Curriculum Vitae
Professor Andri Andriyana is currently the Director of International Relations Centre (IRC), Universiti Malaya. As the Director, he supports the University efforts for internationalization and global partnerships. He received Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia in 2000. During the period of 2000-2002, he worked as Field Engineer at Halliburton Indonesia where he was involved in a number of oil and gas wells cementing and stimulation projects. His Master’s degree majoring in Mechanical Engineering was obtained from École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique (ENSMA) - Université de Poitiers, France in 2003. Three years later he received Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics with Distinction from École Centrale de Nantes, France. After completing Ph.D., he served as Assistant Professor at École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) Bordeaux and spent two years as Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux (CEMEF), École des Mines de Paris, Sophia Antipolis. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaya in 2009 as Senior Lecturer and was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor and Full Professor in 2016 and 2023 respectively. He has secured approximately USD 5 Million grants (for research, European mobility and capacity building in Higher Education) from public and private sectors. Since 2013, he has been registered as Chartered Engineer (CEng) in the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), UK. He was the recipient of the Bourse du Gouvernement Français Scholarship (2002-2003), the Allocation de Recherche Scholarship (2003-2006), the Mahar Schützenberger Prize (2005), the European Interweave Erasmus Mundus Fellowship (2014), UM Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Award (2011, 2016 and 2020), the Indonesia World Class Professor Fellowship (2017) and UM Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Award 2022. He served as the Head of Master of Materials Engineering Program from 2013-2019 and as the Deputy Dean of Research in the Faculty of Engineering in 2019-2021. His research focuses on mechanical testing, constitutive modeling and finite element simulation of deformation, degradation, fracture, fatigue and failure in materials including solid polymers, elastomers, metal alloys, composites and soft biological tissues.
- Ph.D., (Constitutive Modeling and Fatigue of Solid Polymers/Elastomers)Ecole Centrale De Nantes, France
- DEA, (Mechanics of Solid Polymers)Ecole Nationale Superieure De Mecanique Et D'Aerotechnique (Ensma), France
- B.Eng., (Engineering Design and Construction)Institut Teknologi, Bandung, Indonesia
- Director01 Jul 2024 - present (International Relations Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
- Director03 Jan 2023 - 30 Jun 2024 (International Relations Centre, Associate Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement))
- Deputy Dean of Research06 Sep 2019 - 30 Jun 2021 (Deputy Dean (Research) Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Talent Attraction Working Group30 Aug 2019 - 31 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
- Action Lab Member Theme 3 - UM Transformation Lab11 Jan 2021 - 31 Mar 2021 (University Malaya)
- Members of Student Chapter - Institute of Materials Malaysia (IMM)01 Mar 2018 - 31 Mar 2020 (National)
- Members of Materials Lecture Competition Committee - Institute of Materials Malaysia (IMM)01 Mar 2018 - 31 Mar 2020 (National)
- Faculty Advisor for Erasmus Projects01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 (Faculty)
- Coordinator. Interweave Erasmus Mundus Asia-Europe Partnership15 Jul 2013 - 14 Jul 2017 (International)
- Representative for collaboration with Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France01 May 2014 - 01 May 2017 (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Coordinator for collaboration UM-Ecole Centrale de Nantes01 May 2014 - 30 Apr 2017 (University Malaya)
- Head of Program M.Eng Materials and Technology31 Jul 2013 - 31 Dec 2015 (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Coordinator for Timetable - Materials Engineering20 Sep 2014 - 19 Sep 2015 (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Chairman. Materials Lecture Competition (MLC) 201504 Mar 2015 - 04 Mar 2015 (University Malaya)
- Committee of Curriculum Review. Master of Engineering (M.Eng). Materials Engineering and Technology.14 Nov 2013 - 13 Nov 2014 (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Coordinator for student exchange program to Germany, France and Switzerland10 Nov 2012 - 01 Jul 2014 (Faculty)
- Member of Quality Committee01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2012 (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Coordinator of Timetable for Materials Engineering Program01 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2012 (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Member of Mathematics Committee01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2012 (Faculty)
- Acting Deputy Dean of Research19 Nov 2012 - 23 Nov 2012 (Faculty)
- Acting Deputy Dean of Research22 Oct 2012 - 24 Oct 2012 (Faculty)
- Acting Deputy Dean of Research10 Oct 2012 - 12 Oct 2012 (Faculty)
- Acting Deputy Dean of Research18 Sep 2012 - 21 Sep 2012 (Faculty)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2022 (University)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2020 (University)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2016 (University)
- Gold Medal - iCompex'15Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2015 (International)
- Excellence AwardUniversity of Malaya, 2012 (Ptj/ Faculty)
Article in Journal
Namasivayam, D.; Andriyana, A.; Arifin, N. (2022). Finite element analysis of newly developed hip prosthesisFinite-Elemente-Analyse einer neu entwickelten Huftprothese, MATERIALWISSENSCHAFT UND WERKSTOFFTECHNIK. 53(3), 355-369. doi:10.1002/mawe.202000055
Odesanya, Kazeem Olabisi; Ahmad, Roslina; Andriyana, Andri; Wong, Yew Hoong (2022). Effects of Oxidation Duration on the Structural and Electrical Characteristics of Ho2O3 Gate Oxide on 4H-SiC Substrate, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS. . doi:10.1007/s11664-022-09686-5
Tan, Shiou Xuan; Andriyana, Andri; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Lim, Steven; Pang, Yean Ling; Ngoh, Gek Cheng (2022). A Comprehensive Review on the Emerging Roles of Nanofillers and Plasticizers towards Sustainable Starch-Based Bioplastic Fabrication, POLYMERS. 14(4). doi:10.3390/polym14040664
Tan, Shiou Xuan; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Andriyana, Andri; Lim, Steven; Pang, Yean Ling; Kusumo, Fitranto; Ngoh, Gek Cheng (2022). Characterization and Parametric Study on Mechanical Properties Enhancement in Biodegradable Chitosan-Reinforced Starch-Based Bioplastic Film, POLYMERS. 14(2). doi:10.3390/polym14020278
Ali, A., Andriyana, A., Bin Abu Hassan, S., & Ang, B. C. (2021). Fabrication and Thermo-Electro and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Helical Multiwall Carbon Nanotube-Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composite Laminates. Polymers, 13(9), 19. doi: 10.3390/polym13091437
Kittur, M. I., Andriyana, A., Ang, B. C., Ch'ng, S. Y., & Mujtaba, M. A. (2021). Swelling of rubber in blends of diesel and cottonseed oil biodiesel. Polymer Testing, 96, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2021.107116
Nuge, T., Liu, Z. Q., Liu, X. L., Ang, B. C., Andriyana, A., Metselaar, H. S. C., & Hoque, M. E. (2021). Recent Advances in Scaffolding from Natural-Based Polymers for Volumetric Muscle Injury. Molecules, 26(3), 24. doi: 10.3390/molecules26030699
Zhou, D., Haseeb, A., Andriyana, A., Wong, Y. H., Sabri, M. F. M., Low, B. Y., . . . Tan, L. C. (2021). A Parametric Study of Thermal Stress and Analysis of Creep Strain Under Thermal Cyclic Loading in a Hybrid Quad Flat Package. Ieee Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 11(3), 435-443. doi: 10.1109/tcpmt.2020.3046750
Ali, A; Andriyana, A 2020. Properties of multifunctional composite materials based on nanomaterials: a review. RSC ADVANCES
Leong, CN; Dokos, S; Andriyana, A; Liew, YM; Chan, BT; Aziz, YFA; Chee, KH; Sridhar, GS; Lim, E 2020. The role of end-diastolic myocardial fibre stretch on infarct extension. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
MS Sukiman, A Andriyana, BC Ang, HSC Metselaar. (2020). Elastic properties of electrospun PVDF nanofibrous membranes: Experimental investigation and numerical modelling using pixel-based finite element method. Polymer Testing. 81, 106218.
Sukiman, MS; Andriyana, A; Ang, BC; Metselaar, HSC 2020. Elastic properties of electrospun PVDF nanofibrous membranes: Experimental investigation and numerical modelling using pixel-based finite element method. POLYMER TESTING
Tan, CJ; Andriyana, A; Ang, BC; Wong, D 2020. Mechanical deformation and fracture mechanisms of polymeric fibres from the perspective of fractography - A review. EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL
Zhou, D; Haseeb, ASMA; Andriyana, A; Wong, YH; Sabri, MFM; Low, BY; Pang, XS; Eu, PL; Tan, LC 2020. Performance of a hybrid fine pitch quad flat package mounted with a new flux on printed circuit board in surface insulation resistance testPrufung des Oberflachenisolationswiderstandes - Testen der Leistung neuer Lot-, Hybrid-, Fein- und quadratischer Flachbaugruppen auf Leiterplatten. MATERIALWISSENSCHAFT UND WERKSTOFFTECHNIK
C.J. Tan, J.J.L. Lee, B.C. Ang, A. Andriyana, G. Chagnon, M.S. Sukiman. (2019). Design of Polyurethane Fibers: Relation between the Spinning Technique and the Resulting Fiber Topology. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 136 (26), 47706.
D Wong, A Andriyana, BC Ang, JJL Lee, E Verron, M Elma. (2019). Poisson's ratio and volume change accompanying deformation of randomly oriented electrospun nanofibrous membranes. Plastics, Rubber and Composites. 48 (10), 456-465.
Leong, Chin Neng, Socrates Dokos, Andri Andriyana, Yih Miin Liew, Bee Ting Chan, Yang Faridah Abdul Aziz, Kok Han Chee, Ganiga Srinivasaiah Sridhar, and Einly Lim. "The role of end diastolic myocardial fibre stretch on infarct extension." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (2019).
MS Islam, BC Ang, A Andriyana, AM Afifi. (2019). A review on fabrication of nanofibers via electrospinning and their applications. SN Applied Sciences. 1 (10), 1248
Wong, D., Verron, E., Andriyana, A. and Ang, B.C. (2019). Constitutive modeling of randomly oriented electrospun nanofibrous membranes. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 31, 317-329.(Q1)
Zhou, D; Liew, HL; Purbolaksono, J; Andriyana, A; Chong, WT 2019. Stress intensity factors for embedded cracks within torsionally loaded square prismatic bars. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
A.A. Baharuddin, B.C. Ang, N.A. Abu Hussein, A. Andriyana, Y.H. Wong. 2018. Mechanisms of Highly Stabilized Ex-situ Oleic Acid-Modified Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Functionalized with 4-Pentynoic Acid. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 23, 212-222.
Analysis of surface cracks in round bars using dual boundary element method. M.K. Ramezani, J. Purbolaksono, A. Andriyana, S. Ramesh, N.A. Mardi. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 93, 112-123 (2018)
Lee, J.J.L., Andriyana, A., Ang, B.C., Huneau, B. and Verron, E. (2018). Electrospun PMMA polymer blend nanofibrous membrane: Electrospinability, surface morphology and mechanical response. Materials Research Express. Article in Press. (Q3).
Loo, M.S., Le Cam, J.-B., Andriyana, A. and Robin,E. (2018). Inelastic responses of swollen nitrile rubber under cyclic loading. Rubber Chemistry and Technology. 91, 136-150. (Q2)
M.K. Ramezani, J. Purbolaksono, A. Andriyana, S. Ramesh, I.S. Putra. (2018). Empirical solutions for stress intensity factors of a surface crack in a solid cylinder under pure torsion. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 193, 122-136. (Q2).
Tan, C.J., Andriyana, A., Ang, B.C., Chagnon, G. (2018). Inelastic deformation of highly aligned dry-spun thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer microfibres. Materials Research Express. 5, 125301.
Y.L. Tee, M.S. Loo and A. Andriyana. (2018). Recent advances on fatigue of rubber after the literature survey by Mars and Fatemi in 2002 and 2004. International Journal of Fatigue. 110, 115-129. (Q1)
Jacky Jia Li Lee, Bee Chin Ang, Andri Andriyana, Md Islam Shariful, M. A. Amalina, Fabrication of PMMA/zeolite nanofibrous membrane through electrospinning and its adsorption behavior, J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2017, Vol. 134 Issue 6. DOI: 10.1002/APP.44450
Leong CN, Lim E, Andriyana A, Al Abed A, Lovell NH, Hayward C, Hamilton-Craig C. Dokos S. The role of infarct transmural extent in infarct extension: a computational study. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2017. vol. 33: 2. Article Number: e02794.
Lee, W.S., Yeo, K.S., Andriyana, A., Shee, Y.G., Mahamd Adikan, F.R. (2016). Effect of cyclic compression and curing agent concentration on the stabilization of mechanical properties of PDMS elastomer. Materials and Design. (Q1). Article in Press.
Loo, M. S., Le Cam, J. B., Andriyana, A., Robin, E., Coulon, J. F. (2016). Effect of swelling on fatigue life of elastomers. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 124, 15-25. (Q1).
Wong, D., Andriyana, A., Ang, B.C. and Verron, E. (2016). Surface morphology and mechanical response of randomly oriented electrospun nanofibrous membrane. Polymer Testing. 53, 108-115. (Q1).
Andriyana, A., Loo, M.S., Chagnon, G., Verron, E. and Ch'ng, S.Y. (2015). Modeling the Mullins effect in elastomers swollen by palm biodiesel. International Journal of Engineering Science. 95, 1-22. (Q1).
Ch'ng, S. Y., Andriyana, A., Tee, Y. L., Verron, E. (2015). Effects of Carbon Black and the Presence of Static Mechanical Strain on the Swelling of Elastomers in Solvent. Materials. 8(3), 884-898. (Q1).
Ghavamian, A., Andriyana, A., Ang, B.C. and Ochsner, A. (2015). Numerical investigation on the influence of atomic defects on the tensile and torsional behavior of hetero-junction carbon nanotubes. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 164, 122-137. (Q2).
Ismail, M. S., Purbolaksono, J., Andriyana, A., Tan, C. J., Muhammad, N., Liew, H. L. (2015). The use of initial imperfection approach in design process and buckling failure evaluation of axially compressed composite cylindrical shells. Engineering Failure Analysis. 15, 20-28. (Q2).
Khanlou, H. M., Ang, B. C., Talebian, S., Afifi, A. M., Andriyana, A. (2015). Electrospinning of polymethyl methacrylate nanofibers: optimization of processing parameters using the Taguchi design of experiments. Textile Research Journal. 85, 356-368. (Q1).
Loo, M. S., Le Cam, J. B., Andriyana, A., Robin, E., Afifi, A. M. (2015). Fatigue of swollen elastomers. International Journal of Fatigue. 74, 132- 141. (Q1).
Ch'ng, S.Y., Andriyana, A., Tee, Y.L., Verron, E. (2014). Effect of carbon black content on the swelling of elastomers in solvent in the presence of static loading. Materials Research Innovations. 18, S6-314-S6-317
Chai, A.B., Andriyana, A., Ch'ng, S.Y., Verron, E., Johan, M.R. (2014). An extended two phase model for Mullins effect in swollen rubber. Materials Research Innovations. 18, S6-224-S6-227
I. Nurdin, M.R. Johan, I.I. Yaacob, B.C. Ang, A. Andriyana. (2014). Synthesis, characterisation and stability of superparamagnetic maghemite nanoparticle suspension. Materials Research Innovations. 18, S6-200- S6-203
Loo, M.S., Andriyana, A., Lee, S.L., Tan, N.H. (2014). A continuum mechanical modelling of Mullins effect in swollen elastomers. Materials Research Innovations. 18, S6-56-S6-60
S.Y. Ch'ng, A. Andriyana, M.S. Loo, E. Verron. (2014). Constitutive modeling of strain-induced softening in swollen elastomers. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 51, 3522-3531.
A B Chai, A Andriyana, E Verron, M R Johan, Mechanical characteristics of swollen elastomers under cyclic loading, Materials and Design 44(2013)566-572. (Q1)
Ch'ng, S.Y., Andriyana, A., Verron, E., Kahbasi, O., Ahmad, R. (2013). Development of a novel experimental device to investigate swelling of elastomers in biodiesel undergoing multiaxial large deformation. Experimental Mechanics. 53, 1323-1332. (Q1)
Chai, A.B., Verron, E., Andriyana, A., Johan, M.R. (2013). Mullins effect in swollen rubber: Experimental investigation and constitutive modeling. Polymer Testing. 32, 748-759. (Q1)
A Andriyana, A B Chai, E Verron, M R Johan, Interaction between diffusion of palm biodiesel and large strain in rubber: Effect on stress-softening during cyclic loading, Mechanics Research Communications 43(2012)80- 86. (Q2)
Mahlia, T.M.I., Ng, H.M., Olofsson, T., Andriyana, A. (2012). Energy and cost savings of optimal thickness for selected insulation materials and air gaps for building walls in tropical climate. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research. 29(1), 597-610.
A B Chai, A Andriyana, E Verron, M R Johan, A S M A Haseeb, Development of a compression test device for investigating interaction between diffusion of biodiesel and large deformation in rubber, Polymer Testing 30 (2011) 867-875. (Q1)
Shafie, S. M., Mahlia, T. M. I., Masjuki, H. H., & Andriyana, A. 2011. Current energy usage and sustainable energy in Malaysia: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(9): 4370-4377. (Q1)
Andriyana, A., Billon, N. and Silva, L. Mechanical response of a short fiber reinforced thermoplastic: Experimental investigation and continuum mechanical modeling. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids. 29:1065-1077. Elsevier Publisher. (Q1)
Andriyana, A., Saintier, N. and Verron, E. (2010). Configurational Mechanics and Critical Plane Approaches: Concept and application to fatigue failure analysis of rubberlike materials. International Journal of Fatigue. 32: 1627-1638. Elsevier Publisher. (Q1)
Andriyana, A., Silva, L. and Billon, N. (2010). Viscoelastic characterization of short fibres reinforced thermoplastic in tension and shearing. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 24-25: 419-423
Verron, E. and Andriyana, A. (2008). Definition of a new predictor for multiaxial fatigue crack nucleation in rubber. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 56, 417-443. Elsevier Publisher. (Q1)
Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. (2007). Prediction of fatigue life improvement in natural rubber using configurational stress. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 44, 2079-2092. Elsevier Publisher. (Q1)
Article in Proceeding
- Andriyana, A., Chai, A.B., Verron, E., Johan, M.R. and Haseeb, A.S.M.A. (2012). Coupling between difusion of biodiesel and large deformation in rubber: Effect on the mechanical response under cyclic loading conditions. In: Constitutive Models for Rubber VII. Jerrams and Murphy (eds). Page 283-288. Taylor & Francis Group Publisher. ISBN 978 0 415 68389 0.
- Chai, A.B., Andriyana, A., Verron, E., Johan, M.R. and Haseeb, A.S.M.A. (2012). Development of an experimental device to investigate mechanical response of rubber under simultaneous diusion and large strain compression. In: Constitutive Models for Rubber VII. Jerrams and Murphy (eds). Page 391-396. Taylor & Francis Group Publisher. ISBN 978 0 415 68389 0.
- Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. (2008). Theoretical investigation on the fatigue life of elastomers incorporating material inhomogeneities. In: Constitutive Models for Rubber V. Boukamel, Laiarinandrasana, Meo and Verron (eds). Page 179-184. Taylor & Francis Group Publisher, ISBN 978 0 415 45442 1.
- Andriyana, A., Saintier, N. and Verron, E. (2008). Multiaxial fatigue life prediction of rubber using Configurational Mechanics and Critical Plane Approach: a comparative study. In: Constitutive Models for Rubber V. Boukamel, Laiarinandrasana, M and Verron (eds). Page 191-196. Taylor & Francis Group Publisher, ISBN 978 0 415 45442 1.
- Andriyana, A. and Verron, E. (2005). Effect of the hysteretic response of elastomers on the fatigue life. In: Constitutive Models for Rubber IV. Austrell and Karl (eds). Page 31-36. A.A. Balkema Publishers. Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 0 415 38346 3.
- 2014 - 2018, CRESTEmbedded Ball Grid Array Package ( Consultant)
- 2014 - 2018, CRESTPackaging and Process Development of Low Cost Universal Substrate ( Consultant)
- 2014 - 2017, CRESTHybrid - High Density Lead Frame Package ( Consultant)
- 2014 - 2017, CRESTSolder Bump Fatigue Life Prediction in Underfilled Flip-Chip Package ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2014, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Coupling between diffusion of biodiesel and large deformations in solid polymers ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2013, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Mechanical behavior of Elastomeric Materials under cyclic Loading and Aggressive Environments ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Mechanical behavior of elastomers under cyclic loading and aggressive environments ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)Multiaxial fatigue of elastomeric materials in biofuel system ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- Analysis of Polymer Materials - Polymer Fiber, MIghty Shield Industries Sdn Bhd01 Feb 2020 - 01 Feb 2021 (National)
- Morphology and Elemental Analysis of Polypropylene Structural Fibers, Mighty Shield Industries Sdn Bhd01 Feb 2018 - 01 Feb 2018 (National)
- Thermal and Elemental Analysis for Polypropylene Structural Fibres, Mighty Shield Industries Sdn Bhd01 Feb 2018 - 01 Feb 2018 (National)
- (2020) External examiner for thesis of Siti Sarah Kamaludin (UKM): Kelakuan Ubah Bentuk dan Patah Bahan Likat Anjal : Pemodelan Konsitutif dan Simulasi , (External Examiner)
- (2014) Internal examiner for thesis of Subashini Periasamy, (Internal Examiner)
- (2014) Candidature Defense of Nurul Azri Khalisah, (Internal Examiner)
- (2014) Candidature Defense of Sunita Harun., (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) Reviewer. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research. , (Reviewer)
- (2012) Reviewer. Comptes Rendus Mecanique. Elsevier. , (Reviewer)
- (2012) Subhasini Supramaniam. Synthesis and characterization of manganese (IV) oxide nanowire via hydrothermal method. , (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) Dhafer Abdul-Ameer Shnawah. Mechanical, thermal and microstructural properties of the Sn-Ag-0.5Cu solder alloy bearing Fe or Al, (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) Reviewer. International Journal of Fatigue. Elsevier., (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2020) Professional Consultation on "Analysis of Polymer Materials - Polymer Fiber", Mighty Shield Industries Sdn Bhd
Under Graduate Students
- (2010) Finite Element analysis of industrial rubber components in view of life estimation
- (2010) Coupling between diffusion of biodiesel and large deformations in rubber
- (2009) Comparison different hyperelastic models for stress analysis of rubbers
- (2008) Experimental investigation and continuum mechanical modeling of filled rubbers
Postgraduate Student
(2020) The development of bio-functionalized polyurethane (PU)-based nanofibrous scaffolds via multiple co-axial electrospinning for tissue engineering application, MUHAMMAD FAIQ BIN ABDULLAH
(2020) Performance evaluation of 3D printed machine tool spindle, MOHAMMED IBRAHIM KITTUR
(2020) Modeling reliability of solder bump under thermal cyclic loading, ZHOU DING
(2020) Development Of Anti Ballistic Panel From Natural Composite, ODESANYA KAZEEM OLABISI
(2017) Experimental investigation and constitutive modeling of randomly oriented electrospun nanofibrous membranes, Wong Dannee
(2017) Electrospun PPY/Nanocellulose/AC Nanofibrous Membrane: Nanocellulose Strengthening And Sustainable Filtration Application, JACKY LEE JIA LI
(2017) Development of Prototype Biomimetic Micro Air Vehicle (BMAV), EDWARD CHUNG NING MUN
(2017) Closed form solutions for elliptical surface cracks on cylindrical bras, Mohammadkaze Ramezani
(2015) Fabrication and mechanical characterization of highly aligned fibrous assemblies, Tan Chin Joo
(2014) Mechanical response of swollen elastomers under short and long terms cyclic loading conditions, Loo Mei Sze
(2014) Coupling between diffusion of biodiesel and large deformation in elastomers: from experimental investigation to constitutive modeling, Ch'ng Shiau Ying
(2013) Swelling of elastomers in biodiesel and the resulting mechanical response under cyclic loading, Chai Ai Bao
(2013) Electromechanics modeling of the effect of myocardial infarction on left ventricular remodeling, Leong Chin Neng
(2017) Stress intensity factors for embedded cracks within torsionally loaded square prismatic bars, Zhou Ding
(2017) Dynamic characteristics of laminated rubber bearing for earthquake vibration isolation, Tee Yun Lu
(2016) Electrospinning of PMMA/Zeolite nanomembrane for removal of heavy metals in biofuels, Jacky Lee Jia Li
(2015) Imperfection analysis on axially compressed composite cylindrical shells, Mohd Shahrom Ismail
(2014) Swelling of elastomers in biodiesel in the absence and in the presence of mechanical striains, Mohd Arzaimiruddin Arifin
(2014) Modeling of the mechanical response of swollen rubber under long-term cyclic loading, Hairul Effendy Ab Maulod
(2014) Mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotube-reinforced elastomers, Nurul Suhaira Abdullah
(2014) Experimental and theoretical investigation on the strength of dental resin composites, Norazira Othman
(2012) Effect of carbon black filler on the inelastic responses of swollen elastomers, Mahak Fazal
(2011) Swelling of elastomers due to simultaneous diffusion of biodiesel and multiaxial large deformations, Omid Kahbasi
(2011) Numerical simulation of rubber panel under impact loading, Kamsani Kamal
(2011) Finite element simulation of creep in swollen Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) pipe under internal pressure, Mohammad Reza Hassan
(2011) Constitutive modeling of the stress-softening in swollen Polychloroprene Rubber (CR) under cyclic loading, Raihana Mohamad Fawzi
(2011) Constitutive modeling of the mullins effect in swollen Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) under cyclic loading, Irmalisa Samsuri
- (2011) KXGB6301 - Fatique, Failure and Failure Analysis
- (2009) KXGB6103 - Advanced Polymer Materials
- (2008) Continuum Mechanics
- (2007) Finite Element Analysis
- (2006) Mechanics of Elastomers
- (2006) Mechanical Engineering Design
- (2005) Instability of Structures
- (2011) KMEB4349 - Continuum Mechanics
- (2011) KMEB4349 - Continuum Mechanics
- (2011) KXEX1110 - Foundation of Materials Science
- (2010) KMEB3113 - Design Against Failure
- (2010) KXEX1110 - Foundation of Materials Science
- (2010) KXEX1110 - Foundation of Materials Science