Curriculum Vitae
Ir. Dr. Adeline Chua Seak May is a Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Malaya. A PhD graduate from The University of Tokyo, Japan, she specialises in biological nutrients removal and resource recovery. She has published more than 40 papers in ISI-indexed journals and has supervised over 15 PhD and master students. Adeline is also a Chartered Engineer of IChemE, UK and a Professional Engineer of BEM, Malaysia. She works closely with the local wastewater treatment operators to improve the energy efficiency and performance of the wastewater treatment plants. The academia-industry research collaboration has earned her the award of international funding Newton Fund Impact Scheme. Her international research partners include NIES, Yokohama National University (Japan), SCELSE (Singapore), Kasetsart University (Thailand), and Newcastle University (UK). Adeline was also a visiting research fellow at The University of Tokyo (2012) and Newcastle University (2016-2019).
Her current research interests are related to the development of sustainable wastewater treatment process in the tropical climates, microbial ecology in tropical wastewater treatment plants, and resource recovery (biopolymer, biochemicals, biofuel and nutrients) from agro-industrial waste(water) streams.
- Ph.D (TOKYO)(2006), (Environmental Biotechnology)The University of Tokyo, Japan
- M.Eng.(TOKYO)(2000), (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING)The University of Tokyo, Japan
- B.Eng. (Hons)(UM)(1998), (Chemical Engineering)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- PENYELARAS IJAZAH TINGGI (JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN KIMIA), FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN01 Aug 2021 - 31 Dec 2023 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- FYP coordinator08 Jul 2019 - 31 Dec 2022 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Head of Section01 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Timetable coordinator01 Sep 2016 - 31 Aug 2018 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- EAC Task Force member01 Sep 2016 - 31 Aug 2018 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Coordinator for Laboratory Course (KKEK2171: Laboratory and Communications I)01 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2016 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Sistem Maklumbalas Pelajar Penyelidikan12 Dec 2013 - 31 Dec 2014 (University Malaya)
- Panel member of academic advisor01 Sep 2013 - 31 Jul 2014 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Head of Department11 Dec 2013 - 11 Dec 2013 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Penilian Spesifikasi dan Teknikal14 May 2013 - 30 Nov 2013 (University Malaya)
- Acting Head of Department19 Aug 2013 - 23 Aug 2013 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Evaluator for Science Fund Evaluation Meeting19 Jul 2013 - 31 Jul 2013 (University Malaya)
- Acting Head of Department06 Jun 2013 - 12 Jun 2013 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Head of Department28 May 2013 - 28 May 2013 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Committee Member of Postgraduate Studies Comittee01 Jan 2009 - 14 Feb 2012 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Jawatankuasa Buka Tender (JKK)01 Jan 2009 - 14 Feb 2012 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Final Year Research Project Coordinator01 Jul 2007 - 14 Feb 2012 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Candidature Defense Coordinator01 Jan 2009 - 14 Feb 2012 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Timetable Coordinator01 Nov 2006 - 31 Jan 2012 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Chair for price evaluation committee for the purchase of equipment "TGA hypernated with FTIR", Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UM19 Oct 2011 - 01 Dec 2011 (University Malaya)
- Pemeriksa Kedua Untuk semakan Semula Kertas Peperiksaan Semester 1 Sesi 2010/201128 Jan 2011 - 14 Feb 2011 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2023 (University)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2022 (University)
- Water Innovation Poster Competition First PrizeMalaysian Water Association, 2021 (International)
- KHIDMAT SETIA 20 AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2020 (University)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2019 (University)
- Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (Biochemical Engineering Journal)Elsevier, 2018 (International)
- Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (Chemosphere)Elsevier, 2018 (International)
- Full Scholarship to PhD student (Ms Tan Yee Tong) to attend WAFERS Summer Course ?Global Perspective in Bioresource Technology for Water - Food - Energy Sustainability?Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018 (International)
- Travel Grant Award to PhD Student (Mr How Seow Wah)International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), 2018 (International)
- Newton Advanced FellowshipThe Royal Society, UK, 2016 (International)
- Certificate of Appreciation for Invited SpeakerIndah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd, 2015 (National)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2014 (University)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2013 (University)
- Best Poster Award (K.M. Lee, G.C. Ngoh and A.S.M. Chua. Sago waste dissolution using ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride for reducing sugars production). 6th Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, Century PArk Hotel, Manila, Dec 2-3, 2013The ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development (AUD/SEED) Network, 2013 (International)
- Hitachi FellowshipThe Hitachi Scholarship Foundation, 2012 (International)
- Sijil Pengajaran CemerlangUniversiti Malaya, 2011 (University)
- JSWE-IDEA Water Environment International Exchange AwardJapan Society on Water Environment (JSWE), 2011 (International)
- Best oral presentationICCEE 2009, 2009 (International)
- Malaysia Technology Expo 2009/The Design and the Fabrication of a User-Friendly Household ComposterMalaysian Association of Research Scientists, 2009 (National)
- Research, Invention and Innovation Expo 2009 / The Design and the Fabrication of a User-Friendly Household ComposterUniversity of Malaya, 2009 (University)
Article in Journal
Ng, Wai Lun; Chua, Adeline Seak May; Low, Jiun Hor; Yoon, Li Wan (2024). Mixed culture resource recovery from industrial waste glycerin pitch: Microbial analysis and production of bio-flocculants extracellular polymeric substances, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 482. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2024.149074
Sea, Yi Fen; Chua, Adeline Seak May; Ngoh, Gek Cheng; Rabuni, Mohamad Fairus (2024). Integrated Struvite Precipitation and Fenton Oxidation for Nutrient Recovery and Refractory Organic Removal in Palm Oil Mill Effluent, WATER. 16(13). doi:10.3390/w16131788
Dueholm, Morten Simonsen; Nierychlo, Marta; Andersen, Kasper Skytte; Rudkjobing, Vibeke; Knutsson, Simon; Albertsen, Mads; Nielsen, Per Halkjaer (2022). MiDAS 4: A global catalogue of full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences and taxonomy for studies of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 13(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-022-29438-7
Loi, Jia Xing; Chua, Adeline Seak May; Rabuni, Mohamad Fairus; Tan, Chee Keong; Lai, Sai Hin; Takemura, Yasuyuki; Syutsubo, Kazuaki (2022). Water quality assessment and pollution threat to safe water supply for three river basins in Malaysia, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 832. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155067
How, S. W., Shoji, T., Tan, C. K., Curtis, T. P., & Chua, A. S. M. (2021). Kinetic characterization of a low-dissolved-oxygen oxic-anoxic process treating low COD/N tropical wastewater revealed selection of nitrifiers with high substrate affinity. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 43, 9. doi: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2021.102235
How, S. W., Ting, C. X., Yap, J. Y., Kwang, C. Y., Tan, C. K., Yoochatchaval, W., . . . Chua, A. S. M. (2021). Effect of carbon-to-nitrogen ratio on high-rate nitrate removal in an upflow sludge blanket reactor for polluted raw water pre-treatment application. Sustainable Environment Research, 31(1), 10. doi: 10.1186/s42834-021-00086-8
Nguyenhuynh, T., Yoon, L. W., Chow, Y. H., & Chua, A. S. M. (2021). An insight into enrichment strategies for mixed culture in polyhydroxyalkanoate production: feedstocks, operating conditions and inherent challenges. Chemical Engineering Journal, 420, 20. doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.130488
Poh, P. K., Ong, Y. H., Arumugam, K., Nittami, T., Yeoh, H. K., Bessarab, I., . . . Chua, A. S. M. (2021). Tropical-based EBPR process: The long-term stability, microbial community and its response towards temperature stress. Water Environment Research, 93(11), 2598-2608. doi: 10.1002/wer.1611
How, SW; Nittami, T; Ngoh, GC; Curtis, TP; Chua, ASM 2020. An efficient oxic-anoxic process for treating low COD/N tropical wastewater: Startup, optimization and nitrifying community structure. CHEMOSPHERE
How, SW; Sin, JH; Wong, SYY; Lim, PB; Aris, AM; Ngoh, GC; Shoji, T; Curtis, TP; Chua, ASM 2020. Characterization of slowly-biodegradable organic compounds and hydrolysis kinetics in tropical wastewater for biological nitrogen removal. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
Ng, YS; Tan, YT; Chua, ASM; Hashim, MA; Sen Gupta, B 2020. Removal of nickel from water using rotating packed bed contactor: Parametric studies and mode of operations. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING
Tan, YT; Chua, ASM; Ngoh, GC 2020. Deep eutectic solvent for lignocellulosic biomass fractionation and the subsequent conversion to bio-based products - A review. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 6.669)
Ainil Hawa Mohamad Fauzi, Adeline Seak May Chua, Li Wan Yoon, Tadashi Nittami, Hak Koon Yeoh, Enrichment of PHA-accumulators for sustainable PHA production from crude glycerol. Process Saf. Environ. Prot. (2018) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2018.12.002
Fauzi, AHM; Chua, ASM; Yoon, LW; Nittami, T; Yeoh, HK 2019. Enrichment of PHA-accumulators for sustainable PHA production from crude glycerol. PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.441)
How, S. W., Chua, A. S. M., Ngoh, G. C., Nittami, T., & Curtis, T. P. (2019). Enhanced nitrogen removal in an anoxic-oxic-anoxic process treating low COD/N tropical wastewater: Low-dissolved oxygen nitrification and utilization of slowly-biodegradable COD for denitrification. Science of The Total Environment, 693, 133526. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.332
How, SW; Chua, ASM; Ngoh, GC; Nittami, T; Curtis, TP 2019. Enhanced nitrogen removal in an anoxic-oxic-anoxic process treating low COD/N tropical wastewater: Low-dissolved oxygen nitrification and utilization of slowly-biodegradable COD for denitrification. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 4.610)
Tan, Y. T., Chua, A. S. M., & Ngoh, G. C. (2019). Deep eutectic solvent for lignocellulosic biomass fractionation and the subsequent conversion to bio-based products A review. Bioresource Technology, doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122522
Tan, YT; Ngoh, GC; Chua, ASM 2019. Effect of functional groups in acid constituent of deep eutectic solvent for extraction of reactive lignin. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 5.807)
Yoon, LW; Ngoh, GC; Chua, ASM; Patah, MFA; Teoh, WH 2019. Process intensification of cellulase and bioethanol production from sugarcane bagasse via an integrated saccharification and fermentation process. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 2.826)
How, S.W., Lim, S.Y., Lim, P.B., Aris, A.M, Ngoh, G.C., Curtis, T.P., & Chua, A. S. M. (2018). Low-dissolved-oxygen nitrification in tropical sewage: an investigation on potential, performance and functional microbial community. Water Science and Technology, 77(9), 2274-2283. doi:10.2166/wst.2018.143
Liau, K. F., Yeoh, H. K., Shoji, T., Chua, A. S. M., & Ho, P. Y. Modelling High-temperature EBPR by Incorporating Glycogen & GAOs:Challenges from a Preliminary Study. Water Environment Research, January 2017, 62-71
Tadashi Nittami, Masayuki Mukai, Keisuke Uematsu, Li Wan Yoon, Sarah Schroeder, Adeline Seak May Chua, Junji Fukuda, Masafumi Fujita & Robert Seviour. (2017). Effects of different carbon sources on enhanced biological phosphorus removal and Candidatus Accumulibacter community composition under continuous aerobic condition. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, 101(23-24): 8607-8619.
Ang, T. N., Chan, C.H., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2016). Assessment of Cellulosic Biomass Saccharification by Molten Br nsted Acidic 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Hydrogen Sulphate ([EMIM][HSO4]) via Kinetic Studies. Bioresources, 11(1), 1349-1358
Diong, K. C, Ngoh, G.C*, & Chua, A.S.M. 2016. Transformation of starchy ignocellulosic Biomass to Ethanol using Ragi Tapai synergized with Microwave Irradiation Pretreatment. BioRes. 11(1), 1991-2006.
Lee, K. M., Ngoh, G. C. & Chua, A. S. M. (2015). Ionic liquid-mediated solid acid saccharification of sago waste: Kinetic, ionic liquid recovery and solid acid catalyst reusability study. Industrial Crops and Products, 77, 415-423.
Lee, W. S., Chua, A. S. M., Yeoh, H. K., Nittami, T. &Ngoh, G. C. (2015). Strategy for the biotransformation of fermented palm oil mill effluent into biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoates by activated sludge. Chemical Engineering Journal, 269, 288-297.
Liau, K. F., Shoji, T., Ong, Y. H., Chua, A. S. M., Yeoh, H. K., &Ho, P. Y. (2015). Kinetic and stoichiometric characterization for efficient enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process at high temperatures.Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 38(4), 729-737.
Lee, K. M., Ngoh, G. C., Chua, A. S. M., Yoon, L. W., Ang, T. N., and Lee, M.-G. (2014). Comparison study of different ionic liquid pretreatments in maximizing total reducing sugars recovery. BioRes. 9(1), 1552- 1564.
Lee, W. S., Chua, A. S. M., Yeoh, H. K., & Ngoh, G. C. (2014). A review of the production and applications of waste-derived volatile fatty acids.Chemical Engineering Journal, 235, 83-99.
Lee, W. S., Chua, A. S. M., Yeoh, H. K., &Ngoh, G. C. (2014). Influence of temperature on the bioconversion of palm oil mill effluent into volatile fatty acids as precursor to the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 89 (7), 1038-1043.
Ong, Y. H., Chua, A. S. M., Fukushima, T., Ngoh, G.G., Shoji, T., & Michinaka, A. (2014). High-temperature EBPR process: The performance, analysis of PAOs and GAOs and the fine-scale population study of CandidatusAccumulibacterphosphatis. Water Research 64: 102-112
Yoon, L. W., Ang, T. N., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2014). Fungal solid-state fermentation and various methods of enhancement in cellulase production.Biomass & Bioenergy, 67, 319-338.
Lee, K. M., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2013). Process optimization and performance evaluation on sequential ionic liquid dissolution-solid acid saccharification of sago waste. Bioresource Technology, 130, 1-7.
Li Wan Yoon, Ngoh,G.C.& Chua,A.S.M.2013. Simultaneous production of cellulase and reducing sugar through modification of compositional and structural characteristic of sugarcane bagasse. Enzyme and Microbial Technology.53,250-256.
Ong, Y. H., Chua, A. S. M., Lee, B. P., & Ngoh, G. C. (2013). Long-term Performance Evaluation of EBPR Process in Tropical Climate: Start-up, Process Stability, and the Effect of Operational pH and influent C:P ratio. Water Science and Technology, 63(2), 340-346.
Ang, T. N., Ngoh, G. C., Chua, A. S. M., & Lee, M. G. (2012). Elucidation of the effect of ionic liquid pretreatment on rice husk via structural analyses. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 5, 67.
Lee, S.K., Yeoh, H.K., Chua, A.S.M., & Ngoh, G.C. (2012). Applying Least Squares Method for the Titrimetric Determination of the Concentration of VFA.Water Science and Technology, 66(3), 620-626.
Ong, Y. H., Chua, A. S. M., Lee, B. P., Ngoh, G. C., & Hashim, M. A. (2012). An Observation on Sludge Granulation in an Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process. Water Environment Research, 84(1), 3 - 8.
Yoon, L. W., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2012). Simultaneous production of cellulase and reducing sugar from alkali-pretreated sugarcane bagasse via solid state fermentation. BioResources, 7 (4), 5319-5332.
Ang, T. N., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2011).A Quantitative Method for Fungal Ligninolytic Enzyme Screening Studies.Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 6, 589-595.
Ang, T. N., Yoon, L. W., Lee, K. M., Ngoh, G. C., Chua, A. S. M., & Lee, M. G. (2011). Efficiency of Ionic Liquids in the Dissolution of Rice Husk. BioResources,6(4), 4790-4800.
Yoon, L. W., Ngoh, G. C., Chua, A.S.M. & Hashim, M.A. (2011). Comparison of Ionic Liquid, Acid and Alkali Pretreatments for Sugarcane Bagasse Enzymatic Saccharification. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,86(10), 1342-1348.
G. E. Zengin, N. Artan, D. Orhon, A. S. M. Chua, H. Satoh, and T. Mino (2010). Population dynamics in a sequencing batch reactor fed with glucose and operated for enhanced biological phosphorus removal. Bioresource Technology; 101: 4000-4005.
Ong, Y. H., Chua, A. S. M., & Ngoh, G. C. (2010). Establishment of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal in A Sequencing Batch Reactor by Using Seed Sludge from A Conventional Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Process. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(21), 2643-2647.
K.Y. Koh, K.H. Kueh, K.T. Loh, H.J. Leong, A.S.M. Chua, & M.A.Hashim. (2009). Effect of seeding sludge type and hydrodynamic shear force on the aerobic sludge granulation in sequencing batch airlift reactors. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 4(5):826 - 831
Chua A.S.M., Onuki, M., Satoh, H., and Mino T. (2006). Examining substrate uptake patterns of Rhodocyclus-related PAO in full-scale EBPR plants by using MAR-FISH technique. Wat. Sci Technol. 54(1): 63-70.
Chua A.S.M., Eales K., Mino T., and Seviour R. (2004). The large PAO cells in full-scale EBPR biomass samples are not yeast spores but possibly novel members of the beta-Proteobacteria. Wat. Sci Technol. 50(6):123-30.
Chua, A.S.M., Takabatake, H., Satoh, H., and Mino, T. (2003). Production of polyhydroxyalkanaotes (PHA) by activated sludge treating municipal wastewater: effect of pH, sludge retention time (SRT), and acetate concentration in influent. Wat. Res. 37: 3602-3611.
Chapter in Books
- Lee, W. S., Chua, A. S. M., Yeoh, H. K., &Ngoh, G. C. (2014). Mesophilic and thermophlic production of volatile fatty acids from palm oil mill effluent for PHA generation. In Southeast Asian Water Environment 5. Edited by K. Yamamoto, H. Furumail. H. Katayama, C. Chjiemchaisri, U. Puetpaiboon, C. Visvanathan and H. Satoh. IWA Publishing, UK.
Article in Proceeding
- Performance of a Tropical Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process at Different Carbon Loadings
- Fauzi, A.H.M., Chua, A.S.M., Yeoh, H.K., & Yoon, L.W. (2015). Long-term stability of a mixed culture cultivation reactor for PHA-accumulating organisms using crude glycerol as substrate. In Proceedings of the 8th Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (RCChE-2015), Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, 30 Nov-1 Dec.
- Poh, P.K., Chua, A. S. M., Yeoh, H. K., Liau, K.F., & Ong, Y.H. (2015). Process performance and stability of enhanced biological phosphorus removal at a tropical temperature. In Proceedings of the 8th Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (RCChE-2015), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Vietnam, 30 Nov -1 Dec.
- Ang, T. N., Ngoh, G. C., Chua, A. S. M. & Ismail, I. (2014). Remazol brilliant blue R dye decolourization by laccase produced by Pleurotus sajor-saju via solid-state fermentation. Proceeding the 7th Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2014. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2-3 December.
- Lee, K. M., Ngoh, G. C. & Chua, A. S. M. (2014). Solid acid saccharification of ionic liquid dissolved sago waste for the production of reducing sugars. Proceeding the 7th Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2014. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2-3 December.
- Lee, W.S., Chua, A.S.M., Yeoh, H.K., & Ngoh, G.C. (2014). Efficient production of polyhydroxyalkanoates from fermented palm oil mill effluent by activated sludge. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE11). Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand, 26-28 Nov.
- Lee, W.S., Chua, A.S.M., Yeoh, H.K., & Ngoh, G.C. (2014). Strategy for the bioconversion of Palm oil mill effluent into valuable polyhydroxyalkanoates. Proceeding of the 7th Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2014. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2-3 December.
- Yoon, L. W., Ngoh, G. C. & Chua, A. S. M. (2014). Sequential-co-culture of white-rot fungus and yeast for ethanol production. Proceeding the Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2014. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2-3 December.
- Ang, T. N., Yoon, L. W., Lee, K. M., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2013). Assessment of the effect of ionic liquid pretreatments on various lignocellulosic biomasses. Proceedings of the 6th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering.Century Park Hotel, Manila, Philippines, 2 3 December.
- Lee, K. M., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2013). Sago waste dissolution using ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride for reducing sugars production. Proceedings of the 6th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering.Century Park Hotel, Manila, Philippines, 2 3 December.
- Lee, W. S., Chua, A. S. M., Yeoh, H. K., & Ngoh, G. C. (2013). Bioconversion of palm oil mill effluent into volatile fatty acids as precursor to the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates. Proceedings of the 5th IWA ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition.Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, 8-12 September.
- Liau, K. F., Shoji, T., Chua, A. S. M., Yeoh, H. K., Ho, P. Y.,& Ong, Y. H. (2013). ASM2d Kinetic Parameters for an Efficient Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process at High Temperature. Proceeding of the 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition.Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, 8-12 September.
- Ong, Y. H., Chua, A. S. M., Ngoh, G. C., Fukushima, T., & Shoji, T. (2013). The Performance, Population Dynamic and Abundance of Accumulibacter and Competibacter in High Temperature EBPR Processes. Proceedings of The 5th IWA ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition.Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, 8-12 September.
- Ong, Y. H., Chua, A. S. M., Ngoh, G. C., Fukushima, T.,& Shoji, T (2013). Abundance of Candidatus Accumulibacterphosphatis and Candidatus Competibacterphosphatis in Higher-Temperature Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Processes. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Water Research. Singapore Expo, 20-23 January.
- Lee, S. K., Yeoh, H. K., Chua, A. S. M., & Ngoh, G. C. (2011). Least Squares Method for the Titrimetric Determination of the Concentration of VFA.Proceedings of the 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition 2011.Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 2-6 October.
- Ang, T. N., Yoon, L. W., Lee, K. M., Ngoh, G. C., Chua, A. S. M.,& Lee, M. G. (2010). Application of Ionic Liquids in the Regeneration Rice Husk Cellulose. Proceedings of the 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress 2010. Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8 October.
- Lee, B.P., Chua, A.S.M., Ong, Y.H.,&Ngoh, G.C. (2010). Characterization of municipal wastewater in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment.Phuket Graceland Resort & Spa, Phuket, Thailand, 24-26 October.
- Lee, K. M., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2010). Incorporation of Ionic Liquid Solvent and Solid Acid Catalyst in Hydrolysing Lignocellulosic Biomass. Proceedings of the 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress 2010. Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8 October.
- Ong, Y. H., Lee, B. P., Chua, A. S. M., & Ngoh, G. C. (2010). Establishment of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process by Using Seed Sludge from Conventional Activated Sludge Process. Proceedings of the 3rd IWA Asia Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference 2010. Furama Riverfront Hotel, Singapore, 21-24 November.
- See, J., Chua, A. S. M., &Sulaiaman, N. M. (2010). Removal of ammonium from latex processing wastewater by Struvite Precipitation. Proceeding of 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment. Phuket Graceland Resort & Spa, Phuket, Thailand, 24-26 October.
- Yoon, L. W., Ngoh, G. C. & Chua, A. S. M. (2010). Incorporation of Green Solvent in the Pretreatment of Agricultural Residues. Proceedings of the 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress2010. Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8 October.
- Ang, T. N., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2009). Pre-treatment of Rice Husks for Fungal Fermentation. Proceedings of the Chemeca 2009. Burswood Entertainment Complex, Perth, Australia, 27-30 September.
- Ang, T. N., Ngoh, G. C., & Chua, A. S. M. (2009). Screening of Fungi for Ligninolytic Activities. Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocesses Engineering (SOMCHE-ICCBPE) 2009. Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 12-14 August.
- Lee, B. P., Chua, A. S. M., & Ngoh, G. C. (2009).The Chemical Oxygen Demand, Phosphate and Ammonium Contents of Municipal Wastewater in Selangor, Malaysia. Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocesses Engineering (SOMCHE-ICCBPE) 2009. Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 12-14 August.
- Lee, B. P., Ong, Y. H., Chua A. S. M., & Ngoh, G. C. (2009). Enrichment of PAOs in EBPR Process Seeded by Conventional Activated Sludge. Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE 2009. Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea, 28-30 October.
- Ong, Y. H., Chua A. S. M., & Ngoh, G. C. (2009). Establishment of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal in A Sequencing Batch Reactor by Using Seed Sludge from A Conventional Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Process.Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocesses Engineering (SOMCHE-ICCBPE) 2009. Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia 12-14 August.
- Ong, Y. H., Lee, B. P., Chua A. S. M., & Ngoh, G. C. (2009). Establishment of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process by Using Seed Sludge from A Conventional Activated Sludge Process. Proceedings of the Chemeca 2009. Burswood Entertainment Complex, Perth, Australia, 27-30 September.
- See, J., Chua, A. S. M., &Sulaiman, N. M. (2009). Simultaneous Carbon and Nitrogen Removal of Rubber Processing Wastewater by Using an Aerobic/Anoxic Sequencing Batch Reactor.Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocesses Engineering (SOMCHE-ICCBPE) 2009. Novotel Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 12-14 August.
- See, J., Chua, A.S.M., Sulaiman, N.M., & Lee, M. G.(2009). Removal of Ammonium Nitrogen from Latex Processing Wastewater by Struvite Precipitation.Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE 2009.Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea, 28-30 October.
- B.P. Lee, G.F. Teoh, A.S.M. Chua, and G.C. Ngoh. (2008). Morphological and kinetics studies of microbial populations in activated sludge. Proceedings of RSCE-SOMEChE, Kuala Lumpur, 2-3 Dec.
- K. Y. Koh, K. H. Kueh, K. T. Loh, H. J. Leong, A. S. M. Chua and M. A. Hashim. (2008). Effect of seeding sludge type and hydrodynamic shear force on the aerobic sludge granulation in sequencing batch airlift reactors. Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference of Chemcial Engineering (APChE), Beijing, China, Aug 2008.
- See, J., Chua, A.S.M., & Sulaiman, N.M. (2008). Removal of carbon and nitrogen from latex processing wastewater using an aerobic/anoxic sequencing batch reactor. Proceedings of the International Rubber Conference and Exhibition. Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB), Kuala Lumpur, 20-23 October.
- 2020 - 2024, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)High-rate Ammonia Removal In A Downflow Hanging Sponge (dhs) Reactor For Safe Water Supply: Kinetics And Microbiology ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2017 - 2019, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Parametric Studies For Increasing Mass Transfer Using Centrifugal Force In Liquid-solid Adsorption System ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2015 - 2017, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Robustness Of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process In Tropical Climate. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Development of Appropriate Spatial-Temporal Models for Selected Bioreactors ( Consultant)
- 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Integrated Biorefinery of Ethanol and Co-products ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)[Co-Investigator] - The Study of the Optimization and Scaling Up of the Agro/Organic Wastes Decomposition System (RG006/09AET). ( Consultant)
- 2007 - 2010, ScienceFundBioremediation of mariculture effluents using indigenous microbial organisms ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2019 - 2022, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Insights into mechanism of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) synthesis from crude glycerol: dynamics of microbial community, characterization of PHA and kinetic study , Taylor's University ( Co-Researcher)
- Evaluation of Anoxic Zone Performance in Extended Aeration (Ea) System, Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd01 Nov 2015 - 01 Nov 2017 (National)
- Characterization of Wastewater and Sludge for The Research Activity of National Institute for Envitonmental Studies, Japan., National Institute for Envitonmental Studies, Japan01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2014 (International)
- Reduction of Cod in Recycle Paper Mill Effluent, Malaysian Newsprint Industry S/B01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Obe Workshop At Segi Uc, SEGi University College01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Cod Removal from Fiber Processing Mill Effluent, Malaysia Newsprint Industry S/B01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)
- Cost-Effective and Efficient Biological Nitrogen Removal in Sewage Treatment in Malaysia, Malaysia International Water Convention 2021, Malaysia Water Association (International) (20 Sep 2021 - 24 Sep 2021)
- Turning local conditions into opportunities to achieve sustainable biological nitrogen removal a case study in Malaysia, Symposium of Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE) 2021, Japan Society on Water Environment (International) (15 Sep 2021 - 15 Dec 2021)
- Nutrients removal from wastewater in tropical climates biological phosphorus removal., Water Malaysia 2015, - (National) (22 Apr 2015 - 24 Apr 2015)
- Examining substrate uptake patterns of Rhodocyclus-related PAO in full-scale EBPR plants by using MAR-FISH technique., 4th IWA Activated Sludge Population Dynamics Specialist Conference (ASPD4), - (International) (17 Jul 2005 - 20 Jul 2005)
- Cost and energy savings nitrifying downflow hanging sponge reactor: Addressing water supply disruption challenge, Malaysia International Water Convention, Malaysian Water Association (International) (20 Sep 2021 - 24 Sep 2021)
- Turning local conditions into opportunities to achieve sustainable biological nitrogen removal a case study in Malaysia , 3rd International Conference on Building Energy Conservation, Thermal Safety and Environmental Pollution Control (ICBTE 2021), Anhui Jianzhu University and Universiti Malaya (International) (10 Nov 2021 - 10 Nov 2021)
- (2018) External examiner for PhD thesis (Adelaide University), (External Examiner)
- (2015) Reviewer for Journal of Environmental Science and Management, (Reviewer)
- (2015) Reviewer for Water Environment Research, (Reviewer)
- (2015) Reviewer for Bioresource Technology, (Reviewer)
- (2015) Reviewer for Water research , (Reviewer)
- (2012) Internal Examiner for PhD candidate (Azlin), (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) Reviewer for Water Science and Technology, (Reviewer)
- (2011) External reviewer for the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) of the Chilean Government Commission for Scientific and Technological Development (CONICYT), (Reviewer)
- (2010) Reviewer for Water and Environment Research , (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2023) Associate Editor for Journal of Water Environment Technology, International, (Expert Advisor)
Contribution to event
- (2021) Guest Lecture On Solid State Fermentation (Ssf): Selection of Microbes & Inoculum Preparation, International, (Course Facilitator)
- (2021) UM-Nu Nfis Workshop - Organising Committee and Speaker, National, (Event Organiser)
Postgraduate Student
(2024) Cellulose Nanocrystal Production from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Pretreated by Deep Eutectic Solvent and Pulsed Electric Field, ANGKY WAHYU PUTRANTO
(2023) Downflow Sponge Biofilm Reactor for Ammonia Removal in Raw Water Treatment, LOI JIA XING
(2020) PHA biopolymer production from crude glycerol, Nguyen Huynh Thao Thy (Taylor's University)
(2020) Biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) synthesis from crude glycerol: dynamics of microbial community, characterization of PHA and kinetic study, Ng Wai Lun (Taylor's University)
(2017) Lignin extraction from EFB Using DES, Tan Yee Tong
(2016) Sustainable biological nitrogen removal process for the tropics, How Seow Wah
(2010) Performance of High-Temperature EBPR Process and Microbial Study of its PAOs and GAOs Populations, Ong Ying Hui
(2009) Production of Reducing Sugars from Sago Waste via Sequential Ionic Liquid Dissolution-Solid Saccharification, Lee Kiat Moon
(2009) Production of Laccase Enzyme Using Rice Husk as Substrate via Solid State Fermentation, Ang Teck Nam
(2009) Production of Cellulase and Ethanol Using Pretreated Sugarcane Bagasse via In Situ Saccharification and Fermentation System, Yoon Li Wan
(2024) Nutrient Recovery and Refractory Organic Removal from Palm Oil Mill Effluent Through Integrated Struvite Precipitation and Fenton Oxidation, YI FEN SEA
(2023) A Pilot Scale Study of Low Dissolved Oxygen Oxic-Anoxic Process for Biological Nitrogen Removal from Tropical Sewage, LEONG CHEW LEE
(2022) Lignin Extraction from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Using DES Incorporated Assistive Heating Techniques, CHEONG YUEN THENG
(2019) Mixed Culture Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) Production Using Crude Glycerol As Carbon Source, AINIL HAWA BINTI MOHAMAD FAUZI
(2015) Mixed culture PHA production from crude glycerol, Ainil Hawa Mohamad Fauzi
(2014) Robustness of EBPR Process in Tropical Climate, Poh Phiak Kim
(2013) Biotransformation Of Microwave-irradiation Pretreated Sago Waste Into Ethanol Using Ragi Tapai, Diong Kok Cheang
(2011) Strategy for the Bioconversion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent into Volatile Fatty Acids for the Production of Biodegradable Polyhydroxyalkanoates, Lee Wee Shen
(2011) Calibration of activated sludge model 2d (ASM2d) for Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) process in tropical climate, Liau Kee Fui
(2008) The Establishment of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process in Malaysia, Ong Ying Hui
(2008) Latex Processing Wastewater Treatment by Sruvite Precipitation and Biological Method, See Jian
(2008) EBPR Process in Tropical Climate: Wastewater Charaterization, PAOs Enumeration and Process Performance, Lee Boon Pin
- (2019) KIL2010 - Biochemistry
- (2019) KIL4003 - Research Project
- (2018) KKEK2171 - Laboratory & Communications Ii
- (2018) KKEK3151 - Biochemistry
- (2017) KKEK2171 - Laboratory & Communications Ii
- (2017) KKEK3151 - Biochemistry
- (2017) KKEK4334 - Application of Molecular Techniques in Activated Sludge Processes
- (2016) KKEK2171 - Laboratory & Communications I
- (2016) KKEK3151 - Biochemistry
- (2016) KKEK4334 - Application of Molecular Techniques in Activated Sludge Processes
- (2015) KKEK2171 - Laboratory & Communications I
- (2015) KKEK3151 - Biochemistry
- (2015) KKEK4334 - Application of Molecular Techniques in Activated Sludge Processes
- (2014) KKEK2171 - Laboratory & Communications I
- (2014) KKEK3151 - Biochemistry
- (2013) KKEK2171 - Laboratory and Communications I
- (2013) KKEK3151 - Biochemistry
- (2013) KKEK4334 - Application of Molecular Techniques in Activated Sludge Processes
- Inoculum preparation technique for mycelial fungi - Cellophane Film Culture (CFC) TechniquePATENT
- Volunteering as a Mentor in Beyond Engineering Innovation (Begin) Challenge 2016, (26 Feb 2016 - 31 May 2016) (National)
- Session Co-Chair for Rcche 2015, (30 Nov 2015 - 01 Dec 2015)
- Session Co-Chair for Seawe 11, (26 Nov 2014 - 28 Nov 2014)
- Chairperson of Conference Session At Aspire 2011, Tokyo, Japan, (02 Oct 2011 - 06 Oct 2011)