Curriculum Vitae
- B.Tech(COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING), (COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING)Islamic University of Science & Technology
- Project Member20 Sep 2023 - 30 Mar 2025 (National)
- Project Member20 Sep 2023 - 20 Mar 2025 (National)
- Project Leader01 May 2024 - 01 Nov 2024 (International)
- Project Leader01 May 2024 - 01 Nov 2024 (International)
- Course Coordinator04 Mar 2024 - 07 Jul 2024 (Faculty)
- Course Coordinator04 Mar 2024 - 07 Jul 2024 (University Malaya)
Article in Journal
Khan, Burhan Ul Islam; Goh, Khang Wen; Khan, Abdul Raouf; Zuhairi, Megat F.; Chaimanee, Mesith (2024). Integrating AI and Blockchain for Enhanced Data Security in IoT-Driven Smart Cities, PROCESSES. 12(9). doi:10.3390/pr12091825
Khan, Burhan Ul Islam; Anwar, Farhat; Rahman, Farah Diyana Bt. Abdul; Olanrewaju, Rashidah Funke; Kiah, Laiha B. Mat; Rahman, Md Arafatur; Janin, Zuriati (2022). EXPLORING MANET SECURITY ASPECTS: ANALYSIS OF ATTACKS AND NODE MISBEHAVIOUR ISSUES, MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. 35(4), 307-338. doi:10.22452/mjcs.vol35no4.2
Khan, Burhan Ul Islam; Olanrewaju, Rashidah Funke; Morshidi, Malik Arman; Mir, Roohie Naaz; Kiah, Miss Laiha Binti Mat; Khan, Abdul Mobeen (2022). EVOLUTION AND ANALYSIS OF SECURE HASH ALGORITHM (SHA) FAMILY, MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. 35(3), 179-200. doi:10.22452/mjcs.vol35no3.1
Olanrewaju, Rashidah Funke; Khan, Burhan Ul Islam; Kiah, Miss Laiha Mat; Abdullah, Nor Aniza; Goh, Khang Wen (2022). Decentralized Blockchain Network for Resisting Side-Channel Attacks in Mobility-Based IoT, ELECTRONICS. 11(23). doi:10.3390/electronics11233982
Khan, Burhan Ul Islam; Goh, Khang Wen; Mir, Mohammad Shuaib; Mohd Rosely, Nur Fatin Liyana; Mir, Aabid Ahmad; Chaimanee, Mesith (2024). Blockchain-Enhanced Sensor-as-a-Service (SEaaS) in IoT: Leveraging Blockchain for Efficient and Secure Sensing Data Transactions, INFORMATION. 15(4). doi:10.3390/info15040212
Sharmin, Afsah; Olanrewaju, Rashidah Funke; Khan, Burhan Ul Islam; Anwar, Farhat; Motakabber, S. M. A.; Rosely, Nur Fatin Liyana Mohd; Hashim, Aisha Hassan Abdalla (2023). Secure IoT Routing through Manifold Criterion Trust Evaluation using Ant Colony Optimization, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS. 14(11), 131-143
Anwar, Farhat; Khan, Burhan Ul Islam; Kiah, Miss Laiha Mat; Abdullah, Nor Aniza; Goh, Khang Wen (2022). A Comprehensive Insight into Blockchain Technology: Past Development, Present Impact and Future Considerations, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS. 13(11), 878-907
Khan, Burhan Ul Islam; Anwar, Farhat; Rahman, Farah Diyana Bt. Abdul; Olanrewaju, Rashidah Funke; Goh, Khang Wen; Janin, Zuriati; Rahman, Md Arafatur (2022). SGM: Strategic Game Model for Resisting Node Misbehaviour in IoT-Cloud Ecosystem, INFORMATION. 13(11). doi:10.3390/info13110544
Olanrewaju, Rashidah Funke; Khan, Burhan Ul Islam; Goh, Khang Wen; Hashim, Aisha Hassan Abdalla; Bin Sidek, Khairul Azami; Khan, Zuhani Ismail; Daniyal, Hamdan (2022). A Holistic Architecture for a Sales Enablement Sensing-as-a-Service Model in the IoT Environment, INFORMATION. 13(11). doi:10.3390/info13110514
Khan B.U.I., Goh K.W., Mir M.S., Mohd Rosely N.F.L., Mir A.A., Chaimanee M. (2024). Blockchain-Enhanced Sensor-as-a-Service (SEaaS) in IoT: Leveraging Blockchain for Efficient and Secure Sensing Data Transactions, Information (Switzerland). 15(4). doi:10.3390/info15040212
Sharmin A., Olanrewaju R.F., Khan B.U.I., Anwar F., Motakabber S.M.A., Rosely N.F.L.M., Hashim A.H.A. (2023). Secure IoT Routing Through Manifold Criterion Trust Evaluation using Ant Colony Optimization, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 14(11), 131-143. doi:10.14569/IJACSA.2023.0141113
Khan, B. U. I., Anwar, F., Rahman, F. D. B. A., Olanrewaju, R. F., Kiah, M. L. B. M., Rahman, M. A., & Janin, Z. (2022). Exploring Manet Security Aspects: Analysis of Attacks and Node Misbehaviour Issues. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 35(4), 307-338.
Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Hashim, A. H. A., Sidek, K. A., Khan, Z. I., & Daniyal, H. (2022). The Internet of Things vision: A comprehensive review of architecture, enabling technologies, adoption challenges, research open issues and contemporary applications. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 26(1), 51-77.
Khan, B. U. I., Anwar, F., Olanrewaju, R. F., Kiah, M. L. B. M., & Mir, R. N. (2021). Game theory analysis and modeling of sophisticated multi-collusion attack in MANETs. IEEE Access, 9, 61778-61792.
Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Morshidi, M. A., Anwar, F., & Kiah, M. L. B. M. (2021). A frictionless and secure user authentication in web-based premium applications. IEEE Access, 9, 129240-129255.
Anwar, F., Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Pampori, B. R., & Mir, R. N. (2020). A comprehensive insight into game theory in relevance to cyber security. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 8(1), 189-203.
Khan, B. U. I., Anwar, F., Olanrewaju, R. F., Pampori, B. R., & Mir, R. N. (2020). A game theory-based strategic approach to ensure reliable data transmission with optimized network operations in futuristic mobile adhoc networks. Ieee Access, 8, 124097-124109.
Khan, B. U. I., Anwar, F., Olanrewaju, R. F., Pampori, B. R., & Mir, R. N. (2020). A novel multi-agent and multilayered game formulation for intrusion detection in Internet of Things (IoT). IEEE Access, 8, 98481-98490.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Anwar, F., Mir, R. N., & Yaacob, M. (2020). Scrutinising internet banking security solutions. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 12(2-3), 269-302.
Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Anwar, F., Pampori, B. R., & Mir, R. N. (2020). MANET security appraisal: Challenges, essentials, attacks, countermeasures & future directions. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(6), 3013-3024.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Anwar, F., & Mir, R. N. (2019). ECM-GT: Design of efficient computational modelling based on game theoretical approach towards enhancing the security solutions in MANET. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 8(7), 506-519.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Anwar, F., Mir, R. N., & Najeeb, A. R. (2019). A critical insight into the effectiveness of research methods evolved to secure IoT ecosystem. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 11(4-5), 332-354.
Nissar, G., Garg, D. K., & Khan, B. U. I. (2019). Implementation of security enhancement in AES by inducting dynamicity in AES s-box. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10), 2010-2018.
Anwar, F., Masud, M. H., Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., & Latif, S. A. (2018). Analysis of packet reordering delay for bandwidth aggregation in heterogeneous wireless networks. IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology, 6(7), 9-20.
Anwar, F., Masud, M. H., Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., & Latif, S. A. (2018). Bandwidth allocation policy using the game theory model in heterogeneous wireless networks. IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT), 6(7), 1-8.
Hussain, S., Khan, B. U. I., Anwar, F., & Olanrewaju, R. F. (2018). Secure annihilation of out-of-band authorization for online transactions. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 11(5), 1-9.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., & Anwar, F. (2018). Rehashing system security solutions in e-banking. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4), 4905-4910.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Anwar, F., Najeeb, A. R., & Yaacob, M. (2018). A survey on MANETs: architecture, evolution, applications, security issues and solutions. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 12(2), 832-842.
Khan, B.U.I., Olanrewaju, R.F., & Anwar, F. (2018). Internet of Things - Security Vulnerabilities and Recommended Solutions. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4), 4899-4904.
Latif, S. A. (2018). Game theory for resource allocation in heterogeneous wireless networks-a review. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 12(2), 843-851.
Latif, S. A. (2018). Radio Access Technology (RAT) Selection Mechanism using TOPSIS Method in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (HWN). Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 12(2), 852-864.
Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Khan, A. R., Yaacob, M., & Alam, M. M. (2018). Efficient cache replacement policy for minimising error rate in L2-STT-MRAM caches. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 9(4), 307-321.
Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Najeeb, A. R., Zahir, K. N., & Hussain, S. (2018). Snort-based smart and swift intrusion detection system. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 11(4), 1-9.
Pampori, B. R., Mehraj, T., Khan, B. U. I., Baba, A. M., & Najar, Z. A. (2018). Securely eradicating cellular dependency for e-banking applications. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 9(2), 385-398.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Baba, A. M., Langoo, A. A., & Assad, S. (2017). A compendious study of online payment systems: Past developments, present impact, and future considerations. International journal of advanced computer science and applications, 8(5), 256-271.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Mattoo, M. M. U. I., Aziz, A. A., & Lone, S. A. (2017). Modeling malicious multi-attacker node collusion in MANETs via game theory. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 25(3), 568-579.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Mir, R. N., Khan, A. R., & Yusoff, S. H. (2017). A Computationally Efficient P-LRU based Optimal Cache Heap Object Replacement Policy. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 8(1), 128-138.
Khan, B.U.I., Rasool, B., Mattoo, M.M.U.I., Hurrah, A.A., Ajayi, B.A., & Olanrewaju, R.F. (2017). Linking Software Engineering Paradigms to Islamic Values. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 95(7), 1407-1417.
Masihuddin, M., Khan, B. U. I., Mattoo, M. M. U. I., & Olanrewaju, R. F. (2017). A survey on e-payment systems: elements, adoption, architecture, challenges and security concepts. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10(20), 1-19.
Mir, M.S., Suhaimi, M.A., Khan, B.U.I., Mattoo, M.M.U.I. & Olanrewaju, R.F. (2017). Critical security challenges in cloud computing environment: An appraisal. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95(10), 2234-2248.
Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Mattoo, M. M. U. I., Anwar, F., Nordin, A. N. B., & Mir, R. N. (2017). Securing electronic transactions via payment gateways–a systematic review. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 7(3), 245-269.
Olanrewaju, R.F., Khan, B.U.I., Mattoo, M.M.U.I., Anwar, F., Nordin, N. B., Mir, R. N., & Noor, Z. (2017). Adoption of cloud computing in higher learning institutions: a systematic review. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10(36), 1-19.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Baba, A. M., Mir, R. N., & Lone, S. A. (2016). DTASR: dual threshold-based authentication for secure routing in mobile adhoc network. World Engineering & Applied Sciences Journal, 7(2), 68-73.
Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Anwar, F., Khan, A. R., Shaikh, F. A., & Mir, M. S. (2016). MANET–A cogitation of its design and security issues. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 24(10), 3094-3107.
Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Mir, R. N., Baba, A. M., & Anwar, F. (2016). Dfam: A distributed feedback analysis mechanism for knowledge based educational big data. Jurnal Teknologi, 78(12-3), 31-38.
Khan, B. U. I, Olanrewaju, R. F., Mir, R. N., Baba, A., & Adebayo, B. W. (2015). Strategic Profiling for Behaviour Visualization of Malicious Node in Manets Using Game Theory. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 77(1), 25-43.
Mehraj, T., Rasool, B., Khan, B. U. I., Baba, A., & Lone, A. G. (2015). Contemplation of effective security measures in access management from adoptability perspective. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 6(8), 188-200.
Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Mir, R. N., & Shah, A. (2015). Behaviour visualization for malicious-attacker node collusion in MANET based on probabilistic approach. American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 2(3), 10-19.
Khan, B. U. I., & Olanrewaju, R. F. (2014). QoS oriented MapReduce Optimization for Hadoop Based BigData Application. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 4(4), 12-15.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Ali, N. A. B., & Shah, A. (2014). ElePSO: energy aware elephant swarm optimization for mobile adhoc network. Pensee, 76(5), 88-103.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., Anwar, F., & Shah, A. (2014). Manifestation and mitigation of node misbehaviour in adhoc networks. Wulfenia Journal, 21(3), 462-470.
Khan, B. U., Olanrewaju, R. F., Altaf, H., & Shah, A. (2014). Critical insight for MapReduce optimization in Hadoop. International Journal of Computer Science and Control Engineering, 2(1), 1-7.
Dar, H., Khan, B.U.I., & Shah, A. (2013). Evaluating the Effect of using IP version and Physical Media on the ICMP Throughput of a LAN. Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology Research, 3(1), 21-30.
Khan, B. U. I., Olanrewaju, R. F., & Habaebi, M. H. (2013). Malicious Behaviour of Node and its Significant Security Techniques in MANET-A. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(12), 286-293.
Khan, B.U.I., Dar , H., Shah, A., & Olanrewaju, R. F. (2013). Evaluating the Effect of IP and IGP on the ICMP Throughput of a WAN. Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology Research, 3(2), 71-82.
Chapter in Books
- Firdose, S., & Islam Khan, B. U. (2023). Predictive Classification Framework for Software Demand Using Ensembled Machine Learning. In Software Engineering Methods in Systems and Network Systems (pp. 183-195). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- 2023 - 2025, INTI IU Research Seeding Grant 2023Conceptualizing SEaaS-based unified IoT Architectural Framework for Futuristic IoT Applications, INTI International College Subang, Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
- 2023 - 2025, INTI IU Research Seeding Grant 2023Graph-based Decentralized Architecture Approach for Improving Security and Scalability in Ethereum Blockchains, INTI International College Subang, Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
- 2024 - 2024, Ambitious Researcher - Research ArticlesResource Management and Secure Data Exchange Model for Mobile Sensors Using Ethereum Blockchain, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2024 - 2024, Ambitious Researcher - Research ArticlesIntegrating AI and Blockchain for Enhanced Data Security in IoT-Driven Smart Cities, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2024 - 2026, Bantuan Khas Penyelidikan (BKP Special)Game Theory-Based Exhaustive Strategic Modelling of Node Misbehavior Issues Towards Threat Analysis in Futuristic MANET-enabled IoT Systems. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- (2024) Journal Article Review (Discover Internet of Things), International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Journal Article Review (Telecommunication Systems), International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Journal Article Review (Journal of Supercomputing), International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Journal Article Review (Discover Internet of Things), International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Peer Review of The Book "Beyond Blockchain: Reviewing The Impact and Evolution of Decentralized Networks," by Bentham Science Publishers, International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Journal Article Review (Discover Computing), International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Journal Article Review (Discover Applied Sciences), International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Journal Article Review (Cluster Computing), International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Journal Article Review (Cluster Computing), International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Journal Article Review (Wireless Personal Communications), International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Journal Article Reviewer (Cluster Computing), International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Journal Article Review (Wireless Personal Communications), International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Journal Article Review (Journal of Supercomputing), International, (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2025) Research Fellow, International, (Resource Person)
Under Graduate Students
- (2024) Security Enhancement in AES: Key Dispersion and Dynamic S-Box Integration
- (2023) Industrial Training, Salehuddin bin Mustafa, Kang Qiao Rou
Postgraduate Student
- (2024) Anomaly based Intrusion Detection System Perspective to Data Center: Applying Machine Learning Approaches, MD RAWSHAN ALAM
- (2024) WIA1003 - Computer System Architecture
- (2024) WIX1003 - Computer Systems and Organization
- (2024) WIX1002 - Fundamentals of Programming
- (2024) WIX3003 - Information Security Management and Ethics
- (2023) WIX1002 - Fundamentals of Programming