Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Baskaran Angathevar is Associate Professor at Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya. He holds PhD (Science & Technology Policy Studies, Sussex, UK), MSc (Financial Management, Middlesex, UK), MPhil (International Studies, JNU, India), MA (History, Punjab, India), MA (Political Science, Madurai, India), and BA (History & Pol. Sci., Madurai, India).
His research expertise includes, Economics of innovation; National innovation systems; Science, technology and development; FDI & OFDI; and Business Incubators; Entrepreneurship & Financial management of small businesses, with main focus on multidisciplinary themes related to emerging and developing economies.
His previous work experience includes: Research Fellow, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University Business School, London, UK (1999 to 2014); Senior Associate Research Fellow, SHARCHI Chair Programme, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.
He has taught several courses at UG level including: Entrepreneurial Economics, Small Entrepreneurship Development/ SME Development, Research Methodology (at University of Malaya); Business Decisions; Managerial Finance; Corporate Reporting; Research Project; Accounting for Business; Accounting Theories and Research Methods (at Middlesex University). PG courses: Entrepreneurship and Development, Sustainable Development and Environmental Management, Globalization and Development, Poverty and Inequality, and Development Theory and Practice (at University of Malaya); Research Methodology, Financial Management for the Small Business; Entrepreneurial Finance; and Financial & Management Accounting (at Middlesex University).
He supervised over 50 UG projects including industrial placement projects (over 10 at University of Malaya); over 100 Masters Dissertations and Research Projects (5 Dissertation and 6 Projects at University of Malaya); and 4 Doctoral completion (1 at University of Malaya). Examined 23 PhD Thesis for universities in the UK, Italy, Malaysia, and India.
Produced over 85 publications, including 10 books, 20 book chapters, and 32 articles in internationally refereed journals. Contributed to UNESCO Science Report 2015, OECD - Microenterprise Breakout Strategy in Malaysia and Oxford Analytica, UK - Indian National Innovation System. Reviewed research funding applications for Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Government of Malaysia, DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme, UK and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), and reviewed several papers for journals and conferences.
Currently leading research projects on: "Business Incubators for Social Enterprise, Social Inclusion, and Inclusive Growth", "Role of Social Enterprise in Poverty Alleviation and Inclusive Development in Malaysia", "Exploratory Study of the Solar Industry Ecosystem in Malaysia (University Grants); Developing Environmental Reporting Framework for the Small and Medium Enterprises in Malaysia: Using Q-Methodological Approach" (FRGS, Government of Malaysia) and "Catching-up along the Global Value Chain: models, determinants and policy implications in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" (European Commission Grant).
He has research collaborative links in several countries including South Africa, China, India, Bangladesh, Italy, Finland, and UK. Actively involved in GLOBELICS, ASIALICS, and AFRICALICS research networks.
He was invited as expert speaker on innovation systems by several institutions including UNCTAD, Department of Science and Technology in South Africa, CASTED & IPM, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), and invited speakers at universities in Denmark, Finland, China, India, and South Africa.
He is Co-Editor-in-Chief, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID); Member, Editorial Board in: International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, and Innovation and Development.
- ICT POLICY (INCLUDING DIGITAL ECONOMY POLICY, TELECOMMUNICATION POLICY)Applied Science And Technology, Information And Communication Technology (ict), Specialist Topics In Ict
- POLICY FOR STISocial Sciences, Policy Studies, Science, Technology And Innovation (sti) Policy
- ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTINGApplied Social Science And Humanities, Accounting, Environmental, Social And Governance (esg) Accounting
- DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT FOR MSMEApplied Social Science And Humanities, Entrepreneurship, Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (msme)
- COMMUNITY SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURApplied Social Science And Humanities, Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship
- CIRCULAR ECONOMYEnvironment Sustainability, Sustainable Consumption And Production (scp)
- DIGITAL ECONOMYEconomic Empowerment, Economic Growth
- INNOVATION ECONOMYEconomic Empowerment, Economic Growth
- EQUITABLE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTEconomic Empowerment, Economic Equity
- MA (Political Science), (Political Science)Madurai Kamaraj University, India
- MSc (Financial Management)Middlesex University
- M.A. (History), (History)Panjab University, India
- PhD (Science and Technology Policy Studies), (Polisi Pengurusan Sains dan Teknologi)Sussex University, Sussex, UK
- 10 Sep 2021-Profesor Madya
Jabatan Pengajian Pembangunan, Fakulti Perniagaan dan Ekonomi
- Head14 Sep 2022 - 13 Sep 2024 (University of Malaya North-South Research Center (Umnsrc), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Committee Members26 Oct 2021 - 25 Oct 2024 (Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Business and Economics)
- Committee Members16 Jul 2021 - 15 Jul 2023 (Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Business and Economics)
- Head06 Sep 2021 - 05 Sep 2022 (University of Malaya North-South Research Center (Umnsrc), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Coordinator06 Sep 2021 - 05 Sep 2022 (University Malaya)
- Member, Research Committee Faculty of Economics and Administration11 Nov 2019 - 10 Nov 2021 (University Malaya)
- Department of Development Studies Representative Postgraduate Studies (Higher Degree) Committee, FEA16 Jul 2019 - 15 Jul 2021 (University Malaya)
- Curriculum Review Board (Higher Degree) Member04 Jul 2019 - 05 Jul 2021 (University Malaya)
- Member, Task Force Semakan Kurikulum Program Ijazah Tinggi18 Apr 2020 - 31 Dec 2020 (Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
- Member, Jawatankuasa Pengajian Ijazah Dasar (JPID)01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2017 (Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2022, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2020, Universiti Malaya
- 2019: Mygrants Frgs - Ipt Evaluation Panel Member: University of Malaya2019, MYGRANTS, (National)
- 2019: Mygrants Frgs - Ipt Evaluation Panel Member: University of Kuala Lumpur2019, MYGRANTS, (National)
- 2019: Invited Member for Technical Committees of 2020 International Conference On Management of E-Commerce and E-Government; March 28-31, 2020, Jeju Island, South Korea.2019, 2020 International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government March 28-31, 2020, Jeju Island, South Korea, (International)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2019, Universiti Malaya
- 2018: Committee Member for The Summer Camp Global Academy 12-28 July. School of Business Administration, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (Swufe), Chengdu, China.2018, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), Chengdu, China., (International)
- 2016: Consultant for Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (Oecd) Increasing Productivity in Traditional Small Enterprises: Evidence and Policy Experience; Sme Corp.?S Micro-Enterprise Breakout Strategy, Malaysia.2016, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), (International)
- 2016: Adviser: Economist Intelligence Unit, Social Innovation Index: Bangladesh. Part of The Nippon Foundation, The Eiu Initiative On Building a Unique, First-of-a-Kind Index That Will Rank 45 Countries Around The Environment That Enables Social Innovation.2016, Economist Intelligence Unit, (International)
- 2015: Expert Academic Peer Reviewer for The UK Department for International Development & Economic and Social Research Council (Dfid-Esrc) Growth Research Programme (Degrp) ? Research Funding Call 3 Academic Assessor Group. Reviewed 6 Applications.2015, UK Department for International Development & Economic and Social Research Council (DFID-ESRC) , (International)
- 2015: Expert Academic Reviewer for Swiss National Science Foundation (Snsf) Research Funding Applications2015, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), (International)
- 2014-2015: Invited Contributor - Unesco Science Report 2015. Introduction Global Overview Chapter: ?a World in Search of An Effective Growth Strategy? in: Unesco Science Report: Towards 2030 (2015). Http://En.Unesco.Org/Unesco_science_report2014, UNESCO, (International)
- 2012: Expert Reviewer - The South African Research Chair Programme of The National Research Foundation to Ascertain The Effect of The Dst/Nrf Chair in The Institute for Economic Research On Innovation (Ieri) Hosted At Tshwane University of Technology and Directed by Professor Mammo Muchie.2012, South African Research Chair Programme of the National Research Foundation, (International)
- 2010: Invited Speaker, Department of Science and Technology (Dst), Government of South Africa: ?Space Science in India: Lessons for Converting Knowledge in Space Science for Economic Development?, Pretoria, 28 September 2010.2010, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of South Africa, (International)
- 2007: Invited Speaker as a Panelist At Pre-Unctad Xii Event On Science, Technology, Innovation and Icts for Development, Organized by The United Nations Conference On Trade and Development (Unctad), Palais Des Nations (United Nations), Geneva. 6th December 2007. Title: ?ICT for Innovation Systems - Comparative Experiences from Developing Countries?.2007, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), (International)
- 2008: Consultancy Award from Oxford Analytica: Project Title: ?Indian National Innovation System?. Prepared for National Intelligence Council, Usa.2006, Oxford Analytica, UK, (International)
- British Chevening Research Fellowship1992, CHEVENING, UK Government Scholarship, (International)
Article in Journal
Masud, Muhammad Mehedi; Shahabudin, Sharifah Muhairah; Baskaran, Angathevar; Akhtar, Rulia (2022). Co-management approach to sustainable management of marine protected areas: The case of Malaysia, MARINE POLICY. 138. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105010
Thi Thu Cuc Nguyen; Thi Hoai Phuong Nguyen; Thi Bich Thuy Nguyen; Selvarajan, Sonia Kumari; Baskaran, Angathevar (2022). The impact of opportunity factors on fraudulent behavior in the Vietnamese stock market, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ECONOMICS. 79. doi:10.1016/j.asieco.2022.101451
Chandran, V. G. R., Nourani, M., Selvarajan, S. K., & Baskaran, A. (2021). Selective research funding policy and catching up the ladder in university research performance in Malaysia. Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(3), 539-550. doi: 10.1002/mde.3252
Tang, M. F., Walsh, G. S., Li, C. W., & Baskaran, A. (2021). Exploring technology business incubators and their business incubation models: case studies from China. Journal of Technology Transfer, 46(1), 90-116. doi: 10.1007/s10961-019-09759-4
Tang, Mingfeng; Yang, Chen; Baskaran, Angathevar; Tan, Jianwei (2020). Engaging alumni entrepreneurs in the student entrepreneurship development process: A social network perspective, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION & DEVELOPMENT. 12(5), 619-629. doi:10.1080/20421338.2020.1769252
Baskaran, A., Chandran, V. G. R., Ng, B. K. (2019). Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable Growth: Role of Business Incubators, Academia and Social Enterprises in Asia. Science Technology and Society, 24(3), 385-400. doi:10.1177/0971721819873178
Baskaran, A., Tang, M., Thiruchelvam, K., Shahabudin, S. M., Chan, T. S. Y. (2019). Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Growth: Attributes, Perceptions and Roles of Business Incubators and Intermediaries in Malaysia. Science Technology and Society, 24(3), 486-506. doi:10.1177/0971721819873186
Nasrin, S., Rasiah, R., Baskaran, A., Khan, H. T. A. (2019). The Relationship between Conversion Factors and Health: Evidence from the Ready-Made Garment Workers in Bangladesh. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 54(1), 20-37. doi:10.1177/0021909618796662
Tang, M. F., Li, C. W., Baskaran, A., Cheng, Y., Chandran, V. G. R. (2019). Reshaping the Business Incubator Model: The Case of the Value Chain Model of Innovation Works in China. Science Technology and Society, 24(3), 401-422. doi:10.1177/0971721819873179
Nasrin, Shamima; Rasiah, Rajah; Baskaran, Angathevar; Masud, Muhammad Mehedi (2018). What determines the financial performance of microfinance institutions in Bangladesh? a panel data analysis, QUALITY & QUANTITY. 52(3), 1409-1422. doi:10.1007/s11135-017-0528-1
Lin X., Baskaran A. (2024). Regional economic growth, digital economy and tax competition in China: mechanism and spatial assessment, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy. . doi:10.1080/13547860.2024.2325251
Nakamura S., Baskaran A., Selvarajan S.K. (2024). Impact of Airbnb on the hotel industry in Japan, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 31. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2023.100841
Baskaran A., Chandran V.G.R., Rajaghantham D. (2023). Exploring SME environmental behaviour and practice: The case of Malaysia, Development Policy Review. . doi:10.1111/dpr.12698
Lin X., Baskaran A., Zhang Y. (2023). Watershed Horizontal Ecological Compensation Policy and Green Ecological City Development: Spatial and Mechanism Assessment, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20(3). doi:10.3390/ijerph20032679
Mehta S., Baskaran A. (2023). Upgrading within Global Value Chains and Innovation Capabilities: Lessons from Indian Information Technology Sector, Institutions and Economies. 15(4), 113-140. doi:10.22452/IJIE.vol15no4.5
Tang M., Kong L., Chandran V.G.R., Baskaran A. (2023). Upgrading and Reconstruction of Global Value Chain: Case of Chinese Firm s Catching Up Trajectory, Institutions and Economies. 15(4), 63-86. doi:10.22452/IJIE.vol15no4.3
Baskaran A., Dong T., Selvarajan S.K. (2022). Microfinance and Women s Empowerment in Myanmar, Institutions and Economies. 14(2), 59-90. doi:10.22452/IJIE.vol14no2.3
Masud M.M., Shahabudin S.M., Baskaran A., Akhtar R. (2022). Co-management approach to sustainable management of marine protected areas: The case of Malaysia, Marine Policy. 138. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105010
Nguyen T.T.C., Nguyen T.H.P., Nguyen T.B.T., Selvarajan S.K., Baskaran A. (2022). The impact of opportunity factors on fraudulent behavior in the Vietnamese stock market, Journal of Asian Economics. 79. doi:10.1016/j.asieco.2022.101451
Ruan M., Baskaran A., Zhou S. (2022). Mainland Chinese Immigrant-owned SMEs in Malaysia: Case Studies, Millennial Asia. 13(1), 5-34. doi:10.1177/0976399620977026
Tang M., Liu X., Feng Q., Selvarajan S.K., Baskaran A., Yang C. (2022). Impact of Financial Literacy on Individuals' Financial Decisions: A Comparative Analysis of Eastern, Central, and Western Regions in China, Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations. 8(1), 101-138
Chandran, V. G. R., Nourani, M., Selvarajan, S. K., & Baskaran, A. (2021). Selective research funding policy and catching up the ladder in university research performance in Malaysia. Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(3), 539-550. doi: 10.1002/mde.3252
Tang, M., Walsh, G. S., Li, C., & Baskaran, A. (2021). Exploring technology business incubators and their business incubation models: case studies from China. Journal of Technology Transfer, 46(1), 90-116. doi: 10.1007/s10961-019-09759-4
Tang, M., Yang, C., Baskaran, A., & Tan, J. (2020). Engaging alumni entrepreneurs in the student entrepreneurship development process: A social network perspective. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 12(5), 619-629. doi: 10.1080/20421338.2020.1769252
Nasrin S., Rasiah R., Baskaran A., Khan H.T.A. (2019). The Relationship between Conversion Factors and Health: Evidence from the Ready-Made Garment Workers in Bangladesh, Journal of Asian and African Studies. 54(1), 20-37. doi:10.1177/0021909618796662
Nasrin S., Rasiah R., Baskaran A., Masud M.M. (2018). What determines the financial performance of microfinance institutions in Bangladesh? a panel data analysis, Quality and Quantity. 52(3), 1409-1422. doi:10.1007/s11135-017-0528-1
Nasrin S., Baskaran A., Rasiah R. (2017). Microfinance and savings among the poor: evidence from Bangladesh microfinance sector, Quality and Quantity. 51(4), 1435-1448. doi:10.1007/s11135-016-0342-1
Zhou S., Baskaran A., Tang M., Rasiah R. (2017). Adaptive innovation in the evolution of a latecomer firm: The case of Asiainfo, China, Institutions and Economies. 9(2), 75-108
Mengdie, R., Baskaran, A., and Zhou, S. (2021). Mainland Chinese Immigrant-owned SMEs in Malaysia: Case Studies. Millennial Asia. DOI: 10.1177/0976399620977026 (Pages 1-30).
Nasrin, S., Rasiah, R, Baskaran, A, & Masud, M. M. (2017), What Determines the Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh? A panel data analysis. Quality & Quantity (SCOPUS/ ISI)
Baskaran, A., Liu, J., Yan, H. & Muchie, M. (2017). Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) and knowledge flow in the context of emerging MNEs: Cases from China, India and South Africa. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 9 (5), 539-555. (SCOPUS/ Emerging ISI - ESCI)
Kyriacou, Orthodoxia, Baskaran, A & Pancholi, J. 2015. An exploration in visibility: some experiences of Indian women accountants, Int. J. of Business Performance Management 16 (1): 19-39. DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2015.066022
Mingfeng Tang, Baskaran,A., Yan, H. and Muche, M. 2015. Strengthening Regional Integration/ Co-operation with the Neighbourhood System of Innovation Conceptual Framework: The Case of China & ASEAN. Asian Journal of Technology and Innovation 23(2): 205-229. DOI: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19761597.2015.1074511
Mahuda, Ismat, Baskaran, A & Panjoli, J. 2014. Financing Social Innovation for Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Microfinancing and Microenterprise Development in Bangladesh. Science, Technology & Society 19(2): 249-273.
Tang, Mingfeng, Baskaran, Angathevar, Pancholi, Jatin, and Lu, Yong. 2013. Technology Business Incubators in China and in India: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Global Information Technology Management 16(2): 33-58.
Liu, J., Baskaran, A.& Muchie, M. 2011. Global Recession and the National System of Innovation in China: A Blessing in Disguise. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 3(4): 221-253.
Tang, M., Baskaran, A., Pancholi, J.& Muchie, M. 2011. Technology Business Incubators in China and India: A Comparative Case Study. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 3 (2):248-290.
Tang, M., Pancholi, J., & Baskaran, A. 2011. Insight into the Government Governed Technology Business Incubators in the West of China: A comparative analysis. NMIMS Management Review XXI:41-63.
Kyriacou, O., Pancholi, J., and Baskaran, A. 2010. (Re) presentation of women in Indian Accountancy Bodies Websites. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 7(3):1176-93.
Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. 2010. The Challenges and Opportunities of Re-inventing Higher Education as Centres of Research Capacity Building. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2 (3):172-185.
Baskaran, A. & Muchie, M. 2009. Exploring the impact of national system of innovation on the outcomes of foreign direct investment. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development 2 (4): 314-345.
Liu, J. & Baskaran, A. 2009. The university, industry, government relationship of technological innovator networks in different national innovation systems: a comparative case study. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 1(2 & 3):62-88.
Liu, J., Baskaran, A. & Li, S. 2009. Building technological-innovation-based strategic capabilities at firm level in China: a dynamic resource-based-view case study. Industry and Innovation 16(4-5):411-434.
Muchie, M. & Baskaran, A. 2009. The National technology system framework: Sanjaya Lall s contribution to appreciative theory. International Journal of Institutions and Economics 1(1):134-155.
Baskaran, Angathevar & Boden, R. 2007. Commodified Science and Social Wellbeing. AI & Society 21(3):267- 285.
Boden, Rebecca and Baskaran, A. 2007. Prometheus Bound: Accounting and the Creation of the New Science Paradigm. International Studies of Management and Organisation 37(1): 9-26.
Baskaran, Angathevar, Pancholi, J., & Ghaffari, F. 2006. A Period Study of Short-term Performance Pressures: Case of the British Biotechnology Industry. The Business Review, Cambridge 5(2):327-332.
Baskaran, Angathevar 2005.'From Science to Commerce : The Evolution of Space Development Policy and Technology Accumulation in India. Technology in Society 27(2):155-179.
Baskaran, Angathevar & Boden, R. 2004. Science-a controversial Commodity? Science, Technology & Society 9(1):1-26.
Baskaran, Angathevar 2002. Export Control Regimes and India s Space and Missile Programmes. India Quarterly LVIII (3-4):205-242.
Baskaran, Angathevar 2001. Competence Building in Complex Systems in the Developing Countries: The Case of Satellite Building in India. Technovation 21(2): 109-121.
Baskaran, Angathevar 2001. Technology Accumulation in India s Space Program Ground Systems: The Contribution of Foreign and Indigenous Inputs. Technology in Society 23(1):195-216.
Baskaran, Angathevar 2001. The Impact of Export Controls on Indigenous Technology Development in India s Space Programme. International Studies 38 (2):155-171.
Baskaran, Angathevar 2000. Duality in National Innovation Systems: The Case of India. Science and Public Policy 27(5):367-374.
- Muchie, M., Baskaran, A. & Tang, M (eds.) (2024). China-Africa Science, Technology and Innovation Collaboration. Singapore: Springer (591 Pages). ISBN 978-981-97-4575-3; ISBN 978-981-97-4576-0 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-4576-0
- Masud M. M., Ismail A. N., & Baskaran Angthevar (2023). E-commerce and Circular Economy Adoption in ASEAN SMEs: Challenges and Opportunities, UM press
- Baskaran, A. and Muchie, M. (eds.) (2020). Innovation for Sustainable Integrated Development in Africa. Trenton, NJ & London: Africa World Press. ISBNs: 9781569027288 (HB) & 9781569027295 (PB)
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (ed.) (2020). Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators: Lessons from the Development Experience in Africa. Trenton NJ and London: Africa World Press.
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (eds.) (2017). African Economic Transformation in the Digital Age. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. ISBN: 978-1-5690255-8-1.
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (eds.) (2017). Education, Human Capital and Research Capacity for African Integrated Development. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. ISBN: 978-1-5690256-4-2.
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (eds.) (2017). Sectoral Innovation Systems in Africa. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. ISBN: 978-1-5690256-6-6.
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (eds.) (2017). Solutions to Access Safe and Drinking Water in Africa. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. ISBN: 978-1-5690256-1-1.
- Muchie, Mammo, Bhaduri,S., Baskaran, A. and Sheikh, F. A., 2015. Informal Sector Innovations: Insights from the Global South, London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis).
- Muchie, M. & Baskaran, A., eds., 2012. Building Innovation Research in Africa: Case Studies, Pretoria, South Africa: Africa Institute of South Africa Publishing House.
- Muchie, M. & Baskaran, A., eds., 2012. Challenges of African Transformation: Exploring Through Innovation Approach. Pretoria, South Africa: AISA Publishing House.
- Muchie, M. & Baskaran, A., eds., 2012. Innovation for Sustainability: African and European Perspectives, Pretoria, South Africa: Africa Institute of South Africa Publishing House.
- Muchie, M. & Baskaran, A.,eds., 2012. Making System of Innovation in Africa: Country Case Studies. Pretoria, South Africa: Africa Institute of South Africa Publishing House.
- Baskaran, A. & Muchie, M., eds., 2006. Bridging the Digital Divide: Innovation Systems for ICT in Brazil, China, India, Thailand and Southern Africa. London: Adonis-Abbey.
Chapter in Books
- 1.Muchie, M., Baskaran, A. & Tang, M. (2024). Introduction: China–Africa Science, Technology, Innovation Collaboration for Their Win–Win Enduring Shared Future Relations. In: Muchie, M., Baskaran, A. & Tang, M. (eds.) (2024). China-Africa Science, Technology and Innovation Collaboration. Singapore: Springer, Pages 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-4576-0
- Muchie, M., Baskaran, A. & Tang, M. (2024). Post Scriptum. In: Muchie, M., Baskaran, A. & Tang, M. (eds.) (2024). China-Africa Science, Technology and Innovation Collaboration. Singapore: Springer, Pages 589-591. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-4576-0
- Tang, M., Liu, X., Muchie, M. & Baskaran, A. (2024). China–Africa Collaboration in Digital Technology: Present and Future Challenges. In: Muchie, M., Baskaran, A. & Tang, M. (eds.) (2024). China-Africa Science, Technology and Innovation Collaboration. Singapore: Springer, Pages 373-388. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-4576-0
- Tang, M., Wang, J., Yang, Y. & Baskaran, A. (2024). The Path of China–Africa Higher Education Cooperation in Training Talents for Africa. In: Muchie, M., Baskaran, A. & Tang, M. (eds.) (2024). China-Africa Science, Technology and Innovation Collaboration. Singapore: Springer, Pages 39-51. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-4576-0
- Chandran, VGR., Baskaran, A., & Selvarajan, S. K. (2023). Building the Solar Energy Market in Malaysia: Role of Public Policy and Institutions. In Swati Mehta & Baldev Singh Shergill (Eds.). Innovation Systems, Economic Development and Public Policy (pp. 336-351). Routledge.
- Baskaran, A. and Muchie, M. (2020). Building Science, Technology & Innovation Research Systems for Development in African Countries. In A. Baskaran and M. Muchie (eds.), Innovation for Sustainable Integrated Development in Africa (pp. 1-18). Trenton, NJ & London: Africa World Press. ISBNs: 9781569027288 (HB) & 9781569027295 (PB).
- Baskaran, A. and Muchie, M. (2020). Capacity Building to Develop Innovation Indicators for African Integrated, Inclusive and Sustainable Development. In: Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (ed.) (2020). Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators: Lessons from the Development Experience in Africa. Trenton NJ and London: Africa World Press.
- Chandran, VGR., Baskaran, A. and Muchie, M. (2020). Building and Catching-up in STI Capabilities: Lessons from Indicator Assessment of Asia Pacific for Africa. In: Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (ed.) (2020). Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators: Lessons from the Development Experience in Africa. Trenton NJ and London: Africa World Press.
- Ezekiel, A. A., Ayinde, O. E., Baskaran, A.; Adewumi, M. O. & Olaoye, I. J. (2020). Innovative Climate-Smart Agricultural System: The Case of Nigeria. In A. Baskaran and M. Muchie (eds.), Innovation for Sustainable Integrated Development in Africa (pp. 55-68). Trenton, NJ & London: Africa World Press. ISBNs: 9781569027288 (HB) & 9781569027295 (PB),
- Jegede, O.O, Baskaran, A and Muchie, M. (2020). Relationship between Knowledge-capital and Firm s Performance in the Resource-based Industry. In A. Baskaran and M. Muchie (eds.), Innovation for Sustainable Integrated Development in Africa (pp. 141-162). Trenton, NJ & London, Africa World Press. ISBNs: 9781569027288 (HB) & 9781569027295 (PB),
- Babatunde, O. S., Baskaran, A., and Muchie, M. (2017). Inequality in Access to Improved Water and Sanitation in Africa. In Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (Eds.). Solutions to Access Safe and Drinking Water in Africa. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. (Pages 11-30), ISBN: 978-1-5690256-1-1
- Baskaran, A. & Muchie, M. (2017). System Divergence or Coherence: The Variations of Innovation System from the Local to the Global. In Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (Eds.), Sectoral Innovation Systems in Africa. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. ISBN: 978-1-5690256-6-6.
- Baskaran, A. and Muchie, M. (2017). Innovation System Approach Towards Economic Transformation in the Digital Age. In Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (Eds.), African Economic Transformation in the Digital Age. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. (Pages 33-48), ISBN: 978-1-5690255-8-1.
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (2017). African Economic Transformation in the Digital Age: Introduction. In Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (Eds.), African Economic Transformation in the Digital Age. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. (Pages 1-12), ISBN: 978-1-5690255-8-1.
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (2017). Challenges Towards Building Education, Human Capital and Research Capacity for Integrated African Development: Introduction. In Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (eds.), Education, Human Capital and Research Capacity for African Integrated Development. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. (Pages 1-10), ISBN: 978-1-5690256-4-2.
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (2017). Introduction: Building Sectoral Level Competence & Innovation Systems in Africa. In Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (Eds.), Sectoral Innovation Systems in Africa (pp. 1-14). Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. ISBN: 978-1-5690256-6-6.
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (2017). Solutions to Access Safe and Drinking Water in Africa: From MDGs to SDGs to Achieve Universal Access to Clean Water. In Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (Eds.), Solutions to Access Safe and Drinking Water in Africa. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. (Pages 1-10), ISBN: 978-1-5690256-1-1.
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (2017). The Challenges and Opportunities of Re-inventing Higher Education as Centres of Research Capacity Building. In Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (Eds.), Education, Human Capital and Research Capacity for African Integrated Development. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. (Pages 77-92), ISBN: 978-1-5690256-4-2.
- Oshewolo, S., Baskaran, A., and Muchie, M. (2017). Reflections on Water and Wellbeing: The Political Imperatives in Nigeria. In Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. (Eds.), Solutions to Access Safe and Drinking Water in Africa. Trenton, NJ and London: Africa World Press. (Pages 157-170), ISBN: 978-1-5690256-1-1
- Muchie, M., Bhaduri,S., Baskaran, A. and Sheikh, F. A., 2016. Introduction: Transformation of informal economies with innovation. Muchie, M., Bhaduri,S., Baskaran, A. and Sheikh, F. A. (eds), Informal Sector Innovations: Insights from the Global South, pp.1-6. London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis).
- Muchie, M. and Baskaran, A. 2006. Introduction: The Problem of Integrating ICT within National System of Innovation: Concepts, Taxonomies and Strategies. In Baskaran, A and Muchie, M. (eds.), Bridging the Digital Divide: Innovation Systems for ICT in Brazil, China, India, Thailand and Southern Africa. London: Adonis-Abbey.
- Baskaran, A. 1999. Cultivating Space Industry in India. In Sharma, L.K. and Sharma, S. (eds.), Innovative India (London: Medialand Limited).
- 2023 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Looking Beyond Digital Adoption Among The Smes In Malaysia: Developing A Framework For Enhancing Digital Utilisation And Resilience ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2019 - 2022, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Developing An Environmental Reporting Framework For The Small And Medium Enterprises In Malaysia: Using Q-methodological Approach ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2018 - 2020, RU Geran - Fakulti ProgramExploratory Study Of The Solar Industry Ecosystem In Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2015 - 2017, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - SBS (Equitable Society)Business Incubators For Social Enterprise, Social Inclusion And Inclusive Growth ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2009, Youth Science and Technology Fund, UESTCBuilding technological-innovation-based strategic capabilities at firm level in China ( Consultant)
- 2018 - 2025, International FundingCatching-up Along The Global Value Chain: Models, Determinants And Policy Implications In The Era Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2014 - 2015, UNESCOUNESCO SCIENCE REPORT 2015 ( Co-Researcher)
- 2013 - 2014, SHARChI -NRF, South AfricaRegional Integration: An Innovation System Approach ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2010, 211 Research Program, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, ChinaTechnology Business Incubators in China and in India: A Comparative study ( Consultant)
- 2023 - 2025, University GrantFrom Passion To Purpose: The Rise Of Social Enterprises In Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
- 2018 - 2020, Private Funding - Manage by CPDSRole Of Social Enterprise In Poverty Alleviation And Inclusive Development In Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- Esg Practices and Resilience of Smes in Malaysia, UNGCMYB, Consultant01 Mar 2023 - 31 Oct 2023 (National)
- Accelerating Digital Transformation in Malaysia, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Consultant01 Sep 2021 - 30 Jun 2022 (International)
- Analytical Paper On Malaysia S Micro-Enterprise Breakout Strategy, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)01 Apr 2015 - 01 Apr 2016 (International)
- A World in Search of An Effective Growth Strategy in: Unesco Science Report: Towards 2030, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)01 Apr 2014 - 01 Apr 2015 (International)
- ICT - E-Learning Platform, Association of Pacific Rim Universities01 Jan 2014 - 01 Jan 2015 (International)
- Indian National Innovation System, Oxford Analytica01 Apr 2008 - 01 Apr 2008 (International)
- Spatial-Temporal Distribution and Causes of Smog (PM2.5) in China, ACBES 2019 2nd Asia Conference on Business and Economic Studies, University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (International) (13 Sep 2019 - 14 Sep 2019)
- Social Entrepreneurship in Malaysia, ACBES 2019 2nd Asia Conference on Business and Economic Studies, University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (International) (13 Sep 2019 - 14 Sep 2019)
- Engaging the Alumni in the University Student Entrepreneurship Process: A Social Network Perspective, 16th GLOBELICS International Conference 2018 Innovation, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Strengthening Institutions for Greater Relevance, Effectiveness and Inclusivity, Science and Technology Policy Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-STEPRI), Ghana (International) (24 Oct 2018 - 26 Nov 2018)
- Outward Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI) and Knowledge Flow in the Context of Emerging MNEs: Cases from China, India and South Africa, International conference on "Innovations Trade and Development, Centre for Development Economics and Innovation Studies and Department of Economics, Punjabi University, India (International) (25 Nov 2016 - 26 Nov 2016)
- Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Growth: Attributes, Perceptions and Roles of Business Incubators and Intermediaries in Malaysia, The 14th GLOBELICS International Conference 12-14, October 2016 Bandung city, Indonesia, GLOBELICS RESEARCH NETWORK And Universitas Padjadjaranh, Indonesia. (International) (12 Oct 2016 - 14 Oct 2016)
- A New Business Model for Technology-Based Business Incubators: The Case of Innovation Works in China, The 12th GLOBELICS International Conference, GLOBELICS NETWORK & UNIVERSITY OF ADDIS ABABA (International) (29 Oct 2014 - 31 Oct 2014)
- Mingfeng Tang, Angathevar Baskaran, Jatin Pancholi and Yong Lu (2013). A Comparative Study of Technology Business Incubators in China and in India in National Innovation System Perspective., The 11th GLOBELICS International Conference: Entrepreneurship, Innovation Policy and Development in an era of Increased Globalization., GLOBELICS Research Network and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. (International) (11 Sep 2013 - 13 Sep 2013)
- Baskaran, Angathevar and Muchie, Mammo (2013). Strengthening Regional Integration with the Neighbourhood System of Innovation Conceptual Framework ., The 11th GLOBELICS International Conference: Entrepreneurship, Innovation Policy and Development in an era of Increased Globalization, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 11-13 September., GLOBELICS Research Network and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. (International) (11 Sep 2013 - 13 Sep 2013)
- The Future in GIG Employment, THE FUTURE OF WORK: MEF Industrial Relations Conference 2023, Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) (National) (22 Nov 2023 - 23 Nov 2023)
- Panel Discussion: Innovation, Trade and Development in BRICS Countries, International conference on "Innovations Trade and Development, Centre for Development Economics and Innovation Studies and Department of Economics, Punjabi University, India. (International) (25 Nov 2016 - 26 Nov 2016)
- Indian Economic Engagement Contributing to the Emerging Economies in Africa , The 10th GLOBELICS International Conference Globelics Hangzhou 2012: Innovation and Development - Opportunities and Challenges in Globalisation , Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (International) (09 Nov 2012 - 12 Nov 2012)
- Strengthening Regional Integration/Cooperation with the Neighbourhood System of Innovation Conceptual Framework: The Case of China & ASEAN, Research seminar Series: Center for Science and Technology Resource (CSTR), University of Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS) & Chinese Academy of Science &Technology for Development (CASTED), Beijing, China., Center for Science and Technology Resource (CSTR), University of Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS) & Chinese Academy of Science &Technology for Development (CASTED), Beijing, China. (International) (26 Aug 2015 - 27 Aug 2015)
- Industry 4.0 Technologies and Employment: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Countries, The 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78) Science Summit: Session: Advancing Technologies, Employment Possibilities and Future Skills: Prospects for Latecomer Countries (130802), United Nations (International) (13 Sep 2023 - 13 Sep 2023)
- Teaching and Research Strategies in the University of Malaya in Response to Covid-19 Pandemic, Conference on Global Higher Education Institutions' Response Strategies in the Midst of Coronavirus Pandemic, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Chengdu, China (International) (19 Nov 2021 - 20 Dec 2021)
- Capacity Building for Implementation and Evaluation of Policies Advancing SDGs: Environmental Sustainability Practices among the SMEs in the South, The 76th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA76) Science Summit, The United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation [UNOSSC]  (International) (22 Sep 2021 - 22 Dec 2021)
- Social Enterprises in Malaysia: Understanding Typology, Ecosystem and Sustainability, GLOBELICS CONFERENCE 2023: Innovation-Driven Knowledge-Economies and Transformation in the Global South, Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation (GIFT) (International) (11 Oct 2023 - 14 Oct 2023)
- Environmental Practices & Reporting among Small and Medium-SizedEnterprises in Malaysia, Brown Bag Seminar Series, The Faculty of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaya (UM), Taipei School of Economics and Political Science (TSE), National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) (International) (07 Jun 2023 - 07 Jun 2023)
- Managing Sustainability in Business, GRADUATE VISITING STUDENTS PROGRAM FROM UNIVERSITAS PANCASAKTI TEGAL, INDONESIA, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Malaya (International) (10 Feb 2023 - 10 Dec 2023)
- Social Entrepreneurship in Malaysia , Ungku Aziz Centre for Development Studies, University of Malaya; Ungku Aziz Brown Bag Webinar Series 2020; 8th October 2020 , Ungku Aziz Centre for Development Studies, University of Malaya (National) (08 Oct 2020 - 08 Oct 2020)
- Strengthening Regional Integration/Cooperation with the Neighbourhood System of Innovation Conceptual Framework: The Case of China & ASEAN , Department of Development Studies Seminar Series, Faculty of Economics and AdministrationUniversity of Malaya, Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and AdministrationUniversity of Malaya. (University) (07 Oct 2015 - 07 Oct 2015)
- Exploring the Outflow of FDI and Patterns of Knowledge Transfer from FDI in the Context of Emerging Economy MNEs: Cases from China, India and South Africa , Faculty of Economics and Administration Seminar, Department of Development Studies, FEA (University) (10 Dec 2014)
- Exploring the Outflow of FDI and Knowledge Flows in the context of Emerging Economy MNEs: Cases from India, South Africa and China, The 12th GLOBELICS International Conference, GLOBELICS NETWORK & ADDIS ABBA UNIVERSITY (International) (29 Oct 2014 - 31 Oct 2014)
- Baskaran, Angathevar, Muchie, Mammo and Tang, Mingfeng (2013). Strengthening Regional Integration/ Co-operation with the Neighbourhood System of Innovation Conceptual Framework: The Case of China & ASEAN, 10th ASIALICS Conference: The Roles of Public Research Institutes and Universities in Asia's Innovation Systems, ASIALICS Research Network and National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, Japan. (International) (20 Sep 2013 - 22 Sep 2013)
- Technology Standard-setting Strategy by a Latecomer Country: The case of ICT Industry in China, 13th International GLOBELICS Conference: Innovation to Reduce Poverty and Inequality for Inclusive and Sustainable Development, Globelics Research Network (International) (23 Sep 2015 - 25 Sep 2015)
- (2024) Thesis External Examiner for Middlesex University, UK, International, (External Examiner)
- (2024) Doctoral Thesis Examination - Chin Tzuenn Yeu (S2042708/1) - Faculty of Science, University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2022) The Relationships Between Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade and Gross Domestic Product -The Case of Vietnam During 1986-2019, International, (External Examiner)
- (2022) Top Management, Environmental Progress, and Financial Performance Nexus: a Study of China, Germany, and Japan, University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2021) Digitalization, Innovation and Productivity in South African Micro and Small Enterprises, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Variables That Affect The Innovative Performance of Ecuadorian Companies, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Energy Policy, Energy Justice and The Transformation of Natural Gas Industry in Malaysia (Lim Zhen Wen), University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2021) E-Services in Virudhunagar District : An Empirical Analysis (Annamalai University), International, (External Examiner)
- (2021) Major Policy Problems Related to User-Driven Innovation, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Research On The Difference and Convergence of Chinese Urban Residents' Internet Consumption : Evidence from The Alibaba Internet Consumption Index, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) The Political Economy of Industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evaluating The Role of Institutions, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Income Differential Between Migrant and Non-Migrant Informal Workers: a Study of Urban Odisha, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction Among Disabled Workers, International, (Reviewer)
- (2020) APPOINTMENT AS A PANEL FOR THE CANDIDATURE DEFENCE SESSION OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES (IAS) SEMESTER II, SESSION 2019/2020.ANABA IFEOMA MERITH (17035494 ) candidate for Doctor of Philosophy degree, Institute of Advanced Studies, in the Candidature Defense session scheduled as below: Date : September 21, 2020 (Monday) Time : 10.30 - 11.30 am., (Internal Examiner)
- (2019) June 2019: Journal: Journal of Economic Studies; Manuscript: Microfinance governance: a systematic review and future research directions., (Reviewer)
- (2019) June 2019: Journal: European Journal of Development Research (EUDR); Manuscript: "Informal Work in India: A Tale of Two Definitions"., (Reviewer)
- (2019) April 2019: Journal: Int. J. of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE); Manuscript: Contribution to productivity and growth: A comparison of Indian High-tech and Low-tech manufacturing firms"., (Reviewer)
- (2019) April 2019: Journal: African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development; Manuscript: "Role of Space Technologies in Wetland Mapping", (Reviewer)
- (2019) MyGrants FRGS Funding Applications Evaluation UNIVERSITY OF KUALA LUMPUR FRGS 2019-1Developing a Shared Services Centre (SSC) Framework for Consolidation and Outsourcing of SMEs Internal Business Processes in MalaysiaHairul Rizad Bin Md Sapry10/04/201911/04/2019 , (Reviewer)
- (2019) MyGrants FRGS Funding Applications Evaluation UNIVERSITY OF KUALA LUMPUR FRGS 2019-1Developing a Shared Services Centre (SSC) Framework for Consolidation and Outsourcing of SMEs Internal Business Processes in MalaysiaHairul Rizad Bin Md Sapry10/04/201911/04/2019 , (Reviewer)
- (2019) MyGrants FRGS Funding Applications Evaluation UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA FRGS 2019-1Consolidation and Outsourcing of SMEs Internal Business Processes: Developing a Shared Services Centre (SSC) Approach.Hairul Rizad Bin Md Sapry08/04/201905/04/2019 , (Reviewer)
- (2019) September 2019: Patil Kapil Dhanraj, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India. Public Procurement and Building Technological Capability For Innovation: Case Studies From The Defence Sector In India, 1960-2013 , (External Examiner)
- (2019) August 2019: Sarapaneswaran A/L Subramaniam, Faculty of Economics & Administration University of Malaya. Prospects of Incubation in Supporting Agro-based Industry: Evidence from Malaysian Agricultural research Development Institute, (Internal Examiner)
- (2019) MyGrants FRGS Funding Applications Evaluation UNIVERSITY OF KUALA LUMPUR FRGS 2019-1Describing Perception And Awareness Of The Related Community Towards An Oil Spill Pollution IssueIsmila Binti Che Ishak10/04/201911/04/2019 , (Reviewer)
- (2019) MyGrants FRGS Funding Applications Evaluation UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA FRGS 2019-1Development of a Rehabilitation Counselling Intervention Module to Enhance Self-Esteem and Employment Opportunities among People with Physical Disabilities in MalaysiaRafidah Binti Aga Mohd Jaladin02/04/201902/04/201 , (Reviewer)
- (2019) October 2019: Lim Tien Hong, Faculty of Economics & Administration University of Malaya. Firm Characteristics, Capabilities and Productivities: a Study of Malaysian Food Manufacturing Sector , (Internal Examiner)
- (2019) August 2019: The Millennial Asia: Innovation and Exports of Korean Firms , (Reviewer)
- (2019) April 2019: Journal: Technological Forecasting & Social Change; Manuscript: Strengthening science, technology, and innovation-based incubators to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals: Lessons from India , (Reviewer)
- (2019) November 2019: Journal: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade; Manuscript: "The Value of Social Capital: Evidence from Non-Voluntary CEO Turnover in China"., (Reviewer)
- (2019) November 2019: Kien Duy Do, Middlesex University Business School, London, UK An Investigation into the Influences Shaping Organizational CSR Practices in Vietnam , (External Examiner)
- (2019) May 2019: Journal: Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM). Manuscript: "Consequential effects of leading information systems enabled technological innovation offensive strategy in a universal bank.", (Reviewer)
- (2018) Internal Examiner for PhD Thesis, Faculty of Faculty of Economics & Administration University of Malaya. Name of Candidate: Mansoor Mohamed Fazil (EHA110008); Title: STATE-MINORITY CONTESTATIONS IN POST-COLONIAL SRI LANKA , (Internal Examiner)
- (2018) Reviewed an article for the Journal of Asian and African Studies Article title: "The Impact of Micro Finance on Poor Family: a study from Bangladesh" , (Reviewer)
- (2018) Reviewed an article for the for International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE). Submission code: IJEPEE-13292, Title: "Contribution to productivity and growth: A comparison of Indian High-tech and Low-tech manufacturing firms" , (Reviewer)
- (2018) PhD Thesis Examination for Annamalai University, India Candidate Name: Showkat Ahmad Bhat; Title: Socio-Economic and Political Status of Women in Jammu and Kashmir , (External Examiner)
- (2018) Internal Examiner for PhD Thesis, Faculty of Faculty of Economics & Administration University of Malaya. Name of Candidate: Maslina Binti Daud ; Title: NATIONAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE ORGANISATIONS AND CYBER SECURITY COMPLIANCE IN MALAYSIA , (Internal Examiner)
- (2017) Reviewed 2 Papers for the journal: Science Technology & Society SPECIAL ISSUE on: Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Sustainable Growth, (Reviewer)
- (2017) Review of Manuscript for International Journal of Institutions and Economies Paper title: Institutions and Economic Transformation in Africa: Sectoral Analysis from Nigeria, (Reviewer)
- (2017) Review of Manuscript for International Journal of Institutions and Economies Manuscript Title: "A Generation Y Russian Entrepreneur: Understanding Cultural Factors in the Managerial System of an Innovative Firm", (Reviewer)
- (2016) UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA MASTER S DISSERTATION EXAMINATION (MIXED-MODE)- Candidate s Name: Saraswathy A/P Jayasingam Faculty: Economics and Administration Title of Dissertation: DEPENDENT DEVELOPMENT? THE CASE OF ANGOLA-CHINA ECONOMIC RELATIONS, (Internal Examiner)
- (2016) PhD Thesis by Bilal Ahmad Shah (Roll. No. 1303040004) submitted to the Department of Political Science, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India., (External Examiner)
- (2016) Reviewed 5 Papers for the International Conference on "Innovations, Trade and Development", Organised by: Centre for Development Economics and Innovation Studies (CDEIS) Punjabi University, Patiala, India. 25-26 November 2016, (Reviewer)
- (2015) Master of Development Studies Dissertation Examination Report- FIRGHANA ALYA (EGF120004) Faculty of Economics and Administration University of Malaya Title: Growth and Development of Halal Practice in Malaysia: Tourism and Personal Care Sector, (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) Referee for UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to ask if you would consider serving as a member of the Academic Assessor Group for DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) Call 2015/2016. Reviewed 6 large funding applications ( 2 million)., (Reviewer)
- (2015) Referee for Swiss National Science Foundation Funding scheme Project Title: Weaving knowledge networks: participatory design of technologies for the collective recovery of memory about craft practices, (Reviewer)
- (2015) Reviewer of Journal paper for International Journal of Institutions and Economics: Manuscript Title: Regional Institutions and Their Impact on the Connectedness of Firm s Innovation Networks: A Comparative Case Study in China and Switzerland , (Reviewer)
- (2015) Reviewer of Journal paper for International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business: Manuscript Title: Export Barriers in the Commercial Relationship between Developing Countries: A Strategic Approach , (Reviewer)
- (2015) Reviewer for 2 chapters (India and South Asia) for: UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030, Paris: UNESCO. ISBN: 978-92-3-100129-1 , (Reviewer)
- (2015) Reviewer of Journal paper for International Journal of Institutions and Economics: Manuscript Title: Economic Miracle of East Asian Countries and Cultural Backgrounds focused on South Korean Economic Development , (Reviewer)
- (2014) Reviewed 3 papers for The 12th Globelics International Conference, 28-31 November 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia., (Reviewer)
- (2009) Co Editor-in-Chief African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID), (Editor)
- MyGrants FRGS Funding Applications Evaluation UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA FRGS 2019-1A New Framework for Developing social Intrapreneurship Culture in the Higher Education settingIshamuddin Bin Mustapha08/04/201905/04/2019 , (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2025) Senior Associate Research Fellow, International, (Research Fellow/Associate)
- (2019) Summer School - Teaching Course - Sustainable Development & Environmental Management, School of Business Administration Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) Chengdu, China , International
- (2019) Member of Evaluation Committee for Summer Camp Global Academy, 14-28 July 2019: "Dialogue on Firm Management in China and Other Foreign Countries" , School of Public Administration, South Western University of Finance and Economics, China, International
- (2019) Evaluation Committee Member Summer Camp Global Academy: "Dialogue on Firm Management in China and Other Foreign Countries" , School of Business Administration Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) Chengdu, China
- (2018) Summer Course - Social Entrepreneurship, School of Public Administration, South Western University of Finance and Economics, China , International
- (2018) International Conference on Human Capital, Faculty of Business and Law at Taylor s University, Malaysia., International
- (2018) Committee Member for the Summer Camp, School of Public Administration South Western University of Finance and Economics, China
- (2016) Social Innovation Index: Report, Economist Intelligence Unit, International
- (2016) Increasing Productivity in Traditional Small Enterprises: Evidence and Policy Experience; SME Corp. s Micro-enterprise breakout strategy, Malaysia, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International
- (2015) Research Funding Assessor: Weaving knowledge networks: participatory design of technologies for the collective recovery of memory about craft practices, Swiss National Science Foundation, International
- (2015) Academic Assessor Group for DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) Call 2015/2016, UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), International
- (2015) UNESCO Science Report, UNESCO, International
- (2011) DFID/ESRC GROWTH PROGRAMME -Academic Peer Review Group, UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), International
Contribution to event
- (2022) South-South Cooperation: Digital Technologies, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
- (2022) Conference Organizing Committee Member, International, (Event Organiser)
- (2021) Capacity Building for Implementation and Evaluation of Policies Advancing Sdgs: Environmental Sustainability Practices Among The Smes in The South, International, (Participant)
- (2021) Fostering Rural Digital Economy and Inclusive Innovation to Combat Poverty in African Countries, International, (Participant)
Postgraduate Student
(2024) The impact of financial development and financing constraints on enterprise innovation — — Based on the empirical data of listed companies in China, MENGXUE HAN
(2024) The Impact of Influencer Characteristics on Purchase Intention in Live Streaming E-commerce, RONG ZHOU
(2024) The socio-economic impact of the lockdowns on the most vulnerable; urban poor, informal workers, and marginalised communities. An examination of the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia., ALEXANDER SOLKIN
(2024) Development Model of Entrepreneurial University and Research on Transformation and Development of Local Undergraduate Universities, XIAOYING CHEN
(2024) Dynamic Knowledge Management: A Framework of Knowledge Management and Dynamic Capabilities for Firms in the Digital Economy, BAILU LI
(2024) Social Enterprise Certification System in China and its Implications, HONGWEI LI
(2024) Artifical Intelligence, Human Capital and Economic Growth, WU AIMEI
(2024) Financial Performance and Management of China's SMEs Under the Different Market Conditions, JIAQI WANG
(2024) Capital Deepening and Development of Small-Scale Peasant Households in China, DU SHIGUI
(2024) Greening the Global Value Chain: Case of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Malaysian Electronics Industry, MURUGAN A/L KRISNAMOORTHY
(2024) Sustainable Livelihood Development of Herdsmen in Inner Mongolia in the Post-Poverty Era, SU RUNA
(2024) The Geography of Regional Development in Malaysia: Regional Economic Corridors, Employment, and Income, KANAGI A/P RAJANDRAN
(2023) Coordinated Development of Inward and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: China and the Belt and Road Initiative Countries, LIN XINWEN
(2023) Perceived Employability in Bangladesh: The Role of Human Capital, Social Capital and Technological Skills, NUSRAT JAFRIN
(2022) Sustainable Finance Development in Chinese SMEs and Commercial Banks, Rongzhen Huo
(2021) Impacts of virtual agglomeration and platform on the efficiency of enterprise innovation transformation ., Jian Ding
(2019) Determinants of University Entrepreneurship in the Transitional Economics: China and Malaysia., Zhu Hai
(2019) Capital Deepening of Eco-development of Small-scale Peasant Economy in Transition, Du Shigui
(2019) Title: Role of Subregional Cooperation in Conserving the Environment, Robita Lee Robinson
(2019) The Influence of FDI on Technological Innovation: Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan., Wang Yanan
(2019) Potential Outcomes of Government Policy Towards Removing Barriers that Face Women in Business Start-Up, Alexander Solkin
(2019) Factors Influencing Child Labour in Mexico, Chen Wenqi
(2019) Effect of Information Asymmetry on Crowdfunding Participation, Tiong Hui Jin
(2019) Agricultural Innovation and Poverty reduction in China, Wang Yilei
(2018) Spatial and Temporal Distribution of and Factors Causing Smog (PM2.5) in China, Tan Facai
(2018) Constraints of Small and Medium Enterprises Owned by Chinese Immigrants in Malaysia, RUAN MENGDIE
(2018) Comparison of Social Enterprises between Malaysia and Singapore, TAN XIAO JUN
(2017) An Exploratory Study of Social Entrepreneurship in Malaysia, Theresa Chan Siew Yoong
(2017) An Exploratory Study of Social Entrepreneurship in Malaysia, Theresa Chan Siew Yoong
(2017) Comparison of Social Enterprises between Malaysia and Singapore , TAN XIAO JUN
(2017) Constraints of Small and Medium Enterprises Owned by Chinese Immigrants in Malaysia, RUAN MENGDIE
- (2017) ERGD6102 - Globalization and Development
- (2017) ERGD6104 - Sustainable Development and Environmental Management
- (2016) ERGD6103 - Poverty and Distribution
- (2016) ERGD6104 - Sustainable Development and Environmental Management
- (2015) ERGD6105 - Entrepreneurship and Development
- (2015) ERGD6105 - Entrepreneurship and Development
- (2017) EREE2102 - Small Entrepreneurship Development
- (2016) EIX2001 - Research Methodology
- (2016) EREE2102 - Small Entrepreneurship Development
- (2015) EGEE3314 - Entrepreneurial Economics
- Lecture Summer Camp Global Academy, 14-28 July 2019: "Dialogue On Firm Management in China and Other Foreign Countries" ;Southwestern University of Economics and Finance; Chengdu China, (14 Jul 2019 - 28 Jul 2019)
- Mygrants Frgs Funding Application Evaluation University Malaya Kuala Lumpur University, (01 Apr 2019 - 31 May 2019)