

Department of English Language

Faculty of Languages and Linguistics

Annual Publications by Category
Summary of Budget vs Expenditure per vote for all research grants
Last 3 Projects
Project Title Progress Status
A Multimodal Critical Analysis Of The Representation Of Women Influencers With Disabilities On China?s Social Media
on going
Marketization of University Via Twitter in Pakistan: A Multimodal Analysis
on going
Disability Images: Towards An Inclusive Discourse
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System
Latest Publications

Warshaga, A., Ang, P. S., & Huan, C. (2024). A Critical Comparative Analysis of Media Trends in the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Case Study of Al Jazeera and The Washington Post: Critical Discourse Analysis. Al-Ḍād Journal, 8(1), 1–37. https://doi.org/10.22452/aldad.vol8no1.1


Abdallah, W. Z., Ang, P. S., & Huan, C. (2024). Engagement patterns in the reporting of the Arab-Israeli conflict in Al Jazeera English and the Washington Post. Journal of Modern Languages, 32(4), 24–51. https://doi.org/10.22452/jml.vol34no2.3


Chen, Y., Lee, C., & Ang, P. S. (2024). The Connection between Pronouns and Distorted Thinking: Depressed Selves in an Online Depression Community. Journal of Modern Languages, 34(1), 32–53. https://doi.org/10.22452/jml.vol34no1.3


Who Understands Comics? Questioning the Universality of Visual Language Comprehension


Subramaniam, S., Shanmuganathan, T., Ang, P.S., Kumar, J. (2024). Event Organisation Issues and Challenges of Disabled Youths. In E. Dhariwal, S. Arora, S., A. Sharma, A.Hassan (Eds). Event Tourism and Sustainable Community Development: Advances, Effects, and Implications. (pp.201-210). Taylor & Francis.


AAng, P.S. & Kock, Y.L. (2023). Contesting views in the representation of ICERD ratification in English language newspapers. In K. Rajandran & C. Lee (Eds), Discursive Approaches to Politics in Malaysia (pp.163-184). Springer Nature.


Ang, P.S. & Yeo, S.L (2022) Voices in naming disabled persons in print media. In T. Yamaguchi, J.Mohd Ham & S. Kaur. Voices in Texts and Contexts. Sunway University Press (pp.101-124)


Ang, P.S., T. Shanmuganathan, M.L Teoh, S.Subramaniam, N.D.M. Mohammad Omar, & R.W.K Lai (2022). Empowering disabled youth in employment-related communication. In R.A.Mohd Jaladin & T Shanmuganathan (eds). Empowering persons with disabilities: a multidisciplinary perspective (pp.103-121). University of Malaya Press.


T van Leeuwen, PS Ang & F Taib (2021). A multimodal analysis of Malaysian contraceptive promotional materials. Proceedings in National Population Conference 2021 (Persidangan Kependudukan Kebangsaan 2021). 16-17 November, 2021, Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN), Universiti Malaya and United Nations Population Fund. (e-ISBN:978-967-2072-42-3)


Shanmuganathan, T., PS Ang, SL Yeo & Zainal Abiding, H.A (2021) Hear Me, Empowering Youth living with disabilities: Communication skills through art. Universiti Malaya Academic Community Engagement International Conference (UMACE 2021) e-Proceedings, 14/09/2021, Universiti Malaya .


"Polite or Impolite? An Analysis of Openings and Closings Used by Front Counter Staff of Private Hospitals"