Curriculum Vitae
- CLOUD COMPUTINGApplied Science And Technology, Information And Communication Technology (ict), Computer System And Organisation
- PhD.(UM), (Grid Computing)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- M.Comp.Sc.(UM), (RANGKAIAN)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- B.IT(UM), (PENGURUSAN)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- Deputy Dean of Higher Degree01 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2024 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
- Programme Quality Assurance Expert01 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
- Committee member of Kurikulum Jabatan STK bagi Program Sarjana01 Mar 2012 - 28 Feb 2014 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
- Committee member of Peningkatan dan Pemantauan Kemahiran Pengaturcaraan Pelajar08 Aug 2011 - 05 Aug 2013 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
- Committee member of postgraduate examiner for Master and PhD04 Sep 2011 - 31 Aug 2012 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
- Committee member of Green ICT Towards Innovation and Quality Research 4th International Conference on Informatics and Technology (Informatics '11)01 Jul 2011 - 01 Dec 2011 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2020, Universiti Malaya
- Khidmat Setia 20 Award2020, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2018, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2015, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Appreciation2014, Institute of Posts and Telecommuniucations, Lao PDR, (International)
- Certificate of Participation (Team Advisor)2014, ACM-ICPC Malaysia, (National)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2013, Universiti Malaya
- International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (Whitesteg)2009, Malaysian Invention and Design Society, (National)
- UM Research, Invention & Innovation Expo (Datagrid Framework Distributed File Systems)2009, University of Malaya, (University)
- Malaysia Technology Expo (Wa3)2008, MOSTI, (National)
- Excellence Service Award2007, Universiti Malaya
- Exposition of Research and Inventions of International Institutions of Higher Learning -Pecipta (Wedding Arch Ii)2007, Ministry of Higher Education, (National)
- International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (Wedding Arch)2007, Malaysian Invention and Design Society, (National)
- UM Research, Invention & Innovation Expo (Umgrid)2007, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2006, Universiti Malaya
- Malaysia Technology Expo (Meniscal Calculator)2006, MOSTI, (National)
- UM Research, Invention & Innovation Expo (Svg Imap)2006, University of Malaya, (University)
- UM Research, Invention & Innovation Expo (Wedding Planner)2006, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Appreaciation for Lecturer (Best Course Evaluation and Teaching)2006, Faculty Of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, (University)
- Award of Excellent Service2006, University of Malaya, (University)
- UM Research, Invention & Innovation Expo (Ejum)2005, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Appreaciation for Lecturer (Best Course Evaluation and Teaching)2005, Faculty Of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2005, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2004, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Appreaciation for Lecturer (Best Course Evaluation and Teaching)2004, Faculty Of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2004, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2003, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Appreaciation for Lecturer (Best Course Evaluation and Teaching)2003, Faculty Of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2003, University of Malaya, (University)
- Ahli Mahkota Perak2003, Sultan Perak, (National)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2002, University of Malaya, (University)
Article in Journal
Ng, Tze Chang; Teo, Chin Hai; Toh, Jia Yong; Dunn, Adam G.; Ng, Chirk Jenn; Ang, Tan Fong; Abdullah, Adina; Syed, Ayeshah; Lim, Hooi Min; Yin, Kathleen; Liew, Chee Sun (2022). Factors influencing healthcare seeking in patients with dengue: systematic review, TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH. . doi:10.1111/tmi.13695
Amalina, F., Hashem, I. A. T., Azizul, Z. H., Fong, A. T., Firdaus, A., Imran, M., & Anuar, N. B. (2020). Blending Big Data Analytics: Review on Challenges and a Recent Study. IEEE Access, 8, 3629-3645. doi: 10.1109/access.2019.2923270
Adam, M.S.; Por, L.Y.; Hussain, M.R.; Khan, N.; Ang, T.F.; Anisi, M.H.; Huang, Z.; Ali, I. (2019), An Adaptive Wake-Up-Interval to Enhance Receiver-Based Ps-Mac Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors 19, 3732.
Por, L.Y.; Ku, C.S.; Ang, T.F. (2019), Preventing Shoulder-Surfing Attacks using Digraph Substitution Rules and Pass-Image Output Feedback. Symmetry, 11, 1087.
Lai N.K., Ang T.F., Por L.Y. & Liew C.S., The impact of play on child development - a literature review, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (2018), doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2018.1522479
Ngan Kuen Lai, Tan Fong Ang, Lip Yee Por, Chee Sun Liew. (2018), Learning through intuitive interface: A case study on preschool learning. Computers & Education, Vol. 126, pp 443 458.
Ahmed Abdelaziz, Ang Tan Fong, Abdullah Gani, Suleman Khan, Faiz Alotaibi, Muhammad Khurram Khan, (2017), On Software-Defined Wireless Network (SDWN) Network Virtualization: Challenges and Open Issues, The Computer Journal, Vol 60 (10), pp 1510 1519
Ahmed Abdelaziz, Ang Tan Fong, Abdullah Gani1, Usman Garba, Suleman Khan, Adnan Akhunzada, Hamid Talebian, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. (2017). Distributed controller clustering in software defined networks. PLoS ONE 12 (4).
Chee Sun Liew, Malcolm P. Atkinson, Michelle Galea, Tan Fong Ang, Paul Martin, and Jano I. Van Hemert. Scientific workflows: Moving across paradigms. Journal ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 49(4)
Lip Yee POR, Chin Soon KU, Amanul Islam, Tan Fong ANG, Graphical password: Prevent shoulder-surfing attack using digraph substitution rules, 2017, Front. Comput. Sci. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-016-5472-z
Nurul Ainaa Muhamad Shaari, Ang Tan Fong, Por Lip Yee, Liew Chee Sun, Dynamic Pricing Scheme for Resource Allocation in Multi-Cloud Environment, 2017, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp 1-11.
Ahmed Abdelaziz, Tan Fong Ang, Mehdi Sookhak, Suleman Khan, Athanasios Vasilakos, Chee Sun Liew, Adnan Akhunzada, (2016), Survey on Network Virtualization Using OpenFlow: Taxonomy, Opportunities, and Open Issues, KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 10(10), 4902 - 4932.
Saima Gulzar Ahmad, Chee Sun Liew, Ehsan Ullah Munir, Tan Fong Ang, and Samee U. Khan. A hybrid genetic algorithm for optimization of scheduling workflow applications in heterogeneous computing systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 87:80 90, 2016.
Por, Lip Yee; Delina, Beh Mei Yin; Ang, Tan Fong; Ong, Sim Ying. 2013. "An Enhanced Mechanism for Image Steganography Using Sequential Colour Cycle Algorithm." The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 10, no. 1, 51-60. (ISI-Cited Publication)
K.K. Phang, T.C. Ling, T.F. Ang. Traffic Engineering with Rerouting in DiffServ MPLS Networks, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 25. No. 3, 2012: 122-135.
Ang Tan Fong, Ling Teck Chaw, Phang Keat Keong, "An Adaptive QoS Scheduling in Service Oriented Grid Environment", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Volume: 20 Issue: 3 Pages: 413-424
K.K. Phang, T.C. Ling, T.F. Ang, "QoS Routing in Diffserv MPLS Networks", Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (ISSN: 0127-9084), Vol. 22(2), 2009, pp. 160- 173.
T.F. Ang, W. K. Ng, T.C. Ling, L.Y. Por, C.S. Liew, "A Bandwidth-aware Job Grouping-based Scheduling on Grid Environment", Information Technology Journal, Volume 8 (3), 2009, pp. 372-377. ISSN 1812-5638.
L. Y. Por, R. F. Boey, T. F. Ang and C. S. Liew, An Interactive Web-Based Wedding Planner with Comparative Analysis Decision Support System, Journal of WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 3, Vol. 5, 2008, pp. 211-220. ISSN: 1790-0832.
L. Y. Por, T. F. Ang and B. Delina, WhiteSteg: A New Scheme in Information Hiding Using Text Steganography, Journal of WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 6, Vol. 7, 2008, pp. 735-745. ISSN: 1109-2750
L. Y. Por, W. K. Lai, Z. Alireza, T. F. Ang, M.T. Su and B. Delina, StegCure: A Comprehensive Steganographic Tool using Enhanced LSB Scheme, Journal of WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 8, Vol. 7, 2008, pp. 1309-1318. ISSN: 1109-2750.
T.C. Ling, K.K. Phang, T.F. Ang, G.P. Lim, "Multi-Area Qos Provisioning Using Hierarchical Bandwidth Brokers Architecture", Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 2008, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 88 - 100.
A.N. Zainab, Huzaimah Abdul Rani, T.F. Ang, "Using journal use study feedback to improve accessibility." The Electronic Library (ISSN: 0264-0473), Vol. 25 No 5, 2007, pp. 558 -574.
T.F. Ang, H.S. Hu, L.Y. Por, C.S. Liew, "IOAS: An Intelligent Online Assessment System.", WSEAS Transactions on Computers (ISSN: 1109-2750), Issue 3, Volume 6, March 2007, pp. 552-559.
T.F. Ang, Y.K. Cheong, K.K. Phang, L.Y. Por, "Colour- Based Image Retrieval Using Global Colour Histogram and Harbin.", Multimedia Cyberspace Journal, Volume 5 (1), 2007, pp. 43 - 50.
W.K. Soo, K.K. Phang, T.C. Ling, T.F. Ang, "Intelligent IEEE 802.11b Wireless Networks MAC Layer Diagnostic Controller in Mobile Ad Hoc Network.", Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (ISSN: 0127-9084), Vol. 20(2), 2007, pp. 133-145.
W.K. Ng, T.F. Ang, T.C. Ling, C.S. Liew, "Scheduling Framework For Bandwidth-Aware Job Grouping-Based Scheduling In Grid Computing.", Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (ISSN: 0127-9084), Vol. 19, No. 2, 2006, pp. 117-126.
A.N. Zainab, T.F. Ang, A. Abrizah, "E-Journal Publishing in Malaysia: From Single Journal System to Publishing Through a Host.", Information Development (ISSN: 0266-6669), 2005.
A.N. Zainab, N.N, Edzan, T.F. Ang, "Electronic Journal of the University of Malaya (EJUM): An Attempt to Provide a Truly Electronic Environment.", Lecture Notes In Computer Science (ISSN: 0302-9743), 2002, pp. 469 - 470.
Chapter in Books
- Sameem Abdul Kareem, "Selected Topics in Installation of Client Server Applications.", University of Malaya Press, 2006.
Article in Proceeding
- T.F. Ang, T.C. Ling, K.K. Phang, L.Y. Por, "Automatic Web Services Deployment", in Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, Los Angeles, USA, 31 March - 2 April 2009, pp. 315-319.
- C.S. Liew, T.F. Ang, L.Y. Por, K.K. Phang, T.C. Ling, "UMGrid: A .NET Based Grid Computing Framework.", in Proceedings of 13th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2007), Orlando, USA, 8-1 July 2007, Volume I, pp. 82 - 85.
- L.Y.Por, R.F. Boey, T.F. Ang, C.S. Liew, "A Web Based Comprative Analysis Decision Support System: Wedding Arch.", in Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Computers (CSCC), Crete Island, Greece, 26 - 28 July 2007, pp. 62 - 66.
- L.Y. Por, M.T. Su, T.C. Ling, C.S. Liew, T.F. Ang, K.K. Phang, "Issue of Establishing a Campus-wide Computational Grid Infrastructure in the GERANIUM Project." in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networking, Systems, Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies (ICNICONSMCL'06), Mauritius, 2006.
- T.F. Ang, H.S. Hu, L.Y. Por, C.S. Liew, "Intelligent Question Bank and Examination System", in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES 2006, Venice, Italy, 20 - 22 November 2006, pp. 142 - 147.
- T.F. Ang, S.C. Lee, T.C. Ling, "Issue Management System in Software Development.", in Proceedings of the 2nd Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MySEC06), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11 - 12 December 2006, pp. 74 - 78.
- Norisma Idris, T.F. Ang, "Effective Way of Managing Final Year Projects at FCSIT, UM.", in Persidangan Pendidikan ICT Negara, UTM, Skudai, Johor Bahru. 20 - 21 Mei, 2004, pp. 26 - 31.
- Rukaini Abdullah, Azwina M. Yusof, T.F. Ang, "Teaching Programming in the FCSIT, UM.", in Persidangan Pendidikan ICT Negara, UTM, Skudai, Johor Bahru. 20 - 21 Mei, 2004, pp. 59 - 69.
- T.F. Ang, C.S. Liew, C.H. Koh, "Mobility Management in Mobile IPv6: An Overview and Possible Improvement.", in Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Informatics 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28 ?30 July 2004, pp. 749 - 757.
- A.N. Zainab, T.F. Ang, T.C. Ling, "E-Journal Publishing: The Concept of Hosting Science and Technology Titles.", di Sanggar Kerja ke-9 Penerbit UKM: Status Penerbitan Sains, Teknologi dan Perubatan (STP) IPTA, Melaka, 8-10 August 2003.
- Abrizah Abdullah, T.F. Ang, "E-Ilmiah: Solution for Managing Students' Final Year Project at FCSIT, University of Malaya.", di Konvensyen Persatuan Teknologi Pendidikan Malaysia ke 16, Melaka, 13-16 June 2003.
- C.H. Koh, T.F. Ang, Mashkuri Hj Yaacob, T.C. Ling. "An IPv6 Mobility Management Scheme Using Mobility Server and Crossover Point.", in Proceedings of 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003), Orlando, USA, 27-30 July 2003, Volume V, pp. 517 - 521.
- A.N. Zainab, N.N, Edzan, T.F. Ang, "Electronic Journal of the University of Malaya (EJUM): An Attempt to Provide a Truly Electronic Environment.", in Proceeding of ICADL - International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, Singapore, 2002.
- 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Dynamic Pricing Scheme in Cloud Computing ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2012, IPPTNSocial and Economic Integration: A Model for Malaysia-Cambodian Collaboration ( Consultant)
- 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Resource Management in Cloud Environment using CPU Utilization Control ( Coordinator)
- 2008 - 2010, ScienceFundEnhancement of Classic Heterogeneous Scheduling Algorithms in Grid Environments (RM 143.2K) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2009, ScienceFundA Mobile Compliant Web-Based Comparative Analysis Decision Support System (01-01-03 SF0456), MOSTI (e-science), RM 191.7K ( Consultant)
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Efficient Task Dispatching in Grid Environment (FS251/2008B), University of Malaya/Short Term Research Funding (PJP), RM 30.5K ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Information Hiding Using Steganography (FS230/2007C), University of Malaya/Short Term Research Funding (PJP), RM 35K ( Consultant)
- 2005 - 2007, MOSTI (IRPA)MyGrid; A .NET based Grid Computing Framework (IRPA 04-02-03-1006), RM 143.2K ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- Electronic Journal University of Malaya (Ejum) Electronic Media Editor, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2013 (National)
- Electronic Journal of University of Malaya, FSKTM, UM01 Nov 2004 - 01 Nov 2008 (University)
- Leave Management System, FSKTM, UM01 Nov 2001 - 01 Nov 2008 (University)
- System Eilmiah, FSKTM, UM01 Nov 2002 - 01 Nov 2007 (University)
- Leave Management System Claim Management System Web Portal, TNBG, Prai01 Nov 2002 - 01 Nov 2003 (National)
- Challenges to adoptions of XML, 20th AFACT meeting, Asia Pacific Council for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (International) (29 Oct 2002 - 29 Oct 2002)
- Issue Management System in Software Development, 2nd Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MySEC 06), UTM (National) (11 Dec 2006 - 12 Dec 2006)
- Intelligent Question Bank and Examination System, 5th International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, WSEAS (International) (20 Nov 2006 - 22 Nov 2006)
- Mobility Management in Mobile IPv6: An Overview and Possible Improvement, 1st International Conference on Informatics 2004, UM (International) (28 Jul 2004 - 30 Jul 2004)
- Teaching Programming in the FCSIT, UM, Persidangan Pendidikan ICT Negara, UTM (National) (20 May 2004 - 21 May 2004)
- E-Journal Publishing: The Concept of Hosting Science and Technology Titles, Sanggar Kerja ke-9 Penerbit UKM: Status Penerbitan Sains, Teknologi dan Perubatan (STP) IPTA, UKM (National) (08 Aug 2003 - 10 Aug 2003)
- An IPv6 Mobility Management Scheme Using Mobility Server and Crossover Point, 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003), International Institute Of Informatics And Systemics (IIIS) (International) (27 Jul 2003 - 30 Jul 2003)
- A Bandwidth-aware Job Grouping-based Scheduler on Grid Environment (Best Poster Presenter), Developing Knowledge Capital Through Research, Universiti Malaya (University) (06 Sep 2006 - 07 Sep 2006)
- Automatic Web Services Deployment, IEEE World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, IEEE (International) (31 Mar 2009 - 02 Apr 2009)
- (2011) Green ICT Towards Innovation and Quality Research 4th International Conference on Informatics and Technology, (Reviewer)
- E-Dyslexic: An Interactive Multimedia Learning Software , (Internal Examiner)
- Semantic Web: Data Representation in a Distributed Environment , (Internal Examiner)
- Location Aware System using Mobile Station in GSM Network , (Internal Examiner)
- Enhanced QoS Rerouting Scheme in MPLS Networks , (Internal Examiner)
- Development of an Internet-based System for Calibration of Instruments , (Internal Examiner)
- Electronic Voting System on Wireless Application Protocol Platform: Case Study at University Tenaga Nasional , (Internal Examiner)
- Active Queue Management for Assured Forwarding Traffic in Differentiated Service Network , (Internal Examiner)
- Evaluating Intrusion Detection System in a Unix Based Environment , (Internal Examiner)
- A Framework for Learning from Multimedia: The Effects of User Interface on Performance , (Internal Examiner)
- Analysis and Design of Intrusion Detection System Implementation , (Internal Examiner)
- Mekanisme Pengemaskinian Polisi Keselamatan Firewall dengan Pendekatan Sistem Pengesan Pencerobohan dan Protokol Multicast , (Internal Examiner)
- Reengineering a Software System Implementing Parallel Methods for Differential Equations , (Internal Examiner)
- Research, Development & Implementation of a Reliable Distributed Data Delivery Service, (External Examiner)
- Dynamic and Manageable Honeypot: Honeyd@WEB , (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2006) National Grid Roadmap, MIMOS Berhad
- (2006) FSKTM Web Page, FSKTM, UM
- (2003) Electronic Journal of University Malaya, FSKTM, UM
- (2002) System eilmiah, FSKTM, UM
- (2001) Leave Management System, FSKTM, UM
- (2000) System eIstilah, FSKTM, UM
Contribution to event
- (2021) Judge, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
Postgraduate Student
(2007) Resource Management In Distributed Computing Using Cpu Utilization Control, Low Choon Keat
(2006) Quality of Service in Grid Computing, Chow Shee Onn (University of Malaya (UM))
(2006) Performance Analysis of Data Replication in Data Grid, Wong Yuk Key (University of Malaya (UM))
(2006) Campus Based e-Commerce Portal of University of Malaya, Ahmed Abd Aziz Abd Eltif Osman
(2005) Stock Analysis and Prediction System, Wong Zi Wei (University of Malaya (UM))
(2005) Leave Management System, Lee Su Teng
(2005) Issue Management System in Software Development, Lee Siew Chin
(2005) Integrated Marketing System, Chin Wei Leong (University of Malaya (UM))
(2005) An Intelligent Question Bank and Examination System, Hu Heng Siew (University of Malaya (UM))
(2005) A Colour Based Image Retrieval Scheme using Global Colour Histogram and Harbin with Image Segmentation, Cheong Yew Kit (University of Malaya (UM))
(2004) Enhanced Wireless Network Performance using Fuzzy Logic, Soo Wooi King
(2004) A Bandwidth-aware Job Grouping-based Scheduling on Grid Environment, Ng Wai Keat (University of Malaya (UM))
(2003) XML Encryption, Ong Eng Eng
(2003) Examinations Web Services System using .NET Framework, Yip Chi Kiong
(2003) A Parallel Distributed JavaSpace Implementation of RSA Public Key Factorization using Quadratic Sieve, Lau Khok Hooi (University of Malaya (UM))
(2003) An IPv6 Mobility Management Scheme Using Mobility Server and Crossover Point, Koh Chee Hong (University of Malaya (UM))
(2002) School Management System, Peterson@ Robinson a/l J. Samuel
- (2011) WRGA6316 - Special Topics in Data Communication and Computer Network
- (2007) WXGE6320 - Web Development
- (2006) ESGC6113 - Computer Information Systems
- (2006) WXGB6306 - Penerbitan Elektronik
- (2006) WXGE6104 - Pengaturcaraan Visual: Konsep dan Aplikasi
- (2006) WXGE6104 - Pengaturcaraan Visual: Konsep dan Aplikasi
- (2005) ESGC6113 - Computer Information Systems
- (2005) WXGB6306 - Penerbitan Elektronik
- (2005) WXGB6306 - Penerbitan Elektronik
- (2005) WXGE6104 - Pengaturcaraan Visual: Konsep dan Aplikasi
- (2005) WXGE6313 - Multimedia Programming
- (2004) WXGB6306 - Penerbitan Elektronik
- (2004) WXGE6314 - Pengenalan Kepada Sistem Pengendalian
- (2012) WRES2203 - Advance Network Technology
- (2007) WMET2105 - Web Programming
- (2007) WXES2106 - Network Technology
- (2006) WMET2105 - Pengaturcaraan Web
- (2006) WXES2106 - Teknologi Rangkaian
- (2006) WXES2206 - Struktur Data Berorientasikan Objek
- (2005) WMET2105 - Pengaturcaraan Web
- (2005) WXES1108 - Asas Pengaturcaraan Komputer
- (2005) WXES2106 - Teknologi Rangkaian
- (2005) WXES2206 - Struktur Data Berorientasikan Objek
- (2004) WXES1108 - Asas Pengaturcaraan Komputer
- (2004) WXES2106 - Teknologi Rangkaian
- Implementation of Wireless Network Coverage in Sekolah Menengah Agama Kota Kinablau, (21 Jul 2011 - 24 Apr 2011)