Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Otorhinolaryngology
    Faculty of Medicine
  • aminj
  • 603-79492866


    Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (Amm)
    Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary Harvard Medical School, Usa
    Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • Vice-Chancellor
    08 Nov 2016 - 30 Apr 2017 (Vice Chancellor's Office, Vice-Chancellor)
  • Vice-Chancellor
    08 Nov 2013 - 07 Nov 2016 (Vice Chancellor's Office, Vice-Chancellor)
  • Hir Coordinator
    03 Apr 2013 - 10 Dec 2013 (Sekretariat High Impact Research, Vice-Chancellor)
  • Vice-Chancellor
    01 Aug 2006 - 31 Jul 2009 (Vice Chancellor's Office, Vice-Chancellor)
  • Management Representative, Quality Management System
    01 Aug 2006 - 31 Jul 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman, Senate Committee on Semester System ( JISS )
    01 Jun 2006 - 31 Jul 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member, Seante Committee on Semester System ( JISS )
    01 Apr 2000 - 31 Jul 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Alternative Member, Board of Management , University Malaya Medical Center (UMMC)
    01 Aug 2006 - 31 Jul 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman, Promotion Committee for Associate Professor
    01 Aug 2006 - 31 Jul 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Panel Member, Promotion Committee for Professor C to B
    01 Aug 2006 - 31 Jul 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Dean
    01 Apr 2002 - 31 Jul 2006 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee, UMSC
    31 Jul 2006 - 31 Jul 2006 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman, Medical Panel Clinic Committee
    01 Apr 2000 - 31 Jul 2006 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman, Steering Committee ICT , UMMC
    01 Apr 2000 - 31 Jul 2006 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman, Integrity Committee, UMMC
    01 Apr 2000 - 31 Jul 2006 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman, Panel of Human Resource Development, UMMC
    01 Apr 2000 - 31 Jul 2006 (University Malaya)
  • Senate Rpresentative, Board of Examiner (PhD)
    01 Apr 2000 - 31 Jul 2006 (University Malaya)
  • Panel Member, Promotion Committee for Associate Professor
    01 Apr 2000 - 31 Jul 2006 (University Malaya)
  • Director, University Malaya Medical Center(UMMC)
    03 Apr 2000 - 31 Jul 2006 (University Malaya)
  • Head of Department
    01 Oct 1996 - 31 Jan 2000 (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator Post Graduate Program
    01 Jun 1992 - 30 Sep 1997 (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine)


  • Degree Awards
    2016, YANG DI-PERTUAN AGONG,  (National)
  • UM Excellence Award
    2012, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2005, Universiti Malaya
  • Ekspo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Inovasi 2005
    2005, Geneva,  (International)
  • Anugerah Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
    2004, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2003, Universiti Malaya
  • Degree Awards
    2003, DYMM SULTAN SELANGOR,  (State)
  • Anugerah Darjah Kebesaran Dato Paduka Mahkota Selangor (Dpms)
    2003, SELANGOR,  (Others)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2002, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2001, Universiti Malaya
  • Anugerah Darjah Kebesaran Setia Mahkota Selangor (S.M.S.)
    2001, Selangor,  (Others)
  • Anugerah Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
    2001, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Travelling Fellow, Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute (Asi) On Skull Base Surgery
    2000, University of Hong Kong,  (International)
  • Anugerah Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
    2000, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • 3rd Oration Lecture Merf, Madras Ent Research Foundation, Madras, India
    1999, Madras India,  (International)
  • Anugerah Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
    1999, University of Malaya,  (University)


Article in Journal
  1. Edgerton M., Tan S., Evans G., Jang M-H., Kim B-K., Loo F-Y., Pan K-C., Hashim N., Jalaludin A. Pitch profile of the Glottal Whistle (M4). Malaysian Journal of Science. (submission) (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
  2. Edgerton, M.E., Hashim, N. & Jalaludin, A. 2012. Report on a Method of High-Pitched Voice Production. Journal of New Music Research. In review. (ISI-Cited Publication)
  3. K L Tan, A W Chong, M A Amin, R Raman. Iatrogenic tracheal flap mimicking tracheal stenosis with resultant stridor. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology (2012), vol 126, issue 07, pp 751 - 755
  4. Aun Wee Chong, MS(ORL); Narayanan Prepageran, MS(ORL), FRCS(Edin); Omar Rahmat, MS(ORL); Viswaraja Subrayan, FRCS(Ophthal); Mohd Amin Jalaludin, FRCS
  5. Kianoosh Nahid1, Prepageran Narayanan, Mohd Amin Jalaluddin
  6. Heike Benecke M.D.,1 Herminio P z-Garrigues M.D.,2 Dinsuhaimi bin Sidek, Ingrida Uloziene,Kuessner D Eric Sondag,Ad Theeuwes,M A Jalaludin etal( the OSVaLD investigators)
  7. Zain RB, Ghani WMN, Razak IA, Raja Latifah RJ, Samsuddin AR, Sok Ching Cheong, Norlida Abdullah, Ismail AR, Hussaini H, Norain AB, Jallaludin A, Building Partnership in Oral Cancer Research in a Developing Country - Processes and Barriers. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2009; 10(3):513-8
  8. AW Chong, N.Prepageran, RahmatO, MA Jalaludin Bilateral Asymetrical Mucocele of Paranasal sinus. (Submitted to Journal Laryngology on March 2008)
  9. B . Arvind, N.Prepageran, R.Raman, MA Jalaludin Presbycusus;Is there an earlier Onset? (Submitted Journal Laryngology on June 2008)
  10. N Prepageran, R Raman, MA Jalaludin Use of Visual Analog Scale in Hearing Loss Assasement. B.Samril, (Submitted to ENT on April 2008)
  11. N.Prepageran, OR Lingham, MA Jalaludin Endoscopic Septoplasty;The Open Book Method (Submitted to ENTon August 2008)
  12. T Hari Chandran, N.Prepageran, R Philip, K Gopala, AL mad Zubaidi, MA Jalaludin,Medical Delayed Spontaneous Traumatic Pneumocephalus Journal of Malaysia Vol 62 No 5, Dec 2007
  13. AA Mohammad, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, A New Model of Trauma and Emergency Center for Disaster Management. Abstrs Pg 158. 37th Conference on Asia-Pacific Consortium for Public Health (APACPH), Taiperi, Taiwan, 19-23rd 2005.
  14. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, H Yadav. Medicial Education in Malaysia. Medical Jurnal of Malaysia, Vol. 60, 2005, page 2-4
  15. RB Zain, RJ Latiffah, IA Razak, SM Ismail, BY Hashim, MA JALALUDIN, ETAL. Oral Cancer and Precancer in Malaysia The Data Base and Tissue Resource Bank. 10th International Congress on Oral Cancer, Abstr. Crete Breece, 19-24 April 2005
  16. Saimy BI, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Atiyah AS, Victor CY, Systemic Approach for The Relief, Reconstruction and Relief Rehabilitation of Post Tsunami Acheh. Abstrs Pg 124. 37th Conference on Asia-Pacific Consortium for Public Health (APACPH), Taipei, Taiwan, 19-23rd 2005
  17. N Prepagaran, G Krisnan, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN.Ocular Presentation of Sphenoid Mucocoele Orbit; Vol 23, 2004: 45-47.
  18. S Kuljit, R Raman, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Broken Tracheostomy: An ENT Emergency. Kertas ini telah dihantar ke Malaysian Jurnal of Medicine pada 12 September 2004.
  19. ZZA Rahman, SM Ismail, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Branchial Fistula: A Case Report. Malaysian Jurnal of Oral and Maxillofacial Suregry. 2004: 22-25
  20. N Prepagaran, R Lingam, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, R Raman. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Nasal allergy: Any Correlation. Ear Nose Throat Jurnal,. 2003 Jun; 82 (6): 438-440
  21. N Prepagaran, Rahmat Omar, ST Subha, R. Raman, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Recurrent Swelling of Submandibular Gland. EMedicine Clinical Image, July 2003
  22. N. Prepagaran, Gopala Krishnan, JALALUDIN MA, R Raman. Chronic Cough. EMedicine Clinical Image, Dec. 2002
  23. S Satwan, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, KN Subramaniam. Otological Disorder in Down s Syndrome. Medical Jurnal of Malaysia. Vol. 57 No 3, Sept. 2002, 278- 282.
  24. U Prasad, I Whid, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, M Paramsothy, S A Kareem. Combination of Radical of Radical Radiotherapy Followed by Adjuvant Chemoterapy as a Treatment Strategy for Non-metastatic Stage IV Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Radiology, Supplement 225; 2002:506
  25. M. Kumar, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, G. Krisnan. Changes in Oropharyngeal Flora in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer After Radiotherapy. The paper has been submitted to Archives of Otorhinolaryngology on 12th September 2001
  26. Omkara R, Koh TN, Arockiasamy J, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Raman R. NonApnoeic Snoring in Pregnancy. Australian Journal of Otolaryngology, 2001, 25-27
  27. U Prasad, I Wahid, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, BJJ Abdullah, P Murugasu, S A Kareem. Long term survival of nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with adjuvant chemotherapy subsequent to conventional radical radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, Vol 53, No 3, 2002: 684-655
  28. KN Subramaniam, N. Prepagaran, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, K Gopala. Malignant Transformation of Recurrent Juvanile Laryngeal Papillomatosis. JUMMEC Vol 5(2), 2000, 105-106
  29. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Malaysian Society and Health: Issue and Challenges in 21st Century. JUMMEC Vol 5 (2), 2000, 53-58
  30. 47.MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. A Razak, R Raman. Middle ear anomaly in Down s Syndrome. Annal of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. 1999, March 108 (3) 253 4.
  31. Prasad U, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Wahid I, Abdullah BJ, Paramsothy M, Nadkarni V, Pooi AH, Hamzah NA. Adjuvant chemotherapy after conventional radical radiotherapy in local regional advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma has submitted for publication in Annals of Oncology on march 1999
  32. Prasad U, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Wahid I, Abdullah BJ, Paramsothy M, Nadkarni V. A phase II study of combination of Radiotherapy followed by Chemotherapy in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Abstr. Proc. Am Soc Clin Oncology 18:1580, 1999
  33. Prepagaran N, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Gopala K. Management of Cerebrospinal fistula in University Hospital ,Kuala Lumpur. The article has been submitted to Asean ORL-Head & Neck Journal on 10th April 1999
  34. Raman R, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN ,Chan L, Arimunathan U. Hyperthrophic scar, keloid and laryngotracheal stenosis. Plast. Reconstruction Surgery.1999 April 103 (5) :1539.
  35. Subramaniam S. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Gopala K. Fungal sinusitis and blindness- A case report. The article has been submitted to Asean ORL-Head & Neck Surgery Journal on 6th March 1999
  36. Abdullah BJ, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, U.Prasad. Enhancement of the Massanteric muscles on contrast enhanced MRI A report of three cases of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. UICC workshop on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Singapore, 1998. Abst. Page 235
  37. Abdullah BJ, Teong LK, Mahadevan J, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Dental prosthesis ingested and impected in the oesophagus and otolaryngopharynx. Journal Otolaryngol 1998, 27:4 : 190-194
  38. Balwinder S, Moorthy S, Ong L H, Raman R, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Nasal mucociliary clearance in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A preliminary report. The article has been submitted to J of Otolaryngology (Narthelands) on 13 th July 1998
  39. Chan L, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Inhalational induction with sevoflurane in an adult with asthma and treachial stenosis. Anaesth. Intensive Care. 1998, Dec. 26 ( 6) 707-708
  40. G Jayaram, M Swain, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, V Khanijow Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Diagnostic Cytopathology, 1998; vol.19 no. 3:1-5
  41. Hussaini NZ, Zain RB, ZAA Rahman, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Aneurysmal bone cyst-A case report and review of the literature . Annals of Dentistry, 1998, 5; 53-56
  42. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Arimunathan U. Role of selective neck dissection in clinically N0 IN Head & Neck squamous cell carcinoma. 8th Asean ORL Head & Neck Congress , Davao City Phillipine. Abstr. Page 37, 1998.
  43. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Rajagopalan R. Laser assisted cordopexy: As alternating treatment in laterisation of vocal cords in bilateral abductor palsy. 8th Asean ORL Head & Neck Congress, Davao City Phillipine . Abstr. Page 56 1998
  44. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Zainal AA, Leung CM. Experience with miniplate in mandibular reconstruction with free vascularised fibula bone graft. 8th Asean ORL Head & Neck congress . Abstr. Page 22. 1998
  45. Omkara R, Koh TN, Arockiasamy J, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Raman R. Non-Apnoeic Snoring in Pregnancy. The article has been submitted to CHEST on 12th August 1998
  46. R. Raman, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Preoperative estimation of resectable trachea by cervical approach in the surgery for tracheal stenosis. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon. 1998, Vol. 46 1998, 43-44
  47. Sridharan R, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Abdullah B.J, Prasad U. Conspicuity of nasopharyngeal carcinomas on fat- suppressed MR images:T2 weighted fast spin-echo versus contrast-enhanced T1 weighted conventional spin-echo sequences. Asian Oceanian Journal of Radiology, Vol 3,No1 July-Sept. 20-26;1998
  48. U. Prasad, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, I Wahid, BJ Abdullah, M Paramosothy. Combination of radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy in advanced Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A comparison of treatment results with those observed after radiotherapy alone or after combination of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. Annal of Oncology 1998- IN PRESS
  49. M Nojeg, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Papillary Adenocarcinoma of nasopharynx case report and review of the literature. Medical Journal of Malaysia. 1997, vol 53, no. 1 March: 104-106
  50. MH Ahmad, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Liphoma of the Larynx. Australian Journal of Otolaryngology, July 1997, 2 no 6: 583-585
  51. Soon S C, Sam K, Chen HM, Liam CK, Gopala K, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Detection of mite-specific salivary IGA in allergic rhinitis and asthmatic patients. Proceeding 9th National Biotechnology Seminar 23th to 26th Nov. 1997, Penang: 92-95
  52. U. Prasad, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, A.Prasad. Dose- optimisation of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) during chemotherapy for advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Proc. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Denver, 1997, Abst. Page 3666.
  53. U. Prasad, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, P Rajadurai, G. Pizza, D Vinnci, D Viza and LP Levine. Epstein Barr Virus (EBV): Immunomodulatory effect of Transfer Factor (TF) in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A pilot study. Virus Research, 1997, vol 47. No.2: 134-135.
  54. A. Prasad, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, U.Prasad. Optimisation of Growth Colony Stimulating Factor Neupogen in chemotherapy of head and neck malignancy: A pilot study. 7th Asean Congress, Dec. 1996 175.
  55. International Nasopharynx Cancer Study Group (Including MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN) Preliminary results of a randomised trial comparing neoadjuvant chemotherapy (Cisplatin, Epirubicin, Bleomycin) plus radiotherapy vs Radiotherapy alone in stag IV (>or=N2,MO) undifferentiated nasopharygeal carcinoma : A positive effect on progression free survival. Int. Journal Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. 1996 vol.35: 463-469.
  56. M.Ong, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, T.Sara. Free vascularised fibular graft as primary reconstruction for ameloblastoma. Proceeding 3rd Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1996:269-274.
  57. Prasad U, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, R.Pathmanathan, Pizza G, Devinci C, Viza Levine. Transfer Factor with anti- EBV activity as an adjuvant therapy for NPC. A pilot study. Biotherapy 1996, Vol.9: 1109-1115.
  58. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Methylcobalamine treatment in Bell s palsy, Method Finding Exp Clin Pharmacol 1995. 17(8): 539-544
  59. U. Prasad, MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, R Pathmanathan, G Pizza, D Vincci and P Levine. EBV-Specific Transfer Factor in Nasopharyngology Carcinoma. Abst. Xth International Symposium on Transfer Factor, Bologna, Italy, 1995 page 36.
  60. Lee ts, JALALUDIN MA. Efficacy and safety of Loratidine compared with Astemazole in Malaysian patients. Singapore Medical Journal. 35, 1994: 591- 594.
  61. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Pathmanathan R, Rayappan VA, Prasad U. Thyroid metastasis from Nasophryngeal Carcinoma: A case report Journal Laryngo-Otology 108, 1994: 886-888.
  62. Prasad U., MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Pathmanathan R. Pizza G. Viza D and Levine P. A pilot study to assess the effectiveness of EBV-specific Transfer Factor a an adjuvant therapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Abst. Cancer cells, Cold Spring Harbour, USA 244.
  63. Khanijow VK, Lian CB, JKalaludin MA, Ahmad TS. Experience with the free vascularised fibula transfer . Microsurgery 14:1993:375-379
  64. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Nasal septal abscess- Retrospective analysis of 14 cases at University Hospital. Singapore Medical Journal 34, 1993: 435-437
  65. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Tonsillectomy. SIHAT, vol 22, 1993: 49-51.
  66. Mohd Amin Jalaludin. Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing lost:University Hospital experience. Medical Journal of Malaysia :48:1993: 409-409
  67. Mohd Amin Jalaludin. Tonsillitis. SIHAT, vol 21, 1993: 34-35.
  68. Jalaludin MA, Merican SN. Malignant lymphoma of nasal septum - A case report. Medical Journal of Malaysian 47:1992:147-149
  69. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Sivapalan, Ong KT, Jaradi H. Post tonsillectomy haemorrhages. Malaysian Journal of Surgery, 11, 1992: 47-49.
  70. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN. Migrating fish bone from hypopharynz-A case report Malaysian Journal of Surgery. 11, 1992:47-49.
  71. Mohd Amin Jalaludin. Pathophysiology of chronic Maxillary sinusitis,(Bahasa Malaysia version) SIHAT, vol 11, 1991: 56-58.
  72. Sharp JF,Jalaludin MA,Murry JAM,mARAN AG. The uvulapalatopharyngoplasty operation :The Edinburgh experience. Journal of Royal Society of Medicine 83:1990:569-570
  1. Abdullah, R., Wan Embong, W., Hakimi, M., Jalaludin, M. and A. Latif, A. (2017). Tenusu Kambing Ilmu Asas dan Masa Depan di Malaysia. 1st ed. Kuala Terengganu: UniSZa.
  2. Mohd Amin Jalaludin,G.Krisnan. ENT Emergency.(Malay Language).University Malaya Press , 1994 1st Edition
  3. Prof U. MOHD AMIN JALALUDIN, Pathmanathan R, Pizza G, Viza D, Levine P. EBV-Specific Transfer factor for adjuvant therapy in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Program/Abstract Book, Stockholm Conventon Bureau 18th International Congres of Chemotherapy 27 to 30 Jun 1993


  1. 1989 - 1990, Royal Infirmary Research Grants , University of Edinburgh
    Uvulapalatopharngoplasty treatment of snoring. ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  1. External Auditor for accreditation of Medical Course at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Orginised by National Accreditation Board of Malaysia ftom 9th to 16th Nov.1998.
  2. External Examiner for College of Surgeon Pakistan for ENT PART 11 EXAMINATION at Karachi ,Pakistan from 4th to 7th May 1999, (External Examiner)
  3. External Examiner for Master of Dental Science from Faculty of Dentistry on 9 17th July 1997, (External Examiner)


Postgraduate Student
  1. (2004) Clinical, Dr Mohd Zulkefli (University of Malaya (UM))
  2. (2003) Clinical, Dr T Faisal T K (University of Malaya (UM))
  3. (2003) Clinical, Dr Shihab A F (University of Malaya (UM))
  4. (2003) Clinical, Dr EL Munster A (University of Malaya (UM))
  5. (2002) Clinical, Dr Vijaya P (University of Malaya (UM))
  6. (2002) Clinical, Dr Shamsl E (University of Malaya (UM))
  7. (2002) Clinical, Dr Shamril B (University of Malaya (UM))
  8. (2002) Clinical, Dr Sarapathy N (University of Malaya (UM))
  9. (2002) Clinical, Dr Salendra S (University of Malaya (UM))
  10. (2002) Clinical, Dr Anurah M M (University of Malaya (UM))
  11. (2002) Clinical, Dr Ahmed A T (University of Malaya (UM))
  12. (2001) Rhinology, Dr Shusil Brito (University of Malaya (UM))
  13. (2001) Clinical, Dr Sivakumar (University of Malaya (UM))
  14. (2001) Clinical, Dr S Dipak (University of Malaya (UM))
  15. (2001) Clinical, Dr Sasinder Singh (University of Malaya (UM))
  16. (2001) Clinical, Dr R Yogitar (University of Malaya (UM))
  17. (2001) Clinical, Dr KK Deong (University of Malaya (UM))
  18. (2001) Clinical, Dr Ganeshwaren (University of Malaya (UM))
  19. (2001) Clinical, Dr E C Ong (University of Malaya (UM))
  20. (2000) Head and Neck, Dr Loganathan (University of Malaya (UM))
  21. (2000) Clinical, Dr Tunku Sharizat (University of Malaya (UM))
  22. (2000) Clinical, Dr Lee Mun Loy
  23. (1999) Head and Neck, Dr Wong Shin Teik (University of Malaya (UM))
  24. (1998) Otology, Dr Kuljit Singh (University of Malaya (UM))
  25. (1998) Clinical, Dr S T Subha (University of Malaya (UM))
  26. (1997) Rhinology, Dr Rahmat Omar
  27. (1997) Laryngology, Dr Amir Izwan Dhalal (University of Malaya (UM))
  28. (1997) Head and Neck, Dr Muthu Kumar (University of Malaya (UM))


    Patent (University)


  • Appointed as Honorary Medical Adviser for Spastic Children S Association of Selangor and Federal Territory , Malaysia, (12 Feb 1999)
  • Invited Speaker and Member of Panel in Discussion On Deafness Related to Noise Induse in Public Forum At Dewan Besar , Kota Baru , Kelantan, (14 Nov 1997 - 14 Nov 1997)
  • Invited Speaker and Member of Panel in Discussion On Deafness in Public Forum At Medical Faculty , University Kebangsaan Malaysia, (10 Oct 1996 - 10 Oct 1996)