Curriculum Vitae


  • Office of The Registrar
  • azizraman
  • 0379673204


Ir. Dr. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman is an honorary professor at the Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. Currently, he is the Registrar of the University. His previous positions include Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development), and Dean of Faculty of Engineering. His main research areas are mixing in stirred vessels, green technology, and advanced wastewater treatment. He has graduated more than 100 PhD and Master students and has published more than 300 articles in high-impact journals and conference proceedings. He was recognized as one of the highly cited researchers in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 by Clarivate. He is a fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia, the Institution of Chemical Engineers UK, and the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia. Professor Abdul Aziz is also a practicing chemical engineer, especially in environmental sustainability and chemical process improvement.



  • PhD (UM)(2007), (THREE PHASE MIXING)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • MEngSc(UM)(1996), (Mixing in Stirred Vessel)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • BEng (Hons)(Chemical)(UM)(1989), (KEJURUTERAAN KIMIA)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • General Manager (Administrative)/Registrar
    05 Dec 2024 - present (Office of The Registrar, Registrar)
  • Member of Associate Professor Promotion Committee
    01 Jan 2013 - present (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Chairman
    10 Sep 2012 - present (University Malaya)
  • Committee member for Rundingan Terus A Universiti Malaya
    03 Jan 2013 - present (University Malaya)
  • Member for University of Malaya (UM) Evaluation Panel by QMEC
    24 Nov 2011 - present (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator of UMCARES
    01 Aug 2010 - present (University Malaya)
  • Member for the Judgement Committee for the Anugerah Cemerlang Universiti Malaya 2011 (Teaching Category)
    29 Nov 2011 - present (University Malaya)
  • Committee member for JKAPIT
    06 Aug 2012 - present (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for Rundingan Terus B Universiti Malaya
    03 Jan 2013 - present (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator
    01 Sep 2016 - present (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Senate Member for Universiti Malaya
    01 Jan 2014 - present (University Malaya)
  • Member of Human Resource Committee
    01 Jan 2013 - present (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee Member for Evaluation Panel for University of Malaya Excellence Award 2012
    20 Jun 2012 - present (University Malaya)
  • Chairman
    01 Mar 2023 - 28 Feb 2025 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Registrar
    22 Dec 2023 - 06 Dec 2024 (Registrar Office, Registrar)
  • Committee Members
    28 Sep 2022 - 28 Sep 2024 (University Malaya)
    15 Sep 2021 - 31 Aug 2023 (University Malaya)
    16 Aug 2021 - 19 Apr 2023 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development)
    10 Sep 2021 - 09 May 2022 (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development) Office, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development))
  • Exercising The Function of Assoc. Vice-Chancellor (Infra & Info Services)
    20 Sep 2021 - 14 Feb 2022 (Associate Vice-Chancellor (Infrastructure and Information Services) Office, Associate Vice-Chancellor (Infrastructure and Information Services))
  • Exercising The Function of Dep. Vice-Chancellor(Academic & Internationalisation)
    16 Nov 2021 - 13 Feb 2022 (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) Office, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
    19 Apr 2021 - 19 Apr 2022 (University Malaya)
    22 Nov 2021 - 22 Feb 2022 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development)
    13 Nov 2020 - 09 Sep 2021 (Deputy Vice Chancellor's Office (Development), Deputy Vice Chancellor(Development))
  • Exercising The Function of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs & Alumni)
    13 Jul 2020 - 04 Jul 2021 (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs) Office, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs))
    21 Apr 2021 - 21 Apr 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Senate Representative for 'Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Kursi Wasatiyyah Universiti Malaya'
    26 Jan 2018 - 25 Jan 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for 'Jawatankuasa Rayuan Universiti'
    26 Jan 2018 - 25 Jan 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for 'Jawatankuasa Tapisan PTj Bagi Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Prof Madya dan Prof Gred Khas C'
    05 Jan 2018 - 05 Jan 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs)
    01 Dec 2018 - 13 Nov 2020 (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs) Office, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs))
  • Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development)
    07 Oct 2019 - 12 Nov 2020 (Deputy Vice Chancellor's Office (Development), Deputy Vice Chancellor(Development))
  • Committee Member for 'Jawatankuasa Penilai Pengkomersilan Universiti Malaya'
    01 Mar 2018 - 02 Mar 2020 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for 'Bengkel Penstrukturan Semula Portfolio Akademik & Antarabangsa'
    29 Jun 2018 - 30 Jun 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for 'Pengurusan Aset Universiti Malaya'
    01 Jun 2018 - 03 Jun 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for 'Penyediaan Pindaan Manual Had Kuasa Kewangan dan Had Kuasa Melulus Perolehan Universiti Malaya'
    20 Apr 2018 - 22 Apr 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Senate Representative for 'Lembaga Institut Pengajian Siswazah'
    28 Jul 2017 - 26 Feb 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Dean
    01 Dec 2017 - 31 Dec 2018 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Associate Director
    01 Jun 2016 - 18 May 2018 (International)
  • Committee Member for University Malaya Appeal Committee (Jawatankuasa Rayuan Universiti)
    25 Jan 2015 - 25 Jan 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Dean of Undergraduate
    01 Aug 2014 - 30 Nov 2017 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Deputy Dean of Higher Degree
    01 Jul 2017 - 30 Nov 2017 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Acting Dean
    01 Nov 2017 - 30 Nov 2017 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Member of Taskforce
    01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Council Member
    16 Aug 2016 - 15 Aug 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Associate Dean (Accreditation & Professional)
    01 Aug 2016 - 31 Jul 2017 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee Member for University of Malaya ICT Users' Committee
    17 Feb 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for SLAB/SLAI - Central Committee
    14 Nov 2014 - 31 Dec 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for Intellectual Property in UM for UMCIC
    01 Jul 2014 - 30 Jun 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for Consultancy and Industrial Relations for Department of Chemical Engineering
    01 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2015 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee Member for Workshop Services for Department of Chemical Engineering
    01 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2015 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Senate member for University
    17 Dec 2012 - 16 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Senate Representative to JSMA and JKSA
    21 Dec 2012 - 23 Jul 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Committee member for Appeal committee
    25 Jan 2013 - 25 Jan 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for Professional Development Committee (PEng)
    02 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Director
    01 Jan 2018 - 15 Apr 2014 (UM Centre of Innovation & Commercialization (UMCIC), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Director
    01 Oct 2013 - 15 Apr 2014 (Centre for The Initiation of Talent and Industrial Training (CITRA), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Deputy Director
    16 May 2013 - 31 Jul 2013 (UM Centre of Innovation & Commercialization (UMCIC), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Deputy Dean of Higher Degree
    01 Jul 2011 - 16 May 2013 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee member for SLAB/ SLAI
    31 Oct 2012 - 30 Oct 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for Appeal Committee
    08 Apr 2011 - 25 Jan 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Member for e-Learning Committee
    01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for Performance Monitoring Sistem (Sistem Penilaian Prestasi PPT) 2012
    24 Jul 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 (University Malaya)
  • Evaluator for University of Malaya's "Pengurusan Penggantian untuk Kumpulan Pengurusan & Profesional (Bukan Akademik)"
    01 Jun 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 (University Malaya)
  • Member of Evaluation Panel for temporary accreditation for Bachelor of Science (Material Science) Programme
    24 Nov 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 (University Malaya)
  • Member for Postgraduate Committee
    13 Aug 2011 - 12 Aug 2012 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Acting Deputy Dean
    01 Jan 2011 - 01 Feb 2011 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Internal Auditor for UM
    13 Jun 2011 - 01 Jul 2011 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Deputy Dean
    19 Oct 2010 - 31 Dec 2010 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Coordinator for Department Building Maintenance
    01 Jan 2004 - 31 Mar 2007 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Coordinator for Department Alumni
    01 Jan 1999 - 31 Mar 2007 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)


    Since 2019 (International)
    Since 2019 (International)
    Since 2018 (National)
    Since 2014 (National)
    Since 2008 (International)
    2024 to 2024 (International)
    2007 to 2021 (International)


  • Tokoh Akademik Universiti Malaya 2022
    2023, UNIVERSITI MALAYA,  (University)
  • UM Researchers Among World's Top 2% Scientist
    2022, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Outstanding Reviewer
    2022, International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry,  (International)
  • Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers.
    2022, Clarivate,  (International)
  • Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher
    2021, Clarivate,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2020, Universiti Malaya
  • Highly Cited Researcher (Cross-Field)
    2020, Clarivate Web of Science,  (International)
  • Johan Mangku Negara (J.M.N.)
    2020, Yang di Pertuan Agong,  (National)
  • Academic Staff With The Most Highly Cited Paper
    2019, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Top Reviewers in Environmental Science
    2017, Publons,  (International)
  • Top Reviewers for Chemical Engineering
    2017, Publons,  (International)
  • Top Reviewers for Malaysia
    2017, Publons,  (International)
  • Top Reviewers in Environmental Science
    2016, Publons,  (International)
  • Recognized Reviewer- Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Recognized Reviewer- Materials Science & Engineering B
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Recognized Reviewer- Separation and Purification Technology
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Recognized Reviewer- Food and Bioproducts Processing
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Recognized Reviewer- Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Recognized Reviewer- Journal of The Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Recognized Reviewer- Science of The Total Environment
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Recognized Reviewer- Journal of Environmental Management
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Outstanding Reviewer - Fuel
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Outstanding Reviewer - Chemical Engineering Journal
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Outstanding Reviewer - Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Outstanding Reviewer - Journal of Environmental Management
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Outstanding Reviewer Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Recognized Reviewer - Bioresource Technology
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Interviewer for Professional Engineer Qualification With Board of Engineers Malaysia - 3 Candidates Interviewed in 2016
    2016, Baord of Engineers Malaysia (BEM),  (International)
  • Interviewer for Chartered Engineer Qualification With British Engineering Council - 4 Candidates Interviewed in 2016
    2016, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE, UK),  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2016, Universiti Malaya
  • Appointed as Chairman of Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK) in Malaysia 2015-2017
    2015, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE, UK),  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2014, Universiti Malaya
  • 2014 Top Research Scientists Malaysia
    2014, Academy of Science Malaysia,  (National)
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2013, Universiti Malaya
  • Chairman of The Malaysia Awards Committee (Icheme 2013)
    2013, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) UK,  (International)
  • Interviewer for Professional Engineer Qualification With Board of Engineers Malaysia - 4 Candidates Interviewed in 2013
    2013, Institution of Engineers, Malaysia,  (National)
  • Chairman of Icheme Special Interest Group (Sig) for Education
    2013, IChemE UK,  (International)
  • Honorary Treasurer for Institution of Chemical Engineers (Icheme), UK for Session 2013
    2013, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) UK,  (International)
  • Member of The International Awards Committee
    2013, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) UK,  (International)
  • Best Teaching Award 2013
    2013, Faculty of Engineering,  (University)
  • Jury of Intelligent Design, Innovation and Creativity Award (I-Dica) 2013
    2013, Matriculation Unit, Ministry of Education of Malaysia,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2012, Universiti Malaya
  • UM Excellence Award
    2011, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Award 2011 for Outstanding Achievement in The Category of Excellent Lecturer
    2011, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2010, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellence in Teaching
    2010, Faculty of Engineering,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • Award for Excellence in Service (Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)
    2009, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Universiti Malaya Excellence Award 2009 for Teaching
    2009, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Itex Gold Medal for The Invention Continuous Production of Super High Quality Biodiesel Using Al2o3/Tio3 Membrane Reactor At The 20th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (Itex 2009)
    2009, Malaysia Invention and Design Society,  (International)
  • Award for Invention/Innovation of "Non-Destructive Apparatus for Measuring Blocksporosity" At The Malaysia Technology Expo 2009
    2009, Malaysian Association of Research Scientists,  (National)
  • Award for Invention/Innovation of "Production of High Quality Biodiesel from Malaysian Palm Oil Using Al2o3 Membranne Reactor" At The Malaysia Technology Expo 2009
    2009, Malaysian Association Research Scientists,  (National)
  • Award for Excellence in Service (Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)
    2008, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • The Chancellor Award for Excellence in Invention
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Invention and Innovation Category Award for "Nano Particles Coating Studies" At The Ekspo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Inovasi 2006
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Invention and Innovation Category Award for "Bricks and Tiles from Industrial Waste" At The Ekspo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Inovasi 2006
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Invention/Innovation Award for "Bricks and Tiles from Industrial Solid Wastes" At The Malaysia Technology Expo 2006
    2006, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia,  (National)
  • Award for Excellence in Service (Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Environmental Design Competition (Edc) 2006.
    2006, United Arab Emirate Unversity.,  (International)
  • Award for Excellence in Service (Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)
    2005, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2004, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2003, Universiti Malaya
  • Award for Excellence in Service (Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)
    2003, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Award for Excellence in Service (Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)
    2002, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Dean's Award for Service Excellence (Sijil Kecemerlangan Dekan)
    1999, Faculty of Engineering,  (University)


Article in Journal
  1. Tee, Y. Y.; Tan, Y. Y.; Abidin, M. I. I. Zainal; Raman, A. A. Abdul; Buthiyappan, A. (2025). Innovative approach to dye adsorption: a comparative study of iron impregnated waste human hair-based activated carbon, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. . doi:10.1007/s13762-024-05928-7
  2. Zhang, X. G.; Raman, A. A. Abdul; Jewaratnam, J.; Buthiyappan, A. (2025). Sustainable carbon dioxide capture, storage, and utilization: review of current status and future direction, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. . doi:10.1007/s13762-024-05908-x
  3. Azmi, Nuradila Zahirah Mohd; Buthiyappan, Archina; Patah, Muhammad Fazly Abdul; Rashidi, Nor Adilla; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul (2024). Enhancing the CO 2 adsorption with dual functionalized coconut shell-hydrochar using Chlorella microalgae and metal oxide: Synthesis, physicochemical properties & mechanism evaluations, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 463. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142736
  4. Gopalan, J.; Raman, A. A. Abdul; Buthiyappan, A. (2024). Green adsorbent for CO2 adsorption: MgO impregnated palm kernel shell-based activated carbon, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 21(9), 6773-6788. doi:10.1007/s13762-023-05418-2
  5. Pu, Wei; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Hamid, Mahar Diana; Gao, Xiaoming; Buthiyappan, Archina (2024). Development of comprehensive healthier process plants based on inherent safety concept, PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. 184, 804-822. doi:10.1016/j.psep.2024.02.017
  6. Zhang, Xing Gang; Buthiyappan, Archina; Jewaratnam, Jegalakshimi; Metselaar, Hendrik Simon Cornelis; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul (2024). Bifunctional materials for integrated CO2 capture and conversion: review on adsorbent and catalyst types, recent advances, and challenges, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 12(1). doi:10.1016/j.jece.2023.111799
  7. Gao, Xiaoming; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Hizaddin, Hanee F.; Buthiyappan, Archina; Bello, Mustapha M. (2023). Bayesian networks based laboratory retrofitting towards inherent safety: A risk-based implementation framework, JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES. 83. doi:10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105036
  8. Pu, Wei; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Hamid, Mahar Diana; Gao, Xiaoming; Buthiyappan, Archina (2023). Inherent safety concept based proactive risk reduction strategies: A review, JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES. 84. doi:10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105133
  9. Solih, Fathimath Afrah; Buthiyappan, Archina; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Tan, Yan Ying (2023). Carbonaceous material from agricultural waste for treating colored wastewater: characterization and adsorption performance evaluations, CHEMICAL PAPERS. . doi:10.1007/s11696-023-02682-x
  10. Tan, Yan Ying; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Abidin, Mohd Izzudin Izzat Zainal; Buthiyappan, Archina (2023). Sustainable Dye Adsorption Using Novel Activated Carbon Prepared from Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) Leaf: Mechanism and Cost Analysis, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 62(36), 14507-14521. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.3c01303
  11. Then, C. S.; Tan, I. A. W.; Ting, W. H. T.; Salleh, S. F.; Wahab, N. Abdul; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul (2023). Dynamic modelling and simulation of eutectic freeze crystallization process for recovery of ammonium sulphate from aqueous solutions, JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING. 54. doi:10.1016/j.jwpe.2023.103933
  12. Azmi, Nuradila Zahirah Mohd; Buthiyappan, Archina; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Patah, Muhamad Fazly Abdul; Sufian, Suriati (2022). Recent advances in biomass based activated carbon for carbon dioxide - A review, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY. 116, 1-20. doi:10.1016/j.jiec.2022.08.021
  13. Chan, Amy Aynee; Buthiyappan, Archina; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Ibrahim, Shaliza (2022). Recent advances on the coconut shell derived carbonaceous material for the removal of recalcitrant pollutants: A review, KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 39(10), 2571-2593. doi:10.1007/s11814-022-1201-5
  14. Gopalan, Jayaprina; Buthiyappan, Archina; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul (2022). Insight into metal-impregnated biomass based activated carbon for enhanced carbon dioxide adsorption: A review, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY. 113, 72-95. doi:10.1016/j.jiec.2022.06.026
  15. Karpan, Balasubramaniam; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Rahim, Razuana; Aroua, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb; Buthiyappan, Archina (2022). Carbon Footprint Evaluation of Industrial Wastes Based Solid Fuel in the Context of Its Use in a Cement Plant, WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION. . doi:10.1007/s12649-022-01761-6
  16. Ling, L. C.; Buthiyappan, Archina; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Jabar, Noorul Huda Abdul; Singh, Ramesh (2022). Performance investigation of electrocoagulation and Electro-Fenton processes for high strength landfill leachate: operational parameters and kinetics, CHEMICAL PAPERS. 76(5), 2991-3003. doi:10.1007/s11696-021-02052-5
  17. Nasrin, Abu Bakar; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Bukhari, Nurul Adela; Sukiran, Mohamad Azri; Buthiyappan, Archina; Subramaniam, Vijaya; Aziz, Astimar Abdul; Loh, Soh Kheang (2022). A critical analysis on biogas production and utilisation potential from palm oil mill effluent, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 361. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132040
  18. Gao, X. M., Jali, Z. M., Aziz, A. R. A., Hizaddin, H. F., Buthiyappan, A., Jewaratnam, J., & Bello, M. M. (2021). Inherent health oriented design for preventing sick building syndrome during planning stage. Journal of Building Engineering, 44, 13. doi: 10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103285
  19. Gao, X. M., Raman, A. A. A., Hizaddin, H. F., Bello, M. M., & Buthiyappan, A. (2021). Review on the Inherently Safer Design for chemical processes: Past, present and future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 305, 26. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127154
  20. Gao, X. M., Raman, A. A. A., Hizaddin, H. F., Buthiyappan, A., & Bello, M. M. (2021). Developing friendlier biodiesel production process via systematic inherent safety interventions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 308, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127291
  21. Gao, X. M., Raman, A. A. A., Hizaddin, H. F., Buthiyappan, A., & Bello, M. M. (2021). Dynamic Inherently Safer Modifications: Metric development and its validation for fire and explosion prevention. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 71, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.jlp.2021.104483
  22. Jun, K. C., Buthiyappan, A., & Raman, A. A. A. (2021). Application of magnetic-biomass-derived activated carbon as an adsorbent for the treatment of recalcitrant wastewater. Chemical Papers, 75(10), 5279-5295. doi: 10.1007/s11696-021-01679-8
  23. Karpan, B., Raman, A. A. A., & Aroua, M. K. T. (2021). Waste-to-energy: Coal-like refuse derived fuel from hazardous waste and biomass mixture. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 149, 655-664. doi: 10.1016/j.psep.2021.03.009
  24. Sharif, E. A., Yahyavi, B., Bayrami, A., Pouran, S. R., Atazadeh, E., Singh, R., & Raman, A. A. A. (2021). Physicochemical and biological status of Aghlagan river, Iran: effects of seasonal changes and point source pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(12), 15339-15349. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-11660-9
  1. Pu W., Raman A.A.A., Hamid M.D., Gao X., Buthiyappan A. (2024). Development of comprehensive healthier process plants based on inherent safety concept, Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 184, 804-822. doi:10.1016/j.psep.2024.02.017
  2. Zhang X.G., Buthiyappan A., Jewaratnam J., Metselaar H.S.C., Raman A.A.A. (2024). Bifunctional materials for integrated CO2 capture and conversion: review on adsorbent and catalyst types, recent advances, and challenges, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 12(1). doi:10.1016/j.jece.2023.111799
  3. Abdul Raman A.A., Buthiyappan A., Chan A.A., Khor Y.Y. (2023). Oxidant-assisted adsorption using lignocellulosic biomass-based activated carbon, Materials Today: Proceedings. . doi:10.1016/j.matpr.2022.12.204
  4. Gao X., Abdul Raman A.A., Hizaddin H.F., Buthiyappan A., Bello M.M. (2023). Bayesian networks based laboratory retrofitting towards inherent safety: A risk-based implementation framework, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 83. doi:10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105036
  5. Pu W., Abdul Raman A.A., Hamid M.D., Gao X., Buthiyappan A. (2023). Inherent safety concept based proactive risk reduction strategies: A review, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 84. doi:10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105133
  6. Solih F.A., Buthiyappan A., Abdul Raman A.A., Tan Y.Y. (2023). Carbonaceous material from agricultural waste for treating colored wastewater: characterization and adsorption performance evaluations, Chemical Papers. 77(6), 2985-3001. doi:10.1007/s11696-023-02682-x
  7. Chan A.A., Buthiyappan A., Raman A.A.A., Ibrahim S. (2022). Recent advances on the coconut shell derived carbonaceous material for the removal of recalcitrant pollutants: A review, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. 39(10), 2571-2593. doi:10.1007/s11814-022-1201-5
  8. Gopalan J., Buthiyappan A., Abdul Raman A.A. (2022). Insight into metal-impregnated biomass based activated carbon for enhanced carbon dioxide adsorption: A review, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 113, 72-95. doi:10.1016/j.jiec.2022.06.026
  9. Karpan B., Abdul Raman A.A., Rahim R., Aroua M.K.T., Buthiyappan A. (2022). Carbon Footprint Evaluation of Industrial Wastes Based Solid Fuel in the Context of Its Use in a Cement Plant, Waste and Biomass Valorization. 13(8), 3723-3735. doi:10.1007/s12649-022-01761-6
  10. Ling L.C., Buthiyappan A., Abdul Raman A.A., Abdul Jabar N.H., Singh R. (2022). Performance investigation of electrocoagulation and Electro-Fenton processes for high strength landfill leachate: operational parameters and kinetics, Chemical Papers. 76(5), 2991-3003. doi:10.1007/s11696-021-02052-5
  11. Mohd Azmi N.Z., Buthiyappan A., Abdul Raman A.A., Abdul Patah M.F., Sufian S. (2022). Recent advances in biomass based activated carbon for carbon dioxide capture A review, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 116, 1-20. doi:10.1016/j.jiec.2022.08.021
  12. Nasrin A.B., Abdul Raman A.A., Bukhari N.A., Sukiran M.A., Buthiyappan A., Subramaniam V., Aziz A.A., Loh S.K. (2022). A critical analysis on biogas production and utilisation potential from palm oil mill effluent, Journal of Cleaner Production. 361. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132040
  13. Asadi Sharif, E., Yahyavi, B., Bayrami, A., Rahim Pouran, S., Atazadeh, E., Singh, R., & Abdul Raman, A. A. (2021). Physicochemical and biological status of Aghlagan river, Iran: effects of seasonal changes and point source pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(12), 15339-15349. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-11660-9
  14. Gao, X., Abdul Raman, A. A., Hizaddin, H. F., Bello, M. M., & Buthiyappan, A. (2021). Review on the Inherently Safer Design for chemical processes: Past, present and future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 305. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127154
  15. Gao, X., Abdul Raman, A. A., Hizaddin, H. F., Buthiyappan, A., & Bello, M. M. (2021). Developing friendlier biodiesel production process via systematic inherent safety interventions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 308. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127291
  16. Gao, X., Abdul Raman, A. A., Hizaddin, H. F., Buthiyappan, A., & Bello, M. M. (2021). Dynamic Inherently Safer Modifications: Metric development and its validation for fire and explosion prevention. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 71. doi: 10.1016/j.jlp.2021.104483
  17. Jun, K. C., Buthiyappan, A., & Abdul Raman, A. A. (2021). Application of magnetic-biomass-derived activated carbon as an adsorbent for the treatment of recalcitrant wastewater. Chemical Papers, 75(10), 5279-5295. doi: 10.1007/s11696-021-01679-8
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  19. Tan, Y. Y., Bello, M. M., & Abdul Raman, A. A. (2021). Towards cleaner production in palm oil industry: Advanced treatment of biologically-treated POME using palm kernel shell-based adsorbent. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2. doi: 10.1016/j.clet.2021.100079
  20. Gao, X., Abdul Raman, A. A., Hizaddin, H. F., Bello, M. M. (2020). Systematic review on the implementation methodologies of inherent safety in chemical process. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 65. doi: 10.1016/j.jlp.2020.104092
  21. Abioye, O. P., Agamuthu, P., Abdul Aziz, A. (2010). Phytoaccumulation of zinc and iron by jatropha curcas grown in used lubricating oil-contaminated soil, Malaysian Journal of Science. 29(3), 207-21313943065
  1. A Akhtar, Z Aslam, A Asghar, MM Bello, AAA Raman. (2020). Electrocoagulation of Congo Red dye-containing wastewater: Optimization of operational parameters and process mechanism. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8(5), 104055
  2. AB Nasrin, AAA Raman, SK Loh, MA Sukiran, NA Bukhari, AA Aziz, MFM Saad, MKM Kamarudin, A Buthiyappan. (2020). Characteristics and techno-economic potential of bio-compressed natural gas (Bio-CNG) from palm oil mill effluent (POME). MS&E, 736(2), 022060.
  3. Ahmad, M., Aziz, ARA., Mazari, SA., Baloch, AG., Nizamuddin, S. (2020). Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange from wastewater using a newly developed Fe-Cu-Zn-ZSM-5 catalyst. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 26239 26248
  4. Al Bayrami, A Shirdel, SR Pouran, F Mahmoudi, AH Yangjeh, R Singh, AAA Raman. (2020). Co-regulative effects of chitosan-fennel seed extract system on the hormonal and biochemical factors involved in the polycystic ovarian syndrome. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 117, 111351
  5. Bello, MM., Raman, AAA., Asghar, A. (2020). Activated carbon as carrier in fluidized bed reactor for Fenton oxidation of recalcitrant dye: Oxidation-adsorption synergy and surface interaction. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 33, 101001.
  6. EA Sharif, B Yahyavi, A Bayrami, SR Pouran, E Atazadeh, R Singh. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. (2020). Physicochemical and biological status of Aghlagan river, Iran: effects of seasonal changes and point source pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-11
  7. Ghotli, RA., Shafeeyan, MS., Abbasi, MR., Raman, AAA., Ibrahim, S. (2020). Macromixing study for various designs of impellers in a stirred vessel. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 148, 107794.
  8. KC Jun, AAA Raman, A Buthiyappan. (2020). Treatment of oil refinery effluent using bio-adsorbent developed from activated palm kernel shell and zeolite. RSC Advances,10(40), 24079-24094.
  9. MM Bello, TS Y ng, AA Abdul Raman. (2020). Response surface methodology optimization of integrated fluidized bed adsorption Fenton oxidation for removal of Reactive Black 5, Chemical Engineering Communications 207 (11), 1567-1578
  10. R Rahim, AAA Raman, RSSRE Shah, KS Chiong. (2020). A methodology for identifying cleaner production options to reduce carbon emission in the manufacturing industry. Research Communication in Engineering Science & Technology, 4, 24-37.
  11. SR Pouran, A Bayrami, FM Arvanag, A Habibi-Yangjeh, RDC Soltani, R Singh, AAA Raman, KH Chae, A Khatae, HK Kang. (2020). Biogenic integrated ZnO/Ag nanocomposite: Surface analysis and in vivo practices for the management of type 1 diabetes complications. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 189, 110878.
  12. TY Ying, AAA Raman, MM Bello, A Buthiyappan. (2020). Magnetic graphene oxide-biomass activated carbon composite for dye removal. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1-13
  13. X Gao, AAA Raman, HF Hizaddin, A Buthiyappan, MM Bello. (2020). Systematic inherent safety and its implementation in chlorine liquefaction process. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 65, 104133.
  14. Yong, B. C., Abdul Raman, A. A., Buthiyappan, A., & Zainal Abidin, M. I. I. (2020). Synthesis and characterization of sugarcane bagasse cellulose capped silver nanoparticle using ultrasonic irradiation for the adsorption of heavy metal. Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, e2433.
  15. Abdul Raman, A. A., Tan, H. W., & Buthiyappan, A. (2019). Two-Step Purification of Glycerol as a Value Added by Product From the Biodiesel Production Process. Frontiers in Chemistry, 7(774).
  16. Afshar Ghotli, R., Abbasi, M. R., Bagheri, A., Raman, A. A. A., Ibrahim, S., & Bostanci, H. (2019). Experimental and modeling evaluation of droplet size in immiscible liquid-liquid stirred vessel using various impeller designs. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 100, 26-36.
  17. Asghar, A., Bello, M. M., Raman, A. A. A., Daud, W. M. A. W., Ramalingam, A., & Zain, S. B. M. (2019). Predicting the degradation potential of Acid blue 113 by different oxidants using quantum chemical analysis. Heliyon, 5(9), e02396.
  18. Asghar, A., Raman, A. A. A., Daud, W. M. A. W., Ramalingam, A., & Zain, S. B. M. (2019). Determining the feasibility of H2O2 production at a graphite cathode using bond dissociation energy: comparing simple and nitrogen doped cathodes. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 45(6), 3311-3327.
  19. Bello, M. M., Abdul Raman, A. A., & Asghar, A. (2019). A review on approaches for addressing the limitations of Fenton oxidation for recalcitrant wastewater treatment. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 126, 119-140.
  20. Bello, M. M., Abdul Raman, A. A., & Asghar, A. (2019). Fenton oxidation treatment of recalcitrant dye in fluidized bed reactor: Role of SiO2 as carrier and its interaction with fenton's reagent. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 38(5), 13188.
  21. Bello, M. M., Raman, A. A. A., & Asghar, A. (2019). Interaction patterns in fluidized-bed Fenton process for the degradation of recalcitrant pollutants: theoretical and experimental insights. Chemical Papers, 73(10), 2591-2602.
  22. Bello, M. M., Y ng, T. S., & Abdul Raman, A. A. (2019). Response surface methodology optimization of integrated fluidized bed adsorption Fenton oxidation for removal of Reactive Black 5. Chemical Engineering Communications, 1-12.
  23. Bello, M.M. & Raman, A.A.A.(2019). Synergy of adsorption and advanced oxidation processes in recalcitrant wastewater treatment, Environmental Chemical Letters, 17, 1125.
  24. Buthiyappan, A., & Abdul Raman, A. A. (2019). Energy intensified integrated advanced oxidation technology for the treatment of recalcitrant industrial wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, 1025-1040.
  25. Buthiyappan, A., Chee, M., Abdul Raman, A.A., N. Huda, & S. Ramesh. (2019). Degradation of carbofuran in aqueous solution using persulfate/Fe2+/ultrasound treatment system. Desalination and Water treatment,164, 176-184.
  26. Buthiyappan, A., Gopalan, J., & Abdul Raman, A. A. (2019). Synthesis of iron oxides impregnated green adsorbent from sugarcane bagasse: Characterization and evaluation of adsorption efficiency. Journal of Environmental Management, 249, 109323.
  27. Buthiyappan, A., Raja Ehsan Shah, R. S. S., Asghar, A., Abdul Raman, A. A., Daud, M. A. W., Ibrahim, S., & Tezel, F. H. (2019). Textile wastewater treatment efficiency by Fenton oxidation with integration of membrane separation system. Chemical Engineering Communications, 206(4), 541-557.
  28. Huiwen, L., Ghotli, R. A., Raja Ehsan, R.S.S. & Raman, A.A.A. (2019). Effect Of Disc-Blade Intercepting Angle On Mixing Performance In A Multiphase Stirred Vessel. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 36(2), 811-821.
  29. RSSRE Shah, B Sajjadi, AAA Raman, TY See, S Ibrahim, YJ Mok. (2019). Estimating Just Suspension Speed for Stirred Reactors Using Power Measurement. Research Communication in Engineering Science & Technology, 2, 1-5.
  30. Sherlala, A. I. A., Raman, A. A. A., & Bello, M. M. (2019). Synthesis and characterization of magnetic graphene oxide for arsenic removal from aqueous solution. Environmental Technology, 40(12), 1508-1516.
  31. Sherlala, A. I. A., Raman, A. A. A., Bello, M. M., & Buthiyappan, A. (2019). Adsorption of arsenic using chitosan magnetic graphene oxide nanocomposite. Journal of Environmental Management, 246, 547-556.
  32. AIA Sherlala, AAA Raman, MM Bello, A Asghar. (2018). A review of the applications of organo-functionalized magnetic graphene oxide nanocomposites for heavy metal adsorption. Chemosphere, 193, 1004-1017.
  33. Asghar, A., Abdul Raman, A.A., Wan Daud, W.M.A., Ramalingam, A. (2018). Reactivity, stability, and thermodynamic feasibility of H2 O2 /H2 O at graphite cathode: Application of quantum chemical calculations in MFCs. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 37(4), 1291-1304.
  34. Khaki, MRD; Shafeeyan, MS; Raman, AAA; Daud, WMAW (2018). Evaluating the efficiency of nano-sized Cu doped TiO2/ZnO photocatalyst under visible light irradiation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 258, 354-365.
  35. MRD Khaki, MS Shafeeyan, AAA Raman, WMAW Daud. (2018). Enhanced UV-Visible photocatalytic activity of Cu-doped ZnO/TiO2 nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29(7), 5480-5495.
  36. Momiroski, V., Bhattacharya, S., Davoody, M., Abdul Raman, A.A.B., Parthasarathy, R. (2018). Size distribution of bubbles in agitated viscous Newtonian and non-Newtonian solutions. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 13(6), 2267
  37. Pouran, SR., Bayrami, A., Raman, AAA., Daud, WMAW., Shafeeyan, MS., Khataee, A. (2018). Comprehensive study on the influence of molybdenum substitution on characteristics and catalytic performance of magnetite nanoparticles. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 44(2), 883-900.
  38. SR Pouran, A Bayrami, MS Shafeeyan, AAA Raman, WMAW Daud. (2018). A Comparative Study on a Cationic Dye Removal through Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Fenton Oxidation Systems. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 65(1), 166-171.
  39. Sajjadi, B; Chen, WY; Raman, AAA; Ibrahim, S (2018). Microalgae lipid and biomass for biofuel production: A comprehensive review on lipid enhancement strategies and their effects on fatty acid composition. Renewable Sustainable Energy Reviews, 97, 200-232
  40. Asaithambi, P.; Aziz, Abdul Raman Abdul; Sajjadi, Baharak; Wan Daud, Wan Mohd Ashri. (2017). Sono assisted electrocoagulation process for the removal of pollutant from pulp and paper industry effluent. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(6), 5168-5178
  41. Asaithambi, P.; Sajjadi, Baharak; Aziz, Abdul Raman Abdul. (2017). Integrated ozone-photo-Fenton process for the removal of pollutant from industrial wastewater. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(4), 516-522
  42. Asghar, Anam; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Daud, Andwan Mohd Ashri Wan. (2017). In situ production of hydrogen peroxide in a microbial fuel cell for recalcitrant wastewater treatment. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 92(7), 1825-1840
  43. Asghar, Anam; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Daud, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan. (2017). Sequential Optimization for Minimizing Material Cost and Treatment Time of Fenton Oxidation for Textile Wastewater Treatment. Chemical Engineering Communications, 204(8), 873-883
  44. Asghar, Anam; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Daud, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan; Ahmad, Mushtaq; MdZain, Sharif Uddin. (2017). Effect of nitrogen doping on graphite cathode for hydrogen peroxide production and power generation in MFC. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 76, 89-100
  45. Asghar, Anam; Salihoudin, Addin; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Wan Daud, Wan Mohd Ashri. (2017). Cathode Modification to Enhance the Performance of In-Situ Fenton Oxidation in Microbial Fuel Cells. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 36(2), 382-393.
  46. Asgharzadehahmadi, Seyedali; Sajjadi, Baharak; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Rajarathinam, Parthasarathy. (2017). Mass Transfer Study of Newtonian Fluids with Different Viscosity under Low-Frequency, High-Power Ultrasound Irradiation. Chemical Engineering Communications, 204(8), 864-872
  47. Baharak Sajjadi, Seyedali Asgharzadehahmadi, Perumal Asaithambi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Rajarathinam Parthasarathy. (2017). Investigation of mass transfer intensification under power ultrasound irradiation using 3D computational simulation: A comparative analysis, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 34, 504-518.
  48. Bello, Mustapha Mohammed; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul. (2017). Trend and current practices of palm oil mill effluent polishing. Application of advanced oxidation processes and their future perspectives. Journal of Environmental Management, 198, 170-182
  49. Bello, Mustapha Mohammed; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Purushothaman, Monash. (2017). Applications of fluidized bed reactors in wastewater treatment - A review of the major design and operational parameters. Journal of Cleaner Production,141, 1492-1514
  50. Buthiyappan, Archina; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Davoody, Meysam; Wan Daud, Wan Mohd Ashri. (2017). Parametric Study and Process Evaluation of Fenton Oxidation: Application of Sequential Response Surface Methodology and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Computing Technique. Chemical Engineering Communications, 204(6), 658-676
  51. Chiong, KS; Mohamad, ZF; Aziz, ARA (2017). Factors encouraging sustainability integration into institutions of higher education, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 14, 911-922
  52. Davoody, M; Graham, LJW; Wu, J; Youn, I; Raman, AAA; Parthasarathy, R. (2017). A Novel Approach To Quantify Scale Thickness and Distribution in Stirred Vessels. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56(49), 14582-14591.
  53. Khaki, Mohammad Reza Delsouz; Shafeeyan, Mohammad Saleh; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; et al. (2017). Application of doped photocatalysts for organic pollutant degradation - A review. Journal of Environmental Management. 198(2), 78-94
  54. N. Huda, A.A.A. Raman, M.M. Bello, S. Ramesh. (2017). Electrocoagulation treatment of raw landfill leachate using iron-based electrodes: Effects of process parameters and optimization. Journal of Environmental Management, 204, 75-81.
  55. P. Asaithambi, Baharak Sajjadi; Abdul Raman, Abdul Aziz; Wan Mohd Ashri, Wan Daud; (2017). Ozone (O3) and sono (US) based advanced oxidation processes for the removal of color, COD and determination of electrical energy from landfill leachate. Separation and Purification Technology, 172, 442-449.
  56. Rahim, Razuana; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul. (2017). Carbon dioxide emission reduction through cleaner production strategies in a recycled plastic resins producing plant. Journal of Cleaner Production,141, 1067-1073
  57. Sajjadi, B., Asaithambi, P., Raman, A. A. A., & Ibrahim, S. (2017). Hybrid nero-fuzzy methods for estimation of ultrasound and mechanically stirring Influences on biodiesel synthesis through transesterification. Measurement, 103, 62-76.
  58. Sajjadi, B., Davoody, M., Abdul Aziz, A. R., & Ibrahim, S. (2017). Analysis and optimization of ultrasound-assisted alkaline palm oil transesterification by RSM and ANN-GA. Chemical Engineering Communications, 204(3), 365-381.
  59. Abdul Raman, A.A., Asaithambi, P., Wan Daud, W.M.A. (2016). Combination of electrocoagulation with advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of distillery industrial effluent, Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 99, 227-235.
  60. Ahmad, M., Abdul Raman, A.A., Basirun, W.J., Bhargava, S.K. (2016). Treatment of textile effluent containing recalcitrant dyes using MOF derived Fe-ZSM-5 heterogeneous catalyst, RSC Advances, 6(56), 51078-51088.
  61. Ahmad, M., Farhana, R., Abdul Raman, A.A., Bhargava S.K. (2016). Synthesis and activity evaluation of heterometallic nano oxides integrated ZSM-5 catalysts for palm oil cracking to produce biogasoline, Energy Conversion and Management, 119,352-360.
  62. Asaithambi, P., Abdul Aziz, A.A., Wan Daud, W.M.A. (2016). Integrated ozone electrocoagulation process for the removal of pollutant from industrial effluent: Optimization through response surface methodology, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 105, 92-102.
  63. Asgharzadehahmadi, S., Abdul Raman, A.A., Parthasarathy, R., Sajjadi, B. (2016). Sonochemical reactors: Review on features, advantages and limitations, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 63, 302-314. ()
  64. Asgharzadehahmadi, S., Davoody, M., Ghotli, R.A., Abdul Raman, A.A., Parthasarathy, R. (2016). Effect of ultrasonic irradiations on gas liquid mass transfer coefficient (kLa); Experiments and modelling, Measurement, 79, 119-129.
  65. Buthiyappan, A., Abdul Raman, A.A. Wan Daud, W.M.A. (2015). Recent advances and prospects of catalytic advanced oxidation process in treating textile effluents. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 32(1), 1-47.
  66. Buthiyappan, A., Abdul Raman, A.A., Wan Daud, W.M.A. (2016). Development of an advanced chemical oxidation wastewater treatment system for the batik industry in Malaysia, RSC Advances. 6, 25222-25241.
  67. Chong, S.S., Abdul Raman, A.A., Harun, S.W., Arof, H. (2016). Dye Concentrations Measurement Using Mach Zehner Interferometer Sensor and Modeled by ANFIS, IEEE Sensors Journal. 16(22), 8044 - 8050.
  68. Chong, S.S., Abdul Raman, A.A., Harun, S.W., Arof, H. (2016). Dye concentration determination with cross-sensitivity compensation, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 226, 450-456.
  69. Davoody, M., Abdul Raman, A.A., Parthasarathy, R. (2016). Maximizing gas liquid interfacial area in a three-phase stirred vessel operating at high solids concentrations, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 104, 133-147. ()
  70. Davoody, M., Abdul Raman, A.A.,Parthasarathy, R. (2016). Agitation energy efficiency in gas solid liquid stirred vessels operating at ultra-high solids concentrations, Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 111, 34-48.
  71. Farouk, H.A., Abdul Raman, A.A., Wan Daud, W.M.A. (2016). TiO2 catalyst deactivation in textile wastewater treatment: Current challenges and future advances, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 33, 11-21.
  72. Ghotli, A.R., Abdul Raman, A.A., Ibrahim, S. (2016). The effect of various designs of six-curved blade impellers on reaction rate analysis in liquid liquid mixing vessel, Measurement, 91, 440-450.
  73. Khaki, M.R.D., Sajjadi, B., Abdul Raman, A.A., Wan Daud, W.M.A., Shmshirband, S. (2016). Sensitivity analysis of the photoactivity of Cu TiO2/ZnO during advanced oxidation reaction by Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Selection Technique, Measurement, 77, 155-174.
  74. Kow, K-W., Yusoff, R., Abdul Raman, A.A., Abdullah, E.C. (2016). Determination of kinetic parameters for thermal decomposition of bamboo leaf to extract bio-silica, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 38(21), 3249-3254.
  75. Mostafizur, R.M., Abdul Raman, A.A., Saidur, R., Bhuiyan, M.H.U. (2016). Investigation on stability and viscosity of SiO2 CH3OH (methanol) nanofluids, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 72, 16-22.
  76. Pouran, S.R., Bayrami, A., Abdul Raman, A.A., Wan Daud, W.M.A., Shafeeyan, M.S. (2016). Ultrasound and UV assisted Fenton treatment of recalcitrant wastewaters using transition metal-substituted-magnetite nanoparticles, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 222, 1076-1084.
  77. Sajjadi, B., Abdul Raman, A.A., Arandiyan, H. (2016). A comprehensive review on properties of edible and non-edible vegetable oil-based biodiesel: Composition, specifications and prediction models. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 63, 62-92.
  78. Sajjadi, B., Abdul Raman, A.A., Davoody, M., Moghaddam, M.E., (2016). An Insight into Physical and Chemical Impacts of Cavitation under Different Operational Conditions in Biodiesel Synthesis under Ultrasound Irradiation,
  79. Sajjadi, B., Abdul Raman, A.A., Parthasarathy, R. (2016). Fluid dynamic analysis of non-Newtonian flow behavior of municipal sludge simulant in anaerobic digesters using submerged, recirculating jets, Chemical Engineering Journal, 298, 259-270.
  80. Sajjadi, B., Asaithambi, P., Aziz, A. R. A., Ibrahim, S. (2016). Mathematical analysis of the effects of operating conditions and rheological behaviour of reaction medium on biodiesel synthesis under ultrasound irradiation. Fuel, 184, 637-647.
  81. Sani, Y.M., Alaba, P.A., Raji-Yahya, A.O., Abdul Raman, A.A., Wan Daud, W.M.A. (2016). Acidity and catalytic performance of Yb-doped /Zr in comparison with /Zr catalysts synthesized via different preparatory conditions for biodiesel production. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 59, 195-204.
  82. Sani, Y.M., Alaba, P.A., Raji-Yahya, A.O., Abdul Raman, A.A., Wan Daud, W.M.A. (2016). Facile synthesis of sulfated mesoporous Zr/ZSM-5 with improved Br nsted acidity and superior activity over SZr/Ag, SZr/Ti, and SZr/W in transforming UFO into biodiesel, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 60, 247-257.
  83. See, T. Y., Abdul Raman, A. A., Raja Ehsan Shah, R. S. S., Ibrahim, S., Mohamad Nor, M. I. (2016) Study of sparger location on solid suspension in a triple-impeller stirred vessel. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 11: 229 236.
  84. Asghar,A, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2015. Challenges and Recommendations for Using Membranes in Wastewater-based Microbial Fuel Cells for In Situ Fenton Oxidation for Textile Wastewater Treatment. Reviews in Chemical Engineering 31(1):45-67.
  85. Asghar,A, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2015. Advanced Oxidation Processes for In-situ Production of Hydrogen Peroxide/hydroxyl Radical for Textile Wastewater Treatment: A Review. Journal of Cleaner Production 87: 826-838.
  86. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2015. Mechanistic Analysis of Cavitation Assisted Transesterification on Biodiesel Characteristics. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 22: 463- 473.
  87. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2015. Influence of Ultrasound Power on Acoustic Streaming and Micro- bubbles Formations in a Low Frequency Sono-reactor: Mathematical and 3D Computational Simulation. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 24:193-203.
  88. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2015. A Comparative Fluid Flow Characterisation in a Low Frequency/High Power Sonoreactor and Mechanical Stirred Vessel. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 27:359-373.
  89. Buthiyappan,A, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2015. Degradation Performance and Cost Implication of UV- integrated Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatments. Reviews in Chemical Engineering 31(3):263-302.
  90. Chong, S.S, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Sulaiman W. Harun & Hamzah Arof. 2015. Dual Output Approach in Dye Concentrations Determination Using Non-Adiabatic Tapered Fiber. IEEE Sensors Journal 15(7):3903-3908.
  91. Diya'uddeen, B.H., Shima Rahim Pouran, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nashwan, S.M., Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Shaaban, M.G. 2015. Hybrid of Fenton and Sequencing Batch Reactor for Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Treatment. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 25:186-191.
  92. Farhana Tisa, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2014. Simulation for Supporting Scale-Up of a Fluidized Bed Reactor for Advanced Water Oxidation. The Scientific World Journal 2014: 17.
  93. Mohammad Reza Delsouz Khaki, Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Shahaboddin Shmshirband. 2015. Sensitivity Analysis of the Photoactivity of Cu-TiO2/ZnO during Advanced Oxidation Reaction by Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Selection Technique. Measurement.
  94. Mohd Izzudin Izzat Zainal Abidin, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamad Iskandr Mohamad Nor. 2015. Mean Drop Size Correlations and Population Balance Models for Liquid-Liquid Dispersion. AIChE Journal 61(4):1129- 1145.
  95. Mohd. Mostafizur Rahman, Mohammed Hedayet Ulllah Bhuiyan,Rahman Saidur & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2015. Thermophysical Properties of Methanol Based Al2O3 Nanofluids. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 85:414-419.
  96. Mushtaq Ahmad & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2015. Elemental Distribution and Porosity Enhancement in Advanced Nano Bimetallic Catalyst. Powder Technology 280:42-52.
  97. Mushtaq Ahmad,Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Sohail Ahmed. 2015. A Two-Step Process for Industrial Scale Production of Nano Heterometallic Catalysts. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(12) Special 2015, Pages: 114-121
  98. Raja Shazrin Shah Raja Ehsan Shah, Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2015. Solid- liquid Mixing Analysis in Stirred Vessels. Reviews in Chemical Engineering 31(2):119-147.
  99. Razuana Rahim & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2015. Cleaner Production Implementation in a Fruit Juice Production Plant. Journal of Cleaner Production 101 : 215-221.
  100. Reza Afshar, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Atadashi, I.M., Hasan, D.B., Kong, P.S. & Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua. 2015. Selected Physical Properties of Binary Mixtures of Crude Glycerol and Methanol at Various Temperatures. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 21:1039-1043.
  101. Shima Rahim Pouran, A.R. Abdul Aziz, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud, Zaidi Embong. 2015. Niobium Substituted Magnetite as a Strong Heterogeneous Fenton Catalyst for Wastewater Treatment, Applied Surface Science, 351(1):175-187.
  102. Shima Rahim Pouran, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2015. 2015. Review on the Main Advances in Photo- Fenton Oxidation System for Recalcitrant Wastewaters. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 21:53-69.
  103. Shombe Ntaraluka Hassan, Yahaya Muhammad Sani,Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2015. Biogasoline: Biogasoline: An Out-of-the-box Solution to the Food-for-fuel and Land- use Competitions. Energy Conversion and Management 89: 349-367.
  104. Tisa,F, Davoody,M, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2015. Degradation and Mineralization of Phenol Compounds with Goethite Catalyst and Mineralization Prediction Using Artificial Intelligence. PLoS One 10(4).
  105. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, S., Raman, A., Shah, R., et al. 2014. Multiple-impeller Stirred Vessel Studies Reviews in Chemical Engineering 30(3) : 233-336.
  106. Anam Asghar, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2014. Recent Advances, Challenges and Prospects of In-situ Production of Hydrogen Peroxide for textile Wastewater Treatment in Microbial Fuel Cells. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 89: 1466-1480.
  107. Anam Asghar, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2014. A Comparison of Central Composite Design and Taguchi Method for Optimizing Fenton Process. The Scientific World Journal 2014, Article ID 869120, 14 pages.
  108. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2014. Investigation, Modelling and Reviewing the Effective Parameters in Microwave- Assisted Transesterification. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 37 : 762-777.
  109. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2014. Analysis of Alkaline Catalyzed Transesterification of Palm Oil in Presence of Ultrasound Irradiation and Quality Evaluation of Biodiesel. Journal of Selcuk University Natural and Applied Science. Digital Proceeding Of The ICOEST 2014
  110. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Saeid Baroutian, Shaliza Ibrahim & Raja Shazrin Shah Raja Ehsan Shah. 2014. 3D Simulation of fatty acid methyl ester production in a packed membrane reactor. Fuel Processing Technology 118: 7-19.
  111. Chong, S.S., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Sulaiman Wadi Harun & Hamzah Arof. 2014. Temperature Compensation in Determining of Remazol Black B Concentrations Using Plastic Optical Fiber Based Sensor. Sensors 14(9):15836-15848.
  112. Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2014. Kinetic Modeling of a Heterogeneous Fenton Oxidative Treatment of Petroleum Refining Wastewater. The Scientific World Journal 2014. Article ID 252491, 8 pages.
  113. Farhana Tisa, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2014. Applicability of Fluidized Bed Reactor in Recalcitrant Compound Degradation Through Advanced Oxidation Processes: A Review, Journal of Environmental Management 146 : 260-275.
  114. Idris Musa Atadashi, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2014. Removal of Residual Palm Oil-based Biodiesel Catalyst Using Membrane Ultra-filtration Technique: An Optimization Study Alexandria Engineering Journal 53(3): 705-715.
  115. K. W. Kow, Rozita Yusoff,Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2014. Thermal Insulative Performance of Bamboo Leaf Aerogel Opacified Using Activated Carbon Compared with Carbon Black. Advanced Materials Research 941-944 : 2482-2485.
  116. Kow, K.W., Rozita Yusoff, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2014. Characterisation of Bio- silica Synthesised from Cogon Grass (Imperata Cylindrica), Powder Technology 254: 206-213.
  117. Kow, K.W., Rozita Yusoff, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2014. From Bamboo Leaf to Aerogel: Preparation of Water Glass as a Precursor. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 386: 76-84.
  118. Kow, K.W., Yusoff, R., Abdul Raman, A.A., Abdullah, E.C. (2014). Physicochemical Properties of Bamboo Leaf Aerogels Aynthesized Via Different Modes of Gelation. Applied Surface Science, 301, 161-172.
  119. Mohd Izzudin Izzat Zainal Abidin, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamad Iskandar Mohamad Nor. Experimental Investigations in Liquid Liquid Dispersion System: Effects of Dispersed Phase Viscosity and Impeller Speed, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2014 53(15): 6554-6561
  120. Mohd Mostafizur Rahman, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Saidur Rahman, Mohammed Hedayet Ulllah Bhuiyan & Mohammed Mahbubul Islam. 2014. Effect of Temperature and Volume Fraction on Rheology of Methanol Based Nanofluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 77: 765-769.
  121. Mohd. Mostafizur Rahman, Mohammed Hedayet Ulllah Bhuiyan,Rahman Saidur & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2014. Thermal Conductivity Variation for Methanol Based Nanofluids. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76: 350-356.
  122. Shima Rahim Pouran, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2014. Review on the application of modified iron oxides as heterogeneous catalysts in Fenton reactions. Journal of Cleaner Production 64: 24-35.
  123. Yahaya Muhammad Sani, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2014. Activity of Solid Acid Catalysts for Biodiesel Production: A Critical Review. Applied Catalysis A: General 470 : 140-161.
  124. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Raja Shazrin Shah Raja Ehsan Shah et al. 2013. Review on Applicable Breakup/Coalescence Models in Turbulent Liquid-liquid Flows. Reviews in Chemical Engineering 29(3): 131-188.
  125. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Saeid Baroutian & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2013. Investigation of convection and diffusion during biodiesel production in packed membrane reactor using 3D simulation. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
  126. Hashim, L.A., Ezzat Chan Abdullah, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohammad, S.A. 2013. Isoionazid Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient in Nano Size using Ultra Rapid Freezing. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters (5): 1-7.
  127. Idris Musa Atadashi, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2013. The Effects of Catalysts in Biodiesel Production:A Review. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 19(1): 14-26.
  128. Mohammad Khalil, Badrul Hisham Mohamad Jan & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2013. A Tait-like Equation for Estimating the Density of Nontraditional Super Lightweight completion fluid at high pressure and temperature. Petroleum Science and Technology 31(1): 44-50.
  129. Mohd Izzudin Izzat Zainal Abidin, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamad Iskandr Mohamad Nor. 2013. Review on Measurement Techniques for Drop Size Distribution in a Stirred Vessel. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52(46): 16085-16094
  130. Reza Afshar Ghotli , Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman , Shaliza Ibrahim & Saeid Baroutian. 2013. LLiquid-liquid Mixing in Stirred Vessels: A Review. Chemical Engineering Communications 200(5): 595-627.
  131. Reza Afshar Ghotli, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim, Saeid Baroutian & Arash Arami-Niya. 2013. Study of Various Curved-blade Impeller Geometries on Power Consumption in Stirred Vessel using Response Surface Methodology. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 44(2): 192-201.
  132. Sarina Sulaiman, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua. 2013. Reactive Extraction of Solid Coconut Waste to Produce Biodiesel. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 44(2): 233- 238.
  133. Sarina Sulaiman, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua. 2013. Optimization and Modeling of Extraction of Solid Coconut Waste Oil. Journal of Food Engineering 114(2):228-234.
  134. Su, S.C., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Sulaiman Wadi Harun. 2013. Fibre Optic Sensors for Selected Wastewater Characteristics. Sensors 13: 8640-8668.
  135. Tan, H.W., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua. 2013. Glycerol Production and Its Applications As a Raw Material: A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 27: 118-127.
  136. Yahaya Muhammad Sani, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2013. Solid Acid-catalyzed Biodiesel Production from Microalgal Oil The Dual Advantage. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 1(3): 113-121.
  137. Abioye, O.P., Agamuthu Pariatamby & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2012. Biodegradation of Used Motor Oil in Soil using Organic Waste Amendments. Biotechnology Research International 2012.
  138. Abioye, O.P., Agamuthu Pariatamby & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2012. Phytotreatment of Soil Contaminated with Used Lubricating Oil using Hibiscus Cannabinus. Biodegradation 23(2):277-286.
  139. Abioye, O.P., Agamutu Pariatamby & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2012. Biodegradation of Used Lubricating Oil by Microbes Isolated from Pristine Soil Environment. Malaysian Journal of Science 31(1):1-7
  140. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim et al. (2012). Review on Gas-liquid Mixing Analysis in Multiscale Stirred Vessel using CFD. Reviews in Chemical Engineering 28(2-3):73-189.
  141. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Mariam Nik Sulaiman. 2012. TiO 2/Al 2O 3 Membrane Reactor Equipped with a Methanol Recovery Unit to Produce Palm Oil Biodiesel. International Journal of Energy Research 36(1):120-129.
  142. Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2012. Using D-optimal Experimental Design to Optimise Remazol Black B Mineralisation by Fenton-like Peroxidation, Environmental Technology, 33(10): 1111- 1121.
  143. Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2011. Oxidative Mineralisation of Petroleum Refinery Effluent using Fenton-like Process. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 9(2):298-307.
  144. Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Mohammed Harun Chakrabarti. 2012. Performance Evaluation of Biodiesel from Used Domestic Waste Oils: A Review. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 90(3): 164-179.
  145. Diya'uddeen, Basheer Hasan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2012. On the limitation of Fenton Oxidation Operational Parameters: A Review. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 10(1):1542-6580.
  146. Hasan, D., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. Optimised Treatment of Phenol-containing Fire Fighting Wastewater using a Fenton Process. Journal of Environmental Engineering.
  147. Idris Musa Atadashi, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2012. The Effects of Water on Biodiesel Production and Refining Technologies: A Review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 6:3456-3470.
  148. Idris Musa Atadashi, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua , Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2012. High Quality Biodiesel through Membrane Technology. Journal of Membrane Science 421-422:154- 164.
  149. Idris Musa Atadashi, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. Production of Biodiesel using High Free Fatty Acid Feedstocks. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(5):3275-3285.
  150. Jeirani, Z., Badrul Hisham Mohamad Jan & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011. Rheological Study of Saraline-based Super Light Weight Completion Fluid in Underbalanced Perforation. OIL GAS European Magazine 38: 18-21.
  151. Mohammad Khalil, Badrul Hisham Mohamad Jan & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2012. The Viscosity of Nontraditional Lightweight Completion Fluid at Elevated Temperature and Pressure, Petroleum Science and Technology, 30(18):1939-1945.
  152. Mohammed Harun Chakrabarti, Mehmood Ali, Jafar Nazir Usmani, Nasim Ahmed Khan, Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan, Md. Sakinul Islam, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Rozita Yusoff & Muhammad Faisal Irfan. Status of Biodiesel Research and Development in Pakistan. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(2):4396-4405.
  153. Muhammad Saleem, Mohammed Harun Chakrabarti, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Diya uddeen Basheer Hasan, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Atif Mustafa. Hydrogen Production by Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii in a Two- stage Process with and without Illumination at Alkaline pH. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37(6):4930-4934.
  154. Badrul Hisham Mohamad Jan & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011. Production of Superlight Saraline Drill-in Fluid. Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oil 46(6): 401-404.
  155. Diya uddeen Basheer Hasan, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011. Treatment Technologies for Petroleum Refinery Effluents: A Review. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 89(2):95-105.
  156. Hasan, D.B., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2011. Application of Response Surface Methodology in Process Parameters Optimization for Phenol Mineralization Using Fenton's Peroxidation. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(50): 10218-10231.
  157. Idris Musa Atadashi, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011. Biodiesel Separation and Purification: A Review. Renewable Energy 36(2): 437-443.
  158. Idris Musa Atadashi, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2011. Refining Technologies for the Purification of Crude Biodiesel. Journal of Applied Energy 88: 4239- 4251.
  159. Idris Musa Atadashi, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. (2011). Membrane Biodiesel Production and Refining Technology: A Critical Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (9): 5051-5062
  160. Khalil, M., Badrul, M. Jan., Aziz, A.R. 2011. Preparation of a nontraditional ultralight fluid for increasing oil production using ground, natural, ground, and acid-activated clay. Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oil. 46, 394-402.
  161. Kong, P.S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011. Kinetics Study of Esterification Reaction of 2-Methyl-4- Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid (MCPA Acid). International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 9(1): 1542-6580.
  162. Munawar Khalil, Badrul Hisham Mohamad Jan & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011. Rheological and Statistical Evaluation of Nontraditional Lightweight Completion Fluid and Its Dependence on Temperature. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 77(1): 27-33.
  163. Saeid Baroutian, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2011. A Packed Bed Membrane Reactor for Poduction of Biodiesel Using Activated Carbon Supported Catalyst. Bioresource Technology 102(2): 1095-1102.
  164. Salam A. Mohammed,Ezzat Chan Abdullah, Geldart, D. & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011. Measuring Powder Flowability with a Modified Warren Spring Cohesion Tester. Particuology 9(2): 148-154.
  165. Abioye, O.P., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Agamuthu Pariatamby. 2010. Enhanced Biodegradation of Used Engine Oil in Soil Amended with Organic Wastes.Water Air and Soil Pollution 209(1-4): 173-179.
  166. Agamuthu Pariatamby, Abioye, O.P. & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. Phytoremediation of Soil Contaminated with Used Lubricating Oil Using Jatropha Curcas. Journal of Hazardous Materials 179(1-3): 891-894.
  167. Amanda, H.L.C., Noor Zalina Mahmood & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. Carbon Accounting Initiatives: Case Study of a Petroleum Refinery in Malaysia to Prepare for Future Carbon Market. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 5(2): 224-233.
  168. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2010. Methanol Recovery during Transesterification of Palm Oil in a TiO2/Al2O3 Membrane Reactor: Experimental Study and Neural Network Modeling. Separation and Purification Technology 76(1): 58- 63.
  169. Che Rosmani Che Hassan, B. Punaveswaran, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Noor Zalina Mahmood, Hung, F.C. & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2010. Quantitative Risk Assessment for the Transport of Ammonia by Rail. Journal of Process Safety Progress 29(1): 20-23.
  170. Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. Treatment Technologies for Petroleum Refinery Effluents: A Review. Process Safety and Environment Protection 89(2), 95-105.
  171. Ezzat Chan Abdullah, Salam A.Mohammed & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. Cohesiveness and Flowability Properties of Silica Gel Powder. Physics International 1(1): 16-21.
  172. Idris Musa Atadashi, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. High Quality Biodiesel and Its Diesel Engine Application: A Review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 14(7): 1999-2008.
  173. Khalil, M., Jan, B. M., Raman, A. A. A. 2010. Application of natural clay to formulate nontraditional completion fluid that triples oil productivity. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
  174. Mohammad Khalil, Badrul Hisham Mohamad Jan & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. Fractional Factorial Design Optimization of Nontraditional Completion Fluid for Perforation with Underbalance. Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils 46(5): 340-350.
  175. Saeid Baroutian, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2010. Viscosities of Binary and Ternary Blends of Palm Oil + Palm Biodiesel + Diesel Fuel at Different Temperatures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 55:504-507.
  176. Saeid Baroutian, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2010. Potassium Hydroxide Catalyst Supported on Palm Shell Activated Carbon for Transesterification of Palm Oil. Fuel Processing Technology 91(11): 1378-1385.
  177. Abioye, O. P., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Agamutu Pariatamby. 2009. Stimulated biodegradation of used lubricating oil in soil using organic wastes. Malaysian Journal of Science 28(2): 127- 133.
  178. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2009. RBD Palm Olein Based Methyl/Ethyl Esters. Journal of Oil Palm Research 21: 659-666.
  179. Che Rosmani Che Hassan, Puvaneswaran Balasubramaniam, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Noor Zalina Mahmood, Foo,C.H. & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2009. A Case Study of Consequences Analysis of Ammonia Transportation by Rail from Gurun to Port Klang in Malaysia Using Safti Computer Model. Journal of Safety Health and Environment 6(1): 1-19.
  180. Che Rosmani Che Hassan, Puvaneswaran Balasubramaniam, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Noor Zalina Mahmood, Foo,C.H. & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2009. Inclusion of Human Errors Assessment in Failure Frequency Analysis- A Case Study for the Transportation of Ammonia by Rail in Malaysia. Journal of Process Safety Progress 28(1): 60-67.
  181. Harumi Veny, Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Che Rosmani Che Hassan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2009. Density of Jatropha curcas Seed Oil and its Methyl Esters: Measurement and Estimations. International Journal of Thermophysics 30(2): 529-541.
  182. Kow K.W., Ezzat Chan Abdullah & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2009. Effect of Ultrasound in Coating Nano- Precipitated CaCO3 with Stearic Acid. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 4(5): 807 - 813
  183. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2008. Estimation of vegetable oil-based Ethyl esters biodiesel densities using artificial neural networks.Journal of Applied Sciences 8(17): 3005- 3011.
  184. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2008. Prediction of palm oil-based methyl ester biodiesel density using artificial neural networks. Journal of Applied Sciences 8(10): 1938-1943.
  185. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2008. Density of palm oil-based methyl ester. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 53(3): 877-880.
  186. S. Baroutian, M.K. Aroua, A.A.A.Raman, N.M.N. Sulaiman (2008) Densities of Ethyl Esters Produced from Different vegetable Oils Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 53 : 2222-2225
  187. Vasanthi Sethu, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua. 2008. Recovery and reutilisation of copper from metal hydroxide sludges. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 10(2): 131-136.
  188. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, Shaliza Ibrahim & Vasanthi Sethu. 2007. Bubble Size Distribution: Comparison between Six-Bladed Curve Blade Impeller and Rushton Turbine. Malaysian Journal of Chemical Engineering 1(1): 163-170.
  189. Dihayati Yaakob, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Ezzat Chan Abdullah, Leong, Y.C. & Harcharan, S. 2007. Encapsulation Method for CaCO3 Nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Sciences 7(15): 2046-2050.
  190. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2006. Direct Measurement of Powder Cohesion. Journal of Industrial Technology 16(2): 151-163.
  191. Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Ezzat Chan Abdullah & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2006. Waste Recovery from Industrial Sludge. Electronic Journal of University Malaya 1(2).
  192. Raghu Sivaramakrishnan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, R. S. Tranter & K. Brenzinsky. 2005. Ethane Oxidation and Pyrolysis from 5 Bar to 1000Bar: Experiments and Simulation. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 37.5 (2005): 306-331-306-331.
  193. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2004. Mass Transfer Performance of Curved Blade Impeller in Gas-Liquid Mixing.Journal of Industrial Technology 13(1): 69-78.
  1. Raja Shazrin Shah Raja Ehsan Shah, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Razuana Rahim. 2014. Guideline for Green Industry Implementation: Printing Industry (Language: Bahasa Malaysia). Department of Environment, Malaysia.
  2. Raja Shazrin Shah Raja Ehsan Shah, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Razuana Rahim. 2014. Guidelines for Green Industry Implementation:Juice Manufacturing (Language: Bahasa Malaysia). Department of Environment, Malaysia.
  3. Raja Shazrin Shah Raja Ehsan Shah, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Razuana Rahim & Chiong K.S. 2014. Guidelines for Green Industry Auditor. Putrajaya: Unit Industri Hijau, Jabatan Alam Sekitar Malaysia.
  4. Hashim, L.A., Ezzat Chan Abdullah & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. (2011). Nanotechnology: Synthesis of Nanostructure Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for Isonazid and Griseofulvin by Cryogenic Technology. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.
  5. Shamsud Hj Ab Latif, Ramli Abd Rahman, Narimah Md. Saad, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman et al. 2010. Cleaner Production Tips for Small and Medium Industries. Putrajaya, Malaysia: Department of Environment Malaysia.
  6. Shamsudin Hj. Ab. Latif, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Narimah Md. Saad. et al. 2010. Cleaner Production: A Do-It-Yourself Manual. Department of Environment, Malaysia.
  7. Shamsudin Hj. Ab. Latif, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Narimah Md. Saad. et al. 2009. Cleaner Production Audit Training Module. Malaysia: Department of Environment.
  8. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua. 2007. Environmental Management, Open University.
  9. Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamad Iskandar Mohamad Nor. 2003. Project on the Formulation of Emission Factors for Industrial Pollutants in Malaysia. Unit Perundingan Universiti Malaya (UPUM).
Chapter in Books
  1. MM, Bello., A, Asghar., AAA, Raman. (2019). Metal-Organic Frameworks for Supercapacitors. In Inamuddin, R. Boddula, M.I. Ahamed, A.M. Asiri (Eds.), Inorganic Nanomaterials for Supercapacitor Design, Boca Raton, CRC Press.
  2. Bello M.M., Raman A.A.A. (2018). Adsorption and Oxidation Techniques to Remove Organic Pollutants from Water. In: Crini G., Lichtfouse E. (eds) Green Adsorbents for Pollutant Removal. Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, (pp. 249-300). Springer, Cham
  3. Rahim Pouran, S., Shafeeyan, M.S., Abdul Raman, A.A., Wan Daud, W.M.A., Bayrami, A. (2017). Transition metal-substituted magnetite as an innovative adsorbent and heterogeneous catalyst for wastewater treatment. In: Bonilla-Petriciolet A., Mendoza-Castillo D., Reynel- vila H. (Eds.), Adsorption Processes for Water Treatment and Purification (pp. 225-247). Springer, Cham.
  4. Yahya Muhammad Sani, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2013. Biodiesel Feedstock and Production Technologies: Successes, Challenges and Prospects. In Zhen, F. (Ed.), Biodiesel - Feedstocks, Production and Applications(pp.77-101).InTechOpen.
  5. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 1999. Determination of Just-Suspension Speed for Rushton Turbine Using Tank Bottom Pressure Measurements. IChemE Symposium Series 146 (pp.325-335). Institution of Chemical Engineers UK.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Anam Asghar, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud, Anantharaj Ramalingam, Prediction of Chemical Reactivity of Organic Contaminants with Hydroxyl Radical Using Quantum Chemical Calculations (WEF-EESS Asia-Pacific Wastewater Treatment and reuse conference/ Singapore), 28 June-1st July 2015.
  2. Chiong, K.S., Abdul Aziz, A.R. & Zeeda, F.M. 2015. Sustainability integration into engineering curricula: A choice between stand-alone or intertwined . In 2nd Regional Conference on Campus Sustainability, 7th-8thApril, 2015, Sabah, Malaysia.
  3. Sani, Y.M. , Raji-Yahya, A. O., Alaba, P.A., Abdul Aziz, A. R., & Daud, W.M.A.W. 2015. Palm Frond and Spikelet as Environmentally Benign Alternative Solid Acid Catalysts for Biodiesel Production. International Institute of Engineers (IIER), 7th International Conference on Engineering & Natural Science, Dubai, UAE (1st March, 2015).
  4. Shima Rahim Pouran, A.R. Abdul Aziz, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2015.Methylene blue decolorization using homogeneous and heterogeneous Fenton oxidation systems: A comparative study. Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Environment 2015 (ICENV), Penang, Malaysia.
  5. Su Sin Chong, A. R. Abdul Aziz, Sulaiman W. Harun, Hamzah Arof (2014). Non-adiabatic Microfiber Sensor for BOD/COD Ratio Measurement. Proceeding of the 27th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE 2014), 29-30 October 2014, Taylor's University, Malaysia. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication).
  6. Su Sin Chong, A. R. Abdul Aziz, Sulaiman W. Harun, Hamzah Arof (2015). Non-adiabatic Microfiber Sensor for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Investigation. International Symposium on Modern Optics and its Application (ISMOA 2015), 10-13 August 2015, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
  7. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Anam Asghar. 2014. Comparison of Different Oxidizing Agents for Textile Wastewater Treatment. Proceedings of ICOEST 2014 - SIDE, May 14-17, 2014. Side, Turkey: ICOEST.
  8. Anam Asghar & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2014. Effect of Fenton's Reagent Concentration for COD Removal of Reactive Black 5 Dye. Proceedings of the ICOEST 2014 - SIDE, May 14-17,2014. Side, Turkey: ICOEST.
  9. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2014. Analysis of Alkaline Catalyzed Transesterification of Palm Oil in Presence of Ultrasound Irradiation and Quality Evaluation of Biodiesel. Proceedings of ICOEST 2014-SIDE, May 14-17, 2014. Side, Turkey: ICOEST 2014-SIDE.
  10. Balasubramanian Karpan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua
. 2014. Refuse Derive Fuel Production from Hazardous Waste in Malaysia
. Proceedings of 7th International Congress of Environmental Research, December 26-29, 2014. Bangalore, India: JERAD.
  11. Chiong, K.S., Abdul Aziz, A. R. & Zeeda, F.M. 2014. Integration of sustainability into Chemical Engineering Curricula: A Malaysian Context. In 4th International Congress on Green Process Engineering, 7th-10th April 2014, Seville, Spain.
  12. Meysam Davoody, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Rajarathinam Parthasarathy. 2014. Suspension of High Concentration Slurry in Multiphase Agitated Vessels. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, September 15-17,2014. Melbourne, Australia: AusIMM.
  13. Mushtaq Ahmad & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2014. Low Temperature Synthesis and Characterization of Ni/Al Bimetallic Catalyst. Proceedings of International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, September 15-17, 2014. Melbourne, Australia: AusIMM.
  14. RSS Raja Ehsan Shah, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim & Davoody,M. 2014. Impact of Gas Flowrate on the Specific Power Input for a Solid-Liquid-Gas Stirred Reactor. Proceedings of International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, September 15-17,2014. Melbourne, Australia: AusIMM.
  15. Reza Afshar Ghotli, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2014. The Effect of Curvature Angles and Central Disk Sizes in Six Curved Blade Impellers on Liquid-Liquid Reaction through Stirred Vessel. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, September 15-17, 2014. Melbourne, Australia: AusIMM.
  16. Sani, Y.M., Alaba, P.A., Abdul Aziz, A. R., & Daud, W.M.A.W. 2014. Effect of Preparation Method in Activating Active Sites And Catalytic Activity Of SO42-/ZrO2 In Biodiesel Production. 7th RCChE 2014 Reginal Conference on Chemical Engineering, AUN SEED NET, Melia Purosani Hotel, Yogykarta, Indonesia (2nd-3rd December, 2014).
  17. Seyedali Asgharzadehahmadi, Reza Afshar Ghotli, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Rajarathinam Parthasarathy. 2014. Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Study Using Ultrasonic Irradiation Assistance and Response Surface Methodology. Proceedings of International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, September 15-17,2014. Melbourne, Australia: AusIMM.
  18. Su Sin Chong, A. R. Abdul Aziz, Sulaiman W. Harun, Hamzah Arof (2014). Design and Optimization of Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Sensor for Dye Sensing by Using Central Composite Design Coupled with Surface Response Method. International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ESCA 2014), 1-16 June 2014.
  19. Su, S.C., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Sulaiman W. Harun, Hamzah Arof & Shahaboddin Shamshirband. 2014. Application of Multiple Linear Regression, Central Composite Design, and ANFIS Models in Dye Concentration Measurement and Prediction Using Plastic Optical Fiber Sensor. Proceedings of the 27th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE 2014), October 29-30, 2014. Taylor's University.
  20. Archina Buthiyappan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2013. Optimization of Reactive Dyes Degradation by Fenton Oxidation Using Response Surface Method. Proceedings of Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, December 19-22, 2013. Hong Kong.
  21. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim, Raja Shazrin Shah Raja Ehsan Shah & Meysam Davoody. 2013. Investigation of Convection and Diffusion During Biodiesel Production in Packed Membrane Reactor Using 3D Simulation. Proceeding of COMSOL Conference 2013 Singapore, October 24-25, 2013. Singapore.
  22. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim, Raja Shazrin Shah Raja Ehsan Shah & Meysam Davoody. 2012. 3D Simulation of FAME Production in a Packed Membrane Reactor. Proceeding of COMSOL Conference 2013 Singapore, October 24-25, 2013. Singapore.
  23. Mohd Izzudin Izzat Zainal Abidin, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamad Iskandr Mohamad Nor. 2013. Liquid-liquid Dispersion: Effects of Dispersed Phase Viscosity on Mean Drop Size and Distribution in Stirred Vessel. Proceedings of Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, December 19-22, 2013. Hong Kong.
  24. See T.Y., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamad Iskandr Mohamad Nor. 2013. Effect of Sparger Position for Solid Suspension in a Stirred Vessel Using Multiple Impeller. Proceedings of Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Hong Kong, December 19-22, 2013.
  25. Tan H.W. & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2013. Optimization of Soap Removal in Biodiesel- Derived Crude Glycerol by Acidification Using Taguchi DOE Methodology. Proceedings of Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, December 19-22, 2013. Hong Kong.
  26. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2012. Effect of Salinity on Gas Hold-up, Bubble Rising Speed and Mass Transfer in Split- cylindrical Airlift. Proceedings of the 4th AUN/SEED- Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, February 9-10, 2012. Selangor, Malaysia.
  27. Baharak Sajjadi, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2012. Review on Gas-liquid Mixing Analysis in Multiscale Stirred Vessel Using CFD. Proceedings of the 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, February 9- 10, 2012. Selangor, Malaysia.
  28. Kong, P.S., Aroua, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011. Effect of Catalyst Concentration and Molar Ratio on production of MCPA Ester. Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, January 20, 2011. Metro Manila, Philippine.
  29. Mohammad Khalil, Badrul Hisham Mohmanamad Jan & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011. The Effect of Clay as Homogenizing Agent in Non-traditional Super Light Weight Completion Fluid for Underbalance Perforation. Proceedings of 3rd Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, January 20-21, 2011. Manila, Philippines.
  30. Soh, S. C., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2011.A Solid-liquid Extraction Process to Produce Biodiesel from Jatropha Seeds. Proceedings of the 3rd Reginonal Conference on Chemical Engineering at EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, January 20, 2011. Metro Manila, Philippines.
  31. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2010. Combination of Alkali Transestrification and Membrane Separation to Produce High Quality Palm Biodiesel. Proceedings of CHEMECA 2010 at Hilton Adelaide, September 26-29, 2010. Adelaide, Australia.
  32. Abioye, O. P., Agamuthu Pariatamby & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. Phytoremediation Potential of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) in Soil contaminated with Used Lubricating Oil. Proceedings of 7th international conference on natural sciences and technologies and waste water treatment, remediation, emission related to climate, environmental and economic effects at Linnaeus ECO- TECH 10, November 22-24, 2010. Kalmar, Sweden.
  33. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua , Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2010. Efficient Triglyceride Transesterification in a Packed- bed Membrane Reactor. Proceedings of CHEMECA 2010 at Hilton Adelaide, September 26-29, 2010. Adelaide, Australia
  34. Chiong, K.S., Zeeda, F. M. & Abdul Aziz, A.R. 2010. A Review on incorporation of sustainable development into Institutions of Higher Education. In 2nd International Conference On Sustainability Science, 21st-22nd December 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  35. Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. Optmisation of Remazol Black B using Fenton-like Peroxidation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environment 2010 at Park Royal Hotel Penang, December 13-15, 2010(pp.96). Penang, Malaysia.
  36. Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. Mineralisation of Phenol Wastewater in a Statistically Optimized Fenton Process. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Technology (ICEET'10), July 14-16, 2010. Bali, Indonesia.
  37. Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. Treatment of Recalcitrant Non-industrial Process Wastewater Using Optimised Conventional Fenton Peroxidation. Proceedings of the 11th APRU Doctoral Students Conference 2010 at Universitas Indonesia, July 11- 16, 2010. Depok, Indonesia.
  38. Munawar Khalil, Badrul Mohamed Jan & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2010. Application of Natural Clay to Formulate Non-Traditional Completion Fluid that Triples Oil Productivity, Proceeding of International Conference on Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
  39. Sarina Sulaiman, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohammed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua. Coconut Waste Biodiesel: Comparison of Acid and Alkaline Catalyst. Proceedings of 2010 4th International Conference on Postgraduate Education at Cititel Mid Valley Hotel Kuala Lumpur, November 26-28, 2010. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  40. Sarina Sulaiman, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, & Mohammed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua. Coconut Waste as a Source for Biodiesel Production. Proceedings of 2010 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICBEE 2010), November 2-4, 2010. Cairo, Egypt.
  41. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Sulaiman Sarina, Baroutiaan, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2009. Waste to Biodiesel: Direct and Indirect Routes to Your Fuel Tank! Proceedings of 1st Asean University Network/ SEA Engineering Education Development Network and Regional Workshop on New and Renewable Energy, March 12-13, 2009. Bandung, Indonesia.
  42. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2009. Regeneration and Recycling of Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE) from Palm Oil Refinery to Produce Biodiesel. Proceedings of the YoungChem, October 14, 2009.Poland, Warsaw
  43. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2008. Effects of Curved-Blade Impeller Characteristics on Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Coefficient. Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Mixing, October 7, 2008(pp. 1-8). Yonezawa, Japan.
  44. Baroutian, S., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Mohamed Kheireddine & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. (Sept, 2008). Density of Palm Oil-Based Methyl and Ethyl Esters: Measurements and Estimations. Proceedings of CHEMECA 2008 Coference (pp.1057-1067). Newcastle, Australia: Engineers Australia.
  45. Baroutian, S., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. (Sept, 2008). Activated Carbon Supported Potassium Catalyst for Transesterification of Palm Oil. Proceedings of CHEMECA 2008 Conference (pp.1-8). Newcastle, Australia: Engineers Australia.
  46. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2008. Basic Flow Properties of Palm Oil and Palm Oil Methyl Esters Blended with Diesel Fuel. Proceedings of the 15th Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineering December 2- 3,2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  47. Saeid Baroutian, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2008. Application of Neural Networks to Predict Biodiesel Density. Proceedings of the 15th Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineering December 2-3, 2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  48. Shaliza Ibrahim, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & M.S.Takrif. 2008. Mixing Research and Practices in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Mixing, October 7-9, 2008(pp.1-8).Yonezawa,Japan.
  49. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2007. ISO Implementation: Suppliers Prospective. Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Quality in Higher Education, December 10-11, 2007 (pp.1-9). Petaling Jaya, Malayisa.
  50. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Che Rosmani Che Hassan, Rozita Yusoff & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. Managing Academically Weak (AW) Students in Chemical Engineering Department, University of Malaya. 2007. Proceedings of Association of Engineering Education for South East Asian Pacific (AEESEAP) Regional Symposium on Engineering Education , Kuala Lumpur.
  51. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2007. Liquid-Gas Mass Transfer Coefficient Correlation for Curved Blade Impeller in a Stirred Vessel. Proceedings of 21st Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, December 12-14, 2007 Technical Paper 19A. Serdang, Selangor
  52. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Raja Shazrin Shah Raja Ehsan Shah, Rozita Yusoff & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. E-learning as an Effective Teaching Aid for Final Year Design Project in Chemical Engineering Department, UM. 2007. Proceedings of Association of Engineering Education for South East Asian Pacific (AEESEAP) Regional Symposium on Engineering Education, Kuala Lumpur.
  53. Baroutian, S., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2007. Transesterification Study of RBD Palm Oil Using Mixed Alcohol. Proceedings of 14th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering at Chemical Engineering departments,Gadjah Mada University. December 4-5, 2007. Yogyaharta, Indonesia
  54. Che Rosmani Che Hassan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Noor Zalina Mahmood, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, Foo, C.H., Dahlia H., & R.A. Abdol Aziz. 2007. Framework for Implementing an Integrated Hazardous Waste Management System for Universities. Proceedings of International Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2007 and Environmental Safety and Health. (pp. 16-21). Kuching
  55. Che Rosmani Che Hassan, Noor Zalina Mahmood, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, Foo, C.H., & Ridzuan Ahmad. 2007. Identification of Safety and Health Aspects in Research Laboratory: A Case Study. Proceedings of International Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2007 and Environmental Safety and Health.
  56. Ezzat Chan Abdullah, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Marwan M. Shamel, Ng, C.F. & Ong, S.F. 2007. Novel Non- Destructive Apparatus for Measuring Blocks Porosity. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and Their Applications, August 6-8, 2007(pp. 27-34). Montreal, Canada.
  57. Kow, K.W., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2007. Effect Of Ultrasonication On Particle Size Distribution for CaCO3 Nanoparticles Coating. Proceedings of Third Asia Pacific Particle Technology Symposium (APT 2007), September 3-5, 2007 (pp.621-628). Beijing, China.
  58. Noor Zalina Mahmood, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Che Rosmani Che Hassan, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, Ying, G.M., & Foo, C.H. 2007. A Case Study in Sustainable Development Indicators in University of Malaya Campus. Proceedings of International Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2007 and Environmental Safety and Health. (pp 1-4). Kuching, Sarawak
  59. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2006. Retrofitting Flat Blades with Curved Blades Impeller For Gas-liquid Mass Transfer Operation in Stirred Vessel. Proceedings of the 20th Symposium Of Malaysian Chemical Engineers 2006 at UiTM Shah Alam, December 19-20, 2006(pp.427-431). Shah Alam, Malaysia.
  60. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Sumiyani Y. & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2006. Minimization of Industrial Waste and Life Cycle: A Way Forward. Proceedings of Seminar organized by FOMCA at Istana Hotel Kuala Lumpur, March 30, 2006. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  61. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Vasanthi Sethu, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2006. Bubble Size Distribution: Comparison Between Six- bladed Curve Blade Impeller and Rushton Turbine. Proceedings of the 20th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers 2006 at UiTM Shah Alam, December 19-20, 2006(pp.399- 403). Shah Alam, Malaysia.
  62. Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Ezzat Chan Abdullah & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2006. Waste Recovery from Industrial Sludge. Proceedings of 4th National Technical Postgraduate Symposium & Workshop at Crystal Crown Hotel Petaling Jaya, May 16-17, 2006(pp.42-45). Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
  63. Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Ezzat Chan Abdullah & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2006. Enersave tiles from industrial solid waste. Proceedings of Shell Inter-varsity student paper presentation contest at UTM April 1-2, 2006. Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
  64. Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Ezzat Chan Abdullah & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2006. Technical, Economical and Environmental Feasibility of Producing Industrial Waste Added Tiles. Proceedings of the 20th Symposium Of Malaysian Chemical Engineers 2006 at UiTM Shah Alam, December 19-20, 2016(pp.367-370). Shah Alam, Malaysia.
  65. Kow K. W., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman Aziz & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2006. Effect of Ultrasonication on Particle Size Distribution for CaCO3 Nanoparticles Coating. Proceedings of the 20th Symposium Of Malaysian Chemical Engineers 2006 at UiTM Shah Alam, December 19, 2006(pp. 441-445). Shah Alam, Malaysia.
  66. Vasanthi Sethu, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua. 2006. Mathematical Modelling of Silver Dissolution from Electroplating Sludge. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environment 2006 at USM, Pulau Pinang, November 13-15, 2006(pp. 103). Penang, Malaysia.
  67. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2005. The Effect of Particle Size on Powder Cohesivity. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium Of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, December 8-10, 2005(pp.523-526). Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
  68. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Masitah Hasan & Noor Zalina Mahmood. 2005. An Overview of Biomass Utilization in Malaysia. Proceedings of Seminar on Appropriate Waste Management for Establishing Zero Discharge System, JSPS-VCC Core University Program, September 13, 2005(pp.89-97). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  69. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2005. Determination of Degree of Suspension in a Stirred Vessel using Pressure Techniques. Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, November 30-October 2,2005. Hanoi, Vietnam.
  70. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2005. Bubble Size Distribution in Stirred Vessel filled with Sugar Solution. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium Of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, December 8-10, 2005. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
  71. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Rozita Yusoff, Masitah Hasan & Wan Mohd Ashri Wan Daud. 2005. Is There a Dilemma in Implementing OBE?: A Case Study in Department of Chemical Engineering, University Malaya. Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Engineering Education, September 12-15, 2005(pp.168- 173). Johor, Malaysia.
  72. Dihayati Yaakob, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Ezzat Chan Abdullah, Leong Y.C & Harcharan,S. 2005. Evaluation Method of Coated CaCO3 Nanoparticles. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium Of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, December 8-10, 2005(pp.926-930). Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
  73. Dihayati Yaakob, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Ezzat Chan Abdullah & Leong Y.C. 2005. Effect of Nanoparticles to Stearic Acid Ratio for Coating. Proceedings of the AEESEAP International Conference, June 7-8, 2005. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  74. Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2005. A Case Study on Waste to Wealth: Building Materials from Industrial Solid Waste. Proceedings of the ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment, December 5-7, 2005(pp.112- 117). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  75. Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2005.Thermal Characteristics of Vitrified Sludge-clay Samples. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium Of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, December 8-10, 2005(pp.470-473). Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
  76. Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2005. Resource Recovery from Waste Water Treatment Plant Sludge. Proceedings of Shell Inter-Varsity Student Paper Presentation Contest. Johor, Malaysia.
  77. Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Ezzat Chan Abdullah & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2005.Effect of Firing Temperature on Industrial Waste Incorporated Clay Samples. Proceedings of the AEESEAP International Conference, June 7-8, 2005. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  78. Vasanthi Sethu, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua. 2005. Selective Recovery of Aluminum and Silver from Electroplating Wastes. Proceedings of the AEESEAP International Conference, June 7-8, 2005. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  79. Vasanthi Sethu, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2005. The Effects of Impeller Types and Rotational Speeds on Bubble Size Distribution in an Salt-water System. Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, November 30-December 2, 2005(pp.114- 118). Hanoi, Vietnam.
  80. Vijay V., Vasanthi Sethu, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, & Noor Zalina Abdullah. 2005.A Study on The Potential of Oil Palm Biomass as Renewable Energy in Malaysia. Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, November 30-December 2,2005 (pp.347-350). Hanoi, Vietnam.
  81. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2004. Managing Municipal and Industrial Solid Waste: Malaysian Experience. Proceedings of 22nd Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations, December 18, 2004 (pp 623-01 to 623-06). Yangon, Myanmar.
  82. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman , Sethu Vasanthi, Shaliza Ibrahim & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2004. Bubble Breakup Characteristics of Rushton Turbine and Curve Blade. Proceedings of Symposium on Malaysian Chemical Engineers 2004(pp. 1-389 to 1- 394). Ipoh, Perak.
  83. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2004. Mass Transfer Studies on Various Curved Blade Impeller Designs for Gas- Liquid-Solid System. Proceedings of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering. December 1-4, 2004(1-9). Bangkok, Thailand.
  84. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2004. Variation in kLa Values for Various Curved Blade Impeller Designs in Bioreactor. Proceedings of 22nd Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations, December 18-19, 2004(pp.436-01 to 435-08). Yangon, Myanmar.
  85. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2004. Improved Hydrodynamic Characteristics for Bioreactors Using Various Designs of Curve Blade Impeller. Proceedings of 22nd Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations, December 18-19, 2004 (pp. 435-01 to 435-07). Yangon, Myanmar.
  86. Chatar Singh, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2004. Manufacturing of Tiles from Red Gypsum and Metal Hydroxide Sludge. Proceedings of Symposium on Malaysian Chemical Engineers, December 13-14, 2004 (pp. 5-67 to 5-72). Ipoh, Malaysia.
  87. Chatar Singh, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2004. Effect of Adding Sludge and Red Gypsum on Physical Properties of Fired Clay Products. Proceedings on Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, December 1-3, 2004(pp.1- 9).Bangkok, Thailand
  88. Chatar Singh, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2004. Effect of Red Gypsum Addition in Clay Based Products. Proceedings of 22nd Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations, December 18-19,2004(pp. 602-01 to 602-08). Yangon, Myanmar.
  89. Dihayati Yaakob, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Leong Y.C. & Harcharan Singh. 2004. Properties of Stearic Acid Coated Nano Calcium Carbonate Particles. Proceedings of 22nd Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations, December 18-19, 2004 (pp. 629-01 to 629- 05). Yangon, Myanmar.
  90. Dihayati Yaakob, Lim, C.W., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman , Leong, Y.C. & Harcharan Singh. 2004. Surface Modification of Nano Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Using Stearic Acid. Proceedings of Symposium on Malaysian Chemical Engineers 2004 (pp. 6-90 to 6- 93). Ipoh, Malaysia.
  91. Vasanthi Sethu, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua, 2004. Metal Recovery from Electroplating Wastewater Sludge Using Acid Dissolution Techniques. Proceedings of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, December 1-3, 2004(pp.1-8). Bangkok, Thailand.
  92. Vasanthi Sethu, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua. 2004. Selective Recovery of Heavy Metals from an Electroplating Sludge Using Acid Dissolution Techniques. Proceedings of Technical Postgraduate Symposium (TECHPOS), January 1, 2004(pp.1-6). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  93. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Ezzat Chan Abdullah, Shaliza Ibrahim & Nor Zaman. 2002. Effect of Red Gypsum Addition in Fired Clay Bricks. Proceedings of Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineers 2002, October 28-30, 2002(pp.1023- 1029). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  94. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2002. Efect of Blade Number, Central Disc Size and Degree of Curvature on Power Number for Curve Blade Impeller. Proceedings of Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineers 2002, October 28-30, 2002(pp.661-668). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  95. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2002. Toxicity Evaluation for Common Chemicals Using Iioluminescent Bacteria. Proceedings of Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineers 2002, October 28-30, 2002(pp.223-227). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  96. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 2002. Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Curve Blade Impellers for Multiphase Mixing in Stirred Vessels. Proceedings of 1st Technical Postgraduate Symposium 2002, October 16-17, 2002(pp.108- 113). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  97. Faridah M.T., Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2002. Simulation of the Dehydration of Azeotrope Forming Solvents Using ASPEN PLUS. Proceedings of Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineers 2002, October 28-30, 2002(pp.1074-1051). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  98. Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Devaraj V. 2002. Towards Zero Discharge: An Overview of Waste Management for the Rubber Industry in Malaysia. Proceedings of seminar on appropriate waste management for establishing zero discharge system, JSPS-VCC Core University Program, October 24-25, 2002(pp.144-149). Kyoto, Japan.
  99. Yeoh, H. K. & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2002. A Neat Way to Find Limiting Reactant(s). Proceedings of Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineers 2002, October 28-30, 2002(pp.953-956). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  100. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 2001. Evaluation of Impeller Performance in Stirred Bioreactors. Proceedings of RMK7 IRPA Research Seminar, July 24-25, 2001(pp.148- 151). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  101. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Singh H., Elkanzi E.M., Lam, L.S. & Liew, S.H. 2001. Feasibility Study of Oil Recovery from Used Bleaching Earth Using Waste Solvents. Proceedings of Chemistry & Technology Conference, 2001 PIPOC International Palm Oil Congress, August 20-22, 2001(pp.126-133). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  102. Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2001. Greening of Ivory Tower Through Student Projects. Proceedings of Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineers 2001, September 29- October 1, 2001(EH6-1 to EH6-6). Bandung, Indonesia.
  103. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 1999. Specific Power Input at Just-suspension Speed at High Solid Concentration. Proceedings of Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineers, November 22-24, 1999(pp. 57-1 to 57-6). Songhkla, Thailand.
  104. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Shaliza Ibrahim & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 1999. Tank Bottom Pressure Criterion in Determining Just-suspension Condition in Stirred Vessel. Proceedings of Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineers, November 22-24, 1999(pp. 58-1 to 58-6). Songkhla, Thailand.
  105. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Shaliza Ibrahim. 1998. Improved Mixing Characteristics for Bioreactors using Hollow Blade Impeller. Proceedings of 10th National Biotechnology Seminar at SIRIM Bhd, October 27-28, 1998. Shah Alam, Malaysia.
  106. Ramakanth Chitguppa, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, K.B.Ramachandran & Mohd Ali Hashim. 1998. Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict just Suspended Speed in Gas-liquid- solid System. Proceedings of International Conference on Mixing and Crystallization, April 22-25, 1998. Tioman Island, Malaysia.
Other Publications
  1. Che Rosmani Che Hassan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Noor Zalina Mahmood, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, Foo, C. H. & Dahlia Hamdan. 2008. Hazardous Waste Management Audit in University of Malaya. Proceedings of International Symposium on Environmental Management Toward Sustainability, September 22-23, 2008(pp.3- 4). Nakorn Nayak, Thailand. - Extended Abstract
  2. Che Rosmani Che Hassan, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, Noor Zalina Mahmood, Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman, Foo, C. H. & Dahlia Hamdan. 2008. The Process of Setting up Hazardous Waste Management Standard Operating Procedures (Sops) in University of Malaya. Proceedings of International Symposium on Environmental Management Toward Sustainability, September 22-23, 2008(pp.1-2). Nakorn Nayak, Thailand. - Extended Abstract
  3. Application System for Evaluation & Implementation of Cleaner Production. - Technical Report
  4. Jegalakshimi Jewaratnam, Ezzat Chan Abdullah & Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman. 2006. Industrial Solid Waste Component in Clay Mixtures for Production of Ceramics. Proceedings of the 11th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Conference (APCHEE 2006), August 27-30, 2006(pp. 77). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Extended Abstract
  5. Vasanthi Sethu, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Mohamed Kheireddine Taieb Aroua. 2006. Recovery and Reutilization of Copper from Metal Hydroxide Sludges. Proceedings of 17th International Congress of Chemicaland Process Engineering, August 27-31, 2006(pp.1080). Prague. - Extended Abstract
  6. Vijay, Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Noor Zalina Mahmood. 2006. Clean Development Mechanism: The Potential of Oil Palm Biomass as Renewable Energy in Malaysia. Proceeding of 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, (pp. 1134). Prague. - Extended Abstract
  7. Amy P., Renukha R., Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman & Ezzat Chan Abdullah. 2004. A New Method in Measuring Powder Cohesion. Proceedings of National Conference on Engineering & Technology(NACET) at University Malaya, May 26-27, 2004 (pp.33). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Extended Abstract
  8. Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman, & Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman. 1998 . The Use of Rubber Sludge as a Filler Material for Fired Clay Bricks. Invited Paper Presented at Waste Management Seminar at Rubber Board of Malaysia. - Technical Report


  • Outcome Based Learning and implementation of Problem Based Learning (OBE, PBL, Engineering Education)
  • ISO implementation effectiveness in UM (ISO, Implementation, UM)
  • Managing academically weak engineering students. (Academically weak students, engineering education.)


  1. 2017 - 2020, Private Funding
    Travel behaviour modelling using Data from smart phone applications ( Consultant)
  2. 2012 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Custom Based Development of Bio and Chemical Reactors Using Advanced Fluid Dynamic Analysis ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2012 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Modification of Fenton Oxidation Process for Treatment of Recalcitrant Wastewaters ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2013 - 2015, Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP)
    Implementation of Integrated Cleaner Production Programme at an SME Producing Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  5. 2012 - 2014, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    (1) Biogasoline Synthesised From Rubber Seed Oil Through Optimised Pyrolytic Cracking Conditions (2) Effect of Catalyst Doping in Photocatalytic Reactor for Wastewater Treatment (3) Cleaner Production Option Prioritisation Through Development of Carbon Footprint Calculator for Selected SMEs in Malaysia (4) Purification of Crude Glycerol Derived from Biodiesel Plant ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2011 - 2013, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Kinetics, Modelling and Simulation Studies in a Membrane Reactor for the Production of Biodiesel ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2009 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Innovation Green Cement for Masonry Building ( Consultant)
  8. 2009 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Selective Purification of Biodiesel Using Inorganic Membrane ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  9. 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    The Development of Construction Waste Indexes From the Construction Wastes Generated ( Consultant)
  10. 2007 - 2009, Mosti
    Production of Palm Biodiesel from RBD Palm Oil Using Continuous Membrane Reactor ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  11. 2007 - 2009, Mosti
    Development of Aerated and Non-Aerated Power Cohesion Measurement Methods ( Consultant)
  12. 2007 - 2009, MOSTI
    Overall Evaluation of Hazardous Waste Management in UM ( Consultant)
  13. 2007 - 2009, Mosti
    Agriculture Based Bio-Composite Material Production and Development of Its Potential Applications ( Consultant)
  14. 2007 - 2009, Mosti
    Determination of Optimum Mixing Parameters in Biological and Chemical Reactors ( Consultant)
  15. 2008 - 2009, Mosti
    Production of Palm Biodiesel from RBD Palm Oil Using Continuous Membrane Reactor ( Supervisor)
  16. 2008 - 2009, Mosti
    Effect of Ultrasonic in coating Nano Precipitated Calcium Carbonate with Stearic Acid ( Supervisor)
  17. 2008 - 2008, Mosti
    Natural Adsorbent Mechanisms for Pollutant Removal from Industrial Effluent ( Consultant)
  18. 2005 - 2007, P Vote
    Determination of Permeability of Solid Blocks Using Non-destructive Method ( Consultant)
  19. 2005 - 2006, Used exsisting facilities
    Solvent Free Production of Ester Herbicides from 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid ( Consultant)
  20. 2005 - 2006, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Hazardous Waste Management in UM ( Consultant)
  21. 2002 - 2006, Mosti
    Manufacturing of Building Materials from Industrial and Agricultural Solid Waste ( Consultant)
  22. 2002 - 2006, Mosti
    Development of PVC Precipitated Nano-Calcium Carbonate Surface Modification Formulation Using Palm Based Stearic Acid ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  23. 2004 - 2005, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Manufacturing of Building Material from Industrial Solid Waste ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  24. 2004 - 2005, Used Existing Facilities.
    Bubble Size Distributions in Gas Sparged Vessel Agitated by a Rushton Turbine ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  25. 2003 - 2004, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Mixing Characteristics in Stirred Vessel for Multi Impeller System ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  26. 2000 - 2004, Mosti
    Evaluation of Impeller Mixing Performance of Food Manufacturing Processes for SMIs' in Malaysia. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2020 - 2020, International Funding
    Description of origin, composition, identification and potential mitigation methods of palm effluent sludge impurities, and their effects on filterability, metal removal and fouling. ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Technical Due Diligence On Sagefuels Production Process, Ann Joo Green Energy Sdn. Bhd., Project Leader/Lead Consultant
    25 Apr 2022 - 16 May 2022 (National)
  • Penilai Bagi Rfs2 Engineering Review for Me1 & Me2 - Yr2021 Vance Bioenergy Sdn. Bhd.,  VANCE BIOENERGY SDN. BHD., Professional Consultant (Ir., Ar., Sr., Ts., dsbnya)
    15 Sep 2021 - 15 Dec 2021 (National)
  • Professional Competency Examination for Environmental Discipline, Board of Engineer Malaysia
    01 Dec 2013 - 01 Dec 2016 (National)
  • Development of Guidelines for Green Industry Implementation for Malaysian Smes, Dasar-Data Sdn. Bhd. (for Department of Environment, Malaysia)
    01 Jan 2014 - 01 Jan 2014 (National)
  • Cleaner Production for The Minimization of Chemical Usage and Waste Generation in Glove Manufacturing, TOP GLOVE Sdn. Bhd.
    01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2014 (National)
  • Technical Expert and Consultant for Cleaner Production Audit Competency Training (Level 2) for Officers of Department of Environment, Malaysia, Dasar-Data Sdn. Bhd. (for Department of Environment, Malaysia)
    01 Jan 2014 - 01 Jan 2014 (National)
  • Consultant & Trainer and External Auditor for (1) Capacity Building Programme for Department of Environment Officer and External Auditors for Small and Medium Enterprises (Sme) (2) Training Programme for Small and Medium Enterprises (Sme) Towards Developing a Demonstration Premise for Green Industry by Department of Environment Malaysia, Dasar-Data Sdn Bhd
    01 Aug 2013 - 01 Aug 2013 (National)
  • Seminar On Cleaner Production to Top Glove - Principles and Concepts, TOP GLOVE SDN BHD
    01 Jul 2013 - 01 Jul 2013 (National)
  • Laboratory Testing for Malaysia New Version of 50 Sen and 20 Sen Coin, Bank Negara Malaysia
    01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
  • Independent Third Party Assessor for Bi-Act Sdo for Span's Approval, Alam Sekitar Eco-Technology Sdn Bhd
    01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
  • Projek Pelaksanaan Konsep Integrasi Pengeluaran Bersih Di Premis Pembuatan Batik, Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Malaysia
    01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2012 (National)
  • Pelaksanaan Konsep Integrasi Cleaner Production Di Premis Pembuatan Batik, Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Malaysia
    01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2012 (National)
  • Refuse Derived Fuel (Rdf), General Environmental Solution S.B.
    01 Sep 2010 - 01 Sep 2011 (National)
  • Seminar On Cleaner Production: Towards Cleaner Malaysian Industries, Jabatan Alam Sekitar
    01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)
  • Demonstration of of Cleaner Production Through Cleaner Production Virtual Centre, CP Unit, Dept.of Environment Malaysia
    01 Dec 2009 - 01 Dec 2010 (National)
  • Demonstration and Execution of Cleaner Production (Cp) Through a Cleaner Production Virtual Centre (Cpvc), Department of Environment, Malaysia
    01 Sep 2009 - 01 Sep 2010 (National)
  • Technical Expert and Consultant for Cleaner Production Audit Competency Training (Level 2) for Officers of Department of Environment, Malaysia for Dasar-Data Sdn Bhd, Dasar-Data Sdn Bhd
    01 Sep 2010 - 01 Sep 2010 (National)
  • Cleaner Production (Cleaner Production Virtual Centre and Cleaner Production Tools), Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Malaysia
    01 Apr 2009 - 01 Apr 2010 (National)
  • Demonstrasi dan Pelaksanaan Cleaner Production Melalui Cleaner Production Virtual Centre, Jabatan Alam Sekitar
    01 Feb 2009 - 01 Feb 2010 (National)
  • Module Development for Cleaner Production Audit, Dasar Data Sdn. bhd
    01 Jul 2009 - 01 Jul 2009 (National)
  • Development of Landfill Module, Department of Environment
    01 Jul 2008 - 01 Jul 2009 (National)
  • Development of Cp Implementation Tool, Department of Environment, Malaysia
    01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2008 (National)
  • Module Development for Process Industries, Department of Environment
    01 Jul 2007 - 01 Jul 2008 (National)
  • Commercialisation of The Production of Poly Aliminium Chloride (Pac) from Metal Hydroxide Sludge, Koshin Kitmula Malaysia Sdn Bhd
    01 Sep 2005 - 01 Sep 2007 (National)
  • Clean Air Regulation Review, Department of Environment, Malaysia
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
  • Best Available Technique Document Development, Department of Environment, Malaysia
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
  • Extraction of Cysteine from Chicken Feather, Ganns Technology S.B
    01 Jul 2005 - 01 Jul 2006 (National)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Consultant for Biodiesel Plant Project in Shah Alam, Zoop S.B
    01 Jul 2006 - 01 Jul 2006 (National)
  • Development of Cleaner Production Implementation Software for Small and Medium Industries, Department of Environment, Malaysia
    01 Nov 2003 - 01 Nov 2005 (National)
  • Air Emission Inventory System Development, Department of Environment, Malaysia
    01 Jul 2003 - 01 Jul 2005 (National)
  • Development of National Emission Inventory System, Department of Environment Malaysia
    01 Nov 2003 - 01 Nov 2004 (National)
  • A Self Help Tools for The Assessment and Deployment of Cleaner Production for Smi S., EIMAS
    01 Nov 2003 - 01 Nov 2004 (National)
  • Preparation of Guidelines for The Implementation of Car in Relation to The National Emission Inventory System, Department of Environment Malaysia
    01 Nov 2003 - 01 Nov 2004 (National)
  • Air Emission Factor Formulation for Industries in Malaysia, Department of Environment, Malaysia
    01 Jul 2002 - 01 Jul 2004 (National)
  • Technical Consultation for Multinational Companies On Solid Waste Management, Manira Bina S.B
    01 Jul 2003 - 01 Jul 2004 (National)
  • Study of Emission Factors from Industries in Malaysia , 2002-2003, Dept.of Environment Malaysia
    01 Nov 2002 - 01 Nov 2003 (National)
  • Module Development for Water Pollution Control Technology, Department of Environment, Malaysia
    01 Jul 2002 - 01 Jul 2003 (National)
  • Module Development for Air Pollution Control Technology, Department of Environment, Malaysia
    01 Jul 2002 - 01 Jul 2003 (National)


  1. Improving Engineering Education Quality Through Accreditation, International Symposium on Engineering Education Transformation and Internationalization, Fuzhou University (International) (25 Apr 2019 - 28 Apr 2019)
  2. Impact of Internationalisation on Engineering Education and Research in University of Malaya, AOTULE, IIT Madras (International) (23 Nov 2018 - 23 Nov 2018)
  4. Developing Research Culture Among Undergraduate Students Holistically, 8th Asian Engineering Deans' SUMMIT (AEDS'18), Tokyo Institute of Technology (International) (21 May 2018 - 23 May 2018)
  6. Opportunities in Environmental Research & Business, Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers 2017, IChemE Malaysia (National) (07 Dec 2017 - 07 Dec 2017)
  7. Make Your Research Count!, Advanced Engineering Colloquium 2017, Monash University Malaysia (International) (27 Nov 2017 - 27 Nov 2017)
  8. Chemical Engineering Towards a Sustainable and Resilient Society: We Go, We Grow, We Glow, Regional Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Congress, Universiti Malaya (International) (12 Jul 2017 - 12 Jul 2017)
  9. Biogasoline: An out-of-the-box solution to the food-for-fuel and land-use competitions, 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development (EESD 2016) , Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (International) (01 Nov 2016 - 03 Jan 2017)
  10. Greening Malaysian Industries, Green Industry Award Seminar and Award Ceremony by Minister of Natural Resources and Environment 2016, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (National) (30 Sep 2016 - 30 Sep 2016)
  11. Synergy Between Industries, Professional Bodies & Academia: the way forward, The 22nd Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 2015), RSCE organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, and The Thai Institute of Chemical Engineering, and Applied Chemistry( TiChE) (International) (24 Sep 2015 - 25 Sep 2015)
  12. Creating Your Eureka Moment through Innovative Research Ideas, 3rd EURECA 2014 Conference, Taylor's University (National) (02 Dec 2014 - 03 Dec 2014)
  13. Environmental Performance of Malaysian Industries, SOMChE 2014 & RSCE 2014 Symposium, Taylor's University (International) (29 Oct 2014 - 30 Oct 2014)
  14. CP Implementation Made Simple in Food Industries , Seminar on Promotion of Environmental Aspects and Cleaner Production for Food Industries in Malaysia, Department of Environment, Malaysia (National) (29 Jul 2008 - 29 Jul 2008)
  1. Cleaner Production Training 1 Principles and Concepts, Cleaner Production Training 1, University of Malaya Consultancy Unit (UPUM) (National) (09 Jul 2013 - 09 Jul 2013)
  2. Profitting through Cleaner Production, Seminar On Promotion Of Environmental Aspects And Cleaner Production For Food Industries In Malaysia , Department of Environment, Malaysia. (15 Mar 2009 - 16 Mar 2009)
  3. Industrial Process Analysis, Basic skill course for C41 officers in Department of Environment, Malaysia., Department of Environment (National) (30 Oct 2008 - 30 Oct 2008)
  1. Development Of Optimised, Simplified, Maximized And Safer Chemical Processes Through Mathematical Application, First International Conference on Essence of Mathematics and Engineering Applications (ICEMEA-2021), Department of Mathematics at KL University, Vaddeswaram, India (International) (29 Dec 2021 - 29 Dec 2021)
  2. Complex Problem Solving and Complex Engineering Activities: Design and Assessment, Workshop for Academic Staff, Fakulti Kej. Kimia UiTM Shah Alam (National) (09 Mar 2021 - 09 Mar 2021)
  3. UM STAR SERIES: UNDERSTANDING OUR STUDENTS, UM STAR SERIES, ADeC (University) (24 Feb 2021 - 24 Feb 2021)
  4. Pengurusan Tekanan Kerja Dalam Norma Baharu, Ceramah Bagi Staf UM, Seksyen Pengurusan Psikologi & Kaunseling, UM (University) (08 Dec 2020 - 08 Dec 2020)
  5. Managing Your Academic Career, Academic Talk for Academic Staff : Educators For Tomorrow, Faculty of Engineering, UM (University) (25 Nov 2020 - 25 Nov 2020)
  6. Designing Copy Proof and Higher Order Exam Questions For Online Assessment, Academic Talk for UiTM, UiTM (Government Sector/public Institution) (12 Nov 2020 - 12 Nov 2020)
  7. Incorporating IR 4.0 In Chemical Engineering Curriculum, Academic Talk For UNIMAP, UNIMAP (Government Sector/public Institution) (09 Nov 2020 - 09 Nov 2020)
  8. Ciri-ciri Anggota SUKSIS Universiti Malaya, Bengkel Bagi Anggota SUKSIS , Universiti Malaya (University) (07 Nov 2020 - 07 Nov 2020)
  9. Designing Copy Proof and Higher Order Exam Questions, ADeC Webinar, ADeC (University) (04 Nov 2020 - 04 Nov 2020)
  10. Designing Copy Proof and Higher Order Exam Questions, Academic Enhancement and Leadership Development Centre, ADeC (University) (15 Oct 2020 - 15 Oct 2020)
  11. Kursus Pelaksanaan Amalan 5S: Ke Arah Tempat Kerja Yang Produktif dan Selamat, Kursus Bagi Staf TNC Pembangunan, Pejabat TNCP (University) (09 Oct 2020 - 09 Oct 2020)
  12. Gender Equality: Are We There?, Kesaksamaan Gender: Langkah Ke Hadapan, Universiti Malaya (University) (25 Aug 2020 - 25 Aug 2020)
  13. Conducting An Effective Online Teaching & Learning: Sharing Experience, Academic Talk for UNIMAP, UNIMAP (Government Sector/public Institution) (20 Jul 2020 - 20 Jul 2020)
  14. Managing Your Academic Career: Sharing Experience, Academic Talk for UNIMAP, UNIMAP (Government Sector/public Institution) (20 Jul 2020 - 20 Jul 2020)
  15. Designing Exams to Stimulate Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), ADeC Workshop, ADeC (University) (02 Mar 2020 - 02 Mar 2020)
  16. Complex Problem & Activities Assessment for Undergraduate Students, ADeC Workshop, FKUM (University) (19 Aug 2019 - 19 Aug 2019)
  17. EAC Accreditation: How to obtain 6-years accreditation?, EAC Workshop, FKUM (University) (01 Aug 2019 - 01 Aug 2019)
  18. Enjoyable & Effective Teaching, Enhancing Teaching and Learning, ADeC (University) (01 Aug 2019 - 01 Aug 2019)
  19. Grooming Future Leaders: Be The Change, Buddies Jamboree, Universiti Malaya (University) (23 Jul 2019 - 25 Jul 2019)
  20. Attributes For Future Engineer, Academic Talk for UTP, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Government Sector/public Institution) (14 May 2019 - 14 May 2019)
  21. Assessment for Engineering Programs; A Different Outlook, Workshop for Academic Staff, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Government Sector/public Institution) (14 May 2019 - 14 May 2019)
  22. Making Your Research Count, Academic Talk for UTP, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Government Sector/public Institution) (13 May 2019 - 13 May 2019)
  23. Greening Small and Medium Industries Through Cleaner Production Strategy, Academic Talk for Engineering Staff, Fuzhou University, China (International) (25 Apr 2019 - 25 Apr 2019)
  24. Latihan Pelaksanaan Amalan 5S di Tempat Kerja, Latihan 5S Bagi Staf HEP, BHEP (University) (10 Apr 2019 - 10 Apr 2019)
  26. Educational & Research Development of Engineering Field in Malaysia, Academic Talk, Tianjin University, China (International) (05 Nov 2018 - 06 Nov 2018)
  27. Ethics and Engineers in the Society, Academic Talk for Engineering Staff, Swinburne University Sarawak (Government Sector/public Institution) (25 Sep 2018 - 25 Sep 2018)
  29. Complex Engineering Problem & Activities, Academic Workshop for Engineering Staff, Universiti Malaya (University) (26 Jul 2018 - 26 Jul 2018)
  30. Complex Engineering Problem & Activities, Academic Workshop for Engineering Staff, University of Nottingham Malaysia (Government Sector/public Institution) (17 Jul 2018 - 17 Jul 2018)
  31. Integrating Ethics in Engineering Programs, Academic Talk, University of Nottingham Malaysia (Government Sector/public Institution) (17 Jul 2018 - 17 Jul 2018)
  32. EAC Accreditation Preparation, EAC Workshop for Engineering Faculty, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Government Sector/public Institution) (12 Jul 2018 - 12 Jul 2018)
  33. Complex Engineering Problem & Activities, Academic Workshop for Engineering Staff, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Government Sector/public Institution) (12 Jul 2018 - 12 Jul 2018)
  34. Criterion 5: Academic and Support Staff, EAC New Panel Evaluators Workshop 2018, EAC (Government Sector/public Institution) (28 Mar 2018 - 30 Mar 2018)
  36. Engineering Technology Program Accreditation Manual: Criterion 5: Academic and Support Staff, ETAC New Panel Evaluators Workshop, EAC (Government Sector/public Institution) (07 Feb 2018 - 08 Feb 2018)
  37. EAC Manual 2017: Main Changes, EAC Workshop For Engineering Faculty, Universiti Teknikal Melaka (Government Sector/public Institution) (17 Jan 2018 - 17 Jan 2018)
  38. Preparation as a Competitive Engineer in IR 4.0, Academic Talk for UTP, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Government Sector/public Institution) (22 Nov 2017 - 22 Nov 2017)
  39. Becoming a Professional Engineer, Workshop for Academic Staff, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Government Sector/public Institution) (21 Nov 2017 - 21 Nov 2017)
  40. Safety & Health, BEM Outreach Program 2017, BEM (Government Sector/public Institution) (01 Nov 2017 - 01 Nov 2017)
  41. EAC Accreditation Preparation, EAC Workshop for Engineering Faculty, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Government Sector/public Institution) (30 Oct 2017 - 30 Oct 2017)
  42. Complex Problem & Activities, Academic Workshop for Engineering Staff, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Government Sector/public Institution) (30 Oct 2017 - 30 Oct 2017)
  43. EAC Manual 2017: Main Changes, EAC Workshop for Engineering Faculty, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Government Sector/public Institution) (30 Oct 2017 - 30 Oct 2017)
  44. How to Be a Chartered Engineer, Workshop for Academic Staff, Heriot Watt University, Putrajaya (Government Sector/public Institution) (24 Oct 2017 - 24 Oct 2017)
  45. Tips Menghadapi Pembentangan, Ceramah Bagi Staf Kejuruteraan, Faculty Kejuruteraan UM (University) (13 Jul 2017 - 13 Jul 2017)
  46. Professional Ethics for Engineers, Talk for Engineering Academic Staff, UiTM Pulau Pinang (Government Sector/public Institution) (09 Apr 2017 - 09 Apr 2017)
  47. Becoming a Professional Engineer, Workshop for Academic Staff, Monash University Malaysia (University) (25 Apr 2016 - 25 Apr 2016)
  48. Evolusi Minda, Kursus Evolusi Minda Anjuran Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan (University) (19 May 2014 - 19 May 2014)
  49. Cleaner Production Implementation in Malaysia (DOE Perspective), Seminar Pengeluaran Bersih (Cleaner Production): Ke Arah Industri Malaysia Yang Mesra Alam Sekitar, Department of Environment, Malaysia (National) (17 Apr 2013 - 17 Apr 2013)
  50. Tips for Comfortably Completing Thesis Writing on Time, Upskill Programme Series by IPS, Institute of Postgraduate Studies, UM (University) (28 Feb 2013 - 28 Feb 2013)
  51. Industrial Process and Pollution Issues, Training Programme on Wastewater Treatment in food industries for CLMV Countries (Cambodia, LAos, Myanmar and Vietman), Department of Environment, EPU and JICA. (International) (09 Nov 2009 - 09 Nov 2009)
  52. Going Green Without Suffering, is It Possible?, Seminar "Our Earth Our Home", Green And Blue Environmental Group (National) (04 Oct 2009 - 04 Oct 2009)
  53. Waste to Biodiesel: Direct and Indirect Routes to Your Fuel Tank!, 1st AUN/SEED- Net Regional Workshop on New/ Renewable Energy, Institut Teknologi Bandung/ JICA (11 Mar 2009 - 14 Mar 2009)
  54. CP Implementation Made Simple in Food Industries , Seminar On Promotion Of Environmental Aspects And Cleaner Production For Food Industries In Malaysia , Department of Environment, Malaysia (National) (23 Oct 2008 - 24 Oct 2008)
  55. Identifying Patentable Inventions from Engineering Technical Solutions, Technical Talk, The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (National) (06 May 2008 - 06 May 2008)
  56. Patenting Engineering Solutions, Technical Talk by Institute of Engineers Malaysia, IEM (Chemical Engineering Technical Division) (National) (05 May 2008 - 05 May 2008)
  57. Cleaner Production Implementation Made Easy, Cleaner Production and Environmentally Sound Technologies, Department of Environment (National) (18 Mar 2008 - 18 Mar 2008)
  58. Keeping the Large Group of Students Engagaed for Non-Engineering Subjects in the Engineering Faculty, Large Group Teaching, IChemE, BP and Chemical Engineering department (International) (18 Mar 2008 - 18 Mar 2008)
  59. Towards Cleaner Technologies- Managing and Minimizing Waste, Seminar, Department of Environment and Chemistry Department of Malaysia (National) (29 Nov 2006 - 29 Nov 2006)
  60. Hazardous Waste Chemical Management, Safety Refresher Course, UM (Others) (29 Nov 2006 - 29 Nov 2006)
  61. Cleaner Production Implementation Made Easy, Towards Clean Technologies-Managing and Minimizing Waste, Department on environment and Malaysia Institute of Chemistry (National) (29 Nov 2006 - 30 Nov 2006)
  62. Minimization of Industrial Waste and Life Cycle Assessment , Workshop, FOMCA (National) (30 Mar 2006 - 30 Mar 2006)
  63. How to Minimize Industrial Waste and Life Cycle Assessment-A Way Forward., Workshop on Waste Minimization, Federation of Malaysian Consumer Associations (National) (30 Mar 2006 - 30 Mar 2006)
  64. Customized Brick Production from Waste, Awareness Course for Rubber Board of Malaysia, Rubber Board of Malaysia (National) (13 Oct 1998 - 14 Oct 1998)
  1. Green Industry Auditor Course (Kursus Kompetensi Juruaudit Luar), Green Industry Auditor Course (Kursus Kompetensi Juruaudit Luar), Department of Environment, Malaysia (National) (20 Oct 2014 - 24 Oct 2014)
  2. Green Industry Auditor Course, Green Industry Auditor Course (Kursus Kompetensi Juruaudit Luar), University of Malaya Consultancy Unit (UPUM) & Department of Environment, Malaysia (National) (21 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2013)
  3. Concept and Framework of Cleaner Production Implementation Tool, Workshop on Cleaner Production Implementation Tool, Department of Environment (23 Feb 2009 - 24 Feb 2009)
  4. Training on Landfill Design and Operation, Training program for Department of Environment Officers, Department of Environment, Malaysia (National) (01 Dec 2008 - 05 Dec 2008)
  5. Solid-liquid Mixing and Case Studies, Workshop on Mixing for Pharmaceutical Industries , University of Malaya (National) (03 Dec 2007 - 15 Dec 2007)
  6. Solid-Liqiud Mixing, Workshop on Mixing for Process Industries, UM (International) (04 Apr 2007 - 05 Apr 2007)
  1. Is There a Dilemma in Implementing OBE?: A Case Study in Department of Chemical Engineering, University Malaya, Regional Symposium of Engineering Education, 2005, University technology Malaysia (International) (12 Dec 2005 - 12 Dec 2005)
  2. Determination of Degree of Suspension in a Stirred Vessel Using Pressure Techniques, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 2005, Hanoi University of Technology (Others) (30 Nov 2005 - 02 Dec 2005)
  3. Variation in kLa Values for Various Curved Blade Impeller Designs in Bioreactor, 22nd Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations , Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations (Others) (18 Dec 2004 - 19 Dec 2004)
  4. Improved Hydrodynamic Characteristics for Bioreactors Using Various Designs of Curve Blade Impeller, 22nd Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations, Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations (Others) (18 Dec 2004 - 19 Dec 2004)
  5. Managing Municipal and Industrial Solid Waste: Malaysian Experience, 22nd Conference of Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations , Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations (18 Dec 2004 - 19 Dec 2004)
  6. Bubble Breakup Characteristics of Rushton Turbine and Curve Blade, Symposium on Malaysian Chemical Engineers, 2004, Universiti Petronas (Others) (13 Dec 2004 - 14 Dec 2004)
  7. Mass Transfer Studies on Various Curved Blade Impeller Designs for Gas-liquid-solid System, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2004, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. (Others) (01 Dec 2004 - 02 Dec 2004)
  2. Refuse Derive Fuel Production from Hazardous Waste in Malaysia, 7th International Congress of Environmental Research, Journal of Environmental Research And Development & RV College of Engineering,Bangalore (International) (26 Dec 2014 - 28 Dec 2014)
  3. Application of Multiple Linear Regression, Central Composite Design, and ANFIS Models in Dye Concentration Measurement and Prediction Using Plastic Optical Fiber Sensor., 27th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE 2014), Taylor's University (29 Oct 2014 - 30 Oct 2014)
  4. Suspension of High Concentration Slurry in Multiphase Agitated Vessels, International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (14 Sep 2014 - 17 Sep 2014)
  5. Gas-liquid Mass Transfer Study Using Ultrasonic Irradiation Assistance and Response Surface Methodology, International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (14 Sep 2014 - 17 Sep 2014)
  6. The Effect of Curvature Angles and Central Disk Sizes in Six Curved Blade Impellers on Liquid-liquid Reaction through Stirred Vessel, International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (14 Sep 2014 - 17 Sep 2014)
  7. Low Temperature Synthesis and Characterization of Ni/Al Bimetallic Catalyst, International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (14 Sep 2014 - 17 Sep 2014)
  8. Impact of Gas Flowrate on the Specific Power Input for a Solid-liquid-gas Stirred Reactor, International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes VIII Conference, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (14 Sep 2014 - 17 Sep 2014)
  9. Effect of Fenton's Reagent Concentration for COD Removal of Reactive Black 5 Dye, ICOEST 2014 - SIDE, PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY (14 May 2014 - 17 May 2014)
  10. Analysis of Alkaline Catalyzed Transesterification of Palm Oil in Presence of Ultrasound Irradiation and Quality Evaluation of Biodiesel., ICOEST 2014 - SIDE, PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY (14 May 2014 - 17 May 2014)
  11. Comparison of Different Oxidizing Agents for Textile Wastewater Treatment, ICOEST 2014 - SIDE, PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY (14 May 2014 - 17 May 2014)
  12. Optimization of Soap Removal in Biodiesel-derived Crude Glycerol by Acidification Using Taguchi DOE Methodology, Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (19 Dec 2013 - 21 Dec 2013)
  13. Liquid-liquid Dispersion: Effects of Dispersed Phase Viscosity on Mean Drop Size and Distribution in Stirred Vessel, Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (19 Dec 2013 - 21 Dec 2013)
  14. Effect of Sparger Position for Solid Suspension in a Stirred Vessel Using Multiple Impeller, Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (19 Dec 2013 - 21 Dec 2013)
  15. Optimization of Reactive Dyes Degradation by Fenton Oxidation Using Response Surface Method, Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (19 Dec 2013 - 21 Dec 2013)
  16. Investigation of Convection and Diffusion during Biodiesel Production in Packed Membrane Reactor Using 3D Simulation, COMSOL Conference 2013 Singapore, i-Math Asia (24 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2015)
  17. 3D Simulation of FAME Production in a Packed Membrane Reactor, COMSOL Conference 2013 Singapore, i-Math Asia (24 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2013)
  18. Effect of Salinity on Gas Hold-up, Bubble Rising Speed and Mass Transfer in Split-cylindrical Airlift, The 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, AUN/SEED-Net (09 Feb 2012 - 10 Feb 2012)
  19. Review on Gas-liquid Mixing Analysis in Multiscale Stirred Vessel Using CFD, The 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, AUN/SEED-Net (09 Feb 2012 - 10 Feb 2012)
  20. A Solid-Liquid Extraction Process To Produce Biodiesel From Jatropha Seeds, 3rd Reginonal Conference on Chemical Engineering, AUN/SEED-Net (20 Jan 2011 - 21 Jan 2011)
  21. Effect of Catalyst Concentration and Molar Ratio on Production of MCPA Ester, 3rd Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, AUN/SEED-Net (University) (20 Jan 2011 - 21 Jan 2011)
  22. The effect of clay as homogenizing agent in non- traditional super light weight completion fluid for underbalance perforation, 3rd Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, AUN/SEED-Net (International) (20 Jan 2011 - 21 Jan 2011)
  23. Optmisation of Remazol Black B using Fenton-like Peroxidation, International Conference on Environment 2010, School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (13 Dec 2010 - 15 Dec 2010)
  24. Treatment Technologies for Petroleum Refinery Effluents: A Review. Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Environment 2010, School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (13 Dec 2010 - 15 Dec 2010)
  25. Mineralisation of Phenol Wastewater in a Statistically Optimized Fenton Process, Conference on Environmental Engineering and Technology (ICEET'10) (01 Dec 2010)
  26. Coconut Waste Biodiesel: Comparison of Acid and Alkaline Catalyst, 4th International Conference on Postgraduate Education, UKM-Graduate School of Business(UKM-GSM) (26 Nov 2010 - 28 Nov 2010)
  27. Phytoremediation Potential of Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus) in Soil Contaminated with Used Lubricating Oil, 7th International Conference on Natural Sciences and Technologies and Wastewater Treatment, Remediation, Emission Related to Climate, Environmental and Economic Effects, Linnaeus University (International) (22 Nov 2010 - 24 Nov 2010)
  28. Coconut Waste as a Source for Biodiesel Production, 2010 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICBEE 2010), Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES), IEEE  (International) (02 Nov 2010 - 04 Nov 2010)
  29. Efficient Triglyceride Transesterification in a Packed- bed Membrane Reactor, CHEMECA 2010, ICMS Pty Ltd (International) (26 Sep 2010 - 29 Sep 2010)
  30. Combination of Alkali Transestrification and Membrane Separation to Produce High Quality Palm Biodiesel, CHEMECA 2010, ICMS Pty Ltd (International) (26 Sep 2010 - 29 Sep 2010)
  31. Treatment of Recalcitrant Non-Industrial Process Wastewater Using Optimised Conventional Fenton Peroxidation, 11th APRU Doctoral Students Conference 2010, University of Indonesia (UI) (12 Jul 2010 - 16 Jul 2010)
  32. Application of Natural Clay to Formulate Non-Traditional Completion Fluid that Triples Oil Productivity, International Conference on Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (ICACCE 2010) (International) (26 May 2010 - 28 May 2010)
  33. Engineers as Inventors, Engineering Development Motivation And Awareness Training, EDMAT 32, Persatuan Kejuruteraan UM (Others) (11 Dec 2009 - 11 Dec 2009)
  34. Cleaner Production for Process Industries, Technical talk for Engineers at Institute of Engineers, Malaysia , Chemical Engineering Technical Division, IEM. (National) (04 Dec 2009 - 04 Dec 2009)
  35. Cleaner Production Practices in Industries, Training Programme on Wastewater Treatment in food industries for CLMV Countries (Cambodia, LAos, Myanmar and Vietman) , Department of Environment, EPU and JICA (International) (17 Nov 2009 - 17 Nov 2009)
  36. Intellectual Property, Technical talk for Engineers at Institute of Engineers, Malaysia, Chemical Engineering Technical Division, IEM (National) (16 Nov 2009 - 16 Nov 2009)
  37. Flow Properties of Palm Oil and Palm Oil Methyl Esters Blended with Diesel Fuel, The 15th Regional Symposium of Cemical Engineering 2008, National University of Malaysia (UKM) (National) (03 Dec 2008 - 04 Dec 2008)
  38. Neural Networks to Predict Biodiesel Density, The 15th Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineering, National University of Malaysia (UKM) (National) (02 Dec 2008 - 03 Dec 2008)
  39. Effects of Curved-Blade Impeller Characteristics on Gas-liquid Mass Transfer Coefficient, 2nd Asian Conference on Mixing, Organizing Committee of Asian Conference on Mixing (International) (07 Oct 2008 - 09 Oct 2008)
  40. Density of Palm Oil-Based Methyl and Ethyl Esters: Measurements and Estimations, CHEMECA 2008 (International) (28 Sep 2008 - 01 Oct 2008)
  41. Activated Carbon Supported Potassium Catalyst for Transesterification of Palm Oil, CHEMECA 2008 (International) (28 Sep 2008 - 01 Oct 2008)
  42. The Hazardous Waste Management Audit in University of Malaya & The Process of Setting up Hazardous Waste Management Standard Operating Procedures (sops) in University of Malaya , Symposium on Environmental Management (ISEM 2008), Thammasat University (International) (21 Sep 2008 - 23 Sep 2008)
  43. Liquid-Gas Mass Transfer Coefficient Correlation for Curved Blade Impeller in a Stirred Vessel, Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, 2007, University Putra Malaysia (National) (12 Dec 2007 - 14 Dec 2007)
  44. E-learning as an Effective Teaching Aid for Final Year Design Project in Chemical Engineering Department, UM, Proceedings of Association of Engineering Education for South East Asian Pacific (AEESEAP), Kuala Lumpur , University of Malaya (Others) (14 Feb 2007 - 15 Feb 2007)
  45. Managing Academically Weak (AW) Students in Chemical Engineering Department, University of Malaya , Proceedings of Association of Engineering Education for South East Asian Pacific (AEESEAP), Kuala Lumpur, University of Malaya (Others) (14 Feb 2007 - 15 Feb 2007)
  46. The Effect of Particle Size on Powder Cohesivity, Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, 2005 , University Malaysia Sabah (International) (08 Dec 2005 - 10 Dec 2005)
  47. Bubble Size Distribution in Stirred Vessel Filled with Sugar Solution, Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, 2005, University Malaysia Sabah (International) (08 Dec 2005 - 10 Dec 2005)
  1. Fluid Mixing and Current Technology in Industry, Course for Engineering Students, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Government Sector/public Institution) (21 Nov 2017 - 21 Nov 2017)
  2. University Representative, Malaysia- India Economic Confrence 2008, National SME Co. (International) (25 Sep 2008 - 25 Sep 2008)


  1. (2023) Panel Pemegangtaruh Bagi Program Sarjana Kejuruteraan Kimia Dengan Keusahawanan Di Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Kimia dan Proses, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, National, (External Evaluator)
  2. (2022) External Examiner for Master of Engineering in Energy and Environment At The Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas), National, (External Examiner)
  3. (2021) Corrosion Challenges in Petroleum Refinery Operations: Sources, Mechanisms, Mitigation and Future Outlook, International, (Reviewer)
  4. (2021) Fe Doped Tio2 Catalyst Synthesis Using Ultrasound and Subsequent Application for Photocatalytic Oxidation, International, (Reviewer)
  5. (2021) Epoxy Paint from Waste Polycarbonate (Pc), International, (Reviewer)
  6. (2021) Reviewer for Frgs 2021, Xiamen University Malaysia, National, (Reviewer)
  7. (2020) External Examiner for Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours, Universiti Malaysia Perlis , (External Examiner)
  8. (2019) External Evaluator for Master of Process Plant Operation, Faculty of Chemical Engineering & Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, (External Evaluator)
  9. (2019) External Evaluator for Faculty of Chemical Engineering & Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, (External Evaluator )
  10. (2019) External Examiner for Bioprocess Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis , (External Examiner)
  11. (2019) External Examiner for PhD Candidate, Universiti Teknologi Petronas with title "Green Synthesis And Characterisation Studies on Aqueous Elais Guineensis (Oil Palm) Leaves Mediated Gold Nanoparticles" , (External Examiner)
  12. (2018) External Examiner for Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Bioprocess, Universiti Malaysia Perlis , (External Examiner)
  13. (2018) Viva Voce Committee for PhD Candidate, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, (External Examiner)
  14. (2018) Evaluation on Yayasan UTP-FRG research proposals, (Evaluator Panel)
  15. (2018) External Examiner for PhD Candidate, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, with title "Framework for Environment and Safety in Energy Sector: An Industrial Perspective". , (External Examiner)
  16. (2018) External Examiner for Engineers Australia Accreditation of the Bachelor of Engineering Courses, Monash University Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  17. (2018) External Examiner for PhD Candidate, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan with title "Investigation on Indigenous Biomass Feedstock Upgradation as Solid Fuel". , (External Examiner)
  18. (2017) Viva Voce Committee for Master of Engineering Candidate, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, (Committee)
  19. (2017) External Examiner for PhD Candidate, Bharathiar University, India with title "Kinetic and Equilibrium Isotherm Studies for the Adsorptive Removal of Heavy Metal Ions by Riverbed Soil", (External Examiner)
  20. (2017) External Examiner for PhD (Chemical Process Engineering) Thesis for Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  21. (2017) External Examiner for Master of Engineering Thesis for Universiti Malaysia Sarawak with title "Design and Implementation on Novel Liquid Momentum Dissipation System in Swirl Bubbly Flow Column". , (External Examiner)
  22. (2017) External Examiner for Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) with Honours, Taylor's University , (External Examiner)
  23. (2017) External Examiner for PhD Thesis Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) - Nur Izzati Ismail, (External Examiner)
  24. (2017) External Examiner for Master of Science (Chemical Engineering) Thesis for Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) with title "Removal of Iron Ions and Residue Oil from Palm Oil Mill Effluent Using Alginate-Mangrove Composite Beads Coated by Chitosan", (External Examiner)
  25. (2017) External Examiner for Centre of Bioprocess Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis , (External Examiner)
  26. (2017) External Examiner for BEng and MEng Chemical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  27. (2017) External Examiner for Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus , (External Examiner)
  28. (2017) External Examiner for Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Chemical Engineering) Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak , (External Examiner)
  29. (2016) Committee Member for Evaluating UM's Intellectual Property at UM Centre for Innovation and Commercialisation (2016-2018), (Advisory Committee)
  30. (2016) External Examiner for Master Thesis Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), (External Examiner)
  31. (2014) Industry Advisory Panel for Chemical Engineering for Chemical Engineering Discipline for Monash University Malaysia, (Industry Advisory Panel for Chemical Engineering)
  32. (2014) External Examiner for PhD Thesis entitled "A Study on Phisico-Chemical and Bacteriological Quality of Selected Water Samples in Paderu Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Andha Pradesh, india" for Andhra University, India , (External Examiner)
  33. (2014) External Examiner for Thesis "Optimization of Tetraselmis Chuii Cultivated in Closed System Photobioreactor for Carbon Dioxide Bioremediation and as Biodiesel Feedstock" for Master of Industrial Science at Universiti Tenaga Nasional, (External Examiner)
  34. (2014) External Examiner for PhD Thesis entitled "Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester (Ethanol Derived Biodiesel) Production" for Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, (External Examiner)
  35. (2014) External Examiner for PhD thesis for UKM - candidate: Fayeq Abdelhafez Al-Ajalin, (External Examiner)
  36. (2014) External Examiner for Thesis "Acid Modified Carbon Coated Monolith for Methyl Orange Adsorption" for Universiti Putra Malaysia, (External Examiner)
  37. (2014) External Examiner for Master of Science Thesis entitled "Computational Fluid Dynamics of the Aqueous Phase Reforming Process in Producing Optimum Hydrogen Gas" for OUM, (External Examiner)
  38. (2014) External Examiner for EAC for Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Chemical and Process for Faculty of Engineering, UiTM, (External Examiner)
  39. (2014) Evaluation of Master of Process Safety and Loss Prevention (without thesis) for Faculty of Engineering, UPM, (Advisory Committee)
  40. (2014) Appointment as Member of the Industrial Advisory Panel at the Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS, (Industrial Advisory Panel)
  41. (2013) Pengesahan Dalam Jawatan , (Internal Examiner)
  42. (2013) Evaluation of FRGS and ERGS application at University level , (Evaluator)
  43. (2013) Accreditation panel for Engineering Programme, UPM. Appointed by Board of Engineers, Malaysia, (Accreditation panel)
  44. (2013) Technofund Dana R&D Pertanian, (Advisory Committee)
  45. (2013) Research of ESM on E-Waste Reclamation, (Evaluator)
  46. (2013) PhD , (Internal Examiner)
  47. (2013) MSc (Engineering) - Open University, (External Examiner)
  48. (2013) Internal Examiner for M. Tech (Env. Mgm) , (Internal Examiner)
  49. (2013) External Examiner of Chemical Engineering Faculty, UiTM , (External Examiner)
  50. (2013) External Examiner for Master Thesis "Fitoremediasi Logam Berat Plumbum (Pb) dan Arsenik (As) dalam Pendedahan Berasingan Menggunakan Tumbuhan Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum L.)" for candidate from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)., (External Examiner)
  51. (2013) Internal Examiner for PhD Thesis entitled "Synthesis and Characterisation of Palm Oil Based Surfactants by Chemical Transesterification", (Internal Examiner)
  52. (2013) External Examiner to PhD Thesis from Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, The national University of Malaysia (UKM), (External Examiner)
  53. (2013) Internal Examiner for PhD Thesis "Development of Environmental Safety and Health Conceptual Model for a Steel Factory" from Faculty of Science, (Internal Examiner)
  54. (2013) External Examiner for PhD Thesis Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) , (External Examiner)
  55. (2012) Reviewer of Article Title "Integrated Composting and Vermicomposting: A boon to Industry for Waste Clearance" , (Reviewer)
  56. (2012) Reviewer for Article in The 3rd ISESCO International Workshop and Conference on Nanotechnology 2012 (IWCN 2012) , (Reviewer)
  57. (2012) External Examiner for SEGi University Master of Environment Management Technology Programme, (External Examiner)
  58. (2012) External Examiner for Institute of Postgraduate Studies, USM, (External Examiner)
  59. (2011) Pemeriksa luar Program Ijazah Tinggi Pusat Pengajian Teknologi Industri, (External Examiner)
  60. (2011) Reviewer for article in Petroleum Science and Technology for year 2011., (Reviewer)
  61. (2011) Examiner for the Qualifying Examination (QE) for MSc(E) with Project Title of "Computational Fluid Dynamics of the Aqueous Phase Reforming Process in Producing Optimum Hydrogen Gas" from Open University Malaysia (OUM). , (External Examiner)
  62. (2011) Reviewer for article in International Journal of Energy Research for year 2011., (Reviewer)
  63. (2011) Reviewer for article in Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels for year 2011., (Reviewer)
  64. (2011) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Concentration of Natural Rubber Skim Latex Using Ultrafiltration" , (Internal Examiner)
  65. (2011) Moderator for Safety, Health and Environmental Management (EMSH5103) for the Master of Project Management (MPM) offered by Open University Malaysia (OUM) , (Moderator)
  66. (2011) External Examiner for Master Thesis "Microwave Assisted Immobilization of Baker's Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) onto Chemically Modified Chitosan-coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biosorption of Uranium (VI) Ions" for candidate from Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)., (External Examiner)
  67. (2011) External Examiner for PhD Thesis "A Complete Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Treatment System Using Novel Integrated Anaerobic-Aerobic Bioreactor" by candidate from Nottingham University., (External Examiner)
  68. (2011) External Examiner for Master of Engineering Science Thesis in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia., (External Examiner)
  69. (2011) Independent Evaluator for Technology Due-Diligence on CRDF Grant for Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (MTDC), (Independent Evaluator)
  70. (2011) Reviewer for Journal of Science & Technology (JST) by Pertanika Editorial Office of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for year 2011., (Reviewer)
  71. (2010) Thesis from the Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS, (External Examiner)
  72. (2010) External Examiner for a Master Thesis for candidate in Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS , (External Examiner)
  73. (2010) Moderator for Safety, Health and Environmental Management (EMSH5103) for the Master of Project Management (MPM) offered by Open University Malaysia (OUM) , (Moderator)
  74. (2010) Reviewer for article in International Journal of Energy Research for year 2010., (Reviewer)
  75. (2009) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "A Study of Cleaner Production Awareness Implementation and Critical Barriers Facing Small and Medium Size Industries in Malaysia" , (Internal Examiner)
  76. (2009) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Development of a Physico-Chemical Waste Water Treatment Strategy for a Chemical Plant" , (Internal Examiner)
  77. (2009) Member for EIA Report Review Committee for Department of Environment, Malaysia (2009)., (Scientific Committee)
  78. (2009) External Examiner for master Thesis "In Situ Transesterification of Biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas" by candidate from Universiti Teknologi Petronas., (External Examiner)
  79. (2009) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Modelling and Control of a Palm Oil Hydrolyzer", (Internal Examiner)
  80. (2009) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Development of a CAO/Al2O3 Solid Catalyst for Biodiesel Production From Palm Oil", (Internal Examiner)
  81. (2009) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "The Formulation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Framework for Malaysia Using Eco-Indicator", (Internal Examiner)
  82. (2009) Examiner for the Qualifying Examination (QE) for MSc(E) with Project Title of "Using Glycerol as By-Product of Biodiesel to Produce Hydrogen Gas Through Phase Reforming Process for the Feedstock of Fuel Cell Application" from Open University Malaysia (OUM). , (External Examiner)
  83. (2009) Member of Scientific Committee for Sludge Dewatering System Project for Department of Environment, (Scientific Committee)
  84. (2008) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Performance of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactor Treating Wastewater at Low Loading Rates" , (Internal Examiner)
  85. (2008) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Study of Nickel Removal from Electroplating Wastewater" , (Internal Examiner)
  86. (2008) Examiner for the Qualifying Examination (QE) for PhD(E) with Project Title of "Alternative Fuel/Energy" for candidate from Open University Malaysia (OUM). , (External Examiner)
  87. (2008) Reviewer for article in Malaysian Journal of Science (2008)., (Reviewer)
  88. (2008) Examiner for the Viva Voce for MSc(E) for candidate from Open University Malaysia (OUM). , (External Examiner)
  89. (2008) Reviewer article in Journal of Hazardous Materials for year 2008., (Reviewer)
  90. (2008) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Physico-Chemical Treatment of Bukit Tagar Landfill Leachate Using Praestol 189K and Aluminum Chloride" by Salim Said Salim al Maskari , (Internal Examiner)
  91. (2007) External Examiner for Master Thesis "Data Monitoring and Reconciliation for Refinery Hydrogen Network" by candidate from Unitversiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP). , (External Examiner)
  92. (2007) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Life Cycle Assessment of a Recycling Company (Texcycle Pte. Ltd.)" , (Internal Examiner)
  93. (2006) Reviewer for Proceedings of the Symposium of Malaysia Chemical Engineering (SOMCHEE) 2006., (Reviewer)
  94. (2006) Reviewer for articles in Institution of Engineers Malaysia (EM) Bulletin & Journal., (Reviewer)
  95. (2005) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "A study on identification of environmental aspects and impacts for piling and foundation works" , (Internal Examiner)
  96. (2005) Reviewer for article in Malaysian Journal of Science for year 2005., (Reviewer)
  97. (2005) Reviewer for article in Malaysian Journal of Science (2005)., (Reviewer)
  98. (2004) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Solidification and Stablization of Electronic Industry Waste" , (Internal Examiner)
  99. (2004) Reviewer for article in Malaysian Journal of Science (2004)., (Reviewer)
  100. (2003) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Energy Consumption and the Emission of Sulphur Oxides in Malaysia", (Internal Examiner)
  101. (2002) Reviewer for article in Journal of Industrial Technology Papers (SIRIM) for year 2002., (Reviewer)
  102. (2002) Internal Examiner for Master Thesis "Selective Separation of Lead(II) and Cadmium(II) from Simulated Wastewater Solutions by Electrodeposition on Carbon Based Electrodes", (Internal Examiner)
  103. (2000) Reviewer for article in Journal of Industrial Technology Papers (SIRIM) for year 2000., (Reviewer)
  104. (2000) Reviewer for article in Journal of Industrial Technology Papers (2000)., (Reviewer)
  105. (2000) Reviewer for article in Journal of Industrial Technology Papers (SIRIM) for year 2000., (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2021) Panel Pakar Projek Dana Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan (R&D) Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (Mosti), National, (Expert Advisor)
  2. (2021) Panel Penilai Teknikal Public-Private Research Network (Pprn), National, (Technical Advisor)
  3. (2021) Panel Pakar Projek Dana Penyelidikan Dan Pembangunan (R&D) , Kementerian Sains, Teknologi Dan Inovasi (MOSTI)
  4. (2020) External Moderator in Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Program Area, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, International
  5. (2019) Evaluation Panel for Promotion of University Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
  6. (2019) Evaluation Panel for Promotion of University Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
  7. (2019) Evaluation Panel for Promotion of University Lecturer , Universiti Sains Malaysia
  8. (2019) Evaluation Panel for Promotion of University Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
  9. (2018) Presenter for EAC New Panel Evaluators Workshop, Engineering Accreditation Council, Board of Engineers Malaysia
  10. (2018) Mid Term Review of the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025, Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  11. (2018) Training & Education Committee , Board of Engineers Malaysia
  12. (2018) Mentor for NACES 2018, NACES
  13. (2018) Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) Fasa 1/2018 Peringkat IPPP, Pusat Pengurusan Geran Penyelidikan, Institut Pengurusan dan Pemantauan Penyelidikan, Universiti Malaya
  14. (2018) Evaluation Panel, Malaysian Qualification Agency
  15. (2018) Evaluation Panel for Bachelor of Engineering Program for Engineering Accreditation Council, Board of Engineers Malaysia
  16. (2017) Evaluation Panel for Chemical Engineering, Malaysian Qualification Agency, National
  17. (2017) Visiting Professor, Nanning University, International
  18. (2017) Visiting Professor, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, National
  19. (2017) Appointment as Member of Evaluation Panel for Engineering Programme Accreditation for University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) for Master in Engineering with Honours in Chemical Engineering Programme, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
  20. (2017) Evaluation Panel for Chemical Engineering Program, Malaysian Qualifications Agency
  21. (2017) Presenter for EAC Training for IHL, Board of Engineers Malaysia
  22. (2017) Appointment as Member of Evaluation Panel for Engineering Programme Accreditation for Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) for Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Chemical Engineering, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
  23. (2017) Reviewer for Guideline for University Transformation Programme (UniTP): Strengthening Academic Career Pathways and Leadership Development , Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education
  24. (2017) Working Group Member of ST2: Review and Formulation Study, Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  25. (2017) Evaluation Panel for Promotion of University Lecturer, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  26. (2017) Committee Member for Examination & Qualification, Board of Engineers Malaysia
  27. (2017) Technical Evaluation Panel for Public Private Research Network , Ministry of Higher Education
  28. (2017) Committee Member for Training & Education, Board of Engineers Malaysia
  29. (2016) Appointment as Panel Member for University of Malaya Learning Improvement and Teaching Enhancement Research (UM-LiTeR) Grant 2016, Academic Development Centre (ADeC), University of Malaya
  30. (2016) Appointment to the Evaluation Panel for Green Industry Award 2016 by Department of Environment, Malaysia, Department of Environment, Malaysia Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  31. (2016) Appointment as Entrepreneurial Advisor at University of Malaya Entrepreneurship Centre (UMEC), University of Malaya Entrepreneurship Centre (UMEC)
  32. (2015) Speaker for "Effective & Enjoyable Teaching" training programme for Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya
  33. (2014) TechnoFund Committee Member for Monitoring and Evaluation Panel (MEP), MARDI
  34. (2014) Committee Member for Workshop Services at Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya
  35. (2014) Committee Member for SLAB/SLAI for University, Universiti Malaya
  36. (2014) Assessor for Promotion Exercise of Associate Professor (UNIMAS), UNIMAS
  37. (2014) Assessor for Promotion Exercise of Associate Professor (UTM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  38. (2014) Appointment as Committee Member for Training & Education for Board of Engineers, Malaysia, Board of Engineers, Malaysia
  39. (2014) Committee Member for Consultancy and Industrial Relation at Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya
  40. (2014) Appointment as "Associate", Student Empowerment & Research Unit (SERU), Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar, Universiti Malaya
  41. (2014) Committee Member for UM Intellectual Property Evaluation in UMCIC, UMCIC
  42. (2014) Assessor for Promotion Exercise to Senior Lecture (Teaching & Research) for Monash University, Monash University
  43. (2013) Committee Member for Task Force Strategic Plan, University of Malaya, University
  44. (2013) Evaluator for Promotion of an Academic to the Rank of Full Professor, Al-Balqa' Applied University, Jordan, International
  45. (2013) Representative of Council Member for the Chemical Engineering Technical Division Session 2013/2014, The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, National
  46. (2013) Visiting Professor, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), National
  47. (2013) Member of Panel of Experts in the Field of Engineering Technology and Innovation, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Malaysia, National
  48. (2013) Cleaner Production Training 1 - Principles and Concepts, University of Malaya Consultancy Unit
  49. (2013) Member of Panel of Judges for the University of Malaya Researchers' Conference (UMRC) 2013, University of Malaya
  50. (2013) Appointed as Panel of Judges for University of Malaya Researchers' Conferece (UMRC 2013), Centre of Research Services
  51. (2013) Panel of Expert for Advanced Engineering & Technology (AET) Research Cluster, AET Research Cluster, UM
  52. (2013) Panel for Engineering Accreditation Council, Malaysia Accreditation for Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) Program for University Putra Malaysia, Engineering Accreditation Council, Malaysia
  53. (2012) Ahli Giliran Majlis Kualiti Alam Sekeliling, Department of Environment, Malaysia, National
  54. (2012) Permanent Member of Committees of Green House Gases Inventory, Process Industry Sector, Malaysian Green Technology Corporation, National
  55. (2012) Committee Member for the Training & Education Committee, Board of Engineers Malaysia
  56. (2012) TechnoFund Milestone Monitoring & Evaluation Panel (MEP) Member, Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia & MARDI
  57. (2012) Industrial Advisory Panel, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
  58. (2011) Evaluation Panel Member of Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) and Internal Evaluator for University of Malaya (UM), Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) & University of Malaya
  59. (2011) Appointment as Examiner for Final Examination paper for EMSH5103 - Safety, Health and Environmental Management, Open University Malaysia (OUM)
  60. (2011) Independent evaluator to conduct technology due-diligence on CRDF Grant Applicant, Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (MTDC)
  61. (2011) Panel of Evaluator for Programme Execution Audit at Universiti Malaya, Universiti Malaya
  62. (2011) Member of Accreditation Panel for MQA, Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
  63. (2011) Appointment as Member for Advisory Panel for Malaysian Standard (Air Quality - Exchange of Data - Part 1: General Data Format (ISO 7168-1:1999, IDT)) & (Air Quality - Exchange of Data - Part 2: Condensed Data Format (ISO 7168-2:1999, IDT)), SIRIM Berhad
  64. (2011) Appointment as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Safety, Health and Environmental Management (EMSH5103) course in the Master of Project Management (MPM) Programme offered by Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University Malaysia (OUM)
  65. (2010) Regional Staff/Student Development in Engineering in ASEAN, Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (SEED-Net), International
  66. (2010) Appointment as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Safety, Health and Environmental Management (EMSH5103) course in the Master of Project Management (MPM) Programme offered by Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University Malaysia (OUM)
  67. (2010) Malaysian HCFC Phase Out Management Plan Committee Member, Department of Environment
  68. (2010) Appointment as Moderator for Safety, Health and Environmental Management (EMSH5103) course in the Master of Project Management (MPM) Programme offered by Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University Malaysia (OUM)
  69. (2010) Industrial Advisory Panel, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
  70. (2010) Evaluation Panel for Technofund, MOSTI
  71. (2009) Panel of Interviewer for IChem E Coorporate Members., Institute of Chemical Engineers UK
  72. (2009) Appointment as Study Guide Writer for Safety, Health and Environmental Management (EMSH5103) course in the Master of Project Management (MPM) Programme offered by Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University Malaysia
  73. (2009) Appointment as Moderator for Safety, Health and Environmental Management (EMSH5103) course in the Master of Project Management (MPM) Programme offered by Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University Malaysia (OUM)
  74. (2009) Environmental Quality Council (Department of Environment), Department of Environment, malaysia
  75. (2009) National Chemical Engineering Society Symposium, 2009., Institute of Chemical Engineers, UK and University of Malaysia Sabah
  76. (2009) Board Member Majlis UPUM, Unit Perundingan Universiti Malaya
  77. (2008) Keynote Address to Delegates from Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University Malaysia (OUM)
  78. (2008) Detail Environmental Evaluation panel for Aluminium Smelting Plant and supporting facilities Mukah Land District, Mukah Division, Sarawak., Department of Environment Malaysia.
  79. (2008) Appointment as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Environmental Management (EBT4103) course offered by Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University Malaysia (OUM)
  80. (2008) Evaluation Panel for Technofund, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia.
  81. (2008) National Energy Forum, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Tenaga Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College
  82. (2007) Technical Chairman for Waste Malaysia 2008 Confrence, ENSEARCH
  83. (2007) Interview Panel for NSF Scholarship, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia
  84. (2007) Evaluation Panel for EIA, Department of Environment
  85. (2007) Air Pollution Modeling Standard, Sirim
  86. (2007) Advisory Panel for Scheduled Waste Sampling Standard, Sirim Berhad
  87. (2007) Appointment as Expert Consultant for Environmental Management (EBT4103) course offered by Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University Malaysia (OUM)
  88. (2005) National Chemical Engineering Society Symposium, 2005., IChemE
  89. (2005) Chem-e-Car Competition, Institute of Engineers, Malaysia
  90. (2003) Curriculum Restructuring Panel Member for Science and Mathematic Subjects for Matriculation Program., Ministry of Education, Malaysia
Contribution to event
  1. (2021) Kenote Speaker for Designing and Operating Inherently Friendlier Chemical Processes, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
  2. (2021) Panelist for Chain Malaysia 2021: Cop26, National, (Panelist/Moderator)
  3. (2021) Panelist for The Future of Research Laboratories Post Covid-19 Pandemic, University, (Panelist/Moderator)
  4. (2021) Speaker for Tips for Enjoying Your Postgraduate Journey, University, (Panelist/Moderator)
  5. (2021) Speaker for Complex Problem Solving & Complex Engineering Activities, University, (Panelist/Moderator)
  6. (2021) International Scientific Committee, National, (Panelist/Moderator)
  7. (2021) Speaker for Adec Program: UM Star Series: Understanding Our Students, University, (Panelist/Moderator)


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2023) KIL4002 DESIGN PROJECT
  2. (2023) Practices, Angeline Ong Wen Qi
  3. (2019) Final Year Research Project
  4. (2018) Final Year Research Project
  5. (2014) Final year research project
  6. (2013) Industrial Training Supervisor for Academic Session 2013/2014
  7. (2013) Final year research project
  8. (2012) Industrial Training Supervisor for Academic Session 2012/2013
  9. (2012) Final year research project
  10. (2011) Final Year Research Project
  11. (2010) Liquid Dispersion Studies in Mixing Vessel
  12. (2010) Coal Power Plant Design
  13. (2010) Biodiesl and Clener Production Studies
  14. (2009) Final Year Reserach Project
  15. (2009) Final Year Design Project
  16. (2008) Final year Research Project
  17. (2008) Final Year Design Project
  18. (2007) Final Year Research Project
  19. (2006) Final Year Research Project
  20. (2006) Final Year Design Project
  21. (2005) Final Year Research Project
  22. (2005) Final Year Design Project
  23. (2004) Final Year Research Project
  24. (2004) Final Year Design Project
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  2. (2024) Development of an Inherently Safer and Healthier Chemical Plant Framework with Occupational Hazard Inclusion, PU WEI
  3. (2024) Novel Structured Nanocatalysts For CO2 To Gas Conversions, ZHANG XINGGANG
  4. (2024) Chlorella Microalgae and Magnesium Oxide Functionalized Coconut Shell Bio- Adsorbent for CO2 Capture, NURADILA ZAHIRAH BINTI MOHD AZMI
  5. (2024) nanotechnology, ZAINAB QAHTAN ABD ALRAZZAQ AL-KHAYAT
  10. (2024) Two-Step Hydrothermal Synthesis of Metal Oxide Impregnated Fruit Waste Derived Adsorbents for the Removal of Dye from Aqueous Solution, FATHIMATH AFRAH SOLIH
  11. (2023) Towards inherently resilient chemical process systems: metric development and vulnerability reduction, Hu Yiben
  13. (2019) The Effect Of Weathering On Mechanical Properties Of UHMWPE Composite, NOR FARAH LISA MOHAMED NASIR
  19. (2013) Nitrate Reduction From Water Using Zero Valent Iron, ALI IBRAHIM ALI SHERLALA
  24. (2012) Production Of Refuse Derived Fuel From Industrial Hazardous Waste, Balasubramanian Karpan
  25. (2012) Photocatalyst Development For The Degradation Of Organic Contaminants In Colored Wastewater (Dyes) Generated From Cottage And Industrial Processing Of Fabric, HAMISU UMAR FAROUK
  30. (2011) New Standard Methodology In Cleaner Production For Small And Medium Industries, RAZUANA BINTI RAHIM
  35. (2010) Incorporation Of In Sustainability In Higher-Education-Curricula: Strategies For Klang Valley, Malaysia, Chiong Kai Shing
  1. (2023) Development of Graphene Oxide Impregnated Magnetic Coconut Shell Based Activated Hydrochar for Recalcitrant Pollutants Removal, Amy Aynee Chan
  2. (2023) Synthesis, Characterisation and CO2 Adsorption Performance Analysis of MgO Functionalised Activated Carbon from Palm Kernel Shell, Jayaprina Gopalan
  3. (2023) Techno Economical Assesment and Environmental Analysis of Bio-CNG Production from Palm Oil Mill Effluent, NASRIN BIN ABU BAKAR
  4. (2020) Investigating the Mechanism of Carbon Dioxide Capture by Metal oxides Impregnated Activated Carbon Derived from Waste Material, Jayaprina Gopalan
  6. (2019) Strategies in transforming standard hospitals and clinics for Covid-19 treatment., Naveen Jayakumar Vijhay Keerrthi
  7. (2019) Implementation of mental health improvement programs in offices: a case study analysis., Pritharshini Palanisamy
  8. (2019) Greening mosquito coil manufacturing premise using Cleaner Production strategies., Poorni Letchumanan
  11. (2017) Cleaner Production Assessment and Improvement Strategies in a Textile Industry, Shaqina Ramlan
  12. (2016) Strategies for Preventing Fire in High-Rise Residential Buildings, Andrea Valerie Law
  13. (2016) Incorporation of Safety, Health, and Environmental Aspects for Medical Devices in Malaysia, Dinesh A/L Murgis
  15. (2016) Green Initiatives for Mass Rapid Transit Project in Malaysia, Thavamalar A/P Krishnasamy
  16. (2016) Efficient Water management System in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Premise, Kugaanesaan A/L Murthy
  17. (2016) Design, Construction and Operation of Green Wireless Base Stations, Ooi Hoong Chuan
  19. (2015) Treatment of Recalcitrant Wastewater Using UV Activated Sulphate Oxidant, Doreen Jardelle Ntiamoah-Asare
  20. (2015) Reducing Carbon Footprint at a Cement Casting Premise Using Cleaner Production Strategy, Suzana Abu Bakar
  21. (2015) Reducing Carbon Emission By Visiting Patients Activities in a Screening Centre Through Cleaner Production Strategies, Mohd Firdaus Bakri
  23. (2015) Green Initiative to Reduce Carbon Emission for Aeroplanes Using Malaysia Airlines Berhad as a Case Study, Indera Shah Reza Govinathan
  24. (2015) Greening Sanitary Landfill Using Cleaner Production Strategies, Helena Anak Rahit
  25. (2015) Carbon Footprint Reduction for Clinical Waste Management Using Cleaner Production Strategies at a Selected Hospital, Noor Farah Hani Amir
  26. (2014) Sustainable Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Model for Managing Household E-Waste in Malaysia, Chow Ching Yan
  27. (2014) Risk Assessment Using Risk Matrix Tool for a Recycling Area in a Manufacturing Process, Shivanarayana Mahaletchumanan
  28. (2014) Hierarchical Based Integrated Dust Management System in a Cement Manufacturing Plant in Malaysia, Vela A/L Lai Kin Ming
  29. (2014) Development of Packaging Waste Reduction Model for Malaysia Using Hierarchical Approach, Liew Kar Yin
  30. (2014) Cleaner Production Opportunities In Steel Industry : A Case Study In Ann Joo Steel Bhd, Faridah Wahab
  32. (2013) Clinical Waste Management: The Study of Current Scenario in Malaysia, Nur-Aqilah Kassim
  33. (2013) Cleaner Production Implementation for the Fabrication of a Transformer Tank, Lee Hwa Chang
  34. (2013) Application of Cleaner production (CP) in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Implementation and Monitoring, Ting Chee Ling
  35. (2013) An Assessment and Future Direction of Household Hazardous Waste Management in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Fadilah Mohamad
  37. (2012) Hazardous Waste Transportation in Malaysia: Current Practice and Strategies for Improvement, Adelina Ibrahim
  38. (2012) Greening Offset Lithography Printing Industry Through Cleaner Production Strategy, RAMLI BIN ABD RAHMAN
  39. (2012) Fenton Degradation Of Phenol Contaminated Water In A Fluidized Bed Reactor, FARHANA FAHIM TISA
  42. (2012) CLEANER PRODUCTION: PRINTING INDUSTRY, Aida Normardiana Ayob
  43. (2012) Analysis of Public Transportation and Existing Transportation Policy for Mitigation of the System, Kuvinn Mallar Armugan
  44. (2011) Technical Feasibility Study On Carbon Capture And Strorage Strategy For Power Plants In Malaysia, Sivanesan A/L Shanmugam
  45. (2011) Reduction Of Energy Loss Through Cleaner Production Options In Palm Oil Refinery, Malini Devi Narayanasamy
  46. (2011) Implementation Of Possible Cleaner Production Options In A Petrochemical Laboratory, Cheah Chee Wei
  49. (2011) Cleaner Production Options Generation And Evaluation In A Paint Manufacturing Premise, Lai Kwai Cheng
  51. (2011) Cleaner Production Audit In A Soy Sauce Manufacturing Premise, Chen Yen Fun
  52. (2011) Cleaner Production Audit At Small, Medium Enterprise (Smes) : Hair Salon Industry, Zakiah Mat Jali @ Md. Jelani
  53. (2011) Cleaner Production Audit At Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab In Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Nurul Izzah Muhd Nawawi
  54. (2011) Cleaner Production Audit and Option Generation in an Automotive Component Production Plant, Anis Ilyani Buang
  56. (2011) Carbon Footprint Reduction Analysis For A Waste Water Treatment Plant, Vanathi A/P Ramasamy
  57. (2010) Implementation Of Cleaner Production Strategies In Laboratory: A Case Study In University Of Malaya, Razuana Rahim
  58. (2010) Cleaner Production Implementation for Reducing Electricity Consumption in the Main Library of University of Malaya, Shima Samaei
  59. (2010) Cleaner Production Audit in a proton Sanctioned Automotive Workshop, Tay Bit Sean
  60. (2010) Cleaner Production Audit for a Plastic Car Component Factory, Khairul Akma Mahamad
  61. (2010) Cleaner Production Audit for an Aircraft Engine Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Facility, Siti Azira Ghazali
  62. (2009) Use Of Cleaner Production Options In Improving Safety At Construction Site, Mohd Afif
  63. (2009) Use Of Cleaner Production Option In Minimizing Domestic Waste Generated At Construction Site: A Case Study In Putrajaya, Norazlin Dzulkifly
  64. (2009) Use Of Cleaner Production Option In Minimizing Construction Waste Generated At Construction Site, Nur Syahida Mohd Sait
  65. (2009) The Study Of Green Project Performance By Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (Mtdc) Grant Recipients, Faradila Teh Bt Razali
  66. (2009) Safety Assessment, Mohd Ismail Fithri Merican
  67. (2009) Reduction of Carbon Footprint through Cleaner Production Implementation in a Central Rubber Collection Facility, Dhanusha Suria Kumar
  69. (2009) Investigation Of Electro-Coagulation Process For The Reduction Of Total Suspended Solids From Palm Oil Mill Effluent, FIRDAUS BIN GHAZALI
  70. (2009) Implementation Of Cleaner Production Strategies In Laboratory: A Case Study In University Of Malaya, T.S Kumar
  72. (2009) Cleaner Production through Lean Manufacturing for Hard-Disc Test Equipment Assembly, Rakesh a/l Santiran
  73. (2009) Carbon Footprint Reduction Analysis in Wastewater Treatment Plant, Stephanie Lourdes A/P Lourdesammy
  75. (2008) Sustainable Development Indicator For Electricity Usage In The Department Of Chemical Engineering, University Of Malaya, Rabiatul Adawiyah Abdol Aziz
  76. (2008) Safety Awareness, Samsyuri Bin Mohd. Zen Omar
  77. (2008) Emergency Response Preparedness In University Of Malaya, Chiong Kai Shing
  78. (2008) Carbon Footprint Determination for Sewage Treatment Plant, Rosita Aminuddin
  79. (2008) An Analysis on the Current Industrial Hazardous Waste Generation in China, Shi Xiao Yu
  80. (2008) Achieving Road Safety Through Monitoring, Feedback and Incentives, Watson Abot
  81. (2008) Accidents Analysis in Oil Palm Estates, Vergisri Selvamaney
  82. (2008) A Case Study Of Noise Level And The Mitigation At Utilities Area In A Semiconductor Company, Elyana Abdul Rashid
  83. (2007) Use of Cleaner Production Options in Improving Safety at Construction Site, Mohamad Afif Azhar
  84. (2007) Hazardous Waste Management, Shareen Shamela Vellsin
  85. (2007) Development of Saraline Based Super Light Weight Completion Fluid in Underbalance Perforation, Muhammad
  91. (2003) Selective Recovery Of Heavy Metals From Electroplating Waste Water Sludge Using Acid Dissolution, Vasanthi Sethu


  1. (2021) KQD7004 - Sustainable Process Engineering
  2. (2020) KQD7009 - Hazardous Waste Control
  3. (2019) KQX7001 - Research Methodology
  4. (2019) KQX7001 - Research Methodology
  5. (2018) KQD7009 - Hazardous Waste Control
  6. (2018) KQX7001 - Research Methodology
  7. (2014) KXGS6305 - Hazardous Waste Control
  8. (2013) KXGS6305 - Hazardous Waste Control
  9. (2011) KXGS6305 - Hazardous Waste Control
  10. (2010) KXGS6305 - Hazardous Waste Control
  11. (2009) KXGS6305 - Hazardous Waste Control
  12. (2008) KXGS6305 - Hazardous Waste Control
  13. (2007) KXGS6102 - Sustainable Process Engineering
  14. (2007) KXGS6305 - Hazardous Waste Control
  15. (2006) KXGS6305 - Hazardous Waste Control
  16. (2006) SHGB6110 - Process Engineering Principles
  17. (2005) SHGB6110 - Process Engineering Principles
  1. (2021) KIL4002 - Design Project
  2. (2021) KIL4003 - Research Project
  3. (2020) KIX3002 - Engineering Entrepreneurship
  4. (2019) KIX1003 - Thinking and Communication Skills
  5. (2018) KKEK3156 - Plant Engineering
  6. (2017) KXEX2165 - Moral and Ethics of Engineering Profession
  7. (2015) Penghijauan Industri Malaysia
  8. (2013) KKEK3156 - Plant Engineering
  9. (2013) KXEX2163 - Thinking and Communication Skills
  10. (2011) KKEK1111 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
  11. (2011) KKEK3171 - Laboratory and Communications Ii
  12. (2011) KXEX2163 - Thinking and Communication Skills
  13. (2010) KKEK1111 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
  14. (2010) KKEK1174 - Makmal Kimia Fizikal
  15. (2010) KKEK3171 - Laboratory and Communications Ii
  16. (2010) KXEX2163 - Thinking and Communication Skills
  17. (2009) KKEK1111 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
  18. (2009) KKEK1171 - Laboratory & Communications I
  19. (2009) KKEK1174 - Physical Chemistry Lab
  20. (2009) KKEK1211 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Ii
  21. (2009) KKEK1211 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Ii
  22. (2008) KKEK1171 - Laboratory and Communications I
  23. (2008) KKEK4316 - Solid Waste Management
  24. (2007) KKEK1111 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
  25. (2007) KKEK1174 - Physical Chemistry Lab
  26. (2007) KKEK4316 - Solid Waste Management
  27. (2007) KXEX2163 - Thinking and Communication Skills
  28. (2007) KXEX2163 - Thinking and Communication Skills
  29. (2006) KKEK1171 - Laboratory and Communications I
  30. (2006) KKEK1174 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory
  31. (2006) KKEK1174 - Physical Chemistry Lab
  32. (2006) KKEK2151 - Transport Processes I
  33. (2006) KKEK3252 - Transport Process Ii
  34. (2006) KKEK4316 - Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management
  35. (2005) KKEK1121 - Chemical Process Principles I
  36. (2005) KKEK1132 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory
  37. (2005) KKEK2171 - Laboratory and Communications Ii
  38. (2005) KKEK3171 - Laboratory and Communications Ii
  39. (2005) KKEK3252 - Transport Process Ii
  40. (2005) KKEK3252 - Transport Process Ii
  41. (2005) KKEK4164 - Process Economics
  42. (2005) KKEK4316 - Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management
  43. (2004) KAES3241 - Transport Processes in Environmental Engineering
  44. (2004) KKEK1171 - Laboratory and Communications I


  • Integrated Advanced Oxidation Process for Recalcitrant Wastewater Treatment
  • A Method For Treatment of Wastewater Using Heterogeneous Iron Oxide Catalysts
    Patent (National)
  • Solvent free production of Ester Herbicides From 2, 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
  • Poly Aluminum Chloride
    Trade Secret (National)
  • 2,4-D IBE(2,4-Dichloro Phenoxy Acetic Iso Butyl Ester)
    Patent (International)


  • Mentor for Naces 2018, (10 Aug 2018 - 12 Aug 2018)
  • Member of The Disciplinary Committee Panel, Advocates & Solicitors Disciplinary Board, (15 Jul 2018 - 15 Jul 2020)
  • Organizer for 'Majlis Perasmian Penutupan Karnival Keusahawanan dan Inovasi UKM', (29 Apr 2017 - 29 Apr 2017)
  • "Thisaimaara Kanavugal" (Mentor Mentee) Program The Good in Me SMK Vivekananda, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Indian Congress (Mic), (05 Oct 2016 - 05 Oct 2016)
  • Speaker for Edmat 37 Program: Opportunities Out There!, (27 Jan 2016 - 27 Jan 2016)
  • Chairman for Institution of Chemical Engineers, (Icheme) Malaysia, (01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2017)
  • Committee Member for International Awards Selection Committee for Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK (Icheme, UK), (01 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2014)
  • Council Member for Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Iem), (01 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2014)
  • Deputy Chairman of Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK (Icheme, UK) - Malaysian Branch, (01 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2015)
  • Bar Council of Malaysia, Disciplinary Committee (Dc) Member, (01 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2014)
  • Speaker - Preparing for Viva Presentation Effectively, (18 Apr 2013 - 18 Apr 2013)
  • Pibg Committee for SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya, Selangor., (01 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2013)
  • Secretary of University of Malaya Academic Staff Union, (01 Jan 2012 - 30 Jun 2012)
  • Judge for Chem-E-Car Competition Organised by Institution of Engineers Malaysia, (01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012)
  • Committee Member for International Awards Selection Committee for Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK (Icheme, UK), (01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012)
  • Judge for Design Competition Organised by Institution of Engineers Malaysia, (01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012)
  • Member of Chemical Engineering Technical Division of Institute of Engineers, (01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012)
  • Board Member of Institute of Chemical Engineers , United Kingdom, Malaysian Branch, (01 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012)
  • Parent and Teachers Association (Bukit Bintang Boys School)- Chairman, (01 Apr 2011 - 31 Dec 2011)
  • Council Member of Institute of Chemical Engineers, United Kingdom, Malaysian Branch, (01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011)
  • Deputy Chairman of Council Member of Chemical Engineering Technical Division of Institute of Engineers, (16 Oct 2010 - 16 Oct 2011)
  • Deputy Chairman of Council Member of Chemical Engineering Technical Division of Institute of Engineers, (11 Oct 2009 - 30 Sep 2010)
  • Parent and Teachers Association (Bukit Bintang Boys School)- Chairman, (21 Feb 2009 - 21 Feb 2010)
  • Parent and Teachers Association (Bukit Bintang Boys School)- Deputy Chairman, (01 Feb 2008 - 01 Feb 2009)
  • Council Member of Chemical Engineering Technical Division of Institute of Engineers, (01 Sep 2007 - 31 Dec 2008)
  • Council Member of Ensearch, (01 Jul 2007 - 30 May 2008)
  • Parent and Teachers Association (Sri Petaling School)- Committee Member, (01 Jan 2006 - 26 Apr 2008)
  • Anggor Al-Amin Religious School- Committee Member, (01 Jan 1999 - 31 Dec 2008)
  • Sunway Mosque- Construction Committee Member, (01 Jan 1999 - 31 Dec 2002)