


  • MRCS (ENGLAND), (Surgery)
    Royal College of Surgeon of England
  • FRCP(LONDON), (Medicine and Surgery)
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • FAFPM(2006) (MAL), (Medicine)
    Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
  • MRCP (LONDON), (Medicine and Surgery)
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • LRCP (LONDON), (Medicine and Surgery)
    Royal College of Physician of London
  • MBBS(1978) (UM), (PERUBATAN)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • Head, UM Primary Care Research Group, Health and Translational Medicine, UM
    02 Jan 2012 - present (Department of Primary Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Section
    01 Dec 1989 - 01 Dec 2003 (Department of Primary Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Chairman
    01 Jan 1992 - 01 Jan 1994 (National)


    Since 2017 (National)
    2013 to 2019 (National)
    2017 to 2018 (International)
    2012 to 2018 (National)
    2010 to 2018 (University)
    2017 to 2017 (National)
    1999 to 2003 (University)


  • Senior Women Researchers Award
    2023, International Society of Hypertension, International
  • World Hypertension League Award 2022 Excellence Award Winner of Graham Macgregor Excellence Award in Dietary Salt Reduction At The Population Level
    2022, World Hypertension League,  (International)
  • Top 10 Most-Downloaded Article in Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2018-2019
    2020, Journal of Clinical Hypertension ,  (International)
  • Clinical Hypertension Specialist
    2017, European Society of Hypertension,  (International)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award in Primary Care 2017
    2017, Department of primary care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya,  (Department)
  • Malaysian Society of Hypertension Poster 2nd Prize 2017
    2017, Malaysian Society of Hypertension,  (National)
  • Malaysian Society of Hypertension Yia Young Investigator Award 3rd Prize 2017
    2017, Malaysian Society of Hypertension,  (National)
  • Malaysian Society of Hypertension Yia Young Investigator Award 2nd Prize 2017
    2017, Malaysian Society of Hypertension,  (National)
  • European Society of Cardiology Conference Travel Grant 2017
    2017, European Society of Cardiology,  (International)
  • 1st Women International Day Interview With Professor Yook Chin Chia On Ish Website 14 March 2016
    2016, International Society of Hypertension,  (International)
  • Asia-Pacific Society of Hypertension Young Investigator Award
    2016, Asia-Pacific Society of Hypertension,  (International)
  • First Runner-Up Prize Free Oral Presentation
    2016, Malaysian Association for the Study of Pain (MASP),  (National)
  • Best Free Paper Oral Presentation
    2016, Malaysian Association for the Study of Pain (MASP),  (National)
  • Best Poster Award 1st Prize
    2016, Malaysian Society of Hypertension,  (National)
  • Young Investigator Award 3rd Prize
    2016, Malaysian Society of Hypertension,  (National)
  • Young Investigator Award 1st Prize
    2016, Malaysian Society of Hypertension,  (National)
  • Best Oral Award Bronze Prize
    2016, International Society of Hypertension,  (International)
  • Travel Grant International Society of Hypertension-Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension Conference 2016
    2016, International Society of Hypertension,  (International)
  • European Society of Hypertension Travel Grant
    2016, European Society of Hyperetnsion,  (International)
  • Yia Young Investigators Oral Presentation Award 3rd Prize Tan Siow Foon, Chia Yook Chin, Ching Siew Mooi Clinic Visit-to-Visit Variability of Systolic Blood Pressure Among Patients With Diabetes Over a 10-Year Period in a Primary Care Setting. Malaysian Society of Hypertension Annual Scientific Conference Kuala Lumpur 23-25 January 2015
    2015, Malaysian Society of Hypertension,  (National)
  • Research Grant from Malaysian Society of Hypertension
    2014, Malaysian Society of Hypertension,  (National)
  • Adjunct Professor
    2011, Curtin University, Perth, Australia,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2010, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2007, Universiti Malaya


Article in Journal
  1. Charchar, Fadi; Prestes, Priscilla; Mills, Charlotte; Ching, Siew Mooi; Neupane, Dinesh; Marques, Francine; Sharman, James; Vogt, Liffert; Burrell, Louise; Korostovtseva, Lyudmila; Zec, Manja; Patil, Mansi; Schultz, Martin; Wallen, Matthew; Renna, Nicolas; Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful; Hiremath, Swapnil; Gyeltshen, Tshewang; Chia, Yook-Chin; Gupta, Abhinav; Schutte, Aletta; Klein, Britt; Borghi, Claudio; Browning, Colette; Czesnikiewicz-Guzik, Marta; Lee, Hae-Young; Itoh, Hiroshi; Miura, Katsuyuki; Brunstroem, Mattias; Campbell, Norm; Akinnibossun, Olutope Arinola; Veerabhadrappa, Praveen; Wainford, Richard; Kruger, Ruan; Thomas, Shane; Komori, Takahiro; Ralapanawa, Udaya; Cornelissen, Veronique; Kapil, Vikas; Li, Yan; Zhang, Yuqing; Jafar, Tazeen; Khan, Nadia; Williams, Bryan; Stergiou, George; Tomaszewski, Maciej (2024). Lifestyle management of hypertension: International Society of Hypertension position paper endorsed by the World Hypertension League and European Society of Hypertension, JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION. 42(1), 23-49. doi:10.1097/HJH.0000000000003563
  2. Harun, Zaliha; Shahar, Suzana; You, Yee Xing; Manaf, Zahara Abdul; Majid, Hazreen Abdul; Chin, Chia Yook; Haron, Hasnah; Michael, Viola; Mohamad, Hamdan; Mohd Yazid, Siti Farrah Zaidah; Manan, Musaalbakri Abdul; Wan Ibadullah, Wan Zunairah; Brown, Mhairi K.; He, Feng J.; MacGregor, Graham A. (2024). Salt reduction policy for out of home sectors: a supplementary document for the salt reduction strategy to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (NCDS) in Malaysia 2021-2025, HEALTH RESEARCH POLICY AND SYSTEMS. 22(1). doi:10.1186/s12961-024-01124-8
  3. Khor, Khai Ling; Kumarasuriar, Vashnarekha; Tan, Kok Wei; Ooi, Pei Boon; Chia, Yook-Chin (2024). Effects of fruit and vegetable intake on memory and attention: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials, SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS. 13(1). doi:10.1186/s13643-024-02547-8
  4. Thanaraju, Arjun; Marzuki, Aleya A.; Chan, Jee Kei; Wong, Kean Yung; Phon-Amnuaisuk, Paveen; Vafa, Samira; Chew, Jactty; Chia, Yook Chin; Jenkins, Michael (2024). Structural and functional brain correlates of socioeconomic status across the life span: A systematic review, NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS. 162. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2024.105716
  5. Tsoi, Kelvin; Lam, Amy; Tran, Joshua; Hao, Ziyu; Yiu, Karen; Chia, Yook-Chin; Turana, Yuda; Siddique, Saulat; Zhang, Yuqing; Cheng, Hao-Min; Wang, Ji-Guang; Kario, Kazuomi (2024). The Western and Chinese exercise training for blood pressure reduction among hypertensive patients: An overview of systematic reviews, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. . doi:10.1111/jch.14610
  6. Arifen, Zainorain Natasha Zainal; Haron, Hasnah; Shahar, Suzana; Harun, Zaliha; Michael, Viola; You, Yee Xing; Manaf, Zahara Abdul; Majid, Hazreen Abdul; Chia, Yook Chin; He, Feng J.; Brown, Mhairi Karen; Macgregor, Graham A. (2023). Perceptions, barriers and enablers on salt reduction in the out-of-home sectors in Malaysia (MySaltOH) from the perspective of street food vendors, caterers and consumers, PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION. 27(1). doi:10.1017/S136898002300277X
  7. Campbell, Norm R. C.; Whelton, Paul K.; Orias, Marcelo; Wainford, Richard D.; Cappuccio, Francesco P.; Ide, Nicole; Neal, Bruce; Cohn, Jennifer; Cobb, Laura K.; Webster, Jacqui; Trieu, Kathy; He, Feng J.; McLean, Rachael M.; Blanco-Metzler, Adriana; Woodward, Mark; Khan, Nadia; Kokubo, Yoshihiro; Nederveen, Leo; Arcand, JoAnne; MacGregor, Graham A.; Owolabi, Mayowa O.; Lisheng, Liu; Parati, Gianfranco; Lackland, Daniel T.; Charchar, Fadi J.; Williams, Bryan; Tomaszewski, Maciej; Romero, Cesar A.; Champagne, Beatriz; L'Abbe, Mary R.; Weber, Michael A.; Schlaich, Markus P.; Fogo, Agnes; Feigin, Valery L.; Akinyemi, Rufus; Inserra, Felipe; Menon, Bindu; Simas, Marcia; Neves, Mario Fritsch; Hristova, Krassimira; Pullen, Carolyn; Pandeya, Sanjay; Ge, Junbo; Jalil, Jorge E.; Wang, Ji-Guang; Wideimsky, Jiri; Kreutz, Reinhold; Wenzel, Ulrich; Stowasser, Michael; Arango, Manuel; Protogerou, Athanasios; Gkaliagkousi, Eugenia; Fuchs, Flavio Danni; Patil, Mansi; Chan, Andy Wai-Kwong; Nemcsik, Janos; Tsuyuki, Ross T.; Narasingan, Sanjeevi Nathamuni; Sarrafzadegan, Nizal; Ramos, Maria Eugenia; Yeo, Natalie; Rakugi, Hiromi; Ramirez, Agustin J.; Alvarez, Guillermo; Berbari, Adel; Kim, Cho-il; Ihm, Sang-Hyun; Chia, Yook-Chin; Unurjargal, Tsolmon; Park, Hye Kyung; Wahab, Kolawole; McGuire, Helen; Dashdorj, Naranjargal J.; Ishaq, Mohammed; Ona, Deborah Ignacia D.; Mercado-Asis, Leilani B.; Prejbisz, Aleksander; Leenaerts, Marianne; Simao, Carla; Pinto, Fernando; Almustafa, Bader Ali; Spaak, Jonas; Farsky, Stefan; Lovic, Dragan; Zhang, Xin-Hua (2023). 2022 World Hypertension League, Resolve To Save Lives and International Society of Hypertension dietary sodium (salt) global call to action, JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION. 37(6), 428-437. doi:10.1038/s41371-022-00690-0
  8. Campbell, Norman R. C. K.; Whelton, Paul; Orias, Marcelo L.; Cobb, Laura; Jones, Erika S. W.; Garg, Renu; Willliams, Bryan; Khan, Nadia; Chia, Yook-Chin H.; Jafar, Tazeen; Ide, Nicole (2023). It is strongly recommended to not conduct, fund, or publish research studies that use spot urine samples with estimating equations to assess individuals' sodium (salt) intake in association with health outcomes: a policy statement of the World Hypertension League, International Society of Hypertension and Resolve to Save Lives, JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION. 41(5), 683-686. doi:10.1097/HJH.0000000000003385
  9. Chia, Yook Chin; Ching, Siew Mooi; Ooi, Pei Boon; Beh, Hooi Chin; Chew, Ming Tsuey; Chung, Felicia Fei Lei; Kumar, Navin; Lim, Hooi Min (2023). Measurement accuracy and reliability of self-reported versus measured weight and height among adults in Malaysia: Findings from a nationwide blood pressure screening programme, PLOS ONE. 18(1). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0280483
  10. Harun, Zaliha; Shahar, Suzana; You, Yee Xing; Manaf, Zahara Abdul; Majid, Hazreen Abdul; Chia, Yook Chin; Haron, Hasnah; Michael, Viola; Sukiman, Noor Shahida; Taib, Aida Farzana Mohamad; He, Feng J. J.; Brown, Mhairi K. K. (2023). Perceptions, barriers and enablers of salt reduction in Malaysian out-of-home sectors (MySaltOH): from the point of view of policy-makers and food industries, HEALTH RESEARCH POLICY AND SYSTEMS. 21(1). doi:10.1186/s12961-023-00965-z
  11. Hoshide, Satoshi; Yamamoto, Koichi; Katsurada, Kenichi; Yano, Yuichiro; Nishiyama, Akira; Wang, Ji-Guang; Narasingan, S. N.; Verma, Narsingh; Erwinanto, Erwinanto; Turana, Yuda; Ihm, Sang Hyun; Park, Sungha; Hanafi, Nik Sherina; Chia, Yook-Chin; Unurjargal, Tsolmon; Siddique, Saulat; Ona, Deborah Ignacia D.; Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy; Teo, Boon Wee; Constantine, Godwin; Kao, Hsien-Li; Hung, Chi-Sheng; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Kunanon, Sirisawat; Huynh Van Minh; Kario, Kazuomi; Node, Koichi; Itoh, Hiroshi; Rakugi, Hiromi (2023). Agreement regarding overcoming hypertension in the Asian Hypertension Society Network 2022, HYPERTENSION RESEARCH. . doi:10.1038/s41440-022-00994-1
  12. Kario, Kazuomi; Tomitani, Naoko; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Park, Sungha; Li, Yan; Shin, Jinho; Tsoi, Kelvin; Chen, Chen-Huan; Cheng, Hao-Min; Siddique, Saulat; Turana, Yuda; Buranakitjaroen, Peera; Van Huynh, Minh; Nailes, Jennifer; Sison, Jorge; Soenarta, Arieska Ann; Sogunuru, Guru Prasad; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Tay, Jam Chin; Teo, Boon Wee; Verma, Narsingh; Zhang, Yuqing; Schlaich, Markus; Nagai, Michiaki; Fujiwara, Takeshi; Hoshide, Satoshi; Chia, Yook-Chin; Wang, Ji-Guang (2023). Home blood pressure-centered approach - from digital health to medical practice: HOPE Asia Network consensus statement 2023, HYPERTENSION RESEARCH. 46(12), 2561-2574. doi:10.1038/s41440-023-01397-6
  13. Kasim, Sazzli Shahlan; Ibrahim, Nurulain; Malek, Sorayya; Ibrahim, Khairul Shafiq; Aziz, Muhammad Firdaus; Song, Cheen; Chia, Yook Chin; Ramli, Anis Safura; Negishi, Kazuaki; Nasir, Nafiza Mat (2023). Validation of the general Framingham Risk Score (FRS) , SCORE2, revised PCE and WHO CVD risk scores in an Asian population, LANCET REGIONAL HEALTH-WESTERN PACIFIC. 35. doi:10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100742
  14. Wang, Tzung-Dau; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Bunyi, Ma Lourdes; Chadachan, Veerendra Melagireppa; Chia, Yook Chin; Kario, Kazuomi; Kim, Cheol-Ho; Lin, Hung-Ju; Matsushita, Noriko; Park, Sungha; Salman, Ebtehal; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Tay, Jam Chin; Tien, Hoang Anh; Tomar, Isha; Turana, Yuda; Van Minh, Huynh; Verma, Narsingh; Wander, Gurpreet Singh; Wang, Ji-Guang; Zhou, Yi; Imai, Yutaka (2023). Current realities of home blood pressure monitoring from physicians' perspectives: results from Asia HBPM survey 2020, HYPERTENSION RESEARCH. 46(7), 1638-1649. doi:10.1038/s41440-023-01259-1
  15. Chan, Juliana C. N.; Thewjitcharoen, Yotsapon; Thy Khue Nguyen; Tan, Alexander; Chia, Yook-Chin; Hwu, Chii-Min; Jian, Du; Himathongkam, Thep; Wong, Kim-Leng; Choi, Yun-Mi; Mirasol, Roberto; Mohamed, Mafauzy; Kong, Alice P. S.; Ma, Ronald C. W.; Chow, Elaine Y. K.; Ozaki, Risa; Lau, Vanessa; Fu, Amy W. C.; Hong, Eun-Gyoung; Yoon, Kun-Ho; Tsang, Chiu-Chi; Lau, Eric S. H.; Lim, Lee-Ling; Luk, Andrea O. Y. (2022). Effect of a Web-Based Management Guide on Risk Factors in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetic Kidney Disease A JADE Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA NETWORK OPEN. 5(3). doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.3862
  16. Chan, Nee Nee; Ong, Khang Wei; Siau, Ching Sin; Lee, Kai Wei; Peh, Suat Cheng; Yacob, Shakila; Chia, Yook Chin; Seow, Vei Ken; Ooi, Pei Boon (2022). The lived experiences of a COVID-19 immunization programme: vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 22(1). doi:10.1186/s12889-022-12632-z
  17. Cheung, Johnny T. K.; Lau, Eric; Tsui, Cyrus C. T.; Siu, Edmond L. N.; Tse, Naomi K. W.; Hui, Nicole Y. L.; Ma, Ronald C. W.; Kong, Alice P. S.; Fu, Amy; Lau, Vanessa; Jia, Weiping; Sheu, Wayne H. H.; Sobrepena, Leorino; Yoon, K. H.; Tan, Alexander T. B.; Chia, Yook-Chin; Sosale, Aravind; Saboo, Banshi D.; Kesavadev, Jothydev; Goh, Su-Yen; Nguyen, Thy Khue; Thewjitcharoen, Yotsapon; Suwita, Raymond; Luk, Andrea O. Y.; Yang, Aimin; Chow, Elaine; Lim, Lee Ling; Chan, Juliana C. N. (2022). Combined associations of family history and self-management with age at diagnosis and cardiometabolic risk in 86,931 patients with type 2 diabetes: Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation (JADE) Register from 11 countries, BMC MEDICINE. 20(1). doi:10.1186/s12916-022-02424-y
  18. Chia, Yook Chin; Ahmad, Wan Azman Wan; Fong, Alan Yean Yip; Rosman, Azhari; Rahman, Abdul Rashid Abdul; Choo, Gim Hooi; Lim, Soo Kun; Abu Bakar, Mohammad Zawawi; Ong, Tiong Kiam (2022). 2022 Malaysian Working Group Consensus Statement on Renal Denervation for management of arterial hypertension, HYPERTENSION RESEARCH. . doi:10.1038/s41440-022-00937-w
  19. Huang, Hui-Chun; Cheng, Hao-min; Chia, Yook-Chin; Li, Yan; Van Minh, Huynh; Siddique, Saulat; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Tay, Jam Chin; Turana, Yuda; Verma, Narsingh; Kario, Kazuomi; Wang, Tzung-Dau (2022). The role of renal nerve stimulation in percutaneous renal denervation for hypertension: A mini-review, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(9), 1187-1193. doi:10.1111/jch.14554
  20. Huang, Wei-Chieh; Lin, Yen-Hung; Wu, Vin-Cent; Chen, Chen-Huan; Siddique, Saulat; Chia, Yook-Chin; Tay, Jam Chin; Sogunuru, Guruprasad; Cheng, Hao-Min; Kario, Kazuomi (2022). Who should be screened for primary aldosteronism? A comprehensive review of current evidence, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(9), 1194-1203. doi:10.1111/jch.14558
  21. Jones, Erika S. W.; Lee, Hae-Young; Khan, Nadia; Charchar, Fadi J.; Williams, Bryan; Chia, Yook-Chin; Tomaszewski, Maciej (2022). Reduction of salt intake: time for more action, JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION. 40(11), 2130-2132. doi:10.1097/HJH.0000000000003262
  22. Kario, Kazuomi; Chia, Yook-Chin; Siddique, Saulat; Turana, Yuda; Li, Yan; Chen, Chen-Huan; Nailes, Jennifer; Minh Van Huynh; Buranakitjaroen, Peera; Cheng, Hao-Min; Fujiwara, Takeshi; Hoshide, Satoshi; Nagai, Michiaki; Park, Sungha; Shin, Jinho; Sison, Jorge; Soenarta, Arieska Ann; Sogunuru, Guru Prasad; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Tay, Jam Chin; Teo, Boon Wee; Tsoi, Kelvin; Verma, Narsingh; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Zhang, Yuqing; Wang, Ji-Guang (2022). Seven-action approaches for the management of hypertension in Asia - The HOPE Asia network, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(3), 213-223. doi:10.1111/jch.14440
  23. Kario, Kazuomi; Chia, Yook-Chin; Wang, Ji-Guang (2022). The HOPE Asia Network activity 2022: Towards better hypertension management in Asia, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(9), 1109-1111. doi:10.1111/jch.14545
  24. Kario, Kazuomi; Wang, Ji-Guang; Chia, Yook-Chin; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Li, Yan; Siddique, Saulat; Shin, Jinho; Turana, Yuda; Buranakitjaroen, Peera; Chen, Chen-Huan; Cheng, Hao-Min; Van Huynh, Minh; Nailes, Jennifer; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Zhang, Yuqing; Sison, Jorge; Soenarta, Arieska Ann; Park, Sungha; Sogunuru, Guru Prasad; Tay, Jam Chin; Teo, Boon Wee; Tsoi, Kelvin; Verma, Narsingh; Hoshide, Satoshi (2022). The HOPE Asia network 2022 up-date consensus statement on morning hypertension management, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(9), 1112-1120. doi:10.1111/jch.14555
  25. Kotruchin, Praew; Tangpaisarn, Thanat; Mitsungnern, Thapanawong; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Hoshide, Satoshi; Turana, Yuda; Siddique, Saulat; Buranakitjaroen, Peera; Van Huynh, Minh; Chia, Yook-Chin; Park, Sungha; Chen, Chen-Huan; Nailes, Jennifer; Tay, Jam Chin; Wang, Ji-Guang; Kario, Kazuomi (2022). Hypertensive emergencies in Asia: A brief review, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(9), 1226-1235. doi:10.1111/jch.14547
  26. Lee, Kai Wei; Gew, Lai Ti; Siau, Ching Sin; Peh, Suat Cheng; Chia, Yook Chin; Yacob, Shakila; Chan, Nee Nee; Seow, Vei Ken; Ooi, Pei Boon (2022). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and its associated factors in Malaysia, PLOS ONE. 17(9). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0266925
  27. Li, Hua; Xu, Ting-Yan; Li, Yan; Chia, Yook-Chin; Buranakitjaroen, Peera; Cheng, Hao-Min; Van Huynh, Minh; Sogunuru, Guru Prasad; Tay, Jam Chin; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Kario, Kazuomi; Wang, Ji-Guang (2022). Role of 1-blockers in the current management of hypertension, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(9), 1180-1186. doi:10.1111/jch.14556
  28. Lin, Hung-Ju; Pan, Heng-Yu; Chen, Chen-Huan; Cheng, Hao-Min; Chia, Yook-Chin; Sogunuru, Guru Prasad; Tay, Jam Chin; Turana, Yuda; Verma, Narsingh; Kario, Kazuomi; Wang, Tzung-Dau (2022). Standardized home blood pressure monitoring: Rationale behind the 722 protocol, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(9), 1161-1173. doi:10.1111/jch.14549
  29. Miao, Huanhuan; Zou, Changhong; Yang, Shijie; Chia, Yook-Chin; Van Huynh, Minh; Sogunuru, Guru Prasad; Tay, Jam Chin; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Kario, Kazuomi; Zhang, Yuqing (2022). Targets and management of hypertension in heart failure: focusing on the stages of heart failure, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(9), 1218-1225. doi:10.1111/jch.14553
  30. Ohya, Yusuke; Kario, Kazuomi; Itoh, Hiroshi; Nishiyama, Akira; Ishimitsu, Toshihiko; Ichihara, Atsuhiro; Kai, Hisashi; Kashihara, Naoki; Katsuya, Tomohiro; Miura, Katsuyuki; Mukoyama, Masashi; Nakamura, Satoko; Node, Koichi; Ohishi, Mitsuru; Saito, Shigeyuki; Shibata, Hirotaka; Shimosawa, Tatsuo; Tamura, Kouichi; Toyoda, Kazunori; Ali, Mohd Arifin Mohd; Chia, Yook-Chin; Constantine, Godwin; Erwinanto, Erwinanto; Ihm, Sang Hyun; Kao, Hsien-Li; Van Minh, Huynh; Narasingan, S. N.; Ona, Deborah Ignacia D.; Siddique, Saulat; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Teo, Boon Wee; Unurjargal, Tsolmon; Wang, Ji-Guang; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Raukgi, Hiromi (2022). Statement of the Asian Hypertension Society Network: the Okinawa Declaration on the unity of hypertension societies in Asian countries and regions to overcome hypertension and hypertension-related diseases, HYPERTENSION RESEARCH. 45(1), 1-2. doi:10.1038/s41440-021-00781-4
  31. Turana, Yuda; Shen, Robert; Nathaniel, Michael; Chia, Yook-Chin; Li, Yan; Kario, Kazuomi (2022). Neurodegenerative diseases and blood pressure variability: A comprehensive review from HOPE Asia, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(9), 1204-1217. doi:10.1111/jch.14559
  32. Zhang, Yuqing; Miao, Huanhuan; Chia, Yook-Chin; Buranakitjaroen, Peera; Siddique, Saulat; Shin, Jinho; Turana, Yuda; Park, Sungha; Tsoi, Kelvin; Chen, Chen-Huan; Cheng, Hao-Min; Li, Yan; Huynh Van Minh; Nagai, Michiaki; Nailes, Jennifer; Sison, Jorge; Soenarta, Arieska Ann; Sogunuru, Guru Prasad; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Tay, Jam Chin; Teo, Boon Wee; Verma, Narsingh; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Hoshide, Satoshi; Kario, Kazuomi; Wang, Jiguang (2022). Cardiovascular risk assessment tools in Asia, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 24(4), 369-377. doi:10.1111/jch.14336
  33. Brown, M. K., Shahar, S., You, Y. X., Michael, V., Majid, H. A., Manaf, Z. A., . . . MacGregor, G. A. (2021). Developing a policy to reduce the salt content of food consumed outside the home in Malaysia: protocol of a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 11(7), 8. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044628
  34. Chan, G. C., Teo, B. W., Tay, J. C., Chen, C. H., Cheng, H. M., Wang, T. D., . . . Network, H. A. (2021). Hypertension in a multi-ethnic Asian population of Singapore. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 522-528. doi: 10.1111/jch.14140
  35. Chia, Y. C., Devaraj, N. K., Ching, S. M., Ooi, P. B., Chew, M. T., Chew, B. N., . . . Hassan, H. (2021). Relationship of an adherence score with blood pressure control status among patients with hypertension and their determinants: Findings from a nationwide blood pressure screening program. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 638-645. doi: 10.1111/jch.14212
  36. Chia, Y. C., Turana, Y., Sukonthasarn, A., Zhang, Y. Q., Shin, J., Cheng, H. M., . . . Hypertension Cardiovasc, O. (2021). Comparison of guidelines for the management of hypertension: Similarities and differences between international and Asian countries; perspectives from HOPE-Asia Network. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 422-434. doi: 10.1111/jch.14226
  37. Chia, Yook Chin; Kieneker, Lyanne M.; van Hassel, Gaston; Binnenmars, S. Heleen; Nolte, Ilja M.; van Zanden, Jelmer J.; van der Meer, Peter; Navis, Gerjan; Voors, Adriaan A.; Bakker, Stephan J. L.; De Borst, Martin H.; Eisenga, Michele F. (2021). Interleukin 6 and Development of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction in the General Population, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION. 10(11). doi:10.1161/JAHA.120.018549
  38. Fujiwara, T., Hoshide, S., Tomitani, N., Cheng, H. M., Soenarta, A. A., Turana, Y., . . . Kario, K. (2021). Clinical significance of nocturnal home blood pressure monitoring and nocturnal hypertension in asia. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 457-466. doi: 10.1111/jch.14218
  39. Hoshide, S., Kario, K., Chia, Y. C., Siddique, S., Buranakitjaroen, P., Tsoi, K., . . . Wang, J. G. (2021). Characteristics of hypertension in obstructive sleep apnea: An Asian experience. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 489-495. doi: 10.1111/jch.14184
  40. Huang, J. F., Li, Y., Shin, J., Chia, Y. C., Sukonthasarn, A., Turana, Y., . . . Network, H. A. (2021). Characteristics and control of the 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 450-456. doi: 10.1111/jch.14229
  41. Kario, K., Hoshide, S., Chia, Y. C., Buranakitjaroen, P., Siddique, S., Shin, J., . . . Wang, J. G. (2021). Guidance on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: A statement from the HOPE Asia Network. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 411-421. doi: 10.1111/jch.14128
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  43. Lin, D. S. H., Wang, T. D., Buranakitjaroen, P., Chen, C. H., Cheng, H. M., Chia, Y. C., . . . Network, H. A. (2021). Angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor as a novel antihypertensive drug: Evidence from Asia and around the globe. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 556-567. doi: 10.1111/jch.14120
  44. Matsubayashi, H., Nagai, M., Dote, K., Turana, Y., Siddique, S., Chia, Y. C., . . . Kario, K. (2021). Long sleep duration and cardiovascular disease: Associations with arterial stiffness and blood pressure variability. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 496-503. doi: 10.1111/jch.14163
  45. Michael, V., You, Y. E. X., Shahar, S., Manaf, Z. A., Haron, H., Shahrir, S. N., . . . MacGregor, G. A. (2021). Barriers, Enablers, and Perceptions on Dietary Salt Reduction in the Out-of-Home Sectors: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 17. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18158099
  46. Minh, H. V., Tien, H. A., Sinh, C. T., Thang, D. C., Chen, C. H., Tay, J. C., . . . Kario, K. (2021). Assessment of preferred methods to measure insulin resistance in Asian patients with hypertension. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 529-537. doi: 10.1111/jch.14155
  47. Narita, K., Hoshide, S., Tsoi, K., Siddique, S., Shin, J., Chia, Y. C., . . . Kario, K. (2021). Disaster hypertension and cardiovascular events in disaster and COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 575-583. doi: 10.1111/jch.14192
  48. Shin, J., Chia, Y. C., Heo, R., Kario, K., Turana, Y., Chen, C. H., . . . Li, Y. (2021). Current status of adherence interventions in hypertension management in Asian countries: A report from the HOPE Asia Network. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 584-594. doi: 10.1111/jch.14104
  49. Siddique, S., Khan, A. H., Shahab, H., Zhang, Y. Q., Tay, J. C., Buranakitjaroen, P., . . . Kario, K. (2021). Office blood pressure measurement: A comprehensive review. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 440-449. doi: 10.1111/jch.14169
  50. Sukonthasarn, A., Chia, Y. C., Wang, J. G., Nailes, J., Buranakitjaroen, P., Minh, H. V., . . . Kario, K. (2021). The feasibility of polypill for cardiovascular disease prevention in Asian Population. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 545-555. doi: 10.1111/jch.14075
  51. Tan, P. P. S., Hall, D., Chilian, W. M., Chia, Y. C., Zain, S. M., Lim, H. M., . . . Pung, Y. F. (2021). Exosomal microRNAs in the development of essential hypertension and its potential as biomarkers. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 320(4), H1486-H1497. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00888.2020
  52. Teo, B. W., Chan, G. C., Leo, C. C. H., Tay, J. C., Chia, Y. C., Siddique, S., . . . Kario, K. (2021). Hypertension and chronic kidney disease in Asian populations. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 475-480. doi: 10.1111/jch.14188
  53. Tomitani, N., Hoshide, S., Buranakitjaroen, P., Chia, Y. C., Park, S., Chen, C. H., . . . Network, H. A. (2021). Regional differences in office and self-measured home heart rates in Asian hypertensive patients: AsiaBP@Home study. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 606-613. doi: 10.1111/jch.14239
  54. Tsai, T. Y., Cheng, H. M., Chuang, S. Y., Chia, Y. C., Soenarta, A. A., Minh, H. V., . . . Chen, C. H. (2021). Isolated systolic hypertension in Asia. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 467-474. doi: 10.1111/jch.14111
  55. Tsoi, K., Yiu, K., Lee, H., Cheng, H. M., Wang, T. D., Tay, J. C., . . . Network, H. A. (2021). Applications of artificial intelligence for hypertension management. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 568-574. doi: 10.1111/jch.14180
  56. Turana, Y., Tengkawan, J., Chia, Y. C., Nathaniel, M., Wang, J. G., Sukonthasarn, A., . . . Network, H. A. (2021). Hypertension and stroke in Asia: A comprehensive review from HOPE Asia. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 513-521. doi: 10.1111/jch.14099
  57. Turana, Y., Tengkawan, J., Chia, Y. C., Shin, J., Chen, C. H., Park, S., . . . Kario, K. (2021). Mental health problems and hypertension in the elderly: Review from the HOPE Asia Network. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 504-512. doi: 10.1111/jch.14121
  58. Verma, Narsingh; Rastogi, Smriti; Chia, Yook-Chin; Siddique, Saulat; Turana, Yuda; Cheng, Hao-min; Sogunuru, Guru Prasad; Tay, Jam Chin; Teo, Boon Wee; Wang, Tzung-Dau; TSOI, Kelvin Kam Fai; Kario, Kazuomi (2021). Non-pharmacological management of hypertension, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 23(7), 1275-1283. doi:10.1111/jch.14236
  59. Wang, J. G., Li, Y., Chia, Y. C., Cheng, H. M., Minh, H. V., Siddique, S., . . . Hypertension Cardiovasc, O. (2021). Telemedicine in the management of hypertension: Evolving technological platforms for blood pressure telemonitoring. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 435-439. doi: 10.1111/jch.14194
  60. Wang, Ji-Guang; Bunyi, Ma Lourdes; Chia, Yook Chin; Kario, Kazuomi; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Park, Sungha; Sukonthasarn, Apichard; Tay, Jam Chin; Turana, Yuda; Verma, Narsingh; Wang, Tzung-Dau; Imai, Yutaka (2021). Insights on home blood pressure monitoring in Asia: Expert perspectives from 10 countries/regions, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION. 23(1), 3-11. doi:10.1111/jch.14074
  61. Wang, T. D., Lee, C. K., Chia, Y. C., Tsoi, K., Buranakitjaroen, P., Chen, C. H., . . . Network, H. A. (2021). Hypertension and erectile dysfunction: The role of endovascular therapy in Asia. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 481-488. doi: 10.1111/jch.14123
  62. Cheng, H. M., Chuang, S. Y., Wang, T. D., Kario, K., Buranakitjaroen, P., Chia, Y. C., . . . Chen, C. H. (2020). Central blood pressure for the management of hypertension: Is it a practical clinical tool in current practice? Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 391-406. doi: 10.1111/jch.13758
  63. Chia, Y. C., Ching, S. M., Devaraj, N. K., Chew, N., Ooi, P. B., Mohamed, M., . . . Xia, X. (2020). May Measurement Month 2018: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from Malaysia. European Heart Journal Supplements, 22(H), H83-H85. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/suaa035
  64. Chia, Y. C., Kario, K., Tomitani, N., Park, S., Shin, J., Turana, Y., . . . Wang, J. G. (2020). Comparison of day-to-day blood pressure variability in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus to those without diabetes: Asia BP@Home Study. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 407-414. doi: 10.1111/jch.13731
  65. Chia, Y. C., Kario, K., Turana, Y., Nailes, J., Tay, J. C., Siddique, S., . . . Wang, J. G. (2020). Target blood pressure and control status in Asia. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 344-350. doi: 10.1111/jch.13714
  66. Choong, C. L. K., Muttalib, A. R. A., Heng, B. S. L., Chia, Y. C., Abd Hadi, H., Isahak, I., . . . Noor, W. (2020). COMMUNITY CHALLENGES OF INFLUENZA INFECTION AND STRATEGIES FOR THEIR MANAGEMENT: MALAYSIAN PERSPECTIVE. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 51(1), 53-64.
  67. Hoshide, S., Kario, K., Tomitani, N., Kabutoya, T., Chia, Y. C., Park, S., . . . Wang, J. G. (2020). Highlights of the 2019 Japanese Society of Hypertension Guidelines and perspectives on the management of Asian hypertensive patients. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 369-377. doi: 10.1111/jch.13763
  68. Kario, K., Chia, Y. C., Sukonthasarn, A., Turana, Y., Shin, J., Chen, C. H., . . . Wang, J. G. (2020). Diversity of and initiatives for hypertension management in Asia-Why we need the HOPE Asia Network. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 331-343. doi: 10.1111/jch.13733
  69. Kario, K., Park, S., Chia, Y. C., Sukonthasarn, A., Turana, Y., Shin, J., . . . Wang, J. G. (2020). 2020 Consensus summary on the management of hypertension in Asia from the HOPE Asia Network. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 351-362. doi: 10.1111/jch.13751
  70. Lim, H. M., Chia, Y. C., & Koay, Z. L. (2020). Performance of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) and Modified Asian FINDRISC (ModAsian FINDRISC) for screening of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus and dysglycaemia in primary care. Primary Care Diabetes, 14(5), 494-500. doi: 10.1016/j.pcd.2020.02.008
  71. Park, S., Kario, K., Chia, Y. C., Turana, Y., Chen, C. H., Buranakitjaroen, P., . . . Network, H. A. (2020). The influence of the ambient temperature on blood pressure and how it will affect the epidemiology of hypertension in Asia. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 438-444. doi: 10.1111/jch.13762
  72. Shin, J., Kario, K., Chia, Y. C., Turana, Y., Chen, C. H., Buranakitjaroen, P., . . . Wang, J. G. (2020). Current status of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Asian countries: A report from the HOPE Asia Network. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 384-390. doi: 10.1111/jch.13724
  73. Soenarta, A. A., Buranakitjaroen, P., Chia, Y. C., Chen, C. H., Nailes, J., Hoshide, S., . . . Kario, K. (2020). An overview of hypertension and cardiac involvement in Asia: Focus on heart failure. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 423-430. doi: 10.1111/jch.13753
  74. Turana, Y., Tengkawan, J., Chia, Y. C., Teo, B. W., Shin, J., Sogunuru, G. P., . . . Kario, K. (2020). High blood pressure in dementia: How low can we go? Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 415-422. doi: 10.1111/jch.13752
  75. Wang, J. G., Chia, Y. C., Chen, C. H., Park, S., Hoshide, S., Tomitani, N., . . . Kario, K. (2020). What is new in the 2018 Chinese hypertension guideline and the implication for the management of hypertension in Asia? Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(3), 363-368. doi: 10.1111/jch.13803
  76. Kario, K., Shin, J., Chen, C. H., Buranakitjaroen, P., Chia, Y. C., Divinagracia, R., . . . Wang, J. G. (2019). Expert panel consensus recommendations for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Asia: The HOPE Asia Network. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 21(9), 1250-1283. doi:10.1111/jch.13652
  77. Tan, C. H., Chow, Z. Y., Ching, S. M., Devaraj, N. K., He, F. J., MacGregor, G. A., Chia, Y. C. (2019). Salt content of instant noodles in Malaysia: a cross-sectional study. Bmj Open, 9(4), 10. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024702
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  81. Chew, B. H., Khoo, E. M., Chia, Y. C. (2015). Social Support and Glycemic Control in Adult Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 27(2), NP166-NP173
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  89. Leow, Hwong-Ruey; Ching, Siew-Mooi; Sujarita, Ramanujam; Yap, Choon-Fong; Chia, Yook-Chin; Ho, Shiaw-Hooi; Sithambaram, Suresh; Tan, Huck-Joo; Goh, Khean-Lee; Mahadeva, Sanjiv (2014). Mandarin version of the Leeds Dyspepsia Questionnaire: A valid instrument for assessing symptoms in Asians, JOURNAL OF DIGESTIVE DISEASES. 15(11), 591-596. doi:10.1111/1751-2980.12183
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  5. Kasim S.S., Ibrahim N., Malek S., Ibrahim K.S., Aziz M.F., Song C., Chia Y.C., Ramli A.S., Negishi K., Mat Nasir N. (2023). Validation of the general Framingham Risk Score (FRS), SCORE2, revised PCE and WHO CVD risk scores in an Asian population, The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific. 35. doi:10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100742
  6. Komori T., Hoshide S., Turana Y., Sogunuru G.P., Kario K., Wang J.-G., Chia Y.-C., Buranakitjaroen P., Chen C.-H., Cheng H.-M., Fujiwara T., Li Y., Van Huynh M., Nagai M., Nailes J., Park S., Schlaich M., Shin J., Siddique S., Sison J., Soenarta A.A., Sukonthasarn A., Tay J.C., Teo B.W., Tsoi K., Turana Y., Verma N., Wang T.-D., Zhang Y. (2023). Cognitive impairment in heart failure patients: association with abnormal circadian blood pressure rhythm: a review from the HOPE Asia Network, Hypertension Research. . doi:10.1038/s41440-023-01423-7
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  8. Tsoi K., Lam A., Tran J., Hao Z., Yiu K., Chia Y.-C., Turana Y., Siddique S., Zhang Y., Cheng H.-M., Wang J.-G., Kario K. (2023). The Western and Chinese exercise training for blood pressure reduction among hypertensive patients: An overview of systematic reviews, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. . doi:10.1111/jch.14610
  9. Wang T.-D., Ohkubo T., Bunyi M.L., Chadachan V.M., Chia Y.C., Kario K., Kim C.-H., Lin H.-J., Matsushita N., Park S., Salman E., Sukonthasarn A., Tay J.C., Tien H.A., Tomar I., Turana Y., Van Minh H., Verma N., Wander G.S., Wang J.-G., Zhou Y., Imai Y. (2023). Current realities of home blood pressure monitoring from physicians perspectives: results from Asia HBPM survey 2020, Hypertension Research. 46(7), 1638-1649. doi:10.1038/s41440-023-01259-1
  10. Chan J.C.N., Thewjitcharoen Y., Nguyen T.K., Tan A., Chia Y.C., Hwu C.M., Jian D., Himathongkam T., Wong K.L., Choi Y.M., Mirasol R., Mohamed M., Kong A.P.S., Ma R.C.W., Chow E.Y.K., Ozaki R., Lau V., Fu A.W.C., Hong E.G., Yoon K.H., Tsang C.C., Lau E.S.H., Lim L.L., Luk A.O.Y. (2022). Effect of a Web-Based Management Guide on Risk Factors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetic Kidney Disease: A JADE Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Network Open. 5(3), E223862. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.3862
  11. Chan N.N., Ong K.W., Siau C.S., Lee K.W., Peh S.C., Yacob S., Chia Y.C., Seow V.K., Ooi P.B. (2022). The lived experiences of a COVID-19 immunization programme: vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal, BMC public health. 22(1), 296. doi:10.1186/s12889-022-12632-z
  12. Cheung J.T.K., Lau E., Tsui C.C.T., Siu E.L.N., Tse N.K.W., Hui N.Y.L., Ma R.C.W., Kong A.P.S., Fu A., Lau V., Jia W., Sheu W.H.H., Sobrepena L., Yoon K.H., Tan A.T.B., Chia Y.-C., Sosale A., Saboo B.D., Kesavadev J., Goh S.-Y., Nguyen T.K., Thewjitcharoen Y., Suwita R., Luk A.O.Y., Yang A., Chow E., Lim L.L., Chan J.C.N. (2022). Combined associations of family history and self-management with age at diagnosis and cardiometabolic risk in 86,931 patients with type 2 diabetes: Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation (JADE) Register from 11 countries, BMC medicine. 20(1), 249. doi:10.1186/s12916-022-02424-y
  13. Huang H.-C., Cheng H.-M., Chia Y.-C., Li Y., Van Minh H., Siddique S., Sukonthasarn A., Tay J.C., Turana Y., Verma N., Kario K., Wang T.-D. (2022). The role of renal nerve stimulation in percutaneous renal denervation for hypertension: A mini-review, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(9), 1187-1193. doi:10.1111/jch.14554
  14. Huang W.-C., Lin Y.-H., Wu V.-C., Chen C.-H., Siddique S., Chia Y.-C., Tay J.C., Sogunuru G., Cheng H.-M., Kario K. (2022). Who should be screened for primary aldosteronism? A comprehensive review of current evidence, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(9), 1194-1203. doi:10.1111/jch.14558
  15. Kario K., Chia Y.C., Siddique S., Turana Y., Li Y., Chen C.H., Nailes J., Huynh M.V., Buranakitjaroen P., Cheng H.M., Fujiwara T., Hoshide S., Nagai M., Park S., Shin J., Sison J., Soenarta A.A., Sogunuru G.P., Sukonthasarn A., Tay J.C., Teo B.W., Tsoi K., Verma N., Wang T.D., Zhang Y., Wang J.G. (2022). Seven-action approaches for the management of hypertension in Asia The HOPE Asia network, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(3), 213-223. doi:10.1111/jch.14440
  16. Kario K., Wang J.-G., Chia Y.-C., Wang T.-D., Li Y., Siddique S., Shin J., Turana Y., Buranakitjaroen P., Chen C.-H., Cheng H.-M., Van Huynh M., Nailes J., Sukonthasarn A., Zhang Y., Sison J., Soenarta A.A., Park S., Sogunuru G.P., Tay J.C., Teo B.W., Tsoi K., Verma N., Hoshide S. (2022). The HOPE Asia network 2022 up-date consensus statement on morning hypertension management, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(9), 1112-1120. doi:10.1111/jch.14555
  17. Kotruchin P., Tangpaisarn T., Mitsungnern T., Sukonthasarn A., Hoshide S., Turana Y., Siddique S., Buranakitjaroen P., Van Huynh M., Chia Y.-C., Park S., Chen C.-H., Nailes J., Tay J.C., Wang J.-G., Kario K. (2022). Hypertensive emergencies in Asia: A brief review, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(9), 1226-1235. doi:10.1111/jch.14547
  18. Lee K.W., Gew L.T., Siau C.S., Peh S.C., Chia Y.C., Yacob S., Chan N.N., Seow V.K., Ooi P.B. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and its associated factors in Malaysia, PloS one. 17(9), e0266925. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0266925
  19. Li H., Xu T.-Y., Li Y., Chia Y.-C., Buranakitjaroen P., Cheng H.-M., Van Huynh M., Sogunuru G.P., Tay J.C., Wang T.-D., Kario K., Wang J.-G. (2022). Role of 1-blockers in the current management of hypertension, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(9), 1180-1186. doi:10.1111/jch.14556
  20. Lin H.-J., Pan H.-Y., Chen C.-H., Cheng H.-M., Chia Y.-C., Sogunuru G.P., Tay J.C., Turana Y., Verma N., Kario K., Wang T.-D. (2022). Standardized home blood pressure monitoring: Rationale behind the 722 protocol, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(9), 1161-1173. doi:10.1111/jch.14549
  21. Miao H., Zou C., Yang S., Chia Y.-C., Van Huynh M., Sogunuru G.P., Tay J.C., Wang T.-D., Kario K., Zhang Y. (2022). Targets and management of hypertension in heart failure: focusing on the stages of heart failure, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(9), 1218-1225. doi:10.1111/jch.14553
  22. Turana Y., Shen R., Nathaniel M., Chia Y.-C., Li Y., Kario K. (2022). Neurodegenerative diseases and blood pressure variability: A comprehensive review from HOPE Asia, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(9), 1204-1217. doi:10.1111/jch.14559
  23. Zhang Y., Miao H., Chia Y.C., Buranakitjaroen P., Siddique S., Shin J., Turana Y., Park S., Tsoi K., Chen C.H., Cheng H.M., Li Y., Minh H.V., Nagai M., Nailes J., Sison J., Soenarta A.A., Sogunuru G.P., Sukonthasarn A., Tay J.C., Teo B.W., Verma N., Wang T.D., Hoshide S., Kario K., Wang J. (2022). Cardiovascular risk assessment tools in Asia, Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 24(4), 369-377. doi:10.1111/jch.14336
  24. Chia Y.C., Devaraj N.K., Chook J.B., Chew M.T., Ooi P.B., Mohamed M., Draman N., Ng W.L., Gani A.H.M., Thiagarajan N., Zulghaffar Z., Beaney T., Day E., Poulter N.R., Ching S.M. (2021). May Measurement Month 2019: An analysis of blood pressure screening results from Malaysia, European Heart Journal, Supplement. 23(Sb), B98-B100. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/suab058
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  26. Tsoi, K., Yiu, K., Lee, H., Cheng, H. M., Wang, T. D., Tay, J. C., . . . the, H. A. N. (2021). Applications of artificial intelligence for hypertension management. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 568-574. doi: 10.1111/jch.14180
  1. Chia, Y C, Turana, Y, Sukonthasarn, A, et al; Comparison of guidelines for the management of hypertension: Similarities and differences between international and Asian countries; perspectives from HOPE Asia Network. J Clin Hypertens 2021;23:422-434 DOI:10.1111/jch.14226
  2. Hoshide, S, Kario, K, Chia, Y C, et al. Characteristics of hypertension in obstructive sleep apnea: An Asian experience. J Clin Hypertens. 2021; 23: 489 495.
  3. Jian-Feng Huang, Yan Li, Jinho Shin, Yook-Chin Chia, Apichard Sukonthasarn, Yuda Turana, Chen-Huan Chen,Hao-Min Cheng, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Jam Chin Tay, Tzung-Dau Wang, Kazuomi Kario, Ji-Guang Wang ; Characteristics and control of the 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome. J Clin Hypertens. 2021; 23: 450 456.
  4. Kario, K, Hoshide, S, Chia, Y C, et al; the Hypertension Cardiovascular Outcome Prevention, Evidence (HOPE) Asia Network. Guidance on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: A statement from the HOPE Asia Network. J Clin Hypertens. 2021; 23: 411 421.
  5. Keisuke Narita, Satoshi Hoshide, Kelvin Tsoi, Saulat Siddique, Jinho Shin, Yook-Chin Chia, Jam Chin Tay, Boon Wee Teo, Yuda Turana, Chen-Huan Chen, Hao-Min Cheng, Guru Prasad Sogunuru, Tzung-Dau Wang, Ji-Guang Wang, Kazuomi Kario. Disaster hypertension and cardiovascular events in disaster and COVID 19 pandemic. J Clin Hypertens. 2021; 23: 575 583
  6. Takeshi Fujiwara ,Satoshi Hoshide, Naoko Tomitani,,Hao min Cheng, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Yuda Turana, Chen Huan Chen, Huynh Van Minh, Guru Prasad Sogunuru, Jam Chin Tay, Tzung Dau Wang, Yook Chin Chia, Narsingh Verma , Yan Li, Ji Guang Wang, Kazuomi Kario, J Clin Hypertens. 2021; 23: 457 466.
  7. Turana, Y, Tengkawan, J, Chia, YC, et al; the HOPE Asia Network. Hypertension and stroke in Asia: A comprehensive review from HOPE Asia. J Clin Hypertens. 2021; 23: 513 521.
  8. Wang, J G, Li, Y, Chia, Y C, et al; the Hypertension Cardiovascular Outcome Prevention, Evidence (HOPE) Asia Network. Telemedicine in the management of hypertension: Evolving technological platforms for blood pressure telemonitoring. J Clin Hypertens. 2021; 23: 435 439
  9. Wang, T D, Lee, C K, Chia, Y C, et al; the HOPE Asia Network. Hypertension and erectile dysfunction: The role of endovascular therapy in Asia. J Clin Hypertens. 2021; 23: 481 488.
  10. Castillo-Carandang, N. T., Buenaventura, R. D., Chia, Y. C., Do Van, D., Lee, C., Duong, N. L., et al. (2020). Moving Towards Optimized Noncommunicable Disease Management in the ASEAN Region: Recommendations from a Review and Multidisciplinary Expert Panel. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 13, 803.
  11. Chia Y-C, Kario K. Asian management of hypertension: Current status, home blood pressure, and specific concerns in Malaysia. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 2020;22(3):497-500.DOI: 10.1111/jch.13721
  12. Kario, K., Morisawa, Y., Sukonthasarn, A., Turana, Y., Chia, Y. C., Park, S.,et al. (2020). COVID 19 and hypertension evidence and practical management: Guidance from the HOPE Asia Network. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(7), 1109-1119.
  13. Kazuomi Kario, Yook-Chin Chia, Apichard Sukonthasarn, Yuda Turana, Jinho Shin, Chen-Huan Chen, Peera Buranakitjaroen, Jennifer Nailes, Satoshi Hoshide, Saulat Siddique, Jorge Sison, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Guru Prasad Sogunuru, Jam Chin Tay, Boon Wee Teo, Yu-Qing Zhang, Sungha Park, Huynh Van Minh, Naoko Tomitani, Tomoyuki Kabutoya, Narsingh Verma, Tzung-Dau Wang, Ji-Guang Wang. Diversity of and initiatives for hypertension management in Asia Why we need the HOPE Asia Network J Clin Hypertens. . 2020;22(3):331-43. DOI: 10.1111/jch.13733
  14. Lee, K. W., Ching, S. M., Hoo, F. K., Ramachandran, V., Chong, S. C., Tusimin, M., ... & Chia, Y. C. (2020). Neonatal outcomes and its association among gestational diabetes mellitus with and without depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study. Midwifery, 81, 102586.
  15. Man Jun Soo, Zhen Yee Chow, Siew Mooi Ching, Chun Han Tan, Kai Wei Lee, Navin Kumar Devaraj, Hani Syahida Salim, Vasudevan Ramachandran, Poh Ying Lim, Dhashani Sivaratnam, Fan Kee Hoo, Ai Theng Cheong and Yook Chin Chia Prevalence, awareness and control of hypertension in Malaysia in 1980-2018: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  16. Park S, Kario K, Chia YC, Turana Y, Chen CH, Buranakitjaroen P, Nailes J, Hoshide S, Siddique S, Sison J, Soenarta AA, Sogunuru GP, Tay JC, Teo BW, Zhang YQ, Shin J, Van Minh H, Tomitani N, Kabutoya T, Sukonthasarn A, Verma N, Wang TD, Wang JG; HOPE Asia Network. The influence of the ambient temperature on blood pressure and how it will affect the epidemiology of hypertension in Asia. J Clin Hypertens 2020 22(3):438-444. doi: 10.1111/jch.13762
  17. Shin J, Kario K, Chia Y-C, Turana Y, Chen C-H, Buranakitjaroen P, et al. Current status of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Asian countries: A report from the HOPE Asia Network. J Clinc Hypertens 2020;22(3):384-90. DOI: 10.1111/jch.13724
  18. Soenarta AA, Buranakitjaroen P, Chia Y-C, et al. An overview of hypertension and cardiac involvement in Asia: Focus on heart failure. J Clin Hypertens. 2020;22:423-430 DOI: 10.1111/jch.13753
  19. Yook-Chin Chia, Kazuomi Kario, Naoko Tomitani, Sungha Park, Jinho Shin, Yuda Turana, Jam Chin Tay, Peera Buranakitjaroen, Chen-Huan Chen, Satoshi Hoshide, Jennifer Nailes, Huynh Van Minh, Saulat Siddique, Jorge Sison, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Guru Prasad Sogunuru, Apichard Sukonthasarn, Boon Wee Teo, Narsingh Verma, Yuqing Zhang, Tzung-Dau Wang, Ji-Guang Wang. Comparison of Day to Day Blood Pressure Variability in Hypertensive Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus to those without Diabetes: AsiaBP@Home Study J Clin Hypertens. 2020;22:407-414 DOI:10.1111/jch.13731
  20. 4.Siew-MooiChing, Yook Chin Chia, Marleen AH Lentjes, Robert Luben, Nicholas Wareham, Kay-Tee Khaw. FEV1 and total Cardiovascular mortality and morbidity over an 18 years follow-up Population-Based Prospective EPIC-NORFOLK Study. BMC Public Health (2019) 19:501
  21. Guru P. Sogunuru MD, DM1,2, Kazuomi Kario MD, PhD3, Jinho Shin MD4 | Chen Huan Chen MD5, Peera Buranakitjaroen MD, MSc, DPhil6, Yook C. Chia MBBS, FRCP7, Romeo Divinagracia MD, MHSA8, Jennifer Nailes MD, MSPH8, Sungha Park MD, PhD9, Saulat Siddique MBBS, MRCP, FRCP10, Jorge Sison MD11, Arieska A. Soenarta MD12, Jam C. Tay MBBS, FAMS13, Yuda Turana MD, PhD14, Yuqing Zhang MD, MSPH15, Satoshi Hoshide MD, PhD3, Ji Guang Wang MD, PhD16, on behalf of the HOPE Asia Network Morning surge in blood pressure and blood pressure variability in Asia: Evidence and statement from the HOPE Asia Network J Clin Hypertens. 2019;21:324 334
  22. Kario, K., Shin, J., Chen, CH., Buranakitjareon, P., Chia, YC., et al. (2019). Expert panel consensus recommendations for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Asia: The HOPE Asia Network. J Clin Hypertens, 2019 (21), 1250-1283
  23. Lim HM, Chia YC, Ching SM, et al. Number of blood pressure measurements needed to estimate longterm visit-to-visit systolic blood pressure variability for predicting cardiovascular risk: a 10-year retrospective cohort study in a primary care clinic in Malaysia. BMJ Open 2019;9:e025322. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2018-025322
  24. Setia S, Tay JC, Chia YC, Subramaniam K. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) for continuing medical education why and how? Advances in Medical Education and Practice 2019:10 805 812
  25. Turana, Y, Tengkawan, J, Chia, YC, Hoshide S, Shin J, Chen CH, Butanakitjaroen P, Nailes J, Park S, Siddique S, Sison J, Soenarta AA, Tay JC, Sognuru GP, Zhang Y, Wang JG, Kario K. Hypertension and Dementia: A comprehensive review from the HOPE Asia Network. J Clin Hypertens.2019; 21: 1091 1098
  26. Yook-Chin Chia, Siew MooiChing, Bee Nah Chew, Navin Kumar Devaraj, MohdYusofSitiSuhaila, Chai Lee Tay, Pei San Kang, KarMun Verna Lee, Sie Zing Kong, See Wie Teoh, Aida JamaniNurjasmine, Tom Beaney and Xin Xia May Measurement Month 2017 blood pressure screening: findings from Malaysia-South-East Asia and Australasia. European Heart Journal Supplements, Volume 21, Issue SupplementD, April 2019, Pages D77 D79
  27. 4.Ranita Hisham1* , Chirk Jenn Ng1 , Su May Liew1 , Pauline Siew Mei Lai1 , Yook Chin Chia1 , Ee Ming Khoo1 , Nik Sherina Hanafi1 , Sajaratulnisah Othman1 , Ping Yein Lee2 , Khatijah Lim Abdullah3 and Karuthan Chinna Development and validation of the Evidence Based Medicine Questionnaire (EBMQ) to assess doctors knowledge, practice and barriers regarding the implementation of evidence-based medicine in primary care Hisham et al. BMC Family Practice (2018) 19:98
  28. Kai Wei Lee, PhD candidate (UPM); Siew Mooi Ching, MD (Unimas). MMed (UM); Vasudevan Ramachandran, PhD (UPM); Anne Yee, MB BCh BAO (Ireland), MPM (Malaya); Fan Kee Hoo, MD (USM), MRCP (UK), PhD; Yook Chin Chia, MBBS (UM), LRCP (London), MRCP (London), FAFPM (Ma; Wan Aliaa Wan Sulaiman, MBBCh BAO LRCP&SI, MRCP(UK) MRCP(London); Subapriya Suppiah, MD (USM), MMed (Radiologi)(UM); Mohd Hazmi Mohamed, MBBS (IIUM), ORL HNS (UKM); Sajesh Kalkandi Veettil, PhD (Monash University)PRCH-D-18-00694R2 Prevalence and Risk factors of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Asia: A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth accepted on 23 Nov 2018
  29. Kazuomi Kario MD, Naoko Tomitani, Peera Buranakitjaroen, Chen-Huan Chen, Yook-Chin Chia Romeo Divinagracia, Sungha Park MD,Jinho Shin, Saulat Siddique, Jorge Sison, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Guru Prasad Sogunuru, Jam Chin Tay, Yuda Turana, Ji-Guang Wang , Lawrence Wong, Yuqing Zhang, Sirisawat Wanthong, Satoshi Hoshide, Hiroshi Kanegae, on behalf of the HOPE Asia Network Rationale and design for the Asia BP@Home study on home blood pressure control status in 12 Asian countries and regions J Clin Hypertens. 2018;20:33 38. DOI: 10.1111/jch.13145
  30. Kazuomi Kario,Naoko Tomitani,Peera Buranakitjaroen,Yook-Chin Chia,Sungha Park ,Chen Huan Chen, Romeo Divinagracia,Jinho Shin,Saulat Siddique,Jorge Sison,Arieska Ann Soenarta,Guru Prasad Sogunuru,Jam Chin Tay,Yuda Turana,Yuqing Zhang,Jennifer Nailes, Sirisawat Wanthong,Satoshi Hoshide,Noriko Matsushita ,Hiroshi Kanegae ,Ji-Guang Wangon behalf of the HOPE Asia Network Home blood pressure control status in 2017 2018 forhypertension specialist centers in Asia: Results of the Asia BP@ Home study J Clin Hypertens. 2018;20:1686 1695.
  31. KazuomiKario, Sungha Park, PeeraBuranakitjaroen, Yook-Chin Chia, Chen-Huan Chen, Romeo Divinagracia, Satoshi Hoshide, Jinho Shin, Saulat Siddique, Jorge Sison, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Guru Prasad Sogunuru, Jam Chin Tay, YudaTurana, Lawrence Wong, Yuqing Zhang and Ji-GuangWang Guidance on home blood pressure monitoring: A statement of the HOPE Asia Network J Clin Hypertens. 2018;20:456 461.
  32. Sungha Park, PeeraBuranakitjaroen, Chen-Huan Chen, Yook-Chin Chia, Romeo Divinagraci, Satoshi Hoshide, Jinho Shin, Saulat Siddique, Jorge Sison, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Guru Prasad Sogunuru, Jam Chin Tay, YudaTurana, Ji-Guang Wang, Yuqing Zhang, KazuomiKario, on behalf of the HOPE Asia Network Expert panel consensus recommendations for home blood pressure monitoring in Asia: the Hope Asia Network
  33. Thomas Beaney, MRCP, Aletta E Schutte, PhD, MaciejTomaszewski, MD, ConoAriti, MSc, Louise M Burrell, MD, Rafael R Castillo, FPCP, Fadi J Charchar, PhD, AlbertinoDamasceno, PhD, Ruan Kruger, PhD, Daniel T Lackland, DrPH, Peter M Nilsson, MD, DorairajPrabhakaran, DM, Agustin J Ramirez, MD, Markus P Schlaich, MD, Jiguang Wang, PhD, Michael A Weber, MD, Neil R Poulter, FMedSci'Correspondence information about the author FMedSci Neil R PoulterEmail the author FMedSci Neil R Poulter on behalf of the show MMM Investigators May Measurement Month 2017: an analysis of blood pressure screening results worldwide. Lancet Global Health 2018;6:e736 43
  34. Abdul Hadi Said, Yook Chin Chia (2017) Awareness, knowledge and practice of dyslipidaemia management among postgraduate primary care trainees in Malaysia: a cross-sectional study BMJ Open 2017;7:e013573. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016- 013573Feb 2017
  35. Chin YW, Lai PSM, Chia YC. The validity and reliability of the English version of the diabetes distress scale for type 2 diabetes patients in Malaysia. BMC Family Practice. 2017;18:25.
  36. Kazuomi Kario MD, Naoko Tomitani, Peera Buranakitjaroen, Chen-Huan Chen, Yook-Chin Chia Romeo Divinagracia, Sungha Park MD,Jinho Shin, Saulat Siddique, Jorge Sison, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Guru Prasad Sogunuru, Jam Chin Tay, Yuda Turana, Ji-Guang Wang , Lawrence Wong, Yuqing Zhang, Sirisawat Wanthong, Satoshi Hoshide, Hiroshi Kanegae, on behalf of the HOPE Asia Network (2017) Rationale and design for the Asia BP@Home study on home blood pressure control status in 12 Asian countries and regions J Clin Hypertens. 2017;1 6
  37. Yook Chin Chia, Siew Mooi Ching, Hooi Min Lim (2017) Visit-to-visit SBP variability and cardiovascular disease in a multi-ethnic primary care setting:10-year retrospective cohort study J Hypertens 35 (Suppl 1):S50 S56
  38. Yook-Chin Chia,Peera Buranakitjaroen, Chen-Huan Chen,Romeo Divinagracia, Satoshi Hoshide, Sungha Park , Jinho Shin , Saulat Siddique , Jorge Sison, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Guru Prasad Sogunuru, Jam Chin Tay, Yuda Turana, Ji-Guang Wang, Lawrence Wong, Yuqing Zhang, Kazuomi Kario (2017), On behalf of the HOPE Asia Network. Current status of home blood pressure monitoring in Asia: Statement from the HOPE Asia Network J Clin Hypertens. 2017;1 10 DOI:10.1111/jch.13058
  39. Abdullah, A., Liew, S. M., Hanafi, N. S., Ng, C.J., Lai, P. S. M., Chia, Y. C. and Chu Kiong Loo (2016). "What influences patients' acceptance of a blood pressure telemonitoring service in primary care? A qualitative study." Patient Preference and Adherence 10: 99-106.
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  42. Yook Chin Chia, Hooi Min Lim, Siew Mooi Ching. Long-Term Visit-To-Visit Blood Pressure Variability and Renal Function Decline in Patients With Hypertension Over 15 Years J Am Heart Assoc. 2016;5:e003825 doi: 10.1161/JAHA.116.003825)
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  51. Ng, C.J., Khoo, E.M., Lee, P.Y., et al. 2014. Developing a clinical practice guideline implementation strategy based on needs, evidence and theory. BMC Health Services Research 14(Suppl 2):P85. doi:10.1186/1472-6963 14-S2-P85.
  52. Yook Chin Chia, Hooi Min Lim, Siew Mooi Ching. Validation of the pooled cohort risk score in an Asian population a retrospective cohort study BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2014, 14:163
  53. Chia Yook Chin,Victoria L Keevil, Ching Siew Mooi. Antihypertensive Prescribing Pattern and Blood Pressure. Control among hypertensive patients over a Ten Year period in a Primary Care Setting in Malaysia. Life Sci J 2013;10(1):2031-2035 (ISSN:1097-8135). 289 J 2013;10(1):2031-2035] (ISSN:1097-8135). 289
  54. Liew SM, Abdullah A, Abdullah N and Chia YC. Health innovation in cardiovascular diseases. Australas Med J. 2013; 6: 67-9.
  55. Chia Yook Chin, Ching Siew Mooi. Concordance of Serum Creatinine to Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Determining Early Chronic Kidney Disease in Malaysia. Life Sci J 2012;9(3):453-457] (ISSN:1097- 8135). 64
  56. Chia Yook Chin, Rabia Khartoum, Mohazmi Mohamed, Nik Sherina Hanafi, Ng Chirk Jenn. Evidence for Persisting with Treatment with Paracetamol in Patients with Mild to Moderate Osteoarthritis of the Knees. Life Sci J 2012;9(3):1131-1137]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). 157
  57. Ching SM, Chia YC, Wan Azman WA.Prevalence and Determinants of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hypertensive Patients at a Primary Care Clinic Malaysian Family Physician 2012; Volume 7, Number 2 & 3 pg 2-9
  58. Ching Siew Mooi, Chia Yook Chin, Wan Azman Wan Ahmad, Mehrdad Jalalian. Prevalence of Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction among Hypertensive Adults in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Life Sci J 2012;9(3):713-719] (ISSN:1097-8135). 100
  59. Jiwa, M., Othman, S., Hanafi, N.S., Ng, C.J., Khoo, E.M., Chia, Y.C. (2012). Healthcare in Asia: A perspective from primary care at the gateway to a continent. Quality in primary care 20(5):317-20.
  60. Abdul Rashid AR, Khalid Y, YC Chia, on behalf of the Working Group Clinical Practice Guidelines Management of Hypertension (Third Edition)Managment of Hypertension Malaysian Fam Physician 2011; Vol 6 No 1 40-43
  61. Chew, B.H., Khoo, E.M. & Chia, Y.C. (2011). Quality of Care for Adult Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at a University Primary Care Centre in Malaysia. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health 3(6):439-449. (IJCRIMPH)
  62. Chew, B.H., Khoo, E.M. & Chia, Y.C. 2011. Does religious affiliation influence glycaemic control in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus? Mental Health in Family Medicine 8(1):21-28
  63. Chew, B.H., Khoo, E.M. & Chia, Y.C. 2015. Social Support and Glycaemic Control in adult patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Asia Pac J Public Health 27 (2):NP166-173. doi: 10.1177/1010539511431300. Epub 2011 Dec 23.
  64. Chia Y C Review of Tools of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Stratification: Interpreting, Customising & Applying It In Daily Clinical Practice Sing Med J 2011; 52(2) : 116-123
  65. Yook Chin Chia, Rabia Khartoum, Mohazmi Mohamed, Sherina Nik Hanafi and Chirk Jenn Ng. Evidence for Persisting with Treatment with Paracetamol in Patients with Mild to Moderate Osteoarthritis of the Knees. Life Science Journal 2011; 9(3), 1131-1137.
  66. Chia YC , Yeoh E S H, Ng C J, Khoo E M, Chua C T. Efficacy and tolerability of lercanidipine in mild to moderate hypertension among Asians of different ethnic groups Singapore Med J 2009; 50(5) : 500-505
  67. Chia YC, Yeoh ES, Ng CJ, Khoo EM, Chua CT. (2009). Efficacy and tolerability of lercanadipine in mild to moderate hypertension among Asians of different ethnic groups. Singapore Med J 50(5):500-505
  68. Chin, C. Y. and Srinivas Pengal Cardiovascular Disease Risk in a Semirural Community in Malaysia Asia Pac J Public Health 2009 21: 410-420. Originally published online on August 5, 2009 as doi:10.1177/1010539509343973
  69. D R Forsyth, Y C Chia: How Should Malaysia Respond to its Ageing Society? Med J Malaysia March 2009; Vol 64 No 1 46-50
  70. Chia YC, Vinothini A, Liew SM; Impact of Nurse Educators on Medication Adherence in Patients with Mild to Moderate Asthma: A Randomised Control Trial Primary Care Respiratory Journal Vol 17 Issue 2 June 2008 pg 130 ISSN 1471-4418
  71. Chia YC. Review Article: Understanding patient management: the need for medication adherence and persistence Malaysian Family Physician 2008; Volume 3, May 2008 Number 1 pg 2-6 ISSN: 1985-207X (print), 1985-2274 (electronic) Online version:
  72. Liew S.M., Khoo, E.M., Chia, Y.C. & Lee, V.K.M. (2008). Expectations of doctors treating hypertension - Points to ponder. Journal of Hypertension 26: S59-S60.
  73. Ng CJ, Chia YC, Hanafi NS, Teng CLFactors influencing parental decision to consult for children with upper respiratory tract infections. J of Paeds and Public Health 2008;44;208-213
  74. S Mahadeva, YC Chia, A Vinothini, M Mohazmi, KL Goh Cost-effectiveness of and satisfaction with a Helicobacter pylori test and treat strategy compared with prompt endoscopy in Young Asians with dyspepsia. GUT 2008; 57: 1214-1220
  75. YC Chia, P Srinivas Comparison of Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Different Ethnic Groups in a Multi-racial Country. Athersclerosis Suppl Vol 9/1 May 2008 pg 80 ISSN 1567-5688
  76. Yook Chia. P Srinivas, Poi P. Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk in a Semi Rural Community in a Developing Country Atherosclerosis June 2007 Vol 8 Issue 1 pp iii 1-259, pg 126
  77. Teng CL, Nik-Sherina Hanafi, Ng CJ, Chia YC, Abdul Sallam Atiya. Antibiotic prescribing for childhood febrile illness by primary care doctors in Malaysia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2006;42:612-717
  78. Chia Yook Chin, "Guest Editorial: From Maternal Mortality to Malignancies....What lies in Between?", 2005, Asia Pac J Public Health, Vol. 17, no. 1, pg. 1-2
  79. Nik Sherina H, Y C Chia. Communication Skills Teaching In Primary Care Medicine. Med J of Malaysia 2002;57 (Supp E):74-77.
  1. Chia YC, Ng WL.(2023) Expect the Unexpected A Compilation of Common Clinical Cases Posing as Diagnostic Dilemmas Sunway University Press ISBN 978-96-5492-94-5 18 Nov 2023 page 1-232
  2. Chia, YC (Ed) (2022) DIABETES : Disarming the Silent Killer / CHIA YC, OOI PB, HWANG JS, TEOW SY, AHMAD B., PEH SC. ISBN 978-967-5492-19-8
  3. Tan CPL, Chia YC, Low WY, Alhady SF, Zulkifli SN, Wong YL. Handbook for Tutors for the Community Family Case Studies Program (Phase I Doctor, Patient, Health and Society Program), Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 1998.
Chapter in Books
  1. Chia Y.C. (2022). Hypertension in the Elderly: Pathophysiology and Clinical Significance. In C.V.S.Ram, J.B.W. Teo, G.S. Wander (Ed) Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease in Asia (pp. 239-257). e-book European Society of Hypertension Series, Gewerbestrasse , Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature
  2. Book chapter Physicians and Global Health.200 years 1518-2018 Reflections on the RCP Krishna Chinthapalli 2018 chapter on Hypertension in Malaysia Yook-Chin Chia page 77-79 ISBN 978-1-4087-0640-4
  3. Chia Yook Chin 2012. The Handbook of Geriatric Medicine, Geriatric Unit, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Why Elderly Care?
  4. Hypertension in the Elderly. Hanbook of Geriatric Medicine, Publication of Unit of Geriatric Medicine Publication , Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Minstry of Health Malaysia Sepetmber 2012. ISBN 978-983-43917-1-3
Article in Proceeding
  1. : Yook Chin Chia, Hooi Chin Beh, Bee Nah Chew, Siew Mooi Ching. Prevalence and Predictor of Non-Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication: A Cross Sectional Study Malaysian Society of Hypertension 14th Annual Scientific Conference 10-12 March 2017 (won second prize)
  2. : Nazhatussima Suhaili, Yook Chin Chia Medication Adherence and Medication Adherence Self-Efficacy Among Patients With Hypertension in a Primary Care Clinic Malaysian Society of Hypertension 14th Annual Scientific Conference 10-12 March 2017 (Won 3rd Prize YIA)
  3. A Randomized Quality Improvement Study Using the Web-based Multi-component Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation (JADE) Program Juliana CN Chan1,2, Yook-Chin Chia3, Wayne Sheu4, Duc-Cong Nguyen5, Parinya Chamnan6, Su-Yen Goh7, Subir Ray8, Sagarsankar Mukherjee9, Amy W Fu1, Eric S Lau1, Lee-Ling Lim2, Andrea O Luk1,2 on behalf of the JADE Study Group
  4. Hanis Saadah Husin, Yook Chin Chia, Haireen Abdul Hadi. Visit-To-Visit Blood Pressure Variability and its Correlation with Decline in Kidney Function in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Malaysian Society of Hypertension 14th Annual Scientific Conference 10-12 March 2017 (Won YIA 2nd prize)
  5. Sheng Qian Yew, Yook Chin Chia, Michael Theodorakis. Assessing 10-year Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Malaysians with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Framingham Risk Score versus United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study European Society of Hypertension Conference, Barcelona 26-30 August 2017 (won a Travel Grant )
  6. Chin AV. Hypertension in the Elderly. 6th ASEAN Conference on Primary Health Care Ipoh, Malaysia. 27- 29th March 2009
Other Publications
  1. 1.Sheng Qian Yew, Yook Chin Chia, Michael Theodorakis. Assessing 10-year Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Malaysians with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Framingham Risk Score versus United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study European Society of Hypertension Conference, Barcelona 26-30 August 2017 (won a travel grant) - Extended Abstract
  2. Malaysia Focus: Words with the President of Malaysian Society of Hypertension MIMS Doctor (Professional Copy) October 2017 pg 14-15 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  4. Lee, P.Y., Khoo, E.M., Hanafi, N.S., Liew, S.M., Ng, C.J., Lai, P.S.M, Adina, A., Chia, Y.C. & Wong, S.S.L. 2015. Blinkers, Borders and Barriers in Hypertension Management. Malaysian Society of Hypertension 2015 12th Annual Scientific Meeting Abstract Book: 42 - Extended Abstract
  5. Liew, S.M., Lee, P.Y., Abdullah, N., Wong, S.S.L., Hanafi, N.S., Ng, C.J., Lai, P.S.M., Chia, Y.C., Abdullah, A. & Khoo, E.M. 2014. Barriers to Adherence of Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) on Management of Hypertension. Malaysian Family Physician 9(1): 63-64 - Extended Abstract
  6. Hanafi, N.S., Wong, S.S.L., Lee, P.Y., Ng, C.J., Chia, Y.C., Lai, P.S.M., & Khoo, E.M. 2013. Documentation of Target Organ Damage in Patients with Hypertension: An Audit at a Teaching Primary Care Clinic. National Heart Association of Malaysia Annual Scientific Meeting 2013 Abstract Book: 54 - Extended Abstract
  7. Hanafi, N.S., Wong, S.S.l., Lee, P.Y., Ng, C.J., Chia, Y.C., Lai, P.S.M., & Khoo, E.M. 2013. Quality Indicators of Care For Hypertension in a Primary Care Clinic. Malaysian Society of Hypertension 2013, 10th Annual Scientific Meeting Abstract Book: 57 - Extended Abstract
  8. Wong, S.S.L., Lee, P.Y., Ng, C.J., Hanafi, N.S., Chia, Y.C., Lai, P.S.M. & Khoo, E.M. 2013. Documentation of First Assessment Made For Patient With Hypertension: Are The Malaysian Primary Care Doctors Adhering To The CPG? Malaysian Society of Hypertension 2013, 10th Annual Scientific Meeting Abstract Book:40 - Extended Abstract
  9. Khoo, E.M., Wong, S.S.L., Lee, P.Y., Ng, C.J., Hanafi, N.S., Lai, P.S.M., & Chia, Y.C. 2012. An Audit of Process of Care of Hypertension at a University Based Primary Care Clinic. Asia Pacific Primary Care Research Conference 2012. Singapore.1-2 December. - Extended Abstract
  10. Ng CJ, Teng CL, Nik-Sherina H, Choo CWY, Chia YC. 2012. What do adults use for pain? A survey in a multi-ethnic community. 1st Asia Pacific Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence Based Medicine Conference. p137. - Extended Abstract
  11. Chia YC. Review Article: Prehypertension: What is the Current Status? Malaysian Family Physician 2008; Volume 3, Number 2 pg 72-76 ISSN: 1985-207X (print), 1985-2274 (electronic) Online version: - Review
  12. H Nik-Sherina, YC Chia, CJ Ng, CL Teng, K Rabia. 2007. Acute Poisoning: A Cry for Help. 28th Annual Meeting of the American College of Toxicology p71. - Extended Abstract
  13. Ng CJ, Chia YC, Teng CL, Nik Sherina H. 2005. Children With Upper Respiratory Tract Infection: What are the Factors Influencing Parental Decision to Seek Medical Consultation?. 6th Ministry of Health Malaysia- Academy of Medicine of Malaysia Scientific Meeting. Abstract Book:43. - Extended Abstract


  • Asthma
  • GI problems
  • Hypertension
  • Problems in Elderly


  1. 2020 - 2023, Long Term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS)
    Social cognition and executive function aspects for social interaction and emotional well-being ( Consultant)
  2. 2020 - 2023, Sunway University Internal Grant
    Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring ans BP variability Pilot Study ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2019 - 2021, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Identifying clinical biomarkers for a novel health screen for hypertension in older adults ( Consultant)
  4. 2016 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Sensitive Dengue Viral Detection with a Fully Integrated Paperbased SampletoAnswer Biosensor ( Consultant)
  5. 2011 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    The IIIP Study - Implementing, Innovation, In- Practice ( Consultant)
  6. 2011 - 2013, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Factors Influencing Control of Cardiovascular Disease in Primary care: Malaysian Perspective ( Consultant)
  7. 2011 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    A pilot randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of an innovative intervention in improving clinical competency: The Sit-in Observation and Feedback (SOF) project ( Consultant)
  8. 2011 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    COPD: Impact on respiratoryfunction (FEV1), quality of life and audit of care ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  9. 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Exploring the use of a self-monitoring and medication reminder device in patients with hypertension ( Consultant)
  10. 2007 - 2009, MOH RM9
    The effectiveness of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ( Consultant)
  11. 2004 - 2008, GlaxoSmithKline
    Self-poisoning and overdose study ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  12. 2004 - 2007, GlaxoSmithKline
    Efficacy and tolerability of paracetamol extend in mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knees ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  13. 2002 - 2007, GlaxoSmithKline
    Study of analgesic use among primary care doctors using clinical vignettes ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  14. 2005 - 2007, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
  15. 2002 - 2005, GlaxoSmithKline
    Survey of Analgesic Prescribing Pattern Among Primary Care Doctors ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  16. 2002 - 2005, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Home Management of Febrile Children (A community survey) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  17. 2004 - 2004, Orient Europharma (M) Sdn Bhd
    ZANIDIP STUDY. A single centre, open label phase II study to assess efficacy and safety of lercanidipine in treating patients with essential hypertension ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2019 - 2022, Newton Impact Grant
    Developing a strategy to reduce salt content of food consumed outside the home in Malaysia ( Consultant)
  2. 2017 - 2021, Pfizer Grant
    Blood Pressure Variability: HBPM and CV events ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2017 - 2020, International Funding
    Blood pressure variability and cardiovascular events among patients with hypertension ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2017 - 2019, International Funding
    A study to define the distribution of type of hypertension in Asia by Blood Pressure Monitoring at Home (Aisa BP@Home) ( Consultant)
  5. 2017 - 2019, Private Funding
    Using A Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) Registry To Treat To Multiple Targets (TMT) ( Consultant)
  6. 2006 - 2008, Sanofi Aventis
    DFI6032 (RAVEL) study ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2002 - 2002, Astra Zeneca
    Nexium: Clinical Experience Program ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  8. 2000 - 2001, Pfizer (M)
    A multicentre, open-label study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of Eletriptan 40mg for the treatment of migraine (with or without aura) in subjects unsuccessfully treated with NSAIDS ( Consultant)
  1. 2002 - 2007, GlaxoSmithKline
    Pattern of analgesic use in the community ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2004 - 2007, GlaxoSmithKline
    Caregivers' management of childhood febrile illness ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Director of Postgraduate Certificate of Family Medicine, Academy of Family Physicians
    01 Sep 2019 - 01 Sep 2020 (National)
  • Hypertension Specialist for The European Society of Hypertension, European Society of Hypertension
    01 Sep 2019 - 01 Sep 2020 (International)
  • Core Working Group for Healthcare Outcomes of Hypertension in Middle to Low Income Countries, ICHOM International Consortium on Healthcare Outcome Measures
    01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2018 (International)
  • Ichom Working Group for Hypertension in Low and Middle Income Countries, International Consortium on Healthcare Outcomes ICHOM
    01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2018 (International)
  • Pan-Asia Advisory Meeting On Hypertension (Home Bp Consensus), Pfizer
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2017 (International)
  • The Effectiveness of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Ministry of Health Malaysia
    01 Dec 2007 - 01 Dec 2009 (National)
  • Ravel Study, Sanofi Aventis
    01 Dec 2006 - 01 Dec 2008 (International)
  • Zanidip Study, Orient Europharma (M) Sdn Bhd
    01 Dec 2004 - 01 Dec 2004 (National)


  1. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: Why When and How, Indonesian Society of Hypertension Annual Scientific conference 2016, Indonesian Society of Hypertension (International) (12 Feb 2016 - 14 Feb 2016)
  1. Lifestyle Modification in Prehypertension Korean , Society of Hypertension Conference Busan, Society of Hypertension Busan (International) (07 Aug 2020 - 08 Sep 2020)
  2. Hypertension and Kidney Function Decline Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension Conference Singapore 7 October 2017, Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension Conference, Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension (International) (06 Oct 2017 - 08 Oct 2017)
  3. Total Cardiovascular Risk Estimation for Asean Populations 6-10 Sept 2017, 9th Chiang Mai Cardiology Conference (CMCC) Conference (attended by 1846 delegates), Chiang Mai Society of Cardiology (International) (06 Sep 2017 - 10 Sep 2017)
  4. Getting to Goal in Type 2 Diabetes: Role of Post Prandial Glucose, Primary Care Summit Singapore 18th March 2017 Ramada Hotel, Abbott (International) (18 Mar 2017 - 19 Mar 2017)
  5. Resistant Hypertension Identification and Management, Indonesia Society of Hypertension Annual Scientific Conference Jakarta 24-26 February 2017, Indonesia Society of Hypertension (National) (24 Feb 2017 - 26 Feb 2017)
  6. Should All Atrial Fibrillation be Referred to specialists? , 8th Weekend Seminar Series in Cardiology KL 14 Feb 2009, Private Medical Practitioners Asociation of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur (PMPASKL) (14 Feb 2009 - 15 Feb 2009)
  1. YIA Presentation: Lim Hooi Min, Chia Yook Chin, Ching Siew Mooi Long Term Visit-to Visit Variability of Systolic Blood Pressure and Decline in Renal Function in Hypertensive Patients over 15 years (WON FIRST PRIZE YIA Award), Malaysian Society of Hypertension 13th Annual Conference 2016, 13th Annual Conference Malaysian Society of Hypertension (National) (15 Jan 2016 - 17 Jan 2016)
  1. Prevalence of Masked Hypertension in Hypertensive patients with Diabetes and those without Diabetes , Korean Society of Hypertension Conference Busan , Korean Society of Hypertension  (International) (07 Aug 2020 - 08 Aug 2020)
  2. Comparison of Blood Pressure between the fasted and non-fasted state, Korean Society of Hypertension Conference Busan, Korean Society of Hypertension (International) (07 Aug 2020 - 08 Aug 2020)
  3. A Randomized Quality Improvement Study Using the Web-based Multi-component Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation (JADE) Program, IDF 2017 International Diabetes Conference, International Diabetes Federation (International) (04 Dec 2017 - 08 Dec 2017)
  4. Assessing 10-year Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Malaysians with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Framingham Risk Score versus United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study, Euroepan Society of Cardiology Conference, European Society of Cardiology (International) (25 Aug 2017 - 28 Aug 2017)
  5. Visit-To-Visit Blood Pressure Variability and its Correlation with Decline in Kidney Function in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Malaysian Society of Hypertension Annual Scientific Conference 10-12 March 2017, Malaysian Society of Hypertension (National) (10 Mar 2017 - 12 Mar 2017)
  6. Medication Adherence and Medication Adherence Self-Efficacy Among Patients With Hypertension in a Primary Care Clinic Malaysian, Malaysian Society of Hypertension Annual Scientific Conference 10-12 March 2017, Malaysian Society of Hypertensiom (National) (10 Mar 2017 - 12 Mar 2017)
  1. Non-communicable Diseases in Low to medium resource Countries, , Inaugural International Conference on Global Health Global Reach in Low Resource Countries Organsied by the Royal College of Physicians of London 25 October 2017, Royal College of Physicians of London (International) (25 Oct 2017 - 25 Dec 2017)


  1. (2020) External reviewer for the 2020 Msian CPG on T2DM , (External Examiner)
  2. (2017) I am the only external examiner for the final exit Master in Medicine (Family Medicine) examination at the National University of Singapore , (External Examiner)
  3. (2017) Working Group for Hypertension in Low and Middle Income Countries under the International Consortium of Healthcare Outcomes , (Advisory Committee)
  4. (2017) Member of Core Working Group for Hypertension in Low and Middle Income Countries under the International Consortium for Healthcare Outcome Measurements , (Advisory Committee)
  5. (2017) Member of the 4th Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Hypertension 2017, (Member)
  6. (2016) Adviser of Editorial Board Malaysian Family Physician 2016-2017, (Adviser for Msian Family Physician journal)
  7. (2016) Member of committee for Projek Kurikulum Nasional Sarjana Perubatan Klinikal (Perubatan Keluarga), (Ahli Jawatakauasa Kurikulum)
  8. (2016) Invited as temporary adviser for policy meeting on People-centred Integrated Health services, (WHO Adviser)
  9. (2016) Member of Working Group for Hypertension Management in Low and Middle Income Countries under International Consortium for Health Outcome Measures, (Advisory Committee)
  10. (2013) Appointed by MQA as assessor for Postgraduate Family Medicine programme, (External Assessor for MQA)
  11. (2010) Senior Advisor to the Family Physician, Journal of the Academy of Family Physicians , (Advisory Committee)
  12. (2008) Editorial Board, Medical Progress , (Advisory Committee)
  13. Reviewer for articles for the Singapore Medical Journal, (Reviewer)
  14. Reveiwer for The Asia Pacific Journal of Family Medicine, (Reviewer)
  15. Reviwer of articles in the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, (Reviewer)
  16. International Advisory Board, Cecil s Textbook of Medicine.23rd Edition Aug 2005, (Advisory Committee)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2017) AsiaBP@Home Study, Jichii University Tokyo, Japan, International
  2. (2017) Launch of Cardiovascular Disease website for public, Malaysian Society of Hypertension, The National Heart Association of Malaysia, Malaysian Dietitian Association, The National Stroke Association of Malaysia Supported by Pfizer
  3. (2017) Malaysian Home Blood Pressure Consensus, Malaysian Society of Hypertension supported by Pfizer
  4. (2016) Hypertension Working Group in Low and Middle Income Countries, International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM), International
  5. (2013) International Adviser, Royal College of Physicians of London, International
  6. (2010) International Advisor for Malaysia, Royal College of Physicians of London, International


Postgraduate Student
  1. (2016) Salmonella meningitis with underlying protein energy malnutrition and delayed developmental milestones, Dr Adilah
  3. (2016) Not required yet, Dr Beh Hooi Chin
  4. (2016) Not required yet, Dr Adilah Aidit
  6. (2013) Socio-cultural factors in Diabetes Self-care in Malaysia, Dr Robert Neblett
  7. (2013) Prevelence of Non-Adherence to anti-hypertensive medications, Dr Nazhatussima binti Suhaili
  8. (2013) not required yet at this stage, Dr Lim Hooi Min
  9. (2013) Knowledge of doctors about indications for Statin Use, Dr Abdul Hadi bin Said
  10. (2013) Blood Pressure variability in Diabetics, Dr Hanis Saadah binti Husin
  11. (2012) Prevalence of medication adherence among hypertensive population., NAZHATUSSIMA BINTI SUHAILI
  12. (2012) Correlation of visit-to-visit blood pressure variability with decline in kidney function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, HANIS SAADAH BINTI HUSIN
  13. (2011) Sickness Certification In Upper Respiratory Tract Infection: The Readiness Of Self Sick-Certification Amongst Hospital Staff, Dr Wong Kim Leng
  14. (2011) Knowledge, Perceptions of and Attitudes Towards Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among Multi-Ethnic Urban Malaysians, Dr Roger Buhler
  15. (2011) Home Blood Pressure Monitoring, Dr Wan Nor Azlin Wan Idris
  16. (2011) Decline Rate of Kidney Function in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and the Associated Factors - A 10-Year Retrospective Cohort Study., Dr Tan Siow Foon MBBS
  17. (2011) Accuracy of Reported Weight versus measured Weight, Dr Junita Arizon Aris


  1. (2011) 4050 - Medical Sciences 1 Mtej3102 2011/2012-3