Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Physiology
    Faculty of Medicine
  • chenghm
  • +603-79674920


My PhD in England was in the area of  Human Immunology using the Human model of Placenta to investigate mechanisms relating to the paradoxical successful transplantation of the fetal placental allograft onto the mother during a normal pregnancy. My initial research in dept of physiology, Universiti Malaya continues with Immunology  with a special interest in natural Physiologic autoantibodies. The data from this work has been well recognized with the invited single authorship of the book 'Immunophysiology of Antiphospholipid Antibodies'. The research continues to include nasopharygeal carcinoma, epitope mapping of EBV antigens, allergy. Since 2000, more attention was concentrated on free radical/antioxidant work, with the identification and and patenting of potent antioxidant components in the common rambutan skin.                                                                                                  My academic activity also includes a large portion of time devoted to helping students learn, identify misconceptions. This commitment has been followed by the publication of 17 Physiology Learning texts including a multi-authored Nursing Textbook on Aantomy/Physiology. Efforts to stimulate Physiology learning globally has birthed the International Inter-Med School Physiology Quiz, (IMSPQ) hosted annually in Universiti Malaya with the 9th IMSPQ in July 2011 seeing 48 medical schools from 18 countries. My focussed interest in Physiology Education has been recognized by the International Union for Physiological Sciences (IUPS) by the invitation to be part of the IUPS Plannign committee for the 2013 IUPS Congress in England.


  • PHD(1983) (UK), (Imunologi)
    Liverpool University, Liverpool, UK
  • BSC(1980) (UK), (LAIN-LAIN)
    Liverpool University, Liverpool, UK


  • Mentor, Medical Student Society,Faculty of Medicine, Universiti malaya
    03 Aug 2010 - present (University Malaya)
  • Supervisor
    11 May 2016 - 10 May 2018 (National)
  • Chairman, Initiated the 1st Inter-Program Physiology Quiz (ip-PQ) among Medical, Dental, Pharmacy and Biomedical Students to Motivate Interest and Learning among students of Physiology
    16 Dec 2011 - 01 Apr 2018 (Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Chairman, Initiated the Inter-tutorial Medical Physiology Quiz to Enhance Student Learning between Tutorial Groups
    01 Jul 2009 - 01 Apr 2018 (Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Chariman, Initiated the Annual Physiology Learning Treasure Hunt to Promote Enjoyment in Student Learning
    01 Mar 2010 - 01 Apr 2018 (Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Chairman Inter Medical School Physiology Quiz, initiated 2003. At 9th IMSPQ July 2011, 48 medical schools from 18 countries competed
    01 Sep 2003 - 01 Apr 2018 (International)
  • Advisor to discuss the formation of Spanish National Physiology Quiz with Prof Guillermo from Univ Seville Jan 2014
    12 Jan 2014 - 18 Jan 2014 (International)
  • Chairman
    28 Aug 2013 - 29 Aug 2013 (International)
  • Chairman Inter Medical School Physiology Quiz, initiated 2003. At 10th IMSPQ July 2011, 69 medical schools from 17 countries competed
    29 Aug 2012 - 30 Aug 2012 (International)
  • Facilitator for Physiology Curriculum/Program for Pharmacy Year 1 students
    03 Jul 2000 - 31 May 2007 (Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Co-ordinator for Advanced Physiology Program, 3rd year Biomedical students, Faculty of Medicine
    03 Jul 2000 - 31 May 2007 (Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Facilitator for Biomedical Physiology Modules, Year 1 and Year 2
    04 Jul 2000 - 31 May 2007 (Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine)


  • Best Pre-Clinical Lecturer
    Faculty of Medicine, 2016 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2015 (University)
  • Fed Asia Oceania Physiol Society (FAOPS) Initial Grant of US1000 to the IMSPQ event to promote a written proposal for IMSPQ-FAOPS collboration
    Fed Asia Oceania Physiological Society (FAOPS), 2012 (International)
  • Best Publication Award, 2010. Teng, K-T., Voon, P-T., Cheng, H.M. and Nesaretnam, K. (2010). Effects of partially hydrogenated, semi-saturated, and high oleate vegetables oils on inflammatory markers and lipids. Lipids. 45: 383 392. PhD student Teng KT
    Malalysian palm Oil Board, 2010 (Community)
  • Consolation prize winner for the Merck Young Scientist Award Chromatography Category (2009) PhD student Ling Lai Teng
    Merck, 2009 (National)
  • Informa Healthcare Young Investigator Award (2009) Ling Lai Teng PhD student
    Informa Healthcare, 2009 (National)
  • SFRR Young Investigator Award Presentation entitled Palm tocotrienols suppress tumour formation via the attenuation of angiogenesis , 7th COSTAM/SFRR (Asia/ Malaysia) International Workshop 2009, Langkawi , Malaysia. Wong Weng Yew Master's student
    SFRR/COSTAM, 2009 (International)
  • ISCOMS Research Fellowship (IRF), 8th 19th June 2009, Kidney Center, Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Lit Lei Cheng, Master's student
    ISCOM, 2009 (International)
  • Free Radical Summer School Fellowship. Palm Tocotrienols Exhibit Anti-inflammatory Activities in Murine Macrophages RAW264.7 Society for Free Radical Research-Europe (SFRR-e) Spetses, Greece Yam Mun Li Master's student
    SFRR- Europe, 2008 (International)
  • Best Poster Presentation Award, Workshop on Isolated Tissue Preparations and HPLC Training in Conjunction with 33rd Annual General Meeting of Malaysian Society of Pharmacology and Physiology, 3rd 4th June 2007, Kulliyah of Pharmacy, Indera Mahkota Campus, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Malaysia Lit Lei Cheng Master's student
    Malaysian Society Physiol Pharmacology, 2007 (National)
  • National Science Foundation for Phd student Ling Lai Teng
    National Science Foundation, 2006 (National)
    University of Malaya, 2005 (University)
  • Best selected Paper Award, Liver Update 2001, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 'Oxidative stress in hepatitis B and C viral infection'
    Malaysia Liver Foundation, 2001 (International)
  • Special Merit Poster Award, 4th UNESCO/SFRRCOSTAM Workshop Langkawi, Malaysia " Antibodies of all Isotypes to Oxysterols in Normal Human sera, a Parameter of In Vivo Oxidative status? "
    SFRR/COSTAM, 2000 (International)
  • Best Investigator Award, 4th Asian Oncology Congress, Bali, Indonesia 'Linear IgA and IgG epitopes of the EBV early (EA) p54 for nasopharyngeal carcinoma detection'
    Asian Clinical Oncology Society, 1999 (International)
  • Malaysian Toray Science Foundation Grant' Epitope Mapping of Tropomyosin Allergen of House Dust Mites" Cheng HM, Soon SC and Sam CK.
    Toray Science Foundation, 1998 (National)
  • Int Union Physiol Sciences Fellowship Award, 33rd IUPS Congress, St Petersburg, Russia 'Physiologic Antiphospholipid antibodies and Apoptotic antigens'
    Int Union Physiol Sciences, 1997 (International)
  • Foreign Investigator Award at 43rd Congress of JSCP, Hamamatsu Japan 'An Immunologic Role for IgA antiphospholipid antibodies in Human Secretions'
    Japan Society Clinical Pathology, 1996 (International)
  • Commonwealth Medical Fellowship, Royal Liverpool Hospital on 'Retrovirus in the Human Placenta'
    Commonwealth Association, 1993 (International)
  • International Cancer Research Tech transfer Award for studies at Karolinska Institite, Sweden 'Antigenic Epitope Mapping'
    International Union Against Cancer, 1990 (International)
  • Young Investigator Award
    Academy of Medicine malaysia, 1989 (National)


Article in Journal
  1. Cheng H.M., Hoe S.Z. and Amira A.J. (2017). Common transmission block in understanding cardiovascular physiology. BLDE University Journal of Health Sciences 2 (1): 59-63.
  2. Cheng H.M. & Hoe S.Z. 2016.Update on the growth of the International Intermedical School Physiology Quiz. Advances in Physiology Education 40(2):198- 199.
  3. Cheng, H.M & Hoe, S.Z. (2016). Students' convoluted trouble with renal autoregulation: A teaching note for students and physiology educators. BLDE University Journal of Health Sciences 1 (1): 25-27
  4. Cheng, HM., Hoe, SZ. (2016). The 14th Inter medical School Physiology Quiz: Observations of common errors in the written test among students of 81 medical schools from 24 countries. BLDE University Journal of Health Sciences, 1(2),139-42.
  5. Antioxidant, antiproliferative, genotoxic and cytoprotective effects of the methanolic extract of Padina tetrastromatica on human breast adenocarcinoma and embryonic fibroblast cell linesYin Yin Chiaa, M.S. Kanthimathiab, Jayakumar Rajarajeswarana, Kong Soo Khooc & Hwee Ming Cheng
  6. Antioxidant, antiproliferative, genotoxic and cytoprotective effects of the methanolic extract of Padina tetrastromatica on human breast adenocarcinoma and embryonic fibroblast cell linesYin Yin Chiaa, M.S. Kanthimathiab, Jayakumar Rajarajeswarana, Kong Soo Khooc & Hwee Ming Cheng
  7. Thamilvaani Manaharan, Cheng Hwee Ming, Uma D. Palanisamy (2013)Syzygium aqueum leaf extract and its bioactive compounds enhances pre-adipocyte differentiation and 2-NBDG uptake in 3T3-L1 cells. Food Chemistry 136 (2013) 354 363
  8. Fairus S, Rosnah MN, Hwee M Cheng, K Sundram 2012 Alpha-tocotrienol is the most abundant tocotrienol circulated in plasma and lipoproteins after post- prandial tocotrienol-rich vit E supplementation Nutrition Journal 11:5 doi:10.1186/1475-2891-11-5.
  9. Hwee-Ming Cheng, Damayanthi Durairajanayagam (2012) Misconceptions highlighted among medical students in the annual International Intermedical School Physiology Quiz.Advances Physiol Educ 36: 229 232.
  10. Lai T Ling, Yoshiro Saito, Uma D Palanisamy, Hwee M Cheng, Noriko Noguchi. 2012. Cytoprotective effects of geraniin against peroxynitrite- and peroxyl radical-induced cell death via free radical scavenging activity. Food Chemistry 132 : 1899 1907.
  11. Thamilvaani M. UM Palanisamy, Cheng Hwee Ming (2012) Tropical plant extracts as potential antihyperglycemic agents. Molecules 17(5) 5915-5923
  12. Thamilvaani Manaharan, David Appleton, Cheng Hwee Ming, Uma Devi Palanisamy. Flavonoids isolated from Syzygium aqueum leaf extract as potential antihyperglycemic agents. Food Chemistry Food Chemistry 132:1802 1807.
  13. Cheng Hwee Ming. Aldosterone Paradox. Physiology vol 26:307-308
  14. Teng, K-T., Nagapan, G., Cheng H.M. and Nesaretnam, K. (2011). Palm olein and olive oil cause a higher increase in postprandial lipemia compared with lard but had no effect on plasma adipocytokines. Lipids. 46: 381-388.
  15. Thamilvaani M, Ling LT, Appleton D, Cheng Hwee Ming, Theanmalar M, Palanisamy UD.2011 Antioxidant and antiglycemic potential of Pelttophorum pterocarpum plant parts. Food Chemistry 129: 1355-1361.
  16. Cheng H M (2010) Singing and Learning Physiology Medical Teacher 32 : 91-92
  17. Hwee-Ming Cheng (2010). Stimulating Student Interest in Physiology; the intermedical School Physiology quiz Advances in Physiology Education 34: 20-21
  18. Lai Teng Ling, Ammu K Radhakrisnan, Thavamanithevi S, Hwee Ming Cheng, Uma D Palanisamy (2010) Assessment of antioxidant capacity and cytotoxicity of selected Malaysian plants Molecules 15: 2139 - 2151
  19. Lai Teng Ling, Uma D Palanisamy, Hwee Ming Cheng (2010). Prooxidant/Antioxidant ratio (ProAntidex) as a Better Index of Net Free Radical Scavenging Potential. Molecules 15: 7884 - 7892.
  20. Teng, K-T., Voon, P-T., Cheng, H.M. and Nesaretnam, K. (2010). Effects of partially hydrogenated, semi-saturated, and high oleate vegetables oils on inflammatory markers and lipids. Lipids. 45: 383 392.
  21. Ling LT Uma P. Ammu R Hwee Ming Cheng Standardized Mangifera Indica extract an ideal antioxidant Food Chemistry 113: 1154-1159.
  22. Mun-Li Yam SRA Hafid, Hwee-Ming Cheng K Nesaretnam Tocotrienols supress Proinflammatory markers and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in RAW264.7 macrophages Lipids 2009; 44:787-797
  23. Wong WY KR Selvaduray Cheng Hwee Ming K Nesaretnam 2009 Suppression of tumour growth by palm tocotrienols via attenuation of angiogenesis Nutrition and Cancer 61 : 367
  24. Hwee-Ming Cheng 2008 Physongogy (How we Teach), Advances in Physiology Education 32: 303.
  25. Lee CY Sim SM, Hwee Ming Cheng Phenylacetic acids were detected in teh plasma and urine of rats administered with low dose mulberry leaf extract Nutrition Research 2008 28; 555
  26. Patricia M, Mohamed S, Mustapha NM, Muhammad K, Cheng Hwee Ming Antioxidant activities and phenolic contents of 8 species of seaweeds from North Borneo. J Applied Phycology 20: 367-373
  27. Uma P, Cheng Hwee Ming et al Rind of the rambutan, a potential source of natural antioxidants Food Chemistry 2008; 109: 54-63
  28. Lee CY, Sim SM, Cheng HM 2007 Mulberry leaves protect rat tissues from immobilisation stress-induced inflammation Biofactors 31: 25-33
  29. Lee CY, Sim SM, Cheng HM. 2007 Systemic absorption of antioxidants from mulberry leaf extracts using an in situ intestinal preparation Nutrition Research 27: 492-497
  30. Fairus S, Rosnah R, Cheng HM, Kalyana S. 2006 Postprandial metabolic fate of tocotrienol-rich vitamin E differs significnatly from that of alpha- tocopherol American Journal Clinical Nutrition 84: 835-842
  31. Ajay M, Cheng HM et al. 2005 A comparative study of antioxidant activity of flavonoids: structure-activity relationships Malaysian J Science 24: 187-190
  32. Wong MM, Lye MS, Cheng HM, Sam CK (2005) EBV virus serology in the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma Asian Pacific J Allergy Immunol 23: 65-67.
  33. Ong SG, Cheng HM, Soon SC et al. (2002) IgG anti-B-glycoprotein I antibodies in Malaysian patients with anti-phospholipid syndrome and SLE. Clinical Rheumatology, 21, 382-385.
  34. Cheng HM, Aafaqi S and Sam CK (2000) Natural antibodies and blood pressure hormones. American Journal of Hypertension, 13, 569-570.
  35. Cheng HM and Sundram K (1999) Oxidised LDL, diet and natural antibodies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 70, 104-105.
  36. Cheng HM, Aafaqi S and Sam CK (1999) Regulatory natural antibodies in hypertension? Hypertension, 34, e10.
  37. Cheng HM (1998) Cell penetration by antiphospholipid autoantibodies. Immunology Today, 19, 49.
  38. Cheng HM (1998) Heterogeneity of natural masked autoantibodies. Arthritis Rheumatism, 41, 2089-2090.
  39. Cheng HM (1998) Lupus anticoagulant cofactors and the kidney. Nephron 78, 245.
  40. Cheng HM (1998) Natural cryptic autoantibodies (Review). Autoimmunity 27, 99-108.
  41. Cheng HM and Chamley LW (1998) Oxidised LDL, placental trophoblast and beta2-glycoprotein I. Proceedings of the Society Experimental Biology & Medicine, 218, 277.
  42. Cheng HM and Sundram K (1998) Cholesterol oxides and natural autoantibodies. Atherosclerosis, 141, 347-348.
  43. Sam CK, Soon SC, Liam CK, Padmaja K and Cheng HM (1998) An investigation of aeroallergens affecting urban Malaysian asthmatics. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology 16, 17-20.
  44. Cheng HM (1997) Antiphospholipid antibodies, annexin V and pregnancy loss. New England Journal of Medicine, 337, 1630-1631.
  45. Cheng HM (1997) Heparin, beta2-glycoprotein I and thrombocytopenia. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 129, 266-267.
  46. Cheng HM and Hu C (1997) T cell help and antiphosphoslipid antibody immunogenesis. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 40, 196-197.
  47. Cheng HM and Khairullah NS (1997) Hepatitis viruses and antiphospholipid autoantibodies. Hepatology, 25, 781-782.
  48. Cheng HM and Khairullah NS (1997) Induction of antiphospholipid autoantibody during cytomegalovirus infection. Clinical Infectious Disease, 25, 1493-1494.
  49. Cheng HM (1996) Apoptotic antigens, beta2-glycoprotein I and antiphospholipid autoantibodies. Blood, 88, 4396.
  50. Cheng HM (1996) Immuno-angelicity and the immunological homunculus. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, 32, 340.
  51. Cheng HM (1996) Immunogenecity of oxidised low density lipoprotein and atherosclerosis. South African Medical Journal, 86, 698-699.
  52. Cheng HM (1996) Lipoproteins, anticardiolipin autoantibodies and atherosclerosis. Journal of Internal Medicine, 240, 44-45.
  53. Cheng HM (1996) Physiologic apoptosis, beta2-glycoprotein I and antiphospholipid autoantibodies. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 175, 1393.
  54. Cheng HM (1996) Tween 20 selectively enhances naturally occurring anticardiolipin antibody binding in ELISA procedures. Journal of Immunological Methods, 191, 87-88.
  55. Cheng HM and Yap CG (1996) Natural beta2-glycoprotein I-independent anticardiolipin autoantibodies are not age-related. Stroke, 27, 1007-1008.
  56. Cheng HM (1995) Complement activation and tissue factor expression on the feto-placental allograft. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 74, 1204.
  57. Cheng HM (1995) Functional specificity of anticoagulant autoantibodies defined by protein cofactors and Tween 20. American Journal of Hematology, 50, 224-225.
  58. Cheng HM and Hu C (1995) Presence of antiphospholipid autoantibody in nude mice. Journal of Rheumatology, 22, 2006.
  59. Cheng HM, Foong YT, Abusmah AJ, Dillner J, Sam CK and Prasad U (1995) Linear epitopes of the replication-activator protein of EBV recognised by specific serum IgG in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, 40, 251-256.
  60. Tedeschi R, Foong YT, Cheng HM, dePaoli P, Lehtinen T, Elfborg T and Dillner J (1995) The disease associations of the antibody response against the EBV transactivator protein ZEBRA can be separated into different epitopes. Journal of General Virology, 76, 1393-1400.
  61. Cheng HM (1994) A relationship between specific antiphospholipid autoantibodies in normal human and autoimmune serum? Archive of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 118, 9-10.
  62. Cheng HM (1994) Differential binding of antiphospholipid autoantibody in normal and autoimmune sera to prothrombin/phospholipid antigen complex. Blood, 83, 1157-1158.
  63. Matthew A, Cheng HM, Sam CK and Prasad U (1994) Serum IgA cross-reactivity between glycine-alanine repeat sequence of EBNA-1 and keratin or collagen in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 71, 164-168.
  64. Matthew A, Cheng HM, Sam CK, Joab L, Prasad U and Cochet C (1994) A high incidence of serum IgG antibodies to the EBV replication activator protein in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, 38, 68-70.
  65. Rosnah I and Cheng HM (1994) Anticoagulant activity of heat-unmasked antiphospholipid autoantibody in normal human plasma? Thrombosis Research, 73, 143-147.
  66. Cheng HM (1993) Could anti-beta2 glycoprotein I antibodies potentiate antiphospholipid autoantibody activity? American Journal of Medicine, 95, 552-553.
  67. Cheng HM (1993) Do antiphospholipid autoantibodies modulate the physiological function of cell membrane phospholipids? Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 122, 217.
  68. Cheng HM (1993) IgG antiphospholipid autoantibody in normal human sera is reactive against bromelain treated human erythrocytes. Journal of Rheumatology, 20, 400-401.
  69. Cheng HM, Foong YT, Matthew A, Sam CK, Dillner J and Prasad U (1993) Screening for nasopharyngeal carcinoma with an ELISA using the EBV nuclear antigen, EBNA-1: a complementary test to the IgA/VCA immunofluorescence assay. Journal of Virological Methods, 42, 45-52.
  70. Cheng HM, Ngeow YF (1993) IgA antiphospholipid antibodies in normal human saliva cross-react with bacterial lipopolysaccharide. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 101, 297-98.
  71. Lam SK, Cheng HM and Yap SF (1993) Background noise in ELISA procedures. Influence of pH of coating and correlations with serum IgM concentration. Journal of Immunological Methods, 163, 277-278.
  72. Se Thoe SY, Wong KK, Pathmanathan R, Sam CK, Cheng HM and Prasad U (1993) Elevated secretory IgA to EBV and presence of EBV DNA and EBV receptors in patients with cervical carcinoma. Gynecologic Oncology, 50, 168-172.
  73. Cheng HM (1992) Antibodies to anionic phospholipids in normal human, rabbit and mouse sera. Thrombosis Research, 66, 461-462.
  74. Cheng HM (1992) Inhibitory and enhancing activity of beta2-glycoprotein I on antiphospholipid autoantibody binding. Stroke, 23, 1683-1684.
  75. Cheng HM (1991) Antiphospholipid antibodies are masked in normal human serum. Immunology Today, 12, 96.
  76. Cheng HM, Foong YT, Sam CK, Prasad U and Dillner J (1991) EBV nuclear antigen 1 linear Epitopes that are reactive with IgA or IgG in sera from nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients or from healthy donors. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 29, 2180-2186.
  77. Cheng HM (1990) Anticardiolipin coinhibitor in normal human sera. The Lancet, 336, 822.
  78. Cheng HM (1990) Inhibitory cofactor of antiphospholipid antibody in normal pregnancy sera. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 163, 701.
  79. Cheng HM (1990) The heat induced antiphospholipid antibody ELISA reactivity is not a false positive phenomenon. Journal of Rheumatology, 17, 1720.
  80. Cheng HM and Sam CK (1990) Bacterial immunity and immunogenesis of normal human salivary IgA and serum IgG2 antiphospholipid autoantibody: a link? Immunology Letters, 26, 7-10.
  81. Cheng HM and Wong KK (1990) Anti-phospholipid antibody isotypes in normal human sera. Immunology Letters, 23, 183-186.
  82. Foong YT, Cheng HM, Sam CK, Dillner J, Hinderer W and Prasad U (1990) Serum and salivary IgA antibodies against a defined epitope of the Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen (EBNA) are elevated in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. International Journal of Cancer, 45, 1061-1064.
  83. Cheng HM and Phuah EB (1989) Heat-labile serum inhibitor of anti-phospholipid antibody binding in ELISA. Immunology Letters, 22, 263-266.
  84. Cheng HM and Sam CK (1989) Antibodies to glycosaminoglycans and cardiolipin in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. British Journal of Haematology, 72, 594.
  85. Cheng HM and Wang F (1989) Detection of anti-phospholipid autoantibody in systemic lupus erythematosus is temperature-dependent. Immunological Investigation, 18, 1121-1127.
  86. Cheng HM, Ngeow YF and Sam CK (1989) Heat-inactivation of serum potentiates anti-cardiolipin antibody binding in ELISA. Journal of Immunological Methods, 124, 235-238.
  87. Cheng HM, Ngeow YF and Yap SF (1989) Anticardiolipin antibodies and false-positive VDRL-reaction in systemic lupus erythematosus. Medical Science Research, 17, 113-114.
  88. Se Thoe SY, Sam CK, Cheng HM and Prasad U (1989) Improved sensitivity of detection by avidin-biotin complex (ABC) immunocytochemistry in Epstein-Barr virus serology. Journal of Medical Virology, 29, 311-314.
  89. Cheng HM (1988) Anticardiolipin antibodies and habitual abortion. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 158, 441-442.
  90. Cheng HM (1988) Antigenicity of cardiolipin in Tween 20. Journal of Immunological Methods, 114, 279-280.
  91. Cheng HM and Johnson PM (1988) Specificity of trophoblast-reactive antibodies in human pregnancy. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 112, 1082.
  92. Cheng HM and Ngeow YF (1988) IgM anticardiolipin antibody and antigen specificity in VDRL-reactive syphilitic sera. Medical Science Research, 16, 1011-1012.
  93. Cheng HM and Yap SF (1988) Anticardiolipin antibody and complement. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 31, 1211-1212.
  94. Cheng HM and Yap SF (1988) Enhancement of anti-phospholipid antibody activity by Tween 20. Journal of Immunological Methods, 109, 253-255.
  95. Cheng HM, Ngeow YF and Yap SF (1988) VDRL antigen and cardiolipin compared by ELISA test. Medical Science Research, 16, 555-556.
  96. Cheng HM (1987) Anticardiolipin antibody quantitation. Annals of Internal Medicine, 107, 941-942.
  97. Hole N, Cheng HM and Johnson PM (1987) Antibody reactivity against human trophoblast membrane antigens in the context of normal pregnancy and unexplained recurrent miscarriage. Colloque INSERM 154, 213-224.
  98. Cheng HM, and Johnson PM (1985) A description of human placental syncytiotrophoblast membrane glycosphingolipids. Placenta, 6, 229-238.
  99. Emerson DL, Werner PA, Cheng MH, Galbraith RM. Presence of Gc (vitamin D-binding protein) and interactions with actin in human placental tissue. Amer J Reprod Immunol Microbiol. 1985 Jan;7(1):15-21.
  100. Johnson PM, Cheng HM, Stevens VC and Matangkasombut (1985) Antibody reactivity against trophoblast and trophoblast products. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 8, 347-352.
  101. McLaughlin PJ, Cheng MH, Slade MB, Johnson PM. Expression on cultured human tumour cells of placental trophoblast membrane antigens and placental alkaline phosphatase defined by monoclonal antibodies. Int J Cancer. 1982 Jul 15;30(1):21-6.
  102. JOHNSON P.M., CHENG, H.M., MOLLOY C.M., STERN C.M.M. & SLADE M.B. (1981) Human trophoblast-specific surface antigens identified using monoclonal antibodies. Amer. J. Reprod. Immunol. 1, 246.
  1. Physiology Question Based Learning: Neurophysiology, Endocrine and Gastrointestinal systems Cheng Hwee Ming Springer Press
  2. Physiology Question Based Learning Cheng Hwee Ming
  3. Figure-Based Cardiovascular Physiology
  4. PhySinology
  5. Physiology Question-based Learning.
  6. 3rd Title in Figure-based Instruction (FBI) series: Cardiovascular Physiology
  7. Cheng Hwee Ming ' Concpetual Learning in Physiology ' Peraso Publishers
  8. Cheng Hwee Ming Thinking Through Physiology Pearson Malaysia 2013
  9. Cheng Hwee Ming D Damayanthi 2010 Quantitative-based Physiology Learning, Renal System August Publishing
  10. Cheng Hwee Ming, 2010 Renal Physiology: Figure-based Instruction 2nd Edition
  11. Nursing Textbook Khurana I, Khurana A, Cheng HM, Selvaratnam L, Lee, WL, Than SY. Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology for Nursing & Allied Health Oxford University Press 2010
  12. Cheng HM, Chan YY 2008 Respiratory Physiology; Figure-based Instructions Cengage Learning
  13. Cheng HM Tan GK Renal Physiology Figure-based Instruction, Cengage Learning
  14. Mok JSL, Cheng Hwee Ming Abdullah NA. IQ series Integrated Questions in the Physiology and Pharmacology of the Cardiovascualr System 2004. Prentice Hall Pearson Edu Malaysia
  15. Selvaratnam L Cheng Hwee Ming. IQ series Integrated questions in Anatomy and physiology of teh Cardiovascualr system 2004. Prentice Hall Pearson Edu Malaysia
  16. Zubaid M, Mok JSL, Cheng Hwee Ming. IQ series Integrated Questions in Physiology and Pharmacology of the Renal System, 2004. Prentice Hall, Pearson Edu Malaysia
  17. Cheng HM. Misconceptions in Physiology Prentice Hall Pearson Edu Malaysia
  18. Cheng Hwee Ming. Precise Physiology. Questions to improve accuracy of physiological explanations Prentice Hall, Pearson Edu Malaysia
  19. Cheng HM, e-PQ in Endocrine Physiology (2002) Prentice Hall, Pearson Malaysia.
  20. Cheng HM, e-PQ in Gastrointestinal Physiology (2002) Prentice Hall, Pearson Malaysia.
  21. Cheng HM, e-PQ in Neurophysiology (2002) Prentice Hall, Pearson Malaysia.
  22. Cheng HM, e-PQ in Renal Physiology (2002) Prentice Hall, Pearson Malaysia.
  23. Cheng Hwee Ming. Questions in Cell Physiology with guided comments 2003 . Prentice Hall, Pearson Edu Malaysia.
  24. Cheng Hwee Ming. e-PQ in Cardiovascular Physiology, Prentice Hall, Pearson Edu Malaysia
  25. Cheng Hwee Ming. e-PQ in Respiratory Physiology Prentice Hall, Pearson Edu Malaysia
  26. Invited authorship : Cheng HM, Immunophysiology of Antiphospholipid Antibodies (1994) Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit, RG Landes Biomedical Publishers, Texas, USA.
Chapter in Books
  1. Tung SL, Cheng HM, Sam CK and Sundram K. (2001) Antibodies of all isotypes to oxysterols in normal human sera: a parameter for in vivo oxidative status? "Micronutrients & Health", Molecular/ Biological Mechanisms. Chapter 31 (Eds) Packer L, Nesaratnam K. American Oil Chemical Society Press. pg. 321-331.
  2. Cheng HM, Tung SL and Sam CK (2000) Differential linear epitope binding of natural and SLE autoantibodies to HDL apolipoprotein A-1. In: Autoantigens and Autoantibodies :Conrad K, Humbel RL, Meurer M, Shoenfeld Y, Tan EM. PABST Science Publisher, Germany. pg 397-405.
  3. Cheng HM (1998) Natural cryptic antibodies, masking inhibitors and autoimmunity In: Pathogenic and Diagnostic Relevance of Autoantibodies (Eds.) Conrad K, Humbel RL, Meurer M, Shoenfed Y, Tan EM. PABST Science Publisher. pg. 135-148.
Other Publications
  1. Multifactoring and understanding Cardiovascular Physiology Korean consortium for e Learning in Medical Education e-MedEdu - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  2. Circular Thinking in Students learning Physiology e- MedEdu, Korean Consortium for e-learning in Medical Education - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  3. PhysBook011, an interactive site for discussions of Physiology for students and Physiology educators - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  4. Questions to lead students to think about Cardiovascular Physiology regulation, Korean consortium for e-learning in Medical education - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  5. Teaching Coagulation Cascade using Playing Cards Korean Consortium for e-learning in Medical Education - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  6. Tubulo-glomerular feedback and Glomerulo-tubular balance Korean consortium for e-learnign in Medical education - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  7. HM Cheng 2008 Cryptic Natural Autoantibodies and Co- Potentiators Autoimmunity Review 7:431-434. - Review
  8. Lee CY, Cheng HM, Sin SM. 2006 Bioavailability of dietary flavonoids and carotenoids Curr Topics in Neutraceutical Res 4: 33-52 - Review
  9. Cheng HM (1998) Natural cryptic autoantibodies (Review). Autoimmunity 27, 99-108. - Review
  10. Cheng HM (1994) Cryptic antiphospholipid autoantibodies and serum coinhibitors (Review). Autoimmunity, 19, 127-133. - Review


  • Immunogenic Epitopes, Natural Physiologic Autoantibodies, Free radical/antioxidant, Immunomodulaton of oxidized lipoproteins.


  1. 2010 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Purifaction and Isolation of Biological Active Compound(s) from Rodgersia Sambucifolia as Potential Therapeutic Agent for Leukemia ( Consultant)
  2. 2007 - 2012, ScienceFund
    Anti-glycemic potential of Nephelium lappaceum purified fractions evidence from cell-based assays and experimental animal model ( Consultant)
  3. 1998 - 2011, TORAY Science Foundation
    Epitope Mapping of the Tropomyosin Allergen of the House Dust Mites Dermatophagoides spp. ( Consultant)
  4. 2005 - 2011, ScienceFund
    Nutraceutical Development from Local Plant Extracts |Nephelium Lappaceum (Rambutan) and Syzygium Maingayi (Jambu Merah) with Significant High Anti-oxidant Activity ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Visiting Professor to Xuzhou Medical University, China, Xuzhou Med University
    01 Jul 2015 - 01 Jul 2018 (International)
  • Quiz Master of The 14th International Physiology Quiz Yogjakarta July 2016, Unv Gadjah mada
    01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
  • Co-Organize The 14th Physio Quiz International in Jogjarkarta July 2016, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
    01 Jul 2015 - 01 Jul 2016 (International)
  • Initiated a Regional Physiology Quiz in China, Xuxhou Med University
    01 Jul 2015 - 01 Jul 2015 (International)
  • Visiting Professor, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
    01 Dec 2012 - 01 Dec 2014 (International)


  1. How should the deficiency of Physiology in the PBL curriculum be homeostatically controlled?, International Symposium on Global Physiology, Univ Gadjah mada (International) (20 Oct 2016 - 22 Oct 2016)
  1. Learning and Teaching in the Physiologic Playground, Suranaree Univ Tech Asean Conference, SUT, Thailand (International) (17 Dec 2014 - 17 Jan 2015)
  2. "Homeostatic Teaching and Learning in Physiology, South Asian Assoc Physiology 4th Congress, Bangaldesh Physiol Society (International) (04 Dec 2014 - 07 Dec 2014)
  3. Learning Misconceptions Evidenced Among High Achievers at the International Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ), Satellite Symposium on Physiological Education, 7th Congress of Fed Asia-Oceania Physiological Societies, FAOPS (International) (11 Sep 2011 - 14 Sep 2011)
  4. Cell Physiology illustrated from Renal System, 1st Refresher Course on Physiology & Pharmacology Teaching 'Cellular Homeostasis and Transport mechanism', Malaysian Soc Physiology Pharmacology (National) (24 May 2011 - 24 May 2011)
  5. "Students' Misconception in Cardio-Renal Physiology", Annual Meeting of the Vietnamese Physiological Society 2010 , Viet Physiol Society (National) (20 Dec 2010 - 20 Dec 2010)
  6. Basic Renal-Cardiovascular Physiology, Co-teach with dr Santoso of Institute Jantung, Jakarta, Basic and Clinical Cardiovascular Physiology Learning Workshop, Dec 2010 , Udayana Medical University (National) (11 Dec 2010 - 11 Dec 2010)
  7. "Concepts in Renal Physiology', Staff/student Seminar at Mumamaddiyah University, School of Medicine, Palembang, Sumatra, Faculty of Medicine, Muhammadiyah Unversity  (University) (16 Oct 2010 - 16 Oct 2010)
  8. "The Role of Renal Physiology in Renal Hypertension", The 20th International Meeting of Physiology, Indonesian Physiological Society (International) (14 Oct 2010 - 17 Oct 2010)
  9. Key Concepts in Understanding Renal Physiology, Renal Physiology Learning Workshop, Nov 2009 (National) (14 Nov 2009 - 14 Nov 2009)
  10. Small Group Facilitation, Int Union Physiol Sciences Physiology Teaching Workshop, Int Union Physiol Sciences (IUPS) (International) (01 Aug 2009 - 04 Aug 2009)
  11. Teaching Physiology to my Malaysian Students, Department Seminar, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University, Dept Physiology, Brody School of Medicine, ECU, N Carolina,USA (University) (29 Jan 2009)
  12. Respiratory Physiology review, Respiratory Physiology review, Capital Medical Univesity, Beijing, Dept Physiology, Capital Medical University (University) (18 Oct 2008)
  13. Potentiation of apoliporotien H and anticardiolipin interaction, First international workshop on Natural Antibodies, Behring (International) (13 Oct 2008 - 15 Oct 2008)
  14. natural physiologi autoantibodies, association of physiologists and pharmacologist bangalore chapter (University) (26 Jun 2008 - 26 Jun 2008)
  15. Endocrine Physiology review, Endocrine Review Lectures, Capital Medical University, Beijing, Dept Physiology, capital Medical University, Beijing (University) (13 Oct 2007)
  1. 12th IMSPQ, Universiti Malaya, 12th Physiol Quiz International, Dept Physiology, Medicine, Universiti Malaya (International) (20 Aug 2014 - 21 Aug 2014)
  2. 1st Nepal Physiology Quiz, 1st National Physiology Quiz in Nepal, Dr Rita, Khoirala Inst Health Sciences and Dr Cheng, Universiti Malaya (National) (20 Jun 2014 - 21 Jun 2014)
  3. Quiz Master, Written and Oral Physiology, 10th Inter Med School Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ), Cheng Hwee Ming, Dept Physiology, UMalaya (International) (29 Aug 2012 - 30 Aug 2012)
  4. Physiology Treasure of Learning 3, 3rd Physiology Treasure Hunt, Cheng Hwee Ming, Med Student Society, Physiology Dept (Others) (17 Mar 2012)
  5. Cardio-vascular Physiology, First Inter-Program Physiology Quiz (ip-PQ) Among Medical, Dental, Pharmacy and Biomedical Students, Cheng Hwee Ming and dept of Physiology (Others) (16 Dec 2011 - 16 Dec 2011)
  6. Quiz Master, Human Physiology, Written and Oral Competition, 9th Inter-Medical school Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ) with 48 medical school teams from 18 countries, Cheng Hwee Ming Chairman/Quiz Master and dept Physiology (International) (22 Jul 2011 - 23 Jul 2011)
  7. Physiology Treasure of Learning, 2nd Physiology Treasure Hunt, Cheng Hwee Ming and dept Physiology (Others) (13 Mar 2011 - 13 Mar 2011)
  8. Quiz Master, Human Physiology, Written and Oral, 8th Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ) with 41 medical school teams from 15 countries, Cheng Hwee Ming, Chairman/Quiz Master and dept Physiology (International) (24 Sep 2010 - 25 Sep 2010)
  9. Quiz session on "Gastroenterology and Nutrition", 2nd Malaysian International Medical Students Conference , Medical Student Society, Univ Malaya (International) (13 May 2010 - 16 May 2010)
  10. Renal and Cardiovascular Oral Questions, 1st Inter-Medical Tutorial Physiology Quiz, Cheng Hwee Ming and Dept Physiology (Others) (25 Mar 2010 - 25 Mar 2010)
  11. Physiology Treasure of Learning, 1st Physiology Treasure Hunt to Promote Physiology Learning, Cheng Hwee Ming, dept Physiology (Others) (13 Mar 2010)
  12. Human Physiology, Written and Oral Competition, 7th Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ) with 31 medical school teams, Cheng Hwee Ming, Chairman and dept Physiology (International) (02 Oct 2009 - 03 Oct 2009)
  13. Written and Oral Human Physiology , 6th Inter-Med school Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ) with 35 medical school teams (International) (23 Aug 2008 - 23 Aug 2008)
  1. Fairus S, Nor RM, Cheng HM, and Sundram K (2008). Metabolic Fate of Palm Tocotrienol and Their Antioxidant Potential in Human Postprandial Plasma. , Palm International Nutra-Cosmeceutical Conference (PINC)  (International) (25 May 2009 - 26 May 2009)
  2. Ling Lai Teng, Theanmalar M, Thavamanithevi S, Cheng Hwee Ming, Helme M.H and Uma Palanisamy. Polyphenolic extract of Syzygium aqueum with high antioxidant activity, a possible cosmetic ingredient. , 23rd Malaysian Society of Pharmacology & Physiology Scientific Meeting 2009. , Mal Soc Pharm and Physiology (National) (12 May 2009 - 13 May 2009)
  3. Fairus S, Nor RM, Cheng HM, and Sundram K (2008). Postprandial metabolic fate and antioxidant potential of vitamin E ( -tocopherol and tocotrienol) in humans. , 15th International Congress of Dietetics. Yokohama, Japan.  (International) (08 Sep 2008 - 11 Sep 2008)
  4. Uma D.Palanisamy, Cheng Hwee Ming, Theanmalar Masilamani, Thavamanithevi Subramaniam, Ling Lai Teng and Ammu K.C. Radhakrishnan. Rind of the rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum, a potential source of natural antioxidants , Malta Polyphenols 2007. November 14-16 2007, Malta. (International) (14 Nov 2007 - 16 Nov 2007)
  5. Ling Lai Teng, Cheng Hwee Ming, Ammu K.C. Radhakrshnan and Uma D. Palanisamy. Screening of Malaysian plants for free radical scavenging and inhibition of lipid peroxidation. , Malaysian Science and Technology Congress, (MSTC 2007) COSTAM, Screening of Malaysian plants for free radical scavenging and inhibition of lipid peroxidation, 4-6 September 2007. , Ministry of Sci Tech (National) (04 Sep 2007 - 06 Sep 2007)
  6. Fairus S, Nor RM, Cheng HM, and Sundram K (2007). Postprandial metabolic fate and antioxidant potential of vitamin E ( -tocopherol and tocotrienols) in humans. , 98th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, Quebec, Canada, American Oil Chmiests Society (International) (13 May 2007 - 16 May 2007)
  1. L.C.Lit, S.H.Cheah, P.C.Tan and H.M.Cheng. Aqueous extract of Rodgersia sambucifolia suppress on the natural killer cell activity in normal subjects and recurrent spontaneous aborters (2010). , 14th International Congress of Immunnology, 2010, Japan Society Immunology (International) (22 Aug 2010 - 27 Aug 2010)
  2. Ling Lai Teng, Lim Pei Lee, Lee Chooi Yeng, Cheng Hwee Ming, Radhakrishnan, A.K and Uma Palanisamy. Rind of the rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum, a potential source of anti-ulcer agents and antioxidants. July 2009., COSTAM/SFRR International Workshop For Free Radical Research (Asia/Malaysia), July 2009., COSTAM/SFRR (International) (02 Jul 2009 - 04 Jul 2009)
  3. Ling Lai Teng, David Appleton, Cheng Hwee Ming and Uma D Palanisamy. Nephelium lappaceum rind has high antioxidant and low pro-oxidant activities. , 17th International Student Congress of Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) 8-11 Jun, 2010, Groningen, The Netherlands. , ISCOM (International) (08 Jun 2009 - 11 Jun 2009)
  4. L.C.Lit, H.M.Cheng and S.H.Cheah. Potentiation of cytotoxic activity in human peripheral blood by Strobilanthes crispus fraction extracts (2009). Presented at 16th International Student Congress of Medical Sciences, ISCOMS, 2nd 5th June 2009, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 16th International Student Congress of Medical Sciences, ISCOMS, 2nd 5th June 2009, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, ISCOM (International) (02 Jun 2009 - 05 Jun 2009)
  5. Ling Lai Teng, Yap Sue Ann, Cheng Hwee Ming, Ammu K.C. Radhakrishnan and Uma D Palanisamy. Evaluation of Mangifera indica leaf for its antioxidant capacity by using biochemical and cell based assays , ICoFF 2007 -International Conference on Food Factors for Health Promotion 2007.  (International) (25 Nov 2007 - 28 Nov 2007)
  6. Ling Lai Teng, Cheng Hwee Ming and Uma D Palanisamy. Screening of Malaysian Plant Polyphenol Antioxidants, , 3rd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, 2007, Screening of Malaysian Plant Polyphenol Antioxidants, November 25-28 2007, Kyoto, Japan.  (International) (25 Nov 2007 - 28 Nov 2007)
  7. Ling Lai Teng, Thavamanithevi Subramaniam, Theanmalar Masilamani, Yap Say Moi ,Uma D. Palanisamy and Cheng Hwee Ming. scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation of Mangifera indica L, , 6th COSTAM/SFRR international workshop 2006. Theme on "Micronutrients, Oxidative Stress and the Environment" , COSTAM/SFRR (International) (29 Jun 2006 - 02 Jul 2006)
  8. Lee CY, Cheng HM, Sim SM, Jelan Z Absorption of antioxidants in the aqueous extract of mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves may involve glucose transporter mechanism. , COSTAM/SFRR (Asean/Malaysia) International Workshop, Kuching, Malaysia. , COSTAM/SFRR (International) (29 Jun 2006 - 02 Jul 2006)
  9. Fairus S, Nor RM, Cheng HM, and Sundram K (2005). Postprandial fate of tocotrienols and -tocopherol in humans. , 18th International Congress of Nutrition. Durban, South Africa. , Nutrition Society (International) (19 Sep 2005 - 23 Sep 2005)
  10. Fairus S, Nor RM, Cheng HM, and Sundram K (2005). Postprandial fate of tocotrienols and -tocopherol in humans supplemented at two different doses of vitamin E. 96th American Oil Chemists s Society (AOCS) Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 1-4 May 2005., Fairus S, Nor RM, Cheng HM, and Sundram K (2005). Postprandial fate of tocotrienols and -tocopherol in humans supplemented at two different doses of vitamin E. 96th American Oil Chemists s Society (AOCS) Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 1-4 May 2005., American Oil Chemists Society (International) (01 May 2005 - 04 May 2005)
  11. Fairus S, Nor RM, Cheng HM, and Sundram K (2004). Metabolic fate of palm tocotrienols in human postprandial plasma model. , 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of Australia in conjuction with the Nutrition Society of New Zealand & the IUNS & APCNS International Congress of Clinical Nutrition. , Nutrition Society Australia (International) (11 Aug 2004 - 13 Dec 2004)
  1. review of respiratory physiology, invited lecture at udayana Med school Bali (University) (13 Mar 2008 - 13 Mar 2008)
  2. Melatonin brain antioxidant, Joint Slovakia Physiology.British Physiol (International) (13 Sep 2007 - 17 Sep 2007)
  1. Teng, K-T., Nagapan, G., Cheng, H.M. and Nesaretnam, K. The effects of palm olein, olive oil and lard on postprandial lipemia and plasma glucose, insulin and adipocytokines. , International Palm Oil Congress PIPOC. , Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Board/Council (International) (15 Nov 2011 - 17 Nov 2011)
  2. Teng, K-T., Nagapan, G., Cheng, H.M. and Nesaretnam, K. Palm olein and olive oil cause a higher increase in postprandial lipemia compared with lard but had no effect on plasma adipocytokines. , 102nd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo., American Oil Chemist Society (International) (01 May 2011 - 04 May 2011)
  3. Voon, P-T., Teng, K-T., Cheng, H.M. and Nesaretnam, K. Effects of unhydrogenated palm oil fractions in markers of inflammation and blood lipids in male rats. , 8th Euro Fed Lipid Congress , European Fed Lipids (International) (21 Nov 2009 - 24 Nov 2009)
  4. Voon, P.T., Teng, K-T., Cheng, H.M. and Nesaretnam, K. (2009). Effects of a high palmitic vs. trans fatty acid diet on lipid profile and markers of inflammation. , International Palm Oil Congress PIPOC, , Malaysia Palm Oil Promotion Board and Council (International) (09 Nov 2009 - 12 Nov 2009)
  5. Lai Teng Ling, Su-Ann Yap, Ammu K. Radhakrishnan, Hwee Ming Cheng and Uma D.Palanisamy. Standardized Mangifera indica an ideal antioxidant. , 1st International Mangiferin Symposium, 2009, Tianyang, Guangxi, China.  (International) (22 Oct 2009 - 25 Oct 2009)
  6. Teng, K-T., Voon, P-T., Cheng, H.M. and Nesaretnam, K. Effects of dietary fats on serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein, nitric oxide and expression of splenocyte inflammatory markers. , 7th COSTAM/SFRR (Asia/Malaysia) International Conference , SFRR/COSTAM (International) (02 Jul 2009 - 04 Jul 2009)
  7. Lee CY, Cheng HM, Sim SM. Antioxidants from mulberry leaves reduce peroxidation and inflammatory response in tissues of immobilisation stress-induced rats. , 3rd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, Kyoto, Japan.  (International) (25 Nov 2007 - 28 Nov 2007)


  1. (2012) "An Easily Implemented Computerized, Multifunctinal 'Blackboard' for use in Physiol Laboratory Classes" submitted to Advances in Physiological Education, (Reviewer)
  2. (2012) Platelet Interaction in Fijian adn Indo-Fijian Kava Drinking Volunteers PhD thesis, University of the South Pacific, (External Examiner)
  3. (2011) Masters in Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, ENT Part 1 Exam, Universiti Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
  4. (2011) 2nd Professional exam Dentistry UiTM, (External Examiner)
  5. (2011) "Effect of Dietary fat type in combination wiht high protein on plasma homocysteine level and selected markers of cardiovascualr heart disease risk in human volunteers" Voon Phooi Tee PhD student, Int Medical University, (External Examiner)
  6. (2010) Viva Voce, Masters Surgery, ENT, Orthopedic Surgery, (Internal Examiner)
  7. (2010) Viva Voce, Masters Clinical Dentistry, Universiti Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
  8. (2010) 'In vitro and In vivo Antimelanogenesis Effect of Sargassum Polycystum' Chan Ying Ying Universiti Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
  9. (2010) "Generation and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies against Breast Cancer Antigen" Siti Selina bt Abdul Hamid Masters' student, (Internal Examiner)
  10. (2009) 1st Professional Exam, Physiology, at the Manipal/Melaka Medical University, India, (External Examiner)
  11. (2008) 'Effects of Extracts From Selected Microalgae on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cell Lines: Antineoplastic and Gene Expression Analyses. Lai Pey Jiun Universiti Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
  12. (2008) 1st Professional Exam, Physiology at the Manipal Melaka Medical University, India 2008 February , (External Examiner)
  13. (2007) Effect of Vit E supplementation on Responses to Tetatus Toxoid immunzation in Normal human volunteers and in Mice models Dashayini Mahalingam Masters student, Int Medical University, (External Examiner)
  14. (2007) 'Histological and Serological Study of Advanced Glycation End Product and Macromolecular Damages in End Stage Renal Failure Patients' Nazratun Nafizah Akhtar Husin Universiti Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
  15. (2006) Effects of Tocotrienols and Carotenoids on Prostate Cancer Teoh Hoon Koon, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, (External Examiner)
  16. (2005) 'Expression of tumour-associated antigens and characteristics of T-cell responses in breast carcinoma" Leong Pooi Pooi, Masters of Science UPM., (External Examiner)
  17. (2004) Viva Voce Master of Surgery, ENT,Orthopaedic Surgery Part 1 Exam, (Internal Examiner)
  18. (2003) Ist Professional Exam, Physiology at the Manipal/Melaka Medical University, India, (External Examiner)
  19. Part 1 Medical Physiology Exams Manipal Medical school, India February 2012, (External Examiner)
  20. IMU Phase 3 Professional Exam 2007, (External Examiner)
  21. UKM Dental Physiology paper 2007 , (External Examiner)
  22. thesis IMU nasopharyngeal carcinoma 2008, (External Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2005) SIRIM collaborative Antioxidant Studies For Formulation, SIRIM, National
  2. (2003) Studies of Biological Properties of Palm Oil Tocopherols and Tocotrienols , Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Board (formerly PORIM), National


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2007) Yamunah Devi Apalasamy ' Antioxidant and Anti-glycemic actions of Cassia Acutifolia and Nephelium sp.' Dept Molecular Medicine.
  2. (2007) Tan Wan Chuang 'Extraction of Co-enzyme Q10 from Soil Fungi' Dept Molecular Medicine
  3. (2007) Kook Kim Fong 'Inhibitory activity of high antioxidant Cassia Acutifolia bark and Szygium sp. leaf against alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase' Dept Molecular medicine
  4. (2007) Fatimah bt Junaidi 'A Comparative study of Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility from Different Animal Species and Human Blood' Dept Molecular Medicine
  5. (2007) Choong Li Li 'Refinement of Essential Fatty Acid-Rich Ostrich Oil for its Potential Use as Topical Agent' Dept Molecular Medicine
  6. (2006) Jamunaa Ambikabothy 'Free Radical Scavenging Activity, Auto-oxidation of Linoleic Acid, Pro-oxidant Assay and Total phenolic content of Plant extracts' Dept Molecualr Medicine
  7. (2006) Choong Kuan Siew, Tay Li Lian, Tracey Lim, Toh Tsun Haw "Secondary School Physiology Laboratory Student as Teachers Project in Skeletal Muscle' Univ Malaya Faculty of Medicine June 2007,2nd yr Medical Elective.
  8. (2006) Chew Shan Hwu ' Anti-bacterial, Anti-ulcer and Anti-inflammatory activities of Morus alba and Elaeis guineensis" Dept Molecular Medicine
  9. (2005) Yong Hoi Siang ' Screening of Intestinal Smooth Muscle Modulating Activity in extracts from Malaysian Plants' Genetics/Mole Biol, Inst Biol Sciences.
  10. (2005) Pang Boon Huei 'A Study of Antioxidants and Oxidative Damage by Comet Assay' Dept Molecular Medicine
  11. (2005) Nur Azwin, Khaw Ju Lin, Charles Teh, Suman Rao, Mohd Faiz ' Prominent Cardio-vascular Physiologists - a Historical and Scientific Narrative' May 2006, 2nd year Medical Elective
  12. (2004) Teng Kim Tiu 'Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Marine samples' Div Biochemistry, Inst Biol Sciences
  13. (2004) Sharon Lau Yu Ling 'Antioxidant and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Activities in Common Malaysian Fishes' Genetics/Mole Biol, Inst Biol Sciences
  14. (2004) Ng Wai Jinn ' Seaweeds as Potential Whitening Agents in Cosmetic Formulation' Dept Molecular Medicine
  15. (2004) Lim Pei Lee ' Effect of Seaweed Water extracts on the Membrane Potential of Achatina fulica Neurons' Dept Molecular Medicine.
  16. (2004) Chang Zhi Zheng ' Seaweeds and AntiMicrobial Activities' Dept Molecular Medicine
  17. (2003) Ng Chin Soon ' In Vitro Antioxidant Activities of Vegetable Extracts' genetics/Mole Biol, Inst Biol Sciences
  18. (2003) Khoo Voon Khim 'In Vitro Antioxidant Activities of Chinese Herbs' Genetics/Molecular Biology Inst Biology Sciences
  19. (2002) Grace Joy Chin Wei Lie ' Antioxidant Properties and Flavonol Content of Tea' Dept Molecular Medicine
  20. (2001) Tan Guak Kim ' Serum and Saliva Antibodies to Cockroach Allergens' Dept Allied Health Sciences
  21. (2001) Loo Lay Wah ' Determination of Antioxidant contents of local Fruits and Edible Grasses' Genetics/Mole Biol, Inst Biol Sciences.
  22. (2000) Lou Phing How 'A Microplate Ferric Reducing/Antioxidant Power (FRAP)Assay' Genetics/Mole Biol, Inst Biol Sciences.
  23. (2000) Law Yuen Hong 'Natural Antibodies to 7-Ketocholesterol and Cholesterol epoxide in Nephrotic patients" Genetics/Mole Biol, Inst Biol Sciences
  24. (2000) 2nd yr Medical elective 'Total Antioxidant levels of Allergic Sera and Saliva measured with a Microplate FRAP' Priyia Pusparajah, Ahmad Rafidi
  25. (2000) 1st yr Medical elective 'Normal Salivary Antibodies to 7-Keto-Cholesterol' Chan Wah Kheong, Ahmad Nawawi, Hairatun Ida, Nurzul Sarina
  26. (1999) Tung Siew Lai 'Natural Autoantibodies to Oxysterols and Apolipoprotein A-1 of High Density Lipoprotein' Dept Allied Health Sciences
  27. (1999) 1st yr Medical elective ' Natural Serum and Salivary Antibodies to Cholesterol' Dora Azida, Karen Leong, Priyia Pusparajah
  28. (1999) 1st year Elective 'Allergy Testing, Saliva Antibody, Skin Test and Diurnal Rhythmn' Syadina Moin, Kwok Fan Yin, Norasma Roslan, Murali Narayanasamy
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2012) Apoptosis , Proteomics and Free Radical analyses of Bioactive natural products, Nazirah bt Amran
  2. (2011) Identification of Syngium acquem as a potentia hyperglycemic agent, Thamilvaani Manaharan
  3. (2011) Anticancer and Antioxidant activities of several Marine organisms on MCF-7 cellsCytotoxic, Chia Yin Yin
  4. (2010) Identification of Nephelium lappaceum as a potential Antioxidant Neutraceutical., Ling Lai teng
  5. (2009) Effects of Dietary Fats on Blood Inflammatory Markers and Lipids, Teng Kim Tiu
  6. (2006) Animal Studies on Absorption and Bioavailability of Dietary Antioxidants from Malaysian Plants, Lee Chooi Yeng
  7. (2005) The Postprandial Metabolic Fate and Antioxidant Potential of Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherols and tocotrienols) in Humans, Syed Fairus Syed Abu Bakar
  8. (2003) Antibodies to Tropomyosin and Antigens of House Dust Mites in Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis patients, Soon Siew Choo
  1. (2009) Augementation of Natural Killer Cell Activity by Malaysian Natural Products, Lit Lei Cheng
  2. (2008) Biological Activites of Selected Malaysian Macroalgae, Shuba a/p Salvan
  3. (2007) Gastroprotective effects and antioxidnat activities of malaysian plants, Lim Pei Lee
  4. (2007) Anti-inflammatory actions of vit E, Yam Mun Li
  5. (2007) Anti-angiogenesis actions of vit E, Wong Weng Yew
  6. (2000) EBV Serology in teh Diagnosis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma from sarawak, Madeline Wong Mei Fong
  7. (2000) Detection of Antioxidative Properties in Biological and Clinical Samples, Lou Phing How
  8. (1999) Natural Antibodies to Adrenal hormones and Apolipoprotein E in Cardiovascular Physiology, Shabana Aafaqi
  9. (1996) Epstein Barr virus and Human herpes 6 seroconversion profiles in Malaysian Children and Young Adults, Chua Kien Hui
  10. (1996) Antigenic Epitope Analysis of the p101 Nucleocapsid protein of Human Herpes Virus var 6, Katherine Anne Francis
  11. (1993) Antigenic Peptides of EBV Early Antigen in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Aini Juhaida Abu Samah
  12. (1992) Humoral Response to EBV-Encoded Antigens in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Annie matthew
  13. (1990) Immunogenicity of EBV neclear antigen (EBNA-1) in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Foong Yoke Ting
  14. (1990) EBV Carrier Status in Normal and Nasopharyngeal Carnoma Individuals in Malaysia, Joyce George
  15. (1990) Antibody reactivity to EBV Encoded Antigens and teh Detection of EBV DNA in Nasopharyngeal and Cervical carcinoma, Se Thoe Su Yun


  1. (2011) MQGQ6101 - Anatomy and Physiology
  2. (2011) MWGN6170 - Seminars and Literature Review I
  3. (2010) MWGN6101 - Human Phsysiology I
  4. (2010) MWGN6170 - Seminars and Literature Review I
  1. (2012) DFED1101 - Physiology
  2. (2012) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  3. (2011) DFED1101 - Physiology
  4. (2011) DFED1101 - Physiology
  5. (2011) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  6. (2011) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  7. (2011) MBEB1102 - Introductory Human Physiology
  8. (2011) MEEB3401 - Advanced Medical Physiology
  9. (2011) MPEP1121 - Human Physiology
  10. (2010) DFED1101 - Physiology
  11. (2010) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  12. (2010) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  13. (2010) MEEB3401 - Advanced Medical Physiology
  14. (2010) MWEF1117 - Physiology I
  15. (2010) MWEF1119 - Physiology Ii
  16. (2009) DFED1101 - Physiology
  17. (2009) DFED1101 - Physiology
  18. (2009) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  19. (2009) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  20. (2009) MBEB1102 - Introductory Human Physiology
  21. (2009) MWEF1117 - Physiology I
  22. (2009) MWEF1119 - Physiology Ii
  23. (2008) DFED1101 - Physiology
  24. (2008) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  25. (2008) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  26. (2008) MBEB1102 - Introductory Human Physiology
  27. (2008) MWEF1117 - Physiology I
  28. (2008) MWEF1119 - Physiology Ii
  29. (2007) DFED1101 - Physiology
  30. (2007) DFED1101 - Physiology
  31. (2007) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  32. (2007) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  33. (2007) MBEB1102 - Introductory Human Physiology
  34. (2007) MWEF1117 - Physiology I
  35. (2007) MWEF1119 - Physiology Ii
  36. (2006) DFED1101 - Physiology
  37. (2006) MBBS - Medicine Phase 1 Physiology
  38. (2006) MBEB1102 - Introductory Human Physiology


  • Nephelium Lappaceum extracts for neutraceutical and cosmeceutical applications
    Patent (International)
  • "Diagnosis of Virus Carrying Tumors by Immunoassay' Patent No 5932412 US Class 435/5 Assignee Euro diagnostic, Dillner J, Dillner L, Cheng HM
    Patent (International)


  • Established Timothy Funds (Annual Operating Funds of Rm 30,000 Under The Umbrella of Teachers' Christian Fellowship to Aid Deserving Poor Students, (01 Aug 2007)