Curriculum Vitae
- FFARCS(1986) (UK), (obstetric anaesthesiology)Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- MBBS(O&G)(1981) (UM), (OBSTETRIK & GINEKOLOGI)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- Pemeriksa untuk peperiksaan lisan Fisiologi Bahagian 1 Program Master Perubatan Anestesiologi.06 May 2018 - 08 May 2018 (National)
- Head of Department09 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 (Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine)
- Head of Department01 Sep 2007 - 04 Sep 2008 (Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine)
- Head of Department01 Sep 2006 - 31 Aug 2007 (Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2012, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2009, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2007, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2006, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2005, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2004, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service1997, Universiti Malaya
Article in Journal
- Chan YK, Yim Chue Wai Carolyn. Obstetric and foetal physiology implications for clinical practice in obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia Update Anaesthesia 2019: 81-84. doi:10.1029/WFSA-D-18-00020
- Chan, Y. K., & Loh, P. S. (2016). Handedness in man: The energy availability hypothesis. Medical hypotheses, 94, 108 111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2016.06.018
- Razali N, Md Latar IL, Chan YK, Omar SZ, Tan PC.(2016).Carbetocin Compared to Oxytocin in Emergency Cesarean Section: A Randomized Trial.European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 198(1) , 35-39
- Shariffuddin, II, Hasan MS, Chong TH, Kwan MK, Chan YK. (2016). Under-body forced-air warming blanket versus resistive heating blanket for prevention of hypothermia during spinal surgery: A randomized prospective study. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine, 19(1), 1-6.
- Shrestha S, Chan YK, Razali FN (2015). Anesthetic management for a parturient with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy undergoing caesarean section. Nepal Journal of Obstetric and Gynaecology 10(2) 54-6
- Yoo Kuen Chan, Mafeitzeral Mamat. 2015. Management of heat stroke. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care; 5(2-3): 65-69.
- Ina Ismiarti Shariffuddin, Vineya Rai, Y K Chan, Rajesh Kumar Muniandy. Safe delivery of two parturient women in severe metabolic acidosis. BMJ Case Rep 2014. doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-205135
- Vineya Rai, Ina I Shariffuddin, Yoo K Chan, Rajesh K Muniandy, Kang K Wong, Sukcharanjit Singh.2014 Peri- operative management of hysterostomy in a parturient with complete heart block, placenta accreta and intrauterine death.BMC Anesthesiology 2014, 14:49 (28 June 2014)
- Chan YK. (2013). Sustaining two lives... Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia and Critical Care, 3(2), 67-9
- LATAR IL, OMAR SZ, VALLIYAPPAN NV, CHAN YK 2012. Massive Pulmonary embolism in a pregnancy: Could we have saved both lives?. BJOG, 119, 103.
- Z Hussain Khan, YK Chan. 2012. SAPS II, SAPS III versus markers of tissue oxygen delivery: discerning their role in predicting outcome for cardiopulmonary arrest. Minerva Anestesiologica 78(12): 1313-1315
- Chan YK, Zahid Hussain Khan. Hemodynamic monitoring and outcome: A physiological appraisal. Acta Anesthesiologica Taiwanica 2011; 49( 4) : 154-8
- Chan YK. Better understanding needed of physiology of sustaining life in utero. Lancet 2011;378(9794):878
- Sinha AC, Chan YK, Khan ZH. First International Congress of Airway Management and Anesthesia in Head and Neck Surgery in Teheran, Iran, May 20-22, 2009. Anesth Analg 2010;111(2):587-8
- Sivarani S, Chan YK, Liam CK, Kumar G, Abdullah BJ, Mahadeva SJ. Education and Imaging. Massive intraperitoneal haemorrhage in a young woman with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010 Sept;25(9):1587
- M Shahnaz Hasan, Yap FY, Chan YK. Acute tracheostomy tube fractures: potentially fatal complications. Asean Journal of Anaesthesiology 2008;9:69-72
- Chuah KH, Mansor M, Rajen G, Wang CY, Chan YK. Technique of anaesthesia in pulmonary hypertension and thrombophilia in early pregnancy. Malaysian Medical Journal 2006;61(1)114-116
- Goh KL, Chiu CL, Wang CY, Chan YK, Loo PY. (2005). Randomised double blind comparisons of ketamine-propofol, fentanyl-propofol or propofol-saline on haemodynamics profiles and laryngeal mask airway insertion conditions. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 33, 223-228
- Chan YK Managing hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section Asean Journal of Anaesthesiology 2004; 5(1): 1-2
- Ng KP, Yee MK, Yeap YL, Chan YK Unilateral ronchi- what it means to the anaesthetist. Asean Journal of Anaesthesiology 2004; 5(1): 32-34
- Ortolani O, Conti A, Chan YK, Sie MY, Ong GSY. (2004). Comparison of propofol consumption and recovery time in Causasians from Italy, with Chinese, Malays and Indians from Malaysia. Anaesth Intensive Care, 32(2), 250-255
- Chiu CL, Mansor M, Ng KP, Chan YK. (2003). Retrospective review of spinal versus epidural anaesthesia for caesarean section in preeclamptic patients. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, 12, 23-27
- Chan YK Managing cardiac problems in the parturient. Asean Journal of Anaesthesia 2002;3(supplement):63-68
- Chan YK, Ng KP, Chiu CL. (2002). A comparison between spinal, epidural and combined spinal epidural anaesthesia for caesarean section. Asean Journal of Anaesthesia, 3(1), 10-15
- Chan YK,Ng KP, Chiu CL. (2002). Trends in obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia over a ten year period in the University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, 11, 176-9.
- Chan YK, Ng KP, Chiu CL, Gobalakrishnan R, Tan KC, Lim YC. (2001). Anaesthetic management of a parturient with superior vena cava obstruction for caesarean. Anesthesiology, 94(1), 167-9.
- Chan YK, Gopinathan R, Rajendram R. (2000). Loss of consciousness following spinal anaesthesia for caearean section. Is this a subdural blockade complicating a spinal blockade? British Journal of Anaesthesia, 85, 474-6.
- Chan YK, Ng KP. (2000). A survey of regional analgesia and anaesthesia for obstetrics in selected countries in the Far East. International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia, 9, 225-32.
- Chan YK, Ng KP. (2000). A survey of the currrent practice of obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia in Malaysia. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 26, 137-40.
- Chiu CL, Chan YK, Ong G, Delilkan AE., "A comparison of the maintenance and recovery characteristics of sevoflurane-nitrous oxide against isoflurane-nitrous oxide anaesthesia.", 2000, Singapore Med. J., Vol. 41, pg. 530-533,
- Chiu CL, ChanYK. Which and what headache were we treating? Epidural blood patch for atypical headache following obstetric anaesthesia. International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia. 2000; 273-8.
- Leong E, Sivanesaratnam V, Oh L, Chan YK. Epidural analgesia in primagravida in spontaneous labour. The Journal of Obstetric and Gynaecology Research. 2000; 26:271-5.
- Chan YK, Ali A, Oh L. (1999). Pain during elective caesarean section under epidural anaesthesia: the effect of a 10 head-up tilt position. International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia, 8, 101-4.
- Chan YK. (1999). Anaesthesia for emergency caesarean section. Med J Malaysia, 54 ( Suppl A ), 83.
- Chan YK. (1999). Effect of positioning during initial bolus injection. International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia, 8 (4), 293-4.
- Chiu Cl., Chan YK, Ong G, Delilkan. (1999). A comparison of the induction and emergence characteristics of sevoflurane and halothane in children. Med J Malaysia, 54, 346-52.
- Mass CPR subcommittee, Resuscitation Committee, Universiti Hospital, Kuala Lumpur (1999). Mass cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A new method of public cardiopulmonary resuscitation teaching. Med J Malaysia, 54, 257-60.
- Ng KP, Chan YK. (1999). Comparison between spinal, epidural and combined spinal epidural anaesthesia for caesarean section. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 54 (Suppl A), 62-3.
- Chan YK, Zuraidah S, Tan PSK. (1998). Use of capnography delaying the diagnosis of tracheal intubation. Anaesthesia, 53, 1199-208.
- Chan YK. (1998). The value of combined spinal epidural anaesthesia in obstetrics. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 54 (Suppl B), 6.
- Chan YK. (1994). Radiological diagnosis of accidental oesophageal intubation. Med. J of Singapore, 35, 327-8.
- Chan YK. (1992). A comparison of sodium citrate and sodium citrate / ranitidine combination for acid aspiration prophylaxis. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 47(1), 27 -30.
- Chan YK, Wang CY, Ong G, Delilkan AE. (1990). Use of propofol for dilatation and currettage in Malaysian patients. Malaysian Journal of Surgery, 9:(2), 108 -12.
- Subramaniam K, Afzal M K, Chan Y K. (1990). Hemiplegia following elective anterior cervical fusion. Detection of graft migration by emergency CT scans. A case report. Malaysian Journal of Surgery, 9(1) 47- 9.
- Chan YK. (1989). Intubating ability of house-officers in University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 44(2), 140 -2.
- Toh CK,Tan PC & Chan YK. (1984). Outcome of neonates admitted to special care nursery, University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur: a comparison of two periods. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 39(1), 21-7
- Practical Aspects of Acute Care (2nd edition). Drs. Chan Yoo Kuen & Ng Kwee Peng (eds) Publishers University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur 2009 ISBN 978-983-100-489-0
- Management Aspects of Acute Care. Drs Chan Yoo Kuen & Ng Kwee Peng (eds) Publishers University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur 2006 ISBN 983-100-403-5
- Practical Aspects of Acute Care. Drs. Chan Yoo Kuen & Ng Kwee Peng (eds) Publishers University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur 2005 ISBN 983-100-279-2
Chapter in Books
- Yoo Kuen Chan and Peng Chiong Tan.2017. Local and Regional Analgesia for Labor and Delivery. In Brendan T Finucane and Ban CH Tsui, Complications of Regional Anesthesia. (pp 303- 317). New York: Springer.
- Chan, Y.K. & Sim, D.S.M. 2015. Steady-State Principles. In: Chan, Y.K., Ng, K.P. & Sim, D.S.M. (eds.). Pharmacological Basis of Acute Care, pg. 49- 55. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
- Chan, Y.K. & Sim, D.S.M. 2015. Why Drugs Are Administered. In: Chan, Y.K., Ng, K.P. & Sim, D.S.M. (eds.). Pharmacological Basis of Acute Care, pg. 3-7. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing
- Chan, Y.K. (2015). Dosage forms, drug calculations and prescription. In Y.K. Chan, K.P. Ng and D.S.M.Sim (Eds.), Pharmacological Basis of Acute Care (pp. 73-79). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Chan, Y.K. (2015). Oxygen as a drug. In Y.K. Chan, K.P. Ng and D.S.M.Sim (Eds.), Pharmacological Basis of Acute Care (pp. 229-237). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Chan, Y. K. (2014). Physiology of the Airway. In Khan, Z.H. (Eds.), Airway Management (pp. 1-14). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Chan YK. Obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. In: Drs Arulkumaran, Sivanesaratnam,Chatterjee and Kumar (eds) Essentials of Obstetrics. 2nd edn. Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi. 2011 pp 411- 417.
- Chan YK. Tissue physiology. In Drs Chan Yoo Kuen & Ng Kwee Peng (eds). Practical Aspects of Acute Care. University of Malaya Press. Kuala Lumpur 2005;3-6
- Chan YK Obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. In: Drs Arulkumaran, Sivanesaratnam,Chatterjee and Kumar (eds) Essentials of Obstetrics. Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi. 2004 pp 301-305.
- 3.Chan YK. Pulmonary Aspiration. In: Drs David J Birbach, Stephen Gatt and Sanjay Datta (eds) Textbook of Obstetric Anesthesia Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia 2000; 465-474
- Chan YK, Ng KP. Regional Analgesia in Obstetrics in the Far East. In Felicity Reynolds (ed) Regional Analgesia in Obstetrics a millenium update. Springer-Verlag. London 2000; 73-78.
- Chan YK, Ng KP. Regional Analgesia in Obstetrics in the Far East. In Felicity Reynolds (ed) Regional Analgesia in Obstetrics a millenium update. Springer-Verlag. London 2000; 73-78
- Chan YK. Chapter on Aspiration Prophylaxis in Hypertextbook of Regional for Obstetrics - an International Perspective. Edited by Dr SP Gatt, programmed by Dr Andrew Pybus and Philip Day, 1996.
Other Publications
- Chan YK. Care for our Health. Sunday Star June 6, 2010 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- Chan YK Acute Care. Berita Academi March 2006 Vol 15 No 1 - -Berita Academi
- Chan YK. Death the end of life? Sunday Star October 8, 2006 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- 2002 - 2005, University of Florence and Uiversity of Malaya Medical CentreComparison of the propofol consumption and recovery time in Caucasions from Italy and Chinese, Malays and Indians from Malaysia. ( Consultant)
- role of the anaesthesiologist in the education of non-anesthesiologists, Harold Griffith Plenary Lecture. , World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (International) (02 Mar 2008 - 07 Mar 2008)
- precongress workshop Cardiac arrest in pregnancy. Obstetric anesthesia and analgesia , 17th Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists, Organising Committee of the 17th Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists (International) (23 Feb 2011 - 26 Feb 2011)
- Optimizing spinal anesthesia for parturients ( understanding the technique and the drug) (webinar) , Indoanesthesia 2021 , Organizing Committee of Indoanesthesia 2021 (International) (13 Feb 2021 - 07 Mar 2021)
- TWO LIVES: The anatomy and physiology of DEATH, Association of Obstetric Anesthesiologists Web-conference 2021, Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists. India (International) (09 Jan 2021 - 10 Jan 2021)
- Wealth, Wisdom and Wellbeing, Ganga Anesthesia Refresher Course 2020, Department of Anesthesia, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India (International) (12 Dec 2020 - 13 Dec 2020)
- Management of the High Risk Parturient, Saturdates with Society of Obstetric Anesthesiologists, Philippines, Society of Obstetric Anesthesiologists, Philippines (International) (29 Aug 2020 - 29 Aug 2020)
- Perfecting Epidurals in Labor, Saturdates with Society of Obstetric Anesthesiologists, Philippines, Society of Obstetric Anesthesiologists, Philippines (International) (29 Aug 2020 - 29 Aug 2020)
- Early recognition of complications following regional anesthesia techniques, 17th Indoanaesthesia 2020, Indoanesthesia (International) (13 Feb 2020 - 15 Feb 2020)
- Rapid Sequence Spinal Anaesthesia, Midyear Convention, Society of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists, Philippines, Society of Obstetric Anesthesiologists, Philippines (International) (27 Jul 2019 - 27 Jul 2019)
- Early recognition of complications following regional anaesthesia techniques, 27th Midyear Convention, Society of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists 2019, Society of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists, Philippines (International) (27 Jul 2019 - 27 Jul 2019)
- Antithrombotics and Regional Anaesthesia., Indonesian Scientific Meeting on Obstetric Anesthesia and Critical Care (ISMOAC) Yogyakarta , Organizing committee of the Indonesian Scientific Meeting on Obstetric Anesthesia and Critical Care (ISMOAC) Yogyakarta 26th -29th June 2019 (International) (26 Jun 2019 - 29 Jun 2019)
- WFSA Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowship- challenges and training in Malaysia. , Annual Scientific Meeting of ANZCA, Kuala Lumpur 29th April 3rd May 2019., ANZCA (International) (29 Apr 2019 - 03 May 2019)
- Working towards Excellence in Anaesthesia, Society of Anaesthesiologists of Hong Kong, Soceity of Anaesthesiologists of Hong Kong (National) (04 Dec 2018 - 04 Dec 2018)
- Understanding and working towards Green Anaesthesia. , Dinner Seminar of Society of Anesthesiologists of Hong Kong, 4th December 2018 , Society of Anesthesiologists of Hong Kong  (National) (04 Dec 2018 - 04 Dec 2018)
- Working towards Excellence in Anaesthesia. , Dinner seminar of Society of Anesthesiologists of Hong Kong, 4th December 2018 , Society of Anesthesiologists of Hong Kong  (National) (04 Dec 2018 - 04 Dec 2018)
- Management of the high risk parturient, l5th Asian Australasian Congress of Anaesthesiologists & the 26th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Anesthesiology, Chinese Society of Anaesthesiology (International) (01 Nov 2018 - 05 Nov 2018)
- Management of the high risk parturient. . 1-5th November 2018, Beijing, China , The Asian Australasian Conference of Anesthesiologists , Organizing committee of The Asian Australasian Conference of Anesthesiologists (International) (01 Nov 2018 - 05 Nov 2018)
- Management of the High Risk Obstetric Parturient, l5th Asian Australasian Congress of Anaesthesiologists & the 26th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Anesthesiology, Chinese Society of Anaesthesiology (International) (01 Nov 2018 - 05 Nov 2018)
- Optimization Spinal Anaesthesia, l5th Asian Australasian Congress of Anaesthesiologists & the 26th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Anesthesiology, Chinese Society of Anaesthesiology (International) (01 Nov 2018 - 05 Nov 2018)
- 26th Midyear Convention with a theme "Critically Ill Parturient - giving best to both the lives", 26th Midyear Convention with a theme "Critically Ill Parturient - giving best to both the lives", Society for Obstetric Anesthesia of the Philippines (International) (27 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018)
- Optimizing spinal anesthesia block, Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology ( SOAP) Manila 26th Midyear convention, Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology ( SOAP) (International) (27 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018)
- Resuscitation of the collapsed pregnant patient special considerations. , Borneo Anaesthesia Intensive Care & Pain Conference, Borneo Anaesthesia Intensive Care & Pain Conference Organising Committee (National) (20 Jul 2018 - 21 Jul 2018)
- 5th Borneo Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Conference " Change & Challenges", 5th Borneo Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Conference., Hospital Queen Elizabeth & PERAKAS. (National) (20 Jul 2018 - 21 Jul 2018)
- Optimizing spinal anaesthesia in the obstetric population, Borneo Anaesthesia Intensive Care & Pain Conference, Borneo Anaesthesia Intensive Care & Pain Conference Organising Committee (National) (20 Jul 2018 - 21 Jul 2018)
- Management of the high risk obstetric parturient. , 14th AOSRA & Pain Medicine, Association of Societies of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (International) (17 Oct 2017 - 19 Oct 2017)
- Anesthesia for the High Risk Parturient , 14th AOSRA-PM Biennial Congress and the 49th PSA Annual Convention, Asian and Oceanic Society of Regional Anaesthesia - Pain Medicine, Philippine Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. (International) (17 Oct 2017 - 19 Oct 2017)
- Epidural for labour How I make it work (Tricks of the trade), Conference of the Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists in Bengaluru, India 2017, Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists (International) (30 Sep 2017 - 02 Oct 2017)
- Key Skill for leading change : Leading Teams, International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care, Institute for Healthcare Improvement and BMJ (International) (24 Aug 2017 - 26 Aug 2017)
- Working towards Excellence in Anesthesia, 18th National Conference of Society of Anesthesiology of Nepal, Society of Anesthesiology of Nepal (International) (23 Mar 2017 - 24 Mar 2017)
- My love story with oxygen, 18th National Conference of Society of Anesthesiology of Nepal, Society of Anesthesiology of Nepal (International) (23 Mar 2017 - 24 Mar 2017)
- Managing the obstetric patient with cardiac disease. , The 1st World Congress of Anesthesia on Obstetrics New Horizons in Obstetrics Anesthesia and Critical Care, World Congress of Anesthesia on Obstetrics (International) (23 Feb 2017 - 25 Feb 2017)
- Obstetric parturients with cardiac disease. , 12th Biennial Myanmar Conference of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Organising committee of the 12th Biennial Myanmar Conference of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (International) (09 Feb 2017 - 11 Feb 2017)
- Choosing Regional Anesthesia for the obstetric patient with cardiac disease. , 64th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, 25th -29th November 2016, Organizing committee of the 64th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, 25th -29th November 2016 (International) (25 Nov 2016 - 29 Nov 2016)
- Anemia and preeclampsia: Challenges to the obstetric anaesthesiologists. , 64th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, 25th -29th November 2016, Organising committee of the 64th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, 25th -29th November 2016 (International) (25 Nov 2016 - 29 Nov 2016)
- Success and Challenges of Obstetric Anesthesia Training in Malaysia. , World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, 28th of August 2nd September 2016, Organising Committee of the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, 28th of August 2nd September 2016 (International) (28 Aug 2016 - 02 Sep 2016)
- Managing the parturient with cardiac disease. , World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, 28th of August 2nd September 2016, Organising committee of the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, 28th of August 2nd September 2016 (International) (28 Aug 2016 - 02 Sep 2016)
- Regional anaesthesia and the use of antithrombotic agents. , Obstetric Satellite Meeting /ASM of the Malaysian Society of Anesthesiologists 25th -27th August 2016, Organising committee of Obstetric Satellite Meeting /ASM of the Malaysian Society of Anesthesiologists 25th -27th August 2016 (National) (25 Aug 2016 - 27 Aug 2016)
- The management of the high risk obstetric patient. , Vietnam Congress of Anaesthesiologists of the Vietnamese Society of Anesthesiologists, 23-24th June 2016, Vietnamese Society of Anesthesiologists (International) (23 Jun 2016 - 24 Jun 2016)
- The role of the anaesthesiologist in the management of massive hemorrhage in obstetrics. , Vietnam Congress of Anaesthesiologists of the Vietnamese Society of Anesthesiologists, 23-24th June 2016, Organising Committee of the Vietnam Congress of Anaesthesiologists of the Vietnamese Society of Anesthesiologists, 23-24th June 2016 (International) (23 Jun 2016 - 24 Jun 2016)
- 19th ASEAN Congress of Anesthesiologists 2015, 19th ASEAN Congress of Anesthesiologists 2015, Indonesian Societies of Anesthesiologist and Intensive therapy, Confederation of ASEAN Societies of Anaesthesiologists and World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (International) (29 Aug 2015 - 29 Aug 2015)
- Acute care (the big picture of Life). , Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists. 27th 29th August, 2015, Organising Committee of the Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists. 27th 29th August, 2015 (International) (27 Aug 2015 - 29 Aug 2015)
- Management of the High Risk Parturient. , Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists. 27th 29th August, 2015, Organising Committee of the Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists. 27th 29th August, 2015 (International) (27 Aug 2015 - 29 Aug 2015)
- Monitoring in acute care (monitoring for Hypoxia) , Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists. 27th 29th August, 2015, Indonesia, Organising Committee of the Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists. 27th 29th August, 2015, Indonesia (International) (27 Aug 2015 - 29 Aug 2015)
- Perfecting epidurals for labour. , Borneo Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Conference. 30th July 1st August 2015, Organising Committee of the Borneo Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Conference. 30th July 1st August 2015 (International) (30 Jul 2015 - 01 Aug 2015)
- My love story with oxygen. , Borneo Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Conference. 30th July 1st August 2015, Organising Committee of Borneo Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Conference. 30th July 1st August 2015 (International) (30 Jul 2015 - 01 Aug 2015)
- Wealth, Wisdom and Wellbeing. , Annual Scientific Congress and 13th Asian Society of Pediatric Anesthesiologists Congress, 11th -14th June, Malaysian Society of Anesthesiology and College of Anaesthesiologists (National) (11 Jun 2015 - 14 Jun 2015)
- Management of massive haemorrhage in obstetrics. , 13th AOSRA Congress 22nd-24th January 2015, Asia Oceania Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, (International) (22 Jan 2015 - 24 Jan 2015)
- Regional Anesthesia in the anti-coagulated patient. , 13th AOSRA-PM congress, Asia Oceania Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine (International) (22 Jan 2015 - 24 Jan 2015)
- Working towards excellence in Anesthesiology. , 2014 Vietnam Congress of Anesthesiologists 14th -15th of November 2014, Organising Committee of the 2014 Vietnam Congress of Anesthesiologists 14th -15th of November 2014 (International) (14 Nov 2014 - 15 Nov 2014)
- Managing the high risk parturient, Vietnam Congress of Anesthesiologists 14th - 15th November 2014 (International) (14 Nov 2014 - 15 Nov 2014)
- Environmental Impact of Anesthetics: are all anesthetics the same? , Asia Anesthesia Summit, April, 2014, Organising Committee of the Asia Anesthesia Summit, April, 2014 (International) (19 Apr 2014 - 20 Apr 2014)
- Hospital management conference, Hospital management conference, Sunway Medical Centre (International) (13 Nov 2013 - 14 Nov 2013)
- Error reduction strategies. , General Hospital Management Conference. 13th -14th Nov, 2013, Organising Committee of the General Hospital Management Conference. 13th -14th Nov, 2013 (National) (13 Nov 2013 - 14 Nov 2013)
- Learning from Michael Jackson s Death. , 18th Asean Congress of Anaesthesiologists. 31st Oct 3rd Nov 2013., Organising Committee of the 18th Asean Congress of Anaesthesiologists. 31st Oct 3rd Nov 2013. (International) (31 Oct 2013 - 03 Nov 2013)
- Is General anaesthesia more dangerous than regional anesthesia for obstetrics? , 18th Asean Congress of Anaesthesiologists. 31st Oct 3rd Nov 2013., Organising Committee of the 18th Asean Congress of Anaesthesiologists. 31st Oct 3rd Nov 2013. (International) (31 Oct 2013 - 03 Nov 2013)
- Two lives the anatomy and physiology of death. , 6th National Conference. 4-6th October, 2013, Association of obstetric anaesthesiologists.  (International) (04 Oct 2013 - 06 Oct 2013)
- Rajisacon 2013 & Wisacon 2013, Rajisacon 2013 & Wisacon 2013, Department Of Anaesthesiology RNT Medical College & ISA Udaipur City Branch (International) (27 Sep 2013 - 29 Sep 2013)
- Perioperative hypoxemia , XVI Rajasthan state conference & 10th West Zone Conference of India Society of Anaesthesiologists. 27-29th September, 2013, India Society of Anaesthesiologists (International) (27 Sep 2013 - 29 Sep 2013)
- Two lives the anatomy and physiology of death (maternal and fetal oxygen deprivation). , The society of Obstetric anaesthesia of the Philippines (SOAP) 25th anniversary convention. 30-31st August, 2013, The society of Obstetric anaesthesia of the Philippines (SOAP) (International) (30 Aug 2013 - 31 Aug 2013)
- Regional anaesthesia for the obstetric patient on anti-coagulant therapy. , The society of Obstetric anaesthesia of the Philippines (SOAP) 25th anniversary convention. 30-31st August, 2013, The society of Obstetric anaesthesia of the Philippines (SOAP)  (International) (30 Aug 2013 - 31 Aug 2013)
- Focusing On The Essential Of Obstetric Anesthesia Practice, 25th Anniversary Convention, The Society For Obstetric Anesthesia Of The Philippines (SOAP) (International) (30 Aug 2013 - 31 Aug 2013)
- Effective Presentation. , 12th AOSRA-PM , 19th -22nd June, 2013, Organising Committee of the 12th AOSRA-PM , 19th -22nd June, 2013 (National) (19 Jun 2013 - 22 Jun 2013)
- Regional anaesthesia and the use of anti-thrombotic agents. , 12th AOSRA-PM , 19th -22nd June, 2013, Organising Committee of the 12th AOSRA-PM , 19th -22nd June, 2013 (National) (19 Jun 2013 - 22 Jun 2013)
- Regional Analgesia and Anesthesia in parturients on antithrombotic agents., Regional Analgesia and Anesthesia in parturients on antithrombotic agents. , Japanese Society of Obstetric Anesthesiology and Perinatology, (International) (08 Dec 2012 - 09 Dec 2012)
- Professionalism attire & Bedside Etiquette, Workshop on communication skills in the workplace (University) (31 May 2012 - 31 May 2012)
- Regional Analgesia and Anesthesia in parturients on antithrombotic agents., World Congress of Anesthesiologists (International) (25 Mar 2012 - 30 Mar 2012)
- Management of the high risk parturient., World Congress of Anesthesiologists  (International) (25 Mar 2012 - 30 Mar 2012)
- Management of the cardiac parturient, World Congress of Anesthesiologists (International) (25 Mar 2012 - 30 Mar 2012)
- Management of the Haemorrhaging Obstetric Patient., Obstetric Anesthesia symposium , Organising Committee of the Obstetric Anesthesia symposium  (International) (03 Dec 2011 - 03 Dec 2011)
- Obstetric haemorrhage. Updates in Anesthesia and Intensive Care., Updates in Anesthesia and Intensive Care. Morpheus 2, Organising Committee of the Updates in Anesthesia and Intensive Care. Morpheus 2 (National) (04 Nov 2011 - 04 Nov 2011)
- Health and Wellness. Updates in Anesthesia and Intensive Care., Updates in Anesthesia and Intensive Care. Morpheus 2 , Organising Committee of the Updates in Anesthesia and Intensive Care. Morpheus 2  (National) (04 Nov 2011 - 04 Nov 2011)
- Cardiovascular mishaps in obstetric anesthesia., 4th National Conference of Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists (International) (16 Sep 2011 - 18 Sep 2011)
- Perioperative management stenotic heart diseases., 4th National Conference of Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists  (International) (16 Sep 2011 - 18 Sep 2012)
- Appropriate Care. Annual Scientific Meeting , Malaysia. 23th -25th April, 2011, , Annual Scientific Meeting , Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists & College of Anaesthesiologists, Academy of Medicine (National) (23 Apr 2011 - 25 Apr 2011)
- Delayed emergence., 17th Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists. , Organising Committee of the 17th Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists.  (International) (23 Feb 2011 - 26 Feb 2011)
- Michael Jackson s DEATH lessons learnt., 17th Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists. 23- 26th February 2011, Organising Committee of the 17th Asean Congress of Anesthesiologists. 23- 26th February 2011 (International) (23 Feb 2011 - 26 Feb 2011)
- "Battery of Life" - A novel tool in predicting outcomes in acutely hospitalized older patients, 13th National Geriatric conference , MSGM, HKL, UMMC (National) (17 Aug 2017 - 18 Aug 2017)
- Management of the high risk obstetric parturient. , 14th AOSRA-PM Biennial Congress and the 49th PSA Annual Convention (Congress), Asian and Oceanic Society of Regional Anaesthesia - Pain Medicine, Philippine Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. (International) (17 Oct 2017 - 19 Oct 2017)
- The Panel Discussion : Labour Analgesia, 10th National Conference of Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists, Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists (International) (01 Oct 2017 - 02 Oct 2017)
- Hemodynamic Monitoring, Hemodynamic Monitoring- Workshop ( Pre-congress Workshop : 10th National Conference of Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists), Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists (International) (30 Sep 2017 - 30 Sep 2017)
- Labour Analgesia Workshop, 64th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Organising committee of the 64th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists (International) (25 Nov 2016 - 29 Nov 2016)
- Panel discussion: the last 24 hours in utero. , Obstetric Satellite Meeting /ASM of the Malaysian Society of Anesthesiologists 25th -27th August 2016, Organising committee of the Obstetric Satellite Meeting /ASM of the Malaysian Society of Anesthesiologists 25th -27th August 2016 (National) (25 Aug 2016 - 27 Aug 2016)
- Panel discussion: Medicolegal- preventing the next court case. , Obstetric Satellite Meeting /ASM of the Malaysian Society of Anesthesiologists 25th -27th August 2016, Organising committee of the Obstetric Satellite Meeting /ASM of the Malaysian Society of Anesthesiologists 25th -27th August 2016 (National) (25 Aug 2016 - 27 Aug 2016)
- Supraglottic Airway Device: Accessing the Baska Mask @ UMMC Workshop, Supraglottic Airway Device: Accessing the Baska Mask @ UMMC Workshop, Department of Anaesthesiology, FOM, UM (National) (03 Apr 2015 - 03 Apr 2015)
- Conjoint Medical Education Seminar 2014 "revalidation", Conjoint Medical Education Seminar 2014 "revalidation" (International) (14 Mar 2014 - 14 Mar 2014)
- Essential Pain Workshop in Nakhon Sawan, , Essential Pain Workshop  (International) (12 Nov 2012 - 14 Nov 2012)
- Michael Jackson s DEATH lessons learnt., Annual Scientific Meeting, Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists & College of Anaesthesiologists, , Academy of Medicine, Malaysia. (National) (23 Apr 2010 - 25 Apr 2010)
- Management of the cardiac parturient for delivery., Joint meeting of the 7th OASAO & 7th International Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Obstetric Anaesthesia & Indonesian Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine ,  (International) (17 Feb 2010 - 20 Feb 2010)
- Anesthetic management of the high risk obstetric parturient., 2nd Kure International Medical Forum (International) (24 Jul 2009 - 26 Jul 2009)
- The role of the anaesthesiologist in the education of para-medical staff. , 1st International Airway Conference (International) (20 May 2009 - 22 May 2009)
- Airway management at the frontline an inconvenient truth. , 20th-22nd May, 2009, , 1st International Airway Conference (International) (20 May 2009 - 22 May 2009)
- Obstetric anesthesia in patients with valvular heart disease., Annual Scientific Meeting, Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists & College of Anaesthesiologists, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia (National) (25 Apr 2008 - 27 Apr 2008)
- The role of the anaesthesiologist in the education of non-anaesthesiologists, Annual Scientific Meeting, Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists & College of Anaesthesiologists, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia. , Academy of Medicine, Malaysia.  (National) (25 Apr 2008 - 27 Apr 2008)
- The obstetric patient with valvular heart disease., World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (International) (02 Mar 2008 - 07 Mar 2008)
- regional anaesthesia be used for the parturient with coagulation problems? , 15th Asean Congress of Anaesthesiologists (International) (10 Nov 2007 - 13 Nov 2007)
- The new CPR guidelines, National Heart Association, National Heart Association (National) (01 Apr 2007 - 02 Apr 2007)
- Management of the high risk obstetric parturient., Asian- Australasian Congress of Anaesthesiologists, (International) (06 Dec 2006 - 10 Dec 2006)
- Acute care- selling a concept, 40th Malaysia Singapore Congress of Medicine (National) (24 Aug 2006 - 27 Aug 2006)
- Diagnostic procedures: which local anesthetics?, 12th World Congress of Pain Clinics (International) (04 Jul 2006 - 07 Jul 2006)
- Pain management for patients on anticoagulation, 8th Biennial Congress of the Asian & Oceanic Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. (International) (07 Dec 2005 - 10 Dec 2005)
- Use of combined spinal epidural for the complicated obstetric parturient., 8th Biennial Congress of the Asian & Oceanic Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (International) (07 Dec 2005 - 10 Dec 2005)
- Obesity, sleep apnoea and anaesthesia., 14th asean Congress of Anesthesiologists (International) (23 Nov 2005 - 25 Nov 2005)
- Safety in the Operating Theatre prevention of needle stick injury, 2nd Conferenceon military operation theatre and critical care services in Malacca (National) (01 Jun 2005)
Postgraduate Student
(2017) Impact of alkalosis on the outcome of intensive care unit patients, Lee Kwan Tuck
(2016) To evaluate and compare National Early Warning Score ( NEWS) and Battery of Life ( BOL) score in ASA III,IV or V patients undergoing Emergency Operation, Tan Mei Xuan
(2016) Impact of dehydration on the outcome of intensive care unit patients?, Ai Sin Ling
(2016) Battery of Life ( BOL) assessment in critically ill patients, Jonathan Tan Wei Lun
(2015) Does prophylactic per oral warm water intake reduce incidence of shivering post spinal anesthesia?, James A/L Joseph
(2015) Correlation between vertebral column length, abdominal circumference and spread of intrathecal hyperbaric buivacaine in the term parturientt, Soo Suet Ker
(2014) Anaesthesiology, Chong Kok Wah
(2013) Anaesthesiology, Lee Swea Fern
(2013) Anaesthesiology, Chong Howe Yee
(2012) The association between maternal sleep position 24 hours prior to lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) and neonate s arterial blood gases among normal and low birth weight babies, Afidzah Bt Othman
(2012) Predictors of critical incidents in paediatric anaesthesia, Siti Aznida Bt Abd Karim
(2012) Perioperative estimation of Hemoglobin by health care providers during elective Caesarean Section Operations, Chin Kon Sin
(2012) Comparison of 0.8% Sevoflurane versus Entonox for labour analgesia, Kevin Ng Wei Shan
(2012) A retrospective review of effectiveness of Base Excess and Serum Lactate as prognostic indicatiors for patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit, Ng Tze Ling
(2012) A Retrospective Review of Effectiveness of Admisision Sodium and Calcium As Prognostic Indicator For Outcome of Patients in the Intensive Care Unit, Yee Jun Vui
(2012) Anaesthesiology, Nur Hasnida Bt Zainal A'bidin
(2012) Anaesthesiology, Norjamiza Bt Che Jamil
(2012) Anaesthesiology, Kang Ker Seng
(2012) Anaesthesiology, Julie Eileena Bt Abd Razak
(2010) A Prospective Observational Study of the Association Between Base Excess and Lactate Levels as Prognostic Indicators of Patients presenting for Emergency Surgery, Ambiga Chelliah
(2008) Anaesthesiology, Lee Pui Kuan
(2007) Anaesthesiology, Nesalatchumy A/P Muthusamy
(2007) Anaesthesiology, Carolyn Yim Chue Wai
(2006) Anaesthesiology, Sherliza Bt Wahab
(2006) Anaesthesiology, Isnul Hadi B Ismail
(2006) Anaesthesiology, Chong Tian Huat
(2006) Anaesthesiology, Cheah Keen Hoe
(2005) Desflurane vs Sevoflurane: Time taken to remove laryngeal mask after short surgical procedures via spontanuoues breathing anaesthesia technique., Sivanesan a/l T Subramaniam
(2005) Audit on emergency caesarean section based on the four-grade urgency classification, Low Shiau Chuan
(2004) The correlation of the bromage score with the sensory level in spinal anaesthesia, given in a lateral position, for patients undergoing elective caesarean section. Does the position of giving the subarachoid block matters?, Nora Azura binti Dintan
(2004) Cancellation of scheduled elective inpatient operations on the day of intended surgery, Fatmawati bte Noseri alias Nazri
(2004) Anaesthesiology, Zakir Hussain b SM Ziaudeen
(2004) Anaesthesiology, Ghanamalar John
(2004) Anaesthesiology, Audrey Teoh Jo Ann
(2000) Anaesthesiology, Thirugnana Sambathan
(2000) Anaesthesiology, Muralitharan A/L Perumal