Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Pathology
    Faculty of Medicine
  • cheahpl
  • +603-79675763


  • MD, (Histopathology)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • FRCPath, (Histopathology)
    Royal College of Pathologist, UK
  • MRCPath, (Histopathology)
    Royal College of Pathologist, UK
  • MPath, (Patologi)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • MBBS, (Medicine and Surgery)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • Laboratory Director, Genomic Medical Science@UM
    01 Jul 2017 - 29 Mar 2022 (Faculty)
  • Lead Assessor, ISO 15189, Department of Standards of Malaysia
    01 Jan 2004 - 17 May 2019 (National)
  • Coordinator, Master of Medical Science in Clinical Pathology Program
    01 Jan 2017 - 17 May 2018 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Laboratory Director, Department of Pathology Diagnostic Laboratories
    18 May 2015 - 17 May 2018 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Department
    01 Aug 2014 - 14 Apr 2015 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Member, Tabung Khazanah Committee, UMMC
    01 Jan 2013 - 08 May 2015 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jul 2014 - 31 Jul 2014 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2012 - 30 Jun 2014 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jul 2012 - 31 Aug 2012 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Department
    09 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jul 2011 - 08 Jul 2011 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2009 - 30 Jun 2011 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2007 - 31 Aug 2009 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jun 2007 - 31 Aug 2007 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Electron Microscopy Unit
    01 Jan 1992 - 01 Jan 2006 (Faculty)
  • Representative of the Department of Pathology of the Medical Faculty to the Dental Faculty
    01 Jan 1992 - 01 Jan 2000 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine)


    Since 2007 (International)
    2015 to 2019 (International)
    2016 to 2018 (National)


  • ?Best Lecturer for Pathology? Session 2015/2016
    2016, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2016, Universiti Malaya
  • Honorary Professor
    2015, Department of Pathology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2014, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Fasc
    2007, Academy of Sciences Malaysia,  (National)
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2005, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2003, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    1997, Universiti Malaya


Article in Journal
  1. Cheah Pl, Looi LM, Horton S. Cost Analysis of Operating an Anatomic Pathology Laboratory in a Middle-Income Country, American Journal of Clinical Pathology.
  2. Lau TP, Lian LH, Cheah PL, Looi LM, Roslani AC, Goh KL, Lee PC, Chua KH. (2017). Lack of correlation between X-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 gene polymorphisms and the susceptibility to colorectal cancer in a Malaysian cohort. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2017 Nov;26(6): 506-510. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000336.
  3. Marutha Muthu AK, Cheah PL, Koh CC, Chew MF, Toh YF, Looi LM. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) expression in adenocarcinoma surpasses that of squamous cell carcinoma in the uterine cervix. Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2017; 39
  4. Cheah PL, Koh CC, Nazarina AR, Teoh KH, Looi LM. Correlation of p16INK4a immunoexpression and human papillomavirus (HPV) detected by in-situ hybridization in cervical squamous neoplasia. Malays J Pathol. 2016 Apr;38(1):33-8.
  5. JAK-STAT and G-protein-coupled receptor signaling pathways are frequently altered in epitheliotropic intestinal T-cell lymphoma. Nairism gi ML, Tan J, Lim JQ, Nagarajan S, Ng CC, Rajasegaran V, Huang D, Lim WK, Laurensia Y, Wijaya GC, Li ZM, Cutcutache I, Pang WL, Thangaraju S, Ha J, Khoo LP, Chin ST, Dey S, Poore G, Tan LH, Koh HK, Sabai K, Rao HL, Chuah KL, Ho YH, Ng SB, Chuang SS, Zhang F, Liu YH, Pongpruttipan T, Ko YH, Cheah PL, Karim N, Chng WJ, Tang T, Tao M, Tay K, Farid M, Quek R, Rozen SG, Tan P, Teh BT, Lim ST, Tan SY, Ong CK. Leukemia. 2016 Jun;30(6):1311-9. doi: 10.1038/leu.2016.13
  6. Kong PL, Looi LM, Lau TP, Cheah PL. Assessment of Telomere Length in Archived Formalin-Fixed, Paraffinized Human Tissue Is Confounded by Chronological Age and Storage Duration. PLoS One. 2016 Sep 6;11(9):e0161720. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161720. eCollection 2016. PMID: 27598341 Free PMC Article
  7. Yen-Fa Toh, Phaik-Leng Cheah, Lai-Meng Looi, Kean-Hooi Teoh,Puay-Hoon Tan. 2016. Phyllodes Tumours of the Breast: Retrospective Analysis of a University Hospital s Experience. Malaysian J Pathol 2016; 38(1) : 19 24
  8. Chow TK, Looi LM, Cheah PL. A comparison of 1995 WHO classification with 2003 ISN/RPS classification of lupus nephritis : a single centre observation. Malaysian Journal of Pathology 37(3):239-246
  9. Dass SD, Cheah PL, Ong DB, Teoh KH, Looi LM. 2015. E-cadherin downregulation at the infiltrating tumour front is associated with histological grade and stage in colorectal carcinoma of Malaysians. Malaysian Journal of Pathology. 37 (1):19-24.
  10. Azlin AH, Looi LM, Cheah PL. Tissue Microarray Immunohistochemical Profiles of p53 and pRB in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Hepatoblastoma. Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014; 15(9):3959- 63.
  11. Cheah PL, Looi LM, Teoh KH, Rahman NA, Wong LX, Tan SY. Colorectal carcinoma in Malaysians: DNA mismatch repair pattern in a multiethnic population.Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(7):3287-91.
  12. Tan HL, Zain SM, Mohamed R, Rampal S, Chin KF, Basu RC, Cheah PL, Mahadeva S, Mohamed Z. Association of glucokinase regulatory gene polymorphisms with risk and severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an interaction study with adiponutrin gene. J Gastroenterol 2014;49(6):1056-64. PMID: 23800943.
  13. Woo YL, Cheah PL, Shahrudding SI, Omar SZ, Arends M. 2014. Immunohistochemistry signature of Mismatch Repair (MMR) proteins in a multiethnic Asian cohort with endometrial carcinoma. Int J Gynecol Pathol 2014 Oct 1 [Epub ahead of print]
  14. Zain SM, Rosmawati M, Cooper D, Razali R, Rampal S, Mahadeva S, Chan WK, Anwar A, Nurul SMR, Anis SF, Cheah PL, Basu RC, Tan HL, Mohamed Z. Genome-wide analysis of copy number variation identifies candidate gene loci associated with the progression of non- alcoholic fatty liver disease. PLOS ONE 2014;9 (4):e95604 , PLOS ONE 9(4):E95604 APRIL 2014. Impact Factor: 3.53. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095604
  15. Mahadeva S, Mahfudz AS, Vijayanathan A, Goh KL, Kulenthran A, Cheah PL. Performance of transient elastography (TE) and factors associated with discordance in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Dig Dis. 2013 Nov;14(11):604-10. doi: 10.1111/1751- 2980.12088.
  16. Tan HL, Zain SM, Mohamed R, Rampal S, Chin KF, Basu RC, Cheah PL, Mahadeva S, Mohamed Z. Association of glucokinase regulatory gene polymorphisms with risk and severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an interaction study with adiponutrin gene. J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jun 26. [Epub ahead of print]
  17. Tan SY, Chuang SS, Tang T, Tan L, Ko YH, Chuah KL, Ng SB, Chng WJ, Gatter K, Loong F, Liu YH, Hosking P, Cheah PL, Teh BT, Tay K, Koh M, Lim ST. Type II EATL (epitheliotropic intestinal T-cell lymphoma): a neoplasm of intra-epithelial T-cells with predominant CD8 phenotype. Leukemia. 2013 Feb 12. doi: 10.1038/leu.2013.41. [Epub ahead of print]
  18. Zain SM, Mohamed Z, Mahadeva S, Cheah PL, Rampal S, Chin KF, Mahfudz AS, Basu RC, Tan HL, Mohamed R. Impact of leptin receptor gene variants on risk of non- alcoholic fatty liver disease and its interaction with adiponutrin gene. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013 May;28(5):873-9. doi: 10.1111/jgh.12104
  19. Zain SM, Mohamed Z, Mahadeva S, Cheah PL, Rampal S, Chin KF, Basu RC, Tan HL, Mohamed R. The impact of LEPR variants on risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its interaction with PNPLA3 variant. J Gastroenterol Hepatol ;28(5):873-9.
  20. Zain SM, Mohamed Z, Mahadeva S, Rampal S, Basu RC, Cheah PL, Agus S, Rosmawati Mohamed. Susceptibility and gene interaction study of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AGTR1) gene polymorphisms with non- alcoholic fatty liver disease in a multi- ethnic population. PLOS ONE 2013 Apr 8;8(4):e60729 (Tier 1 ISI-Cited Publication)
  21. Cheah PL, Looi LM, Teoh KH, Mun KS, Nazarina AR. p16 (INK4a) is a useful marker of human papillomavirus integration allowing risk stratification for cervical malignancies. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012;13(2):469- 72
  22. Chew MF, Teoh KH, Cheah PL. CD133 marks for colorectal adenocarcinoma. Malaysian J Pathology 2012; 34(1): 25 - 28.
  23. Chong YB, Keng TC, Tan LP, Ng KP, Kong WY, Wong CM, Cheah PL, Looi LM, Tan SY. Clinical predictors of non diabetic renal disease and role of renal biopsy in diabetic patients with renal involvement: a single centre review. Renal Failure 2012;34(3):323-328.
  24. THAMBI DORAI CR, HAZLINA K, SAKTI T, CHEAH PL, SUBRAPIYA S. Jejunal stricture from compression by fallopian tube associated with autoamputation of an ovarian cyst: an unusual cause of neonatal intestinal obstruction. J Neonat Perinat Med 2012; 5: 279-82
  25. The impact of LEPR variants on risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its interaction with PNPLA3 variant. Zain SM, Mohamed Z, Mahadeva S, Cheah PL, Rampal S, Chin KF, Basu RC, Tan HL, Mohamed R. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012 Dec 27. doi: 10.1111/jgh.12104. [Epub ahead of print]
  26. Zain SM, Mohamed R, Mahadeva S, Cheah PL, Rampal S, Basu RC, Mohamed Z.A multi-ethnic study of a PNPLA3 gene variant and its association with disease severity in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Hum Genet. 2012 Jul;131(7):1145-52
  27. Zain SM, Mohamed R, Mahadeva S, Cheah PL, Rampal S, Basu RC, Mohamed Z. 2012. A multi-ethnic study of a PNPLA3 gene variant and its association with disease severity in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Hum Genet;131(7):1145- 52.
  28. Cheah PL, Looi LM, Lee GE, Teoh KH, Mun KS, Nazarina AR. Unusual finding of endocervical-like mucinous epithelium in continuity with urothelium in endocervicosis of the urinary bladder. Diagn Pathol 2011 Jun 23;6:56.
  29. Cheah PL, Looi LM, Mun KS, Nazarina AR, Teoh KH. Implications of continued upregulation of p16INK4a through the evolution from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion to invasive squamous carcinoma of the cervix. Malays J Pathol 2011; 33 (2): 83-7.
  30. Cheah PL, Looi LM, Sivanesaratnam V. Human papillomavirus in cervical cancers of Malaysians. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2011 Jun;37(6):489-95. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0756.2010.01386.x. Epub 2011 Feb 23.
  31. Tan SY, Ooi AS, Ang MK, Koh M, Wong JC, Dykema K, Ngeow J, Loong S, Gatter K, Tan L, Lim LC, Furge K, Tao M, Lim ST, Loong F, Cheah PL, Teh BT. Nuclear expression of MATK is a novel marker of type II enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma. Leukemia. 2011 Mar;25(3):555-7. Epub 2011 Jan 14
  32. Teoh KH, Looi LM, Sabaratnam S, Cheah PL, Nazarina AR, Mun KS. An analysis of predictive biomarkers in routine histopathological reporting of infiltrating ductal breast carcinoma in a tertiary hospital in Malaysia with a focus on limitations and directions for future development. Malays J Pathol 2011; 33: 35- 42.
  33. Looi LM, Cheah PL, Ng MH, Yip CH, Mun KS, Rahman NA. Comparison of Telomere Length and Telomerase Activation between Breast Fibroadenoma and Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma in Malaysian Women. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2010;11(3):713-6.
  34. Looi LM & Cheah PL. Historical development of the renal histopathology services in Malaysia. Malays J Pathol 2009; 31: 11-16
  35. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, NAZARINA AR, MUN KS. Association of Ki67 with raised transaminases in hepatocellular carcinoma Malaysian J Pathol 2008; 30:103-7
  36. Cheah PL, Looi LM. Detection of the human papillomavirus in cervical carcinoma: a comparison between non-isotopic in-situ hybridisation and polymerase chain reaction as methods for detection in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2008; 30:37-42.
  37. BHEWA Y, HILMI I, CHEAH PL, NAVARATNAM P, GOH KL. Evaluation of the monoclonal stool antigen test for Helicobacter pylori in an Asian population with dyspepsia. J Dig Dis 2007 8:207-10
  38. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM. Computer-linked image analysis of nuclear area: is there a use in diagnosis and grading of hepatocellular carcinoma? Malaysian J Pathol 2007; 29: 37-40
  39. GOH KL, CHEAH PL, MD N, QUEK KF, PARASAKTHI N. Ethnicity and H. Pylori as risk factors for gastric cancer in Malaysia: a prospective case control study. Am J Gastroenterol 2007; 102: 40-5
  40. GOH KL, CHEAH PL, NAVARATNAM P, CHIN SC, XIAO SD. HUITAI rapid urease test: A new ultra-rapid biopsy urease test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection. J Dig Dis 2007; 8: 139-42
  41. Looi LM, Ng MH, Cheah PL. Telomerase activation in neoplastic cell immortalization and tumour progression. Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2007; 29: 33-35.
  42. MALIK A, CHEAH PL, HILMI IN, CHAN SP, GOH KL. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Malaysia: A demographic, anthropometric, metabolic and histological study. J Dig Dis. 2007;8: 58-64.
  43. LOOI LM, CHEAH PL, ZHAO W, NG MH, YIP CH. CD44 expression and axillary lymph node metastasis in infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast. Malaysian J Pathol 2006; 28:83-6
  44. MUN KS, CHEAH PL, BAHARUDIN NB, LOOI LM. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) activity in hepatocellular carcinoma, benign perineoplastic and normal liver. Malaysian J Pathol 2006; 28:73-77
  45. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, NAZARINA AR, GOH KL, ROSMAWATI M, VIJEYASINGAM R. Histopathological landmarks of hepatocellular carcinoma in Malaysians. Malaysian J Pathol 2003; 25:37-43
  46. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM p53 immunohistochemical expression: messages in cervical carcinogenesis. Pathology 2002; 34:326-31
  47. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, NG MH, SIVANESARATNAM V. Telomerase activation and human papillomavirus infection in invasive uterine cervical carcinoma in a set of Malaysian patients. J Clin Pathol 2002; 55:22-6
  48. ZHENG WQ, LOOI LM, CHEAH PL. Correlation between laminin and cathepsin D expressions in breast carcinoma. Tumori. 2002 Jul-Aug;88(4):296-9
  49. CHEAH PL, KUNASEEGARAN R, LOOI LM. Expression of proliferating cell associated protein, Ki-67, supports cellular proliferation in WHO Class IV lupus nephritis. Malaysian J Pathol 2001 ; 23 :27-30
  50. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM. p53 : an overview of over two decades of study. Malaysian J Pathol 2001 ; 23 :9-16
  51. GOH KL, CHEAH PL, RANJEEV P, TAN YM, ROSMAWATI M, ONG KT, LO YL, CHIN SC. Efficacy of short-course lansoprazole with clarithromycin and amoxicillin in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in South-East Asian patients: a 5-day t.d.s. versus 7-day b.d. treatment regimens. Chinese J Digest Dis 2001 ; 2 :137-41
  52. LOOI LM, AZURA WW, CHEAH PL, NG MH. pS2 expression in infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast correlates with oestrogen receptor positivity but not with histological grade and lymph node status. Pathology 2001; 33:283-6
  53. ZHENG WQ, LOOI LM, CHEAH PL. A comparison of the patterns of laminin expression in fibroadenoma, fibrocystic diseases, pre-invasive and invasive ductal breast carcinoma. Pathology 2001; 33:303-6
  54. GOH KL, PARASAKTHI N, CHEAH PL, RANJEEV CK, ROSMAWATI M, TAN YM, CHIN SC. Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric mucosal lesion. Efficacy of a 1-week pantoprazole triple therapy in eradicating Helicobacter pylori in Asian patients. J Gastroentrol and Hepatol 2000; 15: 910-4
  55. JAYARAM G, CHEAH PL, YIP CH. Malignant teratoma of thyroid with predominantly neuro-epithelial differentiation- fine needle aspiration cytologic, histologic and immunohistochemical features in a case. Acta Cytologica 2000; 44:375-9
  56. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, CHUA CT. Immunotactoid glomerulopathy - an unusual deposition disease: report of the first Malaysian case. Malaysian J Pathol 1999 ; 21:1:59-62
  57. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, SIVANESARATNAM V. Recent trends in histological pattern of cervical carcinoma among three ethnic groups in Malaysia. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1999; 25:401-6
  58. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM. Carcinoma of the uterine cervix : a review of its pathology and commentary on the problem in Malaysians. Malaysian J Pathol 1999; 21:1-15
  59. THIRUVENTHIRAN T, GOH BL, LEONG CL, CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, TAN SY. Acute renal failure following multiple wasp stings. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1999; 14:214-7
  60. ZHENG WQ, LOOI LM, CHEAH PL. A comparison of the pattern of cathepsin D expression in fibroadenoma, fibrocystic disease, preinvasive and invasive ductal breast carcinoma. Pathology 1999; 31: 247-251.
  61. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM. Biology and pathological associations of the human papillomavirus. Malaysian J Pathol 1998; 20:1-10
  62. GOH BL, MORAD Z, CHEAH PL, CHUA CT, TAN SY. FK506 rescue therapy for acute renal allograft rejection. Transplant Proc 1998; 30:3592-3
  63. LOOI LM, CHEAH PL. C-erb B2 oncoprotein amplification in infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast relates to high histological grade and loss of oestrogen receptor protein. Malaysian J Pathol 1998; 20:19-23
  64. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, CHUA CT, YAP SF, FLEMING S. Enhanced major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigen expression in lupus nephritis. Malaysian J Pathol 1997; 19:115-20
  65. GOH KL, PARASAKTHI N, CHUAH SY, CHEAH PL, LO YL, CHIN SC. Comparison of two 1-week low-dose omeprazole triple therapies-optimal treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection? Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1997; 11:1115-8
  66. LOOI LM, CHEAH PL, YAP SF. Correlation between histological grade and c-erbB2 oncoprotein overexpression in infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast. Malaysian J Pathol 1997; 19:35-9
  67. LOOI LM, CHEAH PL. Histomorphologic patterns of renal amyloidosis: a correlation between histology and chemical type of amyloidosis. Hum Pathol 1997; 28:847-9
  68. LOOI LM, YAP SF, CHEAH PL. Correlation between oestrogen receptor protein expression in infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast by immunohistochemistry and cytosol measurements. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1997; 26: 750-3
  69. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, CHAN LL. Immunohistochemical expression of p53 protein protein in Wilms tumour: a possible association with the histological prognostic parameter of anaplasia. Histopathology 1996;28:49-54
  70. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM. Implications of p53 protein expression in clear cell sarcoma of kidney. Pathology 1996; 28:229-31
  71. SUMITHRAN E, CHEAH PL, SUSIL BJ, LOOI LM. Problems in the histological assessment of hydatidiform moles: a study on consensus diagnosis and ploidy status by fluorescent in situ hybridisation. Pathology 1996; 28: 311-4
  72. CHEAH PL, LIAM CK, YAP SF, LOOI LM. Squamous cell carcinoma antigen as an adjunct tumour marker in primary carcinoma of the lung. Journal of Clinical Pathology 1994;47:535-7
  73. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM. Expression of placental proteins in complete and partial moles. Pathology 1994; 26:115-8
  74. CHEAH PL, RAMACHANDRAN K. Alterations in mucin type: clues to diagnosis of gastric carcinoma. Malasysian Journal of Pathology 1994;16:39-42
  75. CHEAH PL. Human papillomavirus related diseases in Malaysians. Malasysian Journal of Pathology 1994; 16:15-7
  76. LOOI LM, CHEAH PL. Application of molecular probes in histopathology of communicable diseases. Radionuclides in molecular technology for diagnosis of communicable diseases. International Atomic Energy Agency - TECDOC-748 1994; 107-13
  77. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, SIVANESARATNAM V. Aggressive angiomyxoma of the vulva with an unusual vascular finding. Pathology 1993; 25:250-2
  78. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, SIVANESARATNAM V. Hydatidiform molar pregnancy in Malaysian women: a histopathological study from the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Malasysian Journal of Pathology 1993;15:59-63
  79. KUPPUVELUMANI P, RACHAGAN SP, SYED N, KUMAR G, CHEAH PL. Rare case of huge retroperitoneal liposarcoma presenting as a gynaecological problem - a case report. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1993;48:220-2
  80. LOOI LM, CHEAH PL. An immunohistochemical study comparing clear cell sarcoma of the kidney and Wilms tumour. Pathology 1993; 25:106-9
  81. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, LIN HP. Clear cell sarcoma of kidney: a clinicopathological study of 8 cases from the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Histopathology 1992;12:365-9
  82. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, LIN HP. Wilms tumour in Malaysian children: a histopathological study of cases encountered at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur over a 22-year period. Malasysian Journal of Pathology 1992;14:111-5
  83. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, TAN PE, BOSCO J, KUPERAN P. Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis: a diagnostic dilemma. Hematological Oncology 1992; 10:331-7
  84. LOOI LM, CHEAH PL, LIN HP. Clear cell sarcoma of kidney: report of the first Malaysian case. Pathology 1992;24:34-6
  85. LOOI LM, CHEAH PL. In-situ hybridisation: principles and applications. Malasysian Journal of Pathology 1992;14:69-76
  86. NEOH HS, TAI C, CHEAH PL. Primary abdominal pregnancy with fundal implantation. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1992;12:6
  87. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, LIN HP, YAP SF. A case of childhood hepatitis B virus infection related primary hepatocellular carcinoma with short malignant transformation time. Pathology 1991;23:66-8
  88. CHEAH PL, YAP SF, LOOI LM, SIVANESARATNAM V. Squamous cell carcinoma related antigen in uterine cervical carcinoma. Malasysian Journal of Pathology 1991;13:37-41
  89. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, LIN HP, YAP SF. Childhood primary hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatitis B virus infection. Cancer 1990; 65:174-6
  90. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, LIN HP, YAP SF. Invited article Childhood primary hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatitis B virus infection. Clinical Digest Series 1990;15
  91. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, LIN HP, YAP SF. Invited article Childhood primary hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatitis Digest 1990;2:9-10
  92. CHEAH PL, JAYALAKSHMI P, JEYAMALAR R, KUPERAN P. Adult neuroblastoma : a case report. Malasysian Journal of Pathology 1989; 11:69-71
  93. PEH SC, CHEAH PL, SENGUPTA S. The pathology of tumour and tumour-like lesions of bone in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Malasysian Journal of Pathology 1988; 10:45-50
Other Publications
  1. CHEAH PL, TAY SL, LOOI LM. Human papillomavirus DNA Labelling. TMS-9 Technical Aid Report of the Tumour Marker Studies Project (IRPA 3-31-01), Monographs of the Department of Pathology, University of Malaya 1992 - Monograph
  2. CHEAH PL, TAY SL, LOOI LM. Human papillomavirus DNA subcloning: small-scale preparation. TMS-7 Technical Aid Report of the Tumour Marker Studies Project (IRPA 3-31-01), Monographs of the Department of Pathology, University of Malaya 1992 - Monograph
  3. CHEAH PL, TAY SL, LOOI LM. Human papillomavirus DNA subcloning: bacterial transformation and selection. TMS-6 Technical Aid Report of the Tumour Marker Studies Project (IRPA 3-31-01), Monographs of the Department of Pathology, University of Malaya 1992 - Monograph
  4. CHEAH PL,TAY SL, LOOI LM. Human papillomavirus DNA subcloning: large-scale preparation. TMS-8 Technical Aid Report of the Tumour Marker Studies Project (IRPA 3-31-01), Monographs of the Department of Pathology, University of Malaya 1992 - Monograph
  5. CHEAH PL, LOOI LM, TAN KL. Non-isotopic in-situ DNA hybridisation technique for detection of human papillomavirus. TMS-5, Technical Aid Report of the Tumour Marker Studies Project (IRPA 3-31-01), Monographs of the Department of Pathology, University of Malaya 1991 - Monograph


  • Molecular Pathology
  • Oncology
  • Renal Pathology


  1. 2005 - 2008, IRPA
    Prognostic and predictive applications from mechanisms of neoplastic cell immortalisation and malignant tumour progression ( Consultant)
  2. 2005 - 2008, IRPA
    Cell-cycle regulators in hepatocellular carcinoma ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    An investigation into the clinical utility of serum telomerase as a molecular detection marker for breast cancer ( Consultant)
  2. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    p161NK4a as a surrogate marker for high-risk HPV to improve diagnostic accuracy and add prognostic value to the histopathological diagnosis of cervical neoplasia ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Advisory Panel Member, Panel for Development of Molecular Testing Guidelines for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients in Malaysia, College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia
    01 Mar 2018 - 01 Mar 2019 (National)


Contribution to external organisation
  1. (1995) , University of Edinburgh Medical School, International
  2. (1994) Lupus Link, International