Curriculum Vitae
Dr Azar is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia. He also got his Ph.D. (in Applied Linguistics) from Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya. In a career spanning 27 years, he has worked as an EFL/ESL senior lecturer, researcher, and curriculum developer in Iran, Turkey, Qatar, and Malaysia. He has published and presented research papers on his topic of interest namely TESL, Academic Discourse Analysis, Genre Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, Educational Technology, and English Language Teaching Strategies in several prestigious journals and international conferences. He is the Editor of three books, including ‘Reconceptions of Policies, Strategies, and Challenges in Education 5.0.’, ‘Innovations in Educational Robotics: Advancing AI for Sustainable Development’, and ‘Smart Education and Sustainable Learning Environments in Smart Cities’. The books will be published by IGI Global- Publisher, USA. Besides, Dr. Azar has been appointed as a member of the Editorial Board for several journals, including the Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE), established by Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia; the International Journal of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics (IJMAL), established by Akademi Pengajian Bahasa (APB), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia; Education Quarterly Reviews, established by the Asian Institute of Research; and the Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction (PEGEGOG), established by PEGAGOG Academy Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Editörlük Hizmetleri, Turkey.
- Ph.D.LL, (English Language and Literature)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- M.ELT, (Linguistics and English Language Teaching)Islamic Azad University, Iran
- B.ELT, (Linguistics and English Language Teaching)Islamic Azad University, Iran
Article in Journal
- Yohan Kurniawan, Wahyudi Rahmat, an Ali Sorayyaei Azar. “Bilingual Development in Children with Autism: Benefits and Supporting Strategies.” Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. 10 no. 2 (2024): 321-335. DOI: 10.22202/jg.v10i2.8769
Behera S.K., Azar A.S., Curle S., Dials J.G. (2025). Transformative approaches to STEAM integration in modern education, Transformative Approaches to STEAM Integration in Modern Education. , 1-631. doi:10.4018/979-8-3693-7408-5
Azar A.S., Hashim A. (2014). Towards an analysis of review article in applied linguistics: Its classes, Purposes and characteristics, English Language Teaching. 7(10), 76-88. doi:10.5539/elt.v7n10p76
Azar A.S. (2012). The self-promotion of academic textbooks in the preface section: A genre analysis, Atlantis. 34(2), 147-166
Kuhi D., Yavari M., Azar A.S. (2012). Metadiscourse in applied linguistics research articles: A cross-sectional survey, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 3(11), 405-414. doi:10.5901/mjss.2012.v3n11p405
- 2024 - 2026, Bantuan Khas Penyelidikan (BKP Special)Developing the App Integrated with AI for Enhancing Malaysian Pre-Service English Teachers' Higher-Order Thinking Skills ( Principal Investigator(PI))