Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Chemistry
    Faculty of Science
  • chchuah
  • +603-79674013


  • PHD(UM)(1988), (KIMIA)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • MSC(UM)(1983), (KIMIA)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • BSC(UM)(1976), (FIZIK)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • JK Penyemak Kukurikulum 2014
    15 Aug 2014 - present (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Jawatankuasa Ijazah Tinggi
    11 Nov 2013 - 04 Jul 2016 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Ijazah Tinngi Fakulti Sains
    02 Jan 2015 - 30 Jun 2016 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Acting Head of Department
    20 Jul 2015 - 22 Jul 2015 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Head Coordinator
    16 Apr 2008 - 01 Jun 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Penyelaras Latihan Industri
    11 Nov 2013 - 10 Nov 2014 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Acting Head of Department
    31 Jul 2014 - 01 Aug 2014 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Head of Department
    14 Oct 2013 - 15 Oct 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Head Coordinator
    04 Oct 2012 - 03 Sep 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Penyelaras Latihan Industri
    04 Oct 2012 - 03 Sep 2013 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Jawatankuasa Ijazah Tinggi
    04 Oct 2012 - 03 Sep 2013 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
  • Acting Head of Department
    07 Aug 2013 - 12 Aug 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Head of Department
    26 May 2012 - 28 May 2012 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Head of Department
    08 Nov 2011 - 09 Nov 2011 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Head of Department
    29 Aug 2011 - 02 Sep 2011 (University Malaya)


  • Esteemed Member of The Panel of Judges
    2015, Malaysian Invention and Design Society,  (International)
  • Best Practices to Realize The Yield Potential of Oil Palm Planting
    2015, Malaysian Oil Scientists' and Technologists' Association,  (National)
  • Aocs Honored Student Award
    2014, THE AOCS Foundation,  (International)
  • Khidmat Setia 30 Award
    2008, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Refereed Journal Publication Special Award
    2007, ,
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2005, Universiti Malaya
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    1996, Universiti Malaya


Article in Journal
  1. K.Y. Goh, Y.C. Ching, C.H. Chuah, C.A. Luqman and N.S. Liou (2016). Individualization of microfibrillated celluloses from oil palm empty fruit bunch: comparative studies between acid hydrolysis and ammonium persulfate oxidation . Cellulose 23:379-390: DOI:DOI:1007/s10570- 015-0812- y
  2. P.S.E. Goh, M.H. Ng, Y.M. Choo, N.B. Amru and C.H. Chuah (2016). Production of Tocols Nanoemulsions by ultrasonication. Journal of Oil Palm Research. 28(1):121-130.
  3. Y.C. Ching, Md.Ershad Ali, L.C.Abdullah, K.W. Choo, Y.C. Kuan, S.J. Julaihi, C.H. Chuah and N.S. Liou (2016). "Rheological properties of cellulose nanocrystal-embedded polymer composites : a review" Cellulose. DOI 10.1007/s10570-016-0868-3.
  4. C.K. Yong, Y.C. Ching, C.H. Chuah and N.S. Liou (2015). Effect of Fiber Orientation on Mechanical Properties of Kenaf-Reinforced Polymer Composite . BioResources. 10(2): 2597-2608
  5. Katrina Mohamad Khidzir, S.F. Cheng and C.H. Chuah (2015). Interspecies variation of chemical constituents and antioxidant capacity of extracts from Jasminum sambac and Jasminum multiflorum grown in Malaysia . Industrial Crops and Products. 74:635-641
  6. M.E. Ali, C.K. Yong, Y.C. Ching, C.H. Chuah and N.S. Liou (2015). Effect of Single and Double Stage Chemically Treated Kernal Fibers on Mechanical Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol Film BioResouces 10(1): 822-838.
  7. P.S.E. Goh, M.H. Ng, Y.M. Choo, N.B. Amru and C.H. Chuah (2015) Production of Nano-emulsions from Palm - Based Tocotrienol Rich Fraction by Microfluidization . Molecules 20:19936-19946; doi:10.3390/molecules201119666
  8. R. Ashiqur,Y. C. Ching,K. Y. Ching, A. Nur, K.C. Ashok,C H. Chuah, and N.S. Liou (2015). Surface Modification of Natural Fiber using Bi2O3/TiO2 Composite for Photocatalytic Self-cleaning . BioResource 10(4), 7405-7418.
  9. Gouk, S.W., Cheng, S.F., Ong, A.S.H., Chuah, C.H. (2013). Stearic Acids at sn-1,3 positions of TAG are more efficient at limiting fat deposition than palmitic and oleic acids in C57BL/6 Mice. The British journal of nutrition 11/2013. (ISI-Cited Publication)
  10. K.P. Ang, C.S. Lee, S.F. Cheng and C.H. Chuah (2013). Synthesis of Palm Oil-Based Polyester Polyol for Polyurethane Adhesive Production . Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI: 10.1002/app.39967
  11. K.P. Ang, C.S. Lee, S.F. Cheng and C.H. Chuah (2014). Polyurethane wood adhesive from palm oil-based polyester polyol Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology DOI: 10.1080/01694243.2014.883772
  12. M.E. Ali, C.K. Yong, Y.C. Ching, C.H. Chuah and N.S. Liou (2014). Effect of Single and Double Stage Chemically Treated Kernal Fibers on Mechanical Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol Film". BioResouces 10(1): 822-838.
  13. S.W. Gouk, S.F. Cheng, Michal Malor, A.S.H. Ong and C.H. Chuah (2013). Critical considerations for fast and accurate regiospecific analysis of triacylglycerols using quantitative 13C NMR. DOI: 10.1039/c3ay26106a 5(8):2064-2073
  14. S.W. Gouk, S.F. Cheng, S.L. Mok, A.S.H. Ong and C.H. Chuah (2013). "Long-chain SFA at sn-1,3 positions of TAG reduce body fat deposition in C57BL/6 mice" British Journal of Nutrition 110:1987-1995. doi:10.1017/S0007114513001475
  15. C.H. Chuah, S.P. Wong, W.H. Lim and S.F. Cheng (2012). "Properties of Sodium Methyl Ester Alpha-Sulfo Alkylate/Trimethyammonium Bromide Mixtures". Journal of Surfactants and Detergents DOI 10.1007/s11743-012-1341-4
  16. C.H.Chuah,S.P. Wong, W.H. Lim and S.F. Cheng (2012). " Biological Properties of Sodium Alkyl Methyl Ester Sulfonate/Alkyltrimethylammonium Bromide Surfactant Mixtures". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 89: 48-52
  17. Gouk, S.W., Cheng, S.F., Ong, A.S.H. & Chuah, C.H.(2012) Rapid and direct quantitative analysis of positional fatty acids in triacylglycerols using 13C NMR. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 114(5): 510-519.
  18. H.P. Tan, D.Z.H. Wong, S.K. Ling, C.H. Chuah and Abdul Kadir Habsah (2012). " Neuroprotective activity of galloylated cyanogenic glucosides and hydrolysable tannins from the leaves of Phyllagathis rotundifolia ". Fitoterapia 83:223-229.
  19. C.H. Chauh, H.P. Tan and S.K. Ling (2011). "Characterization of galloylated cyanogenic glucosides and hydrolysabletannins from leaves of Phyllagathis rotundifolia by LC-ESI-MS/MS". Phytochemical Analysis
  20. C.H. Chuah, C.W. Puah, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma (2011). Solubility of Palm Oil Components in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide . International Journal of Food Engineering
  21. C.H. Chuah, H.P. Tan and S.K. Ling(2011). "One- and Two-dimensional Fourier Transform Infrared Correlation Spectroscopy on Phyllagathis rotundifolia". Journal of Molecular Structure 1006:297-302
  22. C.H. Chuah, S.P. Wong, W.H. Lim and S.F. Cheng (2010). "Physiochemical Properties of Mixed Anionic/Cationic Surfactant Solution: Mixtures of Sodium Laurate Methyl Ester a-Sulfonate and Tetradecyltrimethyammonium Bromide". Journal of Oil Palm Research 23:968-973
  23. S.F. Cheng, Mohd Nor, and C.H. Chuah (2011). Microwave Pretreatment: A Clean and Dry Method for Palm Oil Production Industrial Crops and Products . Industrial Crops and Products 34:967-971
  24. C.H. Chuah (2010). Chemical Weapons and Defense Mechanisms from Malaysian Termites . Chemistry in Malaysia. ISSN No: 0126-931. Issue No: 99: 4-11.
  25. C.H. Chuah, H.P. Tan and S.K. Ling(20010). "Multi- steps infrared macro-fingerprinting on leaves of Phyllagathis praetermissa from different localities in Peninsular Malaysia". Vibrational Spectroscopy.
  26. C.H. Chuah, C.S. Lee and T.L. Ooi(2009) The Effect of Reaction Temperature on Retaining Oxirane Oxygen Contents in the Synthesis of Epoxidized Diethanolamides . American Journal of Applied Sciences 6(1): 72-77
  27. C.H. Chuah, K. Chandrasekaram, M.H. Ng and Y.M. Choo (2009). "Concentration and isolation of individual vitamin E components in palm phytonutrients concentrate using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection". Journal of Oil Palm Research 12:621-626
  28. C.H. Chuah, K. Chandrasekaram, M.H. Ng and Y.M. Choo (2009) Effect of storage temperature on the stability of phytonutrients in palm concentrates . American Journal of Applied Sciences 6(3): 529-533.
  29. C.H. Chuah, M.H. Ng , Y.M. Choo, A.N. Ma and Mohd Ali Hashim (2009). "Determination of Coenzyme Q9 and Q10 in Developing Palm Fruits". Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 86:201-205
  30. C.H. Chuah, M.H. Saw and W.L. Siew (2009). "Characterisation of low saturation palm oil products after continuous emzymatic interesterification and dry fractionation". Journal of Food Science. 74(4):177-183
  31. C.H. Chuah, S. Raseetha Vani and S.F. Cheng(2009). Comparative Study of Volatile Compounds from Genus Ocimum . American Journal of Applied Sciences 6(3): 523-528.
  32. C.H. Chuah, C.S. Lee and T.L. Ooi (2008) Water-blown flexible polyurethane foams: Effect of water content on mechanical, morphology and thermal characteristic . Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics 4: 65-71.
  33. C.H. Chuah, C.S. Lee and T.L. Ooi(2008) Water-blown flexible polyurethane foams: Effect ofwater content on mechanical, morphology and thermal characteristic . Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics 4: 65-71.
  34. C.H. Chuah, L.N. Lau, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma(2008). Selective extraction of palm carotene and vitamin E from palm-pressed mesocarp fiber(Elaeis guineensis) using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide . Journal of Food Enginering 84:289-296.
  35. C.H. Chuah (2007). Interspecific variation in soldier defense secretions of Longipeditermes longipes (Isoptera, Nasutitermitinae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 35(9):600-605.
  36. C.H. Chuah, C.S. Lee, T.L. Ooi and A. Salmiah (2007). Synthesis of palm-based Dialkanolamide polyol. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 84:945-952.
  37. C.H. Chuah, C.S. Lee, T.L. Ooi, and A. Salmiah (2007). Effect of Isocyanate Index on Production of Flexible Polyurethane Foam . Malaysian Journal of Science 26(2):91-98.
  38. C.H. Chuah, C.W. Puah, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma(2007). Clean Production Technologies for the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry. Lipid Technology 19 (2): 31-34.
  39. C.H. Chuah, C.W. Puah, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma(2007). The Effect of Physical Refining on Palm Vitamin E (tocopherol, tocotrienol and tocomonoenol. American Journal of Applied Sciences 4(6):374-377.
  40. C.H. Chuah, C.W. Puah, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma(2007). Solubilities of Tocopherol and Tocotrienols from Plam Oil in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Food Lipids 14:377-385.
  41. C.H. Chuah, L.N. Lau, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma (2007). Extraction of Elaeis guineensis Mesocarp and Kernal Oils using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics 3:33-38.
  42. C.H. Chuah, L.N. Lau, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma (2007). Production of Refined Carotene-Rich Palm Oil from Palm Mesocarp (Elaeis guineensis) using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Food Lipids 14: 396-410.
  43. C.H. Chuah, L.N. Lau, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma (2007). Extraction and Identification of Water-Soluble Compounds in Palm-Pressed Fiber by SC-CO2 and GC-MS. American Journal of Environmental Sciences 3(2):54-59.
  44. C.H. chuah, C.S. Lee, T.L. Ooi and A. Salmiah (2007). Rigid Polyurethane Foam from Palm Oil-based Dialanolamide. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 84:1161-1167.
  45. C.H. Chuah (2006). Defense Mechanisms of Malaysian Termite Soldiers. Journal of Science & Technology in the Tropics 2: 113-118
  46. C.H. Chuah , L.N. Lau, Y.M. Choo and A.N.Ma(2006). Characterization and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Palm Oil (Elaeis guineensis). Journal of Food Lipids 13:210-221.
  47. C.H. Chuah, C.L. Yung, Y.M. Choo, S.F. Cheng., A.N. Ma and Yusof Basiron(2006) The effect of natural and synthetic antioxidants on the oxidative stability of palm diesel. Fuel 85:867-870.
  48. C.H. Chuah, C.W. Puah, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma (2006). Very Long Chain Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Transesterified Palm Oil. Lipids 41. 305-308.
  49. C.H. Chuah, H.P. Gladys Cho, S.K. Yeong and T.L. Ooi (2006). Synthesis and Evaluation of Glycerol Esters. Journal of Science & Technology in the Tropics 2: 35-39.
  50. C.H. Chuah, L.N. Lau, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma (2006). Quality of Residual Oil from Palm-Pressed Mesocarp Fiber (Elaeis guineensis) using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with and without Ethanol. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society. 83(10): 893-898.
  51. C.H. Chuah, M.H. Ng , Y.M. Choo, A.N. Ma and Mohd Ali Hashim (2006) Isolation and Identification of Palm Carotenes using Supercritical Fluid Chromatography. Malaysia Journal of Science 25(2): 139-145
  52. C.H. Chuah, M.H. Ng , Y.M. Choo, A.N. Ma, and Mohd Ali Hashim (2006) Seperation of Coenzyme Q10 in Palm Oil by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography. American Journal of Applied Sciences 3 (7): 1929-1932.
  53. C.H. Chuah, M.R. Reisi and M. Misran (2006). Organotin Compounds and The Environment. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences 4(2):148-152
  54. C.H. Chuah, S.F. Cheng, C.L. Yung, H.M.D. Noor Lida, Y.M. Choo, and A.N. Ma (2006). Crystallisation and Melting Behaviour of Methyl Esters of Palm Oil. American Journal of Applied Sciences 3(5). 1859-1863.
  55. C.H. Chuah, S.F. Cheng, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma(2006) Synthesis of Fatty Acid Alkyl Esters va Direct Esterification. Journal of Science & Technology in the Tropics 2 : 21-26.
  56. C.H. Chuah,H.P. Gladys Cho, S.K. Yeong and T.L. Ooi (2006). Glycerol esters from the reaction of glycerol with dicarboxylic acid esters . Journal of Surfactant and Detergent 9(2):147-152.
  57. C.H. chuah, C.W. Puah, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma(2006). Production of Carotenoids-Rich Palm Olein by Supercritical Fluid Extraction. Malaysian Journal of Science 25(2):147-152.
  58. C.H. Chuah (2005). Interspecific variation in defense secretions of Malaysian termites from the genus Bulbitermes. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31: 819-827.
  59. C.H. Chuah , S.F. Cheng, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma (2005). Rapid Synthesis of Palm-based Monoacylgylycerol. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 82(11): 791-795.
  60. C.H. Chuah, Y.M. Choo, M.H. Ng , A.N. Ma, and Mohd Ali Hashim (2005). Application of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography in the Quantitative Analysis of Minor Components (carotenes, vitamin E, sterols, and squalene) from Palm Oil. Lipids 40(4): 429-432.
  61. C.H. Chuah, L.N. Lau, C.W. Puah, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma (2005). Simultaneous Quantification of Free Fatty Acids, Free Sterols, Squalene, and Acylygerol Molecular Species in Palm Oil by High-Temperature Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection. Lipids 40(5): 523-528.
  62. C.H. Chuah, Y.M. Choo, C.L. Yung, S.F. Cheng., A.N. Ma. and Yusof Basiron (2005). Key Fuel Properties of Palm Alkyl Esters. Fuel 84. 1717-1720.
  63. C.H. Chuah,C.W. Puah, Y.M. Choo and A.N. Ma(2005). Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Palm Carotenoids. American Journal of Environmental Sciences 1(4): 264-269.
  1. C.H. Chuah, AJ.S.L. Mok, S.L. Liew, H.C. Ong, H.S. Yong and S.H. Goh (2007). 101 Plants to Fight Cancer. Pp. 186. An SBC Publication. ISBN 983-9576-18-6.
  2. S.H. Goh, C.H. Chuah, AJ.S.L. Mok and E. Soepadmo (1995). Malaysian Medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases. pp. 162. Kuala Lumpur: Pelanduk Publications. ISBN 967-978-515-7.
  3. S.H. Goh, E. Soepadmo and C.H. Chuah (1993). Phytochemical Guide to Malaysian Flora, 2nd Edition. pp. 103. Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaya. ISBN 983-9576-17-8.
Article in Proceeding
  1. H.P. Tan, S.K. Ling and C.H. Chuah (2009). "Study on Phyllagathis Praetermissa from two geographical origins using Fourier transform Infrared Spectroscopy". Herbal Globisation: A New Paradigm for Malaysian Herbal Industry. Proceeding of the Seminar on Medicinal and Aromatic Plant FRIM, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur PP148-157.


  • Natural Products, Palm Oil Chemistry and Insect Chemistry


  1. 2012 - 2016, PORIM
    LIPID RESEARCH ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2012 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Production of biocompatible and biodegradable waterborne porous polyurethane scaffolds from palm oil-based polyester polyol ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2009 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Palm Catanionic Surfactants ( Coordinator)
  4. 2010 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Clean Technology for Palm Oil Processing ( Consultant)
  5. 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Clean Technologg for Palm Oil Processing ( Consultant)
  6. 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Clean Technology For Palm Oil Processing ( Consultant)
  7. 2010 - 2012, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Synthesis and Stereospecific analysis of Lipids ( Consultant)
  8. 2011 - 2012, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    Structured lipids: synthesis stereospecific analysis and their effect on human obesity ( Consultant)
  9. 2008
    Chemical Defense Secretions from Termites


  • Neuroprotective Activity of Galloylated Cyanogenic Glucosides and Hydrolysable Tannins from The Leaves of Phyllagathis Rotundifolia, Forest Research Institute Malaysia
    01 Jul 2014 - 01 Jul 2017 (National)
  • Biological Properties of Sodium Alkyl Methyl Ester Sulfonate/Alkyltrimethylammonium Bromide Surfactant Mixtures, Malaysian Palm Oil Board
    01 Jul 2014 - 01 Jul 2017 (National)
  • Synthesis of Palm Oil-Based Polyester Polyol for Polyurethane Adhesive Production, International Medical University
    01 Jul 2014 - 01 Jul 2017 (National)
  • Variationsin Growth and Fatty Acid Composition of Mangrove-Isolated Chlorella Strains, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • Member of Editorial Board for Most, MOSTA
    01 Apr 2009 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • Effects of Fatty Acids At Different Positions in The Triglycerides On Cholesterol Levels, Publication Unit, Journal of Oil Palm Research
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • Tc Oleochemicals, Standards Research Management Centre (SRMC)
    01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • Internal Examiner for Phd, UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • Topical Treatment of Tocotrienol Rich Fraction (Trf) On Deep Partial Thickness Burn Wounds in Rats, Journal of Dermatology and Clinical Research
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2017 (International)
  • External Examiners for Msc, International Medical University
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • Potential Use of Cuticular Hydrocarbons for Aging Blowfly Pupae Chrysomya Megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) to Establish The Postmortem Interval, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • Internal Examiner for Msc, UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • External Examiner for Phd, Avinashilingam University
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • Internal Examiner for Msc, UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2017 (National)
  • K.Y. Goh, Y.C. Ching, C.H. Chuah, C.a. Luqman and N.S. Liou (2015). Individualization of Microfibrillated Celluloses from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch: Comparative Studies Between Acid Hydrolysis and Ammonium Persulfate Oxidation . Cellulose 11/2015: Doi:1007/S10570-015-0812-Y, Universiti Putra Malaysia
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2016 (National)
  • P.S.E. Goh, M.H. Ng, Y.M. Choo, N.B. Amru and C.H. Chuah (2015) Production of Nano-Emulsions from Palm -Based Tocotrienol Rich Fraction by Microfluidization . Molecules 20:19936-19946, MPOB
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2016 (National)
  • R. Ashiqur,Y. C. Ching,K. Y. Ching, a. Nur, K.C. Ashok, C H. Chuah, and N.S. Liou (2015). Surface Modification of Natural Fiber Using Bi2o3/Tio2 Composite for Photocatalytic Self-Cleaning . Bioresource 10(4), 7405-7418., Islamic University, Bangladesh
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
  • Y.C. Ching, R. Ashiqur, K.Y. Ching, L.S. Nazatul and C.H. Chuah (2015). Preparation and Characterisation of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Based Composite Reinforced With Nanocellulose and Nanosilica . Bioresources 10(2): 3364-3377, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, University of Southampton
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
  • K.Y. Goh, Y.C. Ching, C.H. Chuah, C.a. Luqman and N.S. Liou (2015). Individualization of Microfibrillated Celluloses from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch: Comparative Studies Between Acid Hydrolysis and Ammonium Persulfate Oxidation . Cellulose 11/2015: Doi:1007/S10570-015-0812-Y, Unversity of Science and Technology, Taiwan
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
  • Reviewer for Biomed Research International, BioMed Research International
    01 Jul 2015 - 01 Jul 2016 (International)
  • Effect of Single and Doubble Stage Chemically Treated Kenaf Fibers On Mechanical Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol Film, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, University of Southampton
    01 Jul 2014 - 01 Jul 2016 (International)
  • Potential Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extracts from Jasminum Sambac Grown in Malaysia and Thailand, Chulalongkorn University
    01 Jan 2014 - 01 Jan 2016 (International)
  • Preparation, Characterization and Applications of Heterogeneous Acid Catalysts from Oil Palm Trunk and Sugarcane Bagasse, Universiti Sains Malaysia
    01 Dec 2014 - 01 Dec 2015 (National)
  • Reviewer for Bjrst, UNIMAS
    01 Jul 2013 - 01 Jul 2015 (National)
  • Self-Catalyzed Polycondesation Between Short Chain Polyols and Dicarboxylic Acids, Universiti Putra Malaysia
    01 May 2015 - 01 May 2015 (National)
  • Editorial Board Members, Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics
    01 Apr 2010 - 01 Apr 2013 (International)
  • External Examiner for Phd Thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia
    01 Sep 2012 - 01 Sep 2012 (National)
  • Internal Examiner for Msc Thesis, Universiti Malaya
    01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2012 (National)
  • Pemeriksa Luar Bagi Pemeriksaan Tesis Phd, Universiti Sains Malaysia
    01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2012 (National)
  • Internal Examiner for Msc Thesis, University of Malaya
    01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)


  1. Biodiesel as a Renewable Source of Bioenergy, AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference 2014 on Materials Engineering. , University of Malaya and AUN/SEED-Net (International) (11 Nov 2014 - 12 Nov 2014)
  2. Chemical Weapons and Ecological Significance from Malaysian Termites, 4th International conference on natural resources, environmental management, environmental safety and health , Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (International) (25 Nov 2009 - 26 Nov 2009)
  1. Palm Oil Refinery, MOSTA Oil Palm Best Practices Workshop 2015 "Best Practices to Realize The Yield Potential of Oil Palm Planting", MOSTA (International) (17 Aug 2015 - 19 Aug 2015)
  2. Biodiesel Production, BASF Biodiesel Symposium 2014, BASF (International) (14 Oct 2014 - 14 Oct 2014)
  3. Non Food Uses Oleochemicals for detergent industries, OIL PALM PRACTICAL INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES 2013 The Oil Palm Plantation of Tomorrow , MALAYSIAN OIL SCIENTISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION & INDONESIAN OIL PALM RESEARCH INSTITUTE (International) (10 Sep 2013 - 12 Sep 2013)
  1. Oils and Fats International Congress: Future of Oils & Fats Is Smart Partnership the Way Forward?, OFIC 2012 OILS AND FATS INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 2012, Malaysian Oil Scientists and Technologists Association (MOSTA)  (International) (11 Sep 2012 - 14 Sep 2012)
  1. Synthesis, Characterisation and Biological Properties of Palm Cationic Surfactants, 9th MPOB-GSAS SEMINAR 2016, MPOB (National) (03 Jun 2016 - 03 Jun 2016)
  2. FABRICATION OF NANOEMULSIONS BY ULTRASOUND FOR VITAMIN E ENCAPSULATION, IMTCE2016 - 10th International Materia;s Technology Conference & Exhibition, IMM (National) (17 May 2016 - 17 May 2016)
  3. Surface Properties of Mixed Surfactants Future Workhorse for Detergent Industry , Cambodian Malaysian Chemical Conference on Advancing Chemistry for Sustainable Socio-economic Development . , Cambodian Chemical Society (International) (19 Oct 2012 - 21 Oct 2012)
  4. Differential effect of long chain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids at sn-1, 3 positions of triacylglycerols on fat accretion in C57/BL6 mice , World Congress on Oleo Science & 29th ISF Congress. 30.9.2012-4.10.2012, , Oleo Science & 29th ISF Congress (International) (30 Sep 2012 - 04 Oct 2012)
  5. LC-MS Analysis of hydrolysable tannins from leaves of Phyllagathis Praetermissa , 10th Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences (ASIANALYSIS X) , Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (International) (11 Aug 2009 - 13 Aug 2009)
  1. Volatile Components of Fresh Jasminum sambac buds and the potential antioxidant activities of its methanolic extract, 5th UM-NUS-CU TRILATERAL MINI SYMPOSIUM AND SCIENTIFIC MEETING 2014, Chemistry Department, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (International) (11 Feb 2014 - 12 Feb 2014)
  1. MES- The Future Workhorse for Detergent Industries , Satellite Workshop on Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing, Refining and applications , Malaysian Oil Scientists and Technologists Association (MOSTA)  (International) (15 Sep 2012 - 15 Sep 2012)


  2. (2016) Evaluation of cardioprotective effect of selected medicinal plant., (External Examiner)
  4. (2016) Malaysian Oil Science and Technology, (Editor)
  5. (2016) Topical Treatment of Tocotrienol Rich Fraction (Trf) on Deep Partial Thickness Burn Wounds in Rats, (Reviewer)
  6. (2016) Variations In Growth And Fatty Acid Composition Of Mangrove-Isolated CHLORELLA Strains, (Reviewer)
  8. (2016) Metal-incorporated polyester coating: Synthesis, characterisation and antimicrobial studies, (External Examiner)
  9. (2016) Malaysian Oil Science and Technology- Editor, (Editor)
  10. (2016) Evaluation of Anti Inflammatory Activity of Chemical Constituents of Mesua Species, (Reviewer)
  12. (2016) Potential Use of Cuticular Hydrocarbons for Aging Blowfly Pupae Chrysomya Megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) to Establish the Postmortem Interval, (Reviewer)
  13. (2015) Reviewer for Journal of Chromatographic Science, (Reviewer)
  14. (2015) Examiner MSc UPM , (External Examiner)
  15. (2015) MOSTA Siminar Miri Organizer , (Scientific Committee)
  16. (2015) Minds Judge, (Scientific Committee)
  17. (2015) Pemeriksa Luar bagi pemeriksaan tesis PhD - USM , (External Examiner)
  18. (2015) Reviewer for BioMed Research International , (Reviewer)
  19. (2012) Development and Validation of Chromatographic Methods for the Determination of Mycotoxins In Food, (Internal Examiner)
  20. (2012) An agro-based catalyst system for converting oils with high free fatty acids and moisture contents into methyl esters, (External Examiner)
  21. (2012) Preparation and Evaluation of Methy Esters Derived from Different Sources, (External Examiner)
  22. (2011) Synthesis of High Surface Area Supported Copper Based-Bimetallic Catalysts for Hydrogenation of Fatty Alcohols to Fatty Amines, (Internal Examiner)
  23. (2011) Biodiesel production via heterogeneous transesterification of palm olein and waste oils, (External Examiner)
  24. (2011) Conversion of spent mushroom sawdust substrate to simple sugar for bioethanol production , (Internal Examiner)
  25. (2010) The chemistry and biological activities of Terap (Artocarpus kemando MIQ) and Pudau (Artocarpus odoratissimus BLANCO) (Moracese), (External Examiner)
  26. (2009) Development and validation of a solid phase microextration method for simultaneous determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables by gas chromatography , (Internal Examiner)
  27. (2009) Determination of concentration of the benzodiazepines and their metabolites in blood and urine specimens for toxicology cases using Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometer , (Internal Examiner)
  28. (2009) Determination of palm biodiesel/petroleum diesel blend ratio through spectroscopic method , (Internal Examiner)
  29. (2009) Chemical Investigation of Artocarpus species (Moraceae), (External Examiner)
  30. (2008) Alkaloidalaloidal components from piper species, (External Examiner)
  31. (1999) Malaysian Journal of Chemistry , (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2016) Committee Member (National Representative), IUPAC Representation at Division VII on Chemistry and Human Health, International
  2. (2016) INTERNATIONALIZATION & NETWORKING , UK - International, International
  3. (2016) INTERNATIONALIZATION & NETWORKING , UPM - National, National
  4. (2016) INTERNATIONALIZATION & NETWORKING , Taiwan - International, International
  5. (2016) INTERNATIONALIZATION & NETWORKING , MPOB - National, National
  6. (2016) INTERNATIONALIZATION & NETWORKING , IMU - National, National
  7. (2016) Judge, Malaysian Invention and Design Society
  8. (2016) Evaluation, MyGRANTS - Panel Invitation
  9. (2015) Panel Evaluation: UMRG Projects, Frontier Science Research Cluster
  10. (2015) Panel Evaluation: PPP Projects, Fakulti Sains
  11. (2015) Judge, MINDS -ITEX 2015
  12. (2015) Panel Evaluation: UMRG Projects 2015-2016, Frontier Science Research Cluster
  13. (2012) Permanent Member of Technical Committeee on Oleochemicals (under Industrial Standards Committee ISC B) of SIRIM , SIRIM


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2015) Synthesis of Bio-based Polyurethanes from Palm Oil or Natural Products, Mohamad Abdul Cader Mohamed Haniffa
  2. (2015) Graft Copolymerization Poly(butyl acrylate) (PBA) of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Natural Plants on Polylactic acid (PLA) Composites, Thennakoon Mudiyanselage Sampath Udeni Gunathilake
  3. (2015) Fabrication And Characterization Of Nanofiber Reinforced Biopolymer, Goh Kar Yin
  4. (2015) Development of new cataionic surfactant vesicles for delivery application, Yong Xiou Shuang (M0100103)
  5. (2013) Bicompatible and Biodegradable Waterborne Porous Palm-based Polyurethane Scaffolds From Palm Oil-based Polyester Polyol, Ng Wei Seng
  6. (2012) Studies on Adsorption of Organics and Heavy Metals by Activated Carbon, Yap Keat Leong
  7. (2012) Structures Lipids: Synthesis, Stereospecific Analysis and their Effect on Human Obesity, Gouk Shiou Wah
  8. (2012) Design of Polymeric Nanoparticles for encapsulation and Controlled Release of Palm Phytonutrients, Elcy Goh Pik Seah
  9. (2011) Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Palm Catanionic Surfactants, Wong Siew Pui
  10. (2011) Phytochemical Studies on Phyllagathis Rotundifolia and Phyllagathis griffithii, Tan Hooi Poay
  11. (2005) Rigid and Flexible Polyurethane FoamsProduction from Palm Oil-based Polyol, Lee Choy Sin
  12. (2002) Biogensis of phytonutrients in palm fruits and production of phytonutrients by supercritical fluid chromatography, Ng Mei Han
  13. (2001) Syntheses of Palm-based Oligomeric Esters as Value-added Biodiesels, Emulsifiers and Lubricants, Cheng Sit Foon
  14. (2001) Production of speciality palm oil products by supercritical fluid fractionation and phytonutrient concentrates by short path distillation, Lau Lik Nang (University of Malaya (UM))
  15. (2001) Production of speciality palm oil products and phyonutrients by supercritical fluid extraction and short path distillation, Puah Chiew Wei
  16. (1992) Larvicidal Principles from Some Insecticidal Plants of Sarawak, Gwendoline Ee Cheng Lian
  1. (2014) Analysis of organochlorine pesticides and other chemical constituents in tea using pressurized liquid extraction and GC-MS, Shaheda binti Ismail
  2. (2013) Stereospecific analysis and effect of interesterified triacylglycerols on obesity in mice, Kok Wai Ming
  5. (2012) Synthesis of Polyol from Palm Oil and Its Application as different polyurethane product, Ang Khoon Poh
  6. (2012) Simultaneous enzyme assisted solvent extraction and transesterification of Jatropha curcas oil, Hazrati binti Wazir
  7. (2012) Extraction, characterization and evaluation of fragrances, Katrina bt Mohamad Khidzir
  8. (2012) Chromatographic analysis, biosensing and anti-oxidative of fragrances, Khairun Fadila Binti Saaban
  9. (2011) Production of Oils and Fats by Microwave Technology, Jason Tan Chia Xern
  10. (2011) Extraction and Characterization of Water-soluble Compounds from Elaeis guineensis, Ang Chun Hui
  11. (2011) Analysis of volatile organic compounds from Ocimum sanctum and Ocimum basilicum, Shivanaidu A/L Ragavan
  12. (2010) New Palm Oil Products by Enzmatic Interesterification and Dry Fractionation, Saw Mei Huey (University of Malaya (UM))
  13. (2010) Method Validation of Dissolution of Sibutramine Hydrochloride Monohydrate, Alia Shaari Ahmad Shukri
  14. (2010) Determination of Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) in Postmortem Blood Sample by Using Automated Headspace Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer for Traffic Accident Cases, Khairul Adli Nikman
  15. (2009) Profiling of Ilegalal Amphetamine (Analogues) in Various Tablets, Nurshidawati binti Othman
  16. (2009) Production of Palm based Esters, Priscilla Ann Yap
  17. (2009) Analysis of volatiles from Cymbogon citrates, Siti Antiqah binti Zainal Abidin
  18. (2009) Analysis of Drug of Abuse, Hasliza binti Haron
  19. (2008) Studies on transesterification of Jastropha curcas oil, Norshazwani binti Mohd. Ariffin
  20. (2008) Extraction of Jastropha curcas and screening of physical properties of palm oil, Nurazira bt Azizan
  21. (2008) Evaluation of selected analyte protectant to improve gas chromatographic analysis of pesticide residue in carambola and mango, Mohamad Shahid Shahrun
  22. (2007) The determination of lovastatin as a naturally occurring substances with cholesterol-lowering effect in selected herbal medicines containing red yeast rice, Nor Hayati binti Abdul Rahim
  23. (2006) Multiple Discriminant Analysis on the Defensive Secretion of Longipeditermes longipes, Vanitha Satchithanadan
  24. (2006) Biodiesel from refined bleached deodorized palm kernel oils, Loo Hui Ying (University of Malaya (UM))
  25. (2006) Analysis of Fragrances from Occimum Sanctum, Rseeetha Vani
  26. (2006) Analysis of Cuticular Hydrocarbons From Coptotermes and Macrotermes, Kumari a/p Somiah
  27. (2005) Methanolysis of various types of vegetable oils, Yong Siew Fun
  28. (2005) Methanolysis of triacylglycerides from various vegetable oils and fats, Gayatri Devi Chellapan
  29. (2005) Determination of Heavy Metals in Effluent from Plating Industry by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Devandran a/l Apparasamy
  30. (2005) Analysis of volatile compounds from Wrightia religiosa and Cymbogon citratus, Rajesvari d/o Kuppusamy
  31. (2005) Analysis of volatile compounds from spadix of Spathiphyllum cannaefolium, Leong Oi Lay (University of Malaya (UM))
  32. (2005) Analysis of Phytonutrients from Palm Concentrates by High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Kumuthini a/p Chandrasekaram
  33. (2005) Analysis of fragrances from Murraya paniculata flowers, Noor Hafizah Uyup
  34. (2005) Analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons from Malaysian Coptotermes, Reeta Nesamalar a/p Baniface
  35. (2003) Synthesis and Characterization of New Glycerol Esters, Cho Huey Peng
  36. (2002) Transesterification of Vegetable Oils by Selected Catalysts, Amal R.K. Agila
  37. (2001) Study on the Performance of Fractionated Palm Oil Methyl Esters, Yung Chee Liang
  38. (2001) Minor Chemical Constituents from Palm Fruit and Palm-pressed Fibre, Bong Siow Ching
  39. (2000) Transesterification of Various Palm-based Oils and Synthesis of Polyesters from Glycerol and Phthalic anhydride, Kee Chin Hiu
  40. (2000) Synthesis of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) and its Characterisation by using Various Spectroscopic Methods, Mahayu bt Aris
  41. (1999) Chemical and Biological Characterization of a Locally Grown Ganoderma species, How Kam Chiong
  42. (1994) Alkaloids from Malaysian Alstonia species, Lim Pek Boon
  43. (1993) Chemical Constituents of Calophyllum inophyllum Linn, Vijayasekaran a/l D. Saravanamuthu


  1. (2016) SCGS6313 - Chromatographic Analysis 11- Hplc & Lc-Ms
  2. (2016) SCGS6323 - Clinical & Pharmaceutical Analysis
  3. (2015) SCGS6313 - Chromatographic Analysis 11- Hplc & Lc-Ms
  4. (2014) SCGS6313 - Chromatographic Analysis 11- Hplc & Lc-Ms
  5. (2013) SCGS6313 - Chromatographic Analysis 11- Hplc & Lc - Ms
  6. (2013) SCGS6323 - Clinical & Pharmaceutical Analysis
  7. (2012) SCGS6313 - Chromatographic Analysis 11- Hplc & Lc-Ms
  8. (2012) SCGS6323 - Clinical & Pharmaceutical Analysis
  1. (2016) SCES2240 - Industrial Chemistry I
  2. (2015) SCES2240 - Industrial Chemistry I
  3. (2015) SCES2240 - Industrial Chemistry I
  4. (2014) SCES2240 - Industrial Chemistry I
  5. (2013) SCES2240 - Industrial Chemistry
  6. (2013) SCES2240 - Industrial Chemistry
  7. (2013) SCES3140 - Industrial Chemistry Ii
  8. (2012) SCES2240 - Industrial Chemistry I
  9. (2012) SCES3140 - Industrial Chemistry Ii
  10. (2012) SCES3140 - Industrial Chemistry Ii
  11. (2011) SCES2240 - Industrial Chemistry I


  • As Honorary Secretary of Mosta in Organizing Mosta Best Practices Workshop. 9 September 2015. High Impact Research Building, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Http://WWW.Mosta.Org.My/ Http://WWW.Mosta.Org.My/, (09 Sep 2015 - 09 Sep 2015)
  • As Honorary Secretary of Mosta in Organizing Mosta Oil Palm "Best Practices Workshop 2015". 17-19 August 2015. Imperial Hotel, Miri, Sarawak, (17 Aug 2015 - 19 Aug 2015)
  • As Honorary Secretary of Mosta in Organizing Ofic 2014 Oils and Fats International Congress 2014, 4-7 November 2014, Kuala Lumpur Convemtion Centre, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia Http://WWW.Mosta.Org.My/, (05 Nov 2014 - 07 Nov 2014)
  • As Honorary Secretary of Mosta in Organizing of The "Advances in Analytical Technology ". 4th November 2014. Impiana Klcc Hotel &Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia., (04 Nov 2014 - 04 Nov 2014)
  • As Honorary Secretary of Mosta in Organizing Mosta Best Practices Workshop: Scientific Writings Hand-Ons Round Table Interactive Discussion 13 August 2014, High Impact Research Building, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia, (13 Aug 2014 - 13 Aug 2014)
  • As Honorary Secretary of Mosta in Organizing Mosta Best Practices Workshop On Scientific Writing, (06 Jul 2013 - 06 Jul 2013)
  • As Honorary Secretary of Mosta in Organizing Satellite Workshop On Vegetable Oils and Fats Processing, Refining and Applications 15 September 2012, Impiana Klcc Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (15 Sep 2012 - 15 Sep 2012)
  • As Honorary Secretary of Mosta in Organizing Ofic 2012 Oils and Fats International Congress 2012, 11-14 September 2012, Kuala Lumpur Convemtion Centre, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia, (11 Sep 2012 - 14 Sep 2012)
  • Iupac International Conference On Chemical Research Applied to World Needs 2011 - Representing University of Malaya in The National Organizing Committee, (17 Apr 2012 - 29 Sep 2011)
  • Member of Board of Trustees of Tun Dr. Lim Keng Yaik Foundation 2011-2017, (01 Jun 2011 - 01 Jul 2017)
  • As Honorary Secretary of Mosta in Organizing The Launching of The Raja Alias Foundation On 10th October 2009. Marriott Putrajaya, Putrajaya, Malaysia., (10 Oct 2009 - 10 Jul 2013)
  • Member of Board of Trustees of Bek-Nielsen Foundation Http://WWW.Mosta.Org.My/, (06 Oct 2009 - 07 Apr 2017)